Army Hosts Olympic Event
Freedom Ministries Gives Hope to Prisoners
Why I Love Atheists
Salvationist The Voice of the Army I July 2012
Canada Welcomes General Linda Bond See exclusive interview on page 8
Salvationist I April 2012 I 1
than is required.
Inside This Issue Cert no. XXX-XXX-XXXX
July 2012 No. 75 E-mail:
Departments 3 4 Editorial
22 Territorial Prayer Guide 4 23 Cross Culture
5 Around the Territory 11 Mission Matters
24 Celebrate Community
Keeping Our Focus by Major Jim Champ Cert no. XXX-XXX-XXXX
The Common Good by Kristin Fryer Cert no. XXX-XXX-XXXX
Enrolments and recognition, tributes, gazette, calendar
Features 8 Holy Courage
An effective Army requires obedience to God, holy daring and allegiance to the greatest cause on earth Interview with General Linda Bond
Blessed People PRODUCT FOREST by Commissioner Brian PeddleLABELING GUIDE Battle Cry STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL Be a Superhero Redemption Letters by Major Danielle Strickland Stories Freedom Ministries Social Justice Our Covenant offers invaluable Put Your Money Where Your Too Busy to Love? support to inmates, Heart Is by Rob Perry past offenders and their by Amy Fisher families Talking Points by Kristin Fryer Media Reviews Why I Love Atheists by Major Juan Burry Achieving More Than Gold at 2012 Olympics The Salvation Army to participate in community outreach and antihuman trafficking awareness 18
17 20 22
29 30
16 Aging Gracefully
As Canada and Bermuda’s oldest officer, Colonel Ernest Fitch has a lifetime of memories to draw on by Ken Ramstead
18 It’s All About the Kids
For at-risk Saskatchewan teens, the Meadow Lake Salvation Army provides a needed refuge by Pamela Richardson
21 Home Improvement
When 105 Winnipeg families received eviction notices, The Salvation Army helped them find new homes by Kristin Fryer
Inside Faith & Friends Leaping Life’s Hurdles
Track-and-field star Priscilla Lopes-Schliep wasn’t raised to give up, and has Olympic gold to prove it
Blindenbach’s life was in ruins. What made him see the future with clarity?
When you finish reading Faith & Friends in the centre of this issue, pull it FAITH & out and give it to someone who needs to hear about Christ’s lifeFlag-Bearer changing + power
Summer 2012
The new Disney-Pixar movie explores the meaning of true courage
Caught in the New Age Trap Before joining The Salvation Army, Lieutenant Philip
Inspiration for Living
Olympic track-and-field hurdler Priscilla Lopes-Schliep wasn’t raised to give up, and has the medals to prove it
Salvation Army summer camp gives kids confidence
Edge for Kids Edge for Kids is an exciting weekly activity page published by The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda for children five to 12. In this month’s issues, readers will: • Read about the man who built his house on the sand and the man who built his house on a rock • Learn that God will take care of them as he took care of the Israelites when he brought
them out of Egypt • Focus on the Olympic Games taking place this month in London, England • Enjoy puzzles, games, jokes, colouring and more! Beach Safety • Never throw
• Never swim alone holes • Always fill in the sand you’ve dug in
• Learn to swim • Swim near a lifeguard • Don’t dive into unfamiliar waters
Hi kids! to do, see and learn. are lots of things I love summer. There love going to the beach. beach this week? I lay in Did you go to the sand, go swimming, castle, play in the to think that I can make a sand sand angels. It is amazing the sun and even make waves and sand, and He is like the sun God created the water,making sand angels because it makes I like me. Have fun at the that gives us light. the way He protects safe. me think of Jesus and keep and remember to beach this summer and tell Pacey@can.salvat Send me an e-mail at are having this summer. me about the fun you
Your pal, Pacey
• If you are in trouble, call or wave for help
• Follow regulations and lifeguard directions
• No glass containers at the beach – you could cut your feet
Summer Fun Maze
Can you help Adam Time to go swimming! pool? find his way to the swimming
Spot 7 Differences
• Always use sunscreen
Join Pacey’s Birthday Club
Edge for Kids wants to wish YOU a Happy Birthday! Join our birthday club and get a message from Pacey on your special day. Fill in the coupon below and mail it to Pacey Puppy, 2 Overlea Blvd., Toronto, ON Canada M4H 1P4. Or you can e-mail Pacey at Name: ���������������������������������������������������������� Corps/church attending: ��������������������� Birth date: �������������� month/day/ year Mailing address: ���������������������������������������������������������
���������������������������������������������������������������� Signed: ���������������������������������������������������������
Salvationist I July 2012 I 3
Keeping Our Focus
omen aren’t allowed to preach in our church!” The minister visibly bristled at the thought. A chorus of head nods from others at the table reinforced his assertion. It was 1981 and the Moose Jaw, Sask., ministerial was planning an ecumenical sunrise service. “We have a brigade of Salvation Army cadets visiting us during Easter week and the training officer, Captain Linda Bond, would be an excellent speaker,” I had offered. After a few minutes of tense discussion, another minister suggested, “Perhaps the captain could share her testimony.” And testify she did. I still remember the three main points of her 14-minute “testimony”: Jesus came, he saw, he conquered! When she concluded, dozens stood to their feet to recommit their lives to Jesus. Though it sounded suspiciously like a sermon, no one was complaining anymore. Such was the power of her words. As she has done throughout her officership, Captain Bond (now General and international leader of The Salvation Army) put the emphasis squarely where it belongs: on the risen Christ. This month, the Canada and Bermuda Territory welcomes General Bond and Salvation Army leaders from around the world as they meet for a conference from July 7 to 14. General Bond is the third
woman to serve as international leader in our 147-year history and will preside over the International Conference of Leaders being held in Toronto. A public meeting will be held at the Living Arts Centre in Mississauga, Ont., on Sunday, July 8, at 5 p.m. (see page 19 for more details). Salvationist was privileged to interview General Bond in May. She did not shy away from any of the questions posed by our features editor, John McAlister. When asked to comment on the future of the Army in the face of declining church attendance in the Western world, the General didn’t mince words. “I do not believe it is our responsibility to grow the Army or to compete with other churches as to attendance numbers,” she notes. “It is God’s responsibility to grow the Army, and he will. What we have to do is to be the people we were called to be and do what we were called to do. We must be The Salvation Army, not a pale imitation of another church or a weak expression of ourselves. Neither can we idolize the Army as though it were our salvation.” Read the interview on pages 8-10. As 127 leaders from across the Army world gather together, the focus will be on the General’s vision of One Army, One Mission, One Message. Expectations for the conference are high. “There will be major papers given and group discussion on how these relate to specific countries and cultures,” notes General Bond. “What I expect to come out of the conference is commitment to action.” To stay focused, Salvationists must look first to God for direction and then to each other for mutual support. Internationally, the Army is diverse in its cultural expression; however, it retains a singular mission. As we continue to move forward and allow God to shape our Movement, may we remember St. Augustine’s words: “In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” MAJOR JIM CHAMP Editor-in-Chief
4 I July 2012 I Salvationist
is a monthly publication of The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory Linda Bond General Commissioner Brian Peddle Territorial Commander Major Jim Champ Editor-in-Chief Geoff Moulton Assistant Editor-in-Chief John McAlister Features Editor (416-467-3185) Pamela Richardson News Editor, Production Co-ordinator, Copy Editor (416-422-6112) Major Max Sturge Associate Editor (416-422-6116) Timothy Cheng Art Director Ada Leung Circulation Co-ordinator Kristin Fryer, Ken Ramstead Contributors Agreement No. 40064794, ISSN 1718-5769. Member, The Canadian Church Press. All Scripture references from the Holy Bible, Today’s New International Version (TNIV) © 2001, 2005 International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society. All rights reserved worldwide. All articles are copyright The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory and can be reprinted only with written permission.
Annual: Canada $30 (includes GST/HST); U.S. $36; foreign $41. Available from: The Salvation Army, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto ON M4H 1P4. Phone: 416-425-2111, ext 2257; fax: 416-422-6120; e-mail: circulation@can.
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News, Events and Submissions
Editorial lead time is seven weeks prior to an issue’s publication date. No responsibility is assumed to publish, preserve or return unsolicited material. Write to salvationist@ or Salvationist, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto ON M4H 1P4.
The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world. Salvationist informs readers about the mission and ministry of The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda.
THE W. GARFIELD Weston Foundation recently gifted $3 million to The Salvation Army Barbara Mitchell Family Resource Centres in Calgary and Winnipeg. The centres provide services to people affected by low education levels, social isolation, family violence, inadequate employment and low coping skills. Resource centre staff in Winnipeg moved into a new building on March 1. The Weston donation will cover a portion of the new facility’s construction costs, provide more youth programming, allow the centre to operate during evenings and weekends, and help launch a new seniors’ outreach program. Wendi Park, director, says this last program is a much-needed addition as the neighbourhood has one of the highest populations of seniors in Winnipeg. Each week, hundreds of clients take advantage of employment training for war-affected youth between the ages of 15 and 30, support for new and expectant parents, English-language assistance and homework help. The goal of the centre is to help people overcome whatever barriers they face. “We want to be a welcome home to people who are unsettled,” Park says. “We want to give them hope.” The W. Garfield Weston Foundation’s donation came as The
Photo: Aaron Epp/ChristianWeek
$3-Million Donation Supports Barbara Mitchell Resource Centre
Wendi Park, director, Barbara Mitchell Family Resource Centre in Winnipeg, stands in front of the centre’s new building
Salvation Army celebrated the one-year anniversary of its Dignity Project, an initiative designed to educate the public about the challenges facing society’s most vulnerable people. “Through the work of our family foundation, we are honoured to be continuing our mother’s legacy of supporting organizations that care for people in need in communities across Canada,” says Eliza Mitchell, daughter of Barbara Mitchell and director of the foundation.
Testimonies, Humour and Carnival Fun at Ocean Crest Anniversary
Salvationists and friends gather for anniversary celebrations
ON MAY 4-6, the Army’s Ocean Crest Community Church in Campbell River, B.C., celebrated the corps’ 20th anniversary. Majors Les and Cathy Burrows, who started the corps in 1992, were guest
speakers for the weekend. Friday evening featured family fun with guest entertainer Neale Bacon and his Crazy Critters and amusing bag of tricks, along with carnival games, hot dogs and popcorn. On
Saturday, the thrift store had a sale and offered cake and prizes to customers. At an afternoon open house at Ocean Crest, people reminisced by viewing a slide show of old photos. Bacon chaired Saturday evening’s music program, using humour and magic between other participants’ contributions, including Cadet Darryl Burry who is currently serving at Comox Valley Community Church, Courtenay, B.C. Speaking on behalf of the City of Campbell River, Councilman Larry Sampson praised the Army for the work it does in the community. Longtime church member Peter Zabinsky shared a moving testimony about his conversion in a service led by Major Les Burrows. Major Cathy Burrows then preached on the importance of remembering what God has done and looking for ways to celebrate the strengths of the church. In the Sunday morning service, teenagers Sarah Agnew and Noah McEwen presented a captivating skit about Jesus’ willingness to take away the trash in people’s lives and walk with them through life. Captain Gord Taylor, corps officer, encouraged the congregation to trust God in all things. In response to Major Les Burrows’ message to keep moving on with God, many people went forward for prayer, seeking God’s guidance for the future. Salvationist I July 2012 I 5
Front, from left: Dr. Donald Burke; Justice Thomas Davis; Commissioner Brian Peddle; Colonel Floyd Tidd, chief secretary and vice-chair of the board of trustees; Mjr Ian Swan, vice-president academic and dean, with Booth University College’s 2012 graduating class
Booth University College Graduates Look to the Future WINNIPEG’S BOOTH UNIVERSITY College’s baccalaureate Sunday morning service in April was a time of worship, reflection and exhortation as the graduating students anticipated the next phase of their journeys. Dr. Donald Burke, president, stressed the unique role of the college in bringing together a deep Christian faith, the heritage of The Salvation Army and the rigours of academic study. Graduating students Laura Milette, Nanci-Lynne Bell and Major Michael Hennessy described how their studies have shaped them and testified to the importance of their faculty mentors and supportive family and friends. Commissioner Brian Peddle, territorial commander and chancellor of Booth University College, exhorted students to make their lives count and to persevere in the face of challenges. On Sunday afternoon, the celebrations at Knox United Church included a moving speech by class valedictorian Kris Kenemy. 6 I July 2012 I Salvationist
Kenemy worried he would not be admitted to the bachelor of social work program because his grades were not high enough. Given a second chance, he proved his ability by taking courses that then allowed him to enter the program. He graduated “with great distinction.” Convocation speaker, Justice Thomas Davis of Montreal, encouraged the students to use their education to make the world a better place. Commissioner Peddle awarded 18 certificates to students who had completed programs in chaplaincy/spiritual care, Christian studies or management. He also conferred a bachelor of arts degree upon 19 students and a bachelor of social work upon 24. Laura Milette received the Chancellor’s Medal for achieving a high academic standing and contributing significantly to the life of the university college and the wider community. Captain William Stanger received the General’s Medal, which is awarded to an extended learning degree graduate who has achieved
Commissioner Brian Peddle presents the Chancellor’s Medal to bachelor of arts graduate Laura Milette
a high academic standing as well as demonstrated potential for leadership and an understanding of the distinctive ministry and theology of the Army. “While the legacy of this graduating class will not be known for many years, the legacy of Booth as an educational institution of The Salvation Army continues to grow,” says Dr. Burke.
