Jesus Enters Jerusalem
As Jesus approached Jerusalem, He sent two disciples ahead of Him to the village.
“When you get there you will find a donkey and her colt tied up,” He said. “Untie them and bring them to Me. If anyone asks what you are doing, say that the Lord needs them.”
The disciples did what Jesus told them to do. They brought the donkey and the colt and put their coats on them. Then Jesus sat on the coats.
Hi kids!
This week, we celebrate Palm Sunday as we remember the day Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey (see Matthew 21). Before He passed by, people put palm branches and coats on the road for Him to ride on. They welcomed Jesus as if they were welcoming a great king. As He passed, they shouted, “Hosanna,” which means, “Save us.”
The people in Jerusalem believed that Jesus would rescue them— and they were right. Later that week, Jesus was put to death on a cross. But only three days later, He rose again. You’ll hear more about that next week when we celebrate Easter.
This week, let’s praise Jesus, the King who saves us from our sins. Your friend, Abby
As Jesus entered the city, lots of people put their coats on the road. Others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. They praised God and shouted, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.”
Matthew 21:1-11 Tic Tac ToeHi kids!
Have you ever slept with a night light on? Sometimes the dark can be scary, so we use lamps or night lights to show the way and keep us from being afraid. In the Bible, Jesus is compared to a great light. In our world, we face darkness sometimes. I don’t mean nighttime, but the bad things that can cause pain, suffering and fear. That is why God sent Jesus to earth to save us and protect us. When He died on the cross and then rose again three days later, He defeated all evil and darkness. On Easter, we celebrate the amazing sacrifice that Jesus made for us, because He loves us.
Your friend, Abby
Jesus Comes Back to Life!
When Jesus was here on earth, He did many wonderful things. He healed people who were sick. He gave food to people who were hungry. And He taught people to love each other, as He loved them. Jesus always put others first. But not everyone loved Jesus. Some of the leaders in Israel, where Jesus lived, had Him killed. His body was laid in a tomb and a big stone was rolled in front of it, so no one could get in.
When Jesus had been there for three days, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb. The stone had been moved and the body of Jesus was gone!
Mary was very upset. She was at the tomb crying when a man appeared to her. He asked her, “Why are you crying?”
Mary thought the man was a gardener, so she asked, “Where did you put the man who was in this tomb? Tell me and I will go and get Him.”
The man Mary saw was not a gardener—it was Jesus! He said to her, “Mary,” and she recognized Him.
Jesus said to her, “Go tell My disciples that I am alive.” And Mary ran to the disciples with the news.
Easter Word Search
Why shouldn’t you tell an Easter egg a joke?
It might crack up! Hip-hop!
What is a bunny’s favourite music?
Hi kids!
I Spy
Two of my favourite activities are reading and learning new words. I have a dictionary at home that tells me the meaning of more than 200,000 English words and how to spell them! Can you imagine how long it would take to learn them all?
In this issue of Just for Kids, you will learn about the word “humility” and what it meant to Jesus. Don’t worry—you don’t need a dictionary!
Your friend, Abby
Word Scramble
How many of each book can you find?
Find 5 Differences
What Is Humility?
Humility is a term used to describe someone who is humble. A humble person puts others first and does not think they are better, smarter or stronger than anyone else. The Bible tells us to think and act humbly, as Jesus did. It says:
Jesus was equal with God, but He did not take advantage of that fact. Instead, He made Himself like human beings—a servant of God. He was humble and obeyed God completely, even though it led to His death. God rewarded Jesus.
Just like Jesus, we should look out for the good of others, because Jesus looked out for us.
To learn more about humility, read Philippians 2:3-8 in your Bible.
Hi kids!
As the weather gets warmer, one of my favourite things to do is go for long walks. When I walk through the neighbourhood there’s plenty to see—houses, trees, flower gardens, mailboxes and neighbours with their dogs. But can you imagine running into Jesus? What would you do?
The Bible tells us that, after Jesus died, everyone was talking about it. Some people were confused and didn’t understand why He died. One day, as two men walked into a town called Emmaus, Jesus suddenly appeared to them. Read the story to find out what He told them.
Your friend, Abby
On the Road to Emmaus
to Explore resource, published weekly by The Salvation Army, Canada and Bermuda, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto, ON, M4H 1P4. Phone: (416) 422-6119; fax: (416) 422-6217; email: Brian Peddle, General; Commissioner Floyd Tidd, territorial commander; Geoff Moulton, editor-in-chief; Abbigail Oliver, editor; Rivonny Luchas, designer. International Headquarters, 101 Queen Victoria Street, London, England, EC4P 4EP. Subscription for one year, Canada $12 (includes GST/HST); USA $15; foreign $17. Agreement No 40064794. All Scripture references from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, unless otherwise stated. Illustrations: and unless otherwise stated. ISSN 2368- 626X
Hi kids!
In the game of ice hockey there is a scoreboard that keeps track of how many goals are scored. The team that has the highest number of goals wins the game! Players often look up at the scoreboard to see who is in the lead.
Unlike ice hockey, in life we must not keep score when our friends hurt our feelings. We must forgive them.
This week’s Bible story happened around the time that Jesus died on the cross. He had a friend named Peter who pretended that he didn’t know Him (see Luke 22:54-62). In fact, Peter said he didn’t know Jesus three times! But Jesus didn’t give up on him. Instead, He forgave him. He gave Peter the chance to prove his love by giving him a very important job: to share the good news of Jesus with people everywhere.
In this issue of Just for Kids, you’ll learn what it looks like when friends forgive each other.
Your friend, Abby
Match each fish to its shadow.
What kind of fish only comes out at night?
A starfish
Where does a fish keep its money?
A riverbank
Find 5 Differences
Jesus Forgives Peter
One day, disciples of Jesus were fishing on the Sea of Galilee, but they could not catch any fish. Jesus appeared to them on the shore, but they did not realize it was Him. He told them to throw their net on the right side of the boat, and there they would find fish. When they did, there were so many fish they could not pull the net back on the boat!
“It is the Lord!” one disciple said, and they joined Jesus on shore to eat fish and bread by a fire.
When they finished eating, Jesus said to a disciple named Peter, “Do you love Me
more than these others do?”
Peter responded, “Yes, Lord. You know that I love You.”
Jesus said, “Feed My lambs.”
Jesus asked him the same question again, “Do you love Me?”
Peter replied, “Yes, Lord. You know that I love You.” Then Jesus asked him for the third time. Peter felt bad because Jesus asked him three times. “Lord, you know all things,” Peter said. “You know that I love You.”
Jesus said, “Then feed My sheep when I’m gone.” He continued, “Peter, you said you would die for Me. One day, when you are old, you will.” Then Jesus said to him, “Follow Me!”
How many of each fish can you find?
Jesus Eats With Peter
Just for Kids is a Ready to Explore resource, published weekly by The Salvation Army, Canada and Bermuda, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto, ON, M4H 1P4. Phone: (416) 422-6119; fax: (416) 422-6217; email: Brian Peddle, General; Commissioner Floyd Tidd, territorial commander; Geoff Moulton, editor-in-chief; Abbigail Oliver, editor; Rivonny Luchas, designer. International Headquarters, 101 Queen Victoria Street, London, England, EC4P 4EP. Subscription for one year, Canada $12 (includes GST/HST); USA $15; foreign $17. Agreement No 40064794. All Scripture references from the Holy Bible, New International Reader’s Version, unless otherwise stated. Illustrations: and unless otherwise stated. ISSN 2368- 626X