4 May 2024 salvationist.org.uk/kidsalive Kids Alive! – formerly The Young Soldier – Issue No 7409 The world's longest-running publication for children! The world's longest-running publication for children! 5,000 People Fed Kids Alive! is available online – go to salvationist.org.uk/kidsalive 50P/60c
£4.33 a
a competition, puzzles, jokes, comic strips and topical activities and articles for you to enjoy. Ask your parents or carers to go to sps-shop.com/kids-alive, call 01933 445445 (option 1, option 1) or email subscriptions@satcol.org to set up a subscription.
*A subscription costs just £4.33 a month (or a one-off payment of £52). This subscription offer applies in the UK and Republic of Ireland, with 51 copies delivered over 12 months. Please note that different prices apply to Europe and international orders.
EDITOR Cara Mott
Phone Offce – 020 7367 4910
Territorial Headquarters Switchboard – 0845 634 0101
Email kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk Post 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ
FOUNDERS William and Catherine Booth
GENERAL Lyndon Buckingham
TERRITORIAL LEADERS Commissioners Jenine and Paul Main
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Major Julian Watchorn
Published weekly by The Salvation Army United Kingdom and Ireland Territory. The Salvation Army is a Christian church and registered charity. The charity number in
What’s Inside? KA! JAM IM-PUZZ-IBLE PUZZLE PICK OUT PATCH: Page 15. GIGGLE IN THE MIDDLE SUPER SUM!: 9 + 6 x 2 – 6 ÷ 3 = 8. EGG TIMER CHALLENGE 1 Weather. 2 Heater. 3 Heart. 4 Tear. 5 Tar. 6 Tram. 7 Smart. 8 Stream. 9 Stammer. CROSSWORD ACROSS: 1 Heel. 3 Rock. 7 Mouse. 8 Ice. 9 Scatter. 13 Tea. 14 Cloud. 16 Park. 17 Idle. DOWN: 1 Hump. 2 Emu. 4 Olive. 5 Keen. 6 Lettuce. 10 Chair. 11 Step. 12 Edge. 15 Old. Turn this page upside down to read the answers Puzzle Answers Go to salvationist.org.uk/radio to get your morning started with half an hour of music, prayer, a thought and lots of giggles salvationist.org.uk/kidsalive Available online! 2 Hey there, readers! We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this issue of Kids Alive! If you would like to get your own copy of Kids Alive! delivered to your home every week, why not ask your parents or carers to take out a subscription* for you? Every week, Kids Alive! includes a cartoon Bible story,
3 National Walking Month
Bit 4–5 KA! JAM 6 Bumper Bible Breakdown 7 Kiddo 8–9 Giggle in the Middle 10 Stringalings Competition 11 National Sun Awareness Week 12–13 KA! World 14–15 Your Space 16 Patch’s Pals Naughty Norman
and Ed’s
Love our comic? Check out Morning Praise with Kids Alive! on Salvationist Radio every Saturday and Monday at 7.30–8am and every Sunday at 9–9.30am
the Republic
ISSN 1363-5662. 1 2 3 4
England, Wales and Northern Ireland is 214779, in Scotland SC009359 and in
umans have walked all over the place. We’ve walked through deserts, up mountains and, if your name is Neil Armstrong, on the Moon! Walking is something we’re brilliant at, but we often don’t do anywhere near enough of it. This May, Living Streets is celebrating National Walking Month. It’s a whole month dedicated to learning about the benefts of walking or wheeling. Walking really is amazing! It’s ridiculously good for your health. Walking for 20 minutes every day can help to make you feel happier and your heart healthier. You’ve just read a cool walking fact, but National Walking Month isn’t just about learning. It’s also about putting on your comfest trainers or your muddiest wellies and getting outside! Living Streets has even produced a checklist of 20 walking activities that you can get up to this month, such as taking part in a scavenger hunt or going on an adventure. So once you’ve fnished reading this issue of , why not go for a walk? You might not be able to walk through deserts, up mountains or on the Moon, but there are so many great places near you that are waiting to be explored! Also, try walking to school instead of getting a lift from your parents or carers! It’s Walk to School Week from 20–24 May, and that’s a great opportunity to get your 20 minutes of walking every day.
