FOLD - for flute and percussion... "Boulez provides cross-correlations between smooth space and striated space, making sensible difference between metric and non-metric manifolds, among directional and dimensional spaces"
Fold of Katunes ... a Katun was a twenty-year period of 360 days, the Mayans used to make predictions of fatal nature, these were presented in cyclical wheels maintaining the notion that the events in a given period would be repeated to occur the same date were recorded. This last mouvement is a brief summary of the concepts presented in the preceding movements. Is the arrived at completion fold or "folding" (*) of a TZOL-KIN cycle.
* Gilles Deleuze & Felix Guattari, Thousand Platforms.
This piece can be played either independently alone or as part of the Concerto for flute and percussion TZOLKIN.
Please print in 11X15 inches.