Salvationist - October 2015

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Tips for Welcoming Newcomers to Church

Gender Diversity: What Does it Mean for the Army?

Pope Francis Calls Christians to Creation Care


October 2015

What Do 1 Canadians Think of The Salvation Army?


in say the Army does excellent work

3 in 10

donated to the Army last year

New survey reveals room for growth


say the Army is too religious

HOME MISSIONS FOCUS FUND Help meet local mission needs across the Canada and Bermuda Territory. Give generously to the Home Missions Focus Fund during the month of October. Your offering will support ongoing mission initiatives, allow new ministries to begin and enhance existing programs that are reaching people for Christ. All money for Home Missions raised in your division is collected by your divisional headquarters and distributed to selected ministry projects, in your division! For more information related to the Home Missions Focus Fund, visit

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2  October 2015  Salvationist

12:03 PM


Salvationist October 2015 • Volume 10, Number 10



5 Inbox 6 Frontlines

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16 Snapshots of Ministry

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When Oceans Rise by Giselle Randall and Betty Tiede

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19 Spiritual Life Reading Between the Lines by Major Brenda Critch

25 Cross Culture

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26 People & Places 30 Salvation Stories Top Brass by Marcus Venables

Columns 4 Editorial Count Me In! by Geoff Moulton

9 Onward Igniting the Flame by Commissioner Susan McMillan

23 Talking Points Transcending Prejudice by Major Juan Burry

24 Ties That Bind Rooted in Love by Major Kathie Chiu


Features 10 The Giver Thanksgiving is more than turkey and stuffing—it connects us to the source of all good gifts by Carla Evans

11 Repeat Business Ten tips to make new visitors to your church feel welcome by Ken Ramstead

12 Election Fever

@Salvationist Follow us on Twitter for the Army’s breaking news. Use hashtag #SalvationArmy for your own updates and photos Cover photo: ©

Read and share it! October 2015


frıends Inspiration for Living

On October 19, make sure your vote counts by Jessica McKeachie


13 Talking to Canadians

Joel Houston’s Hillsong UNITED bursts onto the big screen

Andrew Grenville explains new research on how the public perceives The Salvation Army and what issues matter most today Interview by Kristin Ostensen

20 The Earth is the Lord’s Pope Francis reminds us to care for our common home by Aimee Patterson


Salvation Army Talks Turkey Are You Climbing a Stairway to Heaven?


B.C. Breakfast Program Creates Community

Salvationist  October 2015  3



Count Me In!

t’s a startling statistic. In the past two general elections in Canada, four out of every 10 eligible voters did not vote. That’s almost half the population. Why such a low turnout? A few years ago, American comedian and late-night talk show host Jay Leno asked his audience how many had watched the presidential debate on TV the previous evening. The applause was subdued and half-hearted. Then he asked, “How many watched American Idol?” The audience erupted in cheers. “There you go,” chided Leno. “You get the government you deserve.” Leno was channelling 19th-century French philosopher Alexis de Tocqueville, a student of western democracy who understood that no vote equals no say in your future. There are many reasons why people don’t show up on election day. Some complain that the candidates are all the same. Others distrust the party leaders. Some feel the entire process is flawed. And yet, government influences so much of our day-to-day lives. With so much on the line, we can’t afford to abdicate our responsibility. Here’s why I will cast my vote: I care about the increasing number of Canadians who depend on food banks to get by. I care about the quality of education and jobs for graduating students. I care about the pollution of our air and Salvationist

is a monthly publication of The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory André Cox General Commissioner Susan McMillan Territorial Commander Lt-Colonel Jim Champ Secretary for Communications Geoff Moulton Editor-in-Chief Giselle Randall Features Editor (416-467-3185) Pamela Richardson News Editor, Production Co-ordinator, Copy Editor (416-422-6112) Kristin Ostensen Associate Editor and Staff Writer 4  October 2015  Salvationist

waterways. I care about honouring our promises to First Nations people and refugees who arrive on our shores seeking safety and freedom. What about you? For this issue of Salvationist, the Vision Critical research firm asked Canadians what they care about (see page 13). The economy, poverty and health care top the list. When asked about The Salvation Army, their opinions are favourable—45 percent think we are doing a very good or excellent job. But before we pat ourselves on the

and care for the planet (see page 20). There are many ways of fulfilling these divine imperatives. We can join with The Salvation Army in its effort to assist the thousands in poverty who come to us for help. We can volunteer our time and donate to worthy causes. But it’s no substitute for exercising our democratic rights as Canadians on election day. That’s why I’ll be at my polling station on October 19. You can count on it! GEOFF MOULTON

Voting is not only a privilege, it’s a sacred trust


back, we need to remember that people vote (and donate) with their hearts. Part of our task is to remind them, by our words and actions, that too many in our country are suffering in poverty. Voting is not only a privilege, it’s a sacred trust. To help you think through the issues, check out Jessica McKeachie’s “election primer” on page 12 this month. God calls us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and look after the sick. He charges us to be good stewards

Timothy Cheng Senior Graphic Designer Brandon Laird Design and Media Specialist Ada Leung Circulation Co-ordinator Ken Ramstead Contributor Agreement No. 40064794, ISSN 1718-5769. Member, The Canadian Church Press. All Scripture references from the Holy Bible, Today’s New International Version (TNIV) © 2001, 2005 International Bible Society. Used by permission of International Bible Society. All rights reserved worldwide. All articles are copyright The Salvation Army Canada and Bermuda Territory and can be reprinted only with written permission.


Annual: Canada $30 (includes GST/ HST); U.S. $36; foreign $41. Available from: The Salvation Army, 2 Overlea Blvd, Toronto ON M4H 1P4. Phone: 416-422-6119; fax: 416-422-6120; e-mail:


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The Salvation Army exists to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world. Salvationist informs readers about the mission and ministry of The Salvation Army in Canada and Bermuda.


Examining the arguments against physician-assisted suicide

Photo: ©


n February, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the Criminal Code provisions against euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide in the case of Carter vs. Canada. In its ruling, the court said that the “prohibition on physician-assisted dying infringes on the right to life, liberty and security of the person in a manner that is not in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.” The court has given the federal government a year to craft legislation to govern this groundbreaking practice. In the meantime, there are many questions about how this ruling will be applied. For example, what criteria need to be met before a person can choose to end his or her life? Can physicians refuse to write a lethal prescription if it presents a religious or philosophical tension for them? Will health-care centres funded by the provincial government, especially those operated by religious organizations, be forced to permit assisted suicide in their facilities? These questions are especially pertinent for The Salvation Army since we operate a number of health-care facilities, many of which deal exclusively

with infirm or elderly people. Our current position statement says, “The Salvation Army believes that euthanasia and assisted suicide are morally wrong, and holds that they should continue to be illegal under Canadian law.” How will we deal with the repercussions if the new legislation compromises our organizational beliefs? For us to answer the question of “how?” we must first deal with the question of “why?” Why is our position statement so unambiguous, even though 84 percent of Canadians agree with the recent ruling (according to a recent Ipsos-Reid poll)? Why do we believe that assisted suicide and euthanasia are wrong? I’ve asked a number of people this question recently, but the responses reveal glaring inconsistencies. Some say the reason we cannot support this practice is because it would be “playing God.” But we allow the health-care system and professionals to do this all the time if it means keeping us alive. If I really believed there should be no medical intervention in my life, I wouldn’t have started taking insulin injections for my diabetes 23 years ago, and I would be dead by now.

So that response, on its own, is flawed. Others will say that our current position is part of an overall “pro-life” philosophy. In other words, we can and should intervene when it means prolonging life because we believe life is sacred and a gift. However, every day good Christian people make heartbreaking decisions not to prolong their lives any longer when they know there is no cure for their illness, either by refusing therapy or not taking medications. In fact, at the hospice where I serve, we do not accept anyone for residency unless they have signed a DNR (do not resuscitate). So, prolonging life is not always promoted in the Army. Before we speak to the Army’s position, perhaps we should consider why some people agree with the Supreme Court’s decision. British Columbia has been at the forefront of this struggle for the right to die. I have heard the arguments first hand. For many, having this right is the most natural and compassionate approach to the end of life. Others argue that making such a practice criminal is an infringement upon our right to make our own choices. A reflex response from Christians is often that we should be more concerned about what God or the Bible says, rather than clamouring for our rights. Unfortunately, the Bible doesn’t specifically deal with this dilemma and the evangelical churches in North America often advocate for personal rights and freedoms when it suits them. Again, I observe inconsistencies. The issue is not an easy one. Working in a hospice, I have seen the use of advanced medical technologies that allow terminal patients to live their remaining days in as much comfort as possible. So I am reticent to agree wholeheartedly with the court ruling. But I have also met residents who have been in such misery that they would choose assisted suicide if they could. Can I accept that others might have a different opinion than I do and support them in their choice? Is that a tension I can live with in the long term? Can The Salvation Army? What do you think? We value respectful discussion on this subject. Join us on to continue the debate. Major Juan Burry is the executive director of Rotary Hospice House in Richmond, B.C.

