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The Army’s Flawed Shepherds

Railside Delivers Dignity

Should Bible Translations Be Inclusive?

Salvationist The Voice of the Army

Fighting for Peace

Senator Roméo Dallaire finds common cause with The Salvation Army I March 2012

Why We Still Need Officers


An Eye for an Eye

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights does not mandate its complete abolition. Rather, it requires states that have not abolished the death penalty to restrict it to the “most serious crimes.” In the Middle East and parts of Africa, adultery is often considered a “most serious crime,” punishable by death by stoning. These executions are especially troubling, not only because they are savage and barbaric, but also because the legitimacy of the allegations made against the accused and the fairness of their trials are often called into question. By contrast, the United States tends to reserve capital punishment for murder. The story of Troy Davis, a Georgia man who was executed on September 21 despite maintaining his innocence, revived public debate about the death penalty. Davis was sentenced to death for the 1989 murder of a 27-year-old off-duty police officer. At the time of sentencing, he was 22. He spent the final 20 years of his life fighting both his conviction and his sentence. His execution date was set and postponed three times along the way. Unlike other death-row inmates who often have lengthy criminal records and a history of violent crime, Davis had only one prior conviction of carrying a concealed weapon. For that, he was fined $250. Despite multiple appeals, a constitutional challenge, widespread public support as well as the support of prominent international leaders such as Pope Benedict XVI, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Davis’ conviction and sentence were upheld. How should Christians respond to these situations? We cannot simply ignore crime in our communities. And not all accused are innocent. Too many people get caught up in a life of crime, committing increasingly dangerous and violent acts. Some of them are a genuine threat to the safety of others, whether to fellow criminals or innocent bystanders. In some cases, it can be very difficult to show compassion. Salvation Army positional statements on capital punishment reflect the diversity of views and the complexity of our own spiritual heritage on this issue. While each and every territory affirms the belief in the sanctity of human life and the possibility of redemption, they do not universally condemn the death penalty. The Australian territories’ positional statement unequivocally asserts that “Salvationists do not support the death penalty.” By contrast, the Canada and Bermuda Territory and the United Kingdom Territory with the Republic of Ireland acknowledge that there are Salvationists who firmly believe in the state’s right to execute and the moral acceptability and deterrent effect of capital punishment. How do we resolve this dilemma? The Salvation Army has resolved it by choosing not to advocate for the continuation or reinstatement of the death penalty and by continuing to minister to families of both victims and offenders. Outside the Church, George Clooney may have resolved the dilemma best. Playing a presidential candidate in the movie The Ides of March, Clooney’s character gives the following answer when asked about his views on capital punishment and what he would do if someone killed his wife. “If I could get to him, I would find a way to kill him … I would commit a crime for which I would happily go to jail.” When asked, “Then why not let society do that?” Clooney’s character responds, “Because society is supposed to be better than the individual.”

I disagree with Dani Shaw’s article on capital punishment (An Eye for an Eye, December 2011), especially the argument that it is fundamentally flawed. Was God’s thinking flawed in Genesis 9:5-6 when he says, “I will require the life of every animal and every man for C your life and your blood. I will require the life of each man’s brother for a man’s life. Whoever sheds man’s blood, his blood will be shed by man, for God made man in his image” (HCSB)? How about the reference to the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:13 where we are told, “Do not murder”? It seems pretty clear, as the consequence for breaking that command is found in Exodus 21:12: “Whoever strikes a person so that he dies must be put to death.” Nowhere in Scripture do we find arguments about whether the punishment is a deterrent, rather it is a consequence of a heinous act—taking the life of another human being. If there is any flaw in the discussion on capital punishment it is in the way we now interpret and administer justice. I fully support capital punishment as a penalty for a person callously thinking they can take another’s life without fear of consequence. Bob MacLaughlin Should Christians support capital punishment?

Photo: ©


apital punishment strikes me as fundamentally flawed. Killing a person to send the message that killing is wrong seems contradictory at best and hypocritical at worst. The fact that executions are pre-meditated, and corrections officials or private citizens are paid to carry them out, makes them seem all the more heinous. What goes through the mind of an executioner as he or she administers a lethal injection or activates the electric chair? Does he believe the condemned prisoner is a threat to society who deserves to die? Or does she see the humanity of someone who made a terrible mistake, often decades earlier, and who may no longer pose any threat to society? Capital punishment has been abolished in most of the Western world. According to Wikipedia, only the United States and Belarus continue to practise capital punishment, and Latvia has reserved the death penalty for war time. By contrast, the death penalty is practised in 14 out of 54 African nations as well as 24 of the 55 Middle Eastern and Asian-Pacific states. And although the United Nations has called for a moratorium on the death penalty, the

Dani Shaw is a lawyer, a former political advisor to the prime minister and the federal minister of health, and a long-standing member/observer of The Salvation Army’s Social Issues Committee.

Salvationist I December 2011 I 17

Wiped Out Compassion fatigue (see is so common among caregivers and it can ruin experiences that are usually sacred to us, such as Christmas when we celebrate the birth of our Lord. Like most officers, Captain Ginny Kristensen takes her one day off a week; however, the rest of society takes two days off. It is a known fact that many officers even forego this one-day-off rule and go for weeks without a day off. No wonder many burn out and suffer compassion fatigue. Many good officers and lay leaders have been lost to the Army and some to the faith because they burned out in ministry. All officers and lay leaders have to set the example and take care of ourselves. I like what Captain Ginny has to say, “We have to realize that we can’t do everything and we don’t have to.” Major Kathie Chiu

Walking in His Footsteps Thank you for sharing such intimate moments with me (Reflections From the Holy Land, January 2012). Having visited Israel on several occasions, my heart is often there and every day those

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memories stimulate and motivate me in my daily walk with the Lord. Having been privileged to travel many countries of the world, nothing is as enriching as walking in Christ’s footsteps with understanding and knowledge. How better can I understand the significance of the Scriptures? “I’ll never be the same again!” We are so grateful that officers are now having that experience as their proclamation of the Word will be enhanced. Major Sharon Hale

Affirming Salvationism

Reflections From the Holy Land Photos: Majors Mona Moore, Don Grad and Gail Winsor

Death Penalty

Above: Salvation Army officers in Jerash, Jordan. Below: A star in the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem marks the possible birthplace of Jesus


or Christians, visiting the Holy Land provides the opportunity to experience the biblical narratives through a new perspective. We walk where Jesus walked. We visit where he was born, the places where he preached and the traditional sites of his Crucifixion and Resurrection. In October 2011, 42 Salvation Army officers visited the Holy Land. This was the second year that The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda sent a delegation. “These pilgrimages promote the spiritual enrichment of our officers,” says Major Mona Moore, leadership development secretary. “They also foster the increase of biblical knowledge and awareness of Scripture, which heightens teaching and preaching ministries.” Here are reflections from five of the officers who visited the Holy Land.

Bethlehem: Where God Came Down BY CAPTAIN DONNA SIMMS

AS WE ENTERED Bethlehem, I was reminded of the Christmas carol, “O little town of Bethlehem how still we see thee lie.” Today’s Bethlehem, however, isn’t little or still, but rather a bustling city. As we navigated the streets, I tried frantically to push aside the distractions and concentrate on the significance of this special place. Then we arrived at the Church of the Nativity, a site that has survived many hostile invasions as it seeks to preserve this sacred spot where Jesus was born. As I stood in line and waited for my turn to enter, I was at first disappointed by the crowd and the formality of the experience. But then I remembered that God does so many amazing things, many of them difficult for me to understand. In that moment, the fact that “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into

the neighbourhood” confounded me (see John 1:14 The Message). God as a baby. A helpless baby. Yet this is how and where he chose to enter the world. He could have chosen the miraculous and regal, but instead chose a stable and a peasant family. This was all part of God’s plan: “We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, generous inside and out, true from start to finish” (John 1:14 The Message). The stable didn’t look like a stable, but

18 I January 2012 I Salvationist


Focusing the Vision

training and equipping • ensure that in these days of spiritual drift in our culture, every Salvation Army ministry unit would have our spiritual footprint and would bring about Kingdom outcomes • give thanks for excellent financial management that enables us to invest in new mission opportunities focused on outcome-based ministry • reclaim and strengthen our ministry to the whole family, making children and youth a priority • declare our desire for growth in every expression of our ministry and mission • explore the principle that above all else “mission matters most,” praying that God will enable us to give evidence that this is so.

There are many positive statements in the territorial commander’s article H (Focusing the Vision, January 2012) that we can all affirm. Clearly, we need to address the challenges of being the authentic body of Christ in our local corps in fulfilling the vision of being One Army having One Mission with One Message. The vision of ministering to all members of the body without regard to age/sex/marital status/race, serving the needy and reaching our communities for Christ is one that we should all support enthusiastically. However, when a vision statement says that we will not do something practiced within Christendom for 2,000 years [the Sacraments], it begs for further clarification and discussion. Norm Hunter Join me as we seek to be one Army with one mission sharing one message BY COMMISSIONER BRIAN PEDDLE

appy New Year! My wife, Rosalie, joins me in greeting you and we assure you of our prayers. We believe that God will bless and use The Salvation Army, and each of you, throughout 2012. As we enter this new year, I am reflecting on the many expressions of hope found in our territory. From my vantage point, General Linda Bond’s vision plan of One Army, One Mission, One Message (see outlines the aspirations that I covet for our Army. As General Bond writes, “I see a Spirit-filled Army of the 21st century, convinced of its calling, moving forward together, into the world of the hurting, broken, lonely, disposed and lost, reaching them by all means, with the transforming message of Jesus bringing freedom, hope and life.” In November 2011, the executive leaders in our territory (Cabinet secretaries and divisional leaders) met at Jackson’s Point, Ont., and used the General’s vision plan to strategize for the future. Though I write with deep personal conviction, my colleagues join me in sharing these thoughts. One Army We wish to affirm: • a clear calling to a sacramental life for every Salvationist marked by sacrificial and selfless service and lived out in the framework of holiness. We remain committed to the non-practice of the sacraments of communion and baptism as a denomination and as a part of the international Salvation Army. This is not meant to put us at odds with other Christian traditions, but we testify freely to a full salvation expressed in a supreme love for God and sacrificial love for others • a leadership conviction with regard to our witness through uniform wearing and our desire to increase our public

visibility with our officer contingent leading the way • the significant value of active officers, retired officers and local officers in meeting the leadership needs throughout The Salvation Army • our desire that The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda would be a covenanted Army and that each of us would have the opportunity to explore covenant as we share faith and service together

• our partnership with the international Salvation Army as we give and support financially and facilitate the availability of human resources to help lead the Army around the world. One Mission We want to: • emphasize the importance and significance of discipleship and evangelism. We need soldiers who will carry out God’s mission and win the world for him as a result of

One Message Introducing people to Jesus, securing their place in eternity and discipling them for service remains central to all we are and do. Our key message is that Jesus Christ is the hope for the world (see John 3:16; Luke 19:10). We are committed to sharing this message by: • reaching children and youth • advocating on behalf of those we serve • serving from a position of strength and declaring, “God is doing a new thing” • keeping our mission central to everything we do and managing the distractions • calling people to salvation and covenant through the experience of soldiership • asking every Salvationist to consider their part in being a transforming influence in their community. As the territorial commander, I want to lead an Army that celebrates its relationship with God and others. As we do this, we will remain fit for purpose in the world in which we live and serve. We have the potential to be a mighty expression of God’s love and faithfulness. Please join me in this time of focusing the vision as we become one Army with one mission sharing one message. Commissioner Brian Peddle is the territorial commander of the Canada and Bermuda Territory.

8 I January 2012 I Salvationist

Commissioner Brian Peddle’s statement, “We need soldiers who will carry out God’s mission …” struck me. Throughout many years as a soldier, an officer and a member and leader in other churches, I have come to realize that one thing lacking in too many corps and churches is leaders who can and do actively model this kind of ministering. I honestly believe that there are many Christians who earnestly want to carry out God’s mission but are waiting for someone to show them how—not to simply tell them how. Royal Senter Correction: Toronto’s Lakeshore Community Church was incorrectly identified as Lakeside Community Church in the January issue of Salvationist.

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Inside This Issue Cert no. XXX-XXX-XXXX

March 2012 No. 71 E-mail:





Features 10 A Safe Harbour for Souls Cert no. XXX-XXX-XXXX



Despite an industry downturn in the small outport community, Grand Bank Corps is thriving by Julia Hosking Cert no. XXX-XXX-XXXX



14 Fighting for Peace

As a defender of the innocents of the world, retired LieutenantGeneral Roméo Dallaire finds common cause with The Salvation FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL Army

18 Exploring Officership

The Salvation Army still needs officers. But how do we encourage Salvationists to consider this unique call to ministry? Interview with Captain Mark Braye, Kevin Slous, Megan Smith and Major Fred Waters


Departments 4 Editorial

Tell Me Why by Major Jim Champ

5 Around the Territory 9 Chief Priorities Life Beyond Unmet Expectations by Colonel Floyd Tidd

12 Point Counterpoint

The Gender Gap by Major Cathie Harris and Kristin Fryer

16 Cross Culture

17 Gospel Arts

The Lord of the Dance by Julia Hosking

20 Territorial Prayer Guide 20 Media Reviews 24 Celebrate Community

21 Flawed Shepherds

Despite their weaknesses, the men and women who lead you in your spiritual walk count it a privilege by Lieutenant Robert Jeffery

22 Delivering Dignity

Toronto’s Railside Food and Toy Distribution Centre helps other Army ministries focus on the people they serve by Julia Hosking

Enrolments and recognition, tributes, gazette, calendar


29 Our Covenant

The Cost of Soldiership by Rob Perry

30 Battle Cry

Finish What You Started by Major Danielle Strickland

Road to Freedom by Kristin Fryer

Inside Faith & Friends Maestro, Music Please

Bramwell Tovey’s Salvation Army roots inform every flick of his baton as he conducts orchestras all over the world

it started him on a new trajectory

When you finish reading Faith & Friends in the centre of this issue, pull it Faith & out and give it to someone who needs to hear about Christ’s lifeMaestro, Music Please changing + power


March 2012

Getting Back Into the Swing

A novel Salvation Army softball league is changing lives in London, Ont.