Learning to Lead Like Jesus in Maritimes
In a team-building workshop led by Dr. Roxanne Seaman of Kentville Corps, N.S., delegates simulate a spider’s web
Delegates at Maritime divisional leadership weekend praise and seek God in worship
ONE HUNDRED AND sixty-five officer and lay delegates, representing every corps in the Maritime Division, participated in an engaging leadership development weekend at Oak Island Resort, Western Shore, N.S. The event provided a forum for Salvationists to explore their beliefs, examine behaviours and expect God’s blessings. Major Jamie Braund, then assistant principal of the Army’s College for Officer Training in Winnipeg, invited attendees to focus on what it truly means to lead like Jesus. “Leadership means following Jesus and leading others to follow Jesus in an authentic community for the good of the world,” said Major Braund, quoting theologian Brian McLaren. Workshop sessions covered topics such as understanding the sacraments, soul care, ministry to youth, evangelism, social justice, team building, mentoring and accountability. In their workshop on soul care, Majors Lynn and Brian Armstrong, directors of pastoral services, THQ pastoral care, defined leadership as a spiritual activity, the public acting out of one’s inner life, and noted that often “our leadership derailment is not about incompetence but is rooted in spiritual issues. Values, beliefs, spiritual formation, character and emotional intelligence are significant to leadership development and integrity.” Lt-Colonel Wayne Pritchett, divisional commander, Newfoundland and Labrador Division, reminded delegates of the Army’s non-sacramental approach, emphasizing “a personal
Did you know … … Dianna Bussey, director of the Army’s correctional and justice services in Winnipeg and chair of the human trafficking response team in the city, was one of three women honoured at this year’s annual YMCA-YWCA Women of Distinction awards in the Circle of Inspiration category for their efforts to end human trafficking? … Catriona Le May Doan, Canadian Olympic speedskating gold medalist, was the keynote speaker for The Salvation Army’s Hope in the City leadership breakfast on May 24 in Halifax? Approximately 200 people, including prominent business people and community and regional leaders, met for a morning of networking, entertainment and education to
relationship with Christ made real by the Holy Spirit.” Other guest speakers addressed the delegates through Skype, including Commissioner M. Christine MacMillan, then international director for social justice, IHQ, who spoke on social justice, and Major Julie Slous, then corps officer, Heritage Park Temple, Winnipeg, who presented on worship.
The Salvation Army Red Deer Church
100th Anniversary October 12-14, 2012 Special Guests:
Commissioners Brian and Rosalie Peddle Musical Guests:
The Canadian Staff Band
Greetings from former officers and friends can be sent to: 4837 54th Street, Red Deer AB T4N 2G5 Phone: 403-346-2251 E-mail:
support the Army’s work in the Maritimes … in 2011, 202,000 volunteers donated more than 1.4 million hours to The Salvation Army, helping to improve the lives of more than 1.7 million Canadians? ... on April 26, for the third year in a row, a team of Scotiabank employees took a day to volunteer at the Army’s Parkdale thrift store in Toronto? Giselle Piepp, a senior manager in global risk management, organized the endeavour and says the volunteer work was an opportunity for the employees to have a meaningful impact in the community where they work … The Salvation Army thrift store in Guelph, Ont., has been recognized as an outstanding employer by the Employment
Co-ordination Committee of Guelph and Wellington County? The distinction is given to employers who have demonstrated leadership in providing work experience, training and community placement opportunities for individuals facing employment difficulties or who require workplace experience … The Salvation Army held its annual volunteer appreciation supper in Miramichi, N.B., on April 26 with 140 volunteers present? Over the previous year, approximately 250 people volunteered for the Army through the Christmas kettles, the thrift store and family services, as well as preparing hot meals for friendship suppers from October to May Salvationist I July 2012 I 7
Holy Courage
General Linda Bond says that an effective Army requires obedience to God, holy daring and allegiance to the greatest cause on earth
eneral Linda Bond is the international leader of The Salvation Army. She is visiting Canada this month for the International Conference of Leaders being held in Toronto. General Bond speaks with John McAlister, features editor, about the conference and the state of the Army worldwide. What three things do you feel embody the spirit of Salvationism? I believe the salvation truths described in the colours of our Army flag make the great statement of our understanding of salvation. I would also add that our mission-heart—that driving force that moves us beyond our comfort zones and our buildings—is essential to Salvationism. Thirdly, I would add our internationalism. From your recent travels, please share a couple of inspiring stories of the Army’s mission in action. I was recently in Moldova. The Army in the Eastern Europe Territory is only 20 years old. One of the visits was to the mobile clinic operated by a Salvationist couple who are physicians. They go into very poor villages and enlist the help of specialists who are also Christians. The clinic that day met in an old Soviet building, with long dark hallways. There must have been 200 patients waiting to be seen, all with different ailments, all age groups represented. Before the consultations begin, the doctor reads from the Scriptures, offers a gospel message and prays. Then a team moves out into the neighbourhood for home visits. I went with them through the slippery muddy roads to see a family of children whose parents had died and who could not subsist without the Army’s intervention. Then we delivered a wheelchair to an amputee. I felt like I was living in the gospels. Earlier this year, I was in Nagercoil, India, visiting the Catherine Booth Hospital. The chief medical officer explained to me why they are giving major emphasis to ministry to the HIV/ 8 I July 2012 I Salvationist
General Linda Bond interacts with two young Salvationists in the India South Eastern Territory
AIDS patients. The state has no provision for orphans so our Army hospital works very hard to secure and provide drugs to give their patients a longer health span to raise their children. The doctor told me that many patients feel so guilty about their disease and leaving their family. He felt their ministry was to introduce them to Jesus, and they have so many who are then able to die in peace. Why does the Army hold an international conference of leaders?
Because we are one Army, it is vital that periodically leaders get together to consider policy and plans that affect us internationally and that have a direct impact on the Army in each territory and command. While the General, in visits, meets with leaders in the respective territories or commands, the information and stimulation gleaned through international gatherings cannot be underestimated. It is a marvellous opportunity for the sharing of ideas and fellowship as leaders from the different cultures represented meet together.
The international conference of leaders is usually held once during the term of office of the General. Why was Canada chosen for this gathering? It has been many years since Canada held an international conference of leaders in 1979. Both from an Army and country perspective, Canada offers the infrastructure and organizational skills to plan and host such an event. The Toronto area is so multicultural and I believe Salvationists there will benefit from seeing the leaders of our worldwide Army. What are the goals and objectives for this international conference of leaders? The agenda of the conference will be centred on the mission priorities of the One Army, One Mission, One Message theme. There will be major papers given and group discussion on how these relate to specific countries and cultures, and how they need to be carried out in concrete terms. What I expect to come out of the conference is commitment to action. Certain decisions or action steps will need to be taken by International Headquarters (IHQ). Many will need to be the responsibility of the territories or commands. How do you balance the various needs, cultures and strengths of the many territories and commands? One of the most valuable assets of our international Army is the degree of cooperation and the sense of mutual understanding. It has always been the case that those rich in resources, whether they be
The General receives a warm welcome in Mozambique
financial, personnel or program, share generously with those who are challenged financially. IHQ is structured by zones. We have the Americas, Africa, South Pacific and East Asia, South Asia and Europe. As well, we have functional departments for administration, personnel, business and program resources. The leaders of these major departments meet with each other on a regular basis and are able to present the needs, strengths and weaknesses in open discussion. Decisions then can be made to bring balance and aid as required. What inspired you to articulate the One Army, One Mission, One Message vision? What do you hope this vision will do for the international Army? I believe this expresses succinctly what the Army has been, what we ought to be and do, and what God sees for our future effectiveness. The fact that it has captured the imagination of our Salvationists without me insisting on it just affirms to me that this was of the Lord. It is doing what I hoped and that is giving us a renewed sense of our unity, our identity, our mission and the gospel message.
General Bond speaks with a Moldovan villager who received a wheelchair from The Salvation Army
Tell us about the worldwide
Thursday prayer meetings. Why should Salvationists participate? The worldwide prayer meeting has also made a profound impact on the international Army, more than I could have anticipated. Salvationists should participate because I believe we need to seek the Lord’s direction and blessing for the Army. It is perhaps the most vital means of uniting us. Yes, we are internationally organized, share the same doctrines, symbols, distinctives and history, but true unity is the gift of the Spirit and we must seek that above all else. We need the Lord and it is important that together we seek him. He knows why he raised up this Army of his. He knows what plans he has in mind. He knows where he wants us to go and how he sees us ministering in the 21st century. I don’t dismiss the strategic plans that are made. Nor do I belittle the gifts and skills we bring to the table. But this is God’s Army and we must rely on him for direction, power and fruitfulness. Our worldwide prayer meeting is already held in 121 countries with thousands at prayer. I believe there should be hundreds of thousands meeting together during the 24-hour period on Thursdays (visit Salvationist. ca/worldwideprayer). We have no idea how powerful such united intercession is. Given the decline of church attendance in the Western world, how can the Army experience significant growth in the future? What is the way forward for the Army? I do not believe it is our responsibility to grow the Army or to compete with other churches as to attendance numbers. It is God’s responsibility to grow the Army, Salvationist I July 2012 I 9
and he will. What we have to do is to be the people we were called to be and do what we were called to do. We must be The Salvation Army, not a pale imitation of another church or a weak expression of ourselves. Neither can we idolize the Army as though it were our salvation. Only the Lord himself is our salvation. Nor can we occupy ourselves with being its worst critics. We must believe that God raised it up and wants it to be a Spirit-filled Army, moving in unity and in mission with the powerful, transforming message of full salvation. Given the covenantal nature of Salvation Army membership, how do we attract young people who seem hesitant to make lifelong commitments? At this point in time, athletes from all over the world are in last minute preparations for the Olympics to be held in London, England, in July. They have disciplined themselves and sacrificed time and money for this one great moment in their lives. This is not the time for The Salvation Army to water down its covenants either by time span or lifestyle requirements. Lifetime commitments are being made by young people. Other agencies and forces are calling them to reach for the highest, give their best, sacrifice their lives and find ultimate fulfilment in giving themselves for the greater good. How can we do less? While we want an ever increasing Army in size and quality, we must always remember the story of Gideon. Numbers do not ensure victory. What is needed is obedience to God, holy daring and allegiance to the greatest cause on earth. How do we maintain our Army distinctives while still allowing for healthy discussions of Army beliefs and practices? What are the non-
negotiables? Where can we afford to be flexible? I believe healthy discussion on our beliefs and practices will always ensure that we hold to our Army distinctives if we truly believe these have come to us because of our faith and mission. The major nonnegotiable is our understanding of salvation. Its Trinitarian foundation is held in common with most churches. But we also believe it is a salvation for the whole world. Everyone can be saved. We also believe it is a salvation for the whole person, so that every part of our life and lifestyle is affected. We believe that the Army must minister to the whole person and therefore we do not see ourselves with a divided mission. Wherever the Army flag flies or wherever the crest or shield is to be found, we must see ourselves as a soul-saving, saint-making Army, compelled by Christ to serve suffering humanity, whatever it
entails. Our identity and mission, in my mind, are God-given and are non-negotiables. So many of our symbols, slogans, songs and even our structure support our understanding of salvation and how we proclaim it in word, deed and image. We have had lengthy discussion at the Spiritual Life Commission on our sacramental stand and concluded that our position is soundly connected to our holiness doctrine. We see the whole of life as sacramental. The internationalism of the Army must be guarded. We cannot be a federation of states or autonomous churches or local humanitarian organizations. Our essential unity is a gift from the Lord. Flexibility in methods, uniform, programs and worship styles is one of our strengths. Anyone who has travelled to other parts of the Army world would verify that this is so even though the essential Salvation Army spirit is evident.
