The Advantage

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Serving chapters in Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, North Carolina, Mississippi, South Carolina and The Bahamas

The Southern Area

ADVANTAGE An E-Publication from the Southern Area of The Links, Incorporated - Eneid A. Francis, Southern Area Director

78 Volume 2

Isssue 1

Effecting Change Through the Power of Friendship and Service

Mentoring Begins at Home Techniques chapter’s use to mentor new members

Page 4

Communication is Key to Effective Leadership Page 13

Don’t Be Out of Order Parliamentary Procedure Page 5

Transformational Leadership Ensuring your tenure has impact Page 6

Using Technology to Chronicle Archives Page 14

Transformational Programming Page 15 - 22

Proper Protocol is the Heart of Successful Rituals

2012 Leadership Summit

Page 7

Page 23 - 29

Using Technology to Enhance Friendship

Succeeding as Your Chapter Secretary

Page 9

Page 30

Blooming Roses of the Southern Area

Southern Area Charters 78th Chapter

Page 10

Page 31

Ethical Decisions That Effect Chapters

Strengthening the Bond of Friendship

Page 12

Page 36

Shown on the front is the chartering photo of the Mississippi Delta Chapter of the Links, Incorporated

Dear Link Sisters, On behalf of the Southern Area Executive Committee, we proudly deliver the fall edition of the Southern Area Advantage. This issue marks the celebration of our Area’s newest addition, the Mississippi Delta (MS) Chapter. With its chartering in August, the Area’s chapters now number seventy-eight. The Missippi Delta’s roster of thirty-nine dynamic women, joined our circle of friendship with a gala weekend to remember. Our National President, Vice President and several members of the Executive Committee took part in the celebration. The fall issue also celebrates this administration’s inaugural Leadership Summit. Held in Savannah, Georgia, and hosted by the Savannah Chapter, over 250 attendees received a wealth of leadership training specifically designed with Links in mind. Over the course of three full days, Links Sisters refined their leadership skills Eneid A. Francis to better lead our chapters and the communities Southern Area Director we serve as they discovered more about themselves and how to lead others. As you flip through the pages, I encourage you to become acquainted with the advice and suggestions the Executive Committee has prepared for you. Created with our chapter offices and committees in mind, it is our goal that this information will enable you to become even more effective in transforming our communities. By utilizing our collective strengths, we will continue to Effect Change Through the Power of Friendship and Service! In the spirit,

Link Eneid 3

xÇàÉÜ|Çz ` By Kenyonn Demps Remember when you were inducted? Perhaps that was decades ago or within the last year. You came into Linkdom with a huge smile on your face and ready to serve your community to the best of your ability. After a few general meetings and a couple of service programs, you start to realize that you have all these questions...

mate her to the Links’ culture, processes, and operations”. The purpose of these bonds are important. Not only does the relationship acclimate the new Link to her chapter, and member roles and responsibilities - it also provides an internal introduction to our very special sisterhood. The environment can be quite intimidating to some in the beginning. A mentor provides insight, support and guidance to Linkdom. The Buckhead-Cascade City (GA) Chapter has found several benefits to the mentoring program. “Newer members become involved more quickly,” said

“We have one member who has chartered three Links chapters, and many other members who have been part of several different chapters. This great wealth of Link experience and diversity provides us with extraordinary choices for mentors,” said Link Gail. The Montgomery (AL) Chapter assigns its mentors by similiar interests beginning with a request for participation. Before matching, the membership committee considers interests, profession, church affiliation, residential proximity, other organizational memberships and age. Mentors are also required to establish a schedule to maintain consistency. The chapter even has sessions to provide twoway communication between the mentor and her mentee. “This is an opportunity to give information, answer questions, and ask questions in a balanced approach,” said Chapter President Susan Price. It doesn’t stop there. There is even a process for evaluating the mentoring process that allows the chapter to recognize its successes and revise, as necessary. Montgomery (AL) doesn’t limit

Be sure to carefully select the mentors. Members who have historically been good leaders in the chapter, active on the facets, and passionate about Linkdom make great mentors. Additionally, use your more seasoned Links who have time to make check-in calls and who can foster closer relationships. Also, keep in mind inter-generational mentor/mentee groupings.

Link Gail and her Mentee Nina Who does this, Why? How does this serve and how much is the fundraiser and where does all the money go? As a newly inducted Link you may start to think, what have I gotten myself into. Sound familiar? These thoughts are common and should not be taken for granted. As our chapters continue to embrace new members, it is of greatest importance to create a positive journey in Linkdom for each newly inducted or transferring Link. One vital role of the chapter’s membership committee is to partner a Link sister who desires to be a mentor with a transferring member or a newly inducted member. According to our Membership Orientation Manual, each new member should have a “Chapter mentor other than her sponsor, designated for her first year of membership to accli-

Chapter Vice President Gail Tuscan Washington. Mentoring not only benefits new Links, but seasoned ones as well. “Our seasoned members remain engaged because of their responsibility to set good examples for the new members. They also “feel” celebrated because of their wisdom and historical perspective.” she said. Adding to their program’s success is the incorporation of the mentoring process as a celebration of the entire chapter. When the Buckhead-Cascade City (GA) Chapter formally launched its Mentoring Initiative in conjunction with Friendship Month, each mentoring pair were formally introduced. They also organize cultural and fun activities to allow members to get to know each other on a more personal level than would otherwise happen at a chapter meeting. The chapter seeks to incorporate a diverse background of experience when matching mentors.

mentoring to one on one. “We schedule opportunities for new members to receive group mentoring by meeting with the President and the Vice President of the chapter. The one-to-one meetings or conversations are scheduled based on need and the schedules of the Links involved. Group meetings are scheduled bi-monthly with the president and the vice president,” said Link Price. As our chapters embrace mentoring, our new members will have a better understanding of The Links, Incorporated, their chapter, who The Links serve and why we have a passion for what we do. The benefit of a chapter mentoring program is the basis of building chapter relations, retaining members, educating our membership, and continuing our programming in friendship and in service. Let’s applaud the Buckhead-Cascade (GA) and Montgomery (AL) Chapters for strengthening their bonds of friendship.

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Don’t Be Out of Order By Rosalind Fuse-Hall Southern Area Parliamentarian Parliamentary procedures are a means to conduct business in an orderly manner to ensure that business occurs. Bylaws are rules that outline the order for conducting the chapter’s affairs and its members within our chapter. Bylaws permit our members to remain sisters while serving our communities. Below are a few tips that may keep all things in order.

Q: What are “standing rules”? A: Standing rules are administrative in nature, providing the details that are mentioned in the bylaws. These rules provide greater flexibility in altering, since these rules may be changed with a majority vote and may not require prior notice. For example, the bylaws may mention that “dues must be paid annually and timely.” The Standing Rules can detail the amount and the specific date for all dues to be paid.

Q: When should we revise the chapter’s bylaws? A: Following each National Assembly, chapters Q: What are the governing documents of The should review their bylaws, revising them to incorpoLinks, Inc.? rate any pertinent amendments to the national bylaws. A: In hierarchical order, the documents are: Such revisions must be submitted to the Southern • Federal Laws-Internal Revenue Code Area Director and the Southern Area Parliamentarian. • State Statutes- Not-for-Profit Organizations I encourage each chapter to work this year to have • Articles of Incorporation-Boundaries their bylaws updated by April 30, 2013. Please see • Constitution and Bylaws of The Links, the bylaws template on the Southern Area website at Incorporated • Manual of Procedures • Code of Ethics Q: Can a member simultaneously hold office in • Membership Manual a chapter and at the Area or National level? • Nomination and Election Procedure A: Here are the pertinent sections regarding this Manual question: • Other National Manuals, including but not • National Bylaws Article VII, Officers, Section 2.D.5: limited to: “Voting members of the National Executive Council o Rituals Manual shall not hold offices in their chapters or Areas. Area o Protocol Manual Directors by virtue of their office serve on the Execuo Resolution Codification Manual Public tive Council and vote on all matters pertaining thereto, Relations including Chapter establishment. o Handbook o Chapter Bylaws Q: Should a Chapter or Area officer be elected o Robert’s Rule of Order Newly Revised, or appointed to a National Office, she automaticurrent edition cally vacates her Chapter or Area Office.” (Items in italics are documents of The Links, Incor• National Bylaws Article III, Areas, Section 5: Offiporated.) cers, C.3: “No elected or appointed Area officer shall hold office in her chapter during the Q: Where can you find these documents? same time that she is A: All the documents for The Links, Inc. can be holding the Area office. found on the National website at in Should a chapter officer the “Members Only” section under documents. Please be elected or appointed to consult these documents for the latest information and an Area office, she automuch, much more! matically vacates her chapter office. No elected or Q: What is the current edition of Robert’s Rules appointed Area officer shall of Order Newly Revised? serve as a chapter delegate A: The 11th edition is the current edition of Robert’s or alternate to an Area ConRules of Order Newly Revised. ference.”

Transformational Leadership How to Ensure Your Tenure is a Valued One Leaders and Baby Sitters Even though you have probably never thought about it, there is a distinct difference between leaders and babysitters. A baby sitter will come into your home and be given the charge of taking care of your children while you are away for a short period of time. You may go out to dinner or a movie and when you return, you expect to find your house and your children just the way you left them. You don’t need the baby sitter to rearrange your furniture or turn your kids into vegetarians in your absence. Just keep everything the way it is, right! If you are leading an organization—a chapter, a facet, or a committee and nothing or no one is transformed as a result of you being in charge, then you are guilty of baby sitting your group, not leading it. The greatest test of effective leadership is at the end of the day, when all is said and done---what got said and what got done? The four major issues to consider in order to ensure that you are a transformational leader whose tenure is valued are “what? how?, who? and when? Decide what you want to accomplish. This means defining your outcomes in the context of The Links, Incorporated Service Delivery Model. In his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey advises the

reader to “begin with the end in mind.” That is, decide what transformation will occur as a result of the actions of your chapter, facet or committee. For example, your Arts Facet may decide to introduce 5th grade girls to the art of basket weaving by teaching them the history and skills and then having them to create their own piece. Once you have defined what is to be done, create

Assign tasks and accountability so you are clear about who owns each piece of the project. Make sure they understand their part and what is expected of them. You may have to consider how to incorporate outside help. For example, you may have to recruit an expert from the community. By creating a timeline, you ensure that the work gets done in the appropriate time (for example, by the end of the school year). Identify when each

by Faye Hargrove Chair, Organizational Effectiveness

an action plan for how. How much time will you need? How many meetings will be necessary? How will you convey the information about basket weaving in the lessons? Also consider the resources you will need. The answers to these questions are the “inputs” of the Service Delivery Model.

action is expected to occur and share this information everyone involved. As a leader, you have accepted the responsibility for making things happen. Whether you are leading your chapter, a facet or a committee, view your job from the perspective of “what is it that we need to accomplish?”, How will we do it?” “Who needs to be involved to get this done? “ and “When does each activity start and end?” Take these steps and you will be valued as a transformational leader!

cÜÉÑxÜ cÜÉàÉvÉÄ |á à{x [xtÜà Éy fâvvxáyâÄ e|àâtÄá By Juanda Maxwell Chair, Rituals In the Southern Area, we are uniquely positioned to share our sincere desire that all chapters will use our time tested beautiful ceremonies. The Founders’ Day Ceremony reflects on the creation of our beloved organization on November 9, 1946. In our ceremonies, we should be reminded of our founders, Sarah Scott and Margaret Hawkins, vision of friendship and service. The Ceremony of Friendship and the ceremony to honor members on Alumna Status gives recognition to those who have served us well. When we lift other Links up, we lift ourselves. We must remember to use the Rituals Manual completely and unaltered. There are protocol directions for rituals in the Protocol Manual (p. 14-16). This section discusses what we should wear and at which ceremony. This section (Rituals) in the Protocol Manual gives us direction on officer and chairman ranking on the National, Area and local levels. The highest ranking Links officer present installs officers at the National, Area and Chapter levels. The National President speaks for the organization, the

Area Director speaks for the Area and the Chapter President speaks for the Chapter. Only official spokespersons should respond to inquiries on statements of policy to the public for the organization. Each lead officer may designate an individual to represent her for specific events or to represent the organization at each level. The attire is uninterrupted white for all Induction, Chartering and Memorial Services on a National, Area and Chapter level. Uninterrupted white is all white attire from your head to the toe. Flesh and white colored hosiery may be worn. As per the Protocol Manual, the attire is listed below. The Links Pledge should be recited at Chapter meetings. The Links Insignia may be used for Links activities but must not be altered. We must always remember that we carry our Links Brand. We must treat our Rituals with great respect and pass this respect on to our new Link Sisters as we mentor in words and deeds. Again, refer to the Rituals Manual, Protocol Manual and Area Rituals Chair for questions about Rituals. The Rituals Manual must be followed in layout, presentation and wording as written. Each President, Rituals Chair and Protocol Chair should have a Rituals Manual and a Protocol Manual.

CEREMONY ATTENDANCE & ATTIRE REQUIREMENTS Induction of New Members/Links Only/Uninterrupted White Induction of New Chapter/Links Only/Uninterrupted White Induction of Honorary Members/Links Only/Uninterrupted White Installation of Officers Links and Non-Links may be in Attendance Memorial Service at National Assembly/ Area Conference/Uninterrupted White Memorial Service Chapter for Links, Connecting Links, Heir-O-Links - Uninterrupted White Memorial Service for National Officers Current and Past - Uninterrupted White Ceremony of Friendship - No Specific Requirements Closing Ceremony and Candle Light Service - No Specific Requirements Founder’s Day Ceremony - Confirm with Rituals Chair White Rose Ceremony - Confirm with Rituals Chair Ceremony Alumna - Confirm with Rituals Chair

The 18th Southern Area Administration welcomes you to utilize SOLACE

S O L A C E Support









Support of Links All Concern Encouraged The Southern Area’s new initiative, SOLACE, allows Links and their families who are experiencing a crisis due to death, catastrophic illnesses, sickness, or other life altering events, to receive meaningful and compassionate support from Links throughout the Area who can assist them.

Florida - Georgia Bahamas -North Carolina Louisiana - MississippiSouth Carolina - Alabama




Visit the and click on SOLACE

Technology Chair anonymously blasts your need to our sisters

You are connected with your voluntary donors

The way the program works is simple: 1. A Link will go to the Southern Area website, click on the SOLACE link to send a confidential communication discussing her need or the need of a chapter member. 2. The Southern Area Technology Chair, who is responsible for monitoring the communications, will then send a confidential e-blast across the Area requesting members for assistance. 3. The donor(s) will then be connected to the Link in need. Assistance can range from donating hotel points, airline miles, arranging appointments for medical treatment, donating blood, providing financial assistance to sending words of support or cards.

SOUTHERN AREA TECHNOLOGY by Melissa Adams C h a i r, Technology Whether you live around the corner or across the world, knowing how to use the right technology can improve your relationships with friends and family. The following are a few ways you can easily connect and reconnect with your friends and family. Be Consistent Establish one absolutely permanent e-mail address where all close friends and family know they can reach you and that you will check at least once a month. There are various free internet based email options ( | | | | | Online Contact Lists Set up a contact list that everyone can keep up to date. A Google spreadsheet with everyone’s contact information may work for your friends and family. That way anyone who needs up to date information on a friend would know how to contact her to pass on the latest news. Create Online Groups for Your Valued Circles of Friends or Family For any circle you want to maintain or stay in touch with, set up a private group using Facebook, Yahoo or Google

groups or some other standard group-messaging tool. These tools help everyone stay in regular contact. Keep Your Contacts Up to Date Most people change their phone numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses from time to time; once you have missed a move or two, it can be hard to re-establish contact. Get all your current e-mail addresses into a couple of systems that will help keep your contact information up-to-date. Plaxo ( will automatically update your contact list with changes from anyone else who is also a Plaxo user. In addition, Gmail will import your contact list into other web services like Twitter and Facebook so you can stay in touch. Social Channels Similar tools have very different dynamics, depending on how you and your friends use them; using a range of social communications tools will support a varying range of relationships. I'm on Facebook ( constantly, but because people tend to post publicly, it works best for friend-

ships that consist of casual and frequent exchanges. Facebook is also nice for reconnecting with people I wouldn't otherwise catch up with—thanks to status updates. Video Calls A Skype video chat is a nice step up from phone calls with friends I connect with a few times a year, or for phone conversations with friends that are long-distance. Technology going “snail” Take excerpts from your favorite blog and turn them into a newsletter you send out with your holiday greeting cards. You can also burn your favorite videos onto a DVD and pop it in the mail. A great gift for the holidays is to purchase a Wi-Fi enabled digital picture frame for your friends and keep it automatically updated with photos that you load onto Flicker or Facebook. The beauty of technology is that the tools make it easier and easier to handle the logistics of maintaining friendship, which allows you to focus on the part that matters: the emotional connection.