28 • July 2015 • Salvationist

Room for Improvement Rallying Cry I was interested to read Lt-Colonel Junior Hynes’ article (“Rallying Cry,” July 2015). I have often wondered if I the Salvation Army soldier has been rendered obsolete due to the outsourcing of their traditional role in ministry, which is now conducted by employees. Perhaps the decline in morale among soldiers is a result of their loss of true purpose and identity. I acknowledge that many soldiers faithfully serve the Lord through their corps in voluntary and employed roles; however, it seems that there is minimal expectation and accountability with regards to the fruit produced by the soldier. By choosing to sign the Soldier’s Covenant, the soldier expresses a desire to go beyond the call of duty. If this commitment was accompanied with a high expectation from leadership of producing regular fruit for the kingdom, then PERSPECTIVES

The importance of making soldiers of Jesus and The Salvation Army BY LT-COLONEL JUNIOR HYNES

Photo: Timothy Cheng

I now call upon all present to witness that I enter into this covenant and sign these articles of war of my own free will, convinced that the love of Christ, who died and now lives to save me, requires from me this devotion of my life to his service for the salvation of the whole world, and therefore do here declare my full determination, by God’s help, to be a true soldier of The Salvation Army.

signed this Soldier’s Covenant when I was 14, during a worship service at my corps in Happy Valley, N.L. It was a significant step in my Christian life, a public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ and a commitment to demonstrate my faith through service. My corps officers led me through the ceremony and then prayed with me to ask God’s blessing and help to keep this covenant. Becoming a soldier most closely resembles baptism in other denominations—a true soldier of The Salvation Army is a disciple of Jesus Christ. The word soldier may sound oldfashioned, but it’s who we are—an Army with a mission to share the love of Jesus Christ, meet human needs and be a transforming influence in the communities of our world. To carry out this mission, we need people who are committed to spreading the good news of the gospel and to living out their faith with Christlike compassion. We need people who are ready to serve wherever the Army is engaged in caring, outreach ministries. We need soldiers. The Army seeks to “save souls, grow saints and serve suffering humanity,” as General John Gowans said. But our current declines in attendance and membership can be linked to a lack of emphasis on growing saints or discipleship. Discipleship (or disciple-making) is one

of our new territorial strategic priorities ( We need to make an intentional effort to not only save souls but to help these new converts move toward Christian maturity—to be so moved with gratitude for God’s love and grace that we look for ways to show our gratitude through loving service. I realize that some followers of Jesus make the Army their church home without becoming soldiers, as adherents.

We need people who are ready to serve. We need soldiers

We welcome and celebrate their helpful support and participation. But soldiers have added expectations. They embody integrated mission, holding word and deed together. The Soldier’s Covenant has two parts: a statement of faith (word) and a parallel commitment to putting it into practice, with the grace and help of God (deed). Soldiership ref lects a level of engagement with the Army’s mission,

a level of confidence in what the Army believes and teaches, and a level of practice in living out our faith in Christ as part of his church. It gives our mission legs. Without soldiers, our mission is weakened. So what can we do to help grow saints and make soldiers? Refer to soldiership in a positive way. It’s important for those in leadership to talk about the significance of soldiership and the reasons for new Christians to become soldiers. Share testimonies. Ask people to share why they became a soldier and what it means to them, both young and new Christians, as well as those who have been soldiers for many years. Offer soldier preparation classes. Discuss the solid biblical, theological foundation for soldiership and talk about further steps of faith and service. Study in small groups. After studying the doctrines in my own devotional life, I led a small group through the Army’s statements of faith and the Scriptures that support them. Some in the group were soldiers and some were distant members on a roll, who later made a public declaration of faith. We grew spiritually and deepened our commitment as we studied together. Celebrate. Welcoming new soldiers is a sacred event in the life of the corps. Make it a special occasion with a sacred and celebratory atmosphere. Soldiership is about mission in action in our neighbourhoods and communities. Let’s consider how we can be more intentional about making soldiers—true disciples of Jesus Christ. Lt-Colonel Junior Hynes is the secretary for program services. He will retire with his wife, Lt-Colonel Verna Hynes, in September.

Salvationist • July 2015 • 19

perhaps soldiership would once again become a role to be respected and celebrated. The soldier is not broken; however, there is certainly room for improvement with regards to how the role is utilized in our Army. Shannon Watson Cross Culture Christ in Context I appreciated Cadet Kaitlin Adlam’s W article (“Christ in Context,” August 2015). I live in a context where the culture of my friends, co-workers, church family and also my husband and his family, is very different from the culture I was raised in. Culture is a part of our fabric and identity in ways you can’t even recognize until you’ve left it and embraced others. It certainly is a lens through which we see the world—part of the very fabric of our being. No culture is incompatible with our faith, but culture can have a great influence on how we express ourselves as people of faith. As I type this, I’m thinking of how we praise God in Africa. Such joy! Culture isn’t in itself a problem to overcome. But understanding it leads to deeper relationships with people who are different, which God will use for his glory. Stacey Jeffery Dlamini SALVATION STORIES

What l’ve learned about being all things to all people BY CADET KAITLIN ADLAM

here are you from?” helped me understand what it It sounds like a simmeans to be Mi’kmaq. ple question, but it’s I went on to do a master’s one I have always struggled to degree in social work, and then answer. My story is marked served as the executive director by many changes in setting for a First Nations foster care and characters. Growing up, organization. In the fall of 2014, my family moved every three God opened the door for me to years or so. Each move brought attend training college. challenges and blessings and As I reflect on the lessons I learned to understand and I have learned on my journey adapt to my surroundings. to this point, one thing stands I was born in Peterborough, out: the importance of understanding and adapting to culOnt. We moved to Kingston, Ont., when my parents divorced, ture. Culture is a gift from God, and both remarried when I was a lens through which we are four. Although divorce is not able to make sense of the world. ideal for anyone, this part of my The more we know about difjourney gave me two additional ferent cultures, the better we parents—I have never called can communicate the gospel in these influential people “step” a way that people can underparents—four more grandparstand. When we fail to underents and many cousins. My first stand culture, it can result in public declaration of faith was “Culture is a gift from God,” says Cdt Kaitlin Adlam. “The more we know painful and harmful setbacks about different cultures, the better we can communicate the gospel in a in Kingston. to the gospel, as we have seen Our next move was to way that people can understand” with the legacy of the Indian Truro, N.S., where one teacher Residential Schools. in particular took me under her wing at a time when I felt alone, God made I have come to see 1 Corinthians and taught me about human rights. himself real to me. He was no longer a 9:22-23 as a call to view the world She had lived in South Africa during distant God, but one I could feel—with through the eyes of others to share the apartheid and opened my eyes to injushis arms around me and my head on good news: “I have become all things to tice. She introduced me to the history his shoulder. all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the of slavery, the Holocaust, the impact My journey continued to Winnipeg, sake of the gospel, that I may share in of Indian Residential Schools and where I completed my last semester of its blessings.” environmental concerns. She helped high school as my mother and father Culturally responsive ministry is at me look past differences between people entered training college. At the age of the heart of The Salvation Army’s misto understand the dignity and worth 19, I became an officer’s kid! After high sion. In the early days of the Army, our of all human beings as part of God’s school, I studied social work at Booth creation, instilling a sense of empathy University College, where I was intromusic, clothing, ministry locations, the and social responsibility. duced to the complexity of the Bible, the representation seen in our ranks—even The next stop on my journey was larger patterns and purposes, in ways our outlandish shenanigans—were all London, Ont., where I became a senior I had never heard. This deepened my culturally attuned. The slum sisters, soldier and a member of the candidates’ relationship with God. match factory, pub tunes—all transfellowship. I set my sights on becoming After graduating, I joined my parents formed for the glory of God. We underan officer because I wanted to reach in their first appointment in Bridgewater, stood our time and place, and used that out to people who feel alone and be the N.S., and began exploring my identity understanding to be Christ in that conhands and feet of Christ in this broken and cultural heritage as a non-status text. world. Mi’kmaq woman. My ancestors were Today, ministries with cultural and After London, we moved to Sarnia, from this region and I was able to concontextual relevance excite me. Looking Ont. This was a hard time in my life— nect with the community through the back, I believe God has used my lifetime the typical teenage years where no one Native Council of Nova Scotia. The of cultural adaptation to prepare me for feels normal. But during my struggles, Wildcat community accepted me and ministry as an officer. 30 • August 2015 • Salvationist

