Kids Alive! 7 September 2024

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story, a competition, puzzles, jokes, comic strips and topical activities and articles for you to enjoy. Ask your parents or carers to go to, call 01933 445445 (option 1, option 1) or email to set up a subscription.

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EDITOR Cara Mott






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FOUNDERS William and Catherine Booth

GENERAL Lyndon Buckingham

TERRITORIAL LEADERS Commissioners Jenine and Paul Main

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Major Julian Watchorn

Published weekly by The Salvation Army United Kingdom and Ireland Territory. The Salvation Army is a Christian church and registered charity. The charity number in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is 214779, in Scotland SC009359 and in the Republic of Ireland CHY6399. ISSN 1363-5662.

Did you know that England and Wales were once ruled by the Romans? Hundreds of years later, the Vikings invaded! Then in 1066, a man from France called William the Conqueror took over!

The United Kingdom has had a very long history. Over thousands of years, lots of battles have been fought, tons of kings and queens have ruled and plenty of beautiful places have been built.

To learn more about our past, you can take part in Heritage Open Days. Heritage Open Days are a celebration of history, with lots of different places opening their doors for free! It’s a brilliant opportunity to uncover fun facts about our history. Places such as castles and big gardens will even offer tours and workshops. Different Heritage Open Days are taking place all over the United Kingdom! In England, Heritage Open Days started yesterday (6 September) and will last until next Sunday (15 September).

In Scotland, the festival is known as Doors Open Days, and it starts today (7 September). In Northern Ireland, Heritage Open Days will take place between 14 and 15 September, and in Wales events will be taking place for the whole of September.

So get ready to learn lots of fascinating stories about our history and to make a few fantastic memories of your own!

To find out more, check out the following websites:

England –

Scotland –

Wales –

Northern Ireland – arts-culture-and-heritage/european-heritage-open-days

We’re really fortunate in the United Kingdom, because we have so much amazing history to discover. While on holiday last month, I visited Urquhart Castle. It’s the ruins of an ancient castle on the banks of Loch Ness in Scotland. It’s a beautiful spot. While I was there, I loved reading about the history of the castle and enjoyed imagining what the castle would have looked like many years ago before it was in ruins.

Of course, the Bible is a bumper book that’s full of fascinating history too. There are all sorts of incredible true stories to get stuck into – including tales about love, battles, heroes, villains, queens and kings (some of them good and plenty of them bad!). So as well as exploring some really cool historical places near you this September, why don’t you also check out your Bible and see what you can discover?

You’re Not Alone

What’s your favourite Bible story? I know for a fact that this week’s Bible cartoon is a frm fave among Kids Alive! readers. A young boy faces a giant and wins – awesome! But how did a shepherd boy beat a giant with just a sling and one stone?

Well, during Old Testament times, the Israelites had many enemies who often tried to take over their land. This time, the Philistines issued the ultimate challenge – a one-on-one battle against their hero, Goliath (a nine-foot tall giant)!

Understandably, the Israelites were petrifed. But David was more angry than afraid! He couldn’t believe how rudely Goliath spoke about God. So, without hesitation, David offered to face Goliath. Nobody thought David could win, but David

Read the comment below about trusting God

trusted God to be with him. David had faith that God would help him win the victory, just as God had done many times before.

Is there anything that makes you feel afraid? Any person or situation that flls you with worry can feel as scary as a giant – even if it’s something that’s really tiny! But there’s good news – with God on our side, anything is possible! The Bible encourages us not to worry but to pray instead (check out Philippians 4:6–7). When we pray, we’re choosing to have faith like David and trust that God is with us.

So, whatever scary giant is in your life, remember that you’re not alone. Talk to God about the situation and trust him to help you work it out.

Faith-fill Gaps

Fill in the gaps with the words below to reveal God’s faithful promise to us.

Clue – Isaiah 41:10 (International Children’s Bible).