FORWARD Innovative Ways Chapters Can Use Technology to Enhance Friendship

Blooming Roses of Natalie Barnes Designs First Earl Reubel Award

Rometa G. Porter

Porter Receives NAACP Health Award The Jacksonville Branch of the NAACP recognized Rometa G. Porter during its 47th annual Freedom Fund Awards dinner held in Jacksonville on Nov. 1. Porter is one of 12 persons honored for their leadership and contributions in the areas of government, education, health, civics, and community service. A retired nurse and home health agency founder, Porter received the NAACP Health Achievement Award. “Porter has worked tirelessly to ensure that citizens recognize and receive quality health services that improve their lives,” said Elnora Atkins, member of the Jacksonville NAACP and award presenter.” Rometa Porter is a member of the Bold City (FL) Chapter.

2012 recipient is Millie Maddox (L) and Link Natalie Barnes (R) Natalie Barnes of the Crescent City (LA) Chapter was approached to design the first award for the Earl G. Reubel award ceremony to honor the vision of the late Earl G. Reubel, who had the vision of building a legacy for his family through Kerma Medical Products, Inc. The award, which Natalie designed, was given to the honoree this year in Richmond, Virginia during their annual Supplier Diversity Symposium. The Reubel award honors a woman or minority entrepreneur in healthcare who embodies the qualities that made Earl Reubel so special and such a force in the healthcare industry. The 2012 recipient was Millie Maddox and the keynote speaker was Dr. Mae Jamison, former NASA astronaut, the first black woman in space. It took six months for Link Natalie to create and complete the artwork. It is hand blown glass and the base is welded metal. The images are sand blasted into the glass. Natalie will continue to create the awards for the Reubel Awards ceremony and each will be unique, original and one of a kind. Link Natalie started designing and creating art at a young age and her talent won her the honor of being named a member of the young art group, Pieces of Power, headed by renowned artist Richard Thomas. Currently, Natalie is expanding her artistic ambitions to include functional metal art furniture. Some of those creations can be seen throughout New Orleans.

the Southern Area Natchez (MS) Chapter Salutes Sabrena Bartley

Sametta Brown to Head 1800 Student Charter School Congratulations to Link Sametta Rayburn Brown of the Crescent City (LA) Chapter who was chosen to lead the four campus Capital One-New Beginnings Charter School. As the new chief executive officer, she will oversee the network's four schools as well as central office. The schools enroll more than 1,800 students with a combined budget of $17 million. Link Sametta says she has a data-driven, yet teamoriented management style and looks forward to working with the students.

The Natchez (MS) Chapter is proud of the accomplishments of the city of Natchez Transit System Executive Director, Sabrena Bartley. A sought after consultant on mobility and human services, Mrs. Bartley is highly recognized as an innovator and progressive leader and administrator. In her position, she is the first African American female department head for the city of Natchez. She is not only the Transit System Executive Director, but she also is an ordained minister. She holds a Master’s degree in Divinity from Andersonville Theological Seminary and is the pastor of East Pine African Methodist Episcopal Church in Petal, Mississippi.

Joyce Jones to Lead Georgia University System Student Affairs Operations

Joyce Jones ATLANTA - The 318,000 students enrolled in the University System of Georgia’s (USG) 35

colleges and universities will have a new colleague in Dr. Joyce A. Jones. Jones was recently named the University System’s Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. Not only will Joyce be a new face in the USG office, her position also is new. The position has been elevated from Associate Vice Chancellor to that of Vice Chancellor. The upgrade gives the position greater authority in dealing with student issues and policy and was requested by campus student leaders in conversations with System officials and had the support of Chancellor Hank Huckaby. The head of Student Affairs has the pri-

mary responsibility for general oversight of a wide range of student services provided throughout the USG. The Office provides direct support for five major areas of student administration: Enrollment Services; Student Services; Student Life; Student Information; and Special Projects. Jones was inducted into the Augusta (GA) Chapter in 2002 and has served as Chair of the International Trends and Services Facet, Corresponding Secretary and member of the Social Committee, Scholarship Committee and Financial Committee.

Consequences and Actions: Ethical Decisions That Effect Chapters By Selma Robinson-Ayers, Chair – Ethics and Standards Committee It is a scientific fact that for every action there is a reaction. In ethical terms we call this “action and consequence.” Ethics is all about choosing right actions (morally and legally) to maximize good consequences with the very best outcomes. Effective decision-making is at the center of “right actions and good consequences.” Factors such as values and integrity; knowledge and expertise; personality and emotions; conflicting loyalties; and the tendency to rationalize situations – all influence how we make ethical decisions. These factors often complicate matters and greatly enhance the chances of making bad decisions, thus diminishing the prospect of right actions and good consequences. Decisions often happen quickly, but consequences can last a lifetime. Throughout Linkdom, ethical decisions are made each day that not only effect chapters, but have an impact upon the overall reputation and success of our organization. The Links Code of Ethics and Standards is built upon a set of core values that are deeply rooted within the organization’s history and philosophy. It’s a valuable resource that provides a set of clear principles and guidelines to assist chapters in effective decision-making. Test your ethical decision-making skills in the chapter situation below! The actions and consequences could play out with relatively benign, or more serious – repercussions, depending largely on how chapters (and members) react and respond. What would you do? Ethical Decision: Using “Restricted” Funds to Host Chapter’s Christmas Party During the October Meeting of the St. John Knitty (SJK) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated, a contentious dis-

cussion transpired as to whether or not the chapter could afford to host its annual Christmas Party. It was noted by the Treasurer that there were insufficient funds in the “unrestricted” funds account to cover the expenses; she then suggested an assessment. Several members adamantly expressed their unwillingness to be assessed, after which a motion was made and seconded by two charter members to use $3,000.00 that was “just sitting” in the “restricted” funds account. The Treasurer stated that the “restricted” funds were proceeds from the chapter’s public fundraiser and that using such monies that were designated for charitable contributions would clearly violate our policies. Her concerns were downplayed, however – as numerous members (opposed to an assessment) sided with the charter members on the issue. After being assured of chapter support, one of the charter members abruptly “called for the question” to cease further discussion, stating that the situation did not pose a problem since the chapter could easily raise money to replace the funds; or (better yet) defer donations till next year; or

forego awarding the funds, altogether. “After all, no one’s looking over our shoulders; we have supported the charity for over a decade; and what happens in Knitty stays in Knitty,” she proclaimed! Notwithstanding her opposition, the President called for the vote. If the motion is passed, the St. John Knitty Chapter would use $3,000.00 of “restricted” funds to host its Christmas Party. The composition of a Links chapter must be noted as the sum total of its members’ values and attributes – whether perfect or imperfect. It is, therefore, critical that a member recognizes the important role she plays (collectively and individually) in any chapter decision-making to ensure she is well-equipped to achieve excellence in all her actions, and in the consequences thereof. Bottom-line: A chapter must always strive for excellence in all its decision-making activities. Remember, “…What happens in Knitty stays in Knitty” is likened to a famous cliché; however, THAT (action and consequence) only applies to Vegas!

HOW WOULD YOU VOTE ? Actions: Consequences:

Applicable Ethics and Standards Code Section(s)

Related Core Values: Related Governing Documents:

“Yes” Vote – Motion is passed by a majority vote; “restricted” funds used to host Christmas Party; chapter violates Code of Ethics and other governing documents • Disgruntled chapter member raises issue to Area • Area Ethics Complaint filed against chapter • Area Hearing convened with Area Executive Committee • Violations substantiated/Complaint upheld • Possible sanctions: Probation, Suspension, Expulsion • Other: “Restricted” funds must be replenished ($3K) Standard 2: Financial Operations A) Use of Public Funds – Monies collected from the public for service projects and other charitable activities shall be used for the stated purposes only. C) Self-Dealing and Misappropriation of Funds – Members shall not use organizational funds for personal use, seek improper reimbursement or otherwise misappropriate funds of The Links Organization. Honesty/Truth, Integrity, Responsibility and Accountability Constitution and Bylaws; Financial Handbook

Communication is Key by Sylvia Perry improve it. In return, team members feel confident in comChair, Communications municating their issues with their leadership. Communication is one of the “Communication is an act of gaining understanding and most important qualities one can commitment from individuals, in order to learn from others find in an exceptional leader. It and build an exceptional organization,” said Beverly Y. leads to motivation, inspiration, re- Langford, professor and director of Business Communispect and trust among the body. cations Programs at Georgia State University’s J. Mack By communicating your thoughts Robinson College of Business and concerns to our Link Sisters A huge part of being a good communicator is being a and colleagues correctly, a leader superb listener, and listening leads to gaining knowledge is not only sharing ideas - she is from other people. We have all been in situations where it also motivating them to work as a appears the leadership simply isn’t listening to their memteam, grow the committee/chapter and succeed collec- bership. That is unfortunate as listening is 90% of comtively. As Communications Chair, I frequently find myself municating. Many people just want to be heard and if you sharing my own give them fifteen minutes of your time and restories of sucEffective leaders must realize and accept ally listen, eventually they will trust and respect cess with my that clear communication is always a two- you. Having trust and respect from your sisters team in order to way process. It’s not enough to speak make the job much more enjoyable. inspire them to Without trust and respect you wouldn’t be clearly; you have to make sure you’re work harder on much of a leader. Whether just starting out in being heard and understood. their own rea new role or well seasoned. always take the To facilitate this, use the following two- time to listen and get to know each and every spective tasks. Our continuous way communication primer: communication 1. Prepare how you’ll communicate • Clarify the goal of the communication. works really • Plan carefully before sending it or meeting well, as we all in person. motivate and en• Anticipate the receiver’s viewpoint and courage each feelings. other to new heights. It also 2. Deliver the message • Express your meaning with conviction. increases our • Relate the message to your larger goals. productivity level • Identify the action to be taken. as we push to • Confirm the other person understands. remain ‘on the 3 .Receive the message same page’ at all • Keep an open mind. times. • Identify key points in the message. A leader who one of your committee members personally. • Value constructive feedback and use it to has strong comWith proper nurturing, they will be able to see munication skills grow. your leadership vision and hopefully mold a vi• Confirm your understanding. is able to consion of their own to contribute to the legacy nect with others; building confidence and managing conflict. Conflict should be resolved before it turns into such. In our respective leadership roles, take time to see where each individual is coming from. It does wonders in preventing future conflict. One on one attention creates a safe opportunity for our members to communicate the problems that they are having with others, the ‘process’, leadership, and other troubles. Once these issues are out in the open, effective leadership can manage the conflict by suggesting ways to

you all are creating. By listening we also gain knowledge from our Sisters. Bottom line, clear communication is the most important key to a leader’s success.To grow as a leader and chapter, you must learn how to be an effective, compelling communicator. And if you want to succeed in your role, you and your team have to master the art of clear communication together, as well. By using these few simple strategies, you and your chapter members can reach new levels of leadership excellence.

to Effective Leadership

Using Technology to Chronicle Your Archives by Kimberly Sweet Chair, Archives Archives are defined as the documents or records relating to the activities, business dealings, etc. of a person, family, corporation, association, community or nation, as well as the actual place where those public records or historical documents are kept. As one who travels a great deal,

I need my records (both personal and business-related) at my fingertips. Smartphones, laptops and iPads are much more than just phones and typewriters. These great resources can be the Archivist's best friends. Changing your recordkeeping begins with changing your thinking about how you preserve chapter information. CHANGE "BOXES" If your chapter is one that has moved its records from cardboard boxes to some sort of plastic or rubber tub, you are headed in the right direction, but not there yet. Disasters like hurricanes, torna-

does, floods or fires are both tragic and increasingly common. At such a time, if your own home or family is threatened, your last thought will probably be chapter archives. New documents should be saved electronically. Existing files should be converted to electronic ones. Trade the physical box for an electronic one. Chapter files, reports and photos are the important documents which not only help organization operations, but also are instrumental in telling our story to others. These items can be stored in email boxes, desktop files and backed up to online storage or jumpdrives. In this way, they are preserved and can be accessed or transferred to anyone who needs them or wants to see them. CHANGE "TOOLS" While I do generally carry a large purse, I always forget to pack a camera. What I do generally have is an iphone and an iPad. Using a smartphone or tablet to take photos at a chapter event not only captures the event but also allows it to be immediately transmitted electronically to others and stored either online or on the device. Notes, names and important details can be written up, checked, saved and transmitted at the event by electronic de-

vices before the ink on your paper notepad dries. For those who are more organized and use their cameras, keeping all your chapter photos on one photo card is a good way to have all your images easily found. Having all the images at hand makes it easier to save them onto a computer file and then have that information, in turn, backed up to a Cloud or Dropbox file for an even higher level of preservation and access. CHANGE "KEYS" Applying for a grant? Putting together a proposal for a partnership? Often many members might need access to chapter documents, photos and information in order to complete assigned tasks. Giving the "keys" to just one person not only burdens her, but puts the chapter at a disadvantage. A preferred option is to have certain chapter documents accessible by many people. Chapter histories, mission statements, photos, testimonials and other commonly used and previously agreed upon information can be available via secure website access or online storage systems like the Cloud or Dropbox. Remember that technology can be a great partner in chronicling, storing and accessing chapter information. Wherever your chapter may be in this process, be encouraged rather than discouraged. Any step forward is a significant move toward better organization, and greater information as we tell our collective story of friendship, service and change to both members and our communities.

Transformational Programming

What’s Your Plan? Key Elements of Successful Program Implementation by Daisy Walker Chair, Programming The theme of the 18th Southern Area administration is Effecting Change Through the Power of Friendship and Service. Our program mission is to promote friendship and provide services that impact and transforms the communities we serve. Our vision is that The Southern Area of the Links, Incorporated is an organization that provides global leadership and impactful service through a rich legacy of friendship and service. Another vision is that all chapters will have transformational programming by 2014. Are your programs community relevant? Are your programs transformational? Is there integration among facets, and does your chapter leverage problem-solving and resources? Does your chapter operate in silos? Do your chapter members have” buy in” for the program’s success? The ultimate goal is umbrella programming in all chapters simply because it involves all five facets working together with a common theme. All the activities must be relative and relevant to the goals of the program. For successful program implementation, you must fully comprehend the Service Delivery Model. There is explicit program implementation vocabulary that you must understand to have an effective process for establishment. There is a situation/problem that your program must address. Be sure to include your process. Do you know and understand the “programmatic lingo”? Does the chapter’s mission and vision drive your outcomes? What are your priorities and goals; do you know them? What are your long term outcomes and your overall purposes? You must establish SMART Goals and they must be: Spec i f i c ,

Measurable, Attainable, Realistic,

and Timely. What are you resources and inputs? Be sure to include financial data, volunteers, facilities, research, technology, supplies, materials, equipment, staff, time, trainers, partners, and all stakeholders. Include activities that are a part of your activities. What resources do you need? You may teach classes, provide seminars/counseling, facilitate support groups, host workshops, and perform health screening, etc. Who are you participants in this process and who are you trying to reach? Your outcomes must be impactful, and the chapter decides whether they are short, medium, or long term. Short Term: changes in learning-motivation, awareness, attitudes, skills, opinions, aspirations (1-2 years); medium Term: changes in Action-behavior, practice, decision-making, policies, social action (2-4 years), Long Term: changes in conditions-social, economic, civic, environmental (4+ years). Chapters must be aware of assumptions in the Service Delivery Model process. Assumptions are conditions you expect to be present and, it is often these underlying assumptions that hinder success or produce less than expected results. Be sure you have a plan B. External Factors will also exist such as institutional, community, public policy, and physical environment. These factors are beyond your control. How do you know your program is successful and will make a difference? There must be an evaluation which is an assessment of expected outcomes based on expected input, specific activities and participation and should relate to SMART GOALS. Were there any collaborative efforts with other community groups to plan and implement your programs? Did you determine your operational and sustainability processes? Does your chapter have a method of marketing and evaluating to communicate and publicize your program? It is the SA’s program team’s responsibility to work in concert with the 78 local chapters to ensure a roadmap to success. It is our programming goal area wide to make significant difference in the lives of families and a sustaining impact in the community. please don’t hesitate to reach out to any of our facet chairs for assistance or questions.

Transformational Programming

Know Your Programming Li

Activity – single, focused event that occurs; party. THE ADVANTAGE–the Southern Area e-ZINE Alignment - the integration of multiple goals within an organization to achieve an overarching mission or priority of the parent organization. Assessment – systematic process to acquire an accurate, thorough picture of the strengths and weaknesses of a community to determine its programmatic needs.

Assumption – beliefs we have about why our program will work. Best Practice – a model program that has all of the components of the Service Delivery Model. Biennium Program Report – the annual chapter program report due each February 1 that covers two programmatic years. Branding – name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies an organization as distinct from those others. Collaboration – cooperative arrangement in which two or more parties (which may or may not have any previous relationship) work jointly towards a common goal.