A Shot in the Dark

The bullet should have ended the young man’s life. Instead,

Inspiration for Living

Conductor Bramwell Tovey’s Salvation Army roots inform every flick of his baton


a ShOt iN thE DaRK Caught in Addiction’s Hold

1/23/12 4:14:00 PM

New Staff Writer The editorial department welcomes Kristin Fryer as our new staff writer. Prior to completing her master’s degree in philosophy and literature at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, U.K., Kristin received a bachelor’s degree in English from Trinity Western University in Langley, B.C. She was editor-in-chief of the Mars’ Hill

student newspaper at Trinity Western and publications editor at the Fraser Institute. In addition to writing for Salvationist and Faith & Friends magazines, Kristin will serve as editor of Edge for Kids. “I want to write articles that will tell the Army’s stories, shed light on important issues and encourage people in their faith,” says Kristin. “And I hope that I will learn a lot along the way.” Read a short interview with Kristin at Kristin-Fryer. Salvationist I March 2012 I 3



Tell Me Why

hy do you do what you do?” It was Wednesday morning at 9:10 and the questioner was a 13-year-old student at a middle school in Peterborough, England. Religious education was a part of the national curriculum, and so I was asked to speak to a classroom full of emerging teenagers. My assignment was fairly straightforward: Tell the kids your story (what you believe) and then answer their questions. Each student was expected to prepare two questions to ask the Salvation Army captain. I had a maximum of 10 minutes to give my testimony and the remaining 40 minutes would be spent fielding their inquiries. They could ask anything they wanted. And they did! “What football (soccer) team do you support?” “Do the police in Canada all ride horses and wear red tunics and funny hats?” “How much money do you make?” For five years, I visited the same school and went through the same routine with each class. Years later, the most interesting—and perhaps most challenging— question remains with me. “Why do you do what you do?” In other words, why are you an officer? Over the past 10 years, we have witnessed a marked decline in the number of active officers in the Canada and Bermuda Territory. The reasons are likely manifold. With fewer cadets entering the College

for Officer Training and more retirements among the boomer generation, the statistics signal a potential leadership crisis for the Army in the not-too-distant future. Commissioner Brian Peddle, territorial commander, affirmed “the significant value of active officers, retired officers and local officers in meeting the needs throughout The Salvation Army” in his article Focusing the Vision in the January issue of Salvationist (see focusing-the-vision). This month we feature a round-table discussion about officership on pages 18-19. A wide range of “officer” related subjects were considered. Our hope is to stimulate your thinking about Salvation Army leadership and, in particular, officership. What place will it hold in the future for the organization? Do you believe that God is still calling people to officership today? What are the constraints people are experiencing that hinder a move toward officership? These questions and others like them are significant for all Salvationists— lay persons and officers alike—and I invite you to continue the discussion at You can also send us your comments by e-mail at Salvationist@can.salvationarmy. org. We promise to read all feedback and include as many comments as possible in the magazine or on the website. “Why do you do what you do?” It is a challenge not just for officers but for all Christ followers. As for me, I signed the officer’s covenant card because I believed that this was the divine direction for my life—a conviction that remains to this day. The opportunities to present the good news of Jesus Christ in numerous and varied ways over the past three-and-a-half decades have been many and meaningful. How about you? Can you tell me why you do what you do? Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have (1 Peter 3:15). MAJOR JIM CHAMP Editor-in-Chief

4 I March 2012 I Salvationist


is a monthly publication of The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory Linda Bond General Commissioner Brian Peddle Territorial Commander Major Jim Champ Editor-in-Chief Geoff Moulton Assistant Editor-in-Chief John McAlister Features Editor (416-467-3185) Pamela Richardson News Editor, Production Co-ordinator, Copy Editor (416-422-6112) Major Max Sturge Associate Editor (416-422-6116) Timothy Cheng Art Director Ada Leung Circulation Co-ordinator Kristen Fryer, Ken Ramstead, Debbie Sinclair Contributors Agreement No. 40064794, ISSN 1718-5769. Member, The Canadian Church Press. All Scripture references from the Holy Bible, Today’s New International Version (TNIV) © 2001, 2005 International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society. All rights reserved worldwide. All articles are copyright The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory and can be reprinted only with written permission.


Annual: Canada $30 (includes GST/HST); U.S. $36; foreign $41. Available from: The Salvation Army, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto ON M4H 1P4. Phone: 416-425-2111 ext 2257; fax: 416-422-6120; e-mail: circulation@can.


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News, Events and Submissions

Editorial lead time is seven weeks prior to an issue’s publication date. No responsibility is assumed to publish, preserve or return unsolicited material. Write to salvationist@ or Salvationist, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto ON M4H 1P4.


The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world. Salvationist informs readers about the mission and ministry of The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda.


Photo: James Masters/ Masters Photography 2011

Army Food Bank Wins Big Donation from Kraft Canada

Proudly displaying a cheque for $32,232 from Kraft Canada are Mjr Dan Dearing, CO, Owen Sound; Alice Wannan; Mayor Deborah Haswell, Owen Sound; Dan Millar, annual giving representative, Ont. GL Div; Mjr Gary Brown, area director for public relations and development, Ont. GL Div

IN A RECORD EIGHT DAYS, The Salvation Army’s food bank in Owen Sound, Ont., completed a Kraft Canada Food for Families campaign that was anticipated to last 90 days. The campaign was designed to assist 30 food banks across the country.

Members of the public could vote online for one of the chosen recipients, with each vote translating into a one dollar donation for the centre. The Army’s food bank received an enormous 22,232 votes, which, totalled with those received for the

other locations, met the 50,000 maximum set by Kraft. “We felt bad for Kraft because we shut everything down in eight days, but they could not have been more thrilled for us,” says Alice Wannan, community and family services co-ordinator, Owen Sound and Port Elgin, Ont. The Army’s food bank is the only one in Owen Sound and serves 600 people each month. “Because we had the food bank with the most votes, we also received a $10,000 bonus prize from Kraft Canada,” adds Wannan, taking the total received by the Army to $32,232. The bonus money is designated for capacity building—strengthening the skills and abilities of individuals so they can overcome the causes that lead to them needing support. “We shared our success with the community,” says Wannan. “Our mayor, city council and workers at city hall helped us plan a celebration, schools provided entertainment and the local fire department cooked thousands of pancakes for everyone. What I loved about this challenge was that people who couldn’t give to us financially could still give something to the Army through their online signatures.”

Youth Create Lasting Impression in London, Ont. YOUNG PEOPLE FROM the corps in St. Catharines, Ont, travelled to London, Ont., in November to conduct a Sunday morning service at Hillcrest Community Church. Under the direction of Annette Dreyer, youth leader from St. Catharines, the young people created the order of service and participated in a variety of ways. They led songs, prayed, performed drama skits, sang solos and university student Kassie Van Every testified about sharing Christ with her fellow students at Brock University. “Our congregation was especially impressed hearing 17-yearold Jeremy Hennessy, without any formal training, preach the Word of God so competently,” says Lieutenant Darren Woods, corps officer at Hillcrest. “I believe the Lord’s hand is on this young man’s life and that he will do great things for God.” Major Glenda Davis, area commander, Ontario Great Lakes Division, was in attendance to support the young people. “The St. Catharines’ youth were inspirational in leading a creative worship service that appealed to all age groups,” she says. “I was encouraged by such a great group of young people boldly sharing their faith and their talents. It was a Spirit-filled service that left many of us feeling amazed and renewed in our souls.” A potluck lunch concluded the occasion, during which Hillcrest members expressed appreciation to the visiting guests. “Every young person who took part did a wonderful job,” says

Lieutenant Woods. “Their passion for the Lord and willingness to serve him gives confidence that the future of the Army is safe with them.”

Youth from St. Catharines Corps visit Hillcrest CC Salvationist I March 2012 I 5


Army Presence in Rick Hansen Relay LIEUTENANT KRISTEN GRAY, corps officer in Essex, Ont., was nominated to represent her town in the Canada-wide Rick Hansen Relay charity event. “I was surprised and humbled that somebody would think I’m having a significant impact on her life,” she says of the nomination that came from a woman who attends the moms’ and tots’ program at Essex Community Church. “I was honoured to know that the work I do through The Salvation Army is making a difference in our community.” The relay commemorated the 25th anniversary of Hansen’s Man in Motion World Tour, when he circled the globe in a wheelchair to raise funds for spinal cord injury research. Lieutenant Gray walked one-sixth of the Essex portion of the relay, sharing the honour with five other participants from the town who are also considered to be “difference makers.” “It’s important for people to know that the Army is available,” she says, “and that

we run a food bank and do Christmas hampers because we are motivated by the love of Jesus.” To help share this message, nearly 20 members of Essex Community Church donned Salvation Army shields

and walked with their corps officer. “I wanted people to understand that I’m not the ‘difference maker,’ but The Salvation Army in Essex is,” states Lieutenant Gray.

Lt Kristen Gray is supported by corps members in the Rick Hansen Relay in Essex, Ont.

Musical Traditions in Oshawa, Ont.


Oshawa Temple Band visits local hospital on Christmas Day

ONTARIO’S OSHAWA TEMPLE Band and Songsters continued their decades-old traditions of bringing music and Christmas cheer to patients at their local hospital, Lakeridge Health Oshawa, this past year. The songsters spent a Sunday afternoon singing carols throughout the hospital, a 50-year tradition, while community care ministries workers distributed a calendar to patients and staff. Joined by members of the young people’s band, the band carried on its practice of visiting the hospital on Christmas Day, an event they’ve done for the past 90 years. “Bringing Christ’s message of peace and love is a very worthwhile ministry to encourage patients during their hospital stay,” says bandsman Bob Young. “The patients and staff are very positive and appreciative, and sometimes patients or their families request prayer.”




6 I March 2012 I Salvationist EOI Salvationist Ads.indd 1

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JESSICA BUTT, A Salvationist teenager from Pasadena, N.L., and a member of Corner Brook Temple Band, was selected to play with Pasadena Tabernacle Band in California in the Tournament of Roses Parade on January 2. “As a Salvationist and aspiring cornetist, I am always looking for new ways to participate in activities outside of my corps band,” says Butt, pleased that she was chosen to take part in the parade. While staying at the Army’s Camp Mt. Crags, she rehearsed twice with the Pasadena Tabernacle Band and travelled to Biola University to practise with others who would join them for the parade, including timbrelists, students from southern California and the Household Troops Band. “The highlight was definitely marching in the parade,” says Butt. “We marched

for nearly nine kilometres which took about two and a half hours. Being in the midst of all the excitement and the crowds on the parade route distracted my mind from any fatigue I was feeling.” Butt appreciated the opportunity to become friends with other Salvationist band members from Canada, the United States and England, all brought together through their connection to The Salvation Jessica Butt travelled to California to march in the Tournament Army. “This experience showed of Roses Parade me that many amazing people have the same views and morals as I do.” been playing cornet for 10 years and has Butt plays in her school’s senior and been with Corner Brook Temple Band for jazz bands, is a tutor, serves on the student five. After high school, she plans to study council and sings in the school choir. She’s at the University of Waterloo in Ontario.

Fort St. John Children Learn About the Army STUDENTS IN THE Grade 5/6 class at Baldonnel Elementary School in Fort St. John, B.C., supported The Salvation Army this past Christmas. As part of their classroom studies, the children learned to make willow chairs, one of which was raffled off and a financial donation made to the Army from the proceeds. The school also collected food items for distribution through the Army. The students from this class annually volunteer for a day at the Army’s Fort St. John Care and Share Centre, sorting food and organizing clothing, to learn how the Army helps people in their community. “It is so nice to have them here with us,” says Captain Isobel Lippers, corps officer. “Our

clients and guests really enjoy the children’s visit.” The captain also visited the school to explain what the Army does in Fort St. John and around the world. The Fort St. John Care and Share Centre offers a community drop-in that serves a free lunch and refreshments throughout the day. The centre becomes an extreme-weather shelter as needed, with a meal and cots provided for 25 people. An emergency shelter is available to men and women, where clients can stay for up to 30 days. Staff offer support for them to find work and a place to live, and assist with addiction issues. Emergency services, such as clothing, furniture, household goods and other necessities, are also offered.