To learn more about Living Streets’ 20 tips for the month, head to livingstreets.org.uk/get-involved/national-walking-month
This is probably going to make me sound old, but I love a good walk! One of my favourite things to do at this time of year is to go for a walk in the woods to fnd bluebells.
Last spring I took my family for a walk in our local woods to try and spot some bluebells. Unfortunately, we got a bit lost. All the paths looked the same, so we ended up on the wrong one! Thankfully we found our way out eventually, though.
Sometimes things can happen in life that can make us feel like we’re lost in the woods. We might make the wrong choices and end up heading in the wrong direction. Thankfully, when that happens we can talk to Jesus. He’s always there ready to help us make good choices and fnd our way to the right path.
Doing the Impossible
Have you ever been asked to do something that seemed impossible? Sometimes a maths test might look impossible. Or it might feel impossible to walk to school when you’re tired. Or it could seem impossible to get on with your brother or sister, or someone annoying at school.
Do you think God asks us to do impossible things? Telling our friends about Jesus can feel impossibly hard. Helping everyone who’s struggling sounds like it’s an impossible task. Stopping things such as injustice and the climate crisis often seems impossible too.
In this week’s Bible cartoon, Jesus asks Philip to do something that seemed impossible – feed more than 5,000 people! Philip didn’t think there was anything they could do, but Andrew had a
Im-puzz-ible Puzzle
Can you do the impossible?
Without taking your pen or pencil off the paper, connect all nine dots with just four straight lines. (Hint – you don’t have to stay inside the box!)
Answer on Page 2
Read the comment below about taking a first step
by Luke Cozens
different idea. Andrew looked at what the disciples did have – fve loaves of bread, two fsh … and, of course, one Jesus!
All the disciples had to do was give Jesus what they had and Jesus used it to do something that looked impossible. All we have to do is the little bit we can and trust Jesus will take care of the rest! We can pray for our friends and talk about Jesus when God gives us the opportunity. We can help with things charities such as The Salvation Army do to support people who need help and ask God to do the rest. We can demand that people in charge make amends to bad systems and ask God to change their minds.
What do you think God is asking you to do? What frst step could you take today?
5 Steve English
Kids Alive! follows the Salvation Army Children and Youth’s Explore It! resource –go to salvationist.org.uk/resources/discipleship/explore-it Check out your Bible
Supernatural Life Lessons
More Than 5,000 People Fed
Bumper Bible Breakdown
Did you know the Bible isn’t one big book? It’s actually 66 books put together to tell one big story of God’s great love. Join us as we look at each Bible book and discover why God made the world, what went wrong and how in the end God saved the world through his son, Jesus.
The Promised Land
Before the Israelites began their journey towards the Promised Land (Canaan), Moses took a census and counted everyone according to their tribe and clan. He then sent 12 spies, 1 from each tribe, to spy on Canaan.
After 40 days, the spies returned and confrmed the land ‘fowed with milk and honey’. However, 10 of the spies also said the city had a strong fortress and the people living there looked like giants.
As a result, the Israelites refused to enter the Promised Land and even planned to go back to Egypt! God was very angry. He told the Israelites that they would wander in the wilderness for 40 years. No one would enter the Promised Land except for Joshua and Caleb (the two spies who trusted God) and the younger generation who didn’t rebel.
KA! JAM is the coolest Bible activity club around. As a member you’ll go on amazing adventures through the Bible learning about Jesus. Each activity sheet is filled with lots of great stuff about being a Christian. You’ll also receive our mini-mag, Chatterbox, which is filled with jokes, games and much more. And to top it off, there are loads of awesome prizes to be won! To join KA! JAM and complete the Bible activity courses online, go to salvationist.org.uk/kajam.
Or if you would like to receive the postal version, simply fill in the coupon below.