General Bond visits an education project in Paraguay
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A Blessed People
As we enjoy the summer, let’s remain open to new opportunities to share our faith with others
Photo: ©
y the time you read this, summer will have arrived, marked by warm temperatures, the enjoyment of the great outdoors, school break and maybe even a long-anticipated vacation. I appreciate this time of the year as it offers the opportunity to enjoy longer days, barbecue gatherings and the occasional picnic in the park with family and friends. I hope this summer is absolutely memorable for you. The Church joins in on this rhythm of life. Established programs are curtailed, fewer people attend church services and some say the effectiveness of evangelism is mothballed until the big welcome back in September. Instead of taking the summer off, I wonder if it isn’t time to consider taking the summer on. Before you dismiss this as a fruitless thought, hear me out. I recently listened to a speaker who used the phrase, “the blessedness of faith.” In the thoughts that followed, there was the reminder that faith is a beautiful gift
from God to us—not only to you and me, but to others as well. In my devotions lately, I have been praying that The Salvation Army in the Canada and Bermuda Territory would, with renewed energy, re-engage with its missional heart. I hope for a renewed engagement of God’s people in his mission in the world. My sense is that the fields are ripe for harvest (see John 4:35-38). I suggest that this is even more the case as we enjoy the warm and welcoming days of summer. Instead of taking a break this season, I ask that you take the time to notice opportunities to witness. During the summer, we see and talk with our neighbours more often, we find a few more minutes at work to talk and catch up with our co-workers, and our extended family members tend to visit more often. Perhaps the danger of taking too much down time is that the “blessedness of faith” is taken for granted and, worst of all, we miss divinely arranged
opportunities to share our faith in the common reality of life. You may be thinking, “You want me to be a missionary in the summer? You must be kidding!” But let’s look at it this way. God chooses to be active in the world by being active in our lives. We are the ones sent into the world. If the body of Christ is dispersed a little more than usual because of the cottage, road trips and camping, maybe these days can become the divinely orchestrated new opportunities in which someone becomes part of God’s Kingdom. Bear in mind that these are new opportunities with a limited shelf life, so when the colder winds begin to howl, we will go back to our programs and lingering over the backyard fence will not be possible until the next summer. I love the vision of the gathered church. I have images in my mind of congregations I have shared with over this past year. Though these are beautiful and inspiring memories, what intrigues me most is what I can’t see except by faith. It is what happens when the benediction is spoken and the congregants are sent out to live lives blessed by faith in places where the preacher will never go. This month marks one year since my wife and I returned to the Canada and Bermuda Territory to serve as territorial leaders. During this time, our hearts have been encouraged, challenged and inspired by what we see as a conviction, resonating in the hearts of Salvationists, declaring over and over that The Salvation Army exists to save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity. Our own testimony is that we are convinced that we are redeemed for a reason and, therefore, committed to a cause. By his grace we declare the gospel of Jesus Christ and do so unashamedly. We are a blessed people. Take time to share your story and let God’s activity in your life lead you to many opportunities to share with others. As Eugene Peterson writes in The Message paraphrase of Galatians 6:9-10, “So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith.” Commissioner Brian Peddle is the territorial commander of the Canada and Bermuda Territory. Salvationist I July 2012 I 11
Redemption Stories
Freedom Ministries offers invaluable support to inmates, past offenders and their families
ome politicians say it’s time to get tough on crime. Media reports suggest that we lock criminals up and throw away the key. But for Freedom Ministries, it’s never too late for redemption. Based in Kingston, Ont., the unofficial prison capital of Canada, The Salvation Army’s Freedom Ministries offers inmates, past offenders and their families a variety of programs that include institution and court chaplaincy, postincarceration aftercare and family support groups. The impact of these programs may not make headlines, but for those who have been supported by Freedom Ministries, they provide a path to salvation and rehabilitation. In this article, three past offenders share their stories.
A Cry for Help
“It sounds funny, but going to prison was probably the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m five years sober, I’m close to the Lord and I’ve got people like Reverend Scott Pruden in my life” – Mike Malcolm AT 6’6” AND 275 lbs, Mike Malcolm admits that he’s “always been intimidating,” and he once had the lifestyle to fit his “tough guy” look. “I drank too much and acted like an idiot for most of my life,” he says with frankness. But on August 11, 2007, everything changed. Malcolm’s 17-year-old daughter, Tanya, was being harassed by a 43-year-old man who was encouraging her to do hard drugs. Feeling that he needed to protect his daughter, Malcolm assaulted the man. Right after he committed his crime, Malcolm went to the police station and surrendered. A few days later, he was sent to the Napanee Detention Centre, Ont., and placed in solitary confinement. “At the time, I didn’t know if my victim would survive or if I would be locked up for the rest of my life,” he recalls. “The first night I was at Napanee, this overwhelming feeling came over me and I asked the Lord to send me someone to help me turn my life around.” 12 I July 2012 I Salvationist
Federal parolee Mike Malcolm visits with Freedom Ministries prison chaplain, Reverend Scott Pruden
After he was sentenced to six years for aggravated assault, Malcolm left Napanee and went to Millhaven Institution in Bath, Ont., where he started attending a Salvation Army Bible study. “The first time I went, I met a large Salvation Army gentleman named Scott Pruden,” he remembers. “When I put my hand out to shake his hand, the instant he touched me, I knew that the Lord had sent him to help me change my life.” Reverend Pruden supported Malcolm throughout his incarceration and helped him secure a place at Kingston Harbour Light, Ont., so that he could overcome his addiction to alcohol. Since leaving Harbour Light in January 2011, Malcolm has been living with his parents in Denbigh, Ont., a small town about 150 km north of Kingston. Because he is still on parole, and will be until November 2013, he is restricted to travel within 40 km of his residence. This makes it difficult for him to participate fully in Freedom Ministries’ community chaplaincy programs, which provide support for past offenders who are returning from incarceration, helping them reintegrate into society. Still, he gets special passes so that he can attend the Open Door Fellowship (ODF) at least once a month. The ODF is a weekly Bible study that promotes healthy social behaviour, personal responsibility and accountability. The program is directed at past offenders, but regular attendees also include police officers, corrections officers, business people and a sitting Supreme Court judge. “It’s an eclectic group,” says Pruden, who co-ordinates the ODF, “but it’s a melting pot of faith and fellowship in Christ.
Regardless of our vocations, we are able to support and love each other in that. ” Malcolm, a bluegrass musician who plays guitar, mandolin, banjo and harmonica, often shares his talents at these meetings. “I know I’m supposed to share the Word, but I’m not much of a preacher so I do it musically,” he says. He particularly enjoys playing classic gospel hymns, his favourite being The Old Rugged Cross. He also shares his music ministry at a local church in Denbigh and he travels around to schools, giving his testimony. “I’ll share my story with whoever I can,” he smiles.
Love Behind Bars
“Freedom Ministries is very important to women like me who are in relationships with inmates, because a lot of us don’t have support from our families” – Tina Boudreau TINA BOUDREAU AND her husband, Rick, have been married for 25 years, but they have never lived under the same roof. For the past 29 years, Rick has been an inmate at Ontario’s Kingston Penitentiary, serving a life sentence after being convicted of murder. The two met while Boudreau was volunteering with the Lifers’ Group, a support group for inmates serving life sentences. Boudreau says she always had an interest in the prison system, as several of her family members had worked in corrections. But her first encounter with the Lifers’ Group took her by surprise. “The inmates would hold my chair out for me when I went to sit down and get me coffee—things like that,” she says. “I was totally blown away by how nice they were, compared to what you see on TV.” After a year of meeting and chatting every week at the Lifers’ Group, Boudreau and Rick started dating. For the next year, Boudreau visited him as often as she could and, in 1987, they were married in Kingston Penitentiary. A justice of the peace conducted the ceremony, which was attended by Rick’s mother, sister and an aunt, as well as a fellow inmate who served as best man. None of Boudreau’s family came. “My mother was supportive, but my father didn’t speak to me for seven years,” Boudreau says. After they were married, Rick officially adopted Boudreau’s two children, who were two and four years old. Around the time she met Rick, Boudreau reconnected with The Salvation Army. She had attended a Salvation Army Sunday school when she was a teenager and, when she discovered that the Army had a Sunday school bus ministry in her area, decided to send her children. The family had been attending Kingston Citadel for three years when Boudreau made a serious mistake and had her own run-in with the law. “My husband asked me to take some marijuana into the prison to him and I ended up getting caught,” she explains. “I was taken to the Ontario Provincial Police jail and that’s when I became a Christian, right in the jail cell.”
Boudreau spent the next year going through the court system, but she received ongoing support from Salvation Army worker Beryl Taylor. In the end, Boudreau was given 16 months probation and 50 hours of community service work, which she did with The Salvation Army. Boudreau continued her involvement with The Salvation Army, becoming a soldier and later the Bread of Life program co-ordinator at Kingston’s Rideau Heights Community Church. She is now a dedicated volunteer with Freedom Ministries. Her involvement with Freedom Ministries started 10 years ago with a support group for women who have a loved one that is an offender. This group, which meets weekly, provides a safe, non-threatening atmosphere where women can share their experiences and receive encouragement as they struggle to cope with the forced absence of their loved one. “I see my sister having Christmas holidays with her husband and kids, and it makes me sad that my husband’s not there,” she says. “Inmates tend to be insecure about their families, so the women who are involved with them don’t get out much.” In 2004, Boudreau started volunteering with the S.A.F.E. Kids’ Club, a program of Freedom Ministries’ Support and Advocacy for Family Enrichment (S.A.F.E.) program. The club offers the children of offenders—who have a high risk of social exclusion and intergenerational criminality—a place to learn, have fun and find support among their peers. The kids’ club meets once a month, usually on school holidays, for a full-day session. “The club gives these kids the chance to do things that they might not be able to do because their fathers aren’t home,” says Boudreau. Like Boudreau, Rick is also involved with Freedom Ministries. He attends Salvation Army chapel services and meets regularly with Reverend Pruden, the prison chaplain. Boudreau’s family did eventually accept Rick, but Boudreau says not all women in her position are so fortunate. For families like Boudreau’s, the S.A.F.E. program of Freedom Ministries is invaluable.
