Salvationist 2 feb 2013

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Essential reading for everyone linked to The Salvation Army // 2 February 2013 // No. 1383 // Price 60p // Also available digitally

Pages 12 and 13




4. PAPERS This week’s quotes from the papers and picture caption competition results 5. – 8. NEWS India Western // UK // Branksome // North Scotland // Leigh-on-Sea // Heckmondwike // Abertillery // Morley // THQ // Australia Southern // Thatto Heath // Clowne // Findochty // Swindon Citadel // 9. & 20. – 23.


10. SELF-DENIAL FEATURE Partners in Mission 11. Hold on tight! 11. Senior gymnastics!




12. & 13. PHOTO FEATURE Commissioners André and Silvia Cox 14. An Audience With RSA


15. BIBLE STUDY Sometimes it’s just common sense 16. & 17. NEW COMMITMENTS 18. & 19. ANNOUNCEMENTS Army people, engagements and tributes 24.


SCRIPTURE QUOTATIONS Scripture quotations in Salvationist are from the New International Version (2011), unless otherwise stated 2

Salvationist 2 February 2013



NEW BEGINNINGS IN less than a year we have said welcome and farewell to Commissioners André and Silvia Cox. During that relatively short time we have appreciated their leadership and the strong challenges they brought to us, particularly the need to be fit for mission and to deepen our relationship with God through reading his word. Although the Salvation Army wheel seems to have turned very quickly for the commissioners, pages 12 and 13 capture a glimpse, through pictures, of their service in the territory. We now welcome our new territorial leaders Commissioners Clive and Marianne Adams who arrive in the UK from leadership of Norway, Iceland and the Færoes Territory. We look forward, in coming weeks through the pages of Salvationist, to discovering more about the commissioners as they embark upon leadership of our territory. We thank God for our past and present leaders and pray that God will equip them in their new responsibilities. Did you see the picture of 11-year-old Jordan from Nuneaton in last week’s Salvationist ? His story is truly inspiring. In December 2011 he stood in the town centre with his grandparents and watched as members of the Armed Forces fundraised for The Salvation Army Christmas Present Appeal. He asked his gran what it was all about and she explained to him that it was to help children who were less fortunate than he was. Jordan decided that he wanted to do the same and for the rest of the year saved his pocket money each week. In December 2012, accompanied by his grandparents, Jordan arrived at the hall in Nuneaton and presented beautifully wrapped gifts for needy children. Although he had

SALVATIONIST GENERAL INQUIRIES (tel) 020 7367 4890 (email) (web) (fax) 020 7367 4691 EDITOR Major Jane Kimberley – (tel) 020 7367 4901 MANAGING EDITOR Stephen Pearson – (tel) 020 7367 4891 EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Laura Barker – (tel) 020 7367 4893 EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Kersten Rieder – (tel) 020 7367 4894

sacrificed so much of his pocket money, he couldn’t have had a happier expression on his face. Jordan was not alone in his generosity; Alexander from Edinburgh also gave up his pocket money and presented £100 to Edinburgh City Corps and this meant that 30 homeless people enjoyed a nutritious meal. These unrelated incidents featuring two children are a beautiful portrayal of sacrificial giving that brings joy to both giver and receiver. Over the next few weeks we will be asked to consider our giving for the Self-Denial Appeal (see page 10). In 1886 Major John Carleton pledged to give up pudding for a week to support the work of the Army. This year’s leaflet translates the idea into some of the ways we spend our money today, mentioning coffee, chocolate and meals out. In a true spirit of self-denial like Jordan, Alexander and John, I have to ask myself How Much Will I Gladly Go Without To Spread God’s Love? The whole question seems to hinge on the word gladly which speaks of my attitude towards giving and is reflected in 2 Corinthians 9:7: ‘Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.’ MAJOR JANE KIMBERLEY

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A registered newspaper published weekly by The Salvation Army (United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland) on behalf of the General of The Salvation Army and printed by Wyndeham Grange, Southwick. © Linda Bond, General of The Salvation Army, 2013. The Salvation Army Trust is a registered charity. The charity number in England and Wales is 214779, in Scotland SC009359 and in the Republic of Ireland CHY6399.

TERRITORIAL HEADQUARTERS 101 Newington Causeway, London SE1 6BN (tel) 020 7367 4500 (tel) 0845 634 0101


Salvationist 2 February 2013




[The] attack by Islamic militants on a natural gas refinery in the Sahara desert underscores the precarious plight of Algeria’s Christian population… Anti-conversion laws, coupled with the aftereffects of the civil war between the state and Islamist extremists that left an estimated 100,000 dead during the 1990s, have made the public profession of the Christian faith dangerous. But over the past 25 years the rate of conversions from Islam to Christianity has grown sharply, especially among the Berber people in the Kabylie region…mmmmmmmmm The Church of England Newspaper



New prisons should be built to allow prisoners to take part in training and work programmes, the Bishop of Liverpool has said. Bishop James Jones, who is the bishop for prisons, praised the major impact such schemes could have on inmates. In a House of Lords debate, he said: ‘Our old prisons were built on monastic lines with cells modelled on monastic cells so that prisoners would be encouraged to contemplate their crime and reform. ‘While we should never lose sight of that purpose, the architecture of new prisons should reflect the evidence that training and work programmes for prisoners can be transformative in rehabilitating offenders.’

