Anti-Human Trafficking Bulletin 14

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A regular digest of information and research related to human trafficking into and within the UK. Produced by the Research and Development Unit, on behalf of The Salvation Army’s Anti-Trafficking Co-ordinator.

Contents 1. Research, reports and journal articles 1.1 Centre for Social Justice report into the UK response to trafficking 1.2 Journal article on organ trafficking 1.3 Review of ‘Human trafficking, human misery’ 1.4 IPPR report on trafficking from Nigeria to the UK 2. Political and legislative 2.1 Council of Europe calls for measures on labour trafficking 2.2 Early Day Motion on human trafficking 2.3 Parliamentary questions 3. Campaigns 3.1 Staff Wanted Initiative 3.2 ‘Cut them free’: petition launched 4. In the news 4.1 Trafficking of children 4.2 ‘UK trafficking victim: “it is a form of mental imprisonment”’ 4.3 ‘UK anti-trafficking efforts need overhaul, says report’

1. Research, reports and journal articles 1.1 ‘It happens here: equipping the UK to fight modern slavery’, March 2013 Centre for Social Justice study into the UK response to trafficking. UserStorage/pdf/Pdf%20reports/CSJ_Slavery_Full_ Report_WEB(5).pdf 1.2 ‘The battle for human organs: organ trafficking and transplant tourism in a global context’, February 2013 Qualitative study based on the demand for kidneys (‘transplant tourism’) in the Netherlands which also considers the global patterns of the contemporary organ trade, Global Crime 14(1): 1-26. 72.2012.753323 1.3 Review of ‘Human trafficking, human misery: the global trade in human beings’, February 2013

4.4 ‘“Shameful” failure to tackle slavery and human trafficking in the UK’ 4.5 ‘Seven men charged with rape after Met police raids’ 4.6 ‘Scheme to tackle human trafficking in London launched’ 4.7 ‘Jail for man who exploited trafficked Polish workers’ 4.8 ‘Trafficking trial: woman “forced to touch employer”’ 4.9 ‘Human trafficking: four people arrested in Flintshire’ 4.10 ‘Four charged with conspiracy to traffic women’ 4.11 ‘Three jailed for human trafficking of Slovakian couple’ 4.12 ‘Anglesey anti-human trafficking summit’s “message of hope”’ 4.13 ‘Foreign national prisoners lose right to legal aid’ 4.14 ‘Trip home refused to sex trafficking accused’ 4.15 ‘Portsmouth couple “kept men like modernday slaves”’ 4.16 ‘Government under pressure to review prostitution laws in the UK’

Review of Alexis Aronowitz 2009 publication on human trafficking, Global Crime 14(1): 113 – 115 72.2012.754350 1.4 ‘Beyond borders: Human trafficking from Nigeria to the UK’, January 2013 IPPR case study report which presents the findings of research into the causes, processes and effects of human trafficking from Nigeria to the UK. 2. Political and legislative 2.1 Council of Europe calls for measures to combat trafficking into labour exploitation In a Resolution adopted on 25 January 2013, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) calls for measures to be taken to combat trafficking in

This bulletin covers material produced during the period 13 December 2012 – 11 March 2013 although it should be noted that, due to space limitations, not all relevant material may have been included. The bulletin includes links to material and sources and is provided by way of information. The information included is not necessarily endorsed or supported by The Salvation Army.

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