Sea of Lights a Twinkling Success THE SALVATION ARMY was delighted to partner again with the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, Oak Bay municipality and the Oak Bay Kiwanis for their sixth annual Sea of Lights, a lighted boat parade on December 2. Thousands of people lined the shore at Cattle Point, Willows Beach and Gyro Beach to watch the boats pass, led by HMCS Oriole. Spectators donated money and non-perishable food items to help with the Army’s Christmas effort. “This is a great community occasion which sees many groups come together to spread Christmas cheer, and for many Oak Bay and Victoria residents this event is the kick off to their holiday celebrations,” says Kyla Ferns, special projects officer, British Columbia Division. “I am grateful for all those who helped make this event another twinkling success for the Army.”

Be involved in the Army’s present Be part of the Army’s future For the latest news online, visit us at

Students from Baldonnel Elementary School visit the Army’s Care and Share Centre Salvationist I March 2012 I 7

Photo: The Western Star

From Pasadena, N.L., to Pasadena, Calif.


Reopened Bethany Home Gives Young Women a Brighter Future THE SALVATION ARMY celebrated the reopening of Bethany Home, located in a residential neighbourhood in Saskatoon. The clients, young women referred by the Ministry of Social Services, come from unhealthy home environments, have difficulty at school and may have issues with alcohol, drugs and cutting themselves. At Bethany they experience acceptance, safety, solace and hope for a brighter future. The facility offers room and board, educational support and life skills while learning about community resources, goal setting, anger management and other life-enhancing skills. Clients attend school during the day and in the evenings participate in art therapy, aboriginal and leisure activities and spiritual sessions. “We strive to provide care and hope for the young women who come to us,” says Major Malba Holliday, executive director. “Our new facility enables us to support young women who are trying to better their lives. Currently we are housing 10 between the ages of 13 and 18, each with her own room and shared common areas. Employees are trained to ensure safety for clients and help them take the next steps toward secure and stable housing.” Did you know … … Walmart Canada has launched a national program where The Salvation Army receives a $5 donation for every customer who applies for a Walmart credit card? … Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment teamed up with the Army to launch the annual Christmas kettle campaign at Toronto’s Air Canada Centre? Prior to the game on November 30 between the Leafs and the Boston Bruins, an Army Christmas brass ensemble serenaded fans entering Air Canada Centre, accompanied by Christmas kettles and bell ringers, and a 35-foot inflatable Salvation Army Christmas bell was set up in Maple Leaf Square. North York Temple Band played the American and Canadian national 8 I March 2012 I Salvationist

Yorkwoods Community Church Commits to Music Evangelism LT-COLONEL RAPHAEL MASON, territorial multicultural ministries secretary, dedicated nine new brass instruments at Toronto’s Yorkwoods Community Church, located in the culturally and economically diverse Jane-and-Finch area of the city. “This is the beginning of a new development in this church and I am confident that souls will be won through the band’s ministry,” said Lt-Colonel Mason. Made possible through the generosity of a legacy donation, the instruments will enhance the corps’ ministry to its

community. “We can reach out to people, particularly the young ones, giving them opportunity to learn about music and God. Our music ministry will contribute to the moral and spiritual development of our community,” says Aux-Captain Alain Suamunu-Luasu, corps officer. Church members expressed their enthusiasm for this development. “It’s a step forward, particularly for our kids who love music and are ready to use the instruments to glorify the Lord,” says Joel Nyakuedi, from Kenya.

Yorkwoods CC youth with new musical instruments

anthems and each team’s captain made a symbolic donation to the Christmas kettles prior to the puck drop … The Salvation Army received $50,000 from Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life toward its 2011 annual Christmas campaign? … retired CSM Ivan Cryderman has been playing in the Huntsville Corps Band, Ont., for over 71 years? He has also served as songster leader, Sunday school teacher, corps cadet guardian, bandmaster and as corps sergeant-major for 25 years … in December, hundreds of volunteers from Invis and Mortgage Intelligence, two of Canada’s leading mortgage brokerage firms, concluded their fundraising campaign in support of The Salvation Army? They visited homeless shelters

across Canada to distribute warming kits that included gloves, tuques, winter fleeces and toiletries as part of their Angels in the Night volunteer program … the government of Nova Scotia is contributing $400,000 to an Army program that provides emergency home heating help to the needy? The program helps low-income Nova Scotians with all forms of home heating, including firewood, coal, oil, propane and electricity … a half-carat diamond, valued at $2,000, was placed in a Christmas kettle in Shawnee, Kansas? … you can advertise an upcoming corps event in Salvationist? Contact circulation@ for details


Life Beyond Unmet Expectations God’s plans are often greater than we can ever imagine BY COLONEL FLOYD TIDD

Photo: © Woodward

When we experience moments of unmet expectations, we shouldn’t assume that God has abandoned us. Instead, we should trust that he will lead us to a deeper experience


hat do you hope for? Do you believe it can happen? How will you respond if things don’t work out as you expected? During this time of Lent, we watch from this side of Calvary as a band of Jesus’ followers discovered life beyond unmet expectations. For three years the disciples had followed Jesus and witnessed him teaching with authority, healing the sick, calming the stormy seas and raising the dead. Surely, they thought, this Jesus must be the promised Messiah. But then one Friday afternoon, on a hill just outside Jerusalem, Jesus hung on a cross, and with him died the hopes of so many. By early Sunday morning, however, Jesus’ empty tomb declared the reality of life beyond unmet expectations. God’s plan of salvation turned out to be much greater than anyone had expected or believed possible. In Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby invites us to discover what God is doing and then prepare ourselves to join with him in his mission in the world. Can we stretch ourselves to consider what God is dreaming as he fulfils his purpose? What is his dream for you? For creation? For

he chooses to work within us through his Spirit. When we experience moments of unmet expectations, we shouldn’t assume that God has abandoned us. Instead, we should trust that he will lead us to a deeper experience of his provision. As we approach Easter, I ask you to consider your expectations for the days to come. What is your hope for the mission of God in your life, family, community, world and The Salvation Army? Does your faith in God compel you to anticipate great things while remaining open to how and when he will bring them about? To do so depends on our openness to see beyond the unmet expectations in order to witness the greater work of our faithful God. God raised up the Army for his mission to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity. May we be an Army that marches forward with confidence and expectation as we serve a God who can “do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

the world? For his Church? What is God’s dream for The Salvation Army? Today, the mission of God continues to surpass our greatest projections. We can choose to live a life filled with hope and anticipation, and guard ourselves from despair and disappointment when our plans or timing differs from God’s. Our expectations should be built on our understanding of the past and the curColonel Floyd Tidd is the chief secretary of the rent realities with our hope for tomorrow. Canada and Bermuda Territory. It could well be that God’s dream—and the fulfilment of his Prayer of Aspiration mission today and I asked God for strength that I might achieve. in the future—will I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey. exceed our expectaI asked for health that I might do greater things. tions. I was given infirmity that I might do better things. In his letter to I asked for riches that I might be happy. the Ephesians, the I was given poverty that I might be wise. Apostle Paul reminds I asked for power that I might have the praise of men. us that God “is able I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God. to do immeasurI asked for all things that I might enjoy life. ably more than all I was given life that I might enjoy all things. we ask or imagine” I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for. (Ephesians 3:20). Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. Not only can God do I am, among all men, most richly blessed. more than we could —Anonymous ask or imagine, but

Salvationist I March 2012 I 9

A Safe Harbour for Souls

Despite an industry downturn in the small outport community, Grand Bank Corps is thriving BY JULIA HOSKING


hen a member of the Grand Bank Corps, N.L., was diagnosed with a serious illness, the church committed to praying for him regularly and offered constant support. After he made a full recovery, the congregation naturally joined in with his celebration. “A few days after hearing the good news, I spoke to a minister of another local church,” recalls Major Lisa Hale, corps officer. “His congregation had been praying for this man and were now celebrating as well. When there is a prayer concern in this community, it’s not just Salvation Army people praying for Salvation Army people—the denominations pray for each other. People in Grand Bank treat their neighbours like they do their own family.” Grand Bank is an outport community on the island of Newfoundland, located 10 I March 2012 I Salvationist

along the southern tip of the Burin Peninsula, two and a half hours from the Trans-Canada Highway. The isolation from major cities and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean are what help define the nature and lifestyle of the community of two and a half thousand people. “It’s a close-knit community where everybody knows everybody,” comments Susan Butler, who grew up in the town and is an adherent at Grand Bank Corps. “People are helpful and friendly and would do anything for you if you ask. If someone is sick and needs to go to hospital, the community will hold fundraisers to help cover the costs.” This attitude means that community members rarely rely on the assistance of The Salvation Army or the centralized food bank established by the various churches in the area. And if assistance is sought, it is normally by a third party. “We have people saying to us, ‘I’ve already helped this family and it’s beyond what I can do now. Are you able to help?’ ” explains Major Hale. Influenced by the Sea Bruce Green, corps sergeant-major of Grand Bank Corps, believes the sea “gets into your blood and you love being around it.” Green worked in the town’s fishing

industry for more than 30 years—and is saddened by its decline, which began following a cod moratorium in 1992. “At one time, we had between 500 and 600 workers in the fish plant, and then there were others who had boats and went fishing,” relates Green. “Now, we’re down to probably 200 people in that industry. It is concerning that our young people are not staying here after they finish high school; we’ve become an

CSM Bruce Green acknowledges the impact of the fishing industry decline on the corps but still has a positive attitude for the future

older community. We don’t want it that way, but because of our past, where we’ve learned to live by the hardship of the sea, we deal with it.” In 2006, 36 percent of the Newfoundland and Labrador population was over the age of 50, compared to 48 percent in Grand Bank. As a result, Grand Bank has amalgamated its schooling systems with those in nearby Fortune. “It is hard to see kids move on after school, but it’s because there are no jobs. I’m sure that if people could work around here, they would move back as the quality of life is good,” says Butler, a mother of two and teacher at Lake Academy, the elementary school in Fortune. “There were 72 in my graduating class in high school and there are maybe a dozen of us living around here now. It’s sad that people have to move away, but people often come back

Mjrs Lisa and Lyndon Hale

and visit because there’s always that connection to home.” As Grand Bank Corps commemorates its 125th anniversary this April, Majors Lyndon and Lisa Hale, corps officers, acknowledge the impact that having a congregation with an average age of 66 will have on the corps’ future. “We are determined to meet the needs of seniors and attract the younger generation to church,” says Major Lyndon Hale. “Currently, there are not enough young people coming in to replace the older generation and take over their responsibilities.” Green echoes this and points out that the corps band has shrunk from 30 members to a dozen in recent years, and that with a congregation of mainly retirees, giving is not as high as in corps where more members are earning an income. “But it is not all negative,” he adds. “We keep our young people up to a certain age and there is a place for them in the corps.” The children and youth participate in singing company, three age-appropriate youth groups, Sunday school, junior soldiers, corps cadets, mime ministry and a hand bells ensemble. These activities are all thriving, as are the men’s and women’s ministries, and approximately 150 people attend each meeting of the corps’ two Sunday services. “There is a respect for each other,” says Major Lisa Hale. “While our congregation may be older, they’re willing to involve the young people and don’t mind things being a little different for the sake of the children, such as having the singing com-

Children are encouraged to participate in corps life through musical groups such as the hand bells ensemble

pany participate in the meeting.” Noting the significance of music to people within the province, Majors Hale hope that the children’s creative ministries will encourage them to learn musical instruments and support the music ministries of the corps. “Music is one of the primary things the men and women enjoy at their fellowship camps every year,” says Major Lyndon Hale. “I think it is because music has the capacity to boost one’s spirit and help us deal with our day-to-day challenges.” “There is a definite love for music in all age groups, even if taste varies,” adds Major Lisa Hale. “However, folk music is enjoyed by the different generations, and we try to blend some of our folk culture into the church, for example, by using the tune Salt Water Joy, a traditional song about Newfoundland outport communities, with the lyrics of the hymn, The Lily Of The Valley.” Although caring for neighbours is second nature for the people in the town, Grand Bank Corps intentionally facilitates this through its community care ministries. “Most of the group are seniors themselves, out doing ministry with older seniors. I think sometimes they’re recognizing that there may come a time when they will need someone to visit them,” says Major Lisa Hale. “The group is very involved in the community in many ways and, prior to our arrival in Grand Bank, they started providing funeral reception food for grieving families. A lot of them used to take dishes to the family whenever anybody passed away, but now it is more organized and relieves the pressure on families.” Community Spirit Majors Hale firmly believe that prayer is foundational to all of the ministries at the corps and it is through it that children and adults will be influenced for Christ. One of the several prayer groups that meet weekly takes a particular interest in ministering to, and influencing, high school graduates. The high school, situated in Grand Bank, had 29 graduates last year. “They pray for the graduating class all year and then around the last week of school, the group hosts a hot lunch for staff and students, where they also distribute Bibles,” says Major Lisa Hale. “The group has been doing it for a few years and the school looks forward to it. It’s their way of showing community spirit and love for others, which flows from their relationship with God.” Salvationist I March 2012 I 11


The Gender Gap

Should we embrace the use of gender-inclusive language in modern Bible translations?

