‘STEP by step we’re moving forward,/ Little by little taking ground,/ Every prayer a powerful weapon,/ Strongholds come tumbling down’ (SASB 401). As this week’s issue of Salvationist – in collaboration with the Family Ministries team – marks International Women’s Day (8 March), these lyrics resonate with our mission to seek justice and equality.
World Economic Forum data predicts that it will take until 2158, five generations from now, to reach full gender equality. We must continue to step up and stand out in solidarity with all our sisters – and brothers – globally to eradicate all forms of abuse, discrimination, hate and exclusion. Prayer is something we can all do to help.
This issue includes, the World Day of Prayer and interviews with women leaders in the Army, and it acknowledges some special women who have touched and inspired the lives of others.
Scripture tells us: ‘There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus’ (Galatians 3:28 New Living Translation). Let us never tire of meeting together, encouraging each other (see Hebrews 10:25), praying fervently and strengthening our Movement and our communities of faith against evil and injustice.

EDITOR Major Julian Watchorn
Stevie Hope, George Tanton, Lyn Woods, Major Margaret Bovey, Major Lynne Shaw
GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Louise Phillips, Joseph Halliday, Oyindamola Olagunju
CONTACT US 020 7367 4890
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FOUNDERS William and Catherine Booth
General Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham
Commissioners Jenine and Paul Main
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Major Julian Watchorn
1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ 0845 634 0101
© The Salvation Army United Kingdom and Ireland Territory. ISSN 2516-5909.
The Salvation Army is a Christian church and registered charity. The charity number in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is 214779, in Scotland is SC009359 and in the Republic of Ireland is CHY6399.
Published weekly by The Salvation Army and printed on paper from sustainable

LYN WOODS Editorial Assistant

I made you wonderful!
Following the World Day of Prayer, Major Lynne Shaw invites us to remember and celebrate who we are
YESTERDAY marked the annual World Day of Prayer (7 March).
For 2025, the service, theme and artwork have been produced by women of the Cook Islands, an island nation two thirds the size of the Isle of Wight. However, the surrounding sea – the islands’ exclusive and bountiful economic zone – is seven times the size of New Zealand.
The women of the islands are leaders in many parts of society, and also authors, photographers and many other creative things. Tarani Napa and Tevairangi Napa, a mother and daughter duo, created the artwork (above) for
Reflect and respond
How does remembering we are all ‘made wonderful’ change the way you view others around you?
Have you dismissed someone before seeing who they really are and what they have to offer?
How can you lift that person up this week?
For more information and resources to host your own World Day of Prayer service, visit wwdp.org.uk
this year’s World Day of Prayer, which is based on Psalm 139:14: ‘I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made’ (English Standard Version).
Tarani and Tevairangi said: ‘We are grateful for the arrival of Christianity to our shores 200 years ago. The gospel of Jesus brought hope, peace and light. In time, our cultures have interwoven with Christianity, and the blessings are evident today. As caretakers of God’s marvellous works, we always treasure these words, “I made you wonderful”.’ These words are a true celebration of these and every woman.
For some women, though, their life is not a paradise. Many cases of domestic violence go unreported, including emotional, verbal, financial and psychological abuse, as well as bullying, both within the family and the workplace.
Whenever we consider what lies in the shadows, it’s important to pay attention to the surrounding culture. Maya Angelou once said that ‘none of us can be free until we are all free’, and I believe that a foundation to changing things for the better comes from understanding that we are all ‘made wonderful’.
When we look into the eyes of another human, sit next to them on the train or in a waiting room, or stand next to them in a queue or at an event, are we not standing next to another complex being with skin, bones and a heart? And if we judge them
by outward appearances, are we not in danger of missing and dismissing so much of who they are?
Creator God would have us see differently. Very young children will often interact with each other with no prejudice at all. Their hearts and minds are still open. Perhaps that was one of the things Jesus saw in the little children when he said that the Kingdom belonged to ‘such as these’ (Luke 18:16).
As I’ve seen my own children grow, I’ve become more and more aware of the raw materials they possess, such as compassion, creativity, individual thought, problem-solving, humour and passion. Each raw material has the potential to become a great asset or can be twisted into something less helpful. The same can be said for all of us.
When we look at others around us, no matter how they are different from us, our job is to see a neighbour, to look beyond circumstances or appearance and see someone whom God has made.
At the closing of a gathering on the Cook Islands, the Tongareva elders say powerful words of encouragement that translate as: ‘Hold on tight to who you are, in all aspects of your existence!’ We are all fearfully and wonderfully made. When we remember this and act upon it, we can change things for the better.

MAJOR LYNNE SHAW Editorial Assistant Publishing Department
Henderson Parkhead seconds with...