Britain’s RE teachers need training in biblical literacy if they are to do their jobs effectively, according to a Bible Society report. The findings are contained in a submission to the All Party Parliamentary Group on Religious Education, set up in 2012 to safeguard the teaching of religious education in Britain’s schools… ‘Pupils consider the Bible to be important, relevant and worthy of respect, whereas teachers expect students to describe the Bible as boring, old-fashioned and irrelevant,’ said Bible Society spokeswoman Canon Dr Ann Holt… She added that it was vital that students ‘became more aware’ that the Bible’s relevance was not only for Christians. Dr Holt added that the issue was significant because there was a ‘worrying trend that biblical illiteracy is on the increase among young people’. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

People have long speculated about the Vatican’s money, but it is a group of Pentecostal pastors in Brazil who appeared to have amassed serious wealth. And a ‘rich list’ detailing the wealthiest pastors has been published by the American magazine Forbes. Heading the list is Edir Macedo, leader of the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God, which has churches in over 170 countries, including Britain. His wealth is estimated… at $950 million (£600m).mmmmmmmmmmmmm

Methodist Recorder

The Tablet

The Church of England Newspaper


PICTURE CAPTION COMPETITION RESULTS On 12 January Salvationist requested captions for this Perth carol service scene and asked: What are the little angels saying? Here is a selection of the best suggestions received:

I can see my house from up here. Lilly White, Tottenham

Nappy birthday Jesus. Alfred Archer, Basingstoke.

I’m appearing with Noah next week as the Ark Angel. Stan Cranleigh, Harpenden.

I don’t think much of what’s on Sky tonight. Mick Fife, Buckingham.

It’s cold up here, can we go to the stable now – please. Audrey Groves, Leigh-on-Sea.

We’re walking in the air… we’re floating in the moonlit sky. Valerie Webb, Sittingbourne.


Salvationist 2 February 2013

NEWS General leads Spiritfilled gatherings INDIA WESTERN MORE than 15,000 Salvationists travelled from across the territory to see and hear General Linda Bond. The main gatherings took place in Ahmednagar and Anand – ideal locations to bring together Marathi and Gujarati speakers. In both locations the General was given a spectacular and colourful welcome, including the honour of arriving in a brightly decorated horse-drawn chariot known as a ratha yatras. On her journey between the two cities the international leader was greeted by groups of young Salvationists along the roadside waving banners. At Anand the General saw signs of a thriving Salvation Army. In her Bible message she spoke about the apostle Paul’s transformation. She encouraged the Church to be relational rather than religious. ‘There is nothing more important,’ the General reminded Gujarati Salvationists, ‘than to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.’ The meeting included the dedication to God of children, a bamboo dance by representatives of South Gujarat Division (pictured) and the singing of traditional devotional songs known as Bhajans. In Anand, General Bond

visited The Salvation Army’s historic Emery Hospital. In the maternity ward the General prayed with new mothers and held some of the babies. She encouraged the mothers to ensure that their children grow up to know God. Speaking about the tremendous growth of the Early Church, the General told her listeners that ‘120 people gathered in the upper room changed the world’, adding the challenge that the 7,000 Spirit-filled Salvationists who were gathered for the meetings also had the potential to change the world. She talked about the value of prayer and recognised the territory’s support of the Thursday morning Worldwide Prayer Meeting. The General spoke about the sense of community found across the international Salvation Army, encouraging the Marathi-speak-

ing congregation that they are part of an international family. The meeting included testimonies, a cultural presentation and Bhajan songs. Many Salvationists and friends of the Army knelt at a large cross to pray during the singing of ‘To Thy Cross I Come, Lord’.

The General was accompanied throughout her visit by territorial leaders Colonels Thumati Vijayakumar and T. K. Manikyam, other territorial headquarters staff and Captain Elizabeth Nelson (IHQ). She also led officers councils in both Anand and Ahmednagar. – B. S.

2011 census report reveals key figures on religion

identified themselves as Christian (from 71.1 per cent to 59.3 per cent) and an increase in those reporting no religion (from 14.8 per cent to 25.1 per cent). There were increases in the other main religious categories, with the number of Muslims increasing the most (from 3 per cent to 4.8 per cent). O In 2011, London was the most diverse region with the highest proportion of people identifying themselves as Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and Jewish. The North East and North West had the highest proportion of Christians and Wales had the highest proportion of people reporting no religion. O Knowsley was the local authority with the highest proportion of people reporting to be Christians at 80.9 per cent and Tower Hamlets had the highest proportion of Muslims at 34.5 per cent (more than seven times the England and Wales figure). Norwich had the highest proportion of the population reporting no religion at 42.5 per cent. – G. M.

UK DESPITE falling numbers, Christianity remained the largest religion in England and Wales in 2011. Muslims are the next biggest religious group and have grown in the past decade. Meanwhile, the proportion of the population who reported they have no religion has now reached a quarter of the population. O In the 2011 Census, Christianity was the largest religion with 33.2 million people (59.3 per cent of the population). The second largest religious group were Muslims with 2.7 million people (4.8 per cent of the population). O 14.1 million people reported they have no religion in 2011. O The religion question was the only voluntary question on the 2011 Census and 7.2 per cent of people did not answer it. O Between 2001 and 2011 there was a decrease in people who

Salvationist 2 February 2013


NEWS Powerful and stirring testimonies NORTH SCOTLAND CHIEF Secretary Colonel David Hinton and Colonel Sylvia Hinton led Commitment Sunday meetings in the division. On Saturday, at a joint meeting for Buckie and Findochty, the colonels spoke about denying oneself and taking up the cross. Musical contributions and powerful testimonies from members of both corps helped shape the evening. On Sunday morning at Inverness the meeting was marked by encouragement to ‘go deeper’ in personal faith and discipleship. The weekend concluded with a joint evening meeting for Peterhead and Fraserburgh. Before the Chief Secretary brought his message, music sections from both corps participated and stirring testimonies were shared. – D. L.