YES. While the Bible was written thousands of years ago, its message is timeless and intended for all people. As such, we should be open to translations of the Bible that speak to all genders. BY MAJOR CATHIE HARRIS SHOULD WE ADOPT the use of gender-inclusive language in The Salvation Army? Absolutely! When we are speaking or writing we should use language that includes everyone. For example, The Salvation Army believes that the good news of Jesus Christ is for all people. But if we revert to the language of previous years and say “the gospel of Jesus Christ is for all men,” most of our daughters, granddaughters, nieces and female visitors to our worship services or family services centres will not understand that they are meant to be included in that statement. Language changes over time. Not everyone likes the changes or agrees with them, but words matter and language is not neutral. It either conveys a clear message or it leads to confusion. Like any form of communication we need to understand not only what was meant but what was heard. The generic use of “man” and “mankind” of the past is not currently understood to include the female gender. If we want to communicate clearly and be understood, we need to keep our language current. We cannot be a “transforming influence in our communities” if our language erects barriers. One of The Salvation Army’s key principles, first established by Catherine Booth, was a willingness to “adapt our measures,” or applied in this case, to adapt our language. Certainly gender isn’t the only issue when it comes to adapting language. The Committee on Bible Translation has worked since 1965 on the New International Version of the Bible, the most widely distributed translation. The committee meets each year to keep current with new discoveries in biblical scholarship and the use of Standard English around the world. One of the changes they’ve made more recently is found in Genesis 23:4 where Abraham says, “I am an alien and a stranger among you.” In Standard English the word “alien” now brings to mind someone from another planet. So the updated NIV 2011 reads, “I am a foreigner and a stranger among you.” This conveys both the intent of the original author and is understood accurately by English speakers today. 12 I March 2012 I Salvationist

The same principle is at work when it comes to gender. In the 1984 New International Version, Romans 3:28 reads this way: “For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law.” At the time, it was assumed that female readers would understand that they were included. We can no longer assume that. So the NIV 2011 translates it this way: “For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.” This maintains the original meaning of the writer and communicates with clarity to readers today. Using gender inclusive language is not about compromise. It is not about changing the Bible. It is not about neutralizing the differences between men and women. It is about using language that makes sure that all people—men, women and children—know that they are loved by God and are recipients of God’s grace. All of our writing and speaking must clearly include everyone who is meant to be included. The tricky part is knowing how and when to rewrite the gender-exclusive language of the past. There are times when this is easy. Bible passages that were meant to include men and women have moved from exclusive to inclusive language in new translations to reflect current Standard English. This reflects the work of translation from the original languages of Hebrew and Greek into English. The King James Version translated the original languages into Elizabethan English. Translations today should reflect current usage of the English language.

POINT COUNTERPOINT But should we rewrite hymns and songs? Should we change the words of Shakespeare and Samuel Logan Brengle when we quote them? These are more difficult decisions. We will not all agree. I have been known to change a few words of songs from paper to PowerPoint and I’m not sure that those who might normally object would have even noticed. But I hope that everyone felt included as they sang. I think the principle remains the same as the work of biblical translators: What did the original author mean? How can we most effectively communicate that today? Can we make changes without disrupting the form and structure of the writing? Most importantly, does everyone know they are included in God’s gracious invitation to be in personal relationship with him? Using gender inclusive language is one more way of expressing this. That is why we should intentionally work at doing this in The Salvation Army. Major Cathie Harris is chair of the Social Issues Committee and lives in Winnipeg.

NO. We should be cautious about adopting gender-inclusive language. Instead, we should seek to understand the Bible on its own terms, within the language and tradition that gave birth to it. BY KRISTIN FRYER, STAFF WRITER ONE OF THE BEST classes I took in university was European Literature in Translation. The selected readings, which included The Brothers Karamazov and The Trial, were among the best books I’ve read. Despite my immense enjoyment of the course, at times I felt as though I was missing something. One day in class, the professor, a native German-speaker, was reading a passage from Faust when he paused and said, “I wish you could read this in the original German. The English translation just doesn’t quite get at the meaning of these words.” This is the fundamental “flaw” of translation—and it has led a number of language theorists to question whether translation is ever fully possible. The issue is rooted in the fact that every language is born out of and shaped by a particular people group and their beliefs and traditions. As German philosopher HansGeorg Gadamer argues, every language is a view of the world, “not primarily because it is a particular type of language … but because of what is said or handed down in this language.” Tradition and language cannot be separated; language is tradition. The further removed a reader is from the culture and tradition of a particular language, the more difficult it is for them to understand that culture’s literature.

As such, the translation of a modern French novel into English is likely to be more possible because we share more with the French culture. In many cases, we watch the same films, listen to similar music and are affected by the same major events (e.g. the recent economic downturn). But in the case of ancient texts, the problems of translation can be particularly acute. Consider how far removed we are— temporally, linguistically, culturally—from the people living in the time of Abraham, Moses or Jesus. The cultural differences between then and now are stark. And here lies the root of my skepticism toward many modern translations of the Bible, including so-called “gender-inclusive” translations. It’s not the Bible’s fault that we cannot read ancient Greek and Hebrew. But if we could—and some people can—what would we encounter? To put it bluntly, we would encounter a text written by men, for men. And it should not come as a shock to modern readers that the Bible was written in this way. Patriarchal language in the Bible is not a “scandal” that must be covered up by gender-inclusive translations. The Bible is what it is. The inspired Word of God: yes. Product of a particular language, culture and tradition: also yes. Going through the Bible and replacing “he” with “they,” “sons” with “sons and daughters,” and so on, does not “fix” this. And in some cases, as various biblical scholars have pointed out, these kinds of changes can actually obscure the meaning of the Bible. In his essay “What’s Wrong with Gender-Neutral Bible Translations?” Wayne Grudem offers many examples of faulty gender-inclusive translations, such as Psalm 34:20, which contains a Messianic prediction. The Revised Standard Version reads, “He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken,” while the New Revised Standard Version reads, “He keeps all their bones; not one of them will be broken.” According to Grudem, “The individuality of the Messianic prediction, so wonderfully fulfilled in Jesus’ death, is lost to readers of the NRSV.” It is important to remember that no translation of the Bible is neutral. Every translation is the product of human beings, who have their own worldviews and biases, and a linguistic system, which has its own traditions and biases. Every translation reflects these biases. For hundreds of years, the English language has been heavily influenced by Christianity. But as culture shifts, so also does language. There is no denying that the culture of English-speaking people is becoming increasingly secular, and it would be a mistake to think that our language has not changed as a result. We must be careful not to demand that the Bible conform to our language and our worldview, but instead seek to understand the Bible on its own terms, within the language and tradition that gave birth to it. I realize that this may not be a satisfying conclusion for some readers. The reality is that some passages of the Bible make 21stcentury women (myself included) uncomfortable. But focusing on this, instead of recognizing that the Bible is a product of a particular language and culture, misses the broader picture. Modernized language or not, nothing can change the fact that the message of Christ already is gender-inclusive. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Our salvation depends on our decision to follow Christ, not our gender. Kristin Fryer is staff writer for Salvationist magazine. Salvationist I March 2012 I 13

Fighting for



e’s been called a genuine Canadian hero, and few would dispute that. As a decorated 35-year veteran with the Canadian Forces, retired Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire is best known for his courageous service as the leader of the United Nations Observer Mission—Uganda and Rwanda (UNOMUR) and the United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) in 1993 and 1994, which he recounts in his book Shake Hands With the Devil. Dallaire was awarded the Meritorious Service Cross in recognition of his exceptional leadership and professionalism, and for the great moral courage he showed in the face of genocidal horror. Upon his return home, his bravery took the form of frankly acknowledging his struggles with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In so doing, he helped dozens of his fellow soldiers deal with their own personal demons while educating the public in the process. Appointed to the Canadian Senate in 2005, Dallaire published They Fight Like Soldiers, They Die Like Children in 2010, where he states, “The ultimate focus of the rest of my life is to eradicate the use of child soldiers and to eliminate even the thought of the use of children as instruments of war.” Ken Ramstead and Linda Leigh recently interviewed Dallaire in Toronto.

Have you seen a shift in Canada’s peacekeeping role since you started soldiering? The old days of the Canadian blue berets, whom everybody wants there as a referee because two nation states need to be refereed as they sort out their problem over a peace agreement, are over. In an era of imploding nations and civil wars, there is an absolute requirement to protect the moderates and the innocents from being massively used and abused. We are now in an era where the use of force is required and we must be prepared to use it. 14 I March 2012 I Salvationist

As a defender of the innocents of the world, retired Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire finds common cause with The Salvation Army What stands out for you about The Salvation Army? The perseverance of wanting to continue to serve, and to serve sacrificially. When I joined the Canadian Forces, my father said to me, “Don’t expect anybody to say thank you.” I am of the opinion that The Salvation Army is not an outfit that does what it does to seek adulation and recognition like many other groups, who I feel are a bit unethical in how they operate. The Salvation Army doesn’t have that at all. You are there just to serve. When you think about The Salvation Army, what three things come to mind? Mission-focus, commitment, discipline.

Senator Roméo Dallaire

How do you feel about the change from peacekeeper to peacemaker? I believe we have a responsibility to protect others. We must be prepared to defend and protect the civilian population. That’s why we see the use of force—not because we want to invade or subjugate a country, but because we want to prevent massive abuses of human rights. What are your recollections of The Salvation Army? As a youth, I remember The Salvation Army on the street corners in downtown Montreal, but it was really in Germany that we soldiers were grateful for the presence of the Sally Ann and the Red Shield organization. That was where we went for a home-cooked hamburger or to purchase a special gift at the thrift shop. When we were deployed in Germany in the early 1970s, there wasn’t much happening and so it was a very useful place for families to go. It was cheap and it was attentive. The Salvation Army also deployed with us on manoeuvres, sometimes for two months at a time. Whether with hot coffee or a word of support, they were there for us.

How was your faith shaken and renewed through your experience in Africa? As the title of my book says, I shook hands with the devil, men who were not human anymore. They were completely taken over by evil, the devil, whatever you want to call it. The other side of it was, in a moment of enormous duress, when we were about to be attacked, I had no military capabilities, and I was not sure whether my troops would actually fight to defend and protect the people under our care. There was a sense when I was alone in my office that night with the window open and the lights closed, that a positive entity brushed me. It was instantaneous and there was no doubt that I was going to pursue matters to the end. And so as much as I believe evil exists, I also believe that good exists. Are there any flashpoints in the world that give you concern now? I’m very concerned about the autocracies and dictatorships that exist in a number of countries in Africa where nations were starting to pull themselves out of servitude, only to encounter a new generation of rulers who have not wanted to give up

Photo: Peter Bregg/White Pine Pictures

Roméo Dallaire stands near a counter of skulls from victims of the Rwandan genocide

and have fiddled with their constitutions to enable them to hold on to power. It reaffirms my belief that while democracy is a very difficult concept to instil and sustain in a society, it’s still the best system by far. But we need to do a better job of selling its merits to the people. Do you still struggle with PTSD? Yes, I’ll give you an example. The summer before last, my wife and I became grandparents for the first time. That Easter, we were all home while my granddaughter was learning to walk. We were in the living room when she fell and hit her head on a table. It wasn’t serious but she started crying. Everyone rushed over to her—except me. I didn’t move. What I heard and saw the moment she hit her head and started to cry was the thousands of children dying of thirst, abandoned and mutilated. I had to go into another session of therapy and have my medication adjusted just to be able to pick up my grandchild again without going into a horrific state of stress. And that’s 17 years after. With all the blood spilled, is it even possible to have true reconciliation

between the Hutus and the Tutsis? Yes, I think that reconciliation in any conflict is possible. In this case, reconciliation can only be long-term, and the political structures have to be patient, but it will come through if three components are in place: First, the empowerment of women is crucial. The existing male-dominated societies simply can’t do it on their own. Women need to be empowered so that

they can influence, adjust and accept what needs to be done. And if the women accept that reconciliation needs to occur, then the men will have no options. Secondly, education. The youth need intellectual discipline to identify the problem and adapt to find solutions. The third component is respect. If you instill respect on both sides, then it becomes a level playing field.