Community – a group of interacting people, living in some proximity (i.e., in space, time, or relationship). Community usually refers to a social unit larger than a household that shares common values and has social cohesion. Event – a planned public or social occasion. An activity that takes place; an occurrence. External Factors – outside forces that influence the implementation and success of a program. Facet – a programmatic branch of focus. There are five facets in The Links, Incorporated: Services To Youth, The Arts, National Trends & Services, International Trends & Services, and Health & Human Services. Goal – a desired result a person or organization envisions, plans and commits to achieve within a finite time. HBCU – acronym for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Initiative – programs designed and implemented in response to critical national issues that affect the communities of color targeted by The Links, Incorporated, such as our crisis in education and health. Inputs – resources invested in a program to make it work; leads to outputs. Integrated Program – a program comprised of more than one facet that works together with a core theme and engages the membership. Key Communicators – groupings of seven chapters with an Area Facet Chair as the leader. Mentor – an individual, usually more experienced, who advises and guides a younger, less experienced person. Mission – a statement of the purpose of a company or organization. National Legacy Program – an exemplary program that has been in the community for five years or more. Objective - an end that can be reasonably achieved within an expected timeframe and with available resources. Outcomes – changes or results as a result of programming. Outputs – activities, products, methods and services used in programming; lead to outcomes.

Transformational Programming Ta r g e t Population - groups of people who are to be reached through some action or intervention. The Links, Incorporated Website - the Internet gateway to information about The Links, Incorporated and repository of resources for the membership. Transformational Programming - a process of profound and radical change that is irreversible intended to cause positive change in the community. It orients an organization in a new direction and takes it to an entirely different level of effectiveness. Umbrella Program – a program of The Links, Incorporated that includes all five program facets. Values - beliefs that are shared among the stakeholders of an organization. Values drive an organization’s culture and priorities and provide a framework in which decisions are made. Vision - outlines what the organization wants to be, or how it wants the world in which it operates to be (an “idealized” view of the world). It is a longterm view and concentrates on the future. It can be emotive and is a source of inspiration

ingo for Efficient Reporting

Partnership - the relationship existing between two or more persons/organization that comes together to carry out a program/project/activity.Pilot Program – newly established, preliminary programs created to address an emerging or current nationwide issue that is in alignment with the goals and priorities of The Links, Incorporated. The programs are conducted in order to evaluate feasibility, time, cost, adverse events, and effect of the program. Policy – a principle or rule to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. Priorities – goals of a program. Program – a plan of action aimed at accomplishing a clear objective, with details on what work is to be done, by whom, when, and what means or resources will be used. Situation – a problem or issue; a set of circumstances. S.M.A.R.T. Goals - Goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. S.T.E.M. – acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics. Service Delivery Model – a graphic that shows the relationship between inputs, outSERVICE DELIVERY MODEL puts and outcomes relative to a problem we A graphic that shows the relationship between inputs, are trying to solve. outputs and outcomes relative to a problem we are trying Signature Program – national programs to solve. that epitomize the core values and mission of Situation - a problem or issue; a set of circumstances. The Links, Incorporated and define its distincVision - outlines what the organization wants to be, or how tiveness as a nonprofit, premiere women’s it wants the world in which it operates to be (an “idealized” service organization. view of the world). It is a long-term view and concentrates on Stakeholder – person, group, organization, the future. It can be emotive and is a source of inspiration. member or system that affects or can be afMission - a statement of the purpose of a company or orfected by an organization’s actions. ganization. Southern Area Website – the Internet site Goal - a desired result a person or organization envisions, that hosts resources specific to all aspects of plans and commits to achieve within a finite time. the Southern Area of The Links, Incorporated. Inputs – resources invested in a program to make it work; leads to outputs. Strategic Plan - an organization’s process Outputs – activities, products, methods and services used of defining its strategy, or direction, and mak- in programming; lead to outcomes. ing decisions on allocating its resources to Outcomes – changes or results as a result of programming. pursue this strategy. Assumption – beliefs we have about why our program will Sustainable – a program that can be de- work. veloped and maintained to have positive efExternal Factors – outside forces that influence the implefects over an extended period of time. mentation and success of a program.

The Arts

Immersing National Initiatives Into Our Local Programming by Karyn M. Combs Chair, The Arts Greetings Everyone! I am still “rocking and reeling” from our awesome Leadership Summit in Savannah, Georgia, October 4-7, 2012, and seeing so many great Link Sisters “Leading with Excellence and Serving with Grace” at our 38th National Assembly in Orlando, Florida! Like many of you, we returned to our chapter in Pensacola on fire to immerse ourselves in implementing our national initiatives into our local programming. Yes, we can do it and “move forward” as Art Facet Chairs by planning Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely (SMART) goals with an art connection with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) and Childhood Obesity activities for 2012-2013. The intent of this article is to provide you with additional ideas and strategies to implement with youth in your area. Therefore, one goal during 2012-2013 is to communicate monthly/bi-monthly via email, or conference calls to share accomplishments that have had an impact in your community in support of our National and Southern Area Strategic Priorities in “The Arts.” An example of this was shared at the Leadership Summit, when the Art Facet Chair from the Tampa Chapter sent an accomplishment via email of how her chapter implemented STEM by engaging girls in making lip gloss, where they measured and weighed ingredients to show everyday use for mathematics. Another goal the Tampa chapter has is to educate young women, who attend an inner city school, about the Arts. The chapter has purchased cameras and photo albums for the girls to use while exploring a Museum. The chapter also plans to use old pillow cases to make dresses and skirts. This is to educate stu-

dents on how to be creative artistically when there are limited funds available by recycling items such as pillow cases and other materials. Last year a project that took place with our youth in Okaloosa County was to make outfits out of trash bags, where they put on a “stellar” fashion show for the community. This is really “thinking outside of the box! Additionally, in our strategic plan for 2012-2013, the Pensacola Chapter has partnered with a charter school for the “Arts,” and they have invited local and visiting artists to engage K6 students in art techniques to produce artwork that will be featured in the school’s new Art Gallery. There are plans to have silent auctions throughout the school year to raise funds to support ongoing activities with art integration and STEM. We extend an invitation for everyone to visit sunny Florida and the charter school to see the amazing art that students have already produced! Art connected with STEM provides meaningful ways to engage youth in developing STEM skills through creativity, while inspiring their passion for learning. (Ref: STEMArts Curriculum Tool) Once again, thank you for working tirelessly and serving as Art Facet Chairs in your chapters to make a difference through outreach in your communities to inspire youth to have a deeper appreciation and understanding of the impact of art and the STEM connection. Truly, you are on the “cutting edge” opening avenues for young people to pursue promising careers in STEM in the 21st Century as we continue to implement our National and Southern Area initiatives!

Services to Youth Connecting Our Facets to National Iniatives by Brenda Jamerson Chair, Services to Youth The Services to Youth Facet is currently presenting five National Initiatives and two Signature Programs in support of the mission to enrich the lives of, and advocate for the betterment of, African-American youth. These Initiatives and Signature Programs are described below. Data captured from the 2010-2012 Program Reports indicated several Southern Area chapters participated in these initiatives/programs during that reporting period. The primary goals of the Services to Youth Facet are as follows: a. Promote early literacy b. Close the K-16 academic achievement gap c. Increase high school and college graduation rates d. Implement local mentoring programs from kindergarten through college e. Introduce and support Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S.T.E.M) education and career readiness f. Implement college readiness programs g. Award college scholarships and endowments h. Promote and support Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s)

The Services to Youth Facet has five national initiatives: a. Mentoring Initiative Mentoring is a structured and trusting relationship that brings young people together with caring adults who offer guidance, support, and encouragement aimed at developing the skill set and character of the mentee. The Links, Incorporated entered into a national partnership with National Cares Mentoring Movement (NCMM). Through this partnership, local chapters support NCMM’s commitment to closing the gap between the number of African-American adult mentors and the millions of willing African-American children on the waiting lists of mentoring organizations through the nation. Chapter members mentor, recruit, register and support mentors in their communities. Alexandria (VA) Charleston (SC) Columbia (SC) Charlotte (NC) Fort Lauderdale (FL) Savannah (GA) Shreveport (LA) St. Petersburg (FL)

Tallahassee (FL) b. Young Achievers Initiative – 9th – 12th Grade – “Developing the Whole Child” Young Achievers provides mentoring and leadership training and development to help address the issues challenging high school-aged African-American youth. Through a series of workshops and interactive programs, the Young Achievers program supports a successful completion of middle school, and smoothes the transition to high school, college and into chosen careers. (No participating chapter data collected.) c. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Technology (S.T.E.M.) Education and Career Readiness Initiative This initiative was crafted out of The Links, Incorporated’s dedication to ensuring quality S.T.E.M. education at all grade levels so that youth may be exposed to and prepared to study for S.T.E.M. related careers. By preparing and encouraging students to attend community colleges and universities with S.T.E.M. PROGRAMS, Links equip students of color with the skills to compete and excel in a global workforce. Augusta (GA) Brevard County (FL) Columbia (SC) Charlotte (NC) Fort Lauderdale (FL) New Orleans (LA) Savannah (GA) Tampa (FL) Wilmington (NC)

d. Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) Initiative The goal of the National HBCU Initiative is to implement and support efforts that align with President Barack Obama’s plan to increase the retention and graduation rates of students attending college by the year 2020. This initiative will create synergy and complement program initiatives already underway in the five program areas. Wilson-Rocky Mount-Tarboro (NC) Charlotte (NC Augusta (GA) Fort Lauderdale (FL) Fayetteville (NC) Piedmont (NC) Albany (GA) Greater Huntsville (AL) e. Education Linkage Initiatives – “The Equation for Excellence Program” This initiative supports President Barack Obama’s education initiative aimed at creating partnerships and alliances to educate and prepare youth for the 21st Century workforce. The Links, Incorporated has forged a national alliance with the Achieving the Dream non-profit organization to launch the “Equations for Excellence Program” with community colleges and HBCUs. The program aims to increase significantly students’ attitudinal and intellectual col-

lege readiness at middle and high school grade levels, thus eventually lessening the need for developmental education at the college level. (No participating chapter data collected.)

The Services to Youth Facet supports two Signature Programs: a. Links to Success: Children Achieving Excellence (K-3rd grades: “An Early Literacy Program”) The goal of this program is to mentor and assist in closing the achievement gap for minority students in K-3 with an emphasis on literacy. Fort Lauderdale (FL) Gainesville (FL) Vicksburg (MS) Wilson-Rocky Mount-Tarboro (NC) b. Project L.E.A.D. – High Expectations – (4th -8th grades: “Links Educate, Accommodate and Develop with High Expectations”) The goal of this program is to close the academic achievement gap of middle grade students, while responding to their social-emotional needs, encouraging health and fitness, introducing S.T.E.M. –related education, career options and financial literacy, and instilling high expectations of them. Atlanta (GA) Fort Pierce (FL) Vicksburg (MS)

An Integrated Approach toPreparing Our Youth for the 21st Century Workforce

International Trends & Services by Sharlyn Smith Chair, International Trends and Services Greetings my dear Link sisters! It was wonderful to meet many of you at our 38thNational Assembly this past summer and, more recently, at our Southern Area Leadership Summit. It was such a pleasure to discuss the transformational International Trends and Services programs that our chapters are engaged in as we expand the Links presence globally. I am delighted to share this information with all sisters in the Southern Area. As we continue to engage in programs to meet

Azalea City (AL) and Brevard County (FL). At the national level, the National ITS Committee has announced that the construction of the Links Maternal Waiting Home in rural Bong, County, Liberia has been completed with only some of the finishing work, installation of plumbing fixtures, electrical wirings and painting, now underway. The Links Maternal Waiting Home was made possible by a donation of $46,000 to Africare by The Links Foundation Incorporated. It consists of six bedrooms and a suite for the certified midwife. It also includes two washrooms fitted with modern flush toilets and a large porch. Over the next few weeks, the construction of an external kitchen, annexed to the main building, will be completed and the entire home will be furnished. 1,100 post natal Maama kits will also be distributed. The Links Maternal Waiting Home will be dedicated during the 2013 visit of the Links to Liberia. Congratulations to all who have made this possible! As we continue to broaden the International Trends and Services platform of The Links through programs designed to service the educational, health and cultural needs of people of African descent, four schools in Liberia have been adopted by The Links, Incorporated: School for the Blind, the Todee School, Ann Sandell School, and AME University. We are also at the half way mark of meeting our goal of providing 22,000 books through our Books to Africa program. Thanks to all Chapters who have contributed to this effort. There are many opportunities for chapters to engage in transformational International Trends and Services programs. I invite you to visit our area website,, and our national website,, for further details on all the exciting programs designed to help chapters expand our international platform. In particular, I direct your attention to the International Trends and Services Handbook found in the Member’s Only section of our national website. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions. Have a wonderful year in programming as we expand the Links’ presence and work in friendship to provide service.

Southern Area Chapters Make a Difference in Haiti and Abroad the educational, health and cultural needs of people of African descent, many chapters have responded to the needs of the people of Haiti. Congratulations to the Wilmington (NC) Chapter for receiving the first place award at our National Assembly for its service to the CECM School in Jacmel, Haiti. It was thrilling to have a Southern Area chapter receive such a prestigious award. Many other chapters have also engaged in transformational programs to serve the people of Haiti. Often joining with local partners, Southern Area chapters have shipped hundreds of Survival Kits to Haiti. Collectively, The Links, Incorporated has sent over 14,000 Survival Kits. I encourage all chapters engaged in this and other national programs, to submit your Program Reporting Form so that the success of the program will be shared and measured. Southern Area chapters that have engaged in the Linking with Haiti program include Brunswick (GA), Tampa (FL), St. Petersburg, (FL),

Health & Human Services Don’t Get the Sugar Blues By Cori B. Cooper Chair, Health and Human Services Have you ever heard someone say, “They got that sugar…”? Well that’s diabetes folks! There are 18.8 million people in the United States with diagnosed diabetes. and another 7 million people who don’t even know they have diabetes! If those numbers don’t scare you, a staggering 79 million people in the United States alone have prediabetes - an increased risk for developing diabetes. It varies by ethnicity too. African Americans have the greatest prevalence at 12.6%, followed by Hispanics at 11.8%. Among Hispanics, Puerto Ricans have the greatest prevalence at 13.8%. Non-Hispanic Whites are lowest at 7.1%. Diabetes is associated with obesity, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. It is also the leading cause of kidney failure and new cases of blindness. With these serious statistics, we need to make sure we work hard to be “sugarfree”. Diabetes is diagnosed by measuring a person’s blood glucose (sugar) level. There are many ways to diagnose diabetes, but the most common way is a fasting plasma glucose level greater than or equal to 126 mg/dl, which can be obtained by your health care provider. There are two types of diabetes, types 1

and 2. Type 1 diabetes is an absolute lack of insulin, the hormone that is responsible for loweringblood sugar levels. Type 2 is a form of insulin resistance. The body still produces insulin, but has an inability to use it properly, so blood sugar stays elevated. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disorder, whereas Type 2 can be prevented. So how do you stay “sugar-free”? Follow these tips to reduce your risk: 1. Exercise, exercise, exercise – Move everyday and make it fun. 2. Avoid processed foods (i.e.) chips,

healthy tips. So now that you are free from the “sugar blues”, what can you do to help others? November is American Diabetes Month, and that means there a several community events across the country. Below are 5 ways you can easily get involved with the American Diabetes Association to help eradicate the disease.: 1. Advocate 2. Get walking 3. Get riding 4. Volunteer

CHECK OUT THESE RESOURCES TO ERADICATE DIABETES! American Diabetes Month Resources African American ADA Programs Become an Advocate

candy, white bread, etc.Remember, if its white it ain’t right. 3. Eat more whole grains. 4. Eat green, leafy vegetables. 5. Use natural sweeteners (i.e.) agave, stevia. 6. Avoid overeating. Unfortunately, there are risk factors for diabetes we can’t change such as age and family history. Therefore if you are 45 years of age and older, or if you have a family history of diabetes, you are at greater risk, even if you follow those

5. Donate Getting started in your communities to STOP diabetes, is extremely rewarding. The ADA even offers a website for you to print resources they have already prepared. Even better, the ADA has programming specifically targeting the African American community. This year, the ADA promoted ID Day on November 11th, Diabetes Sunday. So get to work, eliminate the “sugar blues”, and create more “sugar-free” communities today!

2012 Southern Area

Leadership Summit

WÜxtÅ|Çz Daring

Do i n g !

