Inclusive Cell Material

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This resource aims to provide a range of creative ideas for developing the theme of ….water that is being covered in the ALOVE UK 2013 Cell Material. Therefore, to resource you, particularly if you have young people with learning disabilities and/or additional needs within your group. These cell notes provide a range of activities that have been simplified, using visuals and very practical ideas.

Getting started and top tips Communicating with young people who have learning disabilities

~~ Be clear and specific ~~ Be expressive using facial expressions ~~ When asking a question, give time for response as a young person with disabilities needs time to process what you have asked

~~ Provide two or three informed choices; too many options are confusing ~~ Simple language that is age appropriate ~~ Use points of reference and other forms of communication if appropriate. For example if you are asking a young person whether they want a drink you could hold up a jug of water/squash.

Accessibility Accessibility is important as disabled children/young people are immediately excluded if they are unable to enter the building, if there is no access to a toilet/changing facility or the service is at a level with which they cannot engage. Room layout, lighting, induction loop system and physical access are all things to consider. There can be a lot to think about but the Disability and Equality Act 2010 is helpful in outlining what adjustments need to be made.

Symbols/pictures: Symbols and pictures are helpful as a visual prompt for young people with learning disabilities. Many young people with learning disabilities use PEC symbols (picture exchange communication). There are several technology packages that can be used to produce communication books and a set of symbols. (Examples Widgit or Board maker computer programmes). These cell notes provide some visuals you can use and provide a link to access a free download of symbols on this topic. This years’ theme is Water…. Here are some extra suggestions of how to set up the youth teaching venue to assist in bringing out this message. This is to act as a useful reminder when teaching young people/young adults specifically with learning disabilities. This resource will provide ideas using these principles.

~~ Be visual (use different visual aids and points of reference) for example this year we will be exploring deep, hard, refreshing and pure water. Below there will be a range of activities that encompasses these four elements.

~~ Use practical activities to enhance understanding ~~ Think multi-sensory (encompasses new thinking, how we feel, see and hear) ~~ Set up a chill out area/sensory area: Is there a space at the back of room where you could create a chill zone/

sensory area? This could be a gazebo with lights, cushion area and sensory resources. Provide a resource box with paper, art materials, bubbles, chalk board etc to provide activities for a young person to do. A chill out area gives the young person time out if they require it and still be with the group. Often young people who have disabilities such as autism have a short attention span and will wander around. Please don’t worry about this, have a space for them; if they can engage with activities. You will find that they will take things in.

~~ Paraphrasing: When using Bible references try and paraphrase into simple language if required; take key

words and back up with a visual. Each session has an example for you to follow. Depending on the needs of the young people, use only 1 or 2 Bible verses and take time to go through it. Use speech bubbles (Print from continued over g

2013 computer) to indicate who said it. This will assist learning people within the Bible (not all young people need this form of support).

~~ Flash cards: Flash cards are useful to stick pictures on or write key words. ~~ Routine: Have a rug area or sitting area where young people have a teaching time. Create an area for worship activities. If possible use pictures to highlight the routine of activities and when you are moving onto the next activity. For example welcome, word, worship and witness.

~~ Printing Bible verses: When printing out Bible Verses, print out in larger type and in font such as Verdana and on pastel coloured paper. This is helpful to young people with dyslexia (also check with the young person what would be helpful).

Toolkit: Handy things to have each week ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®®

Bibles Paper(A4, A3) Card (A4,A3) Coloured pens and pencils Bright paper and card Pens Pencils Glue Tape Scissors Flash cards and dry markers Stick on Velcro Access to clip art or pictures Small white boards and dry markers Chalk and chalk boards Scrap books

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WATER… Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way John 7:38 (The Message)

Leaders’ Notes Introduction… This year the theme is water. A great theme, where young people can explore the depths of water and how this scripture relates to their lives and seeking in their lives. It is a bit like starting to dip your toe into the water to then full emersion. Remember the first time you went to the swimming baths, maybe it was with a family member or with school. You start in the shallow end where you can see what is at the bottom and where you can stand up. As you learn to swim you go a bit further, then further into the deep end. The first time you go in the deep end its scary as you can’t see the bottom of the pool and you know you can not put your feet on the ground as your head would no longer be above the water. Once your skill in swimming has improved then you are more likely to go straight into the deep end with no fear. For some they do not always feel comfortable with being in water and their ability not to sink. Faith can feel like that sometimes where it can be like staying in the shallow end with the fear of going deeper. The great news is that we are not swimming alone and the direction is marked out for us if we choose to go in that direction. This resource is a creative toolkit of ideas based on the water theme. Well, this is a brilliant topic to be creative with. The resource will provide creative activities and tips in supporting young people in the experience and understanding of living water and the depths it brings. In fact it’s a ‘WELL’ of ideas This next section is to support young people in understanding the theme ‘Water’. It is helpful for some young people to have points of reference or picture formats to help them focus or visualise their thoughts. 4 ways of starting discussion about WATER… You will need: ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®®

