Leadership - Leading a Section: Choosing the most apporopriate material
Worship material / solos / concert items / ministry
Knowing your people / section
Care and nuture the group / promote accountability
Being an example
Well prepared / on time / smart appearance
Co-operating with others
Corps Officers / locals / other music leaders
Promoting expectations
Weekly work rate / attendance / timekeeping
Develop ‘new’ ideas
Use creative people / multi media / dance / mime / seating
Social and Management skills
You are dealing with sensitive feelings / emotions / people at work all day
Setting targets / achievable goals
Have regular occasions to ‘work towards’
Innovative / creative / imaginative / challenging
Planning / repertoire / Sundays / concert
Optimise the ability of your group / use them / plan ahead
Preparing a score
Study / know terms used / identify problem areas / target textures and key passages
Private practice / observe others / take advice
Problem solving
Develop a supply of ‘devices’ to improve balance / texture / rhythmic / melodic and stylistic elements
Making demands
Let you group know your acceptable level of performing / promote and praise consistency
Thinking as a performer
We need to convict / convince and entertain
Aspects of performance
Visual aspects / what we wear / how we sit / experiment and make changes
Rehearsal structure
Rehearse varied music / aim for a ‘peak’ in rehearsal / make it interesting
Brass / vocal techniques
Phrasing / articulation / key words / sound concept / expressive qualities / balance / clear words