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Lighting up Salford pg.8
LIFE is administered and designed by Salford City Council’s Communications Team. This edition will be distributed week commencing Monday 21 November. Printing: Swan Print. Distributed to more than 130,000 households by Royal Mail and other agencies. Contact: Salford Civic Centre, Swinton, Salford, M27 5FJ.
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Be prepared for flooding pg.23 Join our family pg.9 ON THE COVER
Tell us about your Salford hero 9 Irlam rail service win 11 Jobs, jobs, jobs in social care 20 Keep up your defence this winter REGULARS
City Mayor’s column 12 University of Salford 19 Fostering 22 Salford City College 28-29 In short


Salford Crowdfund boosts community
Council services at Christmas
Don’t block the box
Don’t forget COVID-19 is still around so. Keep up the good work on hand hygiene, get fully vaccinated and stay home if you feel unwell. Let’s enjoy life without spreading the virus.
Cover image: Help and advice at your local Gateway and Broughton Hub. Claire Fewings, Customer Service Manager with City Mayor Paul Dennett.Spirit of Salford to support you
I said in the last issue of Life in Salford that the costof-living crisis will require no less a response than the COVID pandemic if we are to get through it together.
In this issue we have pulled information together so that any resident who is struggling to manage can find support, including a central helpline, once again under the Spirit of Salford banner. You need to know that you are not alone and the council and our partners in the city will do all we can to make sure you know where to go to get help. It’s also vital that neighbours and communities look after one another where you can. We all have a role to play together. Please share this information with friends and neighbours who also might benefit. We so often hear of people despairing as they don’t know where to turn. Most of this support is in place throughout the year.
Our voluntary and community sector will also be busy this winter, but they too need your support as they rely on a strong band of volunteers.
On a very practical level, the council is promoting activities in local warm places which will be open all winter. Your local Gateway centre and Broughton Hub will provide a warm welcome with movies, games and crafts with refreshments. Watch our social media for all the latest news. It’s astonishing that the government continues to ignore the importance of local councils in supporting
communities. Once again, we’re expecting large cuts in public funding at a time when it is needed desperately. We’re lobbying hard on key issues including more fair finances for councils so that we can provide the support that you need.
Salford City Council’s gas prices have risen by 500 per cent and electricity by 84 per cent as contracts came up for renewal. Just as your budget can’t cover rising prices without cutting back on other essentials, public organisations face the same dilemmas. Just providing warm buildings to provide a warm welcome to local people will hit the local public purse, including schools’ budgets.
We’re continuing to make our voice heard. We have had some success in protecting local facilities and against reductions in local services, such as keeping train line services at Irlam and getting a commitment for inclusive access facilities at all our main stations. We won’t stop there. We continue to push hard for Salford communities and stand up for what is right, for a fairer, greener more inclusive city.
City Mayor Paul Dennett

The individual award categories are:
• Spirit of Salford Special Recognition Award

• Young Person of the Year
• Volunteer of the Year
• Good Neighbour of the Year
• Best Health Achievement
• Best Environmental Improvement
• Best Community Safety Project
Tell us about your Salford hero
The Spirit of Salford Community Awards are back for 2023, celebrating the great work of the individuals and community groups who do so much to make Salford the great city it is.

Pay tribute to those people who have made a difference in Salford this year by nominating them for a Spirit of Salford Community Award at any Salford Gateway and Broughton Hub, or online: www.spiritofsalfordawards.info/nominate Nominations close Sunday 4 December 2022. The winners will be announced at a special ceremony on Thursday 23 March 2023 at the AJ Bell Stadium.
The overall award categories are:
• Citizen of the Year: Recognising a truly inspirational Salford hero who has made an outstanding contribution to Salford. The award is open to anyone who lives in the city.
• Community Group of the Year: Celebrating the group that has made the most outstanding contribution to Salford this year.
• Public Servant of the Year: Recognising an exceptional front-line worker who puts the people of Salford first.
Swinton Vision looks to the future
Salford City Council has launched The Swinton Vision after hundreds of people shared their thoughts on how to make the town more vibrant.
Comments came from residents, businesses, local schools and young people and most saw Swinton as a strong, friendly community and a good place to live, particularly for families. However, like many other towns, Swinton needs regeneration, more investment, improvements to the town centre and more housing.
The Swinton Vision is a focus for everyone to rally round, celebrating what makes the town special and highlighting the opportunities and challenges in realising the town’s full potential.

Deputy City Mayor, Councillor John Merry, chair of the Swinton Project Board, thanked the 550 people who shared their ideas and said: “The vision is the beginning of the journey. It’s clear that Swinton already has plenty to celebrate and has the potential to be one of the best places to live in Greater Manchester.
“The next step will be to appoint a developer who can work with the community to shape this vision into a plan to guide future investment in Swinton.”

Details of The Swinton Vision are at www.salford.gov.uk/swintonvision
Spirit of Salford
Awards 2023
Never forgotten
The memorial garden has been created by the Salford Veterans Association, supported by Salford City Council to create a year round area for quiet reflection to remember the fallen.

New benches dedicated to local recipients of the Victoria Cross for bravery have been installed along with brass plaques to recognise 29 local soldiers who have, sadly, lost their lives in conflicts since 1945.
The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers has also dedicated three benches to three of its soldiers lost in combat: Corporal Donald Traynor 3 RRF who died in Northern Ireland, Fusilier Alex Bunney 3 RRF lost in Kuwait and Fusilier Simon Annis 2 RRF who fell in Afghanistan.
Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett thanked Salford Veterans Association for their hard work and dedication to the project.

"It is fitting this new garden is next to the Swinton Cenotaph to make sure our loved ones will never, ever be forgotten. It now creates a space where people can sit down, reflect and remember,” he said.
Councillor Ann-Marie Humphreys, Ceremonial Mayor of Salford, said: "Our thoughts remain with all the families and friends who have lost their loved ones in conflicts."
Update on our budget for 2023
Councils are now planning budgets for the next financial year which starts on 1 April 2023 so we are using this as an opportunity to share when you can expect to see news from Salford.

Salford City Council will finalise and agree a budget at the Budget Council in February 2023.
The government does not announce the amount of central funding for councils until December each year.
Currently we anticipate that we will need to make minimum cuts of £15.9 million next year and £23.7 million in 2024/25. These figures have increased over recent months due to contributing factors such as inflationary pressures in costs of materials and pay, as well as energy price increases. But we await further news from the Treasury on central funding. This will be on top of cuts and efficiencies made over the last 12 years which by the end of this financial year will total £240 million.
Even though we constantly look for ways to do things differently and save money in ways that will have the least impact on the services local people rely on, we know to arrive at proposals to balance this year’s budget will be extremely challenging.
We will also consider what you told us in last year’s budget engagement, what matters to you. You told us in 2021 that your priorities include community safety, maintaining green spaces, activities for young people, housing affordability, getting rid of litter and improving roads.
More information will be shared on our social media as it becomes available.
Salford Veterans Memorial Garden has been unveiled at Swinton Cenotaph.Horticultural training opportunities at RHS Garden Bridgewater
Step into a horticultural career
Annual applications for horticultural work-based training at RHS Garden Bridgewater open on Thursday 1 December.
These are unique opportunities to gain hands-on skills and experience alongside experts to prepare for life in industry, and are fully paid meaning zero debt at the end of training.
Level 2 Apprenticeships require no prior experience or qualifications. These two-year, full-time apprenticeships are a mix of college block release and work-place learning.
RHS Garden Bridgewater is offering one Level 2 Horticultural Apprenticeship and one Level 2 Arboriculture Apprenticeship. The four other RHS gardens in Yorkshire, Essex, Surrey and Devon are also offering training.
One- year professional placements
RHS Garden Bridgewater is also offering three, one-year Professional Work placements (PWP) working alongside experts for those with some experience and an existing Level 2 horticultural qualification. As this is not a formal qualification, applicants can immerse themselves in one of three specialist areas: edibles, ornamental and turf or community and wellbeing.
Save the date
Step up your horticultural career
For those looking to grow knowledge and skills at a more senior level, the two-year Level 3 and Level 4 Diploma in Horticultural Practice at RHS Garden Wisley in Surrey offers a formal qualification, providing students with intensive learning.
There are 10 opportunities available on the diploma programme where student accommodation is available so re-location is possible.
Entry requirements mirror the PWP but with this programme students rotate around the garden learning about all areas of ornamental horticulture, whilst developing supervisory skills including management practices, budgeting and communication.
Students are actively involved in a range of opportunities such as helping at the RHS shows like Chelsea, designing and building a garden in the local community, visiting gardens and managing their own allotment space.
Interested applicants can sign up for a free virtual evening event on Thursday 12 January 2023 to discover more about the diploma programme, and life as an employed student.
Eligibility, accommodation, salary and how to apply will be covered, with guest speakers describing how the programmes have helped their career. Find out more and register at www.rhs.org.uk/diploma
Applications for Diploma and Professional Work placement positions close on 1 February and Apprenticeships on 1 March. All positions start in August or September 2023.
Email: schoolofhorticulture@rhs.org.uk