The Open Door
“I was full of hate and anger. My anger gave me life. If you did me wrong, I’d get you back. While I was at Harbour Light, I had to learn to forgive” – Pat Kincaid FOR ALMOST 50 years, Pat Kincaid was a career criminal. Constantly in and out of jail, Kincaid’s life consisted of bars, parties and criminal activity—a lifestyle he admits he once enjoyed. But after one eventful night at the Frontenac Institution in Kingston, Ont., Kincaid set out on a new path. Kincaid first got in trouble with the law when he was only 10 years old. Though he grew up in Kingston, he ran away to Toronto when he was 13 to escape his abusive mother and lived on the streets until he found his father. Kincaid went to jail for the first time when he was 16 and, up until three years ago, he was never out of jail for longer than 18 months. Salvationist I July 2012 I 13
The Open Door Fellowship, support group and Bible study for past offenders, meets every Monday night at Rideau Heights Community Church, Kingston, Ont.
Kincaid had contact with The Salvation Army at various points in his life, but he did not connect with Freedom Ministries until he was sent to the Frontenac prison farm. There, Kincaid’s main task was to look after the cows and he often helped with birthing calves, a responsibility he took very seriously. In two years, he had never lost a calf, until one night in 2009. “My calf wasn’t breathing. I tried everything, but nothing worked,” he remembers. Certain that the calf had died, Kincaid was devastated until, suddenly, it started breathing. “The first words out of my mouth were ‘Thank God!’ When I heard myself say that, I knew that there was a God and that he had just given me a miracle,” he says. “From that moment on, I tried to learn everything I could about him.” Kincaid turned to The Salvation Army for guidance and stayed at Kingston Harbour Light when he finished his time at Frontenac. At Harbour Light, Kincaid experienced profound spiritual growth. “I was full of hate and anger. My anger gave me life. If you did me wrong, I’d get you back,” he says. “While I was at Harbour
About Freedom Ministries
Based in Kingston, Ont., Freedom Ministries exists to support offenders and their families throughout and after incarceration. Led by Major Albert Bain, executive director, and Major Barbara Bain, director of programs, Freedom Ministries offers chaplaincy services at 10 correctional facilities and two courts in the Kingston area, as well as escort services for minimum security prisoners who wish to visit the community (e.g. to visit family or attend church). It also provides services to past offenders who reside in the Kingston area, including start-up kits for recently released prisoners and the Open Door Fellowship, a support group and Bible study. Freedom Ministries’ Support and Advocacy for Family Enrichment (S.A.F.E.) program ministers to the families of offenders. Recognizing that incarceration places the entire family at risk, S.A.F.E. offers support groups for women, an annual family camp, a kids’ club and a “welcome home” program that helps families prepare for the return of their loved one. Other Freedom Ministries programs include Circles of Support and Accountability for past sexual offenders, pen-pal services, anger management courses and community work programs. For more information about Freedom Ministries, visit 14 I July 2012 I Salvationist
Light, I had to learn to forgive.” The most difficult person for Kincaid to forgive was his mother. He took anger management classes and went through counselling at Harbour Light, and before he left the centre, he phoned his mother and told her that he had forgiven her. “That was the most important thing I got out of Harbour Light because that was the hardest thing for me to do,” he says. “Now, everything else comes easier.” Home in Kingston, Kincaid regularly attends church and the Open Door Fellowship, a support group and Bible study for past offenders. “I love the Open Door Fellowship,” he says. “I’ve met people that I thought would never give me a second look, and yet I’m good friends with them. I could ask any of them for help. “Freedom Ministries has changed my life,” he continues. “After living the criminal life for 50 years, I thought there was no way I was ever going straight. But today, I would not trade one minute of the last three years for any part of my life before.”
Volunteers for 27 Years
Brian and Anne Newell were court reporters in the criminal court in Kingston, Ont. That was where they first met Majors Fred and Doreen Mills, who were The Salvation Army workers in the court at the time. They often talked during breaks and, one day, Brian told Major Fred Mills that he played keyboard. “Major Mills said, ‘How about coming into the prison? We need a keyboard player for our chapel services,’ and I said, ‘No way,’ ” remembers Brian. “Working in the court system, we saw criminals as rebellious and dangerous. We only saw one Brian and Anne Newell side of them.” But Major Fred Mills kept asking and finally the Newells said they would give it a try. And so, 27 years ago, the Newells packed up their keyboard went to Collins Bay Institution, where The Salvation Army chapel services were held in a small room. “You could feel your heart go ‘pitter-pat, pitter-pat’ when you went in,” says Anne. Despite their reservations, their first visit left a lasting impression. “We’d never experienced anything quite like it before. The inmates were extremely welcoming. We chatted with at least half of them—there were about 20-25 inmates there,” Anne remembers. The Newells enjoyed it and kept going back. Since then, they have served at many other institutions and, for the last 10 years, they have escorted minimum security inmates to church every Sunday. “Ministry is one of the most selfish things a Christian can do because, when you give of yourself, you get fed. You can’t out-give; the pleasure just comes back on you,” says Brian. “Whenever we see an inmate dedicate his life to Christ, it brings tears to our eyes.”
Achieving More Than Gold at
2012 Olympics
The Salvation Army will participate in community outreach and anti-human trafficking awareness
s athletes and fans around the world prepare for the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics happening July 27-August 12 in London, England, churches across the United Kingdom are mobilizing for the More Than Gold campaign of outreach, hospitality and service. As with previous Olympic games, The Salvation Army is participating in the More Than Gold cam-
The Olympic mountain bike course at The Salvation Army’s Hadleigh Farm
paign, sending mission and service teams comprised of Salvationists from the United Kingdom and other territories. Given our experience with the 2010 Olympic Games held in Vancouver, The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda will make a contribution at these games as well. A team of 20 Salvationists from across the territory will participate. Led by Graham Moore, territorial public relations
Salvation Army to Host Mountain Bike Competition The Salvation Army’s Hadleigh Farm, located in Essex, England, will serve as the official race venue for the Olympic Games mountain bike cycling competition. The mountain bike course is located on part of The Salvation Army’s 900-acre property, which was purchased in 1890 by William Booth for use as a farm and training centre. The site continues to be used as an employment training centre by the Army.
and development secretary, 14 members of the team will work on outreach activities. Depending on the tasks assigned to this team, they could be serving water and food near Games venues and big-screen sites, leading sports clinics and holiday clubs for children and teens, working with local churches and taking part in community festivals. The other six members will be led by Colonel Tracey Tidd, territorial secretary for women’s ministries, and will help promote awareness of anti-human trafficking initiatives. This will be in partnership with the UN.GIFT displays that will be presented at over 20 locations throughout London. Throughout the Games, T h e S a l v a t i o n A r m y ’s International Headquarters will feature art exhibits created by residents of some Army centres. As well, since IHQ is located on the marathon race route, the Army will be giving out water from that location during the event.
The Salvation Army Moose Jaw Citadel 125th Anniversary March 2013 We invite former officers, soldiers, adherents or those associated with the corps to submit photos, stories, etc., to be included in a timeline being compiled to celebrate 125 years of service in Saskatchewan. Please forward to: Gerald_Reilly@can.salvationarmy. org or Salvationist I July 2012 I 15
Aging Gracefully
As Canada and Bermuda Territory’s oldest officer, Colonel Ernest Fitch has a lifetime of memories to draw on BY KEN RAMSTEAD, EDITOR, FAITH & FRIENDS AND FOI & VIE
Photo: Mjr Gordon Armstrong
him walking down the aisle—and said, ‘Do you want to be good like your dad?’ I replied, ‘Yes.’ And without a further word, he brought me to the altar and prayed with me.” The experience must have been important for the young boy, because the next day, he took a piece of chalk and scrawled the following testimony on the side of their house: “Ernie Fitch got saved on March 17th, 1914.”
Col Ernest Fitch shares vivid recollections of the First World War and the Great Depression
his July, Colonel Ernest Fitch will achieve a milestone. At the age of 107, he will have been retired for 42 years, as long a time as he was on active service. “When I turned 100, I bumped into General John Gowans when he was visiting Canada and I introduced myself and told him my age. ‘Oh!’ he joked, ‘Farewell these fellows who are trying to break the bank!’ “Imagine what he would think now!” Testimony in Chalk The eldest of seven children, Colonel Fitch was born in Vancouver. “I used to joke that every time the doctor came to visit us with his black bag, he left a baby,” he recalls. Colonel Fitch’s mother was a housemaid for one of the wealthier families in the city until she married, while his father was a stable boss for a local dairy. His most vivid recollection from a century ago dates from his school days. “I used to walk to class with a pretty little six-year-old girl. We were at the cor16 I July 2012 I Salvationist
ner of 33rd and Waldin when suddenly this monster roared down the street, clanging and whistling. Frightened, we scurried the remaining block to school. It was the first time we’d ever seen a horse-drawn fire engine!” Colonel Fitch’s father was a Methodist, and his mother, who came from England, was Anglican, “although from what I gather, they weren’t working too hard at it,” he smiles. But one evening, the two attended a service at the Army’s Mount Pleasant Corps in Vancouver. Their souls were stirred enough to answer an altar call that very evening, and they became adherents. Colonel Fitch’s father was eventually commissioned as a local officer, becoming a colour sergeant. When the colonel was nine, a church service at the South Vancouver Corps profoundly changed his life. “My dad and I were sitting together when it came time for the altar call,” he remembers. “The corps officer left the platform, came directly to me—I can still see
Wartime Loss With the First World War raging, Colonel Fitch’s father volunteered to go overseas in 1916, leaving a pregnant wife with six children. Transferred to the 54th Brigade, he was killed at Amiens, France, in August 1918, as the war neared its end. The death devastated the family, both emotionally and financially. Colonel Fitch’s mother had to return to work, leaving his young sister, 11-year-old Winifred (who eventually became a brigadier in The Salvation Army), to look after the family. After completing his last year of public school, the 14-year-old worked various jobs, as a paper-boy, delivery man and office boy. Colonel Fitch subsequently worked at the Royal Bank of Canada for 7½ years, first as a teller and then as a bookkeeper. By his 20s, the young man was quite happy being a Salvationist and working at the bank. But in 1925, he and his future wife, Gladys, attended a Salvation Army service. That night, one of the officers sang, “By the peaceful shores of Galilee, mending their nets by the silvery sea, the fishermen toiled at their tasks each day.” “I was all right until he got to the third verse: ‘As the fishermen heard by Galilee: Leave now your nets and follow me,’ ” says Colonel Fitch. “That knocked me for a loop. I couldn’t get it out of my head. “By Tuesday, I was miserable as sin,” he continues. “I just couldn’t hold out anymore, so I went to the altar, and when
I opened my eyes and looked around, my future wife was kneeling right beside me! It turns out she had wanted to be an officer, too, and had been waiting for me to make up my mind.” A Full Life The young couple attended training college and were married in 1928. Appointments across the territory followed. “I still think of the officers who served through the Great Depression,” Colonel Fitch says. “One of the officers at Estevan, Sask., used to say that she would give the children their lunch and then go upstairs and pray because there was no lunch left for her. There was a camaraderie there. We were all in the same boat, but no one ever thought of resigning.” Further postings followed after the Second World War, but his wife’s failing eyesight necessitated him taking a job in the finance department at territorial headquarters. “So what did they do with me? Made me a teller again,” he laughs. Colonel Fitch officially retired on July 1, 1970. “When Commissioner Wycliffe Booth
Col Fitch in 1967
retired, we had a party for him,” says Colonel Fitch, “and when it came time to shake hands with him, he poked me in the stomach and said, ‘Well, Fitch, you did better than we expected.’ So I guess I turned out all right!” After his retirement, Colonel Fitch continued to work part-time as a bookkeeper until he turned 80, and then finally walked away from active duty. For the next several years, he and Gladys did as much
travelling as they could, up and down the West Coast. Eventually, their children arranged for them to live at an Army retirement facility, where they stayed until Gladys’ promotion to Glory in 1996. “I’ve always been so grateful she had her last days there,” says Colonel Fitch, “because there was a lot of fellowship and activities for her, even during her declining years.” Colonel Fitch, then 92, was able to live independently until an attack of shingles laid him low, and he then entered Evergreen Care Centre, a seniors’ residence in North Vancouver. “I went through a very bad time then,” he says. “I call it, ‘my soul’s darkest hour.’ There were two or three weeks that I can’t recall. I had horrible dreams of being lost and alone, not knowing how to get home.” With the help of his children and his corps officer, the colonel recovered and his faith was strengthened as a result. “I’ve worked it out with the Lord,” he says. “I’m living for the day when the trumpet blows and they say, ‘Come on, Fitch, you’ve been around too long.’ I’m in no hurry, mind you!”