An Innovative Experience in Leadership

October 4-7, 2012 Savannah, Georgia

Southern Area Leadership As we enter the autumn season, it is a time to embrace change. We note the refreshing crispness in the air and the smoothing temperatures that have suddenly replaced the sweltering days of summer. Since we know that we welcome the change of the seasons, then you know that we are capable of embracing the information that was presented during the course of our leadership summit. As an organization we are facing a transformational time in our history. Once we were a group of friends, eager and willing to impact our respective communities. Now, we have morphed into a complex organization of powerful and effective women, leading and impacting our world in five specific “multi-faceted” areas. We partner with international corporations and organizations. We have a strategic focus that permits programming to impact national issues that adversely affect our communities. We use technology and social media to convey our thoughts and ideas. While we honor our rituals and traditions of the founding friends, we have evolved into a contemporary conglomerate and ladies; we are the new millennium women of the future that our founding mothers dreamed of! Therefore, it was time to hold a summit of Southern Area powerhouse women. The South, the heart of most African Americans, rooted in tradition but always surpassing expectations. We have come together to assess our leadership skills; align them with the skills needed to lead our own lives, our chapters, and our global communities through this new era. You asked for this type of gathering and in her infinite wisdom, our Area Director, Eneid A. Francis, heard you Area Director and responded. She dares us to be better than we are. Eneid Francis But she did more than hear you; she cared enough to send the very best! She looked among our 78 strong chapters, and identified two women that offer this type of leadership development for top dollar across the country and provided it to you for a nominal fee. For two full days, Links Faye Hargrove and Karen Dyer afforded attendees the opportunity to reflect upon their leadership skills, assess their roles and capacity as a leader, and to engage some of the sharpest minds in our organization to share, learn and grow your leadership skills, honing them into the razor-sharp tools needed to do what we do—lead our sisters in service to our communities. With the spirit of knowing you were among sister-girlfriends and not the cut-throat colleagues that we may work with each day, we were as vulnerable as well as extraordinary. This is the purpose that we found ourselves and the intense level of engagement was directly related to your level of success during our leadership summit. This was your time…it was all about us…to dream, dare and do! - Rosalind Fuse-Hall Parliamentarian

Transforming lives by transforming leaders

Dreaming, Daring, Doing! by Kenyonn Demps A leader here, a leader there, leaders everywhere! This is exactly what was experienced at the Southern Area Leadership Summit held October 4-6, 2012, in Savannah, Georgia. Over 250 Links gathered at the Savannah Marriott to enrich their leadership skills, support their chapter’s strategic plans, and become the best Link they can be in friendship and service. With two full days of workshops, interactive team building activities, and a night full of good eats, dancing, and letting their hair down, the ladies were introduced to this year’s theme: Links Dreaming, Daring, and Doing. The opening session led by renowned leadership experts and Link sisters, Karen Dyer and Faye Hargrove, emphasized the relevance of; Dreaming - Be a visionary - Holding your head in the clouds and placing your feet on the ground, and - Remembering, if you sit on your dream… nothing happens Daring - Having the spirit of boldness, and - Understanding that courageous conversations are vital Doing - Taking action - Managing friendship levels, and - Setting and achieving strategic goals Links were inspired and empowered to be strong, learn who they are as a leader and to celebrate their strengths and assess their weaknesses as opportunities to improve. As a practical lesson, Links were asked to complete the assessment in Campbell’s Leadership Descriptor. The purpose of the assessment helped leaders think about the important components of contemporary leadership. Leaders were asked to look at A)“self”, B) someone they see as a good leader and C) someone they see as a poor leader and for each leadership statement, complete the survey using a Likert scale in the categories of 1) Vision, 2) Management, 3) Empowerment, 4) Diplomacy, 5) Feedback, and 6) Entrepreneurialism. Links quickly learned who they are as a leader as they were able to see what attributes create effective leaders. It became evident that understanding yourself was the top priority in leading others. As noted in the summit, “We are measured not by what

Dreaming, Daring, Doing! we are, but by the perception of what we seem to be; not by what we say, but how we are heard, and not by what we do, but how we appear to do it.” Lessons in leadership were the focus at workshops and though each workshop had an independent title, the goal of the Summit was to enhance our Link Sister’s knowledge, abilities, and skills in being the best leader she could be. A reminder noted in several sessions was “leaders do not ever let friends fail.” As simple as a concept that is, it is complex in the sense that a leaders followers generally will not ask for clarification. They will proceed to reaction and judgment leaving the leader holding the bag burdens and the less of the treasures. The Southern Area had the pleasure of having Glenda Newell-Harris, National Vice President, present to provide Lessons in Leadership. What an honor it was for our leaders, to hear from her and spend time learning from her experiences. Link Glenda shared her lifelong lessons in leadership. She noted: 1. A leader knows and shows the way 2. Understands that dreaming is not enough, BUT will provide a guide in knowing the way 3. Get motivated! Your followers need to see and feel your enthusiasm 4. Risk taking is part of the job. It’s what leaders do so get used to it 5. Listen, listen, and when you think you are done… listen some more 6. Be comfortable with power 7. A leader knows when to hold and when to fold 8. Know with power comes serious responsibility 9. Spread the fame, take the blame 10. View every opportunity to practice leadership 11. Learn to laugh 12. Increase your knowledge about the organization 13. Mentor a younger member; they come with technology 14. Be honest, and 15. Balance your assertive behaviors. What a powerful and appropriate message Link Glenda prepared and we are thankful for her commitment to sharing with us her strategic techniques of being a better leader. The Leadership Summit was packed with workshops including effective communication styles, strategic planning, and forums for presidents, vice presidents, secretaries, and treasurers. Our Links

Dreaming, Daring, Doing! had time to grow as leaders, meet new people, fellowship with some old ones, and understand the organization a little better than before. The speakers were dynamic and the activities were engaging and a lot of fun. One activity is particular asked for 4 groups of approximately 9 ladies. A medium sized beach like ball was placed on the floor and each group was asked to circulate the ball to each person in their without it hitting the floor and without the usage of any body part from their elbow up. Though the purpose of activity was teamwork and creativity, it really was unique how creative each team maneuvered their body to pass the ball to one person to the next. Think about it for a moment… If you had a ball on the floor and had to pick it up with out the use of your hands or your elbows, how would you do it AND how would you pass it to someone else? Hmmmm…. It was even more amazing to observe how close our Link sister bodies could get to another and feel comfortable in public. Wow! The camaraderie and friendship was phenomenal. As the groups progressed all finishing one after another, the lesson learned trying again is necessary and a reality, but understanding that trying again does not mean you have to do it the same way each time is vital in being effective. See… In the groups, as the ladies would drop the ball, start over, drop again and start over, some groups learned early to change their technique. Contrary, other groups maintained their same level of effort doing it the same way as before. WRONG! As a leader, take the risk, think out of the box, be smart about it, and make a change. Trust your gut and know that IF you have good ladies along your side, you can not go wrong. Know that your chapter is on the right path to clearer roles and responsibilities, a climate of trust, openness, collaboration, and are capable of making effective decisions and resolving conflict with friendship and service in mind. There was very little time to spare as the Summit continued with more lessons of leadership. For example: Did you know… the best way to delegate is through using your chapter members’ natural talents? And did you know that chapters should be implementing a go green action? Did you also know that the 11th edition of Robert Rules of Order has been released and is ready to be purchased? And I bet you did not know that there is a new online

Dreaming, Daring, Doing!

intake process. Did you know your chapter bylaws should say what you really meant for them to say versus the chapter making an educated guess and lastly did you know that “people do what people see?” If you did not know those things, then that’s a good reason for you to join the Southern Area at the next Leadership Summit. Nearly seven months of intense planning preceded the Leadership Summit. Links gained a better understanding of becoming a better leader to take back to their chapters. What would a weekend with yourLinks Sisters be without a little fun! Girls Night Out: A fun, let your hair down, lift your spirits event included Links playing Friend Finder, Bid Whist Tournament, and a seafood buffet until you pop party. There was line dancing, a scavenger hunt and a good old-fashioned time with no strings attached and no expectations besides having a good time! Links met new people in the engaging “Friendship Finder” game and held their tickets all night to win dozens of prizes such as St. John items, appliances, gift cards and books. If you missed the Summit, you missed a refreshing treat; leadership Dreaming, Daring, and Doing!

Dreaming, Daring, Doing!

by Anne Herriott Secretary The Recording Secretary is responsible to take minutes and record all business that is transacted at each regularly structured meeting of her chapter. She may also record the proceedings of officially “called or conference call meetings.” She also prepares and disseminates the minutes in draft form for approval at the next meeting ofthe body. The minutes are: •A permanent record •A legal document •A record of accomplishments – what was considered and accomplished.

2) The name of the organization and the date, time, and location of the meeting – Ex. “The Executive Board of the First County Chapter (CA) of The Links, Incorporated was called to order on Saturday, September 3, 2012 at 9:13 AM by the Chapter President and presiding officer Link Janice Cutie and Link Jane Smartone, Recording Secretary.” 3) List of those in attendance (or if preferred by Chapter, a sign‐in sheet may be attached to the minutes instead) with a note of whether there was a quorum present. In the second paragraph note: any actions taken on the previously recorded minutes. In subsequent paragraphs note: ‐ Reports (include brief summary of Officer/Facet Chairs Reports) Record name of chair or individual presenter and summary of one – two sentences. Recommended that you attach submitted reports to the minutes rather than include in the minutes. ‐ Financial reports should be noted as provided however the financial information should not be included – attach this report‐ financial report is not voted on or approved. ‐ Motions and Results of votes Old/ New Business Adjournment To review the full duties and profile of the Chapter Secretary please view the Webinar file on the National Website at: h t t p : / / m e m b e r. l i n k s i n c . o r g / a m a / p u b lic/049/049/2012CHAPTERRECORDINGSECRETARYWEBINARSERIES_

Secretarial Style

Succeeding as Your Chapter Secretary

QUICK REFERENCE MINUTES AT A GLANCE In the first paragraph note: 1) The kind of meeting—general membership, board of directors, executive committee, etc.

Welcome 78!

Mississippi Delta (MS) Chapter of the Links, Incorporated Tunica, Miss. - On the weekend of August 24-26, 2012, the Southern Area gained a new chapter. Southern Area Director Eneid Francis joined National President Margot Copeland in chartering the Mississippi Delta (MS) Chapter of the Links, Incoporated. The celebration began on Friday night with a festive reception in Clarksdale, Mississippi - the birthplace of the blues. Everyone from the Mayor to the local legistors and other community members joined in welcoming the chapter and The Links’ National President to Clarksdale. During the event, a proclamation was read from State Senator Robert Jackson and ClarksdaleMayor Henry Espy presented Link Margot Copeland with a key to the city who gave remarks along with Southern Area Director Eneid Francis. The soon to be chapter was formally introduced to the community by the 1st Vice President, Wilma Wade, followed by live jazz and refreshments. Adding an extra flavor to the occasion, the Links motorcade was accompanied by a police escort. Festivities kicked off bright and early Saturday morning as Links gathered from around the country to witness the chartering ceremony that had been well prepared by Southern Area Rituals Chair Juanda Maxwell and assisted by National Rituals Chair Larnell Burks Bagley. Few dry eyes witnessed the event as the new Chapter of thirty-two took their solemn oath. Immediately after proclaiming The Links, Incopo-

rated’s newest chapter, Link Margot led a champagne toast to the new Links with National Vice President Glenda Newell-Harris and Southern Area Director Eneid Francis. Chapter presidents from throughout Mississippi were also present for the festivities. After an extensive photo session to commemorate the occasion, the host chapter presented a chartering brunch where Link Margot gave the keynote address and area chapters presented gifts to their new Link Sisters. Clarksdale, Mississippi, has been defined as an region that needs attention and change. The Mississippi Delta town is 79 percent black and its residents suffer from high rates of obesity, teenage pregnancy and poverty. The Mississippi Delta Chapter is hoping to transform some of those lives through their service. The North Delta Connection began as an interest group in 2002. Its application was approved in July 2011. Composed of a full roster of educators, health professionals and business leaders, as an interest group, the North Delta Connection implemented a service program at Higgins Middle School which mentors young female students. The Young LITES (Ladies In Training for Excellence and Services) program addresses issues teens face including drug and alcohol abuse, teenage pregnancy, academic challenges and juvenile crime. Sessions on healthy living, financial literacy and voting have been held and continues today as a component of their offical chapter program.

Gala Weekend Highlights Chartering o

of the Mississippi Delta (MS) Chapter

Last Minute Ways to Trim Your Taxes By Jason Alderman From now until New Year's is probably when you have the least amount of time to spare on mundane financial bookkeeping tasks. But if you can dedicate a few minutes to review your benefits and tax paperwork, you might be able to shave hundreds – or even thousands – of dollars off your 2012 taxes. Here are a few suggestions: If you haven't already maxed out on contributions, ask your employer if you can make a catch-up contribution to your 401(k), 403(b) or 457 plan before year's end. Most people can contribute up to $17,000 in 2012 (a $500 increase over 2011), plus an additional $5,500 if they're over 50. If you contribute on a pretax basis, your taxable income is reduced, which in turn lowers your taxes. At a minimum, if your employer offers matching contributions (essentially, free money), be sure to contribute at least enough to take full advantage of

the match. If you participate in employersponsored flexible spending accounts (FSAs), which let you use pretax dollars to pay for eligible healthcare and dependent care expenses, an important change is coming next year: Beginning January 1, 2013, the maximum annual contribution for healthcare FSAs will shrink to $2,500 from the $5,000 limit many employers currently offer; however, if your spouse has FSAs at work, you still may contribute up to $2,500 to each account. Dependent care account limits remain unchanged. It's vital to calculate and use any untapped 2012 account balances before your plan-year deadline (sometimes up to 75 days into the following year); otherwise, you'll forfeit the remaining balance. If you have a surp l u s , con-

sider w h i c h 2013 expenses you could pay before December 31, 2012. And, keep the new limit in

mind when planning your 2013 healthcare FSA. You can use your healthcare FSA for copayments, deductibles and medical devices such as glasses, contact lenses and braces, among other expenses; over-the-counter medicines are only eligible with a doctor's prescription (an exception is made for insulin). Charitable contributions. If you plan to itemize deductions on your 2012 taxes, charitable contributions made to IRS-approved organizations by December 31, 2012, are generally tax-deductible. If you've got extra cash now and want to lower your 2012 taxes even further, consider moving up donations you would have made in 2013. Gifts. Unless Congress intervenes, the federal income tax exemption for estate distributions and lifetime gifts will drop from the 2012 limit ($5.12 million) to the pre-2011 level of $1 million (for married couples, it drops from $10.24 million to $2 million); in addition, the tax rate on gifts or estate distributions above those limits will increase from 35 percent in 2012 to 55 percent in 2013. One way to exceed the lifetime gift limit – and avoid having to file a Gift Tax Return – is by giving separate, annual gifts of up to $13,000 per year, per person. (Married couples filing jointly can give $26,000 per recipient.) Rules for gift and estate taxes are complex, so read IRS Publication 950 (at and consult your financial advisor. This isn't an ideal time to take on any additional tasks, but if some or all of these situations apply, you could considerably lower your tax bill – wouldn't that be a great way to start the New Year?

On the Guest List by Dr. Juliane Malveaux NNPA Columnist Okay, I’ll admit it. I am truly the Grinch who wanted to steal Christmas. It takes me until about December 23 to get in the spirit, and I only feel obligated to find gifts for children and close family. I like to give, which is why I share with a few charities that are close to me. I like to connect, which is why I have a greeting card ritual. But all this crazy frenzy after Thanksgiving, before Christmas sale stuff truly repels me. And while I don’t want to put a damper on anybody’s sprit, I want to say that this is the season to be careful. After all, we live in a consumer-oriented society. When we spend, other people get paid. When we spend other people are blessed. But if you spend what you don’t have then you are sliding down your own fiscal cliff, and you won’t have a pillow to protect you. The average American will spend about $900 this year on Christmas gifts and toys, but that means that half will spend more. ‘Tis the season to be careful. Some of the biggest scams come from charities. They will reach you through email, snail mail, and even text mail. They may ask for a little or a lot. You’ve got to ask where your money is going. Some organizations take as much as 80 percent of your gift, which means that the people you want to help get just 20 percent of your money. Before you send a penny, ask the right questions. Too many charities lean on this time of year to make their money, but if the whole truth is told, they are really leaning on this time of year to make a living. Check these folks out online, and look for their annual reports. If their overhead is more than 15 percent, walk on by. Another scam is the garbled name scam. You may think you are giving to a worthy program, such as the Police Athletic League, only to find that you are giving to the non-registered Police Athletic Program. You may think you are giving to an African American cause, only to find that a garbled name takes you some-

Tis the Season to be Careful place else. Americans want to give, and African Americans are among the most generous, based on the percent of income we give. But give with your head and not with your heart, and ask solicitors important questions. One of the other scams is the sale scam. If you buy it now, you will get a sale that will never, ever, in your lifetime be replicated. So standing line all night for the 52-foot TV for $239, while the store has only 10. Find some furniture you like only to be told it is 50 percent off today, but not tomorrow. Retailers are playing on your greed and your panic. If you take your time, you might find an even better deal. And if seems too good to be true, it is. Scruffy little children will come to your door this time of year, asking for money for their church, for magazine subscriptions, for all form of causes. You may want to slip the child a few pennies, but know they aren’t going to make more than that with the magazine subscription scam, or with the church solicitation. In fact, most churches run their own solicitations, so maybe ask for the name of the church and call them before you make a donation. I suppose I am the Grinch because I am dismayed that our holiday season that supposedly celebrates the birth of the Christ child has turned into a commercial orgy with people shopping for a full five weeks. It has also turned into a solicitation orgy with almost every organization you have ever known asking for end of year contribution. In the middle of all this drama, the purpose of the holiday is swallowed. I am weary of seeing frenzied faces anxious for the next sale, or children (and grown folks) defining their worth by what goodies they pick up. I am weary of the folks who go into debt to prove a point, to buy affection, to shower folks with gifts instead of with love. Can we be careful with our wallets and open with our hearts? I hope that we will all remember and embrace the meaning of Christmas and not the crassness of consumerism. Julianne Malveaux is a Washington, D.C.-based economist and writer. She is President Emerita of Bennett College for Women in Greensboro, N.C.