Building on Hope

Excerpts from a speech given by Roméo Dallaire at the annual Salvation Army Hope in the City breakfast in Toronto: I’m comfortable speaking at a Salvation Army function. I like the uniforms and ranks, I like the collars, and so there is a real familiarity here. I hope you in the audience also feel at ease with having The Salvation Army as representatives in uniform accomplishing their task of mission. The Salvation Army is in the business of human beings. This whole breakfast this morning, this campaign leading up to Christmas, is a campaign about human beings, about some who are going to assist others. And The Salvation Army is doing it, not because some in our society are underprivileged compared to others but because they consider them equal and they consider it fair. They consider it essential that everyone be treated equally to be able to thrive, for them to do more than survive, for them to have and continue to build on hope. This premise is fundamental to how Canadians perceive ourselves, our nation and where we are going in the future. Salvationist I March 2012 I 15


Road to Freedom

The Help challenges us to seek justice for all God’s children, even when it’s easier and safer to do nothing

Photo: Dreamworks Animation LL


Minny and Aibileen speak to Skeeter about their lives as black maids


he 1960s are an iconic decade, famous for many world-altering events such as the construction of the Berlin Wall, the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the moon landing. But, above all, the ’60s are remembered as a time of great social change, which saw the rise of several revolutionary groups, including the countercultural hippies, antiwar protesters and civil rights activists. Set in the early ’60s, The Help is a movie that follows three women in their quest to expose the racial discrimination black housemaids (referred to as “the help”) encounter while working for white families. Based on a bestselling novel of the same name, the film stars Emma Stone as Eugenia “Skeeter” Phelan, a young white woman and college graduate who is disturbed by the ill treatment of the maids in her hometown of Jackson, Mississippi; Viola Davis as Aibileen Clark, a middleaged maid who looks after white children; and Octavia Spencer as Minny Jackson, a feisty maid who is known for her excellent cooking. Returning to Jackson following her graduation, Skeeter is troubled to learn 16 I March 2012 I Salvationist

of a new bill, the Home Health Sanitation Initiative, which would ensure that all white homeowners have a separate bathroom outside for their black help. According to Hilly Holbrook, a snooty socialite and a promoter of the initiative, this law is necessary because black people carry different diseases than white people. Skeeter, who credits the maid who raised her for teaching her everything she knows, finds it appalling that white families would allow the help to raise their children but would not permit them to use their bathrooms. Seeing an opportunity to combat this injustice, Skeeter decides to write a book from the perspective of the help and asks Aibileen, Minny and other maids to share their stories about working for white families. The maids, however, are unwilling to assist as they fear that they will lose their jobs—or worse. Early on, the film creates a strong parallel between the plight of the help and that of the Israelites enslaved by the Egyptians. After Skeeter approaches Aibileen and asks her to contribute to her book, Aibileen attends a church service where the pastor

reads from Exodus, highlighting Moses’ reluctance to go to Egypt and demand freedom for God’s people: “Moses said to the Lord, ‘Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue’ ” (Exodus 4:10). Following the reading, the pastor declares: “See, courage isn’t just about being brave. Courage is daring to do what is right in spite of the weakness of our flesh. And God tells us, commands us, compels us, to love. See, love, as exemplified by our Lord Jesus Christ, is to be prepared to put yourself in harm’s way for your fellow man. And by ‘your fellow man,’ I mean your brother, your sister, your neighbour, your friend and your enemy.” Aibileen is inspired to put her fears aside and becomes a Moses figure, a reluctant leader of the help. She is the first maid to share her story with Skeeter and she recruits other maids to do the same. Like Moses, who put himself in harm’s way on behalf of his fellow Israelites, Aibileen puts her safety and future at risk so that injustice may be exposed and eradicated. Times have changed, but the call to be courageous, to deny oneself and do what is right remains. The question is: what can we do, in the words of Martin Luther King, Jr., “to make justice a reality for all of God’s children”? Who are the marginalized in our society today, and how can we show them the love of God? Despite its strong message, The Help is weakened by its departures from realism. For example, Minny’s revenge against Hilly, her former employer, is pure fantasy, and Hilly’s reaction, while comical, is not believable. The film’s feel-good Hollywood ending is similarly unrealistic: though writing any material in favour of social equality between blacks and whites is illegal in Mississippi, the maids’ book is successful and none of them face serious consequences for their actions, except Aibileen who loses her job. The Help ends on a triumphal note, but it is important to remember that change takes time. The American Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, but it took years— and many court cases—before all of the discriminatory laws were struck down. Nevertheless, the difficulty of effecting change should not discourage us from doing what is right. As we fight for justice, we must, as the Apostle Paul instructs in 2 Thessalonians 3:13, “never tire of doing what is good.”


The Lord of the Dance

When Sylvia Overton dedicated her dancing to God, he used it for greater purposes BY JULIA HOSKING


later, after hearing Major Danielle Strickland preach at a Christian conference, moved to Canada to attend the Army’s War College in Vancouver. In the years between, she learned about the power of prayer and trained as a Pilates rehabilitation specialist and movement therapist. “I was doing Pilates in a clinic in Wimbledon and I saw a woman with multiple sclerosis trying to press her foot down on a pedal,” says

Sylvia Overton was a professional ballroom dancer for more than 10 years before God took her gift in another direction

Photo: Bruce Davison

ing David danced before the Lord with all his might (see 2 Samuel 6:14). Miriam, the prophetess, danced with a timbrel in hand (see Exodus 15:20). Sylvia Overton, a senior soldier at Edmonton Crossroads Community Church, uses flags and dance as a declaration of her faith. “Dancing with flags makes me feel as though I’m setting a standard of spiritual warfare,” says Overton. “When I’m feeling stressed, distracted or spiritually attacked, I go into the church sanctuary, put music on and dance until I feel the presence of God.” From the age of 17, Overton spent most of her time in a dance studio in Sydney, Australia. As an internationally recognized ballroom dancer, she competed in Australia, New Zealand, England, Singapore, Germany and Japan. But when the then28-year-old moved to England to further her career, it began to stifle. “As a national champion, I should have had offers straight away, but I didn’t,” says Overton. “At that stage, I was away from the Lord, so I started to wonder whether that was something to do with him drawing me back. “When the professional European champion suggested that we dance together, as well as have a romantic relationship, a conviction overcame me that I had compromised everything in order to win. That stopped me in my tracks and I remember thinking I’ve got to get back to church.” Overton began attending church and almost 10 years

“There is something about dancing with flags that makes me feel as though I’m setting a standard of spiritual warfare,” says Overton

Overton. “After much struggle, she finally got it down and was overwhelmed with joy. I realized I had spent 13 years of my life trying to perfect movement—something I’m already good at. Ballroom dancing was idolatry for me and it became an adrenaline addiction. I had to dance so I wouldn’t become depressed. The Lord began showing me how much time I’d spent on me, as a dancer,

when I could have been helping others.” Overton, now completing her third year of War College out of Crossroads, runs a women’s community house and serves as the corps’ prayer sergeant. Though initially not wanting to pursue dance while at the college, Overton has discovered that the Lord is “redeeming” her dancing for his purposes.

“When Jesus took time out of his busy schedule to go to a wedding, he showed us that although our lives in ministry can be busy, we need to take time to celebrate and have joy,” she says. “That joy can be expressed through worship in different ways, such as playing an instrument, writing poetry, serving others, preaching the Word of God or in a physical way through dance, like David and the prophets.” Overton uses her gifting to share her struggles and experiences with others. In particular, she uses the social nature of ballroom dancing in ministry to women working as prostitutes in downtown Edmonton. “I put the music on at the corps’ drop-in and started dancing the cha-cha-cha with one of the women. I saw her face light up,” recalls Overton. “Dancing was bringing light in to the darkness. All the women watching saw the possibility of hope and that there is another way they can use their bodies apart from prostitution.” Late last year, Overton shared her testimony through dance at Edmonton’s Castledowns Church to a song called Freedom by Jason Upton. “The dance started with me holding chains—representing my past idolatry and hidden identity. I then worked my way out of them and broke free. It was my story of victory, thanks to Christ, over pain, suffering and brokenness,” explains Overton. “Dance for me is now an act of worship, praise and a time to feel close to God. It allows me to simply experience the flow of his Spirit.” Salvationist I March 2012 I 17

Exploring Officership The Salvation Army still needs officers. But how do we encourage Salvationists to consider this unique call to ministry?

Photos: Timothy Cheng

In order to fulfil his purposes for the Army, God needs officers who will maintain and lead us in our mission.

Kevin Slous: “Salvationists should take an active role in encouraging people to consider officership”


n this round-table discussion on Salvation Army officership, John McAlister, features editor, speaks with Major Fred Waters, candidates’ secretary, Captain Mark Braye, corps officer, Temiskaming Community Church, Ont., Kevin Slous, youth pastor at Mississauga Temple Community Church, Ont., and Megan Smith, a student at the University of Toronto. JM: What is officership? How would you describe or define it? MB: It’s an avenue of full-time ministry, although in a sense all Christians are called to full-time ministry. It’s giving up secular employment to be a servant. KS: It’s a life surrendered to fulltime service and leadership within The Salvation Army. MS: It’s a calling and purpose that God has for your life. It’s a life-long commitment that is sealed by a covenant. FW: That’s a key difference between employment and officership. I am a covenanted leader in The Salvation Army. I could have done ministry in a variety of 18 I March 2012 I Salvationist

different avenues, but I felt God specifically calling me to this ministry. So, I entered into a covenant with him to be an officer and then allowed The Salvation Army to focus how that calling is worked out. JM: What is the difference between someone serving as a covenanted soldier or a covenanted officer? FW: A soldier’s covenant revolves around behaviour. Much of it has to do with lifestyle issues, so there are the “I promise to” or “I promise not to” statements. With an officer’s covenant, the aspect that keeps me awake at night is the haunting phrase, “I will live to win souls.” Our mission is held in the hands of our officers, not by function but by covenant. KS: I don’t think you can be a soldier and not give officership serious consideration. The officer’s covenant is different in that officers give their lives wholly in service to the Army. It’s necessary to have officers as leaders who embody the mission of Salvationism. MS: God raised up The Salvation Army, and part of its DNA is the role of officers.

JM: Will the Army always need officers? FW: When General Linda Bond installed Commissioners Brian and Rosalie Peddle as our territorial leaders, she said that we will know when God is finished with us because he will stop sending us leaders. It seems that mission and leadership are always tied together. In The Salvation Army, we view that in terms of officership. As the demographics change, it will be a greater challenge for officer leaders who can help us find our way forward. We’re not only looking for people to answer God’s call, but people who will bring with them the skills and abilities to lead in a complex and everchanging world. We not only need officers; we need many different kinds of officers. We’re starting to see that with our officer training programs, people come to us from around the world with different languages, skills and education. Rather than sending out missionaries, we need people to come and be missionaries here. The challenge for us organizationally is to find a spot where those people have valid ministry. There needs to be an openness to changing the way that officership—and training—looks in the future. KS: Officers must carry the mantle of leadership in the Army. How that looks can change over time. But we still need officers who are willing to offer their lives and serve where they are most needed. We need that mobilization to be an effective Army. FW: That’s the tension of our present generation. As an organization, we’re still looking for people who will say, “Tell me where you need me and I’ll go.” I think that’s a great adventure, but we’re dealing with a generation that wants a greater say in where they serve. MS: Not only that, our education system and societal norms are influencing people’s career choices. More people are

pursuing specialized and graduate degrees, and even in high school, students are already choosing—and being encouraged to choose—intentional paths to follow. KS: It’s a reality of our culture. For example, I feel a strong calling to minister to children and youth and to resource their leaders. But I’ve asked myself, would it be more obedient or disobedient for me to pursue officership when I know that I could be placed in whatever ministry the Army decided for me? Would I feel that same peace if I pursued officership? MB: If you become a Salvation Army officer, you’re giving up control. However, in recent years, officers have been given increased input into their appointments. I think that this is a healthy way for officers to discuss the type of ministry they feel gifted for. MS: And there is still the choice for officers to say, “I’m open to going wherever I am needed.” FW: As an officer I choose not only to submit to the Army and its systems, but also to the sovereignty of God. JM: What are some of the barriers or challenges faced by those considering officership? MS: The biggest thing is that it’s countercultural. My generation doesn’t want to let go of pursuing a culturally acceptable job after college or university or having a typical family life. As well, making a life-long commitment to one vocation is daunting. Most people today will have a number of jobs or careers over

their lifetime. It’s going against the grain. FW: I think one of the misconceptions is that officers are poor or have no money. While officers aren’t wealthy, they are certainly looked after financially and live quite comfortably. KS: I think some people worry about whether they will be equipped to carry out the complex and broad role of an officer. MB: Those of us who are officers’ kids have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. We’ve witnessed our parents’ worst days and their struggles, but also the joy and fulfilment they’ve experienced in serving God. We’ve had an education of officership that will last our entire lives. This can either encourage or discourage us from pursuing officership. JM: What inspires people to become officers today? MS: For me, it’s that no matter what you are good at or interested in, whether it’s youth work or business, the Army has a variety of places to use you. KS: The opportunity to connect with people. The Army can take someone’s passion for souls and use that to meet human needs. God can work in people’s lives in ways that are beyond what we can dream or imagine for ourselves. MB: The privilege of ministering to others. When you become an officer, it gives you more possibilities to serve. Whether it’s talking with someone over coffee about the Bible, visiting people in their homes or preaching from the pulpit, there are exciting opportunities.

