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EDITOR Cara Mott
CONTACT US Phone Offce – 020 7367 4910
Territorial Headquarters Switchboard – 0845 634 0101
Email kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk Post 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ
William and Catherine Booth
LEADERS General Lyndon Buckingham and Commissioner Bronwyn
Commissioners Jenine and Paul Main EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Major Julian Watchorn
weekly by The Salvation Army United Kingdom and Ireland Territory.
Salvation Army is a Christian church and registered charity.
When Moana was a little girl, she dreamt of sailing out to sea in search of an adventure. At frst it seemed like a terrible idea. Nobody on Motunui (the island Moana lived on) had explored the ocean in more than 1,000 years – it was too dangerous. Then a disease struck Motunui, destroying its wildlife. So Moana fnally left the safety of her home. She saved Motunui and made the ocean safe to explore again!
Now Moana is the chief of Motunui. As the wayfnder she leads her people out to sea to fnd distant islands. She’s been far and wide, but her next adventure will take her further than she’s ever been before. Moana sets off for the seas of Oceania in search of a hidden island called Motufetu. Motufetu once connected all the people of the ocean, until something terrible happened to it. Moana won’t be searching for Motufetu on her own. She’s joined by her pet pig, Pua, and by her rooster, Heihei. Plus, she’s got her powerful shapeshifting friend, Maui, at her side. Together they’ll fght a ferce sea monster, coconut pirates known as the Kakamora and a horrible villain called Matangi. Together they might just fnd a way of connecting the people of the ocean again!
I love Moana. She’s so strong, enthusiastic and adventurous. She also completely and utterly believes in the fact she’s been called by the ocean to help her people and make their lives better. The Bible is full of people who were called by God to help people and make their lives better. Whether it’s Moses and David in the Old Testament, or Mary and Paul in the New Testament. These people were chosen by God to do the most incredible, world-changing things. Calling people to do incredible things isn’t something that just happened thousands of years ago either. God still calls people today. He calls people to do all sorts of things, such as leading churches, writing books, teaching kids, fghting unfairness in our world or looking after people who need help. Pay special attention when you talk to God, because he might be calling you to do something incredible too!
n this week’s Bible cartoon Jesus tells another parable. Parables are stories that Jesus told that helped people understand who he was and how they should live or behave. This week Jesus uses a story about a shepherd and his sheep. Jesus says that a good shepherd loves his sheep so much that he’s willing to do anything to protect them – even if that means facing a wolf. Yikes! I wouldn’t want to come face-to-face with a wolf, would you? Facing a wolf could be seriously bad for a shepherd. They might get hurt or even die!
But why was Jesus telling this story and what does it mean? In this story Jesus was talking about himself. He was trying to explain that he is like a good shepherd who would do anything to
Read the comment below about how much Jesus loves us
by Cara Mott
look after and protect his sheep – and we’re the sheep! Jesus is telling us that he is willing to do anything to protect us, even if that means getting hurt or dying.
At the time, people didn’t really understand what Jesus meant. Some people even thought he was crazy! However, because we know what happened next – what happened at Easter – we know that this story came true. Jesus did give up his life to protect his sheep on Good Friday when he died on the cross. This happened so that we could be forgiven by God for all the mistakes that we make, and have a close friendship with God. So Jesus was completely right when he said that a good shepherd would do absolutely anything to look after and protect their sheep!
A bad shepherd has let these sheep escape from their pen and they’re now hidden all over these two pages. Can you find and count them all? Here’s an extra challenge for ‘ewe’ too! Each sheep has a letter. Put all the letters together in the right order to discover a phrase from this week’s Bible cartoon.
on Page 2 S P E
Check out your Bible –John 10:1–21
Did you know the Bible isn’t one big book? It’s actually 66 books put together to tell one big story of God’s great love. Join us as we look at each Bible book and discover why God made the world, what went wrong and how in the end God saved the world through his son, Jesus.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given?
Maybe it’s to try your hardest at school or to brush your teeth twice a day. Great advice helps us to live better lives, and some of the best advice you’ll ever fnd is in the book of Proverbs! Proverbs is full of short sayings that were mostly said by King Solomon, one of the wisest men to ever live. Solomon’s wisdom came from God so the proverbs (which means short, helpful sayings) that he spoke are still worth paying attention to now.
The sayings in Proverbs show us how a wise person should live, such as by being kind, working hard and being generous. As we read Proverbs, we’re given a choice. Choose to live foolishly, doing things that might feel good right now but are actually bad. Or choose to be wise by living how God wants us to.
KA! JAM is the coolest Bible activity club around. As a member you’ll go on amazing adventures through the Bible learning about Jesus. Each activity sheet is filled with lots of great stuff about being a Christian. You’ll also receive our mini-mag, Chatterbox which is filled with jokes, games and much more. And to top it off, there are loads of awesome prizes to be won!