Salford Crowdfund boosts community

Salford Crowdfunder was launched to help local people, groups and organisations turn great ideas into reality.
Each project sets a fundraising target. If they can raise the first 25 per cent through Crowdfunder, City Mayor Paul Dennett could then offer to match half the original target up to a maximum of £10,000. That means the project has 75 per cent of its target pledged. If it can then crowdfund the final 25 per cent, the City Mayor’s donation will be released.
“We’ve had a great first year with projects ranging from improvements to a local rugby club to providing family therapy, defibrilators and a veterans' memorial garden,” said City Mayor Paul Dennett.
Projects must support one of Salford City Council’s Great Eight priorities to create a fairer, greener and healthier city.
Visit www.crowdfunder.co.uk/funds/salford for more information.
Council services at Christmas
All Salford City Council services, apart from emergency responses, will be closed on Saturday 24 December, Christmas Day Sunday 25 December, Boxing Day Monday 26 December, Saturday 31 December, New Year’s Day Sunday 1 January and Monday 2 January.
While some services remain closed between Christmas and New Year, the Spirit of Salford helpline on 0800 952 1000 and Broughton Hub, Eccles, Swinton, Pendleton and Walkden Gateways will be open from 10am to 2pm for customer services on Wednesday 28 December, Thursday 29 December and Friday 30 December. The buildings may also be open outside these hours for health appointments.
If you need emergency help for fuel, food, baby items or essential furniture. Salford Assist may help. It will be open Wednesday 28 December, Thursday 29 December and Friday 30 December between 10am and 2pm. Please call 0800 694 3695 or visit www.salford.gov.uk/salfordassist
In an emergency or if you need emergency accommodation, please call our out of hours team on 0161 794 8888 which will be working throughout the holiday period.
To report someone sleeping rough you can use StreetLink www.streetlink.org.uk or email supportten@salford.gov.uk or roughsleeperteam@salford.gov.uk
Christmas recycling and waste collections
Don’t forget to recycle your wrapping paper, tinfoil, bottles, cans and left-over food. www.salford.gov.uk/recycling
Bins will be collected as normal throughout the festive period including the bank holidays on Monday 26 December, Tuesday 27 December and Monday 2 January.
City of Salford
Enjoy a festive season or winter warmer break with dinner, bed and breakfast and entertainment at the fully accessible Salfordian Hotel, Southport. Single, twin and family rooms available and door to door transport can be booked for £60. Christmas 24 December to 2 January £700 per person. New Year 28 December to 2 January £400 per person.

Winter warmer seven nights, dinner, bed and breakfast 2 January to 27 Feb £280 per person.
Wet room • Wheelchair access • All types of functions catered for • Group bookings welcome
Door to door transport is now available on Mondays and Fridays
0161 925 1233 (office hours)
01704 538810 (out of hours)
thesalfordianhotel@outlook.com or salfordian@btconnect.com
Reg. No. 3438263. Registered as a charity. Reg. No 1071111
supported by Salford City Council and Greater Manchester Police.
Wednesday 14 December 2022, 7pm to 9pm Cathedral Church of St John the Evangelist 250 Chapel Street Salford M3 5LL
Tickets: www.salford.gov.uk/carolservice
Lighting up Salford
Two spectacular lightshows will transform the dark winter nights in Salford in December.

Lightwaves is back at Salford Quays and the free trail of illuminated artworks is open every evening from 4pm to 10pm from Thursday 1 December to Sunday 4 December.
This year’s main piece is Navvies, a dramatic audio visual installation, which commemorates the Irish labourers who built the Manchester Ship Canal in harsh and often lethal conditions.
The rest of the Lightwaves trail extends around MediaCity and the Quays with a wide variety of playful and interactive works from leading light artists.
Over at the RHS Garden Bridgewater in Worsley, colourful projections and hundreds of lights will illuminate the garden and trees as Glow is back.
There’s a new family discovery trail inspired by local folklore and a chance to take selfies with giant, colourchanging stars as well as a dramatic fountain display, full of colour and music at Moon Bridge Water. Refreshments will be available on site.

Glow is open Wednesday to Saturday until Saturday 17 December from 4.30pm to 9pm and again from Tuesday 20 December to Friday 30 December from 4.30pm to 9pm.
Tickets are available to buy from www.rhs.org.uk/gardens/bridgewater
Dine and discover

The Art of Banksy runs until Sunday 8 January 2023 and brings together 145 iconic pieces, including ones rarely seen in public, from one of the UK’s most talked about modern artists.
It is the largest touring collection of authenticated works by the mystery artist.
Visitors can see the artworks that brought Banksy international acclaim, including Girl with Balloon in three different colour variations, Flower Thrower, Rude Copper and Brace Yourself.
For tickets please visit www.artofbanksy.co.uk or call 0343 208 1838.
Box on the Docks is back for winter in a slightly different form.
The famous art decorated sheds and greenhouses which support local creative people have been replaced with Art Hall, an exciting new covered venue in the MediaCity gardens.
It offers a mix of street food, beer, hot drinks, local art, live music and events and has been designed by MikeSian Studios in partnership with Seven Bro7hers brewery. Art Hall is open from 8am to 10pm every day.
For more information please visit www.mediacityuk.co.uk
is hosting another major art exhibition after the success of Van Gogh Alive last year.Join our family
Five nurseries run by Salford City Council have launched a new website to celebrate 60 years in business.

Salford Family Nurseries is the new name for the nurseries at Barton Moss in Eccles, Belvedere in Pendleton, Winton, Little Hulton and Higher Broughton. It emphasises that children are welcomed into a warm, caring family atmosphere as well as getting high quality education and care.
The new website, Facebook and Instagram pages mean families can keep up with all the latest news and photos of their children’s day or apply for jobs at the nurseries. Councillor Jim Cammell, lead member for children’s and young people’s services said: “Our nurseries are open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, 51 weeks a year so families can fit work or other commitments around them. “They are all rated outstanding or very good by Ofsted so families know their children are getting the very best education, care and preparation for school from well trained staff. They also have fantastic facilities including sensory rooms, adventure playgrounds, mud kitchens and forest schools and with five to choose from families don’t have to travel far to their nearest one."
To book a visit or check out the latest information please visit www.salfordfamilynurseries.uk
Irlam rail service win
Network Rail has confirmed that, after platform extensions are completed, the current level of service (two trains per hour) will be maintained. The move will also allow a new Liverpool to Cleethorpes service to stop at the station.

Salford City Mayor Paul Dennett, Barbara Keeley MP, Irlam and Cadishead Community Committee, Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM), Hamilton Davies Trust and local councillors objected to earlier proposals that the second off-peak train each hour should no longer call at Irlam Station.
Irlam will also benefit from work to provide a new lift and create accessible routes to and from all platforms in 2023. Access for All funding and local match funding has made £2.8 million available for the work.
City Mayor Paul Dennett said: “Sense has prevailed, given current passenger numbers and our desire to encourage more people to use public transport across Salford and Greater Manchester.
“A huge thank you to Network Rail for their resolution and Irlam rail users and local residents for signing our petition and backing the campaign. We look forward to the new service and the accessible access which cannot come quickly enough.”
A campaign to keep two trains an hour stopping at Irlam station has succeeded.
Be on your guard against scammers

Criminals are taking advantage of the cost-of-living crisis by trying new ways to scam people out of money.
The Friends Against Scams organisation, set up by National Trading Standards, says emails and texts are circulating asking people to apply for fake cost of living help or bogus tax reductions and rebates. The scams are designed to steal your money by asking for up-front payments or access to your bank account.
If you receive any such messages never click the link or use the phone number included. Always check the official website or contact the organisation on their official number.
It could be a scam if the offer seems too good to be true, you don’t know the person who contacts you, you’ve been asked to transfer money quickly or pay in an unusual way or have been asked for personal information such as passwords or PINs.
Change a life
Anytime you get a new laptop, mobile phone or tablet you could change a life by donating your old kit.
Salford City Council passes items to people who would otherwise miss out on all the benefits of digital technology.

