LNE Kids Alive Party Day 9th March 2013 Registration Form Data Protection Notice: The Salvation Army will use your information for administration purposes and for providing services necessary for the event. We will only disclose your information to service providers for the purpose of this event, if required. In carrying out these purposes we may have to contact you by mail, telephone, or email. The information will be kept for an indefinite period, in the event of The Salvation Army or another statutory authority needing to clarify the details of the event. It will be stored securely and confidentially at the corps/division. By signing this form, you consent to our processing such sensitive personal data for the above purposes. You have a right to ask for a copy of the information and correct any inaccuracies
A registration form must be completed for each child and brought on the day Name of child:
Date of birth: ____________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ Name of parent with parental responsibility: _________________________________________________ Address (if different from above): __________________________________________________________ Details of person who should be contacted in an emergency: Contact name: Contact number:
__________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
Relevant information we should know: Does your child suffer with any medical condition? YES/NO If YES, please give details: _________________________________________________________________ Is your child taking any prescribed medication needing to be administered during the event? YES/NO If YES, please give full details (name and dosage of any prescribed medication) ________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you consent to this being administered by our First Aider? YES/NO If emergency medical treatment is needed, do you give consent for this to be carried out according to the best judgment of any medical staff who may attend your child? YES/NO Known allergies (inc. face paints, etc.): _____________________________________________________ Special needs/behavioural difficulties/dietary needs/etc. ________________________________________________________________________________________ Photograph/Video Permission Do you give the Salvation Army permission to photograph/video your child during this event and reproduce and publish the footage? YES/NO Please note: Pictures/video footage may be used in various forms of publicity, both within The Salvation Army and for external purposes. This may include various forms of publishing including DVD and websites
Signed: _____________________________
Do you have parental responsibility? YES/NO
Print name: _________________________
Date: ______________________