Mjr Fred Waters: “We’re looking for people who will bring with them the skills and abilities to lead in a complex and ever-changing world”

JM: Many people talk about the sacrifices of officership, but you’re suggesting it can be a freeing experience, too. FW: That’s actually embodied in one of the definitions of officership—an individual who has been freed from secular work to be in full-time ministry. Essentially, our calling and covenant replaces our previous jobs so that we have the freedom to serve as officers. JM: What can we do to better support those considering officership? KS: It shouldn’t be left to the candidates’ secretary, but all officers should be identifying people who have the potential to be effective officers. Beyond that, other Salvationists should also take an active role in encouraging people to consider officership. As a youth pastor, when I recognize the leadership potential in my young people, I have a responsibility to speak to them about officership. MS: Everyone should be a candidates’ secretary. As soldiers, we have a responsibility to pray for others and encourage them to use their gifts for God. FW: God calls and the Church confirms. Not everyone who feels called will be accepted as an officer. It’s up to the Army to discern a person’s ability, health and capacity. JM: How do people know whether or not they are called to officership? MB: Some describe the call as a mystical experience; for others, it came down to considering the opportunity and praying, talking and wrestling over the decision with God and people that they love and trust. In my case, I knew that this was the right decision as I had a peaceful assurance from the Holy Spirit. I think we need to give people the space and time to discern this calling. From an organizational side, this can be a concern in that we do need new officers now. Perhaps this urgency is what drives an emphasis on candidate recruitment instead of focusing on candidate development, which can take time. FW: Every person struggles to decide what to do with their life. It’s not unique to our Movement. Our hope, however, is that all Salvationists will take the time to consider whether God is calling them to serve as Salvation Army officers. Engage in the discussion at exploring-officership. Salvationist I March 2012 I 19


Called to Preach

Territorial Prayer Guide WEEK 1 – MARCH 1-3 Personnel on International Service • Mjrs George and Holly Patterson, corps officers, Ocala, Fla., U.S.A. Southern Tty • Cpts Hannu and Geraldine Lindholm, corps officers, Helsinki, Finland and Estonia Tty • Cpts Patrick and Valerie Lublink, chaplains, Canadian Forces WEEK 2 – MARCH 4-10 Partners in Mission – Germany and Lithuania Territory • Spiritual growth, evidenced through conversions and holy living • Commitment to full-time ministry—100 new officers by 2030 • New corps and ministry openings • Financial stability in corps and social work WEEK 3 – MARCH 11-17 Corps Ministries Department – Evangelism • Spiritual teachers to empower others for ministry (see Ephesians 4:1-13) • Salvationists to make prayer a priority (see Colossians 4:2) • The door of evangelism to open to every home in Canada (see Acts 1:8) • Army ministry units to foster the mission of winning others for Christ (see Ephesians 2) WEEK 4 – MARCH 18-24 Territorial Employees Relations • Territorial and divisional staff who make decisions impacting employees • Salvation Army employees who are sick or injured • Employees struggling with loss or illness of family members • All Salvation Army workplaces to remain healthy and safe WEEK 5 – MARCH 25-31 Alberta and Northern Territories Division • Mjrs Ron and Donna Millar and their divisional team to be guided by God’s wisdom • CFOT cadets’ assignments during Easter weekend and the divisional ministry units where they will minister • The planning for Red Deer Corps’ 100th anniversary celebrations in October • Candidate cultivation and leadership development initiatives 2012-13 20 I March 2012 I Salvationist

Sermons by Salvationist women REVIEW BY MAJOR VI BARROW


his collection of 35 sermons by Salvation Army women officers around the world was initiated by Commissioner Helen Clifton and is dedicated to her memory. It reflects diverse backgrounds of ethnicity, culture and education, but highlights one thing the writers have in common—their calling to preach. “The writers and preachers are communicating that they have been obedient to a calling upon their lives,” says General Linda Bond in the book’s foreword. “The Lord has appointed them and anointed them to preach.” Many contributors interweave their personal and professional backgrounds and experiences into the sermons. For example, the chapter Broken Dolls Restored by Canadian Major Marlene George reflects the author’s social work experiences in dealing with broken people and relationships, emphasizing God’s mission of healing. Some of the writers are teachers, while others communicate more informal devotional thoughts. The sermons address various experiences of life as well as the individuals’ level of spiritual maturity in those experiences. Different sermon styles are incorporated, including exegetical, storytelling, expository and meditative approaches where the writers use creative imagery to emphasize a point. Topics include holiness teaching, the miracles and parables of Jesus, prayer, the sovereignty of God, discipleship, faith and others that challenge the reader to mature in their faith. There is a good balance of Old and New Testament teaching and a variety of real-life illustrations to make practical applications to biblical truths. This book is a valuable resource, whether for preaching or ministry by a hospital bedside, in a prison cell or boardroom, or any other situation where one is called upon to sound forth God’s Word. It could also be used as a personal devotional aid.


A renegade band on a mission This classic British comedy television series, now in DVD format, features actress Thora Hird as Captain Emily Ridley, a feisty Salvation Army officer who refuses to retire quietly. Realizing that today’s sinners no longer respond to her hellfire-and-brimstone evangelism, Emily’s superiors give her one last chance. She heads for the fictional Yorkshire towns of Brigthorpe and Blackwick, which she envisions as a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah. There she lays siege to the pubs, strip clubs and dens of iniquity—not to mention her competitors in the soul-saving business—with hilarious results. This DVD contains the complete series of 15 episodes.

Faith Alive

Rhythms of Scripture Lucille L. Turfrey Hundreds of song-poems have sprung from Lt-Colonel Lucille Turfrey’s prayer room for use in her varied ministry in the Army, including corps appointments, youth and educational work and international service. Most of her poems in Faith Alive were inspired by specific biblical texts and are connected to each of the 11 doctrines of The Salvation Army. These lyrical verses may be used as songs, with metrical data and suitable tunes included. Faith Alive is a convenient, rich resource for personal devotions and public worship.

Photo: © Gevaert

Flawed Shepherds Despite their weaknesses, the men and women who lead you in your spiritual walk count it a privilege



his may shock you, but the man or woman leading your church is a flawed shepherd. That’s right, flawed to the core. I’ll tell you what I know about it and you can judge for yourself whether what I have to say is true. The man who preaches to you every Sunday, who exhorts you to live as Jesus did, sometimes lives in such a way that his actions don’t always match his words. The woman who confidently prays with you at the mercy seat often feels woefully inadequate to be your spiritual leader. The display of confidence that inspires you may at times be an act. The man who listens to you pour out your heart about family troubles has plenty of his own: wayward sons and daughters who don’t know the Lord; marital conflict; aging parents who demand his time and attention. His problems make him want to throw his hands up in the air and cry, “Enough!” The woman who encourages other women in her corps to grow in their faith is sometimes scared of these very same members of her flock. She’s afraid that she won’t measure up to their expectations or will be told, “Dear, that’s not how we

do things here.” She worries that if she’s not crafty enough, is a bad cook or can’t sing, that she’s somehow unworthy of her calling. The man who encourages you to get involved and take on leadership within the corps may have a hard time surrendering control, because when he empowers you to lead, he gives up some say in what that ministry looks like and how it is run.

Hold us accountable, pray for us and walk with us. Together we comprise the true body of Christ The man or woman who leads your church has a very fragile ego. A misplaced word or subtle criticism that is not done in love may be forgotten by you 10 seconds after it is said, but remembered by them for weeks to come. These flawed shepherds

experience many sleepless nights because of a thoughtless word or legitimate criticism that was stated badly. And yet … The man who preaches to you despite not always putting into practice what he preaches does so anyway with passion and conviction, knowing that he is following in the footsteps of Peter and Paul—both deeply flawed yet used by God to preach and teach his Word. So with great humility and much prayer, your corps officer preaches on. The woman who shakes in her shoes when she has been called by God to be a spiritual leader leads with confidence and certainty that “… he that began a good work in [her] will carry it on to completion” (Philippians 1:6). The man who has family problems of his own will continue to help you with yours because he believes that “… all things God works for the good of those who love him” (Romans 8:28). The woman who is scared of not meeting the expectations of her more difficult members will probably not meet them. Or if she does, the standard will be set higher and higher as such people are seldom easy to please. Yet, she will labour on, “… not trying to please people but God” (1 Thessalonians 2:4). The man who finds it hard to surrender control will, in the end, joyfully surrender it when he realizes that it is a stubborn spirit of pride within himself that says, “Hold on to this; don’t let it go.” He’d rather follow the words of Paul: “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21). The men and women who lead you in your spiritual walk despite their sins, easily bruised egos and flaws count it a privilege to grow with you in the ways of holiness. They are blessed to receive that text message, phone call, e-mail or conversation that says, “Pray with me.” And when they respond to the call, whether it’s a request to celebrate a joyous milestone or to sit with you in the depths of despair, they do so not in their own strength but in God’s. While this article is not necessarily autobiographical, it is an account of every officer and spiritual leader that God has called to shepherd his people. So hold us accountable, pray for us and walk with us. Together we comprise the true body of Christ. Lieutenant Robert Jeffery is the corps officer of Spryfield Community Church in Halifax. Married to Hannah, they have two children. Salvationist I March 2012 I 21

The team behind Railside Food and Toy Distribution Centre

Delivering Dignity Toronto’s Railside Food and Toy Distribution Centre helps other Army ministries focus on the people they serve


ave you ever donated a can of food to The Salvation Army and wondered how it gets to a hungry family? Perhaps you are a volunteer, packing bags at a Salvation Army food bank, or one of 1.1 million people the Army’s community and family services in Canada helps each year, and you’re not sure from where the food comes. In the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), The Salvation Army’s Railside Food and Toy Distribution Centre is the quiet, hardworking force that ensures all donations of food, toys and furniture get to the people in need. Toronto’s Corps 614—located in one of the city’s most economically disadvantaged neighbourhoods—is one of the Army’s many ministry units that regularly relies 22 I March 2012 I Salvationist

BY JULIA HOSKING on the support from Railside to help its clients. “Railside supplies food on a weekly basis for our food bank and community meals, provides toiletries for our street outreach and gifts for community carnivals and other occasions, including Christmas,” says Major Sandra Ryan, corps officer. “Mother’s Day is a hard time for many women due to complex relationships; it’s emotionally fraught,” she continues. “Railside provided some beautiful angel mugs and plates for us to give to the women. They received them with tears. It was symbolic of someone protecting and looking out for them. Thanks to the provision of Railside, the gift helped minimize the hurt and instead emphasized the good. This is how ministry is supposed to work.

Blue barrel food collections give The Salvation Army in the GTA a unified, public look

When corps leaders don’t have to worry about finding resources, we can focus on the people we serve.” Railside, located in the northeast area of Toronto, receives food, toys and personal care items from various companies and individuals to help Salvation Army ministry units meet their clients’ needs. Although only a small team works at the distribution centre—David Rennie, executive director, Don Butt, director, and delivery personnel—in the past 10 years, the centre has tripled the volume of product it distributes. More than 3.4 million kilograms of food are distributed annually to family services’ food banks and 140,000 toys are sorted, packed and delivered for the Army’s GTA Christmas programs. “We don’t have a budget for making purchases so Don looks for gift-in-kind food and toy donations from companies,” explains Rennie. “Meanwhile, I liaise with corps and centres to find out their needs so Don knows what to source.” Railside’s donors include food manufacturers such as Mother Parkers and Unilever, who give Railside excess product, and individuals that co-ordinate “blue barrel” food drives in their workplace or business. “We’ve received a lot of positive feedback about the blue barrel food program,” says Butt. “We have a number of barrels

at Metro grocery stores, which lead to almost 20 skids of product per month.” Store management has expressed how impressed they are with the professional look of the barrels being used. “It helps give dignity and people are respecting it,” he says. To further facilitate the donation process, Railside recently established a website funded by the Royal Bank of Canada (www. Individuals or corporations can make electronic purchases as part of e-food or e-toy drives, automatically receiving a tax-deductible receipt for donations over $20. Railside is the first charity to offer an e-food drive, which not only helps donors contribute to the Army’s ministry, but allows Railside to specify items that are running low. “With such a small staff, we had to find an inexpensive way to generate food and toys,” explains Rennie. “Through this method, we save money and resources with bulk purchases and pick-ups at warehouses.” One of the ministries that Railside assists is Toronto’s Scarborough Citadel Child Care, a not-for-profit centre where more than 90 percent of the families receive a government subsidy to support their children’s attendance. “Railside enables us to replenish our toys in the daycare more frequently than we would be able to without its support,” says Kim Sturge, supervisor. “The parents certainly appreciate that.” Railside also supplies toys

David Rennie (left) and Don Butt head up the operations at Railside Food and Toy Distribution Centre

to be distributed to each child and their siblings at Christmastime. “Last year many parents told me how much it meant to them that we not only gave a toy to our daycare child, but remembered their sibling as well,” says Sturge. Railside also assists ministry units with basic items such as tea, coffee and cleaning supplies, which enables them to continue their service to the community. If a request is made for an item, Railside’s relationships with wholesalers lead to lower costs than what would be paid in a supermarket. “If I contact Railside with a special request, I am never met with a ‘no,’ ” says Major Ryan. “The staff are accommodating and will always try to make it work. Don and David are also intentional about visiting the ministry units to understand what we do and what we need. I would love it if they had more time to come out and see the joy that they bring to people and just how much they are truly appreciated by our clients.”

The Salvation Army’s Scarborough Citadel Child Care, a not-for-profit centre, receives toys from Railside Food and Toy Distribution Centre, which helps its ministry to children Salvationist I March 2012 I 23



BRAMPTON, ONT.—Brampton Citadel is excited to enrol nine soldiers: Laura Cooper, Serena Guenther, Cresia Aegerter, Tamara Suckley, Faith Martin, Cassey and Mary Anne Langman, senior soldiers; Destiny Zahra and Leonard Christian, junior soldiers. With them are Mjrs Bert and Kathie Sharp, COs.

CALGARY—Berkshire Citadel CC welcomes six soldiers and one adherent. From left, Mjr Gayle Sears, CO; Ope Faro; Nathan Sears; Judith Wilkinson; Mathias Faro; Wayne Scheer, holding the flag; Hal Newman; Mjr Stephen Sears, CO. Also enrolled but not pictured are Renee Mailman and Arlene James.

CLARENVILLE, N.L.—The corps in Clarenville celebrates the enrolment of four soldiers. From left, Mjr Gloria Pond, CO; Kayla Marsh; Helen Gould; William Gould; CSM Raymond Whalen, holding the flag; David Marsh; Mjr Frederick Pond, CO.