Friday September 14, 2012 Angus Glen Golf Club, South Course For more information call Lisa Marinis at (416) 321-2654 x210 Salvationist I July 2012 I 17 Salvationist Qtr STD.indd 1
5/1/2012 12:17:58 AM
“We have an amazing group of kids,” says Mjr Peter Eason, shown with members of Meadow Lake’s youth group at the 30-Hour Famine event. Front, from left, Angelina Eason, Nora Bowerman, Brandon McCallum. Back, from left, Julie Bowerman, Nykela Penner, Kendra Opikokew, Kaither Sutherland, Josh Millar, Mjr Eason, Glen Gedison
It’s All About the
For at-risk Saskatchewan teens, the Meadow Lake Salvation Army provides a needed refuge
t’s 3 a.m. on a spring night and the lights are on at the Salvation Army corps in Meadow Lake, Sask. Someone should probably notify the corps officers, but it’s OK, they already know. Youth ministry here can be a 24-hour job! Like many youth groups across the territory, the young people of Meadow Lake watch movies, go bowling, play floor hockey, air hockey and fooseball, hang out with friends and share a commitment to social justice issues. In April, they joined 18 I July 2012 I Salvationist
forces with others around the world to participate in World Vision’s 30-Hour Famine. As the world’s largest youth fundraiser, the event is designed to raise money to help save lives around the globe. Kaither Sutherland, 16, and Josh Millar, 15, collected almost half of the total $3,100 raised by the teens from Meadow Lake. “They spent three weeks pounding the payment in this little city in the north to raise money for kids around the world who are starving,” says Major Peter Eason,
corps officer, who supervised the all-night event. “We have an amazing group of kids.” Where There’s a Need Actively engaged in serving the people of Meadow Lake, The Salvation Army offers an extensive list of ministries, including an after-school drop-in, Bible classes, street outreach, pro-bono legal services, a thrift store and RCMP chaplaincy. “The needs are great in our community,” explains Major Eason, “and our desire
to meet those needs is very strong.” Shortly after their arrival in 2007, the Easons identified a group that was not being reached by the Army’s services, in spite of the programs already in place. “We realized there was a tremendous need for work among young people, so we’ve committed to it,” he says. That realization led to activities geared specifically to the younger generation, such as Kidz Own, a weekly after-school drop-in program for children. “We have a supportive group of people here at the corps,” says Major Eason, “including Denise Dodds and Pat Gedison, who give leadership to Kidz Own.” With the children’s programming under control, Major Eason focused his attention on reaching out to local teens by introducing a youth group and participating in a floor-hockey program for at-risk youth. Open to all teens in the community—from those struggling through the effects of fetal alcohol syndrome to ones in trouble with the law, from young people living with mental health issues to those who regularly attend the Army as their place of worship—the programs are proving to be much-needed resources in the community. “Family life is very difficult for a lot of these kids,” explains Major Eason.
“They are dealing with serious challenges.” Abuse, poverty, hunger, suicide, gang activity, addictions to gambling, alcohol and drugs, and a widening gap between rich and poor are part of their daily lives. “There are systemic issues that are being fought,” says Major Eason, “including racism.” Located adjacent to the Flying Dust First Nation reserve, Meadow Lake’s population of 5,000 is approximately 50 percent Aborginal. “There is good support for the Army’s work with the Aboriginal community,” he continues, “and we have an excellent relationship with our First Nation brothers and sisters. There have been improvements in relationships between peoples of different backgrounds, nations and cultures, but there is still a lot of work to do.” “A Blessed Place” So what draws these young people to The Salvation Army week after week? “I come here asking for healing, for help, and it’s received,” shares 17-year-old Brandon McCallum. “This is a blessed place.” Nykela Penner, 17, agrees. “No matter how low you are feeling,” she says, “The Salvation Army is here to get you up on
your feet.” After feeling down and out for months, her connection to the youth group is bringing things back into perspective. “God is helping me get back on track.” For Major Eason, ministering to the young people of Meadow Lake is about more than the organization of a floor hockey game or a trip to the local bowling alley. It’s about instilling in them the importance of prayer and what it means to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It’s about standing with them as they face the consequences of breaking the law. It’s about sitting beside them in the hospital as they struggle to survive a failed suicide attempt. And it’s about opening his heart to them when they have no one to turn to and nowhere else to go. “Due to abuse and some legal charges, my family got split,” shares 15-year-old Kendra Opikokew. “Major Peter helped us and we all got reconnected through the church. The Salvation Army brought my family back together.” Major Eason is quick to redirect the praise. “We’re here to focus on Jesus and to help the kids know him better,” he says. “I keep reminding them that while I can’t be with them in every moment of crisis, the Lord is always there. He’s got plans and purposes for their lives.”
Public Welcome of Delegates to the 2012 International Conference of Leaders Sunday July 8, 2012, 5:00pm | Mississauga Living Arts Centre Conducted by
Supported by
General Linda Bond Commissioner Barry C. Swanson, THE CHIEF OF THE STAFF
Canadian Staff Band Korean Corps Songsters OCE Divisional Youth Chorus
at s u n i Jo anadian ion The Cnal Exhibit012 Natio - Sept 3, 2 Aug 17 Toronto
Volunteer at The Salvation Army Refreshment Centre Mississauga Living Arts Centre 4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga ON L5B 4B8
For more info or to volunteer, please contact Lisa Marinis at 416-321-2654 ext 210 Salvationist I July 2012 I 19
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5/22/2012 12:51:58 PM
Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is Does our free market economy enslave and exploit the vulnerable? BY AMY FISHER
ave you ever thought of free market global capitalism as an institution in need of redemption? Have you ever thought of the way it oppresses and extorts some people as much as it might benefit others? Have you ever thought of how it robs people of their freedom and imagination? Have you ever wondered if God’s Word might have something to say about it? Christians have a responsibility to educate themselves and make choices in the marketplace that have positive consequences for our global neighbours. If the 80/20 rule is a reality—that is, if 20 percent of the earth’s population controls 80 percent of the wealth—then we in Canada are certainly part of that 20 percent. If Jesus really meant that we should care for “the least of these,” giving the poor and marginalized food, water and clothing when they are in need, then he is talking about our duty to the other 80 percent of the world’s population.
Christians have a responsibility to educate themselves and make choices in the marketplace that have positive consequences for our global neighbours These days it’s hard to deny that our economic system is broken and in need of redemption. In 2008, the Western penchant for things we can’t afford caught up with the market, amounting to more debt than could be repaid and loans that could no longer be insured against default. The American economy reeled. Banks closed. Around the world, governments scrambled to pick up the pieces. It’s not hard to look at this economic crisis and see a spiritual crisis as well. Greed, pride, the desire to be better, more powerful or wealthier than someone else … these are the things that power our economy. They motivate us to buy more stuff at a cheaper price. In a word, to consume. The word “consume” has a decidedly negative connotation. It means to eat up, use up, destroy or ruin. If you and I are “consumers,” what is it that we are destroying? Do we consume only inanimate objects with our spending, or do we also destroy God’s living earth? 20 I July 2012 I Salvationist
God’s creatures? And even our fellow human beings? Are you comfortable being called a consumer by companies competing to get your business? In many ways, free market capitalism has fueled this destructive force called consumption, has made slaves of our brothers and sisters. These brothers and sisters live both here in North America—in the halls of commerce, on streetscapes lined with advertisements—and in places we can’t so easily see, such as sweatshops in South East Asia or on cash-crop farms in Central and South America. Does God intend to redeem this human institution? To make it new, whole or good again? Can Christians be God’s agents of change in the marketplace? It’s time to put our money where our heart is. For more information on Fair Trade, visit issues/fair-trade.
Fair Trade FAQs What is Fair Trade? One way that Christians can make an impact is by choosing fair trade products, such as coffee, tea and chocolate. Fair trade creates opportunities for producers in economically disadvantaged countries who have been marginalized by the conventional trading system. For items to be fair trade they must meet certain standards that help alleviate poverty, ensure safe working conditions and foster sustainable development. How do I know if a product is Fair Trade Certified? The Fair Trade Certified Mark is a registered trademark of Fairtrade International. Various marks have been used worldwide, but the two logos above are the most commonly used in Canada.
Home Improvement
When 105 Winnipeg families received eviction notices, The Salvation Army helped them find new homes BY KRISTIN FRYER, STAFF WRITER
Mjr Julie Slous speaks with former Greenway residents Angela Harden and Julie Villeneuve
ast fall, 105 Winnipeg families received shocking news. They were being evicted from their apartment complex in the Heritage Park neighbourhood. In just five months, they would no longer be able to call Greenway West home. For some Greenway residents, finding new accommodation would not be easy. “Many of these families were on income assistance and had few resources to seek alternative housing,” explains Major Julie Slous, then corps officer at Heritage Park Temple. “They were completely overwhelmed.” The Salvation Army and Heritage Park Temple got involved almost immediately after the eviction notices were served. “For the last four years, the corps has been building pastoral relationships with lower-income communities in the area,” says Major Slous. “When these families were in crisis, they came to us because they knew that we would do what we could to help them.” Former Greenway resident Angela Harden says she felt comfortable approaching Heritage Park Temple for assistance because her four children had been involved with the corps’ kids’ club and she attended services occasionally. “When I told Major Slous about the situation, she said she would talk to the
right people so that something could be done,” says Harden. “She also told me to stay positive and that God would not lead us astray.” Major Slous brought the situation to the attention of the local Neighbourhood Resource Network (NRN), an association of social services agencies in the St. James-Assiniboia district in Winnipeg that meets once a month to discuss issues affecting the community. In early October 2011, a special task force was formed to address the Greenway housing crisis, and the weekly meetings were held at The Salvation Army. At this point, it was crucial for the task force to have front-line workers on the ground, talking to the Greenway residents. The Salvation Army was a key presence in the neighbourhood, collecting information and bringing it back to the task force. “We spent a lot of time knocking on doors and finding out where people were at in their transitioning,” says Major Slous. After meeting with almost all of the Greenway families, The Salvation Army identified 35 families that required more intensive assistance. These families had nowhere to go, but they also didn’t have the means or the capacity to negotiate with new landlords. In addition, many of them were dealing with mental health issues and unemployment.