‘So don’t _ _ _ _ _ , because I am with you. Don’t be _ _ _ _ _ _ because I am your God. I will make you _
_ _ and will _ _ _ _ you. I support you with my right hand that
says Ibukun Baku

David and Goliath

Bumper Bible Breakdown

Did you know the Bible isn’t one big book? It’s actually 66 books put together to tell one big story of God’s great love. Join us as we look at each Bible book and discover why God made the world, what went wrong and how in the end God saved the world through his son, Jesus.

David … Again!

Years after being taken to Babylon, some of the people of Judah returned to Jerusalem! They were rebuilding the Temple but it was hard work. It all felt a bit hopeless!

So a book was written for these people. It reminded them that God had a brilliant plan. This was a plan that God had been working towards for a long time. The frst half of the book started with lots of family trees. It showed how God’s plan could be traced through the generations, from Adam to Abraham to Joseph’s brother, Judah. Then the book introduced one of its main characters – David! Yes, that David!

David’s story was told from when he became king until his death. Although David made plenty of mistakes in his life, this book focused on how great a king David was. This was to give hope of a greater king that would one day come from David’s family – Jesus!



KA! JAM is the coolest Bible activity club around. As a member you’ll go on amazing adventures through the Bible learning about Jesus. Each activity sheet is filled with lots of great stuff about being a Christian. You’ll also receive our mini-mag, Chatterbox, which is filled with jokes, games and much more. And to top it off, there are loads of awesome prizes to be won! To join KA! JAM and complete the Bible activity courses online, go to

Or if you would like to receive the postal version, simply fill in the coupon below.

To join KA! JAM just fll in the application form and send it – along with two frst-class stamps – to: KA! JAM, 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ. Applicants must be between 7 and 17 years old to join.

Date of birth:

Boy or girl:

I, (signature)


Do you attend a church, and if so, which one?

apply for membership of Kids Alive! Jesus And Me. I understand that joining KA! JAM doesn’t mean I have joined The Salvation Army and that it is not a free subscription to Kids Alive!


To see your name and birthday printed in a future issue of KA! email your full name, address and date of birth to Remember to type ‘Happy Birthday to You!’ in the email’s subject box.

7 September

Lamin Tejan-Sahid – age 13

8 September

Zuzia Pieczynska – age 11

12 September Mollie Dixons – age 12

Pick Out Patch

It’s fairtrade fortnight! take a look at pages 12 and 13 to learn more about fairtrade See if you can spot this version of me on another PAGE IN THIS WEEK’S ISSUE.

Optical illusions use colour, light or patterns to confuse our brains – that means the illusions look different to what is actually there.

Can you see the ball in this image? You might spot it straight away, but it’s not actually there! Our brains fll the empty space to make it look like there’s a ball where there isn’t one.

Why is history like a

Where did medieval knights park their camels? Camelot!

Starting from the outer segments and working towards the middle, write the answers to the clues so they all end with the same letter. Some letters have been included to help you. If answered correctly the outer segments will spell out a new word. Clue: Long-eared mammal.

What do modern-day Vikings do when they are hungry? Raid the fridge! Who made King Arthur’s round table? Sir Cumference!

Which famous Roman suffered with hay fever? Julius Sneezer!

Where would you find Hadrian’s Wall? At the bottom of his garden!

What did Alexander the Great and William the Conqueror have in common? The same middle name! Ho

Why didn’t the Romans use maps? Because all roads led to Rome!

Why were the early days of history called the Dark Ages? Because there were so many knights!

Identify the mystery object in the magnifying glass


3 Noah’s vessel. 5 Mend. 6 Small cake or bread roll. 7 Commence. 8 London landmark: _ _ _ _ _ Bridge. 11 Adult male. 12 Animal Jesus rode on Palm Sunday. 13 Organ of sight.