Defining Terms Let Them Eat Cake I am writing in response to Major T Juan Burry’s article (“Let Them Eat Cake,” June 2015). He writes: “Discrimination based on sexual orientation is not only illegal in our community; it flies in the face of the most basic biblical principles of love and acceptance.” It is not discriminatory, legally speaking, to believe that homosexuality is wrong. I am not homophobic because I believe this, nor should gays/lesbians be considered heterophobic because they believe I am wrong. How do we understand the biblical meaning of love? Love is not license to embrace the lifestyle espoused by others regardless of what principles it violates in me. If acceptance is agreement with the lifestyle, then I disagree with the definition, but if it means to agree with their right to equal freedoms and respect under the law, I agree. I would have appreciated a little more balance in the article to make it more clear what discrimination is and is not. Major Burry refers to several Scripture passages, but it appears to be little more than proof texting, i.e. using certain verses to support a point without proper reference to the context. With such limited space, it might be better not to use any Bible references at all. Major Joe Bailey TALKING POINTS

Religious rights don’t trump human decency BY MAJOR JUAN BURRY

he subject of religious freedom and discrimination has been in the American news a lot recently. The conversation reached a climax in March, when Indiana introduced the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) in response to a Supreme Court decision limiting religious freedom. Governor Mike Pence argued the Act was intended to protect traditional convictions, but opponents saw it as protection for bigotry—a license to discriminate against gays and lesbians. This concern caused many groups to cut economic ties with Indiana, and the backlash prompted the governor to make changes to the legislation guaranteeing there could be no discrimination based on sexual orientation. Other states took note of what was happening in Indiana and shied away from similar legislation. As a Canadian viewing what was happening across the border, I wondered if a similar drama might play out here. Admittedly, there are significant differences between the socio-political landscapes of our countries. If conservative Indiana had a difficult time pushing RFRA through, one can imagine that such an act would likely never see the light of day in Canada, with our various levels of legislation and human rights protection. However, I am less concerned with the possibility of such an act becoming law in Canada than I am with the attitudes that influence the drive for such measures. I also know that Canadian Christian culture, especially evangelicalism, is significantly shaped by what happens with our neighbours to the south. Whether or not the church has been influenced by the happenings in the United States, there have been recent rumblings within the Canadian evangelical community that echo the concerns of some of Indiana’s Christians. Recently, a group of Canadian Christian leaders sent out a distress signal on Parliament Hill to say they felt their faith was being attacked. They cited a recent commitment by 72 Canadian companies to promote inclusion and diversity as an example. While it seems unfathomable that Christians would moan about companies pledging not to discriminate against the LGBT+ community, one cannot help but wonder if pushing these panic buttons emboldens other Christians to practise discrimination. While the legislation was debated in Indiana, there was a report from Manitoba that a lesbian couple had been denied a daycare spot because of their sexual orientation. The trend toward more LGBT+ discrimination should be very concerning for the church. Discrimination based on sexual orientation is not only illegal in our country; it flies in the face of the most basic biblical principles of love and acceptance. Scripture exhorts us to not only love our neighbours as ourselves (see Luke 10:27, Galatians 5:14), but to not show partiality to one group of people over another (see Acts 10:34, James 2:2-4). While I don’t doubt that many Christians are sincere about their beliefs, we need to balance our concerns with the impact that our moral

Photo: ©


Photo: Carson Samson

A Grey Area Playing God? I am writing in response to Major Juan Burry’s article (“Playing God,” July 2015). I have ministered in various contexts for many years as an ecumenical chaplain, for the past I five years at Ty Watson House, a hospice in Port Alberni, B.C. I have worked first-hand with a caring team of medical professionals, staff and volunteers, dealing with residents and their families facing end-of-life care. Occasionally, in spite of all our attempts to offer effective pain control, a resident will indicate to me that they wish they could “have a shot” that would “end it all.” Now, with the Supreme Court’s ruling, that may be possible, without a physician committing a criminal offence. Wherever assisted suicide has been legalized, it has never been abused. There are too many stringent protective measures in place. It does not open the door to “a slippery slope,” whereby the severely mentally and physically handicapped, or those who are no longer productive in society, are eliminated. As a committed Christian who has always been pro-life, I am beginning to see that this is still a grey area. When an individual’s diagnosis is irreversible and all measures have been taken to control the pain, but to no avail, then some form of palliative sedation may be appropriate. I feel every individual should have that right. A physician who does not want to carry out a patient’s request for assisted euthanasia due to his faith convictions should be free to do so without prosecution. Any palliative patient who feels their pain has become intolerable and medication is not working, may choose to refuse any food or drink, and will die in a short period of time. As professional, caring staff, we ought to be continuously available, offering the best possible care (physical, emotional and spiritual), in a compassionate, loving manner. That is why we have hospice facilities and need ongoing funding to expand this urgently needed area of our health-care system. Rev. Les Bonnell

Discrimination flies in the face of the most basic biblical principles of love and acceptance

choices have upon other people. A Christian baker or daycare owner may not be comfortable providing a service to a gay couple because they see this as a compromise of their beliefs. But can we be comfortable with the real pain this discrimination causes, no matter what the religious motivation may be? Are we comfortable compromising our commitment to love unconditionally and uphold the dignity of others? Rationally speaking, even if one believes gay marriage is sinful, does selling a wedding cake really make one complicit in sin? If you believe that it does, then I have to wonder—what about all of the other weddings that take place in which the participants may be seen to be outside of God’s will? Should Christian business people also refuse to provide services to divorced people? What about Scientologists? It is a proverbial can of worms that we have neither the capacity, nor the right, to involve ourselves in. And since we rarely discriminate based on these other factors, I cannot help but wonder if evangelical discrimination against the gay community reveals a unique contempt that we are loathe to acknowledge. Can we consider that for a moment? The common reply from Christians, when told that they cannot discriminate, is that somehow the system is discriminating against them. But it is not discrimination if the preservation of a basic human right is expected of all people. It is disingenuous for us to ask for our religious freedom to be upheld while we deny the basic rights of those around us. Major Juan Burry is the executive director of Rotary Hospice House in Richmond, B.C.

28 • June 2015 • Salvationist

All letters must include name, address and phone number or e-mail address where the writer can be contacted. Letters may be edited for length and clarity, and may be published in any medium. Salvationist  October 2015  5


Salvation Army Joins Syrian Refugee Project


ifeline Syria, a grassroots resettlement project for Syrian refugees, launched their operation to resettle more than 1,000 Syrian refugees in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) this June. While civil unrest continues in Syria, Canada has committed to supporting the resettlement of 10,000 refugees across the country. The Salvation Army is involved with the project as one of 92 agreement holders, providing a sponsorship avenue between sponsors and refugees. Lifeline Syria hopes to revive the Canadian hospitality that resettled thousands of Vietnamese refugees after the

Vietnam War. “Thirty-five years ago, Operation Lifeline, another grassroots project, privately sponsored 60,000 refugees from Southeast Asia over the course of a year and a half,” says Paula Marshall, immigrant and refugee services liaison at territorial headquarters. “Some people who were involved then are involved now, saying, ‘We’ve achieved this before. Let’s do it again.’ ” Sponsorship groups have sprouted from Rotary clubs, church Bible studies and community groups with a minimum of five people. Funds provided by sponsorship groups will assist refugee families

with housing, food, clothing, education and other needs, meeting the equivalent of Ontario income assistance. “If you have housing that you can offer rent-free for a year, that’s going to reduce the cost,” says Marshall. “Lifeline Syria is looking for people interested in helping with social and emotional support during the settlement, too.” For more information about refugee sponsorship or the Army’s involvement with Lifeline Syria, contact Paula Marshall at paula_marshall@can.