A4 Paper Laminate sheets Dry markers Flash cards Bibles Pens

Preparation: Print out a speech bubble, a picture of a pencil, picture of a heart and a picture to represent prayer (see example below). Print these on individual pieces of A4 paper and laminate them. These cards will be used in each session. THINK ABOUT: This is to prompt the question. For example ‘what is water?’ The speech bubble is to act as a point of reference. The speech bubble can be used to introduce a Bible reference. Words or questions can be written on the speech bubble card and then rubbed off. DO: This is the action prompt; this can be a creative activity, a game or action.

HEART: This is to prompt the young person to think about how it relates to them. ‘If I apply this, how will this impact on my life. PRAYER: At the end of every session there will be a reflective prayer activity.


Getting started… A good place to start is to break out the scripture in which the theme is based on. There are different ways that this verse can be presented or explained. You may wish to choose or all of them. Rivers of living water will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way John 7:38 (The Message) Option 1: Write the verse out on a flip chart piece of paper and then encourage the young people to underline the words that stand out to them. Option 2: On flash cards or small chalk boards write the key ideas of this passage. To encourage the young people to start thinking about the water theme, ask the young people think about where is water. On a flip chart piece of paper write down ideas. Alternatively provide a range of photos and ask the young people to pick one. Encourage the young people to think about why they have chosen the picture and how does the picture show water i.e. a river – why is a river important? Rain Well



Streams and Rivers



SOURCE…The depths of water in our lives. Ask the young people to think about why water is important in our lives. 1. Write down ideas on a flip chart piece of paper 2. Use objects. For example a shower head to show that we use water for cleansing or a glass of water to represent refreshment 3. Use photos 4. Give each young person a bottle of water and explain that we need water to survive and when we are thirsty how refreshing it is when we receive a drink of water.

Example: WATER… ….Refreshment







The focus of the activity is to encourage young people to think about the importance water has in our own lives. This is to set the scene for further discussions. Play a reflective worship song and ask the young people to look at words written down or photos and reflect on them.

2013 These Cell Outlines are written by ALOVE UK. They are available each week from our web site. For more information and other cell resources, visit

Deep Water The Bible and Water ‘The woman at the well’ You will need ®® ®® ®® ®® ®®

Flip chart paper Pens Bible Cut out heart shapes Print out picture of a well Bible verse John 4: 1-28

Notes to Leader: Read the story and then pull out the key points of the story. Example Jesus and his disciples were travelling back to Galilee and were passing through Samaria. Tired and thirsty, Jesus sat at a Jacob’s well, while his disciples went to the village of Sychar to buy some food. It was noon the hottest part of the day and a Samaritan women came to the well to draw water. Things to note of Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well are that Jesus spoke to a woman, she was a Samaritan woman, a group the Jews discarded and, he asked her for a drink. These were not the customs of the Jews. So why did Jesus speak to her? This surprised the woman “How come you, a Jew are asking me a Samaritan woman, for a drink? Jesus answered, “If you knew the generosity of God and who I am, you would be asking me for a drink, and I would give you fresh, living water”. Jesus was referring to eternal life a gift from God. This story teaches us about acceptance, as Jesus made no judgements about the woman. They had never met before but Jesus knew everything about her. Jesus showing her acceptance got her attention to listen to what he was saying. This encounter broke down social barriers and created an opportunity in which Jesus shared the truth of receiving living water. What would this look like now? There are many people within our communities who feel discarded for many reasons. Can we learn from Jesus and show acceptance to others? We encounter lots of different people every day, at school and in within our leisure activities. Can we take the time to listen and accept others? Give each young person a piece of flip chart paper to map out their own encounters within their community. On the piece of paper ask the young people to think about all the places they go to on a typical day – who do you encounter? Example: This map is to represent the daily encounter a young person may make alongside their peers, some peers who they don’t usually speak to. It may be they stand at the same bus stop every day, then go to school, attend leisure group or go to the café. This can be as big of a map as they would like. It is to help each young person think about the people they encounter on a daily basis. There may be a person at school that comes to mind who they would like to show acceptance to. It is also to enable young people to think about people who are isolated and feel excluded in our local communities. Following Jesus: Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman demonstrated acceptance. Encourage the young people to think about situations where they can show acceptance to others. Cut out a paper heart and give to every young person ask them to think about those in their communities who need acceptance and commit to praying for those people.