Strengthening the Bond 10 Easy Friendship Activities for November and Beyond! By Ruth Terrell Chair, Conference and Event Planning November has been designated as Friendship Month. However, our focus on friendship is necessary to help keep our relationships within the chapter strong and growing. Many chapters already have established friendship activities that work well, but if your chapter would like to add something that may be new or different, here are 10 easy activities to consider to keep friendship at the forefront throughout the year. 1. Plan a Founders Day Celebration and also honor Alumna and Platinum members. 2. Attend a church service as a chapter 3. Allocate 10-15 minutes of a chapter meeting for a Friendship Frenzy: Each member comes with an idea of something she wants to do with someone else during the month: For the time allowed, members talk with as many members as possible to see how many you can get to join in with your activity (or how many activities you can join); ideas include: a mid-week movie, take Alumna or Platinum members shopping and lunch, select a “best seller” to read and discuss, go bowling. 4. Plan a beauty focus day, afternoon or evening! Lots of businesses give group discounts or will do home parties; consider manicure, pedicure or reflexology sessions; don’t forget in-home beauty and shopping presentations…these may also garner funds! 5. At a meeting prior to November, create a Secret Buddy program, by assignment of secret selection; “Buddies” commit to making contact with the other per-

son with cards or other acts of kindness: The ”buddy” names may be shared at a later chapter meeting. 6. Do you have members who play, or would like to learn to play a game or sport or who have interest in a particular kind of music or activity? Using sign up sheets with the name of the activity at the top members may sign up for anything of interest; ideas include Golf, Tennis, Bowling, Swimming, Bridge,; Broadway Plays, Opera, Art Exhibits----the list is only limited by your imagination and interest. One person is identified to plan the date and time for each activity. 7. Pot Luck Dinners are always fun and this is is one with a twist, choose an unusual theme or different types of food, someone to host, and a date; If you have members who have lived in other countries or areas related to the theme or food, encourage them to bring artifacts and other memorabilia they have collected . 8. Afternoon Tea is always fun, but this time partner with a local nursing or assisted living facility and take the Tea Party to them…the joy of sharing the experience is sure to deepen your relationships with your sisters and make a big difference for the residents (small useful gifts are also a great addition). 9. Host a Family Night activity to include Connecting Links and Heir-o-Links (card games, team sports, Bingo, skills demonstrations or any special skills and talents of family members can be highlighted). 10. Use the Links Friendship Ceremony, it is a great way to remind us of the importance of service and friendship in our organization .

5 6 3


Birmingham (AL) Inducts 12 Into Linkdom

New Members L-R: Mia Cowan, Monique Gardner-Witherspoon, Deveta Peoples, Nyya Parson-Hudson, Malena Cunningham, Debra Weston-Pickens, Erica Prewitt, Anne Hooks, Martha Emmett, Bonika Wilson, Anabela Simon-Lee and Bobbie Knight. Birmingham, Ala. - The Birmingham (AL) Chapter welcomed twelve (12) new members. Mia Cowan, Malena Cunningham, Martha Emmett, Monique Gardner-Witherspoon, Anne Hooks, Bobbie Knight, Nyya ParsonHudson, Deveta Peoples, Erica Prewitt, Anabela Simon-Lee, Debra Weston-Pickens, and Bonika Wilson were inducted into the chapter on Saturday, June 2, 2012. As Alabama’s first Links Chapter, since 1956 the chapter has continued to be a leading organization in the community in the areas of service and philanthropy. The support of the community and dedication of resourceful members have resulted in programs, scholarships, and activities that have

benefited the Birmingham community. As part of the new members’ orientation modular, the candidates created a project that targeted one of the five national programming facets, The Arts. The project, entitled The Friends of the Arts, focused on enriching music education in the Birmingham City Schools. The group produced and presented a video that outlined the importance of music education in the schools. They also invited community leaders for an exchange of ideas on enriching music education and performance in Birmingham City Schools. The event was held on May 15th at the historic Virginia Samford Theatre. Following the induction ceremony chapter members and their guests par-

ticipated in a celebration reception at the ArtPlay headquarters, an education and outreach initiative of UAB’s Alys Stephens Performing Arts Center. The chapter is an official Education and Outreach Sponsor of ArtPlay. Members of the Membership, Ritual and Decorating Committees assisting with the ceremony were: Vanessa Falls - President, Jeanine Pearson Johnson- Membership Chair, Cathy Bradford - Membership Co-Chair, Angelene Whatley, Marquita Davis, Rica Lewis Payton, Camelia Holmes, - Rituals Chair, Gaynell Hendricks, Tamara Travis, Kim Hitchens - Decorating Chair, Diann Jackson and Stephanie Rayborn.


Members of the Tuscaloosa (AL) Chapter with retreat luncheon speaker, Tuscaloosa Police Chief Steven Anderson (center, left) and program presenter Dr. Gary Walton (center, right).

Tuscaloosa (AL) Chapter Lets Purple Reign During Annual Retreat TUSCALOOSA, Ala - The Tuscaloosa (AL) Chapter held its annual “Purple Reign� retreat on Saturday, August 25. Katrena Grant, Chapter President, facilitated the day-long retreat on the campus of the University of Alabama where members were dressed in shades of purple. Assembled members had an opportunity to hear highlights from the 38th National Assembly in Orlando. In addition, program presentations were given by the following guest presenters: Dr. Leslie Poss, Musical

(Health and Human Services). The highlight of the retreat was a luncheon where Tuscaloosa Police Chief Steven Anderson served as the guest speaker. Anderson was selected as Chief of Police by Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox and was sworn in on October 1, 2008, becoming the first African-American chief for the city's police department. Chief Anderson has spent his entire law enforcement career with the Tuscaloosa Police Department, beginning as a patrol officer in 1994. He brings to the job a wealth of experience, a spirit of compassion and a dedication to equality. Chief Anderson spoke to the membership about the state of the city and expressed his appreciation to the chapter for its work in the community. Chapter members left the retreat rejuvenated with a set of expected outcomes that will help transform their Chapter and their community. With a strong emphasis on planning, assessment and outcomes, and a renewed focus on reclamation, the Tuscaloosa (AL) Chapter hopes to make an even greater impact in the City of Tuscaloosa.

Members of the Tuscaloosa (AL) Chapter wear purple, the color of royalty, to their annual retreat. Director and Conductor, Prentice Concert Chorale (The Arts Facet), Ms. Jackie Currie, Director of Student Development at Stillman College (National Trends and Services), Mr. Robert Burns, retired executive (International Trends and Services), Dr. Samory Pruitt, Vice President for Community Affairs at the University of Alabama (Services to Youth), and Dr. Gary Walton, Sumter County Health Center, Family Practice


Birmingham (AL) Retreat Focuses on Effective Communication “Effectively, Communicating Link to Link” was the theme for the annual planning retreat of the Birmingham (AL) Chapter. The meeting got off to a lively start when President Vanessa Falls led the thirty-one (31) members present in a line dance to celebrate good times. Mia Cowan and Erica Williams Prewitt helped new members break the ice with older ones with two fun games. Thanks to the “pass the ball” game, Birmingham Chapter members know a lot more personal information about each other than before. Before the retreat, each member was asked to take a temperament assessment online - the Kiersey Temperament Sorter quiz. The quiz, along with an additional simple four question quiz, helped members see the four different temperaments present in the chapter: Guardians, Artisans, Idealists and Rationals. In addition, the inform-

ative quiz h e l p e d members understand why they are different, learn how to embrace those differences and communicate more effectively after recognizing Sisters participate in team building activities. the differthat the consensus of the organization ences. as a whole is what will be supported. Chapter members learned that to inJosephine Dantzler, visiting from the crease the chances for success as an Tuscaloosa (AL) Chapter, led exerorganization, there must be sensitivity cises on managing and resolving conto the needs and concerns of all memflicts. Chapter members were divided bers who each communicate in their into four teams and given hypothetical own unique way. All ideas should be scenarios and asked if they would listened to, but members must realize stand up, stand down or just let it go when a member did not follow protocol or exhibited behavior that is counter to what other members found acceptable. These exercises spurred lively The Birmingham (AL) Chapter has partnered with the Vulcan Park discussion on how to diplomatically difand Museum to help local educators to focus on the events of 50 years fuse situations that may impede the ago with Teaching 1963: Integrating Birmingham’s Civil Rights Legacy progress of the organization. in the Social Studies Curriculum. This one-day symposium, held on OcThe chapter’s 5 - year Strategic Plan tober 31, was organized to inspire participants to share with a new gen- was unveiled at the retreat. Brenda eration the stories of triumph and struggle from the Civil Rights Adams led the chapter through a look Movement. Participants acquired ready to implement components of a at upcoming projects and projected grade-appropriate one-week unit of study on the activities that took outcomes. She also encouraged memplace in 1963 Birmingham. Local resources and cultural events suit- bers to be able to articulate the chapter’s Mission statement to others able for classroom or school-wide projects were explored. outside the organization. Teaching 1963 featured Birmingham native, renowned educator and After a working lunch, Daagye HenConnecting Link Freeman Hrabowski, III who spoke on his experience dricks presented the “Strike-a Pose” as an educator and eyewitness to the Birmingham Campaign. A child- fashion show, where various styles of leader in the movement, Dr. Hrabowski, President of the University of Links t-shirts were modeled. These Maryland, Baltimore County, was featured in Spike Lee’s 1997 docu- shirts will be worn by chapter members mentary, Four Little Girls, . to various activities in the community. Full scholarships were made available thanks to the generosity of Towards the end of the retreat, chapter the chapter and other corporate contributions. Professional develop- members gathered in breakout sesment credit was offered through the University of Alabama at Birming- sions by their respective facets to discuss plans for future projects. ham (UAB) Regional In-service Center.

Birmingham (AL) Chapter Helps Commemorate the Civil Rights Movement


Birmingham (AL) Takes Young Poets from the Page to the Stage The Birmingham (AL) Chapter is continuing its part- ings “from the Page to the Stage,” their first assignnership with the Alys Stephens Performing Arts Cen- ment was to explore the word courage and to write ter’s “ArtPlay” Program and the Birmingham City poems about what it meant to them. Schools through its sponsorship of a Poets Workshop The class sessions were interactive and the children for the 4th grade classes at Phillips Academy. The were very inspired and engaged. children were mesmerized by the syncopated beats of They heard the poetry of Langston Hughes, Nikki songwriter and spoken word artist Sharrif Simmons as Giovanni, and Sonya Sanchez to name a few. They he performed From Be-Bop to Hip-Hop while strum- were taught to use their minds as imagination banks. ming on his guiThey would make tar. He deposits by listencaptivated his ing and observing young audience their environment immediately in and then make preparation for withdrawals when their journey ideas are needed. “From the Page The young spoken to the Stage” in word artists learned 6 short weeks. the difference beBirmingham tween flying solo, chapter memand dancing with a bers attended group; by writing ineach session dividual, as well as and assisted by choral poems. serving as a Whether standing supportive audialone, or participatence for the ing in an ensemble, budding young they were able to artists and offerfind their uniqueing other supness and their port including voice. photography The program, and videography which culminated to help docuon October 25, ment the project. showcased how the Birmingham (AL) Chapter members Anne Hooks, Gaynell HenThe Poets students from dricks, Spoken Word artist Sharrif Simmons and Carnetta Davis. Workshop is one Phillips Academy of the chapter’s signature projects. Each week, for 5 has developed into the “Next Poets” who can now take weeks, Mr. Simmons has challenged the 60+ students it “from the Page to the Stage” possessing their own to think creatively, to see the world from different points unique voices and projecting their words in boldness, of view and to learn how to say/ speak/ express their confidence and awe! thoughts on paper. Through imagery, sounds, music, The young poets will also perform their works on dreams, mind pictures and so on, they have devel- stage at UAB’s Alys Stevens Center at a future date. oped their own rhythms and rhymes, cadence and The Birmingham (AL) Chapter plans to create a keepfreestyle. As an exercise to improve their self-esteem sake book with samples of the amazing work of these and build confidence so that they could take their writ- young poets.


Shown (L-R) at the voting event are Jacksonville (FL) chapter members Terri Stepter, Joyce Valcour, Anest McCarthy, Pat Bivins, Ava Parker, Marjoria Manning and Monique McCarthy.

Jacksonville (FL) Promotes GOTV Members of the Jacksonville (FL) Chapter supported the local American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) at tits recent voter empowerment forum, part of the ACLU’s “Let Me Vote” campaign. The Links took part in the Town Hall Event designed to inform the community through vigorous dialogue and discussions about overcoming newlycreated barriers to the ballot box. The event was held on Wednesday, October 3, 2012, at the Gateway Mall Supervisor of Elections office. Jacksonville was part of the nationwide ACLU campaign seeking to empower America’s most vulnerable voters by getting accessible, accurate information to them to prevent voting restrictions from getting in their way. Changes in Florida election laws

and procedures have made it more difficult for some Floridians to vote. These barriers include a 2011 law that makes it more difficult for people to register to vote and restricts early voting and voter address changes; a state law requiring photo ID at the polls; and new restrictions to the state’s process for restoration of civil rights for former felons. Portions of these laws have been challenged by groups including the ACLU of Florida. While some barriers have been lifted, these new policies threaten to exclude thousands of Floridians from participation in the voting process. The Forum was the culminating event in the local ACLU chapter’s commitment to increase voter participation and empowerment. Several local community leaders

participated as panelists at the “Let Me Vote” event including Duval County Asst. Public Defender: Melina Buncome, Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland, State Representative District 14 & Special Asst to Mayor Alvin Brown Mia Jones, League of Women Voters Jacksonville Chapter President Angela DeMonbreun, Jacksonville Area Legal Aid Attorney Jennifer Jerome, and House District 12 Candidate Karen Morian. The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida is freedom's watchdog, working daily in the courts, legislatures and communities to defend individual rights and personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.


Bold City (FL) Enlightens Links Academy Students on Leadership and STEM Education

Guest speaker Curtis Ricks shares some of the memoirs of his life including multiple degrees, military records, pilot’s license and DVDs from his film career.

by Marsha Oliver “I am responsible” is the title of one of several handouts disseminated to youth participating in the Bold City (FL) Chapter’s Links’ Leadership Academy opening session. The session was presented by the Services to Youth facet. “Responsibility is one of the most important traits you will use throughout your life,” said Curtis Ricks, a middle school math teacher who led a session on goals during the three-hour workshop held October 27, 2012, on a Jacksonville college campus. Ricks, who co-presented with a college admissions representative, walked the 30 young men and women through his educational career displaying his high school diploma, college degree, military awards and certifications. “Whether you are flying planes as I did while enlisted in

the Marines or playing football, math will be an integral part of your life,” said Ricks. “There are numerous careers available to persons who enjoy and have strong math skills…you should explore them.” Each of the students also participated in an assessment that helped them identify their areas of strength in a variety of leadership areas. Supportive, motivational, and excellence are a few of the categories that were followed by specific traits and characteristics for which they self-ranked. With their areas of identified strength, the youth teamed up with fellow classmates in a mock activity where they used various leadership roles to complete designated tasks. Five groups and activities were assembled. Destiny Poole, Treasurer for the mock “School Supply Drive” team, recommended to her group

that a fundraiser be held to collect money for printing, collection barrels and water. “How are we going to get people to bring supplies when we don’t have supplies to let them know we are having a drive?” Thought-provoking dialogue and interaction were held throughout the afternoon in the sessions. “We are so incredibly proud of our Leadership Academy students,” said Barbara Darby, President, Bold City Chapter of The Links. “They are demonstrating the type of skills and attitudes that will be critical to their lives and our communities…we are very fortunate to share in that development.” The Chapter will present 13 Saturday workshops throughout the year that include an international service project (pillowcase dresses); health; arts and etiquette for the two year program.

The Southern Area

Green Pages are Available

- Looking for expertise in a particular area?

Southern Area

GREEN PAGES Uniting the Southern Area through hobbies, interests and professions Eneid A. Francis 18th Southern Area Director

- Establish a new friendship with someone of a similiar hobby - Need advice on visting a particular city? - Can your chapter benefit from sisterly advice and experience?