Belleville Army Gets Kitchen Upgrade

D Deborah’s Gate Receives New Funding


eborah’s Gate, a Salvation Army shelter in Vancouver that assists victims of human trafficking, will receive $88,500 to fund a new reintegration program. The funding was announced by Wai Young, member of Parliament for Vancouver South, accompanied by Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Peter MacKay, in July. “Our government is pleased to announce our support for this new program at Deborah’s Gate focusing on one-on-one care for victims of human trafficking,” said Young. “This horrific abuse of human rights is unacceptable and affects all of us.” The funds will allow Deborah’s Gate to develop and implement an 80-week intervention and rehabilitation program for up to 70 women and girls who are victims of human trafficking. The program will help residents develop life and living skills, and will be tailored to address the specific needs of each participant. “The Salvation Army’s commitment to provide innovative and specialized programming for survivors of human trafficking will continue as a result of this support,” said Lt-Colonel Larry Martin, divisional commander, British Columbia Division. 6  October 2015  Salvationist

Photo and story: Steve Petrick, Belleville News

Derland Orstead, DSBA, B.C. Div; Wai Young; Peter MacKay; Larissa Maxwell, manager, The Salvation Army Anti-Human Trafficking Programs; and Les McAusland, Belkin House, welcome the announcement of new funding for Deborah’s Gate

emand is growing for Salvation Army food services in Belleville, Ont., and thanks to a new grant, the Army will be better able to handle big crowds. The Army recently used an $11,000 grant from Hastings County to improve its community and family services lunchroom, purchasing a new dishwasher, commercial coffee brewer and—most important—a large commercial gas stove. It’s all needed because the old kitchen appliances were installed at a time when service wasn’t so high. About a decade ago, the lunch room would typically serve 50 to 60 people a day, says Abby Mills, director of community and family services. Today, The Salvation Army draws between 115 and 125 for free lunch services. “We’re feeding so many more people than this kitchen was designed for,” says Mills. “We served 19,333 lunches last year. This year, we’re on track to match that.” The grant was made possible after the federal government pledged $592,700 to the county in 2014 as part of its Homelessness Partnering Strategy.

Abby Mills stands by the new commercial gas stove in The Salvation Army’s lunchroom


Army Aids Thousands After Wildfires


hen hundreds of wildfires threatened the province of Saskatchewan this summer, The Salvation Army stepped in, providing food, clothing and more to thousands affected by the fires. The Army’s emergency response, which began on June 26 and ended 26 days later, was largely housed at three reception centres, two in Saskatoon and one in Prince Albert. During this period, the Army served more than 36,000 meals at these centres, while its thrift stores in Saskatoon, Regina and Prince Albert handed out more than 17,000 changes of clothing. “The peak of this crisis was like something out of an apocalyptic movie,” says Major Mike Hoeft, area emergency disaster services director, Prairie Division. “The smoke covered the entire province.” Major Hoeft says the Army in Saskatchewan typically does evacuation responses three or four times per summer, which last from three to five days, and may give out 10 clothing vouchers per response. “This one was quite different in that people had very little notice to evacuate,” he explains. “They would often get to the bus and discover that there was no room for luggage, so they arrived at the reception centres with only the clothes they were wearing.” In addition to providing practical assistance, the nearly 300 volunteers who took part in the effort provided spiritual and emotional care. “When we’re serving food, cleaning up tables or giving out vouchers, it’s easy to say, ‘And how are you?’ ” says Major Hoeft. “There were a lot of opportunities for us to speak into the lives of the people we served.


By the Numbers 26 days 6,658 clothing vouchers

4,071 volunteer hours 2,525 bagged lunches

17,514 changes of clothes

21,333 snacks

292 volunteers

36,650 meals

Wayne Mantyka, long-time Army volunteer and reporter for CTV in Regina, serves at a reception centre in Saskatoon

Two evacuees and a Red Cross worker receive a meal at a Salvation Army reception centre

“Our volunteers did a great job of getting to know people on a personal level,” he continues. “When people came through the food line—even though there were, at times, up to 650 people

at one reception centre—our volunteers were able to call a lot of them by first name, to make them feel as though they were seen and someone understood what they were going through.”

Chief of the Staff Opens Russia Command

he Chief of the Staff, Commissioner William Roberts, and Commissioner Nancy Roberts, World Secretary for Women’s Ministries, received a traditional breadand-salt welcome to the Russian capital, Moscow, where they inaugurated the new Russia Command and installed the new officer commanding, Lt-Colonel Alexander Kharkov. In recent years, the country has been part of the Eastern Europe Territory, but Russia became a Salvation Army command in its own right on August 1, 2015.

The Chief of the Staff told the congregation at Moscow Corps: “The eyes of The Salvation Army world are upon us,” before conducting the ceremonies to dedicate the new command to God and install its leader. There was a sense of excitement from Salvationists and friends who had gathered from across the vast nation as the Chief expressed his gratitude to the Lord for the work and ministry that has gone on over the past 24 years—since Salvation Army ministry recommenced in Russia in 1991—and prayed for God’s leading into the future. Salvationist  October 2015  7



Heat Relief for Winnipeg

hen a heatwave hit Winnipeg in August, with humidity indexes reaching 40 C, The Salvation Army stepped in to ensure community members were well hydrated. Major Rob Kerr, divisional secretary for public relations and development, Prairie Division, led a group of volunteers from his office into Central Park in the downtown core of Winnipeg, providing more than 1,100 bottles of water during this two-day outreach. “We saw this as an extension of our existing services to the people of the city’s core,” says Major Kerr. “Giving out a bottle of water seems like such a simple thing but it gave us opportunities to talk to people, hear their stories and find out how we can help them on the next step on their life’s journey. I believe we not only served their physical need for water but also demonstrated to each person we met that they are important to us and we care about them." Arthur Heathcote hands off a water bottle to a passing cyclist

Are You an


he Honourable Mr. Justice Russell S. Brown, Justice of the Court of Appeal of Alberta and a valued member of The Salvation Army’s Edmonton Advisory Board, has been appointed to the Supreme Court of Canada effective August 31, 2015. Justice Brown succeeds retiring Justice Marshall Rothstein. Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin said, “Justice Brown is a distinguished jurist. He brings a rich background as an academic, practitioner and judge. I look forward to his contributions to the court.” Justice Brown holds a bachelor of arts degree from the University of British Columbia, a bachelor of laws degree from the University of Victoria and a master of laws and doctor of judicial science degrees from the University of Toronto. He has experience in the areas of commercial law, medical negligence, personal injury, trusts and estates, and competition law. He has been a member of the Edmonton Advisory Board since September 2013. 8  October 2015  Salvationist

Come to an

Editorial Workshop (Includes tips on writing, photography and web design)

Friday, November 6 Calgary, Location TBD Time: 6-9 p.m.

Saturday, November 7 The Salvation Army Edmonton Temple 9115 75 St. NW Time: 10 a.m.–3 p.m.

Presenters: Lt-Colonel Jim Champ Territorial Secretary for Communications

Geoff Moulton Editor-in-Chief and Literary Secretary

Cost: $10 (includes lunch)

RSVP to the Editorial Dept. at or 416-422-6119

Photo: ©

Edmonton Advisory Board Member Appointed to Supreme Court

Aspiring Writer?


Photo: © Brey

Igniting the Flame

The international congress is over, but there are boundless opportunities here at home BY COMMISSIONER SUSAN McMILLAN


t’s hard to believe that the Boundless international congress was more than two months ago. We planned and prayed for it for several months and then suddenly it was over. Now we need to think about how to make the most of the time, money and energy that went into this grand event. I, for one, believe that it was a valid and important investment. My message today goes out to all those from the Canada and Bermuda Territory who represented us at Boundless—don’t just chalk it up to a nice experience. Ask yourself: • How can I put what I heard, saw and experienced at Boundless into practice? • How can I share this experience in my corps and my community? • W hat lessons did I learn through the testimonies of Salvationists from around the world, who are serving God in ways that are different from my experience thus far? • Did the message from God’s Word in a particular session speak to my heart, highlighting an area of my own life that needs to change? • Was the music something that lifted

my spirit to realize more clearly the presence of God in my life? • W hen my heart swelled with holy pride at the sight of so many Salvationists marching down that historic avenue toward Buckingham Palace, did the Spirit prod me to take to the streets of my own community and share the gospel of Jesus Christ? So what’s next? Where do we go from here? How can we realize the value of Boundless for our own ministry here at home? Paul wrote to Timothy, his young protégé, “I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you” (2 Timothy 1:6). I heard someone say in a sermon many years ago: “It is in the nature of fire to go out.” That is why Paul had to remind Timothy to “fan into flame” the gift of God. This is signi f ica nt for us as Salvationists. We have all the resources of heaven to do the work God has called us to do. Yet, I fear we have, in many instances, allowed the fire to go out. We have not invested ourselves in the ministry of the Army; we have simply lamented when programs or ministries have closed.