Who are you and what do you do?
I am an adherent and lead a great drop-in team. Soup is made from fresh ingredients by the lovely Janette, sandwiches are made to individual requirements by Wilma and Lena, and tea, coffee and cake are served by Bobby and Tom.
Why do you do what you do?
I’m a great believer that we’re put on this Earth to help one another. Getting to know the community in this way helps the corps understand their needs more.
What’s your favourite Bible verse? John 13:34 and 35.
What’s your favourite hymn or worship song?
‘One Day at a Time’.
Which emoji sums you up best? A wee smiley face.
How did you first get involved in the Army?
When my mother died, my sister and I couldn’t find anyone to take her funeral service. On phoning the officer he simply asked: ‘When do you need me?’
What do you love, or not love, about the Army?
Everybody is welcome.
If you had an unlimited supply of one thing, what would it be?
Tea with sugar and milk.
thank God for leading me to
Veronicah (Middlesbrough) explains how God is working in her life
IFIRST became a Christian when I watched a video on YouTube about the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was really touching, and I thought to myself: ‘I want to be part of this faith. I want to belong to the house of God.’ After I arrived in Middlesbrough, I started attending an online church called the Endtime Holiness Ministry. After four years I came across The Salvation Army. I was led there by a friend, who explained they would help with my asylum application. I was greeted by corps member Derek, who was really good to me and showed love to me as a child of God. I was impressed and thought to myself, ‘Next Sunday, I’m coming to this church.’ When I came the next Sunday, I met Barbara and other members, who were very, very nice and welcoming. This kept me coming back.
From the time I became a Christian, I had a very deep interest in knowing who Jesus Christ is. Previously, I didn’t know that Jesus is God – I only knew that Jesus was God’s son. This gave me a lot of interest to read the Bible very carefully, chapter by chapter, verse by verse, to understand how Jesus is God. Sometimes I take my Bible to read, and I get this encouragement. It makes me feel better and stronger and more hopeful.
I can see God working in my life very well. There are things I’ve been praying for, and I’ve seen them happen! There was a time when I was ill, and I was housebound. I had no one to help me prepare
meals or do shopping. All that time, I was in the house alone, feeling lonely, and I couldn’t do much for myself. When I had the strength to read my Bible, I received the strength and energy of God. He healed me from this illness.
I thank God for my life and for leading me to Middlesbrough. I have good friends there who are like family to me. I thank God for Captain Naomi and everyone at the corps. They are welcoming and loving. I thank God for leading me to this church.
Have you got a testimony to share? We’d love to hear your faith story! Get in touch at salvationist@salvationarmy.org.uk.

by Lieutenant Heather Culshaw (Bridgwater)

What does Beautiful Flowers depict?
The artwork depicts a vase of cut flowers in full bloom. It captures the diversity and beauty of creation, with every stem, flower and leaf a different size and colour – like us, each one is unique.

How was it made?
The fused glass panel was designed and made during a workshop at the Jo Downs studio in Launceston.
After watching a live demonstration of how to manage and cut glass safely, we were invited to create a piece for ourselves. We could use coloured glass in various forms, including different grades of frit –smaller pieces. Each piece of glass was placed on a clear base plate and then fired in a kiln.
Do you have a piece of art to share inspired by your faith? Email it to salvationist@ salvationarmy.org.uk – we’d love to hear from you!
What inspired it?
I was given an old songster book and, as I flicked through it, the music and lyrics for ‘Beautiful Flowers’ spoke to my heart. I am a creative person, and the image of the flowers instantly came to me as I read the words, especially those of the third verse. As I was working on the panel, I had the piece of music with me to help inspire the different colours and textures used. It is now on my wall at home and is a prayerful reminder of God’s fragrant love.
Jesus has a garden, Fill’d with children sweet; We would be among them, Bowing at his feet, Drinking in life’s waters, Growing by his grace, Like the flowers, looking Up into his face.

Showing appreciation
give praise where it is due, writes
Territorial Pioneer and Fresh Expressions Officer Major Sarah Butler
LUKE 19:28–44
HAVE you ever been in a situation where something so good has happened that you just need to show appreciation to those involved?
Perhaps it was a delicious meal in a restaurant, an outstanding performance of music or drama or a stirring article that challenged your thinking. Your response could be a five-star review, a standing ovation or a recommendation on social media. We’ve all heard the phrase ‘praise where praise is due’. It’s right and proper to show our appreciation to those who enhance our lives.
In our study passage, we follow Jesus on his entry towards Jerusalem, acclaimed by the crowds. ‘Acclaimed’ means to be enthusiastically praised or celebrated. When Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, riding past those celebrating crowds, I wonder just how enthusiastic the praise was.
Reading the description of this scene conjures up images of chaos, spontaneity and heartfelt praise. It seems loud, raucous, impulsive –disordered, even – as people threw down the coats they were wearing, not worrying if they were trampled on or ruined by the donkey. They were ripping off palm branches from trees and the sound of shouting and cries of ‘Hosanna!’ must have been deafening.
Imagine you’re there. What can you hear, see, smell, feel and taste in the air?
How might you have joined in?
Why were the crowds praising Jesus so enthusiastically? What had they seen and heard to unlock such a passionate, spontaneous response?
For such a raw and heartfelt reaction, there must have been a myriad of reasons. Some people would have been encouraged to act in a new way by the stories he told them. Others would have been challenged or encouraged by his passionate teaching. Others still would have been impressed by the miracles that happened before their very eyes.
Their response was to praise through shouts and songs and actions: ‘When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in Heaven and glory in the highest!”’ (vv37 and 38).
What is it about Jesus that makes you want to give him praise?
How do you express your praise for him?
Think back to my opening question. Now turn it around. When have you received praise from others? What was your response?
Many of us might shy away from praise and deflect it. ‘Oh, it was nothing, really!’ ‘I didn’t do much, it was them.’ Perhaps, embarrassed by the attention, we try to avoid or ignore
it completely. Some people, however, might bask in the limelight for a while, enjoying the attention and recognition. How did Jesus react to this spontaneous praise? He received criticism as well as acclamation. He knew that the praise was so heartfelt that he told the disapproving Pharisees: ‘If they keep quiet, the stones will cry out’ (v40).
Jesus recognised the significance of the praise, the quotes of ancient psalms that the crowd knew so well. He knew that if they kept quiet, there would be another way for praise to rise. Hearts were responding in that moment to the embodiment of their Creator God riding through the streets of Jerusalem, the juxtaposition of a humble man on a lowly colt and the King of Glory all wrapped up in one. To many, his glory was still hidden as they were swept up with the crowd and carried away with their shouts of ‘Hosanna!’ and the excitement of the moment.
Caught up in the emotion, they missed the reality of what was really going on. They saw the local celebrity but failed to recognise the Son of God. Just a few days later, many people would turn away and change their shouts of praise and acclamation into something else.
Jesus wept as he looked over the city, not because of possible rejection or fickle admiration, but rather because he knew that so much was hidden from people’s eyes and their hardened hearts, and that the consequences of this would be catastrophic and costly (see vv41–44).