To join KA! JAM and complete the Bible activity courses online, go to salvationist.org.uk/kajam.
Or if you would like to receive the postal version, simply fill in the coupon below.
To join KA! JAM just fll in the application form and send it – along with two KA! JAM, 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ. Applicants must be between 7 and 17 years old to join.
Date of birth:
Boy or girl: Do you attend a church, and if so, which one?
I, (signature)
apply for membership of Kids Alive! Jesus And Me. I understand that joining KA! JAM doesn’t mean I have joined The Salvation Army and that it is not a free subscription to Kids Alive!
To see your name and birthday printed in a future issue of KA! email your full name, address and date of birth to kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk. Remember to type ‘Happy Birthday to You!’ in the email’s subject box.
23 November
Harriet Whitelam – age 8
Nathania Leung – age 12 24 November
Robert MacDonald – age 12
26 November
28 November
David Simon – age 12
The weather is getting a bit colder, so I’ve got my onesie on! it’s perfect for getting cosy and watching a film on the sofa. See if you can spot this version of me on another PAGE IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE.
Optical illusions use colour, light or patterns to confuse our brains – that means the illusions look different to what is actually there.
Check out these candy canes. Are they all lined up parallel to each other? Despite the fact they look wonky, they’re actually straight with an even amount of space between each one. It’s just an illusion created by the red and white lines.
He he, he he!
maui moana oceania
Tui manta ray sina keke
explorer voyager loto
nalo wayfinder heihei simea tradition motufetu kakamora pua
moni matangi motunui
What did Tamatoa do with his phone? Take lots of shell-fes!
Why did Moana blush?
Because the seaweed!
What did the ocean do when it saw Moana? It waved!
What type of song is ‘You’re Welcome’? A Rock song!
Explore this week’s ‘Kids Alive!’ to work out which pages these images are taken from
Why can’t Maui float? Because he’s The Rock!
Why did Tamatoa want to keep all his treasures? Because he was shellfsh!
Ho ho, ha ha, he he!
Find the ‘Moana 2’-related words below in the grid A C E B D F G H
What should you give Pua if he gets sick? Oinkment!
What do you get if you cross a famous painting and a Disney princess? The Moana Lisa!
1 Substance for colouring hair, for example. 3 Gentle or not hard. 6 Food such as an apple or orange. 7 Number that birthday candles represent.
8 Pleasant or a French resort. 10 Tiny particle of matter. 12 Historical period. 13 African river mammal (abbreviation). 15 Informal talk. 16 Neckwear garment. down:
1 Footballer protecting the goal.
2 Flightless bird of Australia. 3 Badger’s lair. 4 Large meal. 5 Harry Potter’s friend. 9 Team trainer or a single-decker bus. 11 Closed. 14 Cooking vessel or pan.
by Neil Locker
Each six-letter answer is written clockwise around the clue number. Use the clues to help you work out the correct words. A new word will be revealed in the darker green boxes. We’ve given you the frst letter of each word to help you. Clue: Fruit.
The Starry Night, Mona Lisa and Water
Lilies are all famous paintings, but they have something else in common. They’re all kept in art galleries. That means that you can go and see them, but you can’t carry them around with you! You’d defnitely get in trouble if you tried to walk out of the Louvre Museum with the Mona Lisa poking out of your backpack!
With the Hama Beads Tub, you can create dazzling bead pictures that you can take with you wherever you go! Once you’ve created a hama-zing design on your pegboard, all you need to do is ask for the help of a parent or carer. They’ll iron over your design and the beads will stick together to create your own perfect picture.
You can take your picture on adventures with you without having to worry that it will break apart. So you can even make your own little Mona Lisa to carry in your backpack – and you won’t get in trouble for having it!
For your opportunity to win your own Hama Beads Tub, answer the question below and email your full name, age, address and answer to kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk. Remember to put ‘Hama Competition’ in the subject box. Your entry needs to reach us by Friday 20 December when the winners will be chosen. You can also enter by flling in the details on the coupon below and posting it to: Hama Competition, Kids Alive! 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ.
National Tree Week starts today (23 November)! Throughout the week, thousands of trees will be planted all around the United Kingdom. As these trees grow, they’ll help to fght against climate change and they’ll also become the homes of plenty of wildlife. To celebrate how tree-mendous trees are for our planet, add a splash of colour to the design below. If you’d like to share your artwork with other readers, email your colouring to: kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk. Make sure you write ‘National Tree Week Colouring’ in the subject box and give us your full name, age and address. Alternatively you can post your colouring to: Your Space, Kids Alive! 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ. One last reminder, if you’re sending by post remember to fll in the details below so we know who you are. We send a gift to everyone whose colouring we publish, so don’t miss out!