At Branksome, Richard Bright receives a cheque for £1,290 from Waitrose’s Community Matters scheme

Community hub reopens in style HECKMONDWIKE LIEUT-COLONELS Ivor and Carol Telfer (THQ) officially reopened The Salvation Army in Barracks Street after its community building was demolished and rebuilt in just two months. Recognising the need to create a useable community hub that was accessible to all members, work began in July 2012. The new, improved facilities enable corps folk to expand their community programme and better support vulnerable people in the area. – A. R.

At Leigh-on-Sea corps officers Majors John and Teresa Carmichael receive a cheque for £986 from Waitrose as part of the Community Matters scheme

At Abertillery, corps officers Captains Beverley and David Womersley hold a matchstick shield marking the 130th corps anniversary; the shield was made


Salvationist 2 February 2013

by a prisoner from

Charity walker Andy Peddle is pictured with the Mayor and

HMP Usk where Captain

Mayoress of Morley (Councillor Andy Dalton and Lin Dalton),

David Womersley is

corps officer Captain Tracy Harrison and corps folk at the town




Farewell to territorial leaders THQ ‘IT only seems five minutes since we were in a meeting like this saying welcome!’ declared Colonel Sylvia Hinton to THQ officers and employees who gathered to bid farewell to territorial leaders Commissioners André and Silvia Cox. A small brass ensemble accompanied a stirring congregational rendition of ‘Who Is On The Lord’s Side?’, which so aptly marked the sense of occasion and calling, evident in the commissioners’ service to the UKT. This notion was reflected in the words of devotional song ‘King Of Kings, Majesty’ after which Colonel Hinton spoke a prayer of thanksgiving for the territorial leaders who had ‘shown to each one true Christianity and a true Christian spirit’. Chief Secretary Colonel David Hinton praised the commissioners’ ability to relate to others before Lieut-Colonel Ian Barr offered words of appreciation on behalf of all at Territorial Headquarters. His humorous tribute echoed the heartfelt gratitude of those he spoke for and he thanked the commissioners for their obedience to God’s call as an expression of their faith which will be reckoned to righteousness. Major Ruth Downey, Assistant to the Territorial President of Women’s Ministries, read words from Hebrews 2:1–4, warmly remarking to Commissioner Silvia Cox that ‘it’s been a real privilege to serve you’ after the musicians played ‘My All Is On The Altar’. Lieut-Colonel Ivor Telfer presented gifts and thanked the commissioners for their leadership and words of challenge, hailing them as approachable people. In her address, Commissioner Silvia Cox expressed her gratitude to those she had worked with on various projects. She spoke words of personal appreciation to Major Downey and Captain Peter Renshaw, Private Secretary to the

Commissioners André and Silvia Cox flanked by Colonels David and Sylvia Hinton

Territorial Commander, for their loyal service and support. Before reading Psalm 103:2 in French and giving praise to God, she emphasised the importance of each member of THQ as integral parts of driving the mission of The Salvation Army and growing the Kingdom of God. The Chief Secretary prayed for the protection of the commissioners, commending them for their sacrifice and obedience in heeding God’s calling in their lives in light of the new responsibilities ahead of them. After the lively congregational singing of ‘We Are Marching In The Light Of God’, the Territorial Commander thanked the territory for welcoming them for a brief time and exclaimed what a privilege it was ‘to serve with outstanding leaders and Salvationists’. The commissioner’s message emphasised honouring their covenant and going where the Lord leads without looking back, yet being grateful for all the opportunities of service. He challenged the congregation to view change as an opportunity for development, quoting Christ’s promise in Matthew 28:20 to sustain us: ‘I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’ His final appeal to the congregation was to faithfully serve God and listen to his word so that we do not drift away, professing: ‘God will make a way, providing we are ready to listen.’ The congregation sang ‘At The Name Of Jesus’ before the TC pronounced the benediction. The musicians concluded the meeting with the rousing march ‘Mighty To Save’. – K. R.

Salvation Army offers relief as bush fires bring destruction AUSTRALIA SOUTHERN AS bush fires raged in parts of Tasmania The Salvation Army quickly deployed emergency response teams to assist affected communities. The southern regional emergency services team initially served meals and refreshments to people in the Tasmanian state capital, Hobart, who were disembarking ferries from the bush fire-hit town of Nubeena. The response then grew to provide assistance in Sorell – the largest town close to the restricted areas – and, after a fire brigade escort, an emergency services trailer was placed in Dunalley and Nubeena. As well as providing assistance to people evacuated from their homes, the Army supplied food and drink to members of the emergency services and military personnel. Financial assistance and counselling are also major components of the response. Carlton Corps, located between Dunalley and Sorell, escaped damage and became a drop-in point for people to collect clothing, blankets and food. ‘Initial assessments show the damage caused by these fires to be severe and we expect to be required by the Tasmanian community for the coming

weeks,’ said Territorial Emergency Services Co-ordinator Envoy Warwick Wilson. ‘We are committed to remaining in these communities for as long as we are required and will continue to provide emotional, financial and personal support to people affected. Our prayers are with these communities, particularly those in Tasmania and the extended community.’ Several days into the response, Divisional Communications and Fundraising Secretary Captain Craig Wood estimated that more than 5,000 meals had been served. Salvos Stores, the Australian charity shop, is providing items at no charge to people in need. ‘The Salvation Army has been inundated with offers of financial and material help, and people are volunteering to do the hard yards on the ground, such as helping farmers rebuild fences,’ said Captain Wood. ‘In the recovery centre in Hobart, we’ve had people coming off the ferries and we’ve fed them, talked to them and been able to share a bit about the hope we believe in.’ Meanwhile, the Army was also assisting communities in Victoria and South Australia affected by bush fires. Donations can be made to the Disaster Relief Fund, which will assist the emergency work in Tasmania and other areas affected by bush fires, as well as supporting the response to other disasters that may arise. Visit for more details. – M. D. Salvationist 2 February 2013