From applying for jobs to staying in touch with family and friends, being online is vital and your donation could open up someone’s world.
If your device is less than 10 years old, runs Windows XP or higher, fully working and has the necessary UK compatible power cables, please donate it at any of our Gateway centres or Broughton Hub.
If you need a device please ask for details at any of our Gateway centres or Broughton Hub Monday to Thursday 8am to 10pm, Friday 8am to 6.30pm and Saturday 9am to 1pm.
If you need help getting online or device support meet our digital champion volunteers from 6pm to 7pm at Swinton Gateway (Tuesdays), Eccles Gateway (Wednesdays) and Pendleton Gateway (Thursdays.)
Broughton Hub, 50 Rigby Street, Broughton M7 4BQ
Eccles Gateway, 28 Barton Road, Eccles M30 0TU
Swinton Gateway, 100 Chorley Road, Swinton M27 6BP
Pendleton Gateway, 1 Broadwalk, Pendleton M6 5FX
Walkden Gateway, 2 Smith Street, Walkden M28 3EZ or visit www.salford.gov.uk/gateways
Could you adopt?
Hundreds of children are looking for loving homes… all they need is an adoptive family to change their life.
Adoption Counts covers adoptions for Salford City Council and other Greater Manchester councils and all our teams are dedicated and focused on creating the best possible outcomes for all the children awaiting adoption.
We support families throughout the adoption process, from preparation before becoming an adopter, to ongoing and specialist support after a child has been placed with their forever family.
There is currently a national shortage of adopters and many children are waiting for adoption. Adoption Counts is particularly keen to hear from people who have been thinking about adoption and could consider older children, sibling groups, children with complex needs and children from a Black African and Black Caribbean background.
Adopters come from all walks of life. To meet the needs of children waiting for an adoptive family, we encourage enquiries irrespective of gender, sexual orientation, disability, race or faith. You can be single, in a civil partnership, married or co-habiting. Adoption Counts treats every enquiry with confidentiality and respect.
Adoption is a big decision and it could be the best you ever make. Visit: adoptioncounts.org.uk for more information.

Could Route29 be your way into fostering?
Route29 in Eccles is for young people on the verge of going into care, already in care or whose foster placement could break down. 1
The building has a gym, living room, kitchen, communal areas, study and meeting areas and bedrooms for respite care, all designed by young people as an alternative to children’s homes.
It provides tailored support for as long as the young person needs it from a team of professionals including health, psychology, police and keyworkers.
Route29 hub foster carers can:
Work as paid sessional workers at Route29
Foster a young person from Route29 before they reunite with their family or move on to a long-term placement.
Offer respite or support to general foster carers where the placement is at risk of breaking down.

You don’t need experience of being a foster carer, but experience with young people would be beneficial and you will be paid a competitive allowance.
Foster carers are also needed to provide two to three months emergency care for individual children and groups of brothers and sisters while their needs are assessed.
To find out more about these opportunities or fostering in general call 0161 799 1268 email at salfordfoster@salford.gov.uk or visit www.salford.gov.uk/fostering
Don't block the box

Drivers who block yellow box junctions or drive in cycle lanes could be fined by Salford City Council in future.
Currently only police officers can act on ‘moving traffic offences’ which also include misusing one-way streets, ignoring no entry and turning restrictions and driving in areas where cars are not permitted.
Now the government is offering councils the chance to take over responsibility. Salford City Council believes having the new powers would help improve traffic flow, public transport reliability and road safety and is asking the public and local businesses before making a formal application.
If granted the council would initially use the powers to stop drivers blocking yellow box junctions, making illegal turns or driving in cycle lanes at Chapel Street and Trinity Way, Irwell Street and Trinity Way, Blackfriars Street, Regent Street and Oldfield Road, Chorley Road and Salford Civic Centre and Blackfriars Road and Silk Street.
In time the powers could be used across the whole city. Please have your say by Wednesday 7 December by visiting https://sccmovingtrafficoffences.commonplace.is or emailing traffic.management@salford.gov.uk or writing to Traffic and Transportation, Salford City Council, Chorley Road, Swinton, Salford, M27 5AW
Jobs, jobs, jobs in social care
Want a career with flexible hours where you can make a difference, every single day?
Where you can give someone dignity, keep them independent in their own home and be proud that you’re giving back to your community?
Could you work in social care?

Be a people person
You’ll need to be kind, patient and compassionate and able to chat with a wide range of people so good communication skills are important.
Care work can sometimes be challenging so you’ll also need to be resilient as well as reliable and trustworthy.
As long as you’re 19 or over and fit enough to cope with the physical demands of the job, you can be a care worker; people of all ages are welcome.
Getting started
You don’t need qualifications or experience in care to get started. If you’re looking to launch a career or wanting a career change and you have the right qualities for the job, we can provide all the training you need. We also offer taster shifts so you can find out if care work is the right choice for you before taking up a post.
Register now
Getting back in
If you have already completed training in care or have a level one qualification in Health and Social Care but you’re not currently working in care, have taken time out to raise a family or are unemployed, let us help you get back into the profession. Our care providers work right across the city and have vacancies all year round so we can match you with the right job in the right place. The work is flexible enough to fit around other commitments in your life.
Getting on
Salford care providers care about their workforce and know your personal development and career is important. There are always development and progression opportunities, and you could move up into managing your own team.
If you live in Salford or Greater Manchester, think you have the right personality and values, to work in care please complete our expression of interest form at www.salford.gov.uk/salford-into-care
Or get in touch at SalfordEmploy@Salford.gov.uk or call 0161 237 4176 and take the first step towards an amazing career.

We’ve put together a guide to many of the main sources of help with money, bills and energy costs as well as where to turn in a crisis or emergency. There’s even more information on our website at www.salford.gov.uk/costofliving and you can get free internet access and help to get online at our Gateway centres, Broughton Hub or libraries. You can also visit www.salfordcvs.co.uk to find a wide range of support from Salford’s voluntary, community and social enterprise sector as well as visiting the Salford4Good cost of living appeal to support local charities and frontline groups. Any donation, no matter how small would be appreciated. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help for yourself, your family or friends and neighbours. Everyone from Salford City Council to housing associations, local health services, charities, voluntary groups and ordinary people are here to help. The Spirit of Salford is all about all organisations working together to look after everyone and pull together as a city to get through these tough times.