How genuine is your praise of Jesus?
Are you sometimes so wrapped up in the moment that you fail to recognise the Son of God you’re worshipping?
While some of the crowd were just caught up in the emotion of the day, the disciples’ praise was real and sincere. All would go through doubt and questioning as the twists, turns and horrors of Holy Week played out.
However, for those whose faith was real and deep, their acclamation stayed true. In the midst of uncertainty, they discovered that true praise carries us through the storm and God is still with us. He is worthy of our praise.
Let us also be authentic in our acclamation of Jesus. May our worship be acceptable to him and our faith be strengthened as we learn to praise God through the difficulties and storms of life.
Let our response to him be spontaneous, wild, chaotic and heartfelt, because the Spirit stirs such passion within us again as we look to Jesus and recognise the Son of God.

A shortened version of Prayer Matters will continue to be published weekly in Salvationist in 2025. To read the full, unedited booklet, visit salvationist.org.uk/discipleship
We are reconsidering how we dispose of unsold items in our charity shop. Pray that, as we seek to partner a local organisation, they will be inspired by the challenge of keeping fabrics out of landfill. Pray that we can keep being inspired with ideas for making an impact with our waste, and find ways to make those ideas missional. by Captain Kate Newland (Brighton Congress Hall) and the Connect Group
Give thanks that being a courageous disciple doesn’t mean doing things in our own strength. With God’s strength and guidance, we commit to standing against evil. Having seen all that God has done, we pray for guidance to know how we can step out in God’s strength this week. based on Lent resources from salvationist.org.uk
Those who sell War Cry and Kids Alive! on the streets get the privilege of hearing many stories of how the Army has made a difference in people’s lives. Pray that, as these stories are retold, they would ignite a spark of curiosity about faith in those who don’t otherwise give any thought to God.
by Lyndall Bywater (UKI Boiler Room Team)
Pray for all those receiving new appointments this month, that they will have a sense of peace in knowing that they are in God’s hands, and that he goes before them to prepare the way. Thank God for those exploring spiritual leadership, that they will be able to discern the voice of God. Pray that love, grace and generosity will be evident in all our corps, centres and relationships as we share the good news of Jesus.
by Major Pam Pitt (Assistant Divisional Commander)
Thank God for those who are taking part. As the course nears its end, pray that they will continue to develop their leadership potential, and discover how and where they can put it into practice. by Lieut-Colonel Jonathan Roberts (Divisional Commander)
Pray God’s Spirit will bring Salvationists to life wherever they feel dry or drained. Renew your people, Lord, and cause them to bubble over with the good news of Jesus. We pray for the territorial leadership team, Commissioners Knud and Lisbeth Welander and Colonel Paul Waters and Colonel Jane Brakstad Waters. by Lyndall Bywater (UKI Boiler Room Team)
When we truly believe that God sees us as wonderful, we begin to radiate and shine from within. We also learn how to treat every other person as made wonderful by God too. Do we need to look at someone through different eyes today, to see them as ‘made wonderful’ by God?

MAJOR SARAH BUTLER Corps Officer Bognor Regis
based on information from worlddayofprayer.net
Do you have something or someone you’d like us to pray for?
Email salvationist@salvationarmy.org.uk with ‘prayer request’ in the subject line.

Nobody told her she couldn’t!
Alice Swain reminds us that women are a gift to the Church
IT has been a while since I came back from the Riverbank Conference, a fantastic weekend for women of The Salvation Army, but I am still processing the truth that I heard and how I can apply it to my life as a minister in Macclesfield.
One of my highlights – although there were lots of highlights – was the teaching of the Rev Dr Helen Paynter. In her second teaching session she focused on some of the women in the early Church who are mentioned in the Bible. She took us on a fascinating journey back through time to explore each of these powerful women who were used by God and how they did great things because ‘nobody told her she couldn’t’.
She reminded us that Pentecost included women, that the Book of Acts included many women who helped grow the Church and that beyond the Bible there were many extraordinary women who were used by God in mighty ways. She also challenged us to consider that the Church today should include women, and as women of God in The Salvation Army, that includes us.
As she spoke, I felt that nudge of the Holy Spirit that God is calling many women today to step up and take their
place in The Salvation Army. We are so blessed to be a part of a Church that acknowledges both the differences between men and women and the richness that embracing them brings to the Church of God. Each of us has a part to play in the rich tapestry of the Church and God is calling women to rise up and make a difference like the women of the early Church.
Throughout the weekend, I had the privilege to talk to many women who were feeling called to explore leadership, whether that be in their corps, through officership, territorial envoyship or pioneering roles, or in their own spheres of influence. It was humbling to hear how they were being used and what God had planted in their hearts.
In the time since Riverbank, I have been praying for the women who took hold of this truth that women throughout history have been called to do powerful things in the Church and that we each have a part to play.
After thinking of this, I was scrolling through Facebook and the lovely Kim McLaughlin shared an amazing resource from the artist Sarah Beth Baca, called 5 Ways to Shift the Way We See Women in the Church. In it, I
was struck by something Sarah wrote: ‘We need the voices of women to be part of conversations that impact the direction of our churches, governments, schools, companies and organisations. God gave men and women unique characteristics that together reflect his beautiful and complex character. When we both come together, our vision of God’s Kingdom broadens and deepens. When women’s voices are heard and valued, the body of Christ and society as a whole thrives.’
Today I want to remind you of something that the Rev Dr Helen said: you are a gift to the Church. There is no better time to stand up and become who God created you to be.
• Based on a blog post published at anadventureinministry.blogspot.com For information about Riverbank 2025, visit salvationist.org.uk/riverbank.