Prescot Band commences its 125th year by playing at Knowsley Safari Park; the band also visited Cairn Court Residential Home in Thatto Heath

At Clowne, after 20 years’ service, Home League Secretary Joan Rose receives her retirement certificate from corps officer Major Mary Booth Sunday school kids from Findochty, pictured with parents and leaders, show off their prizes received at the YP prizegiving

As he transfers to the reserve, Bandsman Derek Furber, pictured with his wife Pat, receives a long-service award for 60 years’ loyal service to Swindon Citadel Band 8

Salvationist 2 February 2013


Salvationist 2 February 2013



PARTNERS IN MISSION Christine Thomas shares information about the Self-Denial Appeal COFFEE, chocolate, meals out, driving – choosing to do without something you like is a challenge. But a journey of self-denial can be more spiritually enriching than you could ever have imagined and the money you save will help to keep Heart To God, Hand To Man a reality across the world. The theme of the 2013 Self-Denial Appeal – How Much Can You Gladly Do Without To Spread God’s Love? – brings together partners in mission as one family to give something back to God through personal sacrifice. The focus of the appeal is on the positive outcomes of giving to our partners in terms of enabling them to fulfil their God-given mission where they are. Our partners in mission, allocated by International Headquarters, are Ghana, Mozambique, Pakistan and South

America East (Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay). These territories will benefit directly from what is given through the Self-Denial Appeal by Salvationists in the United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland. In 2012, £1.14 million was contributed in altar services. Two of the partners have changed since last year. Bangladesh and Zambia have been replaced by Ghana. Self-Denial giving helps to develop the infrastructure of the four partner territories and the needs represented are diverse. There will be a particular focus on Ghana as the territory continues to develop and grow.




Self-Denial giving will enable Salvationists to be nurtured as servants of the Lord through training and retreats. In Mozambique, where millions live in extreme poverty, the territory wants to strengthen the effectiveness of God’s work by opening a new corps. The ongoing unrest and political uncertainty in Pakistan have highlighted the need for improved security at territorial headquarters and the training college compound in Lahore. South America East Territory is looking to fund a camp for women and girls who face domestic violence or abuse from employers. The camp will provide childcare and be a place where women of all ages can find strength and guidance from each other and through God’s word. Promotional material, together with personal giving envelopes and boxes, has been distributed to corps. The picture on the poster and publicity leaflet was taken at Wenchi Health Centre, Ghana. The leaflet includes an inspiring thought for each day of the appeal. For the first time a postcard has been produced enabling donors to write a message of encouragement to Salvationists in the partner territories. The card, which can be placed together with a gift in the personal-giving envelope, will then be sent to the various partners in mission. In addition to this, Salvationists will be invited to pray for UK personnel serving overseas and a list of names has been prepared for this purpose. Throughout February, corps will take the opportunity to highlight the needs of the partner territories leading up to the Self-Denial altar services on Sunday 3 March.


Salvationist 2 February 2013


HOLD ON TIGHT! Major Val Mylechreest helps keep us on track MY journey into THQ provides me with my very own personalised ‘step class’. I don’t need to dash off to a gym before or after work because I have 172 steps to conquer on the way – and then the same on the return journey. (I don’t even need to tell you that this is a total of 344 a day!) I’m not talking about paces to work; I’m talking about steps at the stations. One set of steps goes over the tracks, one set down into the bowels of the underground and then another set goes up when I finally reach Elephant and Castle. (It must be said that if I didn’t want to use the lift at my final destination, I could climb an emergency staircase of 122 steps to add to the exercise!)

Why am I telling you this? Because I hold on. Doesn’t matter which of the three stages of my journey I am on, I have to get myself to the edge of the stairwell and hold on as I walk – just in case. Oh my! There are many people who don’t need to hold on. There are the people who run past me, those who bash their way into me and those who are so rushed that they manage two or even three steps at a time! And then there are other ‘holder-on-ers’. We tend to form a medium-paced queue and follow each other, but always holding on to the handrail. I don’t have a history of falling down stairs or a fear of them (bathmophobia) nor have I had a ‘bad experience’ with a stairwell, but I just feel better for holding on. I suppose it’s just the knowledge that if I did suddenly find myself falling, all would be well. I have no doubt that my faith journey is much the same. I know people who seem to get places much faster than I. There are those who, spiritually, sprint and those who appear to take their spiritual journey two or even three steps at a time. That’s OK. I just need to make sure I am in the right place and doing things at a sure

SENIOR GYMNASTICS! Musings from the bottom of the garden by Major Peter Mylechreest IT’S a winter’s morning and a couple are walking around the park. Seeing no one using the outdoor gym, the man wanders over to the treadmill and shows his wife how easy it is. He quickly moves to the second and third pieces of equipment and demonstrates how they work. Whether to impress his wife or to prove something to himself, he moves to a frame and proceeds to hook one leg and then the other around the apparatus. He releases his handhold and swings like a bat, very pleased with himself. Then comes the problem. The added thickness of his winter clothing makes it




pace. I don’t have a testimony of perpetually falling or spiritually tripping up, or a barrage of ‘bad experiences’ to concern me – I just feel safer holding on. MAJOR MYLECHREEST IS ADULT AND FAMILY MINISTRIES OFFICER, THQ

extremely hard to bend sufficiently to reach the bar that will allow him to lower himself to the ground! His wife asks if he is all right, and gets a gruff reply. Concerned, she asks again, this time getting an angry response. She looks round for help and is relieved when a stranger steps over to assist. Unfortunately he speaks a different language to the stranded man and it takes time to work out whether lifting the man’s body or unhooking a leg will be most helpful. The would-be gymnast is getting redder and redder, the stranger more confused and the embarrassed wife, worried and cross! Fortunately another man joins in and all ends well, with smiles all round, though one wonders how the conversation went when the couple got home! Finding the appropriate age-related exercises to keep physically fit is a good thing, however, as Paul reminded Timothy, bodily fitness has a certain value, but spiritual fitness is essential both for this present life and for the life to come (1 Timothy 4:7–10). Whatever age we are, we should take time and trouble to keep physically and spiritually fit. MAJOR MYLECHREEST LIVES IN RETIREMENT IN ILFORD Salvationist 2 February 2013






13. 12.