Where to get help
Broughton Hub, 50 Rigby Street, Broughton M7 4BQ
Eccles Gateway, 28 Barton Road, Eccles M30 0TU
Swinton Gateway, 100 Chorley Road, Swinton M27 6BP
Pendleton Gateway, 1 Broadwalk, Pendleton M6 5FX
Walkden Gateway, 2 Smith Street, Walkden M28 3EZ
Open Monday to Thursday 8am to 10pm, Friday 8am to 6.30pm and Saturday 9am to 1pm or visit www.salford.gov.uk/gateways
As the cost of living continues to rise, we want to make sure everyone in Salford gets the help they need.
Helping you with the cost of living
General help
Pop into your local Gateway or Broughton Hub for a warm welcome, free activities (see page 17), free internet access, help to get online and advice on a wide range of help.
If you’re worried about benefits, bills or debt, our Better Off advisors can offer a coffee and chat at the Gateways or Broughton Hub or the libraries in Irlam and Little Hulton to help you or you can book a video call with them at a time to suit you.
Visit www.salford.gov.uk/betteroff to check if you’re entitled to benefits, apply online and see all the help on offer.
If you’re not sure which service you need, the Spirit of Salford helpline can direct you to a wide range of services for advice and support. You can call it free on 0800 952 1000 Monday to Friday 8.30am to 6pm and Saturday 9am to 1pm or complete the form on www.salford.gov.uk/spiritofsalford
In emergency or crisis
In an emergency or a crisis, Salford Assist may help with food, gas and electricity, essential furniture, baby food, baby milk and nappies. They can also signpost you to further help. Salford Assist is a discretionary scheme and does not offer cash payments.
Please visit www.salford.gov.uk/salfordassist or call 0800 694 3695 Monday to Friday 10am to 12 noon or 2pm to 4pm.
The Household Support Fund is a separate discretionary scheme to help with food and energy costs.
Applicants don’t need to be on benefits but as this is a public fund you must be able to show documents and evidence that you don’t have the funds to pay for what you’re requesting help with. Please visit www.salford.gov.uk/hsf for details.
If you are in debt or worried about money, get advice quickly to stop things getting worse. Even if you have an urgent problem, a debt adviser can can help stop enforcement and advise on your options.
Contact Salford City Council’s specialist debt advice service which provides free, independent advice to help with problem debts such as rent or mortgage arrears. The service can also help if you are facing eviction or repossession of your home due to arrears.
They can negotiate with creditors for you to set up affordable payment plans and represent you in court. Visit www.salford.gov.uk/debtadvice or call 0800 345 7323 Mondays and Wednesdays 1pm to 4pm and Fridays 9.30am to 12.30pm.
You can also speak to a debt adviser from Salford Citizens Advice by calling 0808 278 7802 between 9am and 4pm, or 0161 850 5053 6pm until 9pm, or call in to a Gateway centre. For more information visit www.salfordcab.org.uk
For confidential help with debts you can also contact National Debtline www.nationaldebtline.org or Step Change www.stepchange.org
Money Helper www.money.helper.org.uk is a useful resource for money related matters including budgeting.
Helping you with the cost of living
Borrowing money safely
Salford Credit Union provides affordable loans, savings and help with money. Call 0161 686 5880 10am to 12 noon Monday to Friday or email info@salfordcreditunion.com or visit www.salfordcreditunion.com Please avoid payday lenders and loan sharks. Loan sharks are criminals who lend money at extortionate rates of interest and use threats to keep you trapped in endless debt. Confidential help is available to break free and you won’t be in trouble for borrowing from them. They are the ones breaking the law. Visit www.stoploansharks.co.uk or call 0300 555 222.
Universal Credit and other benefits
You can check what benefits you are entitled to by using https://salford.betteroff.org.uk or the government’s benefits calculator www.gov.uk/benefits-calculators
For free, confidential, specialist advice on benefit entitlement, help with applying and representation to appeal a benefits decision contact Salford City Council’s welfare rights service. Please visit www.salford.gov.uk/welfarerights or call 0800 345 7375 Monday to Friday 10am to 12 noon. Salford Citizens Advice provides free, confidential and impartial advice on benefits and help with forms. For help claiming Universal Credit call 0800 144 8444, 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday. For other benefits call 0808 278 7802, or 0161 850 5053 out of hours, or visit https://salfordcab.org.uk
Pension Credit is extra money to help you cover your costs if you're over state pension age and living on a low income. You may be eligible even if you have other income, savings or assets and you can apply again even if previous attempts were denied. Getting Pension Credit may unlock other help with council tax, rents, mortgage interest and free dental care.
Call the Pension Credit claim line on 0800 99 1234 (textphone 0800 169 0133). They'll fill in the application for you over the phone or contact Age UK for help.
Housing support
If you are struggling with housing costs, get help as soon as possible. Speak to a debt adviser (see previous page) to find out about your rights and get advice on working out an affordable offer then contact your mortgage provider or landlord about scheduling payments.
Salford Housing Options Point (SHOP) is a one stop shop for all housing advice, from mortgage and rent arrears and debt to finding accommodation.
You can visit SHOP at Salford Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton from 8.30am to 4.30pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and 10am to 4.30pm on Thursday or email housing.advicecentre@salford.gov.uk
If you need emergency accommodation outside SHOP opening hours, please contact the out of hours service on 0161 794 8888.
You can also get advice from the national housing and homelessness charity, Shelter. Call Shelter free on 0808 800 4444, Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm or 9am to 5pm on weekends and bank holidays.
Salford Citizens Advice can also advise on housing. Call free on 0808 2787 802 between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday or 0161 850 5053 between 6pm to 9pm every day.
To report someone sleeping rough at any time you can use StreetLink www.streetlink.org.uk or email supportten@salford.gov.uk or roughsleeperteam@salford.gov.uk
Helping you with the cost of living
Help with rent arrears
You may be able to apply for a discretionary housing payment to help with rent arrears. Applicants must be receiving housing benefit and/or Universal Credit to claim.
You must apply online at www.salford.gov.uk/dhp but there is free internet access and help to complete the form at the Gateway centres/Broughton Hub and local libraries.
Energy costs
If you’re struggling to pay your energy bills, talk to your supplier as soon as possible about reviewing payments or more time to pay. Suppliers also have hardship funds and can arrange emergency credit for pre-payment meters. You may be eligible for extra support if you’re older or living with a disability, pregnant or have young children in the house, through the Priority Services Register which supports vulnerable people at risk of disconnection.
Once you are on the register, suppliers should only install a prepayment meter if it is safe and practical for a customer to top up a meter.
Electricity North West has an Extra Care Register to provide registered customers with welfare support and information during power cuts and a useful booklet to download on what to do if the power goes off. Please visit www.enwl.co.uk/power-cuts for details.
In an emergency, please contact Salford Assist which may help with energy costs.
Visit our Warm Salford webpages at www.salford.gov.uk/warmsalford for details of a range of help with energy costs and savings. Find out how to get help with switching from costly pre-payment meters to credit meters or tackling arrears if you are struggling to pay your bills. There are also tips on saving energy.
Warm Salford also has details of the latest grant schemes for adding insulation or replacing old boilers to make your home more energy efficient including Warm Homes Fund grants of up to £5,000. See page 29 for more details.
Owner occupiers or private renters without gas central heating may qualify for Connected for Warmth which provides a free heating and hot water system for those eligible. Visit www.connectedforwarmth.org.uk or call free on 0800 029 4547.
Keeping as warm as possible is important to protect your mental and physical health. Several thin layers of clothing are more effective at trapping your body heat than one thicker layer while warm socks or slippers will keep your feet warm and make you feel more comfortable. Try keeping one room warm and have regular hot drinks and a daily hot meal.
Martin Lewis of Money Saving Expert shares a wide range of tips on keeping yourself warm and saving money. The website www.moneysavingexpert.com also has an energy price cap calculator.
Helping you with the
cost of living
Council tax, water and energy bills
If you need help to get back on track with your council tax bill, tackle arrears, check if your bill is too high or if you’re entitled to discounts or exemptions, please get in touch at www.salford.gov.uk/backontrack or call 0161 793 2500. United Utilities can help if you are struggling to pay your water bill. Call 0800 072 6765 or visit www.unitedutilities.com Salford Foundation’s dedicated energy advisor can help if you’re behind on your gas or electricity bills by negotiating payment plans for you or applying for funding which could wipe out your debt. They can also help you check you are getting the cheapest energy possible. Complete the online form at www.salfordfoundation.org.uk/contact or email enquiries@salfordfoundation.org.uk or call 0161 787 8500.
Food costs
In an emergency, please contact Salford Assist which may be able to help with shopping vouchers or Salford Citizens Advice for a food bank referral. Check if your child is entitled to free school meals by visiting www.salford.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals or save money by avoiding food waste with www.lovefoodhatewaste.com
Pregnant women and women with a child under four who are on certain benefits can get help to buy healthy food, infant milk and milk. Visit www.healthystart.nhs.uk for more details or call the Healthy Start Helpline on 0345 607 6823. Salford Citizens Advice can help you apply. All pregnant women, new mothers and children under five who live in Salford can get free vitamins from any Gateway or Broughton Hub.
Saving money
Stopping smoking can save hundreds of pounds a year and improve your health. There’s free help and support available to help you quit. Please visit www.salford.gov.uk/stopsmoking
The NHS website has lots of information on exercise, mental health support and how to get help with health and dental costs and save money on prescriptions. Visit www.nhs.uk Salford City Council offers a fixed price, fair funeral service for Salford residents without any compromise on the quality of service provided. Please visit www.salford.gov.uk/funeral
Free fun in Salford
Visit any Gateway centre or Broughton Hub for free family activities from 5pm to 8pm.
• Monday movie night
• Tuesday and Thursday family games night
• Wednesday night art and crafts
There’s no need to book but adults must accompany children.
Salford has over 60 parks and green spaces which you can enjoy for free to help with the cost of living.
Walk along the Bridgewater canal or visit Blackleach or Clifton country parks to spot birds and explore local industrial history. You’ll find the Gruffalo and friends at Clifton Country park and woodland creatures at Worsley Woods’ sculpture trails.
Walk or cycle Salford’s loop lines, which were once busy railways and look out for green gyms along the way or play ball in your local park to stay fit, boost your mental health and keep the kids happy. Visit www.salford.gov.uk/parks for details.
Helping you with the cost of living
Help from the community
Salford Citizens Advice
Salford Citizens Advice can offer a wide range of help visit www.salfordcab.org.uk or call free on 08082 787802 between 9am and 4pm Monday to Friday or 0161 850 5053 6pm to 9pm every day. Universal Credit advisors are available free on 0800 144 8444 Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm. Advisors are available at Pendleton and Eccles Gateways Mondays and Wednesdays 9am to 2pm, Walkden Gateway 9am to 2pm Tuesdays and Thursdays, Cadishead library Tuesdays 10am to 12.30pm and the Broughton Hub on Wednesdays from 9.30am to 3pm.
Mustard Tree
Mustard Tree has community shops at Southway, Eccles Precinct, M30 0LJ and 50 Hulton District Centre, M28 0AU. Mustard Tree creates opportunities for people to help themselves through providing practical support, connections into work and new experiences to encourage aspiration.
They offer access to low-cost food, furniture and clothing via their food clubs and community shops, as well as the Freedom Project – a life-skills and employability training placement. Drop in, call 0161 228 7331, email referrals@ mustardtree.org.uk or visit www.mustardtree.org.uk/get-help
Age UK
Age UK’s free advice line is open 8am to 7pm every single day. Call 0800 678 1602 or visit Age UK Salford in Eccles Monday to Friday 9am to 4pm, call 0161 788 7300 or visit www.ageuk.org.uk/salford
Age UK’s Hospital Aftercare team can offer up to six weeks free support to those aged 55 and over after a visit to hospital. We can offer practical help such as basic shopping, meals and light household duties. We also will complete a home safety check and personal assessment.
Criteria apply and all staff are DBS checked. Contact them directly on 0161 206 4607 or email Salford.aftercare@srft.nhs.uk
Mental health support
If you’re worrying about the cost of living or other pressures in your life, help is available. In an emergency always dial 999.
The NHS Every Mind Matters can help improve your mental health at www.nhs.uk/every-mind-matters or, for courses in 18 different languages on beating stress, coping with illness, being a new parent or the menopause visit Living Life to the full at https://llttfgm.llttf4.com
For free, anonymous support up to 10pm every night visit www.quell.io for adults or www.kooth.com for young people aged 11 to 24.
You can also call the NHS 24/7 crisis mental health helpline on 0800 953 0285 at any time or the Samaritans on 116 123 or visit their website at www.samaritans.org
If you or someone you know is at risk of suicide, Hopeline UK is open from 9am to midnight every day on 0800 068 4141 or email: pat@papyrus-uk.
For help with escaping domestic abuse or changing your behaviour you can call Safe in Salford on 0161 793 3232 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm or email info@safeinsalford.org.uk. The national domestic abuse helpline is open 24/7 on 0808 2000 247 or visit www.salford.gov.uk/domesticabuse to see a range of agencies offering help.
The NHS Bereavement Helpline is available on 0800 2600 400 from 8am to 8pm every day.
Honour for Salford head
Amanda Nicholson is Chief Executive Officer of the King Academy Trust in Salford which includes Oakwood Academy for children and young people with moderate and/or complex learning difficulties and disabilities.