What can I do to fan into flame the gifts that God has given to his Army? How can I make a difference in the world? Those of us who were privileged to attend the international congress this year have a special responsibility to keep the fire burning brightly. By this, of course, I mean that we need to make sure to bring the Boundless experience home and use what God has given us to change the world. For those who weren’t able to attend the congress, I trust many of you were able to participate by live streaming. I hope all of us can take up the challenge of boundless opportunities for reaching people with the life-changing message of the gospel. “[Jesus] commanded us to preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name” (Acts 10:42-43). Commissioner Susan McMillan is the territorial commander of the Canada and Bermuda Territory. Follow Commissioner McMillan at facebook. com/susanmcmillantc and salvationarmytc.

Take the Boundless Challenge

Did you attend the Boundless congress? Here are some ways to keep the spirit of Boundless alive and spread its message. •W rite down the things you learned at Boundless, while they are fresh in your mind, so you can return to them later • S hare a personal testimony during a service about your experience at Boundless •W atch the main sessions again online ( and share the videos with others, at a church service or on social media •H ave a Boundless Sunday that features testimonies, reports and video clips from various sessions •H old meetings to pray for the international Army •C onnect with one or more delegates from another country and then exchange updates and prayer requests on a regular basis •A dd your own Boundless testimony at

Salvationist  October 2015  9

The Giver

Thanksgiving is more than turkey and stuffing—it connects us to the source of all good gifts


hen I think of gratitude, my mind goes back a few years to when my daughter was in kindergarten. As is typical in October, her class made harvest crafts and read stories about autumn and pumpkins. They also learned and performed a song for parents: Merci, merci, pour ma famille et mes amis (Thank you for my family and my friends). As they sang, I wondered if they, or the teacher, had considered whom they were thanking. More Than a Feeling This story reminds me that thankfulness is not simply a song or feeling, or even a discipline, but is always connected to a source and a relationship. While the public school system, and the world, will scarcely acknowledge God as the source of these good gifts, perhaps they would recognize that we have an inner longing to express thankfulness to something— or someone—beyond ourselves. I don’t claim to find this matter of the heart an easy one, even as a Christian. Anyone who knows me well will tell you that I usually see the glass as half empty, or even see a crack in it. I am often perplexed when I meet people who seem inclined to be positive and optimistic. I don’t naturally find myself in a posture of thankfulness, but I have discovered and experienced the power of practising gratitude by God’s grace. It’s not a self-help exercise to become more of the person you want to be. It’s not a season of the year to check off your list. True thankfulness is a gift of God in response to the reality of who God is. 10  October 2015  Salvationist

Thankfulness, for me, only comes when I live in openness to God’s Spirit. It is only in that place of grace and truth that my practice of thankfulness can grow. Over and over in Scripture, we find the words, “Give thanks to the Lord.” The psalmists and writers of the epistles knew something about the power of thankfulness in the lives of God’s created beings. Through thanksgiving, we can come to know God and reorient our lives to God’s intended place for us. Psalm 100 (ESV) reads: “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Know that the Lord, he is God! It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name! For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures forever, and his faithfulness to all generations.” Making it a Habit When we enter into thanksgiving and praise, our minds and hearts are reoriented to life in God. If we experience this regularly, our thankfulness can become a habit and heart-posture. This is a transformative life in God. As thank-

fulness and joy invade my heart, other things begin to shift: I am more likely to see the best in others instead of judging them; I’m more likely to be inspired toward love and good deeds instead of serving myself; and I’m more likely to think on what is lovely, pure and honourable, setting a trajectory for my life toward the things of God’s kingdom. We can be duped by our culture into thinking we are thankful this season by simply going through the motions. But as we fix our turkeys and invite our family over for a Thanksgiving meal, let’s consider a few things: Are you celebrating Thanksgiving in all the traditional ways, but notice nothing has changed in the way you treat others? Are you singing the songs, cooking the turkey and maybe even reciting some prayers, without connecting to God, your Creator? It’s alarming to consider we could be like that kindergarten class, singing undirected thanks, missing the opportunity to know God more deeply and find our lives more fully in Christ. Express your thanks to God. Consider whom you are thanking. Rest in the truth that you are his. Open your heart to God’s grace, allowing you to perceive his goodness and the gift of his presence. Find fulfilment and true thankfulness in being connected with the source of every good and perfect gift. Carla Evans lives in Vancouver, with her husband, Jonathan, and three children, where they are launching a new corps called Boundless Vancouver. She studies spiritual formation at Carey Theological College and loves getting outside to enjoy Vancouver’s beautiful seawall.

Photo: © Business


Repeat Business

Ten tips to make new visitors to your church feel welcome BY KEN RAMSTEAD


ou’ll love it!” my friend, Linda Leigh, gushed as we drove into the parking lot of Oshawa Temple, Ont., with her husband, Steve. She was right. The corps officers, Colonels Lynette and Lindsay Rowe, were dynamic, the worship band was rocking and the congregation was engaged. It was a happenin’ place. Linda and her husband were involved in the service so I was by myself in the pew, a stranger. Before the service even started, I was approached by no less than four people, not counting the corps officers, who introduced themselves, asked about me and told me to seek them out if I needed help. I filled out a contact form, and more than a couple of people told me they hoped I would return. What a contrast from my previous first-time visit to a corps that will remain nameless. I was out of town about five years ago and decided to drop in at a nearby Salvation Army church. I was a stranger there, too, yet I was able to enter, find a pew and get through the entire service without once being asked if I was new, how I enjoyed the service or if I needed assistance. If we want to grow our congregations, we have to make worshippers feel welcome—and want to return.

Here are a few tips from corps that are getting it right: 1. Prep Work. “Newcomers seek out your church long before they step foot in it,” says Captain Nyree Bond, corps officer at Richmond Hill Community Church, Ont. “Establish your online presence with a Facebook page or website to highlight your church ministry. Make sure the location, contact information and service times are easy to find. And put key information on the church sign and answering machine.” 2. Greetings! “A roster of smiling and joyful greeters are assigned for every Sunday at Oshawa Temple,” says Colonel Lynette Rowe. “We’re intentional in making people feel as though they are members of the family. Lindsay and I are also available to those entering the building. We greet people with a smile, a handshake and a warm, sincere welcome.” 3. S eat and Repeat. “A welcome at the door should be followed up by a different person greeting them in their seat and then introducing them to someone else at the church,” states Captain Deana Zelinsky,

Salvationist  October 2015  11

Photo: © Debenport

area commander for the Ontario Central-East Division but formerly corps officer at North Toronto Community Church. 4. Care Package. “All new visitors receive a welcome package that contains information on our services and ministries, and a small gift of a bookmark and pen,” says Lieutenant Darryl Burry, corps officer at Kelowna Community Church in British Columbia. 5. Greeters and Lingerers. “We have wonderful greeters, but we also have intentional ‘lingerers,’ ” says Captain Melissa Mailman, corps officer at Yarmouth Community Church, N.S. “The term refers to soldiers or members who hang out in the foyer to engage people after they have been greeted and welcomed into the church. They begin conversations, and answer questions.” 6. J ust for Kids. “We have a spot where children can go to get their ‘wiggles’ out and be with friends before the service,” says Captain Mailman. “Having a place for the kids also helps parents who are new to the church feel at ease, if they fear their kids will be too rambunctious.” 7. Good Shepherds. “At Montreal Citadel, everyone is linked to a ‘shepherd’ who will contact them from time to time to see how they are doing and who will encourage them when they are not able to come or have any particular concerns. It’s fostered an attitude of caring for one another,” says Colonel Eleanor Shepherd, corps officer. 8. O pposite of Hello. “We are at the door following the service, to offer our ‘God bless you’ to people as they leave and to wish them all the best for the upcoming week,” says Colonel Lynette Rowe. 9. One Lump or Two? “We provide coffee both before the service in the morning, for those who arrive early and like to leave as soon as the service finishes, and after the service, for those who arrive late and like to linger,” states Colonel Shepherd. 10 . Follow Up. “If someone has attended for a couple of weeks in a row, follow up with a handwritten note or a phone call,” says Captain Zelinsky.