To assist these families, Heritage Park Temple set up a house-hunting service and helped people negotiate new leases. The corps also facilitated a meeting between the Greenway families and the Residential Tenancies Branch in Winnipeg so that the people could learn about their rights as tenants. From October 2011 to March 2012, corps members followed up with families weekly to ensure that their housing plans were progressing. By mid-March, every family had found new accommodation, including Harden, who says her new home is a great improvement over Greenway: “It’s big, it’s in a safe neighbourhood and the kids like it. “The Salvation Army was very supportive,” she adds. “If it wasn’t for them, I don’t know where my family would be now.” According to Major Slous, this level of success was made possible by the taskforce model adopted by the NRN. The task force brought together decision-makers from various agencies, who could then combine their resources and use their power to take immediate action. Local MLA Sharon Blady, a member of the NRN, says that the Manitoba government sees the Greenway task force as a model for future crisis situations. On March 25, The Salvation Army held a recognition event at Heritage Park Temple to honour the success of the task force. Major Slous says the purpose of the event was, first and foremost, to give glory to God for what had been accomplished, as well as celebrate the partnerships that had been strengthened through the situation and give residents a chance to tell their stories. Blady, who also spoke at the event, commends The Salvation Army for their role in resolving the Greenway crisis. “I’m so thankful for the work that’s being done in the community by The Salvation Army,” says Blady. “It’s wonderful to see people working for their community, not just out of the goodness of their hearts, but out of a drive to make the world a better place. It’s a living example of faith.” Salvationist I July 2012 I 21
40 Questions About the End Times
Territorial Prayer Guide WEEK 1 - JULY 1-7 Canada • Every effort to be made to reach all ethnic groups with the gospel • God to reveal himself to people taking rest during the summer • God’s protection for summer travellers • Political leaders to make wise decisions to benefit society WEEK 2 - JULY 8-14 Children and Youth • Young people at summer camps to experience God’s love and salvation • Parents to disciple their children • Insight in developing programs for children and youth • Creativity and effectiveness for those ministering to children and youth WEEK 3 - JULY 15-21 Quebec Division • God to strengthen the faith of our young people • Our camping programs to grow and reach people for Jesus • Perseverance and patience for staff in residential centres with challenging clientele • Increased support from the Quebec business community to help sustain our ministry WEEK 4 - JULY 22-28 Partners in Mission – Malawi Territory • Leadership teams at all levels to have wisdom, endurance and insight for ministry • Community development programs, including agriculture, health, child advocacy and small business enterprise • Unity among Christian denominations, the largest religious grouping in the nation • Economic improvement so people can live above the poverty line WEEK 5 - JULY 29-31 Global Call to Prayer • Personal and corporate spiritual renewal • Continued commitment to fight against worldwide injustices
22 I July 2012 I Salvationist
Eckhard Schnabel
nterpreting end-times biblical passages can be tricky. Scholarly debate over apocalyptic imagery has led The Salvation Army over the years to avoid a definitive stance on this controversial subject. The most recent Handbook of Doctrine (2010) has expanded coverage of “last things” to 23 pages, but avoids speculative details. Salvationists who want to understand this subject in more depth will appreciate Eckhard Schnabel’s balanced interpretation in 40 Questions About the End Times. His chapter titles ask common questions, such as: What are the Signs of the End? Who are the 144,000 in Revelation? Does the Modern State of Israel Represent Fulfilment of Biblical Prophecy? Who is the Antichrist? What is the Battle of Armageddon? Designed for both students and general readers, the book frowns on sensationalism and a “newspaper headline” approach that interprets prophecy according to current events. Instead, Schnabel argues that we must read the Bible to understand it, not merely to confirm and defend our preconceived interpretations. He examines the biblical text in light of its first-century historical and cultural context, then applies it to our contemporary situation, showing how the original message of those texts should shape Christian thinking and practice today. This common-sense guide to eschatology will enlighten open-minded Bible students and be a gentle corrective to those whose end-times zeal has led to overly dogmatic conclusions. Though the exact nature of the end times remains a mystery, Schnabel provides invaluable insights to better understand this important dimension of Christian theology and of the whole of Scripture.
Choose Joy
Because happiness isn’t enough Kay Warren When all our fondest hopes and wildest dreams come true, and our hearts nearly explode with happiness, it’s easy to feel joyful. But what about the valleys? When nothing seems to go our way? When everything is falling apart? When God is silent and we feel alone? Where does joy fit into these moments? In Choose Joy, Kay Warren shares the path to soul-satisfying joy regardless of one’s circumstances.
The Most Misused Verses in the Bible
Surprising ways God’s Word is misunderstood Eric J. Bargerhuff “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6). “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it” (John 14:14). Pastor Eric Bargerhuff shows how these and a surprising number of other well-known Bible passages are commonly misunderstood. Even well-intentioned Christians take important verses out of context. The result? Confusion, poor decisions and a distorted view of the Bible. Bargerhuff provides fascinating historical and scriptural insights to help us understand, in context, God’s promises and instructions, and to appreciate the Bible’s eternal message.
The Common Good
Social news websites make collective kindness possible—and relatively easy
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even-year-old Kathleen Edward of Trenton, Mich., U.S.A., was dying of Huntington’s disease, a degenerative brain disorder that also killed her mother. But to make an already difficult situation worse, she and her family were being taunted by a couple of neighbours who had a feud with them. Among other things, these neighbours posted grim photos of Kathleen on Facebook, including one that showed her face as part of a “skull and crossbones.” In October 2010, Kathleen’s story was picked up by a local news outlet and a link to the story was posted on Reddit, a social news website. The reaction among the Reddit community was swift and strong, as their collective outrage turned into collective action. After the news story was posted, a Reddit member (or “redditor”) named Hans Masing suggested that they start a collection to give Kathleen a toy shopping spree. Any money that was not used by Kathleen would be donated to the local children’s hospital. Donations from redditors and toy companies poured in and, by the end of the campaign, approximately $19,500 had been raised. Random acts of collective kindness like this have given Reddit a reputation
for being a community of “do-gooders.” Their campaign for Kathleen is just one of hundreds of good deeds, large and small, that the community has done since Reddit was founded in 2005. For those who are unfamiliar with Reddit, this may come as a surprise. There are many corners of the Internet that do not have a reputation for positive actions. But social news websites like Reddit prove that the Internet is at least as often a force for good as for ill. Though these sites were not made specifically to facilitate activism, their design makes collective kindness possible—and relatively easy. What are Social News Websites? Social news websites provide a unique forum to share and discuss information on the Internet. The content of these websites is entirely determined by users who post stories and comment on stories that are posted by others. Stories can be “up-voted” or “down-voted” by users, meaning that all of the stories on the site are “ranked” according to popularity. Because of this, social news websites have effectively “democratized” the news: a story is important if the community decides that it is, and not just because the mainstream media thinks so. Social news websites thrive because
they encourage user participation. Users know that they can play a significant role in shaping what gains popularity on the Internet. And they know that if a worthy cause comes along, they have a large community that they can appeal to for help. Reddit is not the only social news website out there—Digg and Slashdot are also popular—but it is the biggest, attracting more than two billion page views a month. Social news websites differ from social networks, such as Facebook, in that users do not create a personal profile where they share photos and interests, nor do they have a “wall” that others can write on. But Digg users, for example, can “follow” other users, similar to Twitter, and Reddit users can have “friends.” Crowdsourcing for Christ The acts of kindness performed by Reddit users are a kind of “crowdsourcing,” a process that involves outsourcing a task to a distributed group of people. Because social news websites are an Internet-based phenomenon, users from around the world are able to access the same information and become part of a “crowd” supporting a particular cause. For example, donations to Kathleen Edward’s toy fund came from as far away as India. While most of the crowdsourcing projects that show up on social news websites do not have the backing of any particular group, many Christians do participate. For example, the Christian group (or “subreddit”) on Reddit holds an annual Christmas fundraising campaign. Social news websites can be a powerful platform for anyone who is looking to effect change, mainly because the potential audience is so large. A link (e.g. to an article about human trafficking) posted on Facebook only reaches a user’s friends, while a link posted on Reddit or Digg may reach thousands. Christians can use these websites to spread awareness of an issue, raise money for a particular cause and find out about new issues and causes. The Christian group on Reddit (www. also provides a forum for discussion of general issues. For example, one recent topic was: What does it mean that “God created man in his own image”? Social news websites have a lot to offer, but it is important to keep in mind that they are usually lightly moderated—meaning that there is little censorship, other than that provided by users who can down-vote offensive content—so viewer discretion is advised. Salvationist I July 2012 I 23
CALGARY—Glenmore Temple celebrates the addition of six soldiers and six adherent members to its rolls. Front, from left, Mjr Genevera Vincent, then CO; Min Hee Yang; Darcy McKenzie; Leah Kazmerik; Glen Lee; Lotte Waldolf; Cindy Atkinson; Mjr Eddie Vincent, then CO. Back,
GAMBO, N.L.—The corps in Gambo celebrates three new soldiers. From left, Cpts David and Melanie Rideout, COs; Keith Bennett; Clarence Ward; Lorraine Duffett (reinstated); Evelyn Peckford, holding the flag; CSM Marvin Wells.
KAMLOOPS, B.C.—Mjrs Wayne and Sharleen McTaggart, COs, are pleased to enrol Emily Kerr and Lexi Char as junior soldiers, and Ron Saunders and Forrest Stockstead as senior soldiers. Supporting them are John Noakes, holding the flag; Eleanor Hawkes, pastoral care officer; Wendy Escamilla, youth ministries director. DILDO, N.L.—Irene Williams is commissioned as assistant community care ministries secretary at Trinity Bay South. Supporting her are CCMS Nancy Cranford and Cpts Claudette and Chris Pilgrim, COs. 24 I July 2012 I Salvationist
from left, Jeff Skipper, recruiting sergeant; John (Ui Hwan) Yang; Brenda Sinclair; Delaney Atkinson; Cecil Dean, colour sergeant; Fred Frewin; Adam Waldolf; Vern Atkinson. ROBERT’S ARM, N.L.— During the corps’ 65th anniversary celebrations at Robert’s Arm, Margaret Rice received a pin and certificate recognizing 30 years of faithful service as corps treasurer. Her daughter and sonin-law, Lt-Cols Myra and Wayne Pritchett, DDWM and DC, N.L. Div, made the presentation. With them is Mjr Brian Thomas, CO.
OTTAWA—Barrhaven Church adds new soldiers to its ranks. From left, Matthew Timmermans, colour sergeant; Cpt Chris Rideout, CO; Andre Bissonete; Stephanie Collins; Sharon Rideout; Cpt Tina Rideout, CO; CSM Joan Humphreys.
OTTAWA—Growth at Barrhaven Church results in four local officers being commissioned. From left, Cpt Chris Rideout, CO; CSM Joan Humphreys; Sharon Dean, community care ministries secretary; Gerry Merkel, songster leader; Bram Dean, bandmaster; Jennifer Chappell, cradle roll sergeant; Cpt Tina Rideout, CO; Matthew Timmermans, colour sergeant.
TORONTO—Yorkwoods CC rejoices in the enrolment of six soldiers. From left, Aux-Cpt Alain Luasu, CO; Mariama Jalloh; Anisa Biar; Heather Ortiz, Olufemi Shodunke; Adelheid Kauapirura; Charmaine Kakujaha; Lt-Col Raphael Mason, then territorial multicultural ministries secretary.
ST. JOHN’S, N.L.—Generous partners donated a new vehicle to The Salvation Army for its community and family services. From left, Lisa Anstey, CFS worker; Miriam MacLeod, St. John’s East Rotary Club; Carmen Carroll, St. John’s Northwest Rotary Club; Glenn Barnes, Rotary Club of St. John’s; Bill Healey and Craig Walker, REMAX; Ron Ellsworth, Ellsworth Group of Companies; Felix Loveless, Calco Homes; Lt-Col Wayne Pritchett, DC, N.L. Div; Mjr Wade Budgell, DSPRD, N.L. Div.
GANDER, N.L.—The corps in Gander commissioned two local officers during 66th anniversary celebrations, bringing the total of new local officers to five in the past year. From left, Cpt Cory Pinksen, CO; Envoy Gertrude Hayward, community care ministries secretary; Wayne Pollett, quartermaster; Randy Lane, corps sergeant-major; Cherie Green, assistant corps sergeant-major; Mary Bungay, junior soldier sergeant; Cpt Pamela Pinksen, CO.