Amanda 49, from Warrington, was motivated to train as a teacher for children with disabilities after she became blind in one eye and partially sighted in the other as a teenager until an operation restored her sight. In her 27-year career she has supported vulnerable children across Greater Manchester, Liverpool and Sheffield.
As a headteacher she has led her schools through successive outstanding Ofsted inspections, raising aspirations and support young people who face difficulties to overcome them

Domestic abuse can happen to men too
The Men's Advice Line tel 0808 801 0327 Monday to Friday, 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm or email: info@mensadviceline.org.uk
In the last three months 70 men asked for help from the Safe in Salford service, which is commissioned by Salford City Council to provide a wide range of legal, practical and emotional support and advice to adults and children affected by domestic abuse. But it’s feared that many more men in the city could be affected.
Councillor Barbara Bentham, lead member for environment, neighbourhoods and community safety, said people often do not realise they are in an abusive relationship because of the way their partner manipulates the situation.
“Relationships can be complex but they should never be psychologically or physically harmful,” she said.
“Talk to Safe in Salford or one of the many other services, some of which work exclusively with male survivors.”
For confidential help please contact any of the following or visit www.salford.gov.uk/domesticabuse
In emergency always dial 999.
Safe in Salford – which also works with perpetrators wanting to change their behaviour – tel 0161 793 3232 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm or email info@safeinsalford.org.uk
The ManKind Initiative tel 01823 334 244 Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm and 7pm to 9pm (except Friday evenings) or email admin@mankind.org.uk
Have your say on council tax scheme
Changes could be made to make Salford’s council tax reduction scheme more beneficial for workers on low incomes.
Salford City Council is proposing that government crisis payments or emergency increases to benefits aren’t included when calculating the reduction. Find out more and have your say by Friday 9 December at www.salford.gov.uk/ctrconsultation
A Salford headteacher has been awarded an OBE for her services to education.
Male victims of domestic abuse are being urged to ask for help.
keep up your defence keep up your defence
this winter
Protect yourself and others with the autumn COVID-19 booster
Don’t let COVID-19 floor you – fight back and make sure you get your autumn booster if you’re eligible.
Getting your jab gives you the best protection against the virus and helps reduce your chances of becoming severely ill.

Your GP practice may contact you if you’re eligible and invite you in for your booster or you can book an appointment on the national booking system at www.nhs.uk/covidvaccine call 119 or find a walk in site at www.nhs.uk/service-search/finda-walk-in-coronavirus-covid-19vaccination-site
In some cases, GP practices may offer you the flu jab during the same visit. For some people, flu causes minor symptoms including a fever, a cough,
a headache and tiredness but for others it can be serious and lifethreatening, so make sure you take up this offer if you’re eligible. You can get your flu jab at your GP practice or local pharmacy.
It’s not just over 50s who can get the autumn COVID-19 booster and flu jab. You can get both jabs if you’re a carer (either formal or informal), pregnant, have a health condition that puts you at high risk or a weakened immune system, or if you live with someone who has a weakened immune system.
If you live or work in a care home for older people or are a frontline health and social care worker you can get your booster and flu jab too.
Don’t miss out! Get protected for yourself and to protect others. Find out more at www.salford.gov.uk/autumnbooster

GPs are here for you evenings and Saturdays

Evening appointments up to 8pm Monday to Friday and Saturday appointments are available now either at your GP practice or at an NHS service nearby. This also includes vaccination clinics, health checks and screenings. Speak to the reception team at your GP practice to find out more.
Support with type 2 diabetes?
Help is available if you need to change your diet and activity levels to help control your blood sugar because of type 2 diabetes.
Salford Royal hospital's diabetes team run face to face and online sessions with a specialist diabetes dietician and nurse. The sessions provide advice and education on how to manage your condition. You can choose from a one-off session to increase your understanding or a longer course to provide more support and help you take more control of your own health.
For more information and to book a place email salford.diabetescare@nca.nhs.uk or call 0161 206 8802
Oviva Diabetes Support can also help. Their 12-week programme offers one to one and group sessions via their Oviva app or over the telephone. Led by specialist diabetes dieticians, the programme supports you to better manage your type 2 diabetes, improve your

blood glucose levels, lose weight if you need to and build new habits to help you lead a healthier, happier lifestyle. The support is tailored to you and appointments are flexible. The programme can also be delivered in different languages if English isn’t your first language.
For more information visit www.oviva.com/uk/en/programmes/ diabetes-support or scan the QR code.
Stay well this winter
It’s more important than ever we all stay well, look out for vulnerable relatives and neighbours and be kind this winter as the NHS is under extreme pressure.
Pharmacists can advise on which medicines to have at home to help you get and your family through winter.
The best thing to do is:

Most common winter ailments such as coughs, colds, sore throats, sinusitis and earache can’t be treated with antibiotics.
• Rest
• Drink plenty of fluids

