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Design Production & Trading of Educational Equipment


ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) ITALY - TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 07/04 Specifications may change without notice

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ets A3110COM and A3110COS that are optional and must be ordered specifically, are supplied in a strong storage box:

This kit is designed for a comprehensive training in constructing different types of AC motors. An instruction manual describing the assembling and testing procedures is supplied with the kits.

3 phase squirrel cage motor 3 phase squirrel cage 4 poles motor 2 speed motor motor (2/4 poles) motor Single phase motor

The components for constructing the following motors, with the exception of the consumables






Motors included 3 Phase Squirrel Cage 2 poles 3 Phase Squirrel Cage 4 poles 2 Speed Motor (2/4 poles) Single Phase Motor 3 Phase Squirrel Cage 2 poles 3 Phase Squirrel Cage 4 poles Single Phase Motor Star-Delta starter kit 3 Phase Squirrel Cage 2 poles 3 Phase Squirrel Cage 4 poles 2 Speed Motor (2/4 poles) Single Phase Motor 3 Phase Squirrel Cage 2 poles 3 Phase Squirrel Cage 4 poles 2 Speed Motor (2/4 poles) Single Phase Motor 3 Phase Squirrel Cage 2 poles 3 Phase Squirrel Cage 4 poles 2 Speed Motor (2/4 poles) Single Phase Motor

Power Requirements A4220SK A4220SK4 A4224SK A4232SK A4220SK A4220SK4 A4232SK A4220ASK A4220ASK4 A4224ASK A4232ASK A4220MK A4220MK4 A4224MK A4232MK A4220AMK A4220AMK4 A4224AMK A4232AMK

220/380V, 3 Phase, 50Hz, approx. 200W (300W on request) (*) 220/380V, 3 Phase, 50Hz, approx. 200W (300W on request) (*) 127/220V, 3 Phase, 60Hz, approx. 200W (300W on request) (**) 220/380V, 3 Phase, 50Hz, approx. 1000W (*) 127/220V, 3 Phase, 60Hz, approx. 1000W (**)


230/400V or 240/415V available on request. Speed approx. 3000rpm (2poles), 1500rpm (4poles). (**) Speed approx. 3600rpm (2 poles), 1800rpm (4poles).

ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) ITALY - TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 07/04 Specifications may change without notice

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OPTIONAL UNITS A3110COS Consumables for A3110S / AS A3110COS A3110COM Consumables for A3110M / AM TS Set of Special Tools 20TS A3120 A3120 A3110CA Coupling Accessories Composed by a half coupling joint and all required hardware to mount the motors on the coupling base (or on the universal coupling base, to be specified when ordering).

They are necessary to couple the motors to other electrical machines or brakes. A3110EB Educational motor board set RELATED TRAINING UNIT A33 Training Module for Testing Assembled Motors and Transformers

Photo of the Kit A3110S3

ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) ITALY - TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 07/04 Specifications may change without notice

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A3110COS A3110COS – CONSUMABLES FOR MOTOR KIT The pictures below show the consumables that aloe the construction of the motors of the kits A3110S/A3110AS.

The copper wire is sufficient for rewinding each motor ten times. The remaining accessories can be reused each time.

Three Phase, 4 Poles

Three Phase, 2 Poles

Single Phase,


Copper wire of 3 sizes

A3110COM A3110COM – CONSUMABLES FOR MOTOR KIT The same as A3110COS, but suitable for the construction of the motors of the kits A3110M/A3110AM.

ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) ITALY - TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 07/04 Specifications may change without notice

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A3110EB – EDUCATIONAL MOTOR BOARD SET The educational boards are designed to convey the internal logic of the motors by showing rotors, stators and windings printed on their faces. In this manner the student can understand the scope and consequences of the connections he is performing.