Crossword Clues

Crossword Clues


1 Pod vegetable. 2 Planet in our solar system. 3 Region. 4 Young cat. 6 Glass container for liquids. 9 Walk through water. 10 Circle. 11 Encounter.


onkeys live in trees, swing from branch to branch and often eat way too many bananas! They’re also ridiculously cute. Now, with the FurReal Peanut the Playful Monkey plush toy, you can care for your own cuddly monkey – and it’s just as cute as the real thing!

This is no ordinary plush toy because Peanut knows more than 100 fantastic tricks! Peanut can walk on her own or she can walk while holding your hand. When she feels like showing off, she can even do a fip! When tickled, Peanut laughs and blinks her sparkly blue eyes. If Peanut falls, she says, ‘Uh-oh,’ and then picks herself up! She even makes adorable drinking sounds if you feed her from her banana bottle, and she can be rocked to sleep. It’s like having a real pet monkey without all of the mayhem!

For your opportunity to win your own FurReal Peanut the Playful Monkey plushie, answer the question below and email your full name, age, address and answer to Remember to put ‘FurReal Competition’ in the subject box. Your entry needs to reach us by Friday 4 October when the winners will be chosen. You can also enter by flling in the details on the coupon below and posting it to: FurReal Competition, Kids Alive! 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ.









Scales. Oven. Sieve. Mixing bowl. Wooden spoon. Saucepan (or microwave). Knife. Chopping board. Fork. Baking tray. Baking paper. Grown-up to help. 1 small mashed overripe Fairtrade banana. 120g melted butter. 180g Fairtrade brown sugar. 1 egg. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract. 160g plain four. ½ teaspoon bicarbonate of soda. ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon. ½ teaspoon salt. 90g Fairtrade milk chocolate.

1. Get a grown-up to set the oven to 180°C or gas mark 4.

2.Melt the butter in the saucepan (or in a microwave).

3.Mash the banana in a mixing bowl, then add the melted butter and brown sugar, and mix them together.

3 5 6 7 9 TAA, DAA! CHOP, CHOP!

4. With the help of a grown-up, separate the egg yolk from the rest of the egg and add the yolk to the mixture, then add the vanilla extract. You can get rid of the rest of the egg.

5. Sieve the four, bicarbonate of soda, salt and ground cinnamon into the mixing bowl, and then mix together.

6. Ask a grown-up to chop the chocolate into small chunks, then add the chocolate to the mixture.

7. Put the baking sheet onto the baking tray. Spoon on the mixture to make little balls.

8. Place the tray in the pre-heated oven for about 12 minutes, until the edges have set. The cookies should still be gooey!

9. Let the cookies cool on the tray before tucking in. Yum!

Living a healthy and an active lifestyle and caring for your physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Fairtrade Fortnight

What’s your favourite snack to eat? Perhaps you like to munch on a tasty chocolate bar. Or maybe you prefer to eat something healthier like a delicious banana.

Have you ever thought about how food, such as bananas and chocolate, ends up in your home? Our food often comes from other countries and a lot of work is involved in growing and making it!

Fairtrade Fortnight is all about making sure that the people involved in growing our food (and making other items that we love) are treated fairly. It starts on Monday 9 September and for 14 days people are being encouraged to speak up about looking after farmers and workers and workers fairly!

What Is Fairtrade?

You might be asking how you can help Fairtrade when you don’t even know what Fairtrade is! That’s a fair question, so let’s out a little bit about Fairtrade.

Fairtrade is a movement all around the world that works with more than two million farmers in 70 countries. It encourages businesses (such as the companies that make chocolate) and the people who buy items to make sure that farmers and workers are being looked after!

Fairtrade picture

Unfair Farming

Imagine getting up early in the morning to go to work. You cut down lots of bananas from a banana tree. Then you have to walk for a few hours carrying those bananas to the place where you can sell them. They’re so heavy that your arms start to ache! Even though you’ve put in lots of work, you get paid barely anything!