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CELEBRATING A DEDICATED CHRISTIAN COMPOSER Bandmaster Andrew Mackereth (Nuneaton) reviews the DVD of An Audience With RSA

IF you were unable to attend the 90th birthday celebration concert for Lieut-Colonel Ray Steadman-Allen OF last year, then treat yourself. I am not a fan of concert DVDs but this has much to commend it. This DVD is made up of the full concert including the interviews with friends in attendance – Professor Edward Gregson, James Williams (Enfield) and William Himes OF (Chicago Staff Band). This medium lets you participate in the action. The excellent camera work and post-production editing enable you to literally zoom in and out of the action, whether you are listening to the magnificent ISB or enthusiastic the massed songsters of Chatham and Kettering Citadel. The disc runs for nearly two and a half hours, but captures a mere snapshot of Ray’s 2,000-plus works, the great majority of which he has gifted to the Army over many years. What is particularly pleasing is the range of musical styles this concert includes. For the die-hard bandos there is ‘Victorian Snapshots – On Ratcliffe Highway’ and iconic solo works in the form of ‘The Ransomed Host’ and ‘The Eternal Quest’. In the former, Derick Kane (euphonium, ISB) features as soloist and in the latter the band is joined by Dudley Bright (Principal Trombone, London Symphony Orchestra). Both soloists give flawless p performances and their intimate knowledge of th the works is evidenced by the fact that both play fr from memory. ‘The Eternal Quest’ is a p particular highlight for me as Dudley’s iinterpretation of the piece differs in tempo from tthe majority of recordings already available and ggives a great deal more power and potency to tthe central theme ‘Jesus Is Looking For Thee’. The presentation of the disc is enjoyable and iits architecture allows viewers to select individual tracks. Don’t skip over the interview with William Himes as, in a few words, he captures the essence of Ray’s genius, versatility and deep humility. There are many musical highlights but of the non-band items I suspect there is none greater than the singing of ‘A Childhood Suite’. The four miniatures each have a distinct character and style ranging from the mock-Mozart to the ‘hymn-notic’ ‘Now the Day Is Over’. Major John Mott is a superb compère and on this performance is in line for a call from the BBC! I was moved to tears by a short segment entitled Ray At The Piano. Here, in just a few short words and melodies, Ray pays tribute to his family and to life-long companion, his wife Joy. This is an excellent DVD, a fitting tribute to a dedicated Christian composer and a wonderful visual presentation of the concert to honour him. O An

Audience With RSA is avaible from SP&S, priced £21.95 (plus £2.95 postage and packing)


Salvationist 2 February


Sometimes it’s just common sense Major Colin Cowdery presents a study on the theme Partnership In Mission STUDY PASSAGE: 2 KINGS 17:24–41

ALKING with a Pakistani officer while trying to make some sense of a situation, I exclaimed: ‘Surely it’s common sense!’ The reply was: ‘But major, I don’t think common sense is very common in Pakistan!’ If this and many other indicators are true, it highlights the essential need that a territory such as the United Kingdom continues in faithful partnership with the work happening here in Pakistan.


was one of compassion, ignited and sustained by a deep passion. It may not have been obvious at first sight which nationality the injured man was, but often mission passion is instinctive: Godinspired and God-led. What, today, would call someone aside with a passion to serve others in a hostile country and environment? There is continual evidence throughout Scripture and history that would suggest the calling is there, but often falls on deaf ears. How do we maintain the Samaritan spirit?

MISSION PARTNERS One of the earliest biblical leaders to unknowingly emulate this interaction between countries was King Shalmaneser of Assyria. Perhaps it was common sense to send a priest to fulfil this responsibility (see 2 Kings:17). Does this indicate that King Shalmaneser had insight into some unique qualities about the Samaritan people? There are always going to be cultural differences when two countries try to maintain an ethical and theological balance in endeavouring to bring some stability to the lives of people, who because of their circumstances find themselves living in turmoil. Often mission partnering must be about recognising a country’s moral and ethical struggles and trying to establish a suitable equilibrium within theological boundaries.

MISSION PRACTICE There had always been a huge void between Jews and Samaritans. Samaritans were often referred to as ‘pagan half-Jews’ yet at a Samaritan well Jesus asks a Samaritan woman for a drink of water (Luke 4:7). We might ask if this showed common sense – Jesus being a man and a Jew – but, culturally, Jesus would have been aware and is perhaps setting a challenge. Often when working in a foreign country there is a call to cross cultural traditions and to re-establish boundaries, to enable the practice of mission and to meet the needs of the people. In Pakistan, if I welcome a guest into my home it is expected that they will ask for water; when I visit someone, a glass of water is the first thing I am offered. To decline this is to show a lack of respect. Perhaps we need to consider – especially at Self-Denial – if what we give reflects what we receive. We could offer a glass of water when actually, financially, we could resource a village water well. Jesus said that a drink of water was like a drop in the ocean compared to what the

MISSION PASSION When the Samaritan walked the road to Jericho (Luke 10:33), some might doubt his common sense about stopping and offering help and support. His mission