Visit the 2012-2013 edition of the Southern Area Green Pages located on the Southern Area website, or by clicking here - GREEN PAGES


Jacksonville Chapters Join Forces for Breast Cancer Awareness Jacksonville, Fla. - The Bold City and the Jacksonville Chapters donned in their pink attire, demonstrated their sisterly love for each other and all women as participants in the annual Susan Komen race held on October 20, 2012, in downtown Jacksonville. Nearly a dozen members from both chapters walked in the 5K race, commemorating and honoring those affected by breast cancer. Bold City Chapter President Barbara Darby walked in celebration of Lois Gibson, a long-time Jacksonville Chapter Links’ member who has battled the disease. Participating Jacksonville area Links included (L-R) Following the walk, the Link Sisters joined together for Barbara Darby, Marsha Oliver, Anne Gayle, Sylvia a Victory Brunch where they enjoyed an afternoon of Perry, Rometa Porter, Gail Kenney, Majoria Manning, great food, fellowship and fun (as seen in photo on left).

and Marietta LeBlanc.

Fort Pierce (FL) Aids Victims of Fire Tragedy

Kathryn Wilson, Chapter Vice President, Elizabeth Jackson, Chapter President, present a check to fire victims Ramone and Latesha Morgan with Link members Shirley Atkins and Venda Burgess. When members of The Fort Pierce (FL) Chapter heard of the family of Ramone and Latesha Morgan’s tragic house fire, they were moved by compassion to make a difference. In the early morning hours of October 30, after her husband had gone to work and the couple's two children were in school, Latesha fell asleep and was awaken by a neighbor's loud screams and knocks on the bedroom window to her house engulfed in flames. Latesha made it out of the

burning house without harm. However, the young family's home, furniture, clothes, appliances, and other treasures were all burned and a young family pet lost its life. The Chapter presented the Morgans with a generous monetary contribution to assist them as they begin a fresh start and rebuild their lives. The Fort Pierce (FL) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated is committed to transforming lives and impacting community through its five program facets.


North Broward (FL) Chapter with honoree Xerona Clayton (center in green).

North Broward’s Women in Color Conference Features the Legendary Xerona Clayton South Florida’s women of color community leaders met this summer for the 2nd Annual Women of Color Empowerment Conference. The leadership conference was held at the newly built Urban League of Broward County in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The theme for the conference was “Building Relationships Uniting Leaders.” The conference featured presentations from top leaders in the fields of health care, law, corporate, government, non-profits, communications and technology. Organizations involved with planning the leadership conference included: The North Broward County (FL) Chapter, Broward County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; The Right Group and the Zeta Rho Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority.

The conference focused on educating and motivating dynamic women of color to more effectively lead organizations; launch effective campaigns and take full advantage of technology in today’s marketplace. There were various concurrent seminars throughout the day. This year, the conference luncheon speaker was nationally recognized speaker Xernona Clayton, President/CEO of the Trumpet Awards. Ms. Clayton is a former executive of Turner Broadcasting in Atlanta. Conference members also enjoyed famous jazz artist Simone (daughter of Nina Simone) who performed during the luncheon. The day ended with an inspirational presentation from Judy Smith, America’s #1 Crisis Management Expert and the inspiration behind the hit television show “Scandal.” The confer-

ence drew federal, state and local leaders. Florida Supreme Court Justice, Peggy Quince, was in attendance. The atmosphere was electric as leaders shared their success strategies as educators, CEO’s, CFO’s, Entrepreneurs and professionals from all areas. The goal of the conference was to build on the previous year’s mission of getting women prepared for elected and appointed offices. Several women who attended the conference last year ran for public office within the tri-county area. Conference Chair, Burnadette-Norris Weeks stated “The conference was a huge success and met all of our expectations. Knowledge is power and when we share it, the sky is the limit.”


St. Pete (FL) Takes Wellness to Heart

The St Petersburg Chapter (FL) celebrated October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As part of their monthly meeting for October, chapter members commemorated the observance of Breast Cancer Awareness month by wearing PINK attire to their chapter meeting. They continued their commitment to wellness by sponsoring a Health Forum as shown in the poster held by Nancy Bryant and Odessa Banks (left). The 15th Annual African-American Health Forum was held in conjunction with the chapter's Midtown Memorial Wellness Walk. The 2 mile walk/run is a symbolic activity to recognize those cancer survivors as well as remember those lost to this devastating disease.


Shown above are members of the St. Petersburg (FL) Chapter

St. Pete (FL) and Tampa (FL) Chapters Partner to Make Difference in Haiti In celebration of their respective 25th Anniversaries, members of the St. Petersburg (FL) and the Tampa (FL) Chapters partnered together and packed over 500 Survival kits for the Haitian Missionary Project at Le Petit Chaperon Rouge School in Croix-des- Bouquets, Haiti. The International Trends and Services Facet provides outreach to women and girls in Haiti who were affected by the devastating 2010 earthquake through the distribution of Women’s Survival Kits. At the recent 38th National Assembly, 4000 Links assembled over 10,000 bags. This initiative provides a direct and deliverable service to the Hait-

ian community. With the supplies needed for personal hygiene and daily living still difficult to secure, this initiative aims to rectify that by providing basic items needed to women and girls in Haiti. Each assembled kit contains fundamental items, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, soaps and washcloths. that are too often taken for granted, along with hopefully secure a sense of dignity in spite of circumstances. The timing of this shipment is critically necessary as the small island country was pummeled by Tropical Storm Isaac and the school suffered catastrophic damages. Local St. Petersburg

physician, Dr. Frederic Guerrier, accepted the truck full of supplies and will get them to Haiti as soon as possible. Established in 1946, The Links, Incorporated is one of the nation’s oldest and largest volunteer service organizations of women who are committed to enriching, sustaining and ensuring the culture and economic survival of African-Americans and other persons of African descent. The Links, Incorporated is an international notfor-profit corporation of accomplished, dedicated women who contribute more than 500,000 documented hours of community.


Fort (FL) Pierce on the Move

Fort Pierce Chapter of Florida members attending the 38th General Assembly in Orlando, Florida. STANDING: Jovita Williams, Sheila Wallace, Taunya Bryant, Candace Stone, Myrna Bridges, Tanisha Gary and Gloria Gary. SEATED: Elizabeth Jackson and Kathryn Wilson.

During this time of a critical election year, Deputy Supervisor of Elections, Ms. Kherri Anderson, along with the Ft. Pierce Links Chapter registered voters at their spring fashion show sponsored by the Ft Pierce Chapter.

The Fort Pierce Chapter partnered with local chapters of the NAACP to combine forces and resources to encourage voting in our comunities during the recent election. Both organizations have been involved in registering people to vote and providing information about the voting process. Shown above is Chapter President Elizabeth Jackson and President of the St. Lucie County chapter of the NAACP, Eddie Whitfield signing the agreement to work together.


Fort Pierce Expands Sisterhood by Three

Pictured are Link Elizabeth Jackson (Chapter President), with newly inducted Links Rashondia Gaines, Beverly Hinton and Lauren Gragg.

On June 3, 2012, the Fort Pierce (FL) Chapter inducted three new members. The chapter was excited to have the following new Links to join us in friendship and service: Rashondia Gaines, Lauren Gragg and Beverly Hinton. Rashondia Gains and Lauren Gragg are the daughters of Links Jovita Williams and LaBarbara Chenault, respectively. We look forward to their participation in the chapter.

Greater Miami Welcomes 14 Into Their Sisterhood This summer, the Greater Miami Chapter welcomed 14 new members into its circle of friendship. Among the new members were four daughters of Links (DOL). The new member induction ceremony and luncheon were held at the Four Seasons Hotel, and was led by 9th National President, Link Regina Jolivette Frazier. The Greater Miami Chapter's newest members are: Marcia Anderson, DOL Tori Anderson, Laila Brock, DOL Jessica McCrary Campbell, Tracey Robertson Carter, Eunice Davis, Sabrina Thomas Knight, Gepsie Metellus, Dr. Rozalyn Paschal, DOL Kamila Pritchett, Tracy Seaton, Monique Spence, DOL Nicole StrangeMartin and Annette Knowles Williams. In anticipation of their induction, this creative and forward-thinking group of women developed the "Pop-Up

Save the


Exposure: Links to Leaders in Entrepreneurship" program, which exposed high school children in the Greater Miami area to the process of product development, marketing and pitching their project ideas to their peers, and a panel of business leaders in the areas law, business and finance. The project culminated with a public unveiling and competition which was featured on several newscasts. The winners of the day's product concept competition received an iPad among other prizes. The Greater Miami Chapter extends open arms to these talented, diverse and brilliant women, and look forward to working with them as we continue to implement transformational programming, and expand friendship's chain.

Florida Links Day at the Capital Friday April 5, 2012


Hundreds of new and gently used bras were donated to be distributed through the Treasure Coast community. Link LaBarbara Chenault of Palm City, a breast cancer survivor, helped to spearhead this successful event.

Ft. Pierce (FL) Sponsors Donate a Bra Campaign The Fort Pierce (FL) Chapter asked the community toassist as they recognized October 2012 as Breast Cancer Awareness and Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Members, friends and supporters were asked to donate new or gently used bras to women’s shelters along the Treasure Coast.. There are some who may wonder “Who would The Fort Pierce Chapter wanted to demonstrate want a used bra?” Well, as one one brave woman their support for mothers, sisters, and daughters, put it, “I got out of violent situation with my life and who are breast cancer survivors or may be transi- my children’s lives and it may sound stupid, but I never thought to pack a bra.” tioning from a domestic violence situation.

Southern Area Chapters...

Effecting Change Through the Power of Friendship and Service


Azalea City Links Present Organ & Tissue Transplantation/Donation Symposium by Annie Gavin and Bunnie Jackson-Ransom ATLANTA, Ga. - In an effort to raise community awareness about the need for “gifts of life” through blood, bone marrow, organ and tissue donation, the Azalea City (GA) Chapter’s Health and Human Services Facet recently sponsored an Organ and Tissue Transplantation/Donation Symposium. The event was co-sponsored and hosted by the Cascade United Methodist Church. Titled “Share Life: Each One, Reach One,” the symposium was designed to increase the number of African Americans participating in donor programs by presenting information about organ/tissue donation and transplantation, including bone marrow and blood, in a theologically and scientifically sound environment. The symposium engaged the Cascade community in southwest Atlanta, and constituents from throughout the metropolitan area, in a dialogue that raised awareness of the need for blood, bone marrow, organ, and tissue donation in addition to celebrating organ and tissue donors and recipients. Dr. Marvin Moss, senior pastor at Cascade, provided a theological perspective about organ donations and transplantations, while Dr. Roderick Stevenson, a noted surgeon, provided perspective from a surgeon’s point of view. Other speakers included representatives from the American Red Cross; LifeLink; and the National Bone Marrow Donor Program. Siblings Michael and Jerome Russell head-

Link Annie Gavin, Chair of the Azalea City Chapter Health and Human Services Facet and Dr. Mackie Norris, Chair of the Cascade United Methodist Church Health and Wellness Committee.

lined the symposium and shared their personal testimonies as donor and recipient. Dr. Mackie Norris, Director of the Health and Wellness Ministry at Cascade United Methodist Church, and Link Annie Gavin, Chair of the Health and Human Services Facet, were cochairs of the symposium. There were 88 registrants which included 28 Links from Azalea City Chapter. The HHS facet is supporting the East Point Police Department along with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in collecting unused or expired medications which will be turned in on Saturday, September 29, 2012. All chapter members are strongly encouraged to bring their unused and/or expired medications to the chapter meeting on Saturday, September 8th. HHS member, Geneva Isom-Gibson, is an approved “collector” and is coordinat-

ing this effort. Also planned is the upcoming 4th Annual HBCU (Sickle Cell) Blood Drive that is being hosted this year by Spelman College on Wednesday, September 26th. Activities will include blood and platelet donations, sickle cell testing, bone marrow screening, and organ donation registration. Brenda Aiken is coordinating this effort. The Azalea City Chapter is led by Michele Scott Gandy, President, who stated, “Our chapter members supported this program with enthusiasm. We selected Cascade Church because so many of our members are members of this congregation and we appreciate the partnership between this faithbased organization and our chapter. This is an appropriate kick-off as we return to our 2012-2013 program year.”


The Magnolia Stars are shown at The Davidson House, home of the President of Morehouse College.

Front row (Magnolia Stars Oratorical Contest winners) L to R: 1st place Jamaya Powell; 2nd place Jasmine Woodard; 3rd place Dominique Sabir. Back row: Contest judge – Kimberly Hayes; Magnolia Chapter President Samra Coote; Contest judges – Link Vicki Lynn Crawford, Andra Hall; Links Candidates – Jada Samra Manggrum, Terri Vismale-Morris and Nicole Evans Jones.

Magnolia (GA) Inductees Foster Leadership Skills The Magnolia (GA) Chapter’s candidates for induction, Nicole Evans Jones, Jada Samra Manggrum and Terri Vismale-Morris, orchestrated and implemented an oratorical contest to meet their service project commitment for their May 5th induction. In conjunction with the Services to Youth Facet, the candidates selected the Magnolia Stars, 15 tenth grade students from the allgirls Coretta Scott King Young Women’s Leadership Academy in Atlanta, Ga., to participate in the competition. The Magnolia Academy was started in the 20092010 school year by the chapter and its’ program participants are called the Magnolia Stars. In an effort to foster and provide role models for the girls, the chapter began hosting activities with the students twice monthly to provide mentoring, leadership skills, self-respect, motivation, etiquette, health and wellness in addition to other skills necessary to become responsible participants in the world. The oratorical contest was designed to celebrate and embrace the theme of “Young, Black and Confident.” Nine Magnolia Stars participated displaying their writing and oratorical skills. The competition, which was a first for many of the participants, helped to instill confidence

and empowerment when speaking in front of an audience. The Stars were judged on their delivery, content, poise and effectiveness. Certificates were given to each participant and prizes were also awarded to the first place, (Jamaya Powell) second place, (Jasmine Woodard) and third place (Dominique Sabir) winners. The candidates held a reception following the contest with parents, judges and chapter members. As an integrated approach to prepare young women for the 21st century, the Magnolia Stars have been exposed to various activities and opportunities throughout the 2011-12 calendar year geared to promote the national programs of the Services to Youth Facet. Planned activities and workshops were centered on college preparation (including a college tour and writers’ workshop), decision-making, accomplishment of desired goals, health and wellness, etiquette and community service. The Stars’ culminating activity this year was a high tea held at the Davidson House, home of the President of Morehouse College, hosted by Magnolia Link Cheryl Franklin and the Services to Youth Facet Committee.


LaGrange (GA) Incorporates Simultaneous Walks to Expand Walk-A-Thon Message

LaGrange (GA) Walk-A-Thon participanting Links (L-R) Ruby Thomas, President Eula Carroll, Mary Anderso, Beverly HillJackson, Cecelia Dean, Alisha Marie Scott, O’Livia Meeks, and Vice-President Bessie Jackson.

The LaGrange (GA) Chapter recently celebrated the annual Walk-A-Thon with two simultaneous groups walking in separate parks on Saturday, September 15, 2012. The result of two seperate locations allowed the chapter to make more individuals aware of the organization and the work the LaGrange chapter is doing in the community. The chapter also brings their commitment to healthy living to their Link Sisters. Throughout their calendar year, members encourage each other to be mindful of the importance of regular exercise and nutritious diets so they can continue to be a benefit to their families, chapter, community and themselves through their service in The Links Incorporated.


Camel lia Rose ( GA) Rocks !

Jennifer Jones, Lourie Pelham. Pam Elliott, Joyce Murray and Chapter President Deborah Lott

Camellia Rose (GA) Hosts Back to School Dental Screenings The Camellia Rose (GA) Chapter conducted back-to-school dental screenings on September 5, 2012 at the Walter Young YMCA. Dr. Marla Coleman and Dr. Glenda Hall screened 162 pre-school students with the assistance of other Link Sisters who filled out assessment forms/report cards, stuffed gift bags for the children, assisted students to and from the Dental Van and kept the children engaged watching cartoon video’s on oral hygiene.

Chapter Kicks Off Youth Empowerment Program The Camellia Rose (GA) Chapter conducted the kickoff for their Youth Empowerment Program September 13th at Jean Childs Youth Middle School. After a brief program, Link sisters met students through a fun filled bonding activity. Students introduced each other and a Link sister to the group. The kickoff culminated with refreshments and time for students to talk to each other as well as to Link sisters. The chapter developed this Umbrella program to help students acquire and broaden their knowledge in the areas of financial responsibility, health issues, interpersonal re-

lationships, and self-esteem. The goal of the program is to help participating students increase their self-confidence and assist them in developing a skill set that will enable them to reach their full potential in school and their community. Twenty-two sixth grade students at Jean Childs Young Middle School have been selected by school staff to participate in the program. The students will learn about financial responsibility using The Operation Hope program. They will be ambassadors for The No Place for Hate Program, which the chapter will implement school-wide.