To join KA! JAM just fll in the application form and send it – along with two frst-class stamps – to: KA! JAM, 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ. Applicants must be between 7 and 17 years old to join.
Date of birth:
Boy or girl:
I, (signature)
Do you attend a church, and if so, which one?
apply for membership of Kids Alive! Jesus And Me. I understand that joining KA! JAM doesn’t mean I have joined The Salvation Army and that it is not a free subscription to Kids Alive!
Bum p er Bible B r e a muBnwodk p re elbiB B r e a kdown Numbers Numbers
Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday t to You!
To see your name and birthday printed in a future issue of KA! email your full name, address and date of birth to kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk. Remember to type ‘Happy Birthday to You!’ in the email’s subject box.
4 May
William Corbett – age 13
Alexander Gill – age 13
7 May
5 May
Tayla Nivar Garcia – age 8
Charlie Dickinson – age 15
Freddie Stubbs – age 5
8 May
Alfie Bates – age 12 Josiah – age 11
Pick Out Patch
National walking month is here! i’m going to set myself a challenge to walk 20 minutes every day this week. See if you can spot this version of me on another PAGE IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE.
Optical illusions use colour, light or patterns to confuse our brains – that means the illusions look different to what is actually there.
The arrangement of these lines makes them look like waves on the sea. If you stare at the image long enough the waves even seem to move! This is because our eyes move around a lot and our brains think the movement is coming from the picture.
What do you call a fly with no wings? A walk!
What is the laziest mountain to walk up? Mount Ever-rest!
Did you hear about the broken stile? I couldn’t get over it!
What do you call Julius Caesar on a walk? A roamin’ emperor!
The answers to the clues in this puzzle are anagrams of the answer immediately above or below, plus or minus one letter. The first one is filled in to give you a start.
by Neil Locker
÷+ + ÷ ÷ + 8 X 1 rain or sunshine, FOR EXAMPLE 2 radiator 3 organ of the body 4 rip 5 ROad-surfacing material 6 passenger vehicle on rails 7 intelligent 8 SMALL waterway 9 speech impediment Egg Timer Challenge Clues
w e A t h e r
the question marks with an add, subtract, divide or multiply symbol to complete the sum +
÷ 9 ? 6 ? 2 ? = 6
3 8
Ho ho, ha ha, he he! He he, he he!
Ho ho, ha ha, he he! He he, he he!
Why did the pepper go for a walk?
It wanted to spice up its life! Hoho,haha,hehe! Hoho,hoho! Hehe,hehe!
I’m an experienced trail walker...
...I’m always trailing behind!
I found two stones on my walk... ...one was big and shy, but the other was a little boulder! meander trek stroll prance stride amble power walk waddle family walk hike wander plod march
How was your walk in the hills? It was OK. It had its ups and downs!
Why are walking guides always called William?
Because where there’s a Will, there’s a way!
wa l k i n g
Crossword Clues Crossword Clues
by Neil Locker
1 Back part of your foot. 3 Large stone. 7 Rodent or a computer device. 8 Frozen water. 9 Sprinkle or spread seeds, for example. 13 Hot drink. 14 Cirrus or cumulus, for example. 16 Outdoor play area. 17 Lazy.
1 Camel’s back. 2 Flightless Australian bird. 4 Mediterranean tree with small bitter fruit. 5 Eager. 6 Leafy salad vegetable. 10 Something you sit on. 11 Put one foot in front of the other. 12 Border. 15 Ancient.
Find the walking-related words in the grid
Answers on Page 2
j x y p q r e d n a e m z f l r t r e k w b v t c o a f g a e d i r t s d k p m l m q s b x y n h p z t i b u h e k i h m j r c w l d r l n p t a u w a l e y x d y v r r b c o n g d w d h z e c s r y q c j f a b m d h t n f t z e y w l c n s b p o w e r w a l k a j n m v z b t f g z p w
Calling all crafty Kids Alive! readers! You might be a drawing expert, colouring champion or papier mâché pro – but have you ever made something that you can actually wear? With the Stringalings BFF Braiding Accessory Kit, you can do exactly that! You can create your very own bracelets, necklaces and key rings! Each kit comes with 80 colourful strings that you can braid into amazing accessories. The kit comes with a step-by-step instructions booklet, so you’ll never be struggling to know what to make. You can even braid something for your friends to wear! Or how about inviting your friends over for a ‘craft-ernoon’? Share your kit with them and make some awesome accessories together!