LIEUTENANT ALICE SWAIN Corps Officer Macclesfield
Lord has called me into this ministry’
Sarah Coates (Family Ministries Department) tells Salvationist about her new role as domestic abuse response coordinator
How did you come into this role?
I was woken up at 3.30am by the ping of my email and saw an advert for this position. My heart quickened and I felt God wanted me to apply.
Why is responding to domestic abuse essential as Christians?
We believe everyone is made in God’s image. Domestic abuse is an injustice that destroys lives. It is an epidemic in our society, and the Church has a crucial role to play in responding. Isaiah 1:17 says ‘learn to do good; seek justice, rebuke the oppressor; defend the fatherless, plead for the widow’ (New King James Version). As Christians, we are called to be Christlike. Jesus did not just act righteously; he loved righteousness (see Hebrews 1:9). He was bold and spoke up against injustice, even when faced with opposition, including from religious leaders.
Why is this a challenge for the Church?
Research undertaken by a group of churches in Cumbria with Restored called In Churches Too revealed that 1 in 4 churchgoers experience domestic abuse – the same rate as non-churchgoers. Over the years, I have facilitated domestic abuse training for numerous churches and heard people say, ‘It doesn’t happen here.’
To support victims and survivors effectively, churches must address the needs of those within the Church. Research by Oakley and Wright in 2023 said that 84 per cent of Christian survivors disclosed their experience to a person with a role in the Christian
community, but 36 per cent said the response made things worse.
Further findings by Amy QuinnGraham as part of the PhD level research commissioned by Family Ministries sadly support this within The Salvation Army too (Salvationist 26 October 2024). First, victim-survivors face a denial. Second, they experience a sense of danger. Third, there is distrust that any disclosure will remain confidential.
This is not about putting victims or the Church down, but starting the conversation, regaining trust and changing the narrative.
How does your role fit in with Family Ministries?
Some may not immediately associate the role with Family Ministries, but it is highly relevant since domestic abuse affects all members of the family and so it is completely connected with Family Ministries. The department’s passion and commitment to families drive the necessity to recognise the devastating impact domestic abuse can have on the family unit. It grieves God’s heart when families are torn apart by such violence, which is why Family Ministries is dedicated to supporting everyone affected, including the perpetrator. My role will include facilitating the Army’s strategic response, expanding the conversation, and developing the exciting initiative of establishing corps and centres as Restored Beacon churches.
Why are you passionate about the work?
My personal experiences have

profoundly influenced my passion for responding to domestic abuse. As a child, I lived in a home where there was domestic abuse and, as a young adult, I was in a relationship that was controlling and coercive, so I understand the impact it can have, even years later. I have worked with victims and survivors for over 20 years and managed a refuge for Women’s Aid. These experiences have shown me the transformative power of this ministry, offering hope and inspiration. The Lord has called me into this ministry, and I am committed to using my experiences to help others.
What does the future of the Army’s response look like?
It looks promising. The department has established a strong foundation, and it is now time to build the infrastructure to support the Army’s response. It is crucial to emphasise that everyone has a role to play in effectively addressing the needs of all victims of domestic abuse. We must recognise that domestic abuse can affect anyone, and it is our collective responsibility to stand up and speak out against this evil. I am excited to move forward and continue building on the excellent work initiated by the Family Ministries Department.
What steps can people take?
For too long, domestic abuse has thrived on secrecy and shame. Let’s begin with a conversation and, when we do, I believe we can start to change the story for victims, survivors and perpetrators. It’s time for the Church to be brave and speak out! Reach out to us at familyministries@salvationarmy.org.uk
Making an impact
Major Jo Moir speaks to three inspiring women working locally, nationally and internationally
THE Salvation Army’s International Women’s Ministries Vision Statement (2020) declares: ‘We envision women who are transformed and empowered by the gospel to lead a Christlike life; enriched mutually through local and global connections and support; equipped to fulfil their potential through lifelong learning and development; engaged in social justice and action to positively impact the world.’

LAUREN Westwood is the communications specialist in the office of the world president of women’s ministries at IHQ. In her role she has had the privilege to share inspiring stories of God’s work through ministry to women globally.
During a visit to Bangladesh, she encountered a group of young women from the home league group in a village where child marriage and a lack of formal education are commonplace.
Lauren reflects: ‘Despite their hardships, they found a safe space in their corps community to build trust, explore faith and navigate
marriage, motherhood and making ends meet. Their lack and our abundance in material resources contrasts with the rich community they have fostered and our deficit in such spaces, which can lead women to breaking point under illusions of selfsufficiency and ‘having it all’.
‘It transformed my approach to ministry. Now, when I engage with women at home, I want to cultivate strong communities, prioritise honest conversations, and advocate for the inclusion of women’s voices at every level.’
Lauren is not only excited at the work being done internationally but also eager to see women being more courageous and innovative in local ministry. She hopes that young women will trust deeply in God and flourish, whether as local leaders, lay leaders or in full-time ministry.
Lauren’s prayer is that we continue to give women a voice and that we ‘see, notice and elevate’ the next generation of female leaders in our Movement.