Students will learn to make healthy food choices as well as receive information on other health and wellness issues. Six character traits: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship will also be addressed. Chapter members will meet with students weekly from September through March. The culmination of the school-wide “No Place for Hate Program” will be held in May. Staff, parents, and students will then have an opportunity to evaluate the program and provide feed-back on its effectiveness.


Brunswick (GA) Chapter Presents “Pink Out Day” The Brunswick Chapter (GA) hosted a” Pink Out Day” for Breast Cancer Awareness on October 4, 2012, at the Glynn Place Mall. The four-hour event consisted of educational materials, mammogram screenings done by Southeast Georgia Health Systems Mobile Unit, and pink treats. Seven vendors set up display tables with giveaways and educational materials. Eighty-seven people signed the guest registry and participated in an educational dialogue with t h e ven-

dors. The vendors included the American Cancer Society, Veteran’s Administration, Bells for Remembrance, Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Area Agency on Aging, MOM’s Meals, Aging Disability Resource Connection, Community Care Services Program and Katharina’s Medical Therapy. All tables were beautifully decorated for the occasion. One gentleman wore a pink blazer and stated that he purchased it just for the Breast Cancer Awareness Day and enjoyed every compliment he received.

This community activity has become an annual outreach for the chapter and there are plans to continue to improve the event. Some of those in attendance are making plans to attend next year’s Breast Cancer Awareness “Pink Out” Day. Attendees were able to present their physician’s orders to the mobile unit and have mammogram screenings conducted on-site. In the future, more effort will be placed on encouraging women to obtain orders from their physician in advance of the event, as well as directing them to resources and waiver programs for breast cancer screening services. This program year, the Health and Human Services Facet Committee is targeting one disease each month to conduct outreach and education. The opportunity to raise awareness in the African American communities and educate others about diseases is one way to help eradicate these diseases.


Partnerships and 100% Chapter Suppport Earn Ponchartrain (LA) Chapter National Honors for Programming Best Practices

Sam Wing Cleaners in New Orleans has partnered with the Link Cathy Boveland (right) delivers food to Just the Right Pontchartrain Chapter to host a food drive in support of Just Attitude Food Bank in New Orleans. the Right Attitude Food Bank.

by Jinx Broussard Project LIFE, the Pontchartrain (LA) Chapter’s umbrella program, received Best Practices accolades during the National Convention this summer for the positive difference it is making in the New Orleans metropolitan area and in Haiti. Two years ago, the Pontchartrain Chapter adopted the Just the Right Attitude (JTRA) food bank, a tax exempt, non-profit organization, in New Orleans as the primary vehicle through which the members would impact hunger and poverty in the New Orleans metropolitan area. JTRA provides daily hot meals, weekly boxes of groceries and other services to individuals, families and residents of three senior citizen complexes free of charge. Annually, the JTRA food bank serves meals to thousands of individuals with more than 42,000 meals served in 2010 alone. Since September 2010, the

Pontchartrain Chapter has provided at least 3,000 pounds of food items directly from members. The chapter has also recruited 15 partner organizations to hold food drives for JTRA, further increasing the food that JTRA is able to provide to those in need in the New Orleans metropolitan area by 2,000 pounds. These partners constitute a diverse group of entities, including universities, governmental agencies, medical offices, businesses, and civic, service, and social organizations. The 5,000 pounds of food that the chapter and its partners have contributed allowed JTRA to provide more than 8,000 additional meals to those in need in the New Orleans metropolitan area. The international component of Project LIFE impacts hunger and poverty in Haiti. The Pontchartrain Chapter adopted the Hope for Haitian Children Foundation, a non-

profit organization that operates the Foyer Espoir Pour Les Enfants Orphanage and a day school for community children in Delmas, Haiti. The orphanage has 39 children; the school provides food and other services for an additional 76 children, for a total of 116 children. The Chapter has shipped shoes, clothing, backpacks, toiletries, vitamins, books, toys, and other necessities to children in the orphanage. To impact hunger, the Chapter also provided $1,000 to the Foundation for bulk food purchases. Project LIFE enjoys 100% participation by Pontchartrain Chapter members and intends to continue until the need no longer exists. Through Project LIFE, the Pontchartrain Chapter is combatting hunger and poverty and transforming lives by providing nourishing food to men, women, children and the elderly.


Tyson Family with portrait of Judge Ralph E. Tyson: (L-R) Todd Tyson, Kyra Tyson, Gia Landry Tyson, Chris Tyson, Link Patricia Tyson Eric Tyson, Link Jacqui Vines (President-La Capitale), Link Paula Clayton (Gala Chair and Vice President-La Capitale), and John Boudreau (Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge).

La Capitale (LA) Presents Wigs, Martinis & Bowties

Gala Committee: (L-R) Doris Dawson, Paula Clayton, Erma Hines. Back Row: Joyce Metevia, Arminta Bolden, Lois Holden, Lenell Young, Rebecca Cureau, Soundra Tem-

Silent Auction Committee (L-R) Doris Dawson, Paula Clayton, Erma Hines. Standing: Arminta Bolden and Rebecca Cureau.

The La Capitale (LA) Chapter presented their second annual Wigs, Martinis, and Bow Ties Gala, a benefit for Cancer Services of Greater Baton Rouge. The event was held at The Hartley/Vey Theatres, Shaw Center for the Arts on Friday, October 5. This year's event paid tribute to the late Connecting Link Judge Ralph Tyson, who succumbed to cancer in July 2011. The idea of an event to benefit individuals in cancer treatment was initiated and chaired by the late Link Lynn Dickerson, who succumbed to cancer before the 2011 Gala, which was dedicated to her memory. Wig stands representing the Gala's theme were decorated and arranged by eighth and ninth grade girls in the Mentorship Academy. Wigs contributed by members and guests will be donated to Cancer Services for women undergoing cancer treatment. John Boudreaux represented Cancer Services at the event, which was chaired by Paula Clayton along with committee members Arminta Bolden, Joyce Metevia, Lois Holden, Soundra Temple-Johnson, Belinda Barron, Ashley Shelton, Lenell Young, and Patricia Tyson. The Silent Auction Committee included Arminta Bolden, Rebecca Cureau, Erma Hines, and Doris Dawson, chair. Jacqui Vines serves as president of La Capitale Chapter.


Shown L-R: (Seated) Irene Mumford Tucker, Dianne Neal Brandon, President Brenda Birkett and Evelyn Robinson Tellis (Standing) Natalie Tellis Robertson, Billie Delpit Cunningham, Judy Johnson-White, Mauretta Elbert, Carolyn Carter Collins, Katrice Albert, Patricia Turner Robinson and Vivian L. Kerr.

Baton Rouge (LA) Contributes to Dress for Success

As a part of the national strategic focus of The Links, Incorporated on Women’s Issues and Economic Empowerment, the Baton Rouge Chapter, through the National Trends and Services facet, collected donations from members of dresses and business suits appropriate for interviews. The clothing was donated to the local branch of “Dress for Success,” a national organization that helps low income women find jobs. This project was coordinated by National Trends Chair, Carolyn Carter Collins and liaison Natalie Tellis Robertson. Featured in the photo are Links with part of the wardrobe collected at the September chapter meeting.

Crescent City Receives $20K to Advance STEM The Crescent City (LA) Chapter has been selected to receive a grant in support of STEM education to help eliminate the STEM academic achievement gap for students of color. The grant is made possible by the $250,000 grant award that The Links Foundation, Incorporated received from Chevron. The grant provides vital funding to enhance one of the key programs of The Links, Incorporated, "STEM - ULATING Left Brain and Right Brain." With a focus on stu-

dents from 6th to 12th grades, the program aims to enhance the current curriculum, emphasizing STEM disciplines, engineering and energy industry career readiness. The Links, Incorporated expects to reach approximately 1,200 students across the country with this academic enrichment. A key enhancement of the program is the incorporation of the NASA STEM Application Content. The content includes educational and professional development, as well as teacher training tools.

"The number for students of color in STEM related careers is significantly low due to a lack of access to sufficient STEM education," said Eddie Bernice Johnson, chair of the National STEM Career Readiness Initiative for The Links Incorporated. "Our STEM - ULATING Left Brain and Right Brain program helps to fill that void by providing students with opportunities to be exposed to and readied for STEM - related careers."


Baton Rouge Chapter (LA) Contributes to Jess’ Bra Closet

(L-R) Project Chair Pat Turner Robinson, and Lisa-Woodruff White, Cheryl Hall DeRouen, Irene Mumford Tucker, Geraldine Locks Roberts, Helen Hedgemon, President Brenda Birkett, Diane Neal Brandon, Charlotte Marcos Henderson, Mauretta Wailes Albert, National Trends Chair Carolyn Carter Collins, Katrice Albert, and Helena Cunningham. Ernise Singleton photo On October 20, the members of the Baton Rouge Chapter of The Links, Incorporated donated bras to Jess’ Bra Closet, a nonprofit organization that assists females in the Greater Baton Rouge area by providing free, quality undergarments through community support and outreach. This project was coordinated by National Trends Chair, Carolyn Carter Collins and liaison Pat Turner Robinson.

Sister Love:Baton Rouge (LA) Tributes a Legacy The Baton Rouge (LA) Chapter recently sponsored a table at the September 28th Women’s Week Kick-Off Luncheon. A highlight of the luncheon was the unveiling of the exhibit, Louisiana Women: The Story in Dress, which featured items donated by chapter member Irene Mumford Tucker from her late mother’s wardrobe . “When the time came to make decisions about her personal possessions, I came across several lovely designer

dresses packed away in layers of tissue paper. I could not bring myself to place them on the “Goodwill” pile. I remembered reading an article about the LSU Costume & Textile Museum accepting certain items that might be of historical value. I gathered the pieces up, took them to the museum and was so pleased that they had found a permanent home,” commented Link Irene. The donation led to African Pam Divinci, Curator of the LSU Textile & CosAmericans being included in tume Museum and Link Irene Mumford-Tucker the history of Louisiana Dress. with her mother’s semi-formal black dress and fur between them.


Crescent City (LA) Participates in Race for the Cure

More than a dozen members of the Crescent City (LA) Chapter participated in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure, Saturday October 20, at City Park on the Roosevelt Mall in New Orleans. The chapter walked and ran as a chapter in honor of Sister Links

Beverly Wright and Petrice Sams-Abiodun who were successfully treated for breast cancer earlier this year. Members were full of energy for the 3-mile race meeting bright and early at the survivors’ tent to complete the "Walking in Honor" signs. They also wore green bandanas and sun visors to complete their “Link look” Crescent City member Camille Whitworth emceed the race that had more than 10 thousand participants in all. The event was coordinated by Link Dottie Reese, past Komen Race Chair and now honorary board member, and Madlyn Bagneris. Under the auspices of the Health and Human Services Facet, the chapter has vowed to honor women who are stricken with cancer, those who fight it, and those who lost their lives. Their commitment includes standing participation in the race for many years to come. The Susan G. Komen Race For a Cure strives to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality of care for all and energizing science to find the cures. The overall vision is to have a world without breast cancer.

Children’s Defense Fund Honors Crescent City (LA)

Crescent City (LA) Chapter

The Crescent City (LA) Chapter received a big award in recognition of its dedication and deep involvement in the educational future of children. The Children's Defense Fund honored the Crescent City Chapter as a 2012 Beat the Odds Champion for Children at an awards ceremony at Xavier Univer-

sity in New Orleans, La. The program recognized the chapter for its success in helping to guide, advise and mentor young people who are overcoming tremendous obstacles in their lives. These young people go on to demonstrate personal and academic excellence and give back to

their communities. The Children's Defense Fund recognized the organization for many of its programs including the AMAP Program, International Student Day, efforts with combating childhood obesity, and educating young children of the risks and dangers of AIDS/HIV.


(L-R) Gailya Porter, Janice Mitchell, Frances Ashley, Gwen Taylor, Dorothy Thompson, Laquita Brown, Mavis James, Dorothy Stokes, Geraldine Chaney-Buie, Evelyn Johnson, Betty Mallett, and Theresa Green.

Jackson, Mississippi Links Walk for Sickle Cell Links chapters in the Jackson, Mississippi tri-county area joined together for a walk for the Sickle Cell Foundation. The Jackson (MS) and LeFleurs Bluff (MS) Chapters walked to raise awareness and presented a gift of close to $500 to assist the Sickle Cell Foundation in Jackson. Together, twenty-four Links walked more than 50 miles collectively for this worthy cause.

SAVE THE DATE 41st Southern Area Conference May 8-11, 2012 Hyatt Regency

Miami, Florida


Jackson (MS) Hosts Health Fair

L to R – Jackson-Hinds Comprehensive Clinic Staff pose with Links Geraldine Chaney-Buie, Mary Cox, Laquita Brown, and Mavis James. The Jackson (MS) Chapter held a successful Health Fair in October at Isable Elementary School in collaboration with the Jackson-Hinds Comprehensive Health Center. Approximately ninety-one (91) participants received health screenings. Two participants were encouraged to visit their primary physicians because their health measures were found to be at very critical levels. Each participant received the following screenings: glucose, blood pressure, BMI, stress level, cholesterol, and vision. Women participants were instructed on the proper techniques to use during selfbreast exams. Each participant re-

ceived gifts of tooth brushes, floss, other items and many helpful pamphlets on how to improve one's health. The Jackson Chapter matched Jackson-Hinds Comprehensive Health Clinic's donation of a $50 gift card to Wal-Mart. Eighteen Link chapter members participated and contributed to the tremendous success of the Health Fair. They include Links Ann Calhoun, Carolyn Hackett, Juanita Sims Doty, Irene Jones, Terryce Walker, Mary Cox, Janice Mitchell, Pam Banks, Letitia Johnson, Alisa Mosley, Evelyn Walker, Denise Owens, Geraldine Chaney Buie, Jasmine Chapman, Limmie Flow-

ers, Laquita Brown and Natille Duncan. The Jackson Chapter Program Coordinator is Limmie Flowers, Health and Human Services Facet Chair and Co-Chair, Geraldine Chaney Buie and Jasmine Renee Chapman. Dr. Jasmine Chapman is the Executive Director of the Jackson-Hinds Comprehensive Health Center and Dr. Geraldine Chaney Buie counseled each health care participant to give them recommendations regarding the results of their screenings. Dr. Josie Blake is the Principal of Isable Elementary, the school adopted by the Jackson, MS Chapter.


(L-R) Patricia Larkins-Hicks, Retreat Facilitator; Deborah Smith, Isable Liaison to Links, Dr. Josie Blake, Principal of Isable; Mavis James, Jackson Chapter President; Dr. Delores Bolden-Stamps, CoDirector National Programs and Ivye Allen, Vice-President of Jackson Chapter.

Jackson (MS) Receives National Guidance on Organizational Effectiveness at Annual Retreat Jackson, Miss - The Jackson (MS) Chapter got off to a great start for the 2012-2013 year as they held its “kick-off” retreat on Saturday, August 18th. Patricia Larkins-Hicks, National Co-Director of Organizational Effectiveness, for The Links, Incorporated, facilitated the day-long retreat. Mavis James, chapter president, provided motivational and inspirational opening remarks and gave the charge to the leadership and the membership. Delores Bolden Stamps, National Co-Director of Programs, introduced Link Hicks who is from Columbus, Ohio,

and is the author of the leadership development book, Be Your B.E.S.T. The Chapter’s Executive Board participated in a Leadership retreat as they were involved in activities centered around the theme, “How does B.E.S.T. increase leadership effectiveness”. Additionally, they established preferred practices in Member Engagement, Meeting Management and Balancing Friendship and Service. The chapter’s special guest for lunch was Dr. Josie Blake, Principal at Isable Elementary and Mrs. Deborah Smith, Isable Liaison to the Links

Chapter. Isable is the Jackson Chapter’s adopt-a-school and many of the service projects are implemented at the school with the children, teachers, parents and the surrounding community. Chapter members left the retreat rejuvenated, with a set of expected outcomes that will help to transform their chapter and their community. With the planning during the retreat, the Jackson (MS) Chapter will be able to have a greater community impact at Isable and in the City of Jackson.


Mississippi Delta (MS) Young LITES Program for Young Women Kicks Off New Year

Members of the newly chartered Mississippi Delta (MS) Chapter recently held orientation for the Young LITES (Ladies In Training for Excellence and Services) . As part of the new year’s launch, the girls were given backpacks and crocks. This session was held following the signing of the 2012-13 Memorandum of Understanding with Principal Edwin Robinson, formalized W. A. Higgins’ partnership with the Mississippi Delta (MS) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated. As an interest group known as the North Delta Connection, the chapter designed Young LITES, a comprehensive mentoring program to serve middle school girls, as their signature umbrella service program. Their service area includes several counties in the Northwest region of Mississippi referred to as the “Mississippi Delta”.