The connections take place through 4 mm safety connectors The picture below shows connection boards for three phase squirrel cage motors (on the sides) and single phase motor (center)

ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) ITALY - TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 07/04 Specifications may change without notice

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A3110SL MOTOR KITS TRAINERS SLIDES Following are the descriptions of 30 slides taken while winding a three phase, 4 poles asynchronous motor with 24 pits, coil step 6-8 and 2 overlapping coils. While showing them prior to practical activities the instructor, by pointing out actual construction details and procedures, can offer comments and suggestions thus improving considerably his teaching effectiveness in a very productive manner since he can address large groups of students simultaneously. SLIDES 1. Setting of insulation in motor pits 2. Insulation of coil terminals. Fastening and initial coil shaping 3. Inserting first coil (s=6 one side only) and sealing of pit with insulation 4. Fitting of second coil (s=8 one side only) and sealing of pit with insulation 5. Shaping of first coils and making room for second 6. Insulation of first coils where they will overlap with the second 7. Inserting second coils (first side) 8. Inserting second coils (completion). Inserting will be repeated for the following ones 9. Shaping of second coils and making room for the following ones 10. Insulation of coils where they will overlap with the following ones 11. Fitting of last coils, the first (second side) are bent to allow fitting of the last ones 12. Tying (side without connections) 13. The winding is tied and shaped (side without connections) 14. Preparing the terminals (connections side)

15. Shaping of coils (connections side) 16. Beginning of tying (side without connections) 17. Tying (side without connections) 18. The winding is tied and shaped (side without connections) 19. Preparing the terminals (connections side) 20. Shaping of coils (connections side) 21. Preparing for connections: . curled and bent terminals = phase beginnings . curled and vertical terminals = phase ends . free terminals = to be connected in series 22. Preparing connections for soldering 23. Soldering of connections 24. Insulation of connections: . left wires = phase beginning . right wires = phase ends 25. Prepare for tying (connections side) 26. Beginning of tying (connections side) 27. Winding's check and shaping 28. Winding's final shaping 29. The winding is ready for insulation test before impregnation 30. The winding is ready for impregnation with insulation paint

ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) ITALY - TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 07/04 Specifications may change without notice

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A3120 - TRANSFORMER KITS TRAINER This kit is designed for a comprehensive training in constructing different types of transformers. An instruction manual describing the assembling and testing procedures is supplied with the kits.

consumables sets A3120COS and A3120COM that are optional and must be ordered specifically, are supplied in a strong storage box: phase e transformer Single phas Three phase transformer

The components for constructing the following transformers, with the exception of the TECHNICAL AND ORDERING INFORMATION Kit Model N. A3120S (*) A3120AS (*) A3120M (**) A3120AM (**)

Single Phase Transformer A4110SK

Primary Voltage (***) 2 x 110V

Secondary voltage (***) 220V + 160V

Three Phase transformer

2 x 110V

2 x 190V

Single Phase Transformer A4110ASK

2 x 63.5V

127 + 93V

Three Phase transformer

2 x 63.5V

2 x 110V

Single Phase Transformer A4110MK

2 x 110V

220 + 160V

Three Phase transformer


2 x 110V

2 x 190V

Single Phase Transformer


2 x 63.5V

127 + 93V

Three Phase transformer


2 x 63.5V

2 x 110V

Transformers included



(*) Nominal Power approx. 200W (**) Nominal Power approx. 1000W (***) Other voltages can be supplied on request

Transformer kit components in carrying case

ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) ITALY - TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 07/04 Specifications may change without notice

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OPTIONAL UNITS A3120COS Consumables for A3120S / AS A3120COM Consumables for A3120M / AM A31TS Set of Special Tools A3120EB Educational Board Set of terminal boards to be mounted on the motors, equipped with 4 mm safety plugs and a clear synoptic to show the possibility, where

applicable, to make different combinations of winding connections. RELATED TRAINING UNIT A33 Training Module for Testing Assembled Motors and Transformers

A3120COS – CONSUMABLES FOR TRANSFORMER TRANSFORMER CONSTRUCTION The pictures below show the consumables that allow the construction of the transformers of the kits A3120S/A3120AS. The following material is sufficient for winding each transformer 10 times: Copper wire of suitable sections Insulated paper and tubes Carrying cases

A3120COM A3120COM – CONSUMABLES FOR TRANSFORMER CONSTRUCTION The same as A3120COS, but suitable for the construction of the transformers of the kits A3120M/A3120AM.

ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) ITALY - TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 07/04 Specifications may change without notice

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A3120SL TRANSFORMERS KITS TRAINERS TRAINERS SLIDES Following are the descriptions of 16 slides taken to show the steps necessary to build a transformer. While showing them prior to practical activities the instructor, by pointing out actual construction details and procedures, can offer comments and suggestions thus improving considerably his teaching effectiveness in a very productive manner since he can address large groups of students simultaneously. SLIDES 1. Shown are the components of a single phase transformer (on the left) and a three phase transformer (on the right). Not shown is the copper wire which is not part of the kits. It can be noted that the bobbins are slotted and therefore do not require drilling of the holes for the wire. 2. The bobbin is mounted on the winding machine (a typical production machine is shown here) and the copper wire is threaded through the first bobbin slot. 3. The end of the copper wire is secured to the winding shaft. On other types of winding machines it may be more convenient to stop it with some adhesive tape. 4. The required number of turns is wound. 5. The last turns are secured with some adhesive tape. Note that the ends of the windings are insulated and identified with the colored tubing.

6. Mylar tape is wound around the first winding. 7. The copper wire is cut leaving a good length of it. 8. Final insulation is wound around the last winding. 9. All windings have been completed on this bobbin. 10. The first laminated iron "E" sheet is inserted. 11. Insertion of laminated iron "E" sheets continues. The sheets must be inserted with the same orientation in regard to the cut edge burr. If not, air gaps will result within the lamination thus decreasing the transformer efficiency. 12. Laminated "E" sheets have all been inserted. Now the "I" sheets are inserted at the end of the "E" sheets. 13. Same as above, at the other end of the "E" sheets 14. The frame is mounted. It has to be ensured that the mounting rods do not touch the laminated iron. 15. The snap-on terminals are mounted on the frame rail. 16. The windings ends are soldered to the terminals.

ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) ITALY - TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 07/04 Specifications may change without notice

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A3120TS – TOOLS FOR MOTORS AND TRANSFORMER WINDING The set includes the tools necessary for winding, tying, soldering and assembling motors and transformers.

The picture below shows the set and its carrying case

ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) ITALY - TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 07/04 Specifications may change without notice

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A3121 - TRANSFORMER KIT TRAINER This kit is designed for training in assembling Single and Three Phase Transformers. The unit is supplied with an educational manual showing all the procedures and connections for assembly and test. It includes the following transformers: 1 phase transformer 200VA 1 phase transformer 600VA 1 phase transformer 1000VA 3 phase transformer 300VA 3 phase transformer 600VA 3 phase transformer 1000VA All components (with the exception of the consumable set A3120 CO which is optional) are included in a strong storage box. TECHNICAL DATA Single Phase transformers 2 x 110 V primary voltage (other voltages on request) 0-220 and 0-380V secondary voltage (other voltages on request) 3 phase transformers 2 x 110 V primary voltage on each phase (other voltages on request) 2 x 190 secondary voltage on each phase (other voltages on request)

OPTIONAL COMPONENTS A3120CO Consumables This set includes all the consumable required for the construction of the kits. It is composed by the following material, that is suitable for rewinding of each transformer 10 times: Copper wire and wound bobbin of suitable section Insulated paper and tubes All necessary screws and mechanical items A31TS Set of Special Tools This set include the following tools required to assemble the transformers: inserting needles, plastic mullets, scissors, adhesive tape, 100W soldering iron, flat chisel, pliers, bearing extractor set, wrench and screwdriver sets. A3120EB Educational board Set of terminal boards, to be mounted on the transformers, equipped with 4 mm safety plugs and a clear synoptic allowing the possibility, where applicable, to make different combinations of winding connections. RELATED TRAINING UNIT A33 Training Module for Testing Assembled Motors and Transformers

ELECTRON S.R.L. VIA CASCINA TORCHIO I-26833 MERLINO (LO) ITALY - TEL. 39(Italy) 02(Milan) 9065 9200 FAX 9065 9180 - E-mail: electron@electron.it Web: www.electron.it Rev 07/04 Specifications may change without notice

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