DR Naar Mfundisi-Holloway is an action researcher at THQ’s Research and Development Unit. She finds deep fulfilment in being able to lead in both her professional and personal life. Despite the demands of motherhood, God has given her the grace to thrive as both a leader and a mum.
She reflects: ‘Raising my children to know God brings me great joy. Since my children have dual heritage, I particularly enjoy teaching my children about my Zambian roots while living in the UK. Passing down Bible stories, teaching them to pray and guiding them through everyday tasks reminds me of the values my mother instilled in me.’
Lauren Westwood
Dr Naar M’fundisi -Holloway
She is also discovering new strengths within herself – both as a leader and as a mother.
‘Watching my leadership skills grow and seeing the resilience I have as a parent fills me with gratitude,’ she says. ‘Each day, I embrace the challenges and joys of these roles, knowing that God equips me for both.’
One of the most inspiring aspects of her work is witnessing women rise above life’s challenges in their various callings. She has seen women refuse to let obstacles define them, instead stepping boldly into their purpose. Their resilience, faith and determination continue to inspire her, and she is grateful.
Naar’s prayer is that female leaders will know their worth – that they are valuable simply because they are made in the image of God.
‘I pray they will lean on him, trusting in his strength to help them flourish in every gift and ability he has given them,’ she says. ‘Most of all, may their lives be a testament to God’s faithfulness.’
Estelle Blake

MAJOR Estelle Blake is a chaplain within the Anti-Trafficking and Modern Slavery Department. For her, a rewarding part of the role is seeing ‘the smiles and recognition on the faces of people when they realise that the chaplain is there for them –whatever they believe’.
She also values sharing food and drink with people doing various roles supporting victims and survivors in their journeys to freedom.
She adds: ‘I suppose selfishly a rewarding moment has been when I walked in a room after six months of turning up and being present but with no real affirmation, that people
Ways to celebrate International Women’s Day
Listen to women and girls
Actively listen to the experiences, challenges and achievements of women and girls around you. Create spaces where they feel heard and valued.
Advocate for economic equality
Support women-owned businesses, advocate for equal pay, and promote workplaces that provide opportunities for women.
Include women in decision-making
Advocate for equal representation of women in leadership positions. Recognise the importance of diverse perspectives in decision-making processes.
Say thank you
Take a moment to express gratitude to the women in your life. Let them know how they have positively influenced you.
Read more at salvationarmy.org.uk/ international-development/areas-work/ women-girls
shouted: “Estelle’s here!” In that moment I realised I was recognised for the ministry I bring.’
Seeing women being celebrated as managers and leaders and the initiatives that they bring to the world of modern slavery, and the fight to see it end, has been inspiring to her.
Estelle’s prayer for the female leaders of the future is that ‘we would make the road more open so that they can be even more visionary and dream bigger dreams than we had – that they would be seen as world-changers and that the world would encourage them to be the world-changers they already are’.
‘May their voices be heard clear and strong,’ she concludes.

MAJOR JO MOIR Territorial Communications Officer THQ
Encouraging each other
Women from across the territory celebrate other women who have influenced them in their faith

I was born into a Christian family in Omu-Aran in Kwara State, Nigeria, one of four children. From an early age, my mother encouraged me to be a follower of Jesus, attending Sunday school and all aspects of church life – to read my Bible, pray and help others. Now as a mother myself to three children, I try to be like my mother and bring my children up as followers of Jesus. Praise and thank you to her.
from Deborah Afolayam (Merthyr Tydfil)
Janet Elliot
She has always been the one who made me realise it is OK to say ‘I am a Christian’ and has given me the confidence to tell people. Throughout our time together, Janet has, at certain times in my life, reminded me to ‘ask the Lord’, which resulted in one time prompting me to become a senior soldier and go into uniform. Janet reminded me to keep asking the Lord when I had doubts or queries. I have never forgotten that reminder and I am still doing that now, not only for my own life but also for when I pray for others.
from Recruiting Sergeant Betty (Stornoway)
Liz Carpagnano
My faith has become so strong with encouragement and support from Liz. She has shown me how prayer and beautiful songs are so spiritually uplifting. I feel the love of God in my heart and soul. Thank you, Liz. You are an inspiration and a blessing to us all.
from Hazel Sheen (Ringwood)

I am spoilt for choice as I feel blessed and supported by several women in my life. The Lord has guided me to the Women of Hope at Wood Green Salvation Army. Ade became my prayer partner and a friend; her natural spirituality has anchored me in my faith, bringing me to a place

Pam Parnell
She was wonderful. She showed me nothing but love and kindness.
from Susan Strong (Risca)
of confidence in my journey with the Lord Jesus, enabling me to serve others. It is an honour to share my love for every sister in Christ Jesus my Saviour. Thank you to Major Paula Knight (Wood Green) for her endless support in my journey also.
from Sonia Westney (Wood Green)
Mo Dunn
I’ve known Mo (Dunstable) for over 40 years, since I was a junior soldier at Luton Citadel in the 1980s. Mo, I remember your fun and mischievous character, your love for the Lord and your family, but most of all your giving nature and willingness to open up your home and be there for the young people of the corps in so many ways. Folks who know you, Mo, will know you’ve been through a lot in recent years. Your unwavering faith and service are inspirational to me and, I’m sure, to many. Know that you are much loved and still fondly thought of. I hope that you find comfort and encouragement in knowing that you made a difference to me and my twin brother, Ray, and many others in some turbulent teenage years. I uphold you in prayer and hope that we can reconnect as friends and sisters in Christ. You’re a star! from Lyn Woods (Beccles)