BISHOP’S FALLS, N.L.—Harold Curtis receives a certificate to recognize 35 years of faithful service in Bishop’s Falls Corps Band. From left, CSM Winston Snow; BM Paul Thorne; Harold Curtis; Mjr Wycliffe Reid, CO. Members of the band stand in the background. 24 I March 2012 I Salvationist

SARNIA, ONT.—Four soldiers are enrolled and celebrated at the corps in Sarnia. From left, Mjr Rick Pollard, CO; John Codling; Bonnie Codling; Margo Brett; Paul Dunk, holding the flag; Ron Brett; Mjr Drucella Pollard, CO; CSM Rita Price.

YARMOUTH, N.S.—Four adherents receive their certificates at Yarmouth CC. From left, Mjrs Peter and Janice Rowe, COs; Josh Durkee; Dianne Durkee; Candy Bain; Mjr Jean Hefford, DDWM, Maritime Div; Brenda Robicheau; Mjr Douglas Hefford, DC, Maritime Div.

EDMONTON—The Army’s Addictions and Residential Centre in Edmonton receives its Certificate of Accreditation. From left, Katherine Smith; Debra Goodwin; Keavin McCharles; Mjr Sandra Stokes, AC, Alta. and Northern Ttys Div; Gil MacWhirter; Cpt Mark Stanley, executive director; Kelly Bokovay; Janet Norman; Terry Harvey.

OSHAWA, ONT.—Seven new soldiers display their Soldier’s Covenants at Oshawa Temple. From left, Charlie Ball, colour sergeant; Marcus Burditt; Donna Downey; Catherine Carson; Wayman Carson; Victoria Carr; Clare Corrigan; Joel Armstrong; Kevin Thompson, recruiting sergeant; Mjr Robert Reid, CO.


GUELPH, ONT.—Mary Lynn Gabriel, David and Ruth Rae, Margaret McMurray and Courtney Pinson are enrolled at Guelph Citadel. Supporting them are Mjrs Wilbert and Bertha Abbott, COs.

BAYVIEW, N.L.—The corps in Bayview is delighted to introduce its new Pioneer Club members and leaders.

For more information, contact Joanne Tilley, THQ social services:

LONDON, ONT.—Six soldiers are enrolled at London Citadel. From left, CSM Dan Jaremko; Mjr Wil Brown-Ratcliffe, CO; Caitlyn Gillingham; Mykaela Rigg; Erica Brown; Stephanie Rigg; Steve Chard; Mary Kathleen Virtue; Mjr Catherine Brown-Ratcliffe, CO.

SUSSEX, N.B.—Mjr Stan Folkins, AC, Maritime Div, enrols eight new members at Sussex CC. From left, Mjr Stan Folkins; Doris Fraser; Shondra McLean, holding the flag; Wayne Murphy; Karen Ann Murphy; Darcy Richardson; Mitchell Caissie; Shelby Gowlett; John Richardson; Vanessa Parlee; Mjr Judy Folkins, CO.

LONDON, ONT.—During London’s Festival of Carols event, John Lam, bandmaster of London Citadel Band, expressed gratitude for the faithful service of, from left, Bernie Doars and Ron Gilbert, as they retired from the band. Colonel Floyd Tidd, chief secretary, presented them with commemorative plaques. At London Citadel, Doars served as a bandsman for 52 years and also as songster leader for 14. Ministering as a chaplain with correctional and justice services, Doars is currently a member of Jubilee Brass, an ensemble of retired people who have played in Salvation Army corps bands in southwestern Ontario. Gilbert has been a bandsman for 50 years, including being London Citadel’s youth band leader for 10 years, songster leader for four and leader of the then Ontario West Divisional Youth Band for three. He presently leads the Stratford Community Concert Band. Salvationist I March 2012 I 25


115 Years and Counting

Army Honoured in Gananoque, Ont.

LITTLE BAY ISLANDS, N.L.—Mjrs Robert and Cassie Kean led the 115th corps anniversary celebrations in Little Bay Islands. The weekend’s festivities included a gospel sing-along on Saturday evening, featuring vocals by corps members and United Church representatives, followed by the cutting of the anniversary cake. In her Sunday morning Crissie Roberts cuts Little Bay Islands’ anniversermon, Mjr Cassie Kean sary cake. With her are Mjrs Robert and Cassie stressed the importance Kean, COs, Springdale, N.L, and Mjrs Josephine of being prepared for and Lindsay Oxford, COs Christ’s Second Coming. Several people prayed at the mercy seat in recommitment. On Sunday night, Mjr Robert Kean preached on the reward of following the Lord.

GANANOQUE, ONT.—In their New Year’s Day celebrations, Gananoque Legion, Branch 92, named The Salvation Army as their Honouree of the Year for 2011. The recognition is given to individuals or organizations that have made Gananoque a better place. Bill Beswetherick, master of ceremonies, acknowledged that the Army relies heavily on volunteers and serves without seeking recognition. David Harvey, of the Army’s community and family services office in Gananoque, accepted the award and thanked the legion and especially the volunteers who make the Army’s valuable work possible. The Army’s services in the Gananoque area include soup kitchens, food bank, thrift store and, through a local pharmacy, helping some families with baby formula, diapers and occasionally medical prescriptions. The legion also presented a cheque for $1,000 for the Army’s work in the community. MP Gord Brown and MPP Steve Clark were on hand for the ceremony.

Youth Appreciate Community’s Generosity

From left, Gananoque Mayor Erika Demchuk, David Harvey and Cliff Weir, Gananoque Legion president

Lighting Up Grace Manor

GEORGINA, ONT.—Grant Verdoold, chaplain of the Army’s Sutton Youth Shelter, hosted Dinner in Bethlehem in the centre’s gym. Current and past residents, community members, representatives from four major churches in Georgina and many agency providers were also present. Guests included Georgina Mayor Robert Grossi, Councillor Ken Hackenbrook and Lt-Col Dirk van Duinen, AC, Ont. CE Div. The program featured a person dressed in a biblical prophet’s costume reading the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke. Participants enjoyed singing carols and the dinner provided by a team of volunteers. “The youth were overwhelmed by the community’s generosity,” says Verdoold. “For many youth I work with, this was a Christmas event unparalled in their lives.”

The Salvation Army Victoria Citadel 125th Anniversary October 26-28, 2012 Special Guest: Commissioner M. Christine MacMillan Help us celebrate this special event! Greetings from former officers and friends can be sent to 4030 Douglas Street, Victoria BC V8X 5J6 Phone: 250-727-3770; e-mail: 26 I March 2012 I Salvationist

OT TAWA — At t h e Army’s Grace Manor, a resident has the privilege of turning on the Christmas lights on the building and around the property. This honour is given to the resident who supplies the artwork for the Light Up the Grace Christmas carol brochure. This year’s artwork was sub- Artist Lynn Fyle with Norman Tape, chair, Grace mitted by Lynn Fyle, a Manor Board of Trustees, and Cpt Derrick resident who was previ- Gullage, executive director, Grace Manor ously employed as an artist and art teacher. Fyle’s original work shows two skaters on a frozen pond in a wooded area. The drawing, like that of previous participating artists, is proudly displayed in the building’s community room. The Salvation Army Legacy Brass, Ottawa Centre MPP Yasir Naqvi, friends and residents’ family members were also present for the celebrations.


Justin Bieber and Tim Hortons Donate to Food Bank

Flooded Citadel Renovated and Rededicated

STRATFORD, ONT.—During his December television special, Canadian pop singer Justin Bieber teamed up with Tim Hortons to donate food to nine food banks across Canada. One of the food banks was The Salvation Army’s in Stratford, Bieber’s home town, which received five skids of non-perishable food.

YORKTON, SASK.—In July 2010, severe flooding in Yorkton damaged The Salvation Army’s corps building and officers’ home. Through the efforts of retired Envoy Roy Bladen and others, the citadel’s basement, food bank and fellowship area were repaired. Eventually, the exterior of the church and house were also renovated. Mjr Wayne Bungay, DC, Prairie Div, rededicated the citadel in October. During the visit of Mjrs Wayne and Deborah Bungay, the corps presented them with Saskatchewan Roughriders’ caps. “We thank God for his faithfulness in providing what we needed to restore the Mjrs Wayne and Deborah Bungay are welbuildings and ministry comed to Yorkton by Anne Wiebe, longest of the Army in Yorkton,” serving member of the corps, and Summer says Envoy Bladen. Laughlin, its youngest member, with her mother, Wendy

Staff and volunteers of The Salvation Army in Stratford and employees of Tim Hortons Canada with food donated by Justin Bieber and Tim Hortons Canada

Celebrating 45 Years of Faithful Service TORONTO—Angella Smith has retired following 45 years’ service as a valued employee of The Salvation Army. In 1966, Smith started working as an office administrator and receptionist with the public relations department in the THQ auxiliary headquarters in Toronto under the direction of Colonel Arthur Hill and Brigadier Hubert Honeychurch. This department later came under the guidance of DHQ and was renamed the public relations and communications department where Smith served as co-ordinator of information services for development. She played a key role in the early 1990s when the Army combined its regional donor databases into one national database, working off-site to train an outside vendor in the operation of the new system. In 1998, Smith returned to THQ as the senior donor fulfilment analyst working within the THQ finance and public relations and development departments. Smith’s retirement certificate was presented by Commissioner Brian Peddle, territorial commander, supported by Graham Moore, territorial public relations and development secretary.

Faith Without Borders A REPORT PUBLISHED at the beginning of 2012 by the Pew Research Centre’s Forum on Religion and Public Life indicates 2.18 billion or 32 percent of the world’s 6.9 billion people are Christian. By comparison, in 1910, about 600 million or 35 percent of the world’s 1.8 billion people counted themselves as followers of Christ. The study, Global Christianity: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the World’s Population, says that it is “a comprehensive study of more than 200 countries … based primarily on a country-bycountry analysis of about 2,400 data sources.”

Hope in the Midst of Misfortune WINNIPEG—With outside temperatures plunging, residents of the Winnipeg Hotel Group found themselves in a dilemma when their heating gave out, leaving 14 people without accommodations. They found shelter at The Salvation Army Booth Centre. The centre has 360 beds to house individuals. “It is our goal to ensure we have enough space for anyone choosing to seek refuge from the cold,” explains Mjr Karen Hoeft, assistant executive director. In 2011, Booth Centre hosted over 2,500 individuals and provided more than 326,000 meals. In December, volunteers spread Christmas cheer to the residents of the centre, their family and friends as well as other community members. Included were Manitoba Lt.-Gov. Philip Lee; Minister of Housing Kerri Irvin-Ross; Minister of Culture, Heritage and Tourism Flor Marcelino; Winnipeg Police Chief Keith McCaskill and members of the Army’s adv isor y b o ard in Winnipeg. Guests were invited to the chapel for entertainment, carol singing and a devotional Mjr Karen Hoeft and Lt.-Gov. Philip Lee sing message. During the carols at Booth Centre’s Christmas dinner in dinner, a local Army Winnipeg brass band performed.

CHRISTIANITY TODAY REPORTS, “In the early 1970s, there were an estimated three million Christians in China. Now, the number may be as high as 130 million.” Mathews George Chunakara, director of the World Council of Churches International Affairs and Public Witness, reports that there has been a “unique and explosive growth” of Christianity among the Chinese people. “I have been visiting China for the last 15 years. I am astounded to see the tremendous growth there. Their worship places are now overflowing,” Chunakara told Christianity Today.

THE EVANGELICAL FELLOWSHIP of Canada (EFC) has appealed to Parliament for a national discussion on the definition of “human being.” “The question is not so much ‘What is human?’ but ‘When is human?’ ” suggests Faye Sonier, legal counsel for the EFC. “Medicine recognizes a point of viability for a child in the womb. Science is prepared to experiment using prenatal human tissue from conception onward. Yet, Canada’s Criminal Code states that a child in the womb is not human,” explains Sonier. “The Criminal Code provisions on this point are dumbfounding.” Read more at Salvationist I March 2012 I 27


TRIBUTES GRAND FALLS-WINDSOR, N.L.—Neta Ruby Martin (nee Hewlett) was promoted to Glory at age 84. Neta committed her life to Jesus and took part in all the young people’s and adult activities at La Scie Corps, N.L. She preached and taught for many years as a Salvation Army officer. She married Baxter Martin in 1953 and later moved to Park Street Citadel, Grand Fall-Windsor, where she continued teaching and gave leadership to Sunday school, corps cadets, Brownies, home league and community care ministries. Neta was known for her mustard pickles that she sold for home league territorial projects. She is remembered as a praying, loving mother and grandmother, a trusted friend, dedicated soldier and faithful follower of Christ. Neta is missed by son, Sam; daughters Edith (Clyde Downton), Annette (Corrie Saunders); three grandchildren, three great-grandchildren; relatives and friends. HOLYROOD, N.L.—Mrs. Colonel Joyce Tutton (nee Bunting) was born in 1927 in Oldham Lancashire, U.K. She entered the International Training College from Blackpool Citadel as a member of the Ambassadors’ Session in 1950. Joyce served as cadet sergeant for the following session and then as corps officer at Oswestry and Forrest Hill, U.K. After marrying Lieutenant Kenneth Tutton in 1953, they served throughout India in 1953-61 and 1976-91. In India, Joyce’s leadership appointments included hospital ministry, training college, child sponsorship and women’s ministries, where she demonstrated proficiency, dedication and attention to detail. From 19611970, Joyce served with her husband in the United Kingdom in different social appointments, and subsequently in Canada for six years in a supportive role in hospital work and was involved in local corps activities. After retiring in Canada in 1991, Joyce and Kenneth served as visitation officers at Scarborough Citadel, Toronto, and later as corps officers at Halifax’s Fairview Citadel. In 1994, they settled in Holyrood, N.L. Joyce is sadly missed by husband, Colonel Kenneth Tutton; sons George (May), Stephen (Cheryl), David, and their families. WHITBY, ONT.—Richard (Dick) Wycliffe Burry was born in 1928 in Greenspond, N.L., and married Eugenie Batstone in 1961. Richard became a soldier in 1987 and was a faithful supporter of Whitby Corps, serving for many years as men’s fellowship president and as a volunteer with family services. Richard is lovingly remembered by his wife, Eugenie; son, James; daughters Sharon, JoAnn (Mark) Barnetson; two granddaughters; sisters Eva (Nate) Roberts, Gladys (Ross) Wheaton; many nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. SARNIA, ONT.—Shirley Babin (nee Collins) was born in Corner Brook, N.L., in 1935. Shortly after her birth, the family moved to Sarnia where Shirley remained until she moved to Toronto, working there for many years. After retiring, she and her husband, Peter, returned to Sarnia, where she served in community and family services, the Super Seniors’ group, women’s ministries and participated in carpet bowling. She also enjoyed the friendships she established in the community bowling league she loved. Greatly missing her are husband, Peter; daughters Lynn Woolley (Ken), Beverly Kerr (Patrick); six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.


