Casting off old ways Major Jonny Smith explores the frustrations and joys of fishing JOHN 21:1–14
HY? The word parents hear thousands of times in their lives. A few years ago, my kids asked me some ‘why’ questions as, for the first time in 40 years, I went fishing. After much nagging from my two boys, who loved the idea, we went to a large reservoir in north London. As complete beginners who had purchased not-so-good rods on eBay, we bought the bait, set it all up and cast our line into the water. After just a few minutes they asked: ‘Why have no fish taken the bait?’ After several times of reeling in the line and casting it, there was still no catch. The second ‘why’ followed: ‘Why have we not caught anything, Dad?’ Later, things started to go really wrong as the line got tangled. The boys asked: ‘Why has the line got tangled?’ Passers-by laughed at the mess they witnessed. Needless to say we did not
Through the week with Salvationist – a devotional thought for each day by Major Freda Benneyworth
Salvationist 18 April 2020
catch anything and it took hours to untangle the line. If anybody had offered me advice, I would have taken it gladly. As we read John 21, there are so many ‘whys’ in the account John gives of the disciples’ miraculous catch of fish. I want to go through some of these to see how they can impact us on our spiritual journey. Why do they go fishing? To answer this, we need to go back and explore more of the disciples’ journey. For three years, these men had given up their fathers’ businesses – for some this was fishing – to become followers of Jesus. They heard his teaching and instruction, observed and experienced miracles, and some had witnessed the empty tomb. They met Jesus and he breathed his Spirit on them. Simply mind-blowing! In Surprised By Hope NT Wright sums this up beautifully: ‘The Resurrection completes the inauguration of God’s Kingdom… It is the decisive event
demonstrating that God’s Kingdom really has been launched on Earth as it is in Heaven.’ The disciples were empowered to go. Could it be that it all became too much for them, and they went back to what they once knew – back to what they perhaps felt comfortable with and back from where God was sending them? QUESTIONS O Why do you think it is so easy to return to old ways, even when we know God has given us, as individuals or corps, a new way? O What tempts us to do this? O How could we stop ourselves from returning to where we were more comfortable? Why did the disciples take advice from another person about where to cast their nets? Their recent experiences would have inevitably put strain on them. When we get tired and overwhelmed, as
I serve a risen Saviour,/ He’s in the world today;/ I know that he is living,/ Whatever men may say;/ I see his hand of mercy,/ I hear his voice of cheer,/ And just the time I need him/ He’s always near. (SASB 847)
So Simon Peter climbed back into the boat and dragged the net ashore. It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, ‘Come and have breakfast.’ None of the disciples dared ask him, ‘Who are you?’ They knew it was the Lord. ( John 21:11 and 12)
Then in fellowship sweet/ We will sit at his feet,/ Or we’ll walk by his side in the way;/ What he says we will do,/ Where he sends we will go,/ Never fear, only trust and obey. (SASB 690)
Prayer Amazing Lord, you sometimes call me to the seemingly impossible. Yet, by your grace and my obedience it all fits together and works. Keep me ready to achieve what you have in mind.