My Grandma
My Grandma, Jeanne, has always been an amazing woman of faith. Her journey as a missionary showed her dedication to spreading the love of Christ and, upon marrying my grandfather, she wholeheartedly supported his chaplaincy. Her unwavering support and care, especially as she stood by his side during his battle with MS until his passing, highlighted her strength and selflessness. Even now, she continues
Major Mary McDonald
Major Mary and I both arrived at Kirkcaldy Corps in the summer of 2010. Mary has provided prayerful and practical encouragement for my whole family in that time. When I think back, she is there beside us in our darkest moments and celebrating our happiest of times. Mary also uses her wonderful gift of hospitality within our corps. Her delicious soup warms the body, while her kindness warms the soul. An inspirational woman if ever there was one and I am blessed to call her my friend. Here is a photo of her doting on my youngest boy, Andrew. from Felicity Grubb (Kirkcaldy)
Pauline Parker and Kath Rayner
Although brought up as a Roman Catholic, my children attended the Salvation Army Sunday school. When my daughter decided to get married at the Army, two of the local Salvationists approached me and offered to do the floral decorations for the wedding. They were Pauline Parker and Kath Rayner. They became good friends, and it was due to their ongoing love and support I started attending the Sunday morning meetings. At their invitation I attended Alpha courses and Bible studies. I realised I had found my spiritual home and, in 1990, became an adherent. I also became a member of the home league, and it was during this time that I received much love and excellent support from the then Home League Secretary Maureen Cates, along with the fellowship of other ladies that comprised this group, especially during the time my husband, Colin, was in care suffering from Alzheimer’s. In 2024, I was made a soldier and I am an active soldier showing love to others by serving the Lord in a number of different ways, including working at the food bank and doing home visits. My inspirational verse is: ‘Whatever you did for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did for me’ (Matthew 25:40 God’s Word Translation). Praise the Lord! from Pat Gage (Felixstowe)
to be my spiritual anchor, offering words of wisdom and the perfect advice when I need it the most. Her example encourages me to live out my faith with the same grace and unwavering courage she has always shown.
from Natalie Sparnon (Bristol South)

My daughter
A woman who inspires me is my daughter! She is 13,but is turning into quite the young woman.She is sure of who she is and does not change herself to fit in with others.She is bold in her faith and unashamedly talks to her

My Mum
peers about going to church.While she follows the latest trends, she never lets it cloud her sense of identity in Christ. She inspires me to be bold and to love myself as God made me to be.
from Captain Naomi Kelly (Middlesbrough)

Major Shirley McKenzie
I can’t talk about my faith without my Mum coming to mind. She’s this amazing woman who’s poured her life into serving Jesus by simply loving and caring for our family. Through her, I’ve seen that walking with God isn’t always this perfect, flowery path. It is sometimes messy and difficult. She never let go of Jesus, even when life got hard, gently leading us towards him. When I think of what love looks like in real life, it’s her – my guide, my example, the person who showed me what faith means when it leaves the pages of Scripture and walks around in everyday life.
from Tatiane del Campo (Sutton)
Eileen Davies and Eve Gray
Well I don’t have one woman who inspires me, but two amazing women: Eileen Davies and Eve Gray. Eileen took me through my junior soldier classes, then journeyed with me in my senior recruits classes. She’s always willing to listen and support anyone thinking about soldiership or becoming an adherent. I love listening to her speak about the Bible and discussing with her. Eileen is always talking to everyone at church, especially the young people, and listening to what we’ve been up to – she even comes to all my school concerts! Eve is my prayer partner and a big role model in my faith journey. She helps lead the Central, Southern and Channel Islands Divisional Youth Chorus and encourages me to use my music abilities in worship, whether it’s occasionally singing in worship band or helping
Major Kathryn Blowers
Major Kathryn was a woman of extraordinary faith and compassion, who deeply influenced my faith journey. She truly embodied The Salvation Army’s motto: heart to God, hand to man. Kathryn was a trailblazer for Roma women, standing firmly behind them and ensuring their

organise our Overflow contemporary worship sessions. She always supports me. If I have any questions or worries, Eve is there to listen and offer advice, but also encourages me to think about the messages in the Bible and reminds me to trust God’s plan. There are so many more amazing female role models at my corps and beyond, and I’m so blessed to have all of them involved in my faith journey.
from Anya Brain (Maidenhead)

There are lots of women who have influenced my spiritual life, from family members, YP workers, section leaders, local leaders, officers, members of my church and, in recent years, women of faith in non-faith workplaces. So many do this without knowing the impact they have, just by leading a God-led life. However, the woman I would like to recognise for impacting me, especially my adult spiritual journey and my journey as a new mother, would be Major Shirley McKenzie. Her humility, wisdom and care for all people she meets is a Godgiven gift and her willingness to share it with others, especially in her most vulnerable moments, has taught me so much as a woman of faith. Her way of encouraging all those around her by just being herself and allowing God to shine continues to inspire me. from Talitha Ruddock (Birmingham Citadel)

voices were heard. She believed in the power of women to lead, serve and shape the future of faith. Through her unwavering dedication, God used her to open doors for the Roma community to encounter Christ, paving the way for many. Though she is no longer with us, her legacy of love, justice and empowerment continues to inspire me and countless others. Thank you, Pastorka Kathryn – you will never be forgotten.
from Maria Holmokova (Gravesend)