Holy Spirit could provide. How do we quantify our giving? MISSION PRODUCT The aim of any work of ministry has to show an end product; it is only common sense that there is a plan. Philip willingly responded to the need in Samaria (Acts 8:5–8) and the people were receptive to the work and miracles that were achieved. I reflect upon what I have achieved in the last three years. Have I achieved the mission product and met the required needs? I have striven to listen and follow the will of God – often against great adversities – always with the aim to produce the very best lieutenants for the Pakistan Territory. Who will follow in this work? I was not called to Pakistan; I was asked to come. At the time I was very happy and fulfilled in my pastoral care role in the United Kingdom, but God, through the Army, charged me to follow my covenant and by his grace has sustained and protected me to this present day. What is your personal mission? What is your corps mission? O Do they make theological sense? O O














13. 16

Salvationist 2 February 2013

1. – 4. JOSHUA PEAPLE, ELLA-SOPHIA PEAPLE, RUFARO CHICKENGAZA, SAM ELLIS Soldiers COVENTRY CITY FAMILIES gathered from around the country to witness the enrolment of four soldiers by Majors Lisa and Mike Lloyd-Jones (Central North DHQ). Rufaro, Sam and twins Ella-Sophia and Joshua gave powerful testimonies of their faith and commitments made, inspiring the congregation. – H. P. 5. ANNETTE BROWN Soldier HAMILTON FAMILY, friends and neighbours came to support Annette as corps officer Major Dieter Zimmerer enrolled her as a soldier. – D. Z. 6. & 7. MICHAEL HOCKING, NEIL CARHART Adherent members CAMBORNE CORPS officer Lieutenant Andy Toby welcomed two new adherent members into the fellowship. Michael has attended the Army for five years and felt he needed to make a stronger commitment. Neil testified to feeling made welcome the moment he walked into the corps building. – N. R.


8. MIA HAMMOND Junior soldier LEIGH-ON-SEA A THRILLED Mia told the congregation: ‘I want to be a junior soldier to show God how much I love him and to show everyone how much I love God and Jesus.’ Mia testified to the godly example of her late aunt Major Janet Gilson and how she influenced her decision to make this commitment. Corps officer Major Teresa Carmichael enrolled Mia as a junior soldier as Mia’s grandfather proudly held the YP flag. – P. J. 9. – 11. SHANNON HELPS, KEIRA HELPS, NATHAN MAYALA Junior soldiers THORNTON HEATH CORPS officer Major Kathryn Woodhouse enrolled three new junior soldiers. Sisters Shannon and Keira started to attend the Army after being introduced to the holiday club by their grandmother. An enthusiastic Nathan said that he had been waiting since he was five years old to become a junior soldier and was thrilled that the day had finally arrived. – I. D.


12. SANDRA MARLOW, CYNTHIA MITCHELL, CHRIS HOLDER, ELIZABETH SCRIVENER Adherent members ROTHWELL SANDRA and Cynthia have been closely associated with the corps over the years and actively help out in various programmes. Chris and Elizabeth came into contact with the Army through its community project in the town. Through their enthusiastic involvement in the corps they all expressed their wish to make a further commitment. They are pictured with corps officer Major Pauline Cook, who welcomed them as adherent members, and Major Richard Cook. – R. C. 13. SAM COLEY, ERNIE WILLIAMS, MARY WILLIAMS Adherent members TENBY CORPS officer Major Martyn Clements welcomed three new adherent members to the corps fellowship. Sam, Ernie and Mary are pictured with Major Denise Clements and Recruiting Sergeant Rosemary Moreton. – M. C.


14. KEITH FARMER, EILEEN FARMER Soldiers YEOVIL HAVING moved from New Zealand to England, the Farmers decided to make the corps their spiritual home. In his testimony, Keith mentioned that Jeremiah 18 had inspired him to commit to soldiership. Eileen testified that Psalm 136 had been a factor in her decision. They both thanked the corps for the support they have received since joining the fellowship. Corps officer Captain Stephen Curnow enrolled Keith and Eileen as soldiers. – C. W. 15. MIREAD WILEY, ROISIN WILEY, KAI HALL Junior soldiers CLAPTON CORPS officer Captain Ruth Gray enrolled Miread, Roisin and Kai as junior soldiers. The children’s first link with the corps was the parent-and-toddler group. They have chosen to follow Jesus and enjoy reading their Bibles. – R. G.


ANGELA REASBECK Soldier SELBY (not pictured) FORMER Roman Catholic Angela felt the Lord calling her to change her place of worship. Although this was a tricky time in her life, Angela has come to trust God through this change and as a result expressed her desire to commit to soldiership. She testified to the power of Joshua 1:1–3 and 5–9 with its call to ‘be strong and courageous’. Angela is heavily involved in corps activities. Corps officer Captain Paula Haylett enrolled Angela as a soldier. – R. K. Salvationist 2 February 2013


ANNOUNCEMENTS ARMY PEOPLE APPOINTED Effective 3 January: O Captains Gerald and Jayne Nicoll, additional appointments, Area Candidates Officers, East Midlands Effective 1 March: O Lieutenants Ann and Henry Chinye, Chelsea O Major Sally Spry, Hoxton LOCAL OFFICER APPOINTED Gemma Parkin, Wallsend


WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Golden: O Roy and Mrs Molly Baxter, Manningtree DEDICATED TO GOD Olivia, daughter of Gareth and Lorna Jones, at Norwich Citadel by Major Helen Tyrrell O Charlie Jonathan, son of Royce and Rebecca Lumsden, at Falkirk by Major Denis Lomax O Hannah

BEREAVED Highton, Hinckley, of her husband Raymond, Major Mike Highton, North-Western DHQ, Susan Highton, Gloucester, and Nigel Highton, Preston, of their father O Major Alan Young of his father; John Hooper of his mother; Ivan Andrews of his sister, all Exeter Temple O Major Fiona MacLean of her brother Lindsay O Beryl