LETHBRIDGE, ALTA.—The Salvation Army CC of Lethbridge celebrates the enrolment of Katri Dean, Crystal Schmidt, Lilly George and Ryan Kung. Supporting them are Mjrs Edith and Brian Beveridge, COs; and Mat Guthmiller, holding the flag.
SYDNEY, N.S.— Linda Simpson is Sydney CC’s newest senior soldier. From lef t, Mjrs Daniel and Glenda Roode, then COs; Linda Simpson; Cpts Phyllis and Felipe Vega, then associate COs.
CONCEPTION BAY SOUTH, N.L.—Conception Bay South Corps recently honoured the work of their community care ministries team with a special dinner. Guests for the weekend were Mjrs Wayne and Betty Ann Pike, COs, Deer Lake, N.L., and soloist Carol Ann Reid from Trinity Bay South, N.L. As part of the weekend events, eight new members were enrolled. From left, Ella Mae Taylor; Mjr Lorne Pritchett, CO; Alice Lambert; Evangeline Wiseman; Lorraine Martin; Yvonne Thompson; Patricia Tiller; Joyce Canning; Pam Wooley; Jerry Mercer, holding the flag; Zita Butler, who was re-commissioned as CCM secretary. Twenty-five CCM members regularly visit 24 nursing homes and conduct worship services at two retirement centres each month. At Christmas, they packed and delivered 660 sunshine bags and took fruit baskets to private homes. For eight years they have been providing breakfast twice weekly to a local school. Members also assist with the Christmas kettle campaign and provide refreshments for bereaved families following funeral services at the corps.
WINGHAM, ONT.—Three soldiers were enrolled as part of the 125th anniversary celebrations. From left, Lt-Cols Lee and Deborah Graves, DC and DDWM, Ont. GL Div; Mjr Archie Simmonds, CO; Andrew Byers; Danielle and Mike Ryan; Mjr Marie Simmonds, CO; Cpt Edna Rowe, soldier preparation teacher. Festivities also included a banquet and music concert featuring Suncoast Citadel Band from Goderich, Ont., and the Mudde Family from Barrie, Ont.
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Salvationist I July 2012 I 25
Officer Retirements
Conception Bay South Continues to Grow
Majors Eric and Donna Bond were commissioned in the Messengers of Peace Session (1985-1987). For the next 14 years, they enjoyed various corps appointments across Canada. Their first appointment took them to Port Alberni, B.C., which was followed by ministry at North Vancouver, Halifax Citadel and Toronto’s Agincourt Community Church. They found fulfilment in appointments at three divisional headquarters, first in the then Ontario East Division, with Eric serving as divisional secretary for program and Donna as divisional community care ministries secretary and divisional retired officers secretary, then as divisional leaders in the then Ontario North Division and the then Prairie and Northern Territories Division. Eric and Donna concluded their active service by witnessing and participating in the training and commissioning of new officers at the College for Officer Training in Winnipeg, where he was principal and she was director of spiritual formation. Retiring in Oshawa, Ont., they praise God for a wonderful journey of faith and are grateful for the many opportunities to minister across Canada as Salvation Army officers.
CONCEPTION BAY SOUTH, N.L.—Lt-Cols Wayne and Myra Pritchett, DC and DDWM, N.L. Div, led 104th anniversary celebrations at Conception Bay South. Festivities included a musical program featuring local talent, followed by the cutting of the anniversary cake and fellowship. “Sunday services brought blessing from God’s Word,” says Mjr Winston Dodge, corps member. “Many knelt at the mercy seat for prayer and r e d e d i c a t i o n .” Front, from left, Noah Denny and Shayla Barrett, junior soldiers. Back, from left, Lt-Cols Wayne and Myra Pritchett; retired CSM Harold Perrin; Mjrs Barbara and Lorne Pritchett, COs.
Majors Larry and Phyllis Fudge retired after 25 years of service. Commissioned in 1987 as Messengers of Peace, the Fudges are grateful for God’s peace which they have enjoyed and shared with others. They began ministry in Robert’s Arm, N.L., as corps officers, and continued with appointments in divisional youth leadership in Newfoundland and Labrador and in the then Ontario North Division, and corps ministry in Winnipeg and Triton, N.L. Grateful for God’s goodness and the many wonderful people he placed on their path, retirement will be a time of reflection, restoration and renewal as they minister in the Army as retired officers. They look forward to sharing more time with their grandchildren. Majors Ivan and Pauline Budgell retired following 25 years of joyful service, all of which were spent as corps officers. Originally from Newfoundland and Labrador, Ivan and Pauline were living in Sudbury, Ont., where Ivan worked in the mining industry, when they felt called to be Salvation Army officers. Following their commissioning, they were appointed to the northern Ontario mining community of Timmins, where they served for four years. Appointments in Bracebrige, Ont., Gander, N.L., and Brantford, Ont., preceded their final appointment in Whitby, Ont., where they now reside. “My favourite Scripture verse has been Philippians 1:6,” Ivan says. “ ‘Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in [me] will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.’ ” Sustaining Pauline has been the promise, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Rescued Chilean Miner Testifies in Prince Albert PRINCE ALBERT, SASK.—Members of Prince Albert CC were thrilled to attend a mayor’s breakfast to hear guest speaker Jose Enriquez, one of the miners who spent 69 days trapped in a mine in Chile. He told the story of God’s saving grace while 33 men were trapped 800 metres below the earth’s surface. Enriquez, who is an evangelistic pastor as well as a miner, said the men asked him to be their leader. He told them: “I will be your leader if you choose to accept only the one true living God,” and 22 did.
Mjr Glenn Patey and members of Prince Albert CC with seated guests from Chile: Pastor Alfredo Cooper, chaplain to the Chilean president; Jose Enriquez and his wife, Blanca Hetis
Major William Bowers Receives Diamond Jubilee Medal TORONTO—On April 27, Mjr William Bowers, corps and family services chaplain at Toronto’s Lakeshore CC, received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. The award marks the 2012 celebrations of the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s accession to the throne and to honour achievements made by Canadians. Cpt Lori Mitchell, CO, and Kathy Ratcliff, CFS co-ordinator, nominated Mjr Bowers for this honour. He is one of 60,000 Canadians honoured. “He is very active in the Lakeshore community, providing visitation and counselling, as well as meals every Wednesday for more than 100 people,” says Cpt Mitchell. Kathy Ratcliff; Mjr William Bowers; MP Bernard Trottier, Etobicoke-Lakeshore; Cpt Lori Mitchell
26 I July 2012 I Salvationist
TRIBUTES LETHBRIDGE, ALTA.—Captain John Fredborg was born in Winnipeg in 1951. He became a Christian at a Billy Graham crusade at the age of 14 and attended Victoria Citadel from 1967 to 1980. John had the heart of an evangelist and it was during this period that he created a Bible radio program called The Word of Truth (1975-1980). Still feeling the call to ministry, he entered the College for Officer Training in Toronto as a member of the God’s Messengers Session. Immediately following his commissioning in 1982, John married Lieutenant Kareen Townson and together they served in two corps and four appointments in the then men’s social services department. Due to health concerns, John retired in 2000, and moved to Lethbridge, Alta, where he attended the Army’s Community Church of Lethbridge. John is deeply missed by wife, Kareen; children Mary (James) Linville, Miriam and John; extended family and friends. WINDSOR, ONT.—Clara Winnifred King was a faithful servant of Jesus Christ and a lifelong Salvationist of South Windsor Corps. Born in 1921 in Strathroy, Ont., she moved with her family to Windsor as a young child. Through a neighbour’s invitation, her family began attending and participating in the Army corps, with Clara becoming the pianist when she was 16. She contributed to various ministries in the corps, including Sunday school, singing company, league of mercy, as corps treasurer and seniors’ group leader, and faithfully updated the corps history book until her death. Clara inspired many through her Christian living, including her daughter, Major Cathie Harris (Ray); son, Stewart King (Heather); grandchildren, great-grandchildren; nieces and nephews. WOODSTOCK, ONT.—Major Lynne Elaine Sullivan was born in 1945 in North Bay, Ont. She trained as a dental hygienist and in 1972 became a member of the Followers of Christ Session in Toronto. Commissioned in 1974, she was appointed to the Bethany Home in Halifax and subsequently served in Vancouver, Regina and northern British Columbia. Lynne enjoyed appointments at Victoria Matson Lodge, Kitchener Eventide Home and Kitchener family services, Ont. Further appointments followed as corps officer and in community and family services throughout Ontario. In 1999, she was appointed to the then education department at territorial headquarters until 2001, when she retired. Enjoying retirement in Woodstock, she assisted the corps’ family services during the Christmas effort. Lynne and her caring ministry will be missed by many who welcomed her into their families as one of them. Lynne is remembered by her siblings Pat Hungerford, Alene Harris, Keith Sullivan, Lorna Muslewski, Marjorie Cooke, Norma Ziegler and Jim Sullivan; extended family; nieces and nephews.
The Salvation Army Brandon, Manitoba
125th Anniversary October 13-14, 2012 Special Guests: Majors Wayne and Deborah Bungay Musical Guests: Saskatoon Temple Band Greetings from former officers and friends can be sent to: 9 Princess Avenue E., Brandon MB R7A 1R8 Phone: 204-727-6271; e-mail:
TORONTO—Fredrick Allen Shields was born in Toronto in 1934 and grew up with brothers Glen and Jay, and sisters Loretta, Lila and Linda. He met Muriel Attaway in 1954 and they were married in 1955 at Lisgar St. Corps, Toronto. Allen attended Lisgar St. Corps, Fairbank Corps and York Temple, the latter from 1970 until his promotion to Glory. Allen served as young people’s sergeant-major, recruiting sergeant, band sergeant and in Sunday school. He was a band member and songster and volunteered at the Salvation Army Archives in Toronto. He especially enjoyed playing Santa for 40 years at local malls, churches and libraries. He is survived by wife, Muriel; children Kevin (Joanne), Debbie (Ed Giles), Wayne (Glenda), Larry (Karen) and Bill; 11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. CONCEPTION BAY SOUTH, N.L.—Victor Patrick Howlett was born in 1925. Shortly after marrying Evelyn in 1950, the family moved to Conception Bay South. He especially enjoyed farming and looking after animals. Victor began a new life in 1976 when God delivered him from alcoholism and many trials and hardships. A loyal member of the men’s fellowship, Victor served God faithfully and attended worship services until ill health became an issue. His testimony and prayer were that his family would be impacted by the great change that God had made in his life. Left with cherished memories are Evelyn, his wife of 61 years; daughters Donna (Derek), Sharon; sons Patrick (Sharon), William (Louise), Junior (Kathryn), Jerry (Donna), Fred (Wanda), Edward and Tony (Cathy); 14 grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren; extended family and many friends.