SUNDERLAND MILLFIELD The corps celebrated its 135th anniversary with a two-day event featuring guests Chief Secretary Colonel Peter Forrest and Territorial Secretary for Leader Development Colonel Julie Forrest. After an early morning corps walk and coffee, a Desert Island Discs-themed gathering provided an informal get-to-know-you evening with Colonels Julie and Peter. They shared their faith journeys and reflected on their appointments and ministry. The warm atmosphere continued into a multicultural buffet. Sunday celebrated the corps history as well as the growth of outreach initiatives, including the Ladies Friendship Circle, Men’s Fellowship, Silver Screen Club, sports ministry and Messy Church. Colonel Peter emphasised the importance of forward-thinking. Pictured are corps officer Captain Jon Doyle, Jonathan Mbadzo, Corps Sergeant-Major David Smith, Colonels Peter and Julie, Youth Team Leader Adam Raine, Tendai Mbadzo and corps officer Captain Caron Doyle. – HS

PORTADOWN North Scotland divisional leaders Major Gillian Jackson and Major Steve Dutfield were the special guests for the 144th corps anniversary weekend. The morning meeting was centred around Psalm 144, and encouraged the congregation to think of words to describe God and their relationship with him, which were added to an anniversary tree. An afternoon praise meeting included items from the band and songsters, as well as vocal soloists and performances from a local accordion group. The corps thank God for his faithfulness and look forward to the future together. Major Gillian and Major Steve are pictured with corps officer Captain Lisa Cunningham. – LC

HEMEL HEMPSTEAD The young people had a great day celebrating the YP anniversary with a meeting led by Divisional Youth Specialist Ruth Beattie. This was followed by a trip to McDonald’s and Cloud 9 Leisure inflatable park in the afternoon. The children are always enthusiastic in meetings and the corps loved having a time to celebrate them. –

WAKEFIELD About 60 people attended a Music Man Project taster day, bringing much fun, laughter and blessing. Corps folk also took part in a training and awareness session with Disability Engagement Adviser Jo-Anne Graham (THQ) and Learning Disability Inclusion Manager Chris Stringer (THQ). The Music Man Project is part of a partnership with the Enabled community, which provides spiritual support and friendship to people with disabilities, their families and carers. Corps officer Captain Terry Hendy said: ‘To share our faith we need to make friends and what a way to make friends.’ The corps plans to start a monthly Music Man group, as well as one at Royston, a few miles away. – AR

Squirrels of the 5th Dunstable Scouts visited the corps. The 10 children learnt that the corps was a church, and heard about the cross of Jesus. They searched for crosses in the hall, wrote a prayer of thanks and spent time preparing food parcels – they were pleased to hear how these would help people. They especially enjoyed trying their hand at marching, with some leaders and parents joining in! – RC

SUNDERLAND MONKWEARMOUTH A concert celebrated Ukrainian culture with food, dancing, singing and prayers, while also acknowledging three years of war in Ukraine. Held in Ukrainian with English translations, the concert raised funds for projects in the country. Volunteer Margo, who helped organise the concert, said: ‘It reminded everyone of the power of unity and compassion, demonstrating that no matter where we are, we all have a role to play in the fight for peace and justice.’ The packed hall included the mayor, Councillor Allison Chisnall, deputy lord-lieutenant Ruth Thompson and International Secretaries for Europe Commissioners Cedric and Lyn Hills, as well as divisional leaders Majors David and Gillian Burns. Corps officer Major David McCaw-Aldworth said: ‘Despite the reasons for gathering, it was a hopeful evening full of joy and celebration.’ – AR
IHQ General Lyndon Buckingham called for peace on the third anniversary of the start of the war in Ukraine. The General reached out to survivors with words of solace and comfort, and called for a new level of moral consciousness and civic responsibility from both sides to end hostilities. ‘Our prayers for comfort and healing are with all who live in fear and who grieve the loss of loved ones,’ he said. He also called world leaders to ‘do all within their power to come alongside both countries in a spirit of bipartisanship and peacemaking’. – AR
SUTTON Some corps members were part of a Ukrainian choir for a concert commemorating the beginning of the war in Ukraine. The concert took place at Christ Church in Sutton. – AR
RAMSGATE A candlelight vigil and prayer meeting marked three years since the start of the war in Ukraine. – AR
SCARBOROUGH A remembrance service marked three years since the start of the war in Ukraine. The afternoon included prayers, songs, the lighting of candles and a children’s theatre performance. The corps supports a number of Ukrainian refugees through its Sunflower Project and has hosted language and history lessons to help refugee children keep in touch with their heritage. The theatrical performance, The Power of Word, was performed by Ukrainian theatre group Volya, created as part of the Sunflower cultural project. – AR

SHERINGHAM With much anticipation and enthusiasm, the corps welcomed the International Staff Band for a Saturday evening concert, which had been delayed since the Covid-19 pandemic. Soloists Richard Woodrow (flugelhorn), Gavin Lamplough (cornet) and Jonathan Evans (euphonium) played with sensitivity and a great deal of musicality, showing flair in their performances and an experience of mission behind the music. ISB Executive Officer Lieut-Colonel Paul Kingscott led the Sunday morning service and an afternoon festival included ‘No Longer I’, a euphonium solo by Andrew Hedley, and ‘The Heralds’ from Nick Brill, Paul Sharman and Matthew Frost. Many visitors, who do not normally attend the corps, felt the visit to be worthwhile and challenging. – MG

STOCKTON The young people were pleased to receive Christian-themed books. These were funded by Young Persons Gift Day, held last July. The corps feel very blessed with the number of dedicated young people they have. – TB

READING LOWER EARLEY A monthly men’s breakfast fellowship is providing space for connection, support and wellbeing. Led by members Keith Vertigan and Darren Early, it has grown into a popular event, with 18 regular attendees, four of whom are members of the corps. Corps officer Captain Roelof Vermeulen said: ‘It’s a place where men can find a listening ear, share the burdens of life, and find healing from the pressures that weigh them down. We believe that healthy, stress-free men build stronger homes, stronger communities and a better society.’ – AR

