Meet the Captains

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Make your gift today! DARRIN LEWIS – Saltus House Captain joined Saltus in 2010 as Director of Athletics and is in his 11th year at Saltus.

Giving to the Saltus

Darrin played cricket for Nationals Sports Club and Devonshire Recreation

Fund is extremely

Club. He played in 3 International Youth Cricket Tournaments in 1981 in

important in order

Denmark, as Vice-Captain 1983 in Holland and in 1985 in Bermuda as Captain

to fund the various

where Darrin led his team to win the tournament. Darrin played in Cup Match

programmes, facilities,

for Somerset in 1989. He represented Bermuda in the ICC ( International

equipment and

Cricket Council) in Holland 1990. Sadly, an eye injury ended his cricket

opportunities for all

career in 1991. Darrin attended Anderson University on a football scholarship

students that attend

1984-86 then transferred to Lander University 1986-88.

Saltus. – Darrin

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