Election Fever On October 19, make sure your vote counts Photo: ©



n August 3, Prime Minister Stephen Harper started the longest federal election campaign period in Canada since 1872. Over 78 days, representatives from each party will attempt to lure voters with promises of better policies, new programs, lower taxes and a generally better government. Party leaders will cross the country shaking hands, kissing babies, debating, trading veiled—and blatant— insults, all in an effort to gain attention and support. It would be easy to get overwhelmed or disinterested in the constant barrage of information and opinions about the candidates and parties. But rather than viewing it as an annoyance, try to see this election as an opportunity to engage in democracy. In the last two federal elections, close to 40 percent of Canadians didn’t cast a ballot. That works out to more than nine million registered voters. While some argue that one vote doesn’t make a difference, the statistics tell a different story. In the last election, no party received as many votes as people who didn’t vote. Your vote counts!

2011 Election Turnout Did Not Vote Conservative

affordable and quality housing as a way to support lowincome individuals and families? • How will their party respond to the recommendations delivered by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission? Consider the fact that there are now more seats in the House of Commons than ever before. Under new boundaries drawn up by Elections Canada, 30 new ridings were created. Also, an estimated 55 members of Parliament will not be running in this election, which means a record number of seats—85 of the 338 ridings across Canada—are open, with no incumbent candidate. Living in a democracy, with the freedom to choose our leaders, is a privilege and a responsibility. Don’t waste the opportunity. Your voice matters, so make it heard. In the words of William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canada’s 10th prime minister, “where there is little or no public opinion, there is likely to be bad government.” Jessica McKeachie is The Salvation Army’s public affairs director in the Canada and Bermuda Territory. Connect with her at


How to Vote








Millions of Registered Voters

Get Informed The good news is that an 11-week election campaign offers Canadians more opportunity than ever before to learn about the candidates, the parties and their platforms. Issues such as poverty, homelessness, human trafficking and Indigenous rights are concerns for every community across our country. What do you care about? Poverty? Climate change? Health care? Your member of Parliament will be your local representative in government, so meet the candidates running in your riding and ask them questions. For example: • How will they and their party work to establish an overall strategy to reduce poverty, with measurable and attainable goals? • W hat are their party’s plans to ensure more accessible, 12  October 2015  Salvationist

Step 1: Check if you are registered to vote. Elections Canada’s website ( makes it easy. Enter your name, birthdate and address, and Elections Canada will confirm your electoral district (note: this may have changed under the new boundaries), and whether you are registered to vote at your current address. Step 2: Get registered. Follow the appropriate links online or head down to your local polling office with two pieces of government identification (at least one of which contains your address). Under new rules, you’ll also need these when you vote—either one piece of government identification with your address or two pieces of ID, one with your current address (e.g. a passport and a utility bill). Step 3: Educate yourself. Take time to learn about each of the parties and the candidates in your riding. Step 4: Mark your calendar and vote. Election Day is October 19, 2015. Polling stations will be open all day and into the evening. Advance polls will also be open October 9-12, from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. Voting at Elections Canada offices or by mail are also options.

Andrew Grenville explains new research on how the public perceives The Salvation Army and what issues matter most today


years of hard work and it’s paid off. The Army has done a good job of being in the public eye. A good part of the survey looked at issues that are important to Canadians. What did people say were the most important issues facing our leaders today?

Photo: ©

When we asked people, open-endedly, what was important to them, it wasn’t social issues. It was the economy, jobs and unemployment, health care, terrorism and the environment. What’s not there, notably, is social services, poverty—a lot of the issues that The Salvation Army is really strong on. Although, when people express concern about the economy, could that indicate a concern about poverty? Unemployment and poverty are directly related to how well the economy is doing.


h at d o e s th e ave r a g e Canadian think of The Salvation Army? In May 2015, the Vision Critical research firm asked 1,002 Canadians from across the country for their honest opinions, revealing which Canadians are most likely to support us— and why. The survey also asked Canadians about how the Army compares to other charitable organizations, as well as the most important issues facing our society today. Andrew Grenville, chief research officer at Vision Critical and member of the Army’s National A d v is o r y B o a rd , explains the findings of the survey to Kristin Ostensen, associate editor of Salvationist.

According to the survey, how well do Canadians know The Salvation Army?

The majority of Canadians say that they’re reasonably familiar with the Army—84 percent of the population say they know something about you and can rate you. That’s huge because there are not many organizations or brands that 84 percent of Canadians would say they could rate. Then the fact that they rate you so positively is absolutely tremendous. The Army has an image that is completely outsized relative to the size of the organization. How does the familiarity compare with other charitable organizations?

It’s as strong as the Red Cross and the Canadian Cancer Society, which are ubiquitous and have been for a long time. The Army has been around for 150 years—that’s 150

Absolutely, but it’s how you frame it. Are you worried about my job? I’m worried about my job—as opposed to being concerned about someone else who might be suffering as a result of the poor economy. It tends to be more self-oriented. Does that suggest a gap in awareness? Later in the survey, when you asked Canadians specifically about social issues, poverty was a top concern.

Part of the beauty of the open-ended question—which is the first question in the survey—is that it’s intended to bring up what’s really on people’s minds. That question is telling us that poverty is not foremost in Canadians’ minds. But it’s an issue that, when you ask people about it, they’re interested in it. Which other social issues were most important to Canadians? Salvationist  October 2015  13

Things like homelessness, unemployment, income inequality, low wages, health. Interestingly, we also asked about momentum on a bunch of different issues—cancer, heart health, mental health, poverty, child poverty, homelessness—and for things like cancer and heart health, people said things are getting better or staying the same. But when we asked about poverty in general and child poverty in particular, the majority of Canadians said that things are getting worse or, at best, staying the same. Very few people think that there’s been any progress on changing the situation in terms of poverty. They’re not optimistic.

What would you say are the most important social problems in Canada today? Social assistance1




Health care









1 Poverty/help the poor (21%), homelessness (8%), affordable housing (4%), food/hunger (3%), child poverty (2%), welfare (2%) 2 Unemployment/jobs (11%), income gap/ inequality (10%), low wages (2%), taxes (2%), youth unemployment (2%)

What are the implications for the Army, given that those are the kinds of issues we focus on?

3 Health (14%), addiction (4%), aging/ seniors (4%), mental health (4%)

I think one is that you need to raise the issue and remind people that poverty is always before us, and it’s not getting better, but it’s something they can help with.

In the past few years, this issue has … Improved

Stayed the same



Heart Health



Mental Health 7

Poverty in general







Yes, I think the Army’s advertising campaigns are totally on target. They’re all about raising awareness and helping people understand and identify with those who are suffering in poverty. They’re very powerful in terms of putting a human face to


55 45

A lot of our recent advertising has been geared that way.




Child Poverty

Become worse

37 49 42

In order of importance in driving overall support for The Salvation Army

Attributes Canadians associate with The Salvation Army, in order of importance

Honest Dignity Down-to-earth Always ready to help Being too religious Compassion

25% 65%

14  October 2015  Salvationist

60% 64% 53% 6% 70% 76% 12% 49% 50% 21%

How many Canadians support the Army financially?

About 30 percent have donated to the Army in the past year—almost 10 million people. That’s an amazing reach. Most people are not donating very much and they’re donating through the kettles. So the kettles are the perfect outreach platform, as a way to help people connect to the Army. They make the Army very visible, and it’s a chance for people to say, “I think you guys are doing a great job. Here’s some money to keep doing what you’re doing.” So the kettle campaign has an impact on the public that’s far greater than just the amount of money that’s raised. How do people see The Salvation Army?

The Army has very positive regard in Canada. Forty-five percent of Canadians say the work done by the Army is excellent or very good, with one in five saying the work done by the Army is excellent. Those happen to be the same people who donate, so the more people who are aware of what the Army does, and how well they do it, the more likely they are to want to support it. So that number, at 45 percent, is very strong. What attributes do people associate with us?

54% 53% 53% 54%

8% Respect Open to all in need Helps everyone, regardless Being too aggressive Helping vulnerable people Helping the homeless Not helping everyone in need Successful Helping end poverty in Canada Innovative

poverty and help you realize that these are people just like you who are caught in a situation that’s terrible. They push you to realize that you can identify with these people and, therefore, you’re more likely to want to help.

The most common perceptions are that you help vulnerable people, you help the homeless, and you do so with compassion. And then there’s a set of attributes that about half the population says describes the Army: honest, dignity, down-to-earth and always ready to help. If you believe that The Salvation Army is those four things, you are much more likely to be a strong supporter. So the interesting thing is that it’s not what the Army does—because everyone agrees that you help the homeless—it’s how the Army does it. It’s the character that the Army brings to the services it provides that makes the difference. I think that’s a real testament

to the spirit of the Army. Honesty, dignity, down-to-earth, always ready to help, compassion—it sounds like the Army is acting in a Christlike way and Canadians get it. And that’s not because you’re clever at marketing. It’s because the people who are aware of what the Army does actually experience that. It’s the way the Army lives—not just what it says, but its actions and the way it carries out those actions. That’s incredibly powerful because that suggests it’s a lived experience. I think the Army should be really proud of that.