BETHANY Hook and Siobhan Domleo were welcomed as adherents by corps officers Majors Julia and Robert Jepson. Bethany is a University of Nottingham student with Army roots in Kent. Siobhan has been at the corps her whole life and worships with her family. The meeting was full of joy and they both testified to it being the right time to move on in their Christian faith through this form of membership. Bethany and Siobhan have taken bold steps to grow their faith and further their commitment to Jesus. – RJ

ANNA Viney and Phoebe Durrant were welcomed as adherents by associate officer Major Jo Todd. Anna gave her testimony and requested ‘Amazing Grace!’ (SASB 453) to be sung by the congregation. Phoebe testified how welcome she had been made by the songsters and the worship group. Phoebe sang a solo with the songsters as part of their contribution to the meeting. – DC

JANE Trott was enrolled as a soldier by corps officer Major Yvonne Frederiksen on Covenant Sunday. With a childhood background as a junior soldier of the corps, and after some difficult years, she is now back at her spiritual home. God is good and sending new people to the corps, praise him! Also pictured is Major Colin Harrod, who led soldiership classes. – AF

MEGAN Clee and Charlie Kaunhoven were enrolled as soldiers in the presence of their families and many friends. The service was conducted by Lieutenant John Melia (Street). Corps members have witnessed the progress of these two young people, in their lives and Christian commitment, and continue to pray for their future as young Salvationists. Holding the flag is Ieuan Jones. – AW

SAMANTHA Nhamburo was enrolled as a soldier by Corps Sergeant-Major Glyn Evans. The corps family celebrated with Samantha’s friends and family and prays for her as she continues her journey as a disciple of Christ. Also pictured are Recruiting Sergeant June Hill and Assistant Recruiting Sergeant Ruth Dosvora. – GE
Effective 27 January
CAPTAIN ANN CHINYE, Associate Officer, Southend Citadel
Effective 20 February
CAPTAIN ALEXANDRA DEVINE, Associate Officer, Nottingham Arnold
MAJOR POLIS PANTELIDIS, additional appointment, Counsellor, Wellbeing Department (1 morning per week)
Effective 13 March
CAPTAIN DAWN RODEN, Edmonton and Enfield
CAPTAIN GLENN RODEN, Edmonton and Enfield
Effective 19 June
Local officers appointed
Dedicated to God
NATHANIEL BATTEN, son of Abina Ranjini and Victor Marin, at Merthyr Tydfil by Major Steve Wilson
IVY JOY HAYWARD, daughter of Adam and Singing Company Leader Louise Hayward, at Birmingham Citadel by Major Keely Standley
LUCIE GRACE HENNEFER , daughter of Michael Hennefer and Olivia Knott, at Bolton Citadel by Major Wendy Knott
Wedding anniversaries
Platinum (70 years)
Promoted to Glory
HAROLD HALL , Hemel Hempstead
MAJOR BRIAN GRIFFIN from Bedford Hospital on 22 February
LINDSEY MOYE, Stowmarket, of her mother Mildred Pearson
Territorial Leaders Commissioners Jenine and Paul Main Sat 15 Mar – Sun 16 Mar Guisborough (145th corps anniversary)
Chief Secretary Colonel Peter Forrest and Territorial Secretary for Leader Development Colonel Julie Forrest Mon 17 Mar William Booth College (Spiritual Day)
School templates
A bank of template designs is available to help you lead school lessons, talks or assemblies around topics such as The Salvation Army, Christian faith and faith in action. Download these user-friendly, adaptable designs, which include a presentation and Word document, from salvationist.org.uk/schools
In memory: Online wall of remembrance
The Salvation Army has introduced an online wall of remembrance that allows people to share memories and photos of loved ones when they don’t always know what to say. This virtual wall is free to use and a donation to the Army is optional. Access the page at thesalvationarmy.dedicationpage.org
Poetry Corner
Salvationist is bringing back Poetry Corner for Easter! If you have an Easter-inspired poem you would like to share, email it to salvationist@ salvationarmy.org.uk for consideration by 7 April.
Helping-Hand Appeal
Are you raising funds for this year’s appeal, which supports international food security projects? Tell us about what you’re doing where you are by emailing salvationist@salvationarmy.org.uk
Sunday Worship
Join Salvationists across the territory in worship, with music, prayer and a Bible message from a guest speaker. This week’s message is from Major Judith Daniels (East of England DHQ). Can’t join us at 11am on Sundays? Catch up with the weekly podcast of highlights. Each week’s broadcast is repeated in full on Sundays at 6pm, Mondays at 12am and Thursdays at 9am.
• Listen online at salvationist.org.uk/radio
Evening Jazz with Richard Mingay
Major Richard Mingay (William Booth College) shares the good news through his love of jazz and gospel music. The episode is broadcast at 7pm on Sunday 9 March and repeated in full at 9pm on Friday 14 March.
• Listen online at salvationist.org.uk/radio
This Is My Story, This Is My Song
Join Andy and Ali as they invite a special guest to share their story and song, in this podcast of conversations from Salvationist Radio’s No Age Limit . This month features International Staff Songster Leader Dorothy Nancekievill.
• Listen online at salvationist.org.uk/podcasts
Morning Praise with Kids Alive!
Get your day started with half an hour of music, prayer, a thought and lots of giggles! Listen on Saturdays from 7.30am to 8am. Can’t tune in on Saturday morning? The broadcast is also repeated in full on Sundays at 9am and Mondays at 7.30am.
• Listen online at salvationist.org.uk/radio
Saturday 15 March, 7pm
A free will offering will take place in support of the Big Connection
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