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Winter sports INJURY GUIDE
During the 2022/2023 snow season, more than a million Britons will leave the UK and head to the slopes to take part in snowboarding and skiing.
Although these sports are exhilarating and provide excellent exercise, they can be dangerous and accidents do occur, even when you take all the necessary precautions.
More than 1,000 UK residents get injured every day during the snow season, with sprains, fractures and breaks extremely common, and the OrthTeam regularly provides medical advice to many of these patients overseas and expedite treatment once they are back home.
If you or a family member does get injured and are told that you/they need treatment for the injury, it can be a very daunting situation and it’s important that you make an informed decision as to whether you have treatment abroad or delay it until you arrive back in the UK.
Our experts have put together a quick guide below to help you determine which injuries require immediate treatment and what can potentially wait.
This is when a joint comes apart and is ex tremely painful. The most common ski dislocation is in the shoulder. This injury requires immediate reduction of the dislocation at an urgent care facility abroad, however, further treatment thereafter can often wait.
Open fractures are where the bone com municates with the skin through a wound. These require urgent attention abroad. Closed fractures, however, can often wait. Sometimes, if the bone is very severely displaced and out of position, it can be improved by manipulation under local anaesthetic abroad and placed in a plaster back slab to maintain a reasonable position. Definitive treatment can then be planned back in the UK.
Ligament injuries
Almost all ligament injuries can wait until you arrive back in the UK, but we recommend you are assessed urgently by a specialist on your return. The most com mon ligament injuries that occur on the slopes are to the knee and the thumb; with ‘skier’s thumb’ one of the most common snow sports ligament injuries.
Spinal and head injuries
Severe spinal and head injuries often require specialist assessment abroad. Always wear a helmet and in children, consider a spinal support. These may prevent head and spinal injuries from colliding into a solid object, such as a tree, and can also offer protection from being hit by another out-of-control skier.
• Winter sports insurance
• Helmet
• First aid kit
• OrthTeam Centre number 0161 447 6888