It’s not what the Army does … it’s how the Army does it. It’s the character that the Army brings to the services it provides that makes the difference

On the other hand, are there any threats to the positive image we’ve cultivated?

There are a few people—about a quarter of the population—who think the Army is too religious. But the Army’s a church and that’s not going to change—the Army shouldn’t apologize for being religious. The religiosity is what drives the compassion, the need to be honest, so I don’t think that’s a problem. We asked about the attribute “not helping everyone in need,” and only 12 percent of the population thinks that describes The Salvation Army, which is very low—lower than other organizations. And 53 percent said the Army “helps everyone, regardless of sexual orientation or identity.” So there are some who think that the Army may not be particularly tolerant, or too religious, but it’s a very small portion of the population. So no, there aren’t a lot of threats. How do opinions about the Army vary among age demographics?

The older you are, the more positive

you are about the Army. And that’s true of a number of organizations, including the Red Cross, Heart and Stroke and Canadian Cancer Society. Partly, that’s a function of life. The longer you’ve been around, the more you become aware of what’s going on. But there’s also the reality that the Army had a big impact on some prior generations and that has carried over. For example, my dad was in the Second World War. The Army helped him when he was in the RAF. He came back to Canada and he did the Red Shield Appeal as a door knocker, and he always spoke positively about the Army. But today, there isn’t that same wave of many people who were touched by the Army.

Rate the work done by these organizations Very Good Red Cross


Canadian Cancer Society



Salvation Army



Heart and Stroke



United Way World Vision


24 13

13 9


% of Canadians

Donations in the past 12 months Canadian Cancer Society


Heart and Stroke

How do you think that presents both a challenge and an opportunity?


Salvation Army


It says you need to continue to work hard to make people aware of the good you do—things like advertising campaigns, the kettles and the Santa Shuffle, where you’re out in public and people see you. That helps people remember and learn what you do. The Army needs to make sure that their light isn’t shining under a basket, that their good deeds are known. You don’t want to go out and be boastful, but you do want to be honest about what you’re doing. The fact that the Army is the largest non-governmental provider of social services in Canada is astonishing. How many people would be aware of that? We’ve seen that people want to support the Army, and when they have a chance and you’re in front of them, they’ll hand over some money—a huge number of Canadians will do that. It would be great if we could give them more opportunities to support the work the Army’s doing.

tremendous people there and they’re doing great work. In places like Newfoundland and Labrador, where the Army historically has had a huge presence, people are more likely to be off-the-charts in favour of the Army. But I think it just shows that to know you is to love you. The more people who are aware of the Army and see what it does, the more favourable they are. In fact, I think the situation in Newfoundland and Labrador is an amazing testament to the Army, because if the Army were not of good character, then it would be most apparent to the people who are most familiar with the Army.

Were there any interesting regional differences in the survey results?

Looking at the survey as a whole, were there any results that surprised you?

The Army’s profile is lower in Quebec, but there are a lot of factors at play. You don’t have nearly the same number of members there. There’s the English-language orientation of the Army. And there’s the former predominantly Roman Catholic nature of the province. That’s just a reality—that’s not the fault of the Army. It’s something the Army is working to change. There are

No, but it was encouraging to see that the Army’s character is apparent to a lot of Canadians and, when it is, they really are supportive. Tell people what you’re doing and they will want to support you; give them more opportunities to support you and they will. It says, keep doing what you’re doing, keep making a difference, and people will come along and help you, and that’s pretty powerful.

Red Cross


United Way World Vision

23 8

Salvationist  October 2015  15


When Oceans Rise Ocean Crest Community Church in Campbell River, B.C., is a lighthouse for the community

Photos: Betty Tiede


From left, Scarlett, Chef Connie, Bonnie and Mike in the kitchen at the Dinner Bell program. Students receive training in food preparation and cooking. Scarlett joined the program in October 2013 and is now a mentor. “It has made me feel more comfortable in the kitchen and given me confidence in other jobs as well,” she says. “I can do more than what I give


ampbell River, B.C., stretches along the east coast of Vancouver Island, with the ocean on one side, forest on the other and mountain views in every direction. It’s a landscape that draws people who love the outdoors and is known as a retirement destination. But the city has suffered economically since the closure of the mill several years ago and many people struggle to find work. Affordable housing is also in short supply. The Salvation Army’s Ocean Crest Ministries reaches out to the community in several ways. At the Lighthouse Centre, more than 20,000 meals are 16  October 2015  Salvationist

myself credit for. I have the satisfaction of giving back to the community. And it has helped me stay in recovery by giving me lots of support.” This year, Scarlett received a Hope Award, given to those who have gone through mental health/addiction issues and overcome their obstacles. The Dinner Bell program catered the afternoon tea for 100 guests.

served each year. A drop-in program offers laundry and shower facilities along with a clothing bank. Emergency shelter is available during the coldest months of the year. The Dinner Bell program, a partnership between Ocean Crest Community Church and Island Health, provides vocational training in the food services industry, producing nutritious, affordable meals for people with mental illness or addictions. “I love what I do,” says Connie Preston, a professional cook who leads the program. “The students are enthusiastic, and it’s immensely satisfying to see their skills—and their self-esteem—

improve. I see them gain the confidence and inspiration to make other positive changes in their lives.” Campbell River is located near two First Nations communities. “God has blessed us with growth among First Nations people over the past year, with the number from that community increasing from an average of one or two, to 10-12, on Sunday morning,” says Captain Gordon Taylor, corps officer. “We also help support Esperanza, a ministry to the First Nations community on the west side of Vancouver Island, sending a youth team to do a work weekend each year to help prepare the camp for the summer.”


“The Salvation Army has been a lifesaver over the years,” says Melody. “They have helped me with everything. I have begun training as a facilitator for a program called ‘Smart Recovery.’ I could never have done it without the Army’s help.”

Hazen Taylor in the dish pit at the Lighthouse Centre. “Volunteering is a great way to meet the community,” he says. “It’s a pleasure to serve those in need.” Captain Gordon Taylor helps out in the dining room.

“The Salvation Army has provided everything from a place to stay to help with legal issues,” says Peter. “It has made a big difference in my life.”

David Kiff, custodian at the Lighthouse Centre, sorts clothing for the drop-in program, which offers laundry and shower facilities. “This is the most fun and fulfilling job I have ever had,” he says.

Ingrid has come to the Lighthouse Centre for lunch every day for many years. “It stretches my pennies so I can live within my budget,” she says.

“I love my job because of the co-workers and clients I work with,” says Carol James, family services worker at the Lighthouse Centre. “It brings me joy to help people in need, to do God’s work.” Last year, more than 400 households received assistance through referrals, emergency food hampers and vouchers for clothing, linens and household supplies.

Salvationist  October 2015  17


Angela Benoit, thrift store manager, helps stock items on the shop floor.

Catherine Crowe is a longtime volunteer at the Salvation Army thrift store. “The staff are so friendly and kind and they are very helpful with training and teaching,” she says. “Volunteering is giving me experience for the future.”

Photo: Lt-Col Peter Roed

Crystal shops at the Salvation Army thrift store. “It’s great for the community,” she says. “It helps the environment by recycling, and I appreciate the reasonable prices. I like that the Army is a Christian organization that provides tangible, hands-on support.”

Ocean Crest Community Church gathers for worship.

