How can you be like Jesus this week?

Pray for someone in your family, school, church or community.
Donate to your local Salvation Army food bank or thrift store.

Ask your corps officer how you can help at church.
Write a kind letter to a friend or family member.
Share with others.
Invite a friend to come to church with you.
I Spy
How many of each food can you find?

What did the real noodle call the fake noodle?
What do gingerbread men use to make their beds? An impasta
Cookie sheets
Bread and Fish for Everyone

JWhen the people were done eating, Jesus said to His disciples, “Gather the leftovers so nothing is wasted.” They went to work and filled 12 large baskets with leftovers.
The people realized that Jesus had done a miracle and they were amazed.
esus was by the Sea of Galilee with His disciples. A large crowd gathered where they were.
Jesus said to His disciple, Philip, “Where can we buy bread to feed these people?”
Philip answered, “There’s no way that we have enough money to buy bread for each person here.”
Another disciple, Andrew, said, “There’s a little boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish. But that’s a drop in the bucket for a crowd like this.”
Jesus said, “Make everyone sit down.” There were about 5,000 people there. Then Jesus took the bread and, having given thanks, gave it to everyone. He did the same with the fish. Everyone ate as much as they wanted.

Hi kids!

One time in math class, my friend was having a hard time with a project. She did not understand how to multiply numbers, and I knew what to do. I offered to help her, and we stayed after school so that I could teach her how to do it. She was very grateful, and she got a good mark on her project!
I know that if I needed something or did not know what to do, I would want my friends to help me. In the Bible, there are many stories about Jesus helping others, and as Christians, we should try to do the same. In this issue of Just for Kids, you can read about how The Salvation Army is helping boys and girls across the world through a program called Brighter Futures.
Sometimes it’s easy to pass people by when they need help. But when we see others in need, it is important to do what we can to help, because that is what Jesus did.
Your friend, Abby


ducation is so important and helps provide a good foundation in life. However, did you know that in many countries around the world, 40 percent of girls do not complete school? If a family has many children and can only afford to pay the school fees for one child, they will often send a boy.