Electron B4500 TO B4511 B4511
Design Production & Trading of Educational Equipment
ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) -ITALY TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 08/00 Specifications may change without notice
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File LEAFLET B450x
General: This trainer is a useful aid for the demonstration and study of the characteristics of various types and conditions of transmission lines. The simulator consists of two associated signalprocessing chains, each one working on opposite directions of the line. This allows the unit to realistically reproduce the behavior of an actual transmission line, while having the advantage that the major transmission parameters can be controlled, for improved didactic efficiency. Each signal-processing chain consists of a socalled “Bucket-Brigade” arrangement of charge-storing cells. Each one passes its charge to the next on a common clock signal command. The simulated line is sub-divided into 12 equallength segments. Each segment is provided with BARGRAPH Led indicators, which display the actual algebraic sum of two signal voltages related to the two transmission directions. This is the signal level at that particular point in the line.
Features: – – –
Selectable frequency Clock Generator, used to simulate different line propagation times and lengths (L, 2L, 8L). HOLD key, for manual operation in steps, for specific testing purposes. Sine wave and pulse test signal generator, with adjustable frequency, width and amplitude. The frequency range for the sine section is from 0,1Hz to 20Hz (approx).
Attenuation control which is continuously adjustable to simulate lines with different characteristics. Termination elements are available, and can be connected by jumper cables to the line output, to allow the study of various conditions:
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Matched termination (600 ) Short-circuit link Logarithmic potentiometer (4.7k ) Capacitive loads (100µF). On-board power supply unit for the internal circuits. The panel is available for AC mains ratings of 125, 220 to 240V, 50 or 60Hz (please specify when ordering).
Study topics: – – – – – –
Propagation in a transmission line Attenuation, dispersion, reflection Behavior of a line in different load conditions: matched, open, shortcircuited etc. Standing waves. SWR measurement Resonance Use of the line as an impedance transformation element.
The trainer comes complete with a cable and accessories kit and an extensive instructions manual. ORDERING CODE: B4500
ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) -ITALY TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 08/00 Specifications may change without notice
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File LEAFLET B450x
General: This trainer allows the investigate and study of all the aspects of propagation of electrical waves along coaxial transmission lines. The B4510 is similar in conception to the B4511, which deals with cable pair lines, but covers the subject of coaxial lines. The study subjects allowed by the two are also similar. The examination of these two panels allows the student to gain a complete view of the use, characteristics and limitations of the two transmission media. The panel consists of a 100m long coaxial cable, which is sub-divided in four separate 25m long trunk sections. Each section can be studied separately or interconnected, to produce lines of different lengths. The panel also includes two wire-wound potentiometers (100 ), which can be used to create various load conditions for the line.
The clear component layout synoptic and rugged construction renders this unit particularly ideal for the most demanding of classroom conditions.
Features: Features: – – – – –
100m long coaxial line Four inter-connectable 25m sections Two wire wound potentiometers BNC and 2mm jack sockets Nominal line impedance 50
Study topics: – – – – – – –
Characteristic impedance Attenuation Attenuation versus frequency Impedance Standing waves Phase velocity and phase delay Propagation of pulses along the line
The B4510 panel comes complete with a connection cable kit and extensive instructions manual. Ordering code: B4510
ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) -ITALY TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 08/00 Specifications may change without notice
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File LEAFLET B450x
cularly ideal for the most demanding of classroom conditions.
This trainer allows the investigate and study of all the aspects of propagation of electrical waves along cable pair transmission lines. The B4511 is similar in conception to the B4510, which deals with coaxial lines, but covers the subject of cable pair lines.
Note that while the B4510 consists of an actual coaxial transmission line, the B4511 is a line simulator. The behaviour of each cable pair trunk is simulated by electronic components, which eliminates the need to use bulky and impractical real lines and facilitates the use of the panel in the classroom. The B4511 contains two simulated line models, each one consisting of 3 sections. Each section of the panel can be studied separately or interconnected, to produce complex lines. The examination of these two panels allows, the student to gain a complete view of the use, characteristics and limitations of the two transmission media. The clear component layout synoptic and rugged construction renders this unit parti-
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Cable-pair line, 0.9mm diameter, copper, subdivided in 3 pieces of 0.85, 1.7, 0.85km length. Twisted-pair line, 0.4mm diameter, tinned copper, subdivided in 3 pieces, same lengths as for the first model. The panel includes 2 loading coils Set of line terminating resistors
Study topics: – – – – –
Balanced lines Characteristic impedance Attenuation Attenuation versus frequency Use of the loading coils
The B4511 panel comes complete with a connection cable kit and extensive instructions manual.
Ordering code: B4511
ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) -ITALY TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 08/00 Specifications may change without notice
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File LEAFLET B450x