• Have at least one hot meal a day to keep your energy levels up
• Talk to your pharmacist for advice on pain relief such as paracetamol or ibuprofen
If your pharmacy and GP are closed, you can get medical advice by calling NHS 111 or go to 111.nhs.uk
It’s important to remember that Salford Royal hospital emergency department (A&E) is for serious or life-threatening emergencies, such as severe chest pains, broken bones, breathing difficulties or bleeding that won’t stop.
Your mental health is as important as your physical health. It’s okay to not be okay and to get some help.
Call Mind on 0300 123 3393, Greater Manchester Mental Health’s 24 hour helpline on 0800 953 0285. or The Samaritans on 116 123.
Meet the Mayor
From presiding over citizenship ceremonies to chairing council meetings, celebrating 100th birthdays and hosting VIPs, it’s all in a day’s work for the Ceremonial Mayor of Salford.
Councillor Ann-Marie Humphreys is the latest in a tradition dating back to medieval times. The Ceremonial Mayor, also known as the First Citizen of the city, is chosen by seniority; the City Mayor is directly elected by the public. “When you put on the robes and chains you feel the weight of history. It’s a huge honour,” said Councillor Humphreys.
“The Ceremonial Mayor represents Salford at a range of events. One day it might be a 100th birthday or presenting a Mayor’s Citizen’s Award and the next a charity tree planting or hosting visiting dignitaries or attending a faith service or supporting Remembrance Sunday and other armed services events

“One unexpected duty was to read the proclamation of King Charles III after the sad death of Her Majesty.”
The Ceremonial Mayor also runs an annual charity appeal to raise funds for local good causes. This year Councillor Humphreys is supporting Animals in Distress in Irlam Salford Loaves and Fishes which works with homeless, isolated and vulnerable people and Salford Children’s Holiday Camp which enables children to enjoy a seaside holiday.
Please visit www.salford.gov.uk/mayorscharity for more details.
New BSL feedback service

Healthwatch Salford has launched a new British Sign Language (BSL) feedback service.

It will help d/Deaf members of the public to share their views on their experiences with health and social care services in the city by using BSL.
“We’re encouraging those who will benefit from the service to get in touch and tell us what their recent experience with health and care services was like, both good and bad, so that we can improve services for everyone in the city,” said Chief Officer Sam Cook.
The new service was created with support from Silent Voices, a group of d/Deaf residents who work with Healthwatch Salford and the NHS to give feedback on their experiences of health and social care in Salford. Members of the d/Deaf community wanting to find out more about the Silent Voices group or to share their experiences of health and social care services can record a video in BSL or send a message to Whatsapp 07410 411558, or email info@healthwatchsalford.co.uk. All the ways to comment on health and care services can be found under Have Your Say at www.healthwatchsalford.co.uk
Help draw the line
Salford currently has three Members of Parliament (MPs) but the constituencies (areas) they represent are changing. Under the proposals Salford will have four MPs although one will only have a single Salford ward.

The government has asked the Boundary Commission for England, an independent body, to draw up proposals after population changes across the country. The aim is to make sure each MP represents roughly the same number of people (constituents.)
The Commission has held two previous consultations and over 45,000 comments sent in nationally by the public have been considered. The final stage of consultation closes on Monday 5 December and anyone who wishes to comment is invited to have their say.

The final recommendations will go to Parliament by July next year.
For Salford specific information please visit www.salford.gov.uk/boundarycommissionreview2023 before going to www.bcereviews.org.uk to have your say.

In case of emergency
Bleed control kits have been installed across Salford to help save lives.
The NHS approved equipment is designed to be used by members of the public to manage an injury or knife wound before the emergency services can arrive.
The kits have been funded by Project Gulf, set up in 2009 by Salford City Council and Greater Manchester Police to deter, disrupt and deal with organised crime and steer young people away from gangs and crime. The funding has come from money taken from criminals to avoid them benefiting from the proceeds of crime.
The kits have been installed outside Eccles Gateway, Barton Road, Eccles Swinton Gateway, 100 Chorley Road, Swinton, Pendleton Gateway, 1 Broadwalk, Pendleton and Walkden Gateway, 2 Smith Street, Walkden and Broughton Hub, 50 Rigby Street, Broughton.
A sixth kit, placed near The Lowry at Salford Quays, was funded by Great Places Housing Association which is a member of Salford Community Safety Partnership.
Councillor Barbara Bentham, lead member for environment, neighbourhoods and community safety, said: “Knife crime in Salford fell by nine per cent in 2022 compared to the previous year, but even one incident is one too many. “Knives ruin lives. Choosing to carry a knife isn’t going to make you safer and it could lead to awful consequences that change your life and the lives of people around you.”
For more information on the kits please visit www.salford.gov.uk/bleedkits
For advice on talking to young people about knife crime please visit www.gmp.police.uk and search for knife crime or visit www.knifefree.co.uk
Let’s Sort It Out Salford

Paper and card are really easy to recycle but in Salford we are finding lots of blue paper and card bins that have the wrong things in. It is really important to recycle all your paper and card in your blue recycling bin, especially at Christmas time.

We are finding bags of rubbish that should go in the black bin and things like polystyrene and plastic packaging, electrical items, food and even dirty nappies. Recycling bins containing the wrong things can contaminate a whole truckload of recycling because it is not possible to take it all out. This wastes everyone’s recycling efforts and public money too. You can put lots of things in your blue paper and card recycling bin including:
• Empty cardboard boxes and packaging
• Paper and shredded paper
• Newspaper, magazines and catalogues
• Old books
• Envelopes and junk mail
• Greetings cards and wrapping paper (without glitter)
• Empty food and drink cartons
Winter pests
Here’s how to protect your home:
• Bag food waste, put it in your green caddy or pink lidded bin and secure the lid. Food waste is collected weekly.
• Be careful when feeding birds or outdoor pets. Put out small amounts, remove uneaten food and clean up under bird feeders.
• Pick up dog faeces immediately as rats will eat them.
• Check for nests beneath decking, sheds and trampolines; trim overgrown hedges or bushes
• Protect compost heaps with wire mesh to stop rats digging in.
• Rats can get through 12mm gaps so check your walls, drains, pipes, shed and garage and block cracks or holes.
• Never drop litter, particularly food waste, in the street
Use gloves or a spade to remove a dead rat, double bag it and put it in your black bin.
Please report rubbish build ups which may attract rats outside shops or businesses at EnvironmentalHealth@salford.gov.uk or call 0161 793 2500

Please report rat sightings at www.salford.gov.uk/pests where you will also find information about who is responsible for dealing with rats.
Be prepared for flooding
Torrential rainstorms are becoming more common with climate change and can overwhelm drainage systems and quickly raise river and stream levels.
Check if you live in a flood risk area: Salford’s main flood risk areas are close to Worsley Brook in Worsley, where work has been carried out to lessen the risk, and the River Irwell in Lower Broughton and Kersal, where two giant flood basins protect homes and businesses. Despite this flooding could still happen, so it is important to be prepared. Visit www.gov.uk/check-flood-risk and enter your postcode to see both current and long-term risks near your property.
Sign up for warnings or help:
If you are in a risk area sign up for free flood warnings by phone, email or text at www.gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings or call the Environment Agency Floodline on 0345 9881188.
Make an evacuation plan:
If you would need help to evacuate please register with Salford City Council. Flooding can happen quickly after the first alert. Make a plan so you can react fast if needed.
Know how to turn off your gas and electricity before the water comes in, what documents, medicines and clothes you’d take with you and which items need moving to protect them. Plan where to go and how to get family and pets to safety. Visit www.salford.gov.uk/advice-and-support/flood-information for advice.

Every urban area has rats and you may see them more often in winter as they seek shelter and food.
Have your say

Excellent, okay or could be better - whatever your views Healthwatch Salford wants to hear them.

If you use Salford GPs, social care, hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, care homes or other health and social care services your compliments, complaints and ideas for change are vital to keep improving services for everyone.
Healthwatch Salford is an independent organisation with the power to make sure health and social care decision makers listen and act on your feedback. It can use your experience to make sure our services are the best they can be. So don’t just tell your family and friends – tell us and help improve the lives of people in Salford.
We’re also looking for board members. You don’t need specialist knowledge or skills, just experience of using Salford health or social care services and a passion for making sure people’s voices are being heard. You can either send a message saying why you’d like to join or contact Sam Cook for an informal chat.
To share your experiences or ask about board membership please contact Healthwatch Salford on 0330 355 0300 or WhatsApp 07410 411558 for British Sign Language users, email info@healthwatchsalford.co.uk or visit our website at www.healthwatchsalford.co.uk
Are your vaccines up to date?
Making sure you and your children are up to date with vaccinations is vital.