TERRITORIAL Appointments Mjrs Clarence/Karen Ingram, divisional secretary and divisional men’s fellowship secretary, and divisional secretary for women’s ministries, Western Jamaica Div., Caribbean Tty; Mjr Joan McCarter, divisional services to seniors secretary, Alta. and Northern Ttys Div; Mjr Richard Shirran, national SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network) liaison*, U.S.A. National Headquarters; Mjrs John/Donna Goulding**, Glenmore Temple, Calgary, Alta. and Northern Ttys Div; Cpts Ian/Ruth Gillingham***, corps and community/residential services officers, Yellowknife, N.W.T., Alta. and Northern Ttys Div; Cpts Jamie/Elaine Locke***, corps and community and family services officers, Charlottetown CC, P.E.I., Maritime Div; Cpts Royal/Donna Senter***, corps officer/community and family services officer, York CC, Toronto, Ont. CE Div *Additional responsibility; **returing to active service; ***reaccepted for active service Births Mjrs Stephen Court/Danielle Strickland, son, Moses Long service—25 years Mjr Sharon Wilson Promoted to Glory Lt-Col Raymond Homewood, from London, Ont., Apr 26; Mjr Allan Hicks, from Corner Brook, N.L., Apr 30; Brg Gordon Holmes, from Cambridge, Ont., May 7; Mjr Edward Hayden, from Strathroy, Ont., May 8; Mjr Eric Brown, from Toronto, May 15
Commissioners Brian and Rosalie Peddle July 7-15 International Conference of Leaders, Toronto; July 30 opening of Barbara Mitchell Family Resource Centre, Winnipeg Colonels Floyd and Tracey Tidd July 8 public welcome meeting, International Conference of Leaders, Living Arts Centre, Mississauga, Ont. General and Mrs Bramwell Tillsley (Rtd) July 21 Rocky Mount, North Carolina, U.S.A. Canadian Staff Band July 8 public welcome meeting, International Conference of Leaders, Living Arts Centre, Mississauga, Ont. Salvationist I July 2012 I 27
Be a Superhero
As Salvation Army soldiers, we’re called to break the bonds of wickedness and the chains of injustice BY MAJOR DANIELLE STRICKLAND
hen my eldest son was four, he was interested in superheroes. So, when we saw an old War Cry that featured an image of a Salvation Amy soldier armed with a sword fighting an evil dragon, we used it to explain to him how Salvation Soldier was the best superhero of all. However, my son was quick to point out that the Salvation Soldier image was in black and white and must be very old. “There is no more Salvation Soldier,” he declared. “But I’m Salvation Soldier!” responded my husband. “You’re not Salvation Soldier,” said my son. “You just dress like him.” A few years ago, I ministered on the streets of Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, which is Canada’s poorest postal code. With its display of drug use, prostitution, violence and poverty, it was an affront to our sense of a clean and safe Canada. Just being in the presence of that kind of darkness seemed unsafe. But God had unmistakably called us to be present in the darkness as a witness to the power of his light. We were to dispel the dark fear that permeated the area. Fear of the dark seems to keep many of God’s people from working in that neighbourhood and communities like it across the globe. Instead, believers huddle in safe cathedrals or comfortable meeting places and pray that God will protect them and their children from the darkness. The problem with this comes as we wrestle with God’s 28 I July 2012 I Salvationist
Graphic taken from the cover of the May 28, 1921, issue of the Canadian War Cry
Word throughout history. What does the Incarnation of Jesus in the form of a baby during one of Israel’s darkest moments mean for us today? What does it mean for our own calling and sense of mission as an Army of salvation that is meant to go for souls and go for the worst? To find darkness and banish it from the earth? The Salvation Army wasn’t created to respond to need; it was founded to aggressively seek it out. To find the lost and broken. To find the darkness and dispel it by being present with light, hope and power to break the bonds of wickedness and the chains of injustice. I remember one particular walk in which we were accompanied by some senior
and experienced officers who wanted to see what the Army was doing in our area. One of them asked, “What is your safety plan?” As I floundered for an answer, my divisional commander stepped in. “It’s the same plan as the fire department’s,” he said. “We are rescuing people, so when we see something on fire we do exactly what professional firefighters do—we charge in! We get in as fast as we can and rescue as many as we can from the fires of hell, injustice, poverty, prostitution, rape, violence and despair.” Everything got a bit quiet. The visitor then asked, “But isn’t this dangerous? Isn’t this unsafe?” The answer, of course,
is yes. And that’s awkward, unless you believe the gospel. Jesus never calls us to a safe salvation. In fact, it’s the opposite. Following Jesus in the Early Church often meant suffering, persecution and death by violent and dark means. Fear should have motivated the early Christians to stay quiet, lock their doors and pray that God would protect them. Instead, faith drove them out into the darkness and has ever since as the Holy Spirit inspires and empowers believers to let the light shine out of their lives and into the world. This is the calling of Christ. Perhaps it’s time to rescue our salvation message from safety. Embracing risk with faith is how the gospel is made flesh in our day. It’s how our witness stays true to form and how people see God’s love with skin on. We should live the words of C.T. Studd as he charged with his whole life into global missions: “Some wish to live within the sound of church and chapel bell. I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.” May God inspire us to seek the salvation of the world. Let’s do more than dress like Salvation Soldier and be the heroes of God’s Kingdom. Together with her husband, Major Stephen Court, Major Danielle Strickland is the corps officer of Edmonton’s Crossroads Community Church. She has a personal blog at djstricklandremix. This is the last column in the Battle Cry series. Salvationist thanks her for her contributions.
Too Busy to Love?
Do we really care about people outside the Church or just see them as targets for evangelism?
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When the question is asked whether a man is good, one is not interested in what he believes or what are his hopes, but only what he loves. —St. Augustine
n John 4, Jesus spends time with a woman with a bad reputation. They sit at a well together in the heat of the day and talk. She serves Jesus water from the well, and in turn, Jesus offers her eternal life, the water that will never run out. Much has been written about the barriers Jesus broke down in order to speak with this woman. He disregarded societal stigmas regarding interactions with Samaritans. He also dared, as a single man and religious teacher, to be seen with not just a woman, but a woman with a scandalous background. Jesus prioritized the relationship here, and would not miss the opportunity to offer her the greatest gift. It is an intimate encounter in which Jesus went to her very heart. He never once compromised who he was or the truth of his message. Another barrier that Jesus broke down was time. He took the time in the middle of the day to sit down, make a new friend and share a drink of water. It sounds so simple, yet for many of us, time has become an
insurmountable barrier. The third promise statement of The Salvation Army’s Soldier’s Covenant reads: “I will maintain Christian ideals in all my relationships with others; my family and neighbours, my colleagues and fellow Salvationists, those to whom and for whom I am responsible, and the wider community.” In other words, wherever I go, and with whomever I interact, my words and actions will reflect the fact that I am a devoted follower of Jesus. This is a good promise, made even better by its wide scope. Implied in this promise is an understanding that Salvation Army soldiers are committed to maintaining relationships with people outside of church and program, not as an evangelical strategy, but simply as a part of our lives. Author Henri Nouwen puts it this way: “More and more, the desire grows in me simply to walk around, greet people, enter their homes, sit on their doorsteps, play ball, throw water and be known as someone who wants to live with them. It is a privilege to have the time to practise this simple ministry of presence. Still, it is not as simple as it seems. My own desire to be useful, to do something significant, or to be part of some impressive project is
so strong that soon my time is taken up by meetings, conferences, study groups and workshops that prevent me from walking the streets. It is difficult not to have plans, not to organize people around an urgent cause, and not to feel that you are working directly for social progress. But I wonder more and more if the first thing shouldn’t be to know people by name, to eat and drink with them, to listen to their stories and tell your own, and to let them know with words, handshakes and hugs that you do not simply like them, but truly love them.” Here Nouwen delineates a tension that I believe many Christians feel, and certainly is felt by committed Salvationists. We want to spend time with our neighbours, we want to enter homes, sit on doorsteps and play ball. Like Jesus, we desire to relax at the well and meet new people, but we are just so busy. We have our rehearsals, meetings, children’s activities, family obligations and those TV shows each week that we do not want to miss. All of this is OK. It is not sin. However, I would say that it is also not always the best way to use our time. This tension is even implied in the covenant itself. In the seventh statement of the covenant, we promised we would “be actively involved in the life, work, worship and witness of the corps.” This statement is a call to get involved in mission. However, one can only do so much and be present in so many places. Therefore, we must ask ourselves: What is the best thing? How can I make time for others, loving and caring for my neighbours, workmates, and “those to whom and for whom I am responsible”? This leads to further questions: Who is my neighbour? To whom, and for whom, am I responsible? Have I defined this scope too narrowly? John 4 is the perfect example of the heart of the third promise statement. We are called to love, to spend time with people from every background and every class, not to program them, pressure them or to even necessarily invite them to church. However, if we live the heart of this message, and if we uphold the essence of who we are called to be in each and every interaction, the life that flows through us will touch those with whom we come into contact. Our discipline, love, compassion and freedom will be contagious. Rob Perry is the ministry co-ordinator at Toronto’s Corps 614. This is his last article focusing on the Soldier’s Covenant. Salvationist thanks him for his contributions. Salvationist I July 2012 I 29
Why I Love Atheists
We shouldn’t be afraid to engage in dialogue with non-believers. We may just find more in common than we previously thought BY MAJOR JUAN BURRY
love atheists. And I don’t mean with that blanket Christian universal love that suggests we love people because we have to. Some of my best friends are atheists, and so are some of my favourite writers, such as the recently departed Christopher Hitchens. Hitchens was an outspoken radical and intellectual. His 2007 book, God is Not Great, was a scathing rebuke of religion that described how monotheistic faith poisons everything. So it came as a shock when I heard that there was a memorial service held for Hitchens in late April in New York. Of course, memorial services are common after someone dies. Usually conducted by a member of the clergy, the services feature hymns, prayers and sacred readings. But how does one hold such a service for a person who was not only an atheist, but a self-described “antitheist” (i.e. a person who was against the very idea of a supreme being)? I couldn’t imagine anyone close to him allowing a “religious service.” But a service was held that was consistent with Hitchens’ own worldview, focusing on the beauty of the arts, the equality of all 30 I July 2012 I Salvationist
people and a genuine love for our fellow person. It even had a reading from the Apostle Paul. I have to admit that I was saddened when Hitchens passed away last year from cancer. Why did I like Hitchens? Why do I read people like Richard Dawkins and others who stand against the things I value? I do so because their questions are troublesome ones that cause me to think. While I disagree with Hitchens’ contention that faith is a societal ill, I cannot deny his claim that religion, at times, has been an impediment to social progress and that grave crimes have been committed for religion’s sake. So I find myself reading and wondering what I can do to better articulate a Christian worldview. As an officer in The Salvation Army, I have committed “to live to win souls and make their salvation the first purpose of my life.” This includes the atheist. Officers have a hard enough time making converts among those who agree that there is a God. How do I begin talking about God to a person who believes I am deluded for even conceiving one exists? The first
step, for me, is acknowledging our faults and mistakes. Then it is about entering the stage of public discourse and making a reasonable Christian contribution to the issues that face our society. Like most people, I am drawn to people whose values are similar to my own. It is perhaps the single most-important reason that I am a follower of Jesus in The Salvation Army. Christ’s core values of peace, his core teachings of social justice and his core commandments of goodwill are the reasons I find joy in following him. So I can understand why unbelievers mock Christianity when Jesus’ name is politicized by groups who have no obvious concern for their neighbour or the poor. The fact is that many atheists have values that are noble—an overwhelming appreciation and awe of creation (though they wouldn’t call it that), a desire for social improvement and an obligation to fight for human rights and dignity for all people. They’re not all hatemongers who outwardly snicker at us “believers.” Jim Wallis, CEO of Sojourners, tells a story about Patrick Greene, a militant atheist. Greene fought against Christian expression in his community wherever he found it. He was a taxi driver who developed cataracts and needed surgery in order to see properly and retain his job. A Christian woman named Jessica organized people in her church to begin fundraising for Greene’s surgery. However, not only did Christians help, but some atheist friends worked together with the church to raise the money needed. The Christians could have heaped scorn upon Greene and judged him as getting what he deserved. But they didn’t. They showed compassion. They didn’t expect anything in return, such as asking Greene to stop his counter-Christian activity. But in the end, he did just that and became a Christian. Compassion won out. I know many Christians are afraid to encounter people who are admitted atheists. Maybe they feel that they lack the knowledge to debate with unbelievers. Maybe they are ashamed of some of the things they have believed and said. But maybe there is a lot we have in common with our faithless neighbours. Maybe it is about building a bridge and demonstrating the love that Christians are supposed to be known for. We may be surprised to find that there is love on the other side of that bridge, too. Major Juan Burry is the executive director of Victoria’s Addictions and Rehabilitation Centre.
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