O Lieut-Colonel

William Main of his wife Lieut-Colonel Sylvia Main, Major Paul Main, Central South DHQ, Andrew Main, Stephen Main, Alison Knock, all Boscombe, of their mother, Major Doreen Hobbs of her sister O Greta Wilkinson, Sunderland Millfield, of her husband Ralph RETIRED OFFICERS Birthday congratulations: O Major Dorothy Allan (80 on 7 February) O Major John Mott (80 on 8 February) O Major Maggie Singleton (80 on 9 February) O Major Eileen Cook (85 on 9 February) PROMOTED TO GLORY Sylvia Main from Bournemouth on 24 January O William Mingay, Lowestoft South O Songster Rebecca (Betty) Cartwright, Knottingley O Bandswoman/Brownie Gdr Rayona Evans, Williamstown O Lieut-Colonel

OFFICIAL GAZETTE UK Territory PROMOTION To major – O Captain Anita Purkiss, Loughborough CLIVE ADAMS, Commissioner, Territorial Commander

ENGAGEMENTS GENERAL LINDA BOND: O Sri Lanka, Fri 1 Feb - Mon 4 O Nepal (South Asia Zonal Conference), Tu 5 - Mon 11 O UK, Regent Hall (welcome and installation of territorial leaders), Sat 16 O ICO, Sun 17 O Korea, Tu 19 - Wed 27 O UK, Bedford, Sat Sun 3 Mar THE CHIEF OF THE STAFF (COMMISSIONER ANDRÉ COX) AND COMMISSIONER SILVIA COX: O Norway, Iceland and The Faeroes (installation of territorial leaders), Sat 2 Feb - Mon 4 O Finland and Estonia (installation of territorial leaders), Fri 8 - Sun 10 O ICO, Tu 19 O Kenya West (installation of territorial leaders), Th 28 - Mon 4 Mar THE TERRITORIAL COMMANDER (COMMISSIONER CLIVE ADAMS) AND COMMISSIONER MARIANNE ADAMS: O Regent Hall (welcome and installation), Sat 16 Feb THE CHIEF SECRETARY (COLONEL DAVID HINTON) AND COLONEL SYLVIA HINTON: O SouthWestern (installation of divisional leaders), Sat 2 Feb O Scotland Council, Th 7 O Reading Central, Sun 10 O Regent Hall (welcome and installation of territorial leaders), Sat 16 O London Central (installation of Divisional Commander), Sun 17 O Pentre, Sat Sun 24 O William Booth College (spiritual day), Th 28 O William Booth College (Exploring Leadership Day), Sun 3 COMMISSIONER TORBEN ELIASEN: O Caribbean, Sat 2 Feb - Th 7 COMMISSIONERS LALKIAMLOVA AND LALHLIMPUII: O Nepal (South Asia Zonal Conference), Mon 4 Feb - Mon 11 COMMISSIONERS ROBERT AND JANET STREET: O Greenland (official opening), Th 7 Feb - Tu 12 O Spain (amalgamation of Spain and Portugal Commands), Sat Sun 17 INTERNATIONAL STAFF SONGSTERS: O Risca, Sat Sun 10 Feb O Regent Hall (welcome and installation of territorial leaders), Sat 16


Salvationist 2 February 2013

TRIBUTES MRS LIEUTCOLONEL PHYLLIS HOLMES ‘CONSTANT, firm, unwavering’ are all definitions of the adjective ‘steadfast’, so it was very fitting that 20-year-old Phyllis Exley should enter training in the all-female 1941 Steadfast Session. Those four words described her perfectly then, and through all her life. Her first appointment was as sergeant to the following Valiant Session. This again befitted her character, as she faced life’s personal tragedies: her seven-year-old sister Eunice, dying of meningitis in 1934, her brother Arnold, lost in action over Burma in 1945, and the long illness and slow decline of her much-loved husband. Phyllis was born into the home of Salvation Army officers at Denaby Main in South Yorkshire, the second of three children. The family moved, by way of Sheffield, to the Gorbals in Glasgow, where she recalled giving her heart to Jesus. She became a senior soldier in troubled 1930s Belfast, and by the age of 18 was considering officership after being challenged by a women’s social work officer at Edinburgh Gorgie. After the Second World War she became reacquainted with Alf Holmes, following separation during his prisoner of war internment. Six years had not dampened their love, and – following Alf ’s training and subsequent commissioning – they married in 1946. They saw combined service as corps officers, training college sectional officers (Phyllis was also YPSM at Lewisham during this period), at the Missing Persons Bureau, in divisional youth work, area and divisional leadership, training college appointments and in various capacities at social services headquarters. Some of these responsibilities were her husband’s, but Phyllis was always involved in some way; they worked together in partnership. Although small in stature, she was a spiritual giant – independent by nature and determined in spirit. Her strong, active faith supported her well in retirement as recruiting sergeant at Staple Hill and during her husband’s long, debilitating illness. The colonel was promoted to Glory in 2006. Throughout their married life they were always willing to support anybody in any way

necessary, very often beyond the call of duty; the extra mile would stretch into two or more. It was, therefore, all the more tragic that she was so physically restricted during the last five years. Despite the inevitable frustrations, her firmness of character and faith remained constantly, unwaveringly strong. She was steadfast all the way. – J. W.

RETIRED YPSM TERRY CARTWRIGHT, CLOWNE BROUGHT up in Clowne, Terry attended the Methodist Church until a school friend invited him to the Army. He became a soldier and bandsman, and taught in the large Sunday school. He was commissioned as assistant YPSM, and later as YPSM. Under his leadership, the juniors continued to flourish. He also supported every section leader. Terry completed 20 years as YPSM and was proud that seven of ‘his’ young people later became officers. Four are still serving today. Terry was well known in the village; his interests were varied – reflected in the large number of people who filled the hall for his funeral. – M. N.