Vaccination protects you, your children and those around you from diseases, some of which can cause severe illness, disability and even death. The more people who are vaccinated, the less chance a disease has to spread. Babies and toddlers need vaccinations to protect them from childhood infections including measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), rotavirus, diphtheria, whooping cough, meningitis, polio, tetanus, hepatitis B, TB and more.
Pre-school and school aged children need booster vaccinations for some of the diseases listed above. Check your children's immunisations are up to date by speaking to your health visitor or GP practice. If your child has missed any vaccinations, contact your GP today to book an appointment.
If you have paid for immunisations privately or had vaccinations abroad, remember to take your baby's red book or personal child health record (PCHR) when you visit the baby clinic or GP to keep their records updated. Vaccines are thoroughly tested before being offered to the public but if you have any concerns or want to check if your vaccines are up to date speak to your health visitor, practice nurse or GP.

Supported internship changed Tom’s life
When Tom Casserley joined Salford’s internship programme he had no idea how it would change his life.
Eight years later, Tom is helping save the NHS thousands of pounds on rental fees every year by collecting and recycling oxygen cylinders from around the hospital.
Ten years ago, Salford Royal hospital, supported employment provider Pure Innovations and Eccles Sixth Form College launched a structured study programme for people aged 16-24 with learning disabilities, creating a perfect bridge between education and employment.
To date, 39 young people have secured full time employment at Salford Royal and seven with external organisations.
Tom’s mum Cath said: “It’s changed his life in the most dramatic way possible. His independence has grown tenfold. He travels on his own. He is very popular at work. We are super, super proud of him and what he has achieved.”
Dr Pete Turkington, Chief Officer and Medical Director at Salford Care Organisation, said: “Thank you to each and every intern who has shown such commitment and dedication to their role. Thanks to all the teams and departments supporting this very important programme to ensure our colleagues gain the skills and confidence they need to make a real difference.”
Salford artist creates incredible scenes from his high-rise flat

Artist Philip Horrocks has lived and worked in Salford all his life and in that time has created some incredible paintings.
His work depicts everything from majestic African animals to lifelike renaissance portraits and incredible scenes of Salford and Manchester.
From his flat in Blackfriar Court, Philip spends his time creating intricate works, his small studio bursting with art materials, canvasses and more of his incredible paintings. With Manchester city centre just a stone’s throw from his home, the city has often been Philip’s muse, his work intricately picking slices of life from the bustling vibrant streets.
Philip, aged 64, has lived in Blackfriar Court for nearly 30 years. He’s a tenant of housing association Salix Homes and the artist in residence loves his artisan abode. He said: “Oh, I love it here, Salix Homes have been great, they look after the place and I feel safe here. I love Salford, it’s a friendly, witty and warm place to live, it’s great being so close to such a good arts scene.”
Philip has painted since he was just three years of age. He went on to complete a degree in fine art and since then has spent his life painting, drawing and etching a wondrous array of images.
Nicola Mcatamney, a property safety officer at Salix Homes, stumbled across Philip’s work on a routine visit to Blackfriar Court and was amazed by what she saw.
She said: “I couldn't believe what I was seeingeverywhere you look are these amazing pieces of art - it’s like a gallery in his own home.
"It’s hard to believe that a small apartment in a Salford tower block is home to some of the most extraordinary artistic masterpieces I've ever seen. Philip has an incredible talent, and his work deserves to be seen by the wider public.”
Philip continues to paint and has several pieces he is working on, ultimately, he would love to have an exhibition so the public can enjoy his skill capturing images in lifelike detail.
“It would be great for others to see my paintings,” he added.
“I think a lot of people enjoy art in whatever form, I would just like to push my work as far as I can and let the good folk of Salford and Manchester see them.”
Manchester City Mission hailed Springboard Heroes 2022
Manchester City Mission has been voted the winner of Salix Homes’ Springboard Heroes Awards, winning £1,000 to help them continue their work.

The Mission provides a vital lifeline for people affected by the cost-of-living crisis in Salford, with their Family Food Fayre project providing access to low-cost food, clothing and essentials to the local community.
Manchester City Mission manager Barry Matley said: “We are absolutely thrilled to be named Springboard Hero 2022, it’s an amazing honour. I can’t thank enough anyone who gave their vote to us, it means such a lot and recognises the work the whole team do.”
Currently based at the Windsor Centre in Salford, they offer a twice-weekly drop-in session where residents can choose from a wide range of food items worth around £15 for just £3.
Housing association Salix Homes supports the project by paying membership fees for its tenants in financial difficulty, and its Springboard fund has also been used to cover the costs of repairs to ensure vital equipment is maintained.
This year, Salix Homes has donated around £33,000 to dozens of local groups and initiatives across Salford as part of its Springboard community grant programme. Four of the projects Salix Homes has supported over the year are entered into the annual Springboard Heroes Awards and given the chance to win a further £1,000 cash boost via a public vote.
This year’s competition was closely contested between the finalists and, as worthy runners-up, Bee Corner, Salford Boxing Club and Seedley and Langworthy in Bloom each received £100.
Sue Sutton, Chief Executive at Salix Homes said: “Springboard Heroes is our way of celebrating some of the fantastic work that people are doing to help the residents of Salford in these incredibly challenging times. “Huge congratulations to Manchester City Mission’s Family Food Fayre. It’s projects like these that make our communities so special, and we hope our donation will go some way in supporting them to continue the fantastic work that they do.”
Apply for Springboard funding
Anyone can apply for the Springboard fund. It doesn’t matter if you’re an established community group, a charity, school, or just one person with a great idea for a community project, you can still apply for a share of the funding pot. You don’t even have to be a Salix Homes tenant, as long as your project will benefit our communities in Salford. Apply online at www.salixhomes.co.uk/springboard or email enquiries@salixhomes.co.uk
Manchester City Mission manager Barry Matley with the £1,000 winners cheque.Salford in short
Here’s the latest headlines from Salford. To find more detail about each story visit (issuu.com/salfordcouncil/docs/life_in_salford_39)
Salford in short
Charity calendar
The Ceremonial Mayor of Salford, Councillor Ann-Marie Humphreys has launched the first ever Ceremonial Mayor’s charity calendar with photos taken by fellow councillor Heather Fletcher, the Mayors’ Consort, Keith Byers and Christina Durham from Animals in Distress.
All proceeds from the £9.99 calendar will go to her charity appeal which this year is supporting Salford Loaves and Fishes, Salford Children’s Holiday Camp and Animals in Distress in Irlam.
Councillor Humphreys said: “The calendar shows beautiful locations and different seasons across Salford and will support three really deserving charities in difficult times.” Please email mayoralty@salford.gov.uk or call 0161 793 3618 for details of how to buy a calendar or visit www.salford.gov.uk/charityevents

New life for old sites
Two brownfield sites are to be turned into housing.
The Grade II listed Ellesmere pub in Walkden is to be converted into nine one-to-three-bedroom apartments with a small car park. Built in 1870, the former pub was used for offices until 2020. Planning permission for an apartment block on the former pub car park was granted in 2019.
In Eccles development on the disused Vauxhall dealership site in Peel Street, will bring a vacant site close to public transport and local shops back to life with six town houses, 250 one-to-three-bedroom apartments and extensive cycle parking. The developer is being asked to contribute to open or public space and affordable housing.
Public praise two Salford parks

Salford residents have voted two of Salford’s parks among the best in the country in the UK’s Favourite Parks award organised by green space charity Fields in Trust
Peel Park, Chapel Street and Lightoaks Park in Claremont were among 364 parks nominated by the public nationally. Over 30,000 people then voted on the nominations and the two Salford parks, which both have active friends groups were awarded ‘local favourite’ status.
Avian flu
New government advice has been issued and a national avian influenza prevention zone declared to stop the spread of bird flu (avian influenza).
Salford residents who keep poultry or captive birds can find advice at www.salford.gov.uk/poultry and are advised to register with the council to get the latest alerts. Members of the public are advised not to touch dead birds but to call the Defra helpline on 03459 33 55 77 if they find:
• one or more dead birds of prey or owls

• three or more dead gulls or swans, geese and ducks
• five or more dead birds of any species
Salford in short
Here’s the latest headlines from Salford. To find more detail about each story visit (issuu.com/salfordcouncil/docs/life_in_salford_39)
Salford in short
Up to £5,000 fuel help
Salford homeowners are being urged to ask about the Warm Homes Fund grant scheme which could pay up to £5,000 to replace a faulty boiler or make a home more energy efficient.
To qualify you must own, not rent, your home and must be claiming income related benefits or experiencing financial hardship, which could even apply to people earning a reasonable wage.