For your opportunity to win a Stringalings BFF Braiding Accessory Kit, answer the question below and email your full name, age, address and answer to kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk put ‘Stringalings Competition’ in the subject box. Your entry needs to reach us by Friday 31 May when the winners will be chosen. You can also enter by flling in the details on the coupon below and posting it to: Stringalings Competition, Kids Alive! 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ.
How many colourful strings are there in each kit?
40 60 80
Age: Remember, the best way to enter is to email your entry to kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk
It feels like we’ve had an endless amount of rain this year, but very soon it’s going to be the summer and it’s probably going to get hot! Since next week (6–12 May) is National Sun Awareness Week, we thought we’d share some ‘sun-believably’ good advice on what you should do if you’re going out on a sunny day. Have fun colouring in the designs below as you learn more about staying safe in the sun.
Slip on light, loose clothes that cover as much of your skin as you can.
Slap on a hat that will provide lots of shade! Whatever hat you choose, it needs to provide shade for your face, nose, neck and ears.
Slop on plenty of SPF30 or higher sunscreen 30 minutes before you go out! Make sure that you put sunscreen on any parts of your skin that aren’t covered by your clothes. Also, make sure that you put more sunscreen on every two hours, or every time after you’ve gone swimming.
Seek shade, especially when the sun is at its strongest! Between the hours of 11am and 3pm, it’s a good idea to not spend too much time in the sun. Instead, if you’re at the beach you could sit under an umbrella. Or if you’re in the park you could sit under a tree.
Slide on some sunglasses. This isn’t just so that you look cool (although you defnitely will)! Sunglasses help to protect your eyes from the sun! The best sunglasses for your eyes have wrap-around lenses, so ask your parents or carers to help you fnd a pair.
11 Go to salvationist.org.uk/kidsalive to download a printable PDF of this page
Living a healthy and an active lifestyle and caring for your physical, mental and spiritual well-being.
SATs Are Coming!
Summer is coming! Warm weather is coming! SATs are coming! One of those things might sound a bit less exciting than the other two. If you’re living in England and are in year six, you’ll hopefully already know that your SATs exams begin on 13 May. You’ll have a week full of maths and English exams. If you’re living in another part of the United Kingdom, you might have other literacy or numeracy tests coming up.
You might be counting down the days and feeling a little bit nervous right now! Don’t worry, that’s completely normal – and the Kids Alive! team is here to help you with some top-notch test tips!
For those of you who aren’t about to take an exam, don’t close these pages just yet! You might fnd some good advice for when you have your own tests in the future.
Top Tips
With some hard work, you can go into your tests ready to show everybody what you can do. Here are some tips.
Find a quiet room to do your homework in. If the television’s on and your dog is trying to lick your nose, then you’re going to struggle to learn anything!
Look at old exam papers online. Practising old questions is a great way to get ready for a test. To see loads of old SATs papers, visit satspapersguide.co.uk/ks2-year-6-sats/.
Focus on things that you fnd tricky. It might be tempting to only study what you fnd easy, but it’s good to get to grips with the hard stuff too!
Studying can be fun! Visit the BBC Bitesize KS2 website at bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zbr9wmn for some next-level maths and English games!
Relax! Take a breath! You don’t need to do homework every minute of every day before your exams. Do something you enjoy, such as going to the park or reading a book!
Before The Exam
Make sure you go to bed early the day before your exams. When you wake up, have a healthy breakfast.
Take some time to pray to God. It can be so easy to get super stressed about exams, but it’s good to remember that everything is in God’s hands. Ask God to help you to do the best that you can! He knows exactly how your SATs will go, and he loves you no matter how well you do.