That’s something that real farmers around the world experience, and something that Fairtrade is fghting against! Everybody should be treated fairly and paid properly for the hard work that they’ve done.

Fairtrade logo

Fairtrade picture

Fantastic Fairtrade

When you’re at your local supermarket, look out for products that have a Fairtrade logo on them! A Fairtrade logo shows that something has been produced meeting Fairtrade standards – meaning that people have been treated well.

Fairtrade even has something called Fairtrade Premium, which gives money to farming communities to help them to improve their lives! This money could be used to set up schools, build toilets and provide clean water!

Be The Change

As a celebration of Fairtrade’s 30th anniversary, the theme for this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight is Be The Change. It’s all about making changes in our own lives to help farmers and workers around the world.

You probably don’t do the shopping in your house, so you might be wondering how you can support Fairtrade. Here are some ideas that you can do...

Ask your parents or carers to buy Fairtrade products, such as jam, vegetables and juices. Fairtrade products can be a bit expensive so if your family isn’t already buying any, perhaps start by just swapping one item!

Learn more about Fairtrade by checking out a few videos at The Guardians of the Rainforest video is brilliant!

Make a Fairtrade poster to put on your window! You can include some facts about why it’s good to support Fairtrade Fortnight!

Try out our Fairtrade recipe on page 11 – it uses Fairtrade ingredients. Our stomachs are rumbling just thinking about those tasty cookies!

Fairtrade Quiz

How many farmers does Fairtrade help around the world?

A. 500,000

B. 1 million

C. 2 million 1 2 3

Put your Fairtrade knowledge to the test with this quick quiz! How many countries does Fairtrade work in?

What is the theme of this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight?

A. Be The Change

B. Protect Our Planet

C. Rainforest Rescuers

Answers on page 2

Be the change by getting involved in Fairtrade Fortnight!

Cool Colourings

Check out this bright and bold National Biscuit Day Colouring from Flora, aged 3. The background is almost as colourful as the biscuits are! Great work, Flora!

Take a look at this wonderful Earth Day Colouring from Aurora, aged 9. We love that Aurora’s given the mountains green peaks – we’ve never seen that before!

Charlotte, aged 8, sent in this strikingly good Women’s FA Cup Final Colouring. The kit that Charlotte has designed looks so cool we’d quite like to wear it ourselves!

Bubbles and Balloons

Maidstone Salvation Army’s Sunday school took over the main meeting for a brilliant service! The focus of the service was the joy that God brings us. As well as learning about Psalm 23:5, the kids got to blow bubbles and blow up balloons. They even got to use water pistols!

If you’d like to star in our reader profle section we’d love to hear from you! Get a grown-up to send us an email using the address in the blue box below. Then we’ll send you the forms to complete.

G e t I n

T o u c h !

The Kids Alive! team loves to hear from its readers. And guess what –other readers love reading your news! So why not get in touch?

You can email or post your own colourings, drawings and letters. Or you could ask your Sunday school, church or corps leaders to email us or write to us with any news about the fun stuff you’ve been doing at your church or corps.



Age? 7.

Favourite colour? Magenta.

Favourite food? Pizza.

Favourite sport? Swimming.

Favourite bit of Kids Alive! Giggle in the Middle.

Favourite Bible story and why? Daniel and the lions, because I like the ending.

Favourite TV programme? The Dengineers

Post: Kids Alive! 1 Champion Park, London SE5 8FJ

What do you want to be when you’re older? A flight attendant. Pets? None. Hobbies? Knitting.

Tell us a joke. Knock, knock! Who’s there? Atish. Atish who? Bless you!

What special skill or talent do you have? I am good at spotting stuff like ants.

Tell us something interesting about yourself. I held a rabbit. Is there anything else you would like to tell us? I got first place at the school disco.

If only we’d got here earlier, patch. I could have been first in the queue.

time for a bit of queue jumping! you’re so naughty, norman!

so what free toy did your naughtiness get you, norman?

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