1 minute read
Example Meal Plan
Plan your meals
In order to give you the best chance of sticking to healthy eating you need to plan your meals accurately and shop for this. If you never buy any junk-food you basically can’t eat any. Unless someone brings sweets to work. Yeah, thanks Janet. I am very used to planning meals for my large household and busy life. I take my lunch to work every day and make it the night before. This works for me. If it doesn’t work for you, take some time to work out what you can buy ready-made that will be low calorie and vegetable based. You need to look at the calorie content. I’m not anti processed food or obsessed with “clean eating” but processed foods are tricksy and huge calorie counts can hide in seemingly healthy options. Scan the barcode and see what comes up. Good options are the vast numbers of branded ready meals such as Bol, fit n prepped or slimming world, vegetable based fresh soup brands such as Glorius and The covent garden soup company, salads with low calorie dressing and healthy ready meals that you can order from companies such as my prep. Evening meals are