3 minute read

A bit about me


So, you have made the leap and decided to embark on a formal weight loss journey! Congratulations! You might be wondering what to do next. There are so many options out there for losing weight, that it can be a total minefield. It’s really important to have a plan and stick to it. Ozempic or Saxenda will suppress your appetite to allow you to consume less calories and lose weight. However, this is an expensive medication, and it is just that, unfortunately, not actual magic. If you really want to lose weight as quickly as possible and keep it off, you will need to take control of your life and make some changes. If you really, really, stick to a plan you will be able to lose up to 10 kgs (22 lbs) in the first month. If you just carry on doing what you’re doing you will likely lose weight, good amounts of weight, but much more slowly.


This eBook is to help guide you forward with your journey and give you some ideas about how on earth this can be done with a busy modern life and some determination.

A bit about me!

So, we have probably already chatted on the phone. And you know I am a doctor, because I prescribed you the meds! You might not care much about me or my life, that’s cool, but I as I hopefully have your attention, I’m taking the opportunity to explain to you why I am passionate about helping people to lose weight. There is a big thing in medicine, which suggests that bringing your personal experience into patient interactions is unprofessional. Unfortunately, I’m a muggle who has managed to become a doctor. I am a human first, and in my experience of life, we are all telling a story. Stories inspire us and allow us to relate to each other. I’m a doctor because I love people and their stories. So, I’m afraid I’m going to share some of my


experiences with you in the hope that it will help you to be healthier, which I’m pretty sure is the actual point of my job.

I’m a full time NHS doctor at the time of writing. I work in a “trust grade” job in acute medicine and elderly care. This basically means I have chosen not to pursue a formal training route to becoming a consultant and am a sort of career Junior Doctor. I mostly look after very elderly people who are medically unwell or recovering from an illness and need to be in a hospital. It is very varied and rewarding work. I also run two businesses with my husband. This one, and CJA Aesthetics, a medical aesthetics clinic. I am also a director of my husbands’ testosterone replacement business. I am also lucky enough to be a mum, to my four fabulous children and have three dogs and a cat! My household is best described as chaotic, but we have loads of fun in our large family.


I am always on my own weight loss journey! At my heaviest I was 105 Kgs, with a BMI of 38. At my lightest 57 Kgs. So over time I have lost nearly 50% of my body weight. I think this has helped me to understand how it feels to be at both ends of the spectrum. I went from 105 Kgs to 60 Kgs in 6 months, without any medical help, but with significant self-discipline and determination. This was after my first baby, and I was only 23. I mention this because age is a factor in weight loss. As we age our basal metabolic rate slows and so it is harder to lose weight. Psychologically I was not in a very healthy place when this original weight loss happened. It is especially hard to be very overweight when you are young, in my opinion. I was motivated by appearance rather than health or comfort. I was extremely concerned by what other people thought, as was my partner at the time. I have since regained lots of weight and lost it again at least four times, with my BMI going from 20 – 33 and back like an actual yoyo. I have only managed to find happiness in health in the last 10 years. This shift in mindset - learning to appreciate my body and love it, rather than hate it and wish for


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