INTERNATIONAL Appointments Lt-Cols Lindsay and Lynette Rowe, territorial commander and territorial president of women’s ministries, Tanzania Tty, with promotion to the rank of colonel; Cpt Elizabeth Nelson, international projects officer, programme resources department, IHQ TERRITORIAL Births 28 I March 2012 I Salvationist

MISSISSAUGA, ONT.—Captain William (Bill) Udell was born in Collingwood, Ont., in 1917. He moved to Toronto as a child and was introduced to The Salvation Army at Parliament Street Corps where he committed his life to Christ. In 1940, he married Mildred at Yorkville Corps, Toronto. Eight years later they moved their family to Huntsville, Ont., where Bill ministered in the band and Sunday school. In 1966, Bill and Mildred entered full-time service as officers. Appointments took them to corps in Ontario and Cape Breton, N.S. Upon retiring from the corps in Smiths Falls, Ont., in 1982, they moved to Toronto where Bill continued to work for the Army and faithfully served as a soldier at Lakeshore Community Church. He ministered in family services, started a seniors’ ministry and formed a small brass band. Bill is fondly remembered by wife, Mildred; son, Bob (Joan); daughter, Elaine; five grandchildren, four great-grandchildren; sister, Helen Drew. SARNIA, ONT.—Joanna “Belle” Walter (nee Ritchie), promoted to Glory at age 94, was the corps pianist at Sarnia for 70 years. Belle was active up to three years ago, visiting with the corps officers and playing piano for services at Meadowview Seniors Home in nearby Petrolia, Ont. Missing her are children Joanna Jackson, Leslie Walter, Gwen Stoner and Hazel Looyenga; nine grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. OAKVILLE, ONT.—Gordon Andrew Jaremko was born and raised in Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Employed for 35 years at the local steel plant, Gordon served the Lord in various corps activities and leadership roles, including as corps treasurer for 10 years. He drove the Sunday school bus for six years and served through community care ministries. To be near their family, he and his wife, Lois, moved to London, Ont., in 2001 where he worked as a maintenance employee at the Army’s Centre of Hope for nine years. Gordon’s favourite Bible verse was, “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31, KJV). Gordon is missed by his wife, Lois; son, Dan; daughters-in-law Liisa and Sarah; six grandchildren; family members and friends.

Majors Woody and Sharon Hale invite you to

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Lands of the Bible Tour Ephesus in Turkey * Five-day cruise to the Greek Islands Visit Greece * Life-changing experience in Israel for 10 exciting days October 20 – November 4, 2012 Brochures are now available E-mail:; phone: 905-440-4378 I fell in love with Israel and believe travelling to the Holy Land should be a “must” for every believer—can’t wait to go back again—D. Nicholas, Belize City

Lts Michael/Melissa Mailman, daughter, Michelle Sophia, Jan 3 Promoted to Glory Mjr Beryl Price, from Belleville, Ont., Dec 18; Col Calvin Ivany, from Georgetown, Ont., Dec 19


Commissioners Brian and Rosalie Peddle Mar 9 fifth-year officers’ pre-confirmation institute, JPCC; Mar 16 opening of multicultural family centre, Winnipeg; Mar 18-19 CFOT,

Winnipeg; Mar 23 second-year officers’ residential institute, JPCC Colonels Floyd and Tracey Tidd Feb 28-Mar 2 officers’ retreat, Bermuda Div; Mar 23-27 national social services and emergency disaster management conference, Glendale, Ariz. General and Mrs. Bramwell Tillsley (Rtd) Mar 18 Erin Mills, Mississauga, Ont. Canadian Staff Band Mar 31-Apr 1 Oshawa Temple, Ont.


The Cost of Soldiership

In order to be true disciples of Jesus, we must be willing to give up our money, families, possessions and even our very lives

Christians in the West have largely neglected what it means to be a disciple of Christ. The vast majority of western Christians are church members, pew-fillers, hymn-singers, sermon-tasters, Bible-readers, even born-again believers or Spirit-filled charismatics—but not true disciples of Jesus. If we were willing to learn the meaning of real discipleship the impact on society would be staggering. David Watson, Discipleship, Vision and Mission


n Luke 14:25-35, a large crowd is following Jesus. As was his pattern, when the crowds got too large, Jesus went out of his way to teach something a little bit shocking, uncomfortable or hard to handle. This would thin the crowds, leaving only the most dedicated. It seemed that Jesus was more interested in deep commitment by the few than shallow lip service by the many. On this particular occasion, Jesus challenged the crowd by explaining the true cost of being his disciple. He claimed that in order to follow him we must disregard our families and “hate” our very lives. He said that to be truly committed we must be willing to face suffering and execution. Jesus then used two analogies to drive home his point. The first was building a tower. Before construction begins, a builder must ask himself, “Do I have enough money to complete this project?” If not, he shouldn’t even begin, because a half-completed job would

only cause him to be ridiculed. Jesus’ second analogy was that of an army going to war. Before the battle, the king must ask himself, “Do I have enough soldiers to win?” If not, he should seek a treaty. Jesus points out that just like building a tower or going to war, before embarking on a life of discipleship, one must count the cost. And what is this cost? The cost of following Jesus, of becoming his disciple and following his will, is, in short, everything. “Those of you who do not give up everything you have,” Jesus says, “cannot be my disciples” (see Luke 14:33). To be a true disciple of Jesus means giving up our money, families, possessions and even our very lives. That is the cost. Perhaps the seventh promise statement in The Salvation Army’s Soldier’s Covenant is partially inspired by Luke 14: I will be actively involved, as I am able, in the life, work, wor-

ship and witness of the corps, giving as large a proportion of my income as possible to support its ministries and the worldwide work of the Army. This statement speaks to giving a sacrificial amount of our time to the work of the corps, and it challenges us to give as much money as we can to support the work of The Salvation Army. When The Salvation Army is viewed in the context of a Protestant order, this makes sense (see solemn-vows). Throughout the history of the Church, vows of poverty have been part of the commitment for members of spiritual orders. There has been an understanding throughout the centuries that riches are a hindrance to discipleship. “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God,” Jesus says (see Matthew 19:24). As a spiritual order, in which the

members have been called to greater-than-average Christian commitments, it is taken for granted that all of their time, money and very mortality are no longer their own. They give all they have. As with so much of Jesus’ teaching, this passage from Luke flies in the face of how many Christians operate today. These days, many Christians shop around until they find a church that “suits their needs,” and they compartmentalize church membership as just one small aspect of who they are and what they do. Such an attitude would have been anathema to Jesus’ earliest followers, and to The Salvation Army’s earliest soldiers. In the model laid out in this seventh promise statement, the corps is the conduit through which soldiers serve. Soldiers come together in a corps, each of them having sacrificed all they have, literally and spiritually, and they do this for the good of their communities and for the good of the worldwide work of the Army. This promise statement makes it clear that soldiership involves action. Soldiers become actively involved in the life of their community. There is no room in this model for pew-sitters, for Sundayonly Christians or for me-first consumers. Following Jesus, reiterated and prophetically proclaimed in the Soldier’s Covenant, is a complete cost and a total sacrifice. This is the promise soldiers have made. Rob Perry is the ministry co-ordinator at Toronto’s Corps 614. Salvationist I March 2012 I 29

Photo: ©



Finish What You Started

In our faith journeys, we should run the race with perseverance and encourage others along the way BY MAJOR DANIELLE STRICKLAND

30 I March 2012 I Salvationist

Photo: © Sekulic


’m not sure what your new year’s resolutions were, but the statistics are not very encouraging. Apparently only 20 percent of people keep their resolutions past March. We don’t seem to know how to finish what we start. Years ago, I started running simply to work off some extra calories. Eventually, I became inspired by the activity of running itself. I ran a marathon in San Diego called the Rock ’N’ Roll Marathon, which was an incredibly fun event. Every five miles along the route there is a massive rock concert, with a “rock star” telling the crowd to cheer for the runners. As you weave through the crowd you begin to feel like a rock star yourself and don’t even notice the distance for the first half of the marathon. As soon as the music fades behind you, the next rock band can be heard faintly ahead of you, beckoning you forward. However, no matter how great the course is, everyone hits “the wall” during the final 10 kilometres of the 42-kilometre race. This is the part of the marathon that is hardest to finish. Your entire body is trying to convince you that running this final leg of the race is not worth it. People call it “the wall” because it feels like you’ve literally hit a wall. Not a happy feeling for sure. At this race, the organizers did something quite profound to help the runners make it through the last quarter. They lined this final section of the course with members of the U.S. Marine Corps. Dressed in fatigues and armed with sponges and buckets, they cheered us on. Well, more accurately, they yelled us on. After dipping their sponges in the cool water, they threw them at us and yelled marine slogans. “No pain, no gain.” “Finish what you started.” And, “Suck it up, Buttercup,” said one marine with a huge smile as I laboured forward. There was no way I could stop. I mean, would you quit in front of all those soldiers yelling you forward? It was an incredible experience and I finished the race with a sore body but a soaring spirit. I wasn’t just a starter, I was a finisher. The Apostle Paul likens our faith to

a race and mentions the importance of finishing. Actually, in Hebrews 12, we see a picture very much like the San Diego marathon. “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses [perhaps the Marine Corps of believers: Abraham, Moses, William and Catherine Booth?] … let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith…. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart” (Hebrews 12:1-3). Sitting down at the end of the race is the fun part. I usually try to find a hot tub to sit in. And it’s OK to revel in your accomplishment. I think this is what God had in mind when he instructed the Israelites to remember the things in their lives that they had done and to celebrate them. If all the Israelites marched 10 abreast in a line, it would have taken them 27 days to cross the Red Sea. It’s no wonder that God told them to take the time to set up an altar and to celebrate the completion of their journey. They had walked a marathon together out of Egypt and then began another kind of race as they prepared for the Promised Land.

In our faith journeys, it’s important to learn not just how to start but how to finish. Celebration is part of it. Encouragement is another. Affirmation is key. Shame only motivates for a small time. Yelling at yourself to “suck it up” also only works for a short time. But affirmation, celebration and encouragement have the power to move us forward for the long haul. We can do this together. You should try it. Why not join the race as a participant and a contributor? As you fix your eyes on Jesus, follow his lead and help point others to his amazing example. Be an encourager to those who are trying to run, celebrate what God has already done in you and the pace at which you are moving and affirm the people around you who are giving it their best. I think Hebrews 12 is a beautiful picture of the community of God’s people in action— not just starting things, but finishing them with style. Suck it up, Buttercup, and finish what you started. Together with her husband, Major Stephen Court, Major Danielle Strickland is the corps officer of Edmonton Crossroads Community Church. She has a personal blog at

enGliSh + Film

Laura Burke

Student, BA in English and Film laUra BUrke haSn’t had to look far for inspiration during her time at Booth. She just has to look to the front of the classroom where one of her professors is talking about a book, discussing a film or engaging the class in a spirited debate. for laura, their passion for teaching has sparked her desire to learn. “the profs at Booth are passionate about their fields, but that doesn’t distract them from reaching out to their students,” she asserts. “in fact, it enhances the level of interaction between the professors and students and leads to friendships based on mutual interest and positive reinforcement.” the small class sizes at Booth create even more opportunity for students like laura to achieve academic excellence. laura says learning from such excellent instructors has given her more confidence. “a professor is able to adjust their assignments and expectations to help each student flourish academically. i’ve been constantly challenged to not only fulfill my potential, but to increase it with every assignment.” throUgh BeStSeMeSter.coM, laUra SPent the SUMMer StUdying engliSh literatUre, PhiloSoPhy and religion at the UniVerSity of oxford. laUra Said the exPerience helPed her deVeloP new SkillS and exPanded her aPPreciation for cUltUral hiStory. the oxford SUMMer PrograM iS one of 13 international StUdy PrograMS aVailaBle to Booth StUdentS.

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