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Print out a picture of a well for each young person. Thank-you Lord that we can receive living water from you and because of this we will never thirst again. We pray for those in our own communities who feel rejected, we pray for acceptance and that they come to know the truth of the living water they can receive from you.


Hard Water… You will need: ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®®

Shoe Box Wrapping paper Pens Paper Flip chart paper Cardboard Difficult Questions Preparation: Cover a shoe box in paper and cut a large slit in order to make an opening like a post box.

Leaders’ notes: Option 1 - Ask the young people to think about questions they do not know the answer to but would like to know. These questions may relate to a difficult situation they face or a choice they are trying to make. Invite the young people to write down their questions or the leader write down their questions and then post them in the box. Choose a couple of the questions and put them into topics; talk about two or three topics. To support understanding explain answers in key points and use visuals or points of reference if appropriate. Option 2 – On a flip chart of paper write ‘Things I do not understand’, example below. For some young people it may be difficult for them to express things they do not understand and this approach may support their thinking.

Things I do not understand? I do not understand when…. I do not understand how…

Preparation: Cut out six large pieces of cardboard in rectangle shapes. See diagram below. This is to represent a life raft. Take the questions that have been discussed and write them on the panels in different colours. Explain to the young people that even though there are difficult choices we face we can seek God’s help in guiding us in the right direction. A raft on water can go off in lots of different directions and is affected by the elements such as the strength of the sea. God has the paddles to help us go in the right direction. In every day situations we need to put our trust in God in helping us make the right choices so we are not pulled in the wrong direction. To do this we need to spend time with God in prayer.

Have a time in which people may want to ask questions regarding some of the difficult choices they are making or things that are worrying them. Play a worship song and allow a time of reflection.

2013 These Cell Outlines are written by ALOVE UK. They are available each week from our web site. For more information and other cell resources, visit

Refreshing water…. This section is to provide creative ideas for the summer time; things the group can do together. You will need: ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®® ®®

Pens Sharpie Pens Tiles Cardboard Black paint Paper Materials Chalk

My community Option 1: A community art mural Ask the young people to think about the things they like about their community or what they would like their community to be about. As a group write down some ideas. Ether as a large group or in small groups ask them to put their ideas into a design. This can be pictures or words. Ideas

~~ Paint the design onto square canvas; each young person can do this individually and then place the canvas together to make a large picture

~~ Is there somewhere in the building i.e. a wall the young people could paint their design. ~~ Give each young person a tile to do their design using sharpie pens Option 2: On a large piece of cardboard draw an outline to represent your city, town or village. Depending on how big you want it to be you might need several pieces of cardboard. Paint the cardboard with black paint and display it. Give each young person a piece of chalk and support the young people to write down or draw something they want to see changed in their community. Each time you all meet you can pray for each thing and add more. Option 3: Plan a community event As a group plan and organise a community event for your local community. A prayer wall/room Is there a space in which the young people could make a multi – sensory prayer room that relates to Water….? Young people could make things and decorate a space.

~~ Make a large water fall display using different materials and textures ~~ Young people can display their prayers ~~ Make rain drops with names of people they wish to prayer for: hang these around the room

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2013 Refresh: Support the young to thing about 5 things they would like to refresh in their‌

~~ Relationship with God (i.e. spending more time in prayer) ~~ Relationships with others (i.e. listening, caring) ~~ Home life ~~ School life ~~ Community (how can they get more involved)

2013 These Cell Outlines are written by ALOVE UK. They are available each week from our web site. For more information and other cell resources, visit

Pure Water… Holiness – Living in it and living it out You will need: ®® A shredder ®® Paper ®® Pens Some ideas to start discussion about holiness: We want to live our lives that reflect holiness. Sin can get in the way of this if we are doing things that are not good for us and our relationship with God.

GOD/SIN/US Sin can separate us from our relationship with God. The loving act of God sending us his son to die for us on the cross replaced us. In order to remove the Sin from our lives we need to ask for forgiveness. In doing this it removes that separation and brings us back next to God; exactly where we should be. Give each young person a piece of paper and ask them to think about something in their lives that may be separating from God. Have a shredder ready and invite the young people to put the piece of paper in the shredder. Explain that when we ask for forgiveness God takes that and it is forgiven. Rivers of Living Waters will brim and spill out of the depths of anyone who believes in me this way John 7:38 (The Message) Create a space to display all the previous activities that you have done as a group on the theme of ….Water and encourage the young people to re-visit the activities that they enjoyed or that they haven’t tried yet.

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