Your household must also have an adult aged 65 plus, or a child under five, or someone with a diagnosed breathing or heart condition or at risk of developing such a condition.
Please email health.improvement@salford.gov.uk with your name, email and contact number or call 0800 952 1000 (option 2) between 9am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday to find out more about the scheme and see if you qualify. If not, staff may be able to suggest other options.
Lowry painting stays in Salford

L.S. Lowry’s Going to the Match, which he painted in 1935, is to stay on display to the public in Salford.
The painting which was owned by the Professional Footballers Association has been on display since The Lowry opened in 2000. It recently went to auction where, thanks to the generous support of The Law Family Charitable Foundation, The Lowry successfully bid £6.6 million to buy and keep the painting in its L.S. Lowry collection which is free to view at The Lowry.
Digital drop in sessions
Need help with your email or understanding apps? Want to know how to manage online banking, avoid scams and navigate the internet safely?
Salford City Council is offering free digital drop-in sessions from 6pm to 7pm at Swinton Gateway, Chorley Road, on Tuesdays and Eccles Gateway, Church Street, on Wednesdays.
The sessions are led by friendly people who have trained as digital champions to share their knowledge with others. More volunteers are always needed. Please visit www.salford.gov.uk/community-champions for details.

Thirty public buildings go green
Work to make 30 public buildings buildings more energy efficient to save money and combat climate change has finished.
Salford City Council has fitted over 2,500 solar panels, replaced 12 heating systems with air source heat pumps and installed ‘batteries’ to store cheaper solar and offpeak generated energy to use during peak periods. The £7.454 million scheme was funded by the government’s Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme.
Salford City Council is also investing £126 million in green spaces, walking and cycling routes across the city.
Want to learn new skills, meet new people and make friends?
Free, non certified adult education courses for Salford residents aged 19+ (terms and conditions apply).

January start, weekly for eight weeks
First Steps courses for beginners
IT – search, shop and email safely
Crafty IT – learn new craft skills and IT
Computer coding for beginners –Visual Basic – (four weeks)
Excel pivot tables and Access relational databases
Smart devices – find out what your smart device can do
Photoshop – basic digital photo editing
Smart device photography – phone/ tablet or digital camera required
MSOffice for employment – Word, Excel and Powerpoint
Spreadsheets and databases
Planting seeds, saving bees, learning IT (four weeks)
Confidence building
English – from basics to being able to help the kids with their homework. Maths – learn the basics and help the kids with their homework Office work and admin Teaching adults Youth work
Next Steps – to develop your skills further
IT – online banking and saving, desktop publishing, photography and more MSOffice – learn more skills and how to use Access
Working in Photoshop (some IT skills required) – learn or refresh your skills.

Book your place now. Call Janet on 07482 606808 or Paul on 07882 092231, email info@corinth-training.com or visit www.corinth-training.com
Corinth Business and Community Training C.I.C. is a not-for-profit community interest company putting the learner at the heart of what we do. It’s where learning makes sense. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Help Salford4Good
Frontline charities and community groups helping people with the cost-of-living crisis are appealing for the public’s support to keep up their good work.
The Salford4Good cost of living appeal has been launched to raise vital funds to help local organisations, which are supported by Salford CVS, to carry on supporting local people.

Organisations across the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector (VCSE), have seen a huge increase in demand for help as local people are pushed into real crisis by rising costs. A wide range of groups are working hard to provide everything from food to advice and practical support to as many people as possible.
City Mayor Paul Dennett said a wide range of organisations across the city have come together under the Spirit of Salford banner to offer support, but funding is needed to keep the work of local charities, community groups and not for profit social enterprises going.
He said: “I know times are tough, but our city is pulling together to support people and get us through this crisis. There is a vast range of help available, so people have a real choice in where they go to get that support and that’s very important.
“Even the smallest donation to Salford4Good will ensure this invaluable and essential work can continue to support those who need it most not just over winter but well into next year.”
Alison Page, Chief Executive of Salford CVS, said the appeal aims to raise £50,000 over the next 12 months but support is needed rapidly.
She said: “You can donate by visiting our Just Giving appeal page – it’s quick and easy to do and every pound helps.”
For more information, please visit www.justgiving.com/campaign/S4G-CostofLiving
Food bank appeal
If you can, donate a can.
That’s the appeal being launched at Salford’s four Gateway Centres and Broughton Hub (please see page 13 for addresses) which are collecting items for local food banks.
Salford City Council, Salford CVS and Salford Citizens Advice have joined forces to launch the appeal as demand for support has soared.
Items needed for the foodbanks (must be in date and unopened)
Tinned meat, fish, lentils, beans or pulses, Tinned vegetables including tomatoes, Soup, baked beans or pasta in sauce, Tinned fruit or puddings
Longlife milk
Tea, coffee and sugar
Biscuits and snacks
Fruit juice
Toiletries and hygiene products for women (new) Baby items (new)
Christmas treats would be appreciated but please avoid any containing alcohol (even alcohol flavoured).

What’s on
Enjoy a range of events in Salford
For more what’s on information go to www.visitsalford.info All events and details were correct at the time of publication, but please confirm with the venue or organisers before setting off.
Salford Museum and Art Gallery
Peel Park, The Crescent, Salford, M5 4WU https://salfordmuseum.com/
Craft social
Wednesday December 14, 5.30pm to 7pm, £10, booking essential. All materials included Create two pieces of jewellery and a trinket tray in jesmonite, an eco-friendly resin.
Until Sunday 26 February 2023, free
A major solo exhibition by internationally recognised, Salford artist Rachel Goodyear, featuring large scale drawings and animation

Eccles Borough Band
Church St, Eccles, M30 0LH
Annual Christmas Concert

Saturday, 3 December 2.30pm to 5pm, free but donations welcome https://ecclesboroughband.org/events
One of a series of Christmas concerts in Eccles, Little Hulton, Monton, Swinton and more. See website for details and events for next year.

The Lowry
Follow us on social media @visitsalford
Ordsall Hall
322 Ordsall Ln, Salford M5 3AN
Flecky Bennett’s
Hall experience
Tickets £16.76, booking essential, adults (18+) only ordsallhall.com/event/manchester-ghost/2022-12-17/
Saturday 17th December 7pm to 8.15pm or 8.30 to 9.45pm
Hear all about the ghost of The White Lady, haunted rooms and Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot in this part history, part theatre, part ghost walk.
Pier 8, Salford Quays, M50 3AZ thelowry.com Box office 0343 208 6000 Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm, Saturday 10am to 8pm and Sunday 10am to 6pm.
To book accessible performances please call 0333 320 2838 or email access@thelowry.com
The Ocean at the End of the Lane

Monday 2 December to Sunday 8 January
Tickets from £17, booking essential
The National Theatre’s adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s novel about fantasy, myth and friendship.
Claus – The Musical
Wednesday 14 December to Sunday 8 January 2023
Tickets from £15, booking essential
A world premiere, based on the children’s book The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus by L. Frank Baum.
Musketeers, the Panto
Barton Theatre Company
The Lowry Studio
Friday 6 January to Sunday 8 January
Tickets £12, children and concessions £10. Booking essential Swashbuckling fun as the King’s crown is stolen
Salford Lads Club
Coronation St, Salford, M5 3SA
Punk in drublic poetry
Friday 2 December 7pm to 10pm, over 18s. Tickets from £15, booking essential www.skiddle.com – search for Salford Lads Club
Poetry and comedy clash in aid of the Mustard Tree homelessness charity and Salford Lads Club.
Worsley Village

Worsley lantern tours
Saturday 3 December, 10 December or 17 December 5pm, tickets from £8, booking essential. Visit www.eventbrite.co.uk and search for Worsley lantern tours