Name: Age:
Living a healthy and an active lifestyle and caring for your physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
There are a few special days that people celebrate by not going to school or work. Instead, they’ll often get together with their families and eat way too much food. We’ve got a special day coming very soon – Christmas Day!
If you’re from the United States of America, then you’ll have another special day to celebrate – Thanksgiving! American Thanksgiving is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday of November. This year it will be on 28 November.
Thanksgiving is a bit like the harvest festivals that we have in the United Kingdom. It’s an opportunity to give thanks for everything that God has given people over the last year. It’s also an opportunity to get together with family and friends.
Just like other holidays, Thanksgiving has its own traditions, such as… Celebrating Thanksgiving
A feast! People will often have a big meal on Thanksgiving. They might eat roast turkey, stuffng, cranberry sauce, mashed potato and pumpkin pie!
Parades! There are often parades to celebrate Thanksgiving. The most famous parade is Macy’s parade in New York. This parade has marching bands, performers and foats.
American football games! A big part of Thanksgiving for many people is getting together to watch a game of American football.
Even though we’re not in the USA, why not have your own Thanksgiving this year? You could…
Have a meal with your family and share what you’re all thankful for.
Write a note to say thank you to someone.
Pray to God to thank him for everything that he does for you.
A ship called the Mayflower arrived in what would one day become the USA. It had come from Plymouth, England. The new arrivals (known as the Pilgrims) created a village that was also called Plymouth!
A writer called Sarah Josepha Hale (who wrote the song ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’) started a campaign to have Thanksgiving become cial holiday.
Life was hard for the Pilgrims. However, they were helped by a group of Native Americans called the Wampanoag tribe. To celebrate all the crops that were grown that year, the Pilgrims and Wampanoag tribe held a feast. Some people believe this was the frst Thanksgiving.
After 36 years of Sarah’s campaigning, Abraham Lincoln, the President at the time, made Thanksgiving into a proper holiday as a peaceful break during a war.
President George Washington declared that all Americans should have a day of thanksgiving to show their thankfulness for the end of a war against the British.
Learn more about the history of the kids.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/first-thanksgiving
What Are You Thankful For?
The Pilgrims, George Washington, Sarah Hale and Abraham Lincoln all knew that they had so much to be thankful for. What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Put a tick next to any of the following that you feel thankful for.
Favourite colour? Light blue.
Favourite food? Pizza.
Favourite sport? Beat dance.
Favourite bit of Kids Alive!
Patch’s Pals.
If you’d like to star in our reader profle section we’d love to hear from you! Get a grown-up to send us an email using the address in the purple box below. Then we’ll send you the forms to complete.
Favourite Bible story and why?
Daniel in the lions’ den, because he didn’t do anything wrong and the angel closed the lions’ mouths.
Favourite TV programme?
What do you want to be when you’re older? A teacher.
Two cats and Ivy the dog. Hobbies? Gymnastics and art. Tell us a joke. On which day do cheetahs eat? Chews-day!
What special skill or talent do you have? Singing and using my imagination.
Tell us something interesting about yourself. I am fortunate because I have 56 soft toys!
Is there anything else you would like to tell us? I like to help with
G e t I n T o u c h !
The Kids Alive! team loves to hear from its readers. And guess what –other readers love reading your news! So why not get in touch?
You can email or post your own colourings, drawings and letters. Or you could ask your Sunday school, church or corps leaders to email us or write to us with any news about the fun stuff you’ve been doing at your church or corps.
Email: kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk
Post: Kids Alive! 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ
Just looking at this fab National Radio Day Colouring makes us feel happy. It was sent to us by Ella, aged 7, and we think that she’s done a marvellous job! Well done, Ella!
This beautiful Earth Day Colouring from Phoebe, aged 9, helps us to remember how important it is to look after our planet! We love the red wind turbine and green mountaintops.
God made so many fantastic things in this world, including every reader of Kids Alive!
During Sunday school, the kids at Cumbernauld Salvation Army talked about lots of beautiful things that God created. Then they made plate portraits of themselves as a reminder that God made them too!
Wow! Take a look at this bright and wonderful National Radio Day Colouring from Simon, aged 7. Adding colourful swirls was a brilliant idea!
It was Halloween almost a month ago (how has the time gone so quickly?). Instead of celebrating darkness, the kids at Balham Salvation Army chose to celebrate the light of Jesus! They even made their own crafty lighthouses, which you can see in the picture above.
What are you laughing at, eric?
you’ve got ants sliding up and down your back! take a closer look on my back and you’ll soon see.
i know! they’re using me as their own personal roller coaster. I’m laughing because it tickles.