If you’re feeling anxious or worried, make sure you talk to your parents, carers or teachers. It’s always good to share how you’re feeling and to ask for help if you need it.
Exam Tips
Imagine that you’re sat in your frst exam, pen in hand. You’ve had a good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast – but now what? Here are some tips for what to do when you have a test paper in front of you.
Take your time and read all the parts of every question. Make sure that you don’t miss anything!
For questions that give you a few choices for the answer, cross out any that are clearly wrong.
Underline anything in a question that’s important. This will help you to make sure that you focus on the right things!
Stay Calm!
SATs are coming – but you don’t have to be scared! We’re sure that you’ll do the best that you can. You never know, you might even fnd your tests fun!
If you have time at the end of the exam, reread all the questions and all your
However, if your SATs don’t quite go how you want them to, don’t worry! Your parents, carers and teachers can help you work on anything you need help with.
Patch’s Pencil Case
Patch is getting ready for his frst exam, but he’s lost everything in his pencil case somewhere on these pages! He’s lost his purple pencil, red ruler and silver scissors! Can you fnd them for him?
If you have tests coming up, try not to worry! You’ve got this!
Cool Colou ri ngs
Check out this magnifcent Children’s Mental Health Week Colouring from Tatum, age 8. We think that the colourful background is absolutely brilliant!
Take a look at this beautiful Springtime Colouring from Erin, age 6. We love how bold all the colours are!
What a goal! Sam, age 8, has sent in a fab Football Colouring. You’re a colouring champion, Sam!
Kaylee, age 6, has stunned the Kids Alive! team with her superb Children’s Mental Health Week Colouring! Look at that colourful turtle – we’ve never seen anything quite like it!
New Junior Soldiers
A junior soldier is a young member of The Salvation Army Eddie, Ellie-Rose, Rosie, Shildon.
Super Story
Jasmin, age 5, has written a fantastic fairy tale. It’s such a lovely story about making a new friend!
Jasmin was a fairy who lived in a tree and she was invisible so nobody could see her! She lived in a deep forest with other fairies. One day Jasmin went out to fnd some food for the other fairies and a fox came and said, ‘What are you doing out here?’
Jasmin said, ‘I am looking for food for fairies! How is it possible that you can see me?’
The fox said, ‘Because I am a magical fox and want to be your pet!’ So Jasmin and the fox lived together in the tree for ever.
If you’d like to star in our reader profle section we’d love to hear from you! Get a grown-up to send us an email using the address in the green box below. Then we’ll send you the forms to complete.
Age? 15. Favourite colour? Blue. Favourite food? Pasta.
Favourite Bible story and why? The lost son parable, because it teaches forgiveness. Pets? No. Hobbies? Gaming.
Tell us a joke. Why did the cow cross the road? It wanted to go to the moo-vies.
What special skill or talent do you have? I know a lot of programming.
G e t I n T o u c h !
The Kids Alive! team loves to hear from its readers. And guess what –other readers love reading your news! So why not get in touch? You can email or post your own colourings, drawings and letters. Or you could ask your Sunday school, church or corps leaders to email us or write to us with any news about the fun stuff you’ve been doing at your church or corps.
Email: kidsalive@salvationarmy.org.uk Post: Kids Alive! 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ
What are you still doing at school, Norman? It’s home time.
We had to produce a piece of artwork using things from the waste bin…
So, I described Lucy’s artwork as rubbish and then got told off for saying that.
Which seems a bit unfair when it really was rubbish!
My art teacher has given me a detention.
What did you do wrong?
...And then describe to the rest of the class somebody else’s work.
THE SALVATION ARMY – A CHRISTIAN CHURCH AND REGISTERED CHARITY Please Recycle Me! Published by The Salvation Army. © The Salvation Army United Kingdom and Ireland Territory, 2024. Printed by CKN Print, Northampton. LOCAL INFO LOCAL INFO LOCAL INFO