However, due to local dynamics and identified needs, a decision was made to launch the program in Clarksdale, Mississippi, which is in Coahoma County. W. A. Higgins Middle School with an enrollment of 100% Black students and a high poverty level was selected as the partnering school. Twenty-five 6th grade girls participated in program activities throughout the last school term. With the Services to Youth Facet serving as the lead facet, an umbrella approach was used to craft transformational programming pursuant to relevant data driven issues. Working collaboratively with the other four facets, the following goals were established to ensure the effectiveness of the Young LITES program: • Improve participants’academic performance.

• Increase participants’ understanding and knowledge of local and global environment issues that affect their health and safety. • Improve participants’ understanding and practices of appropriate school behavior, healthy life choices’ financial literacy, and social/emotional interactions. • Improve participants’ knowledge and understanding of civic and cultural awareness. Following their induction as the Southern Area’s 78th chapter, the membership of the Mississippi Delta (MS) Chapter will continue to work in collaboration with community partners to engage the Young LITES in meaningful activities throughout the upcoming school year.

North Carolina

Triangle Park (NC)

Friendship Luncheon Unites Three Chapters for Friendship Month

Raleigh Park (NC)

Durham (NC)

On Saturday, November 10, 2012, the Triangle Park (NC) Chapter hosted the Eighth Annual Friendship Luncheon at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Cary, NC. In keeping with the National designation of November as Friendship Month, the Friendship Luncheon is an event that is shared among three area Links Chapters: Durham (NC), Raleigh (NC) and Triangle Park The three chapters alternate hosting the Friendship Luncheon. This year the Triangle Park Chapter served as hostesses. Triangle Park President Marguerite Peebles, emceed the event. Greetings were provided by Shirley Wilkins-Nimmons, President of the Raleigh Chapter, and Desiree Palmer, Vice President of the Durham Chapter as designee for President Faye Tate-Williams. The Link sisters enjoyed each other’s company as they partook of icebreakers, games, prizes, and a scrumptious meal. In addition, a highlight of the afternoon was the Links Friendship Ceremony which was facilitated by Marcia Hobgood. The Friendship Luncheon was chaired by Stellyne Curtis and Norma Petway of the Triangle Park Chapter.

South Carolina

The Orangeburg (SC) Sponsors “Links to a Healthy Lifestyle: Stimulating the Whole Child: Mind, Body, and Soul” Believing that that the health of African-American youth is central to improving the well-being of families and thriving communities, the Orangeburg (SC) Chapter along with its partners – Orangeburg School District V, the Council on Childhood Obesity Prevention, Claflin University, South Carolina State University, Clemson Extension Service, Project Life Positeen, the Regional Medical Center, the Department of Health and Environmental Control, the Orangeburg Branch of the NAACP, personal trainers, and theOrangeburg Area Development Center, the site of the program-- recently sponsored thirty-one boys and girls in grades 3-5 in a five week program with the goal of increasing education about the importance of eating a healthy diet and regular exercise. Partial funding for the operation of the program came from a mini grant from The University of South Carolina, Institute for Partnerships to Eliminate Health Disparities. Inkind and other funding were provided by the Community Action

Board, the James Broadus Jamerson VFW Post 8166, medical personnel, politicians, and the chapter. The participants were identified and recruited through collaboration with Orangeburg School District V and the Orangeburg Area Development Center. According to Mrs. Carolyn Louis, Activity Director, “Links to a Healthy Lifestyle: Stimulating the Whole Child: Mind, Body, and Soul” is designed as a long-range program with implementation through 2014. The summer program served as a pilot for assessment purposes with full implementation in the fall 2012. Mrs. Brenda Jamerson, Chapter Program Coordinator, said that the program utilized recognized and published workshop materials on Obesity Prevention, and the presenters were experts in their respective fields. The activities included “Step into STEM,” which focused on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics activities designed to prepare youth to succeed in the 21st Century work force, promote early literacy, and

close the economic gap. Art activities were included to provide a better understanding of the food pyramid or plate; activities to increase awareness of civil behavior and age appropriate conflict resolution in an effort to reduce incidents of peer-to-peer bullying and harassment. There was alsp daily physical activities including aerobics, walking, running, Zumba, and various games that allow for physical exertion. Dr. Gloria McCutcheon, Chapter President, stated that according to DHEC statistics, 67% of adults in our state are either overweight or obese, and 57% of high school and 48% of middle school students are not active for at least 60 minutes a day. Statistics for Orangeburg County are even more disturbing with 73% of adults overweight or obese. These statistics and the focus on eliminating childhood obesity by the national Links organization and Mrs. Obama’s “Let’s Move” Campaign were the catalysts for implementing this program for Orangeburg’s young people.

South Carolina

Columbia (SC) Awards Thousands in Mini Grants to Educators The Columbia (SC) Chapter recently awarded its annual $1,000 Mini-Grant Awards for Educators. Teachers, principals and paraprofessionals in Richland County School Districts One and Two.were eligible for the award. The theme for 20122013 is “HEALTHY LIFESTYLES.” All grant proposals from the awardees focused on increasing skills needed to promote healthy eating and lifestyle choices for students. The program is designed to fund field trips, special projects, and resource materials/supplies for teachers of students. The funds may also be used to purchase fruits, vegetables and garden supplies...

SEATED L-R: Emma Ball, Teacher, Adrian D. Sampson, School Counselor, Selina Latimore, Principal of John P. Thomas Elementary School and Charnice Starks Ray, Teacher.; STANDING: Meghan Walker, Esq., Doris Leevy Johnson, Dr. Janet Mason, Mary Miller McClellan, Chapter President and Sylvia Jackson, Committee Chairperson.

Charleston (SC) Recognized on Facebook

This year’s awardees are Emma Ball, Columbia High School; Freddie Harrell, John P. Thomas Elementary School: and Adrian D. Sampson, Caughman Road Elementary School; and Charnice Starks Ray, WJ Keenan High School According to the chapter president, Mary Miller McClellan, “the Columbia (SC) Chapter is proud of its role in childhood obesity prevention. Education and early intervention are essential to helping families combat potential obesity problems.” Founded in 1952, the chapter is celebrating its 60th anniversary. For additional information, please visit the chapter’s website:

South Carolina

Charleston (SC) Chapter Adds Three New Members

Charelston (SC) Chapter Three new members were inducted into the Charleston (SC) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated. Dr. Erika T. Brown, Director of the Division of Institutional Informatics in the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs & Provost at MUSC; Dr. Cheri L. Franklin, internal medicine physician, Charlestowne Internal Medicine, Roper St. Francis Healthcare and Cicely McCray, school liaison officer, US Air Force, Department of Defense, Joint Base Charleston joined the thirty-nine member chapter. Link Erika, a native of Atlanta, GA, has been a member of the fac-

ulty at MUSC since 2004. In addition to her position as Director of the Division of Institutional Informatics, Dr. Brown also serves as an assistant professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine where she specializes in breast cancer research. Link Cheri is a native of Georgetown, SC,who has been employed by Roper St. Francis Healthcare since 2010 and also serves as a consultant/attending physician for Care Improvement Plus/XL Home; consultant to Ahava Hospice and associate medical director with CarePro Hospice.

Link Cicely, a native of Dayton (OH), has been employed as the school liaison officer for the US Air Force, Department of Defense, Joint Base Charleston for three years. Joint Base Charleston, comprised of the Charleston Air Force Base and the Naval Weapons Station, merged on October 1, 2010. She is currently working on writing/publishing her first book which is a collection of original prose, poetry, tributes and original stories. The chapter is proud to welcome the new sisters into their friendship circle.

South Carolina

Shown above is Chapter President Mary Miller McClellan flanked by scholarship recipients and the chapter’s scholarship comittee.

Columbia (SC) Awards Scholarships to Area Youth The Columbia (SC) Chapter recently awarded its 2012 Links Scholarship recipients. The students selected to receive their scholarship are among Amer-

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the fall; Niya Anderson, a graduate of Lower Richland High School will enroll in the Honors College at Claflin University in August 2012; Franshawn Mack, a graduate of Lower Richland High School will enroll in South Carolina State University and Aleya Faulks, a graduate of Dreher High School will matriculate at the University of South Carolina/Columbia. Certificates of congratulations were presented to all of the recipients. The Links Scholarship Committee was chaired by Lorin Palmer and co-chaired by Jill Davis. To learn more about the programs and activities of the Columbia Chapter, please visit its website at

The Columbia Chapter was founded in 1952 and is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. ica’s best and brightest and have all demonstrated exceptional achievement and academic excellence. Chapter members met and honored the scholarship recipients at an elegant celebration luncheon at the Capital City Club in Columbia. The 2012 Columbia Links Scholar recipient’s are: Nathanial Abraham III, a graduate of W.J. Keenan High School, who will attend

In Memoriam

O u r M i s s i n g R o se s June Our Link sister Louise G. Hart, Asheville (NC) Chapter passed June 1, 2012. Link Louise was a charter member of the Asheville (NC) Chapter in 1988. She will be missed, but her contributions are lasting memories.

mourns the loss of Ruby Mason Gaylor as she passed on July 2, 2012.

(MS) Chapter transitioned on October 27, 2012. Link Buckley will be missed and may she rest in peace.

The Jacksonville (FL) Chapter is saddened by the loss of Betty Asque Davis. Link Davis vibrant spirit touched many and will be greatly missed.

The West Palm Beach (FL) Chapter is saddened by the passing of Elizabeth A. Taylor. Link Elizabeth passed on October 9, 2012.

The Charleston (SC) Chapter is saddened by the loss of MaeDe Esperanza Myers Brown. Link Brown passed on July 8, 2012.

Alumna member of the Baton Rouge (LA) Chapter Link Barbara Wells transitioned on October 28, 2012. May she rest in peace.

Charter member Link Theresa Prince Williams of the Vicksburg (MS) passed June 29, 2012. Link Williams had been a member for 27 dedicated years.

Baton Rouge (LA) Chapter mourns the loss of Barbara Clanton as she transitioned on July 17, 2012.

Our Link sister Joy San Walker Brown, Atlanta (GA) Chapter has transitioned and October 25, 2012. She will be missed, but her contributions will be remembered.

July Link Hallie Perry of the Columbus (SC) Chapter passed in July 2012. She will greatly be missed and may we keep her and her family in our prayers.

The Montgomery (AL) Chapter chain has been broken with the loss of Thelma McWilliams Glass as she transitioned on July 24, 2012. Link Glass’s will and spirit will be forever cherished.

Links Karen Moore of the DogwoodCity (GA) Chapter and Robin Alston of the Metro-Manhattan (NY) Chapter mourn the loss of their mother, Link Barbara Moore. Link Barbara Moore of the Durham (NC) Chapter and our 12th Southern Area Director served unconditionally on various committees throughout Linkdom. Her spirit, service, and friendship will be missed.

Words of condolences to the Birmingham (AL) Chapter for the loss of platinum member Dixie Gardner Harris; mother of alumna member Tamara Harris Johnson. Link Harris passed July 31, 2012.

Link Vivian Giles Chambers of the Charlotte (NC) Chapter transitioned June 2012. May Link Chambers rest in peace.





Clemmie Webber of the Orangeburg (SC) Chapter passed July 25, 2012. She will be missed and may she rest in peace. October Cozetta Buckley of the Jackson

November Link Rubye Bull, inducted in the Spartanburg (SC) Chapter and Alumna member of the St. Petersburg (FL) Chapter transitioned November 11, 2012. May Link Bull rest in peace. Link Thelma Angelthy of the Natchez (MS) Chapter was laid to rest and will be missed. She was a past president and was loved and respected by her chapter. The Tallahassee Chapter (FL) Chapter morns the loss of Francis R. Thomas. Link Thomas passed this month at the beautiful age of 91. May she rest in peace.

As a pledge for my administration, we will have an open door policy for all Links. The Executive Committee is here to discuss everything from membership issues and facet questions to grant writing and protocol. If you have a question or concern for any member of the leadership team, feel free to contact us. Eneid

Southern Area Exec. Committee Directory Vice Director

Chair, Programs

Tamara Y. Lee Tuskegee (AL) Chapter

Daisy R. Walker Charlotte (NC) Chapter

Area Director: Eneid A. Francis Pontchartrain (LA) Chapter (H) 504.284.3660 (F) 877.284.3660

Chair, The Arts

Chair, Communications Sylvia Perry Bold City (FL) Chapter

Karyn M. Combs Pensacola (FL) Chapter

Chair, National Trends & Services

Chair, Health & Human Services

Chair, Conference & Event Planning

Janice R. Nelson Bold City (FL) Chapter

Denise M. Cooper Savannah (GA) Chapter

Cori M. Brock Pontchartrain (LA) Chapter

Ruth H. Terrell Fayetteville (NC) Chapter


Chair, Legislative Issues, Public Affairs and Disaster Relief

Secretary Anne T. Herriott Miami (FL) Chapter


Rosalind Fuse-Hall Tallahassee (FL) Chapter

Chair, Nominating Committee Ophelia Nicholson Shreveport (LA) Chapter

Southern Area Rep. The Links Foundation, Inc. Bessie Isom Greater Mobile (AL) Chapter

Financial Secretary Charlotte Henderson Baton Rouge (LA) Chapter

Assistant Chair, Programs Mignon Breaux Early Greenville (SC) Chapter

Marguerite Archie-Hudson Charleston (SC) Chapter

Chair, Services to Youth Brenda T. Jamerson Orangeburg (SC) Chapter

Education Linkage Lucinda R. Sullivan Augusta (GA) Chapter

Chair, International Trends & Services Sharlyn Wilson Smith Nassau (Bahamas) Chapter

Chair, Ethics and Standards Selma Robinson-Ayers St. Petersburg (FL) Chapter

Chair, Protocol June W. Michaux Durham (NC) Chapter

Chair, Rituals

Chair, Organizational Effectiveness

Juanda F. Maxwell Selma (AL) Chapter

Faye Hargrove Augusta (GA) Chapter

Chair, Technology

Chair, Archives Kimberly Sweet LeFleur’s Bluff (MS) Chapter

Chair, Awards and Recognition Maxine Smith Charleston (SC) Chapter

Melissa Adams Bold City (FL) Chapter

Chair, Vendors Natille E. Duncan Jackson (MS) Chapter

Southern Area Communications Team REGION 1


JOY WALLACE St. Pete (FL) Florida, S. Carolina and the Bahamas




La Capitale (LA)

Jackson (MS)

Louisiana and Georgia

Miss., N. Carolina and Alabama




CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS We encourage you to submit your information by the 20th of the month for inclusion in future issues. Information can be sent from chapter members as well as Chapter Communications Chairs to their regional chair shown above. Members of the Area Communications Team are in contact with their region’s chapter Communications Chairs to ensure a channel of communication is maintained. Be in the Advantage 1. Stories/articles on your various programs - Please submit QUALITY high resolution photographs in .jpeg or .bmp format and details surrounding your program. If there are less than five people in the picture, please include names (L-R) for EVERYONE (including

children) on the photo. “Cell phone” quality photos will not be published/accepted. 2. Upcoming dates. Is your chapter celebrating an anniversary, hosting a KENYONN DEMPS fundraiser or having a special event? Jacksonville (FL) Share the news with your sisters! You Features and never know just who may come. Please Special Projects be sure to include a contact number and email address for more information. 3. Post-event information. After your special events, please feel free to share your photos and details. 4. Going Places. Have you recently received a promotion? Celebrated a significant milestone? Getting married? Graduating? Expecting? Elected to public office? Retiring? We want to know! SYLVIA PERRY Share with your Area sisters as we join Bold City (FL) in celebrating your accomplishment. Chair

EDITOR’S NOTE Hello my Sisters! I hope you have enjoyed our fall issue of The Advantage. The Southern Area's Communications Team has worked very hard to provide quality, informative publications for our sisters and we hope it shows. Unfortunately, due to the preparation required for our Leadership Summit, we were unable to bring you this edition any sooner. In the course of a year, your team has brought you eight issues of the Advantage, the inaugural edition of the Green Pages and a custom Southern Area Datebook. For each of us in the world of Links, the legacy of friendship and service can be a labor of love. With successful careers, family obligations and other responsibilities, we continue to work within our chapters to contribute to our communities. Within this realm, we find our sense of purpose. That same realization is what fuels us year after year, to rededicate ourselves to Linkdom. Ideally, it's almost like an inner passion shared with others, that you know you made a difference in someone's day or even life. Sooner or later, attending your meetings along with achieving your 48 service hour requirement, are an integrated part of your life. Most of my dearest friends are my Link sisters, and with much admiration I can say together, we make things happen. I look at their talents and contributions and am proud to call them my sisters. As we embark on a new beginning in 2013, take a moment to reflect on your Links' sense of purpose, exhale and smile. If you don't feel you have a purpose - find one. Like most things in life, the more you put into something, the more you will get back from it. The ride is not always easy, but the journey is a special one you can be proud of. Happy Holidays, Sylvia Perry

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