MRS VAL MEE, BIRMINGHAM CITADEL VAL was born in 1940, close to the hall at Birmingham Hockley. She was first introduced through the torchbearers and greatly enjoyed all the activity. She then joyfully entered into all aspects of corps life, especially the Sunday school. When the corps closed, Val transferred to Birmingham Citadel. Her ready smile in meetings was an inspiration and she really enjoyed being part of the Cameo catering team. ‘Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow’ was her favourite song line. Val’s promotion to Glory was sudden, and she is greatly missed by her husband Doug, her family and many friends. – F. C.

ROBERT PATTINSON, CRAMLINGTON BORN in Newcastle on St George’s Day, 1919, Bob had four children, six grandchil-

dren and two great-grandchildren. He was an upholsterer by trade, and very proud of it. Bob loved to tell people about his love for Jesus. He often sat in the shopping centre, waiting for someone to share the day with or share wartime memories. Many times during meetings he burst into song – ‘I Serve A Risen Saviour’ being one of his favourites. He also sang in his care home. Bob did not care what others thought or said about his love for Jesus. He knew that Jesus was alive and that was good enough for him. He was No 1 on the roll. – S. Y.

JIM PARSONS, BIRMINGHAM CITADEL JIM was born in 1934. He first attended the Army at Cradley Heath, where for many years he faithfully drove children by coach to Sunday school from an outlying district. When Jim retired from his work at Quinton Cemetery after 29 years, he was warmly commended by the city council for his loyal and efficient service. Of quiet disposition, Jim was a kind and thoughtful gentleman, who loved attending worship meetings and Cameo at the citadel. He always made a point of remembering people’s birthdays. The words found in his songbook and Bible sum up his life: ‘Just where he needs me, my Lord has placed me.’ – M. A.

RETIRED HOME LEAGUE SECRETARY PEGGY HELM, CARNFORTH PROMOTED to Glory aged 96, Peggy was devoted to serving the Lord through the Army. She trained in the 1937 Enthusiasts Session, but officership was not to be her long-term ministry. Returning to Carnforth, she married Harold, who was killed in action in 1945, leaving Peggy to bring up their son, Raymond. Service as life-saving guard leader, Sunday school teacher and songster preceded 30 years’ service as home league secretary. Her influence on many people was immense. Totally committed, Peggy’s enthusiasm for service and ministry never faltered. Her

faith and strong principles carried her through many difficult situations. Family and friends give thanks for being able to share her life. – M. W.

BAND RESERVIST WALTER BRISTOW, HULL CITADEL BORN in 1918, Walter joined Hull East Corps and became a YP band member and senior bandsman. Called up to the Royal Artillery, he was evacuated from Dunkirk and married May during a brief leave in 1941. They were married for 71 years. During four years of war service in many countries away from home, Walter was never afraid to share his faith and Salvationism and encouraged others to do the same. A Christian gentleman, he was liked and respected by everyone. He retired from the band in 2004 after completing 70 years’ service. Walter also served as corps press officer for a period. He was unexpectedly promoted to Glory while in hospital. – M. B.

BANDSMAN IAN HENDERSON, RUTHERGLEN PROMOTED to Glory after a short illness, Ian was born to Salvationist parents in 1939 at Possilpark. He later transferred to Pollokshaws where he was singing company leader, bandmaster and a member of the ‘Gospel Rhythm 4’. Ian had a love and passion for music and enjoyed singing about his lord and saviour. He was in great demand from church guilds and at many other church venues, blessing and challenging many through his ministry and great sense of humour. Ian recently transferred to Rutherglen, where he played trombone in the band and was a great encourager of young people at the Army and church youth groups. He leaves his wife Anne, son Iain and daughters Tricia and Julie. – D. M.

Please note that soldiers’ tributes submitted for publication should be no longer than 120 words. Good quality pictures will be included with tributes. Salvationist 2 February 2013



Salvationist 2 February 2013


Through the week with ‘Salvationist’ – a devotional thought for each day Saturday


I would bring peace to lives now torn asunder, Ease aching hearts with words that soothe and heal; I would bring peace when, breaking like the thunder, Men rise in war, and hatred feel. Peacemaker, Lord! Now I am stirred to wonder; O take me, and my calling seal!

It came upon the midnight clear, That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth To touch their harps of gold; Peace on the earth, goodwill to men, From Heaven’s all-gracious King! The world in solemn stillness lay To hear the angels sing.

(SASB 529)

Sunday And you, my child, will be called a prophet of the Most High; for you will go on before the Lord to prepare the way for him… to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace. (Luke 1:76 and 79)

(SASB 83)

Tuesday Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. ( John 14:27)

Wednesday At peace with God! How great the blessing

In fellowship with him to be, And from all stains of sin set free; How rich am I such wealth possessing! (SASB 536)

Thursday Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. (Romans 12:17 and 18)

Friday The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace. (Numbers 6:24–26)

Praying around the world… Eastern Europe Colonel Jens Povlsen initiated work in Russia in 1910 but circumstances necessitated withdrawal soon afterwards. Operations recommenced in 1913 and the work flourished after the 1917 revolution, but in 1923 Army work was prohibited. Once again activities recommenced in 1991. Work extended to Ukraine and Georgia in 1993, Moldova in 1994 and to Romania in 1999. Collectively these countries were given command status in June 2001 and territory status in March 2005. The territory, led by Colonels Kenneth and Paula Johnson, comprises 122 officers, 136 employees, 53 corps, 1,660 soldiers, 829 adherent members and 323 junior soldiers. Since the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship, efforts have been co-ordinated with other churches and organisations to tackle human trafficking. Pray for the continued efforts in tackling this issue as the territory advocates for changes in legislation.

Stranraer, Scotland. Picture: ALEX MACKENZIE

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