18  October 2015  Salvationist


Reading Between the Lines How the practice of lectio divina can help us feast on the Word of God


s your devotional life deepening your intimacy with God? When you read the Bible, do you feel you have had an encounter with the Word behind the words? Are you reading for information or transformation? A few years ago I was introduced to a contemplative, prayerful approach to Scripture reading called lectio divina—Latin for divine or sacred reading—a practice that I have found deeply satisfying and life-giving. A primary reason to learn this ancient practice of “feasting on the Word” is a genuine desire to experience spiritual transformation. In her book Life Together in Christ: Experiencing Transformation in Community, Ruth Haley Barton defines spiritual transformation as “the process by which Christ is formed in us—for the glory of God, for the abundance of our lives and for the sake of others.” Lectio divina provides us with a means of opening to God, deepening our intimacy with him and encouraging the holy life. Lectio divina has four movements: read, reflect, respond and rest. Read Begin with a slow, reflective reading (lectio) of a short passage of Scripture, preferably four to eight verses. In this reading, you seek to be open to the Spirit’s prompting, giving you a word, phrase or verse. Sometimes it may jump off the page, other times it may not be quite so dramatic. For the times

where there may seem to be nothing at all, it is appropriate to simply choose a word or phrase. Once you become aware of your word or phrase, you take a moment to ponder it and simply rest in what you have received, knowing it is for you at this time. Reflect Read the passage again, taking time to ponder and meditate upon (meditatio) the word or phrase God has brought to your attention. In this phase, it is appropriate to ask such questions as: “God, why are you drawing me to these words today? How are these words touching my life in this moment?” Respond This is your opportunity to respond to the words God has “spoken” to you. In now the third reading of the passage, your desire is to discern how God is inviting you to pray (oratio), as well as listening for your own spontaneous, honest response. Your prayer may express adoration, petition, confession, affirmation, thanksgiving or interces-

sion, or any combination of these aspects of prayer. In this movement, your heart is more engaged and so your prayer may include emotions such as joy, love, sorrow, anger, discouragement, hope, gratitude or fear. Rest While reading the passage a final time, allow the words to wash over you, simply resting (contemplatio) in the presence and love of God. No further reflection, response or words are necessary. You remain silent and in a posture of openness, yieldedness and connectedness to God, experiencing refreshment for the journey and waiting for one final word he may wish to speak. Some writers include a fifth movement, where you resolve (incarnatio) to internalize and live out this word from the Lord in the activities of your everyday life, continuing to be attentive to the Spirit. The lectio divina approach to Scripture reading is not intended to be a rigid process. It is not diffi-

cult, does not require a lot of time and can be adapted and used occasionally, daily or in a group setting. Personally, when I practise it, I will often only read the passage once or twice, receive my “word” and then take the remaining time for reflecting, responding and resting. For a nyone se ek i ng to embrace this spiritual practice, begin with a few moments of silence; choose a place where you can experience solitude and quietness, sit comfortably, take a few deep breaths and invite the Lord to speak to you. I have found that it is beneficial to journal as well; writing out the phrase or verse slows me down and helps me ponder it, and writing the prayer helps to keep me focused. My lectio divina journals have become wonderful personal reminders of God’s guidance, provision, faithfulness and love. Through the practice of lectio divina I have experienced real encounters with God, been strengthened in my faith and have grown in my love for Scripture. It is truly a gift from God. Major Brenda Critch is the divisional director of women’s ministries and divisional secretary for spiritual life development in the Prairie Division.

For further reading: • Sacred Rhythms: Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation by Ruth Haley Barton • Opening to God: Lectio Divina and Life as Prayer by David G. Benner Salvationist  October 2015  19

Photo: ©


The Earth is the Lord’s Pope Francis reminds us to care for our common home


n June, Pope Francis issued a letter, Laudato Si’ (Praise Be to You), that draws attention to humangenerated climate change and other harms that threaten our common home. The encyclical is addressed to every person living on the planet. Pope Francis cites widely, referencing secular scientists, philosophers and even a Muslim mystic. He is mindful that, regardless of one’s faith perspective, “we are agreed today that the earth is essentially a shared inheritance, whose fruits are meant to benefit everyone.” Francis’ com20  October 2015  Salvationist

BY AIMEE PATTERSON mitment to care for creation is motivated by a passion for social justice. Our well-being depends upon the condition of the environment that sustains us. Therefore, we should all have access to a safe, healthy environment. What is often not given enough attention is that this idea goes both ways: the Pope’s commitment to social justice is motivated by his passionate concern for creation. We Are All Connected To grasp this mutual relationship, we need to see the universe as Francis sees

it. His foundational observation is that everything is connected. This idea has been drawn upon by figures throughout history, from Leonardo da Vinci to Martin Luther King Jr. But the Pope seems to point toward the thought of ecologists like Barry Commoner. Commoner claimed this idea as the first of his four laws of ecology, maintaining that what affects one thing affects all things. The scientific word for this is ecosystem. Each part of an ecosystem acts on other parts in complex, dynamic ways. We tend to forget that we are part of the natural world. For most of us, life is

The Land is Mine Later in this story, human beings are created. God calls them to fill the earth and use its resources for sustenance (see Genesis 1:27-29). The text also says that humans are created to subdue the earth and rule over other forms of animal life. It appears that amongst living creatures and within nature’s web of interdependence, human beings are somehow extraordinary. We are created in God’s own image.

Intrinsic Worth All creation has intrinsic worth in God’s eyes. Returning to the first creation story, we read that it is when God’s creation is complete—when the ecological web of interrelationship is woven—that the natural world is celebrated as very good (see Genesis 1:31). What is more, while the world is enslaved by humanity’s sinfulness, Christ comes to redeem not only human beings but the entire cosmos (see Romans 8:19-22). Indeed, we can say with

For most of us, life is lived inside buildings and supplemented by technological devices

lived inside buildings and supplemented by technological devices. It’s no wonder that we so easily lose sight of our connection with the natural world. But Pope Francis reminds us that human beings are natural beings, and we, too, live interdependently with the rest of creation. Ecosystems provide the resources necessary to support and sustain life—human and otherwise. Clearly, nature is valuable because of its usefulness to us. But the pontiff doesn’t limit nature’s value to its utility. He insists God values ecosystems and all their natural inhabitants in other ways, too. In fact, Francis’ understanding of Scripture entails that the natural world has been created not merely to sustain human life; nature has intrinsic value—it is valuable in and of itself. In Christian theology, intrinsic value is commonly applied to human beings. Less often expressed is the intrinsic worth of the rest of the cosmos. According to the first creation story

Salvationist  October 2015  21

Photo: © Nivens

in Genesis, even before humans arrive on the scene, individual elements of creation are celebrated by God as good (see Genesis 1:1-25). That is, they are good in and of themselves, apart from any sense of their usefulness. At the same time, the text is clear that God involves the earth itself in producing new kinds of life (see Genesis 1:11-12, 1:24-25). The ecological dependence of animals and vegetation on the land is figured into God’s creative work.

Christians have applied all sorts of interpretations to the phrase “image of God.” It’s perhaps impossible to explain it comprehensively. But, without doubt, human beings, male and female, were created to be in a unique kind of relationship with God, as well as with each other and the rest of creation. Among the things that make us unique in the natural world is our ability to act with intention at a level that greatly surpasses that of any other creature. Not only do we engage the universe, we can also study and evaluate the consequences of our engagement. This is one way we “rule” in creation. But we do not, the Pope insists, own creation. God is sovereign. Francis supports this statement by making reference to God’s words in Leviticus 25:23 (RSV): “… the land is mine; for you are strangers and sojourners with me.” Leviticus also contains just provisions for the land. The fields that yield crops and the vineyards that bear fruit are to be left alone on a periodic basis. Even today we understand the importance of fallow seasons in farming. Responsible engagement with the land offers benefits to human and non-human forms of life. While human beings have a unique relationship with God, this does not mean the rest of creation is not in relationship with God. God delights in all creation (see Psalm 104:31). And the Scriptures are full of commands for nature to praise God—not only the creatures that breathe, but also the sun, moon and stars, the dry earth, the oceans and even the weather! All are called to praise God (see Psalm 148). It is not remiss to turn to the old story of St. Francis of Assisi preaching to the birds. He echoes the words of Jesus, telling them to be joyful and thankful because God has provided enough for them and their offspring to live. The birds respond in kind, praising God in song and flight.


Bermuda Congress

NOVEMBER 12 - 15, 2015 International Leaders

Led by Featuring The Bermuda Divisional Band

General André Cox and Commissioner silvia Cox

Supported by

Territorial Leaders

Commissioner Susan McMillan

Divisional Leaders

Colonels Mark and Sharon Tillsley

Majors Frank and Rita Pittman

event schedule





Thursday, November 12


Opening Ceremonies

City Hall, Hamilton

Friday, November 13


Saturday, November 14

Sunday, November 15

Officers Councils

Hamilton Princess Hotel


March of Witness

Front Street, Hamilton


Welcome Meeting

Hamilton Princess Hotel


Prayer Breakfast by Ticket

North Street Citadel


Boundless Celebration

City Hall, Hamilton


Youth Bash

North Street Citadel


Morning Worship

Hamilton Princess Hotel


Junior Congress

Hamilton Princess Hotel

Boundless Praise

Hamilton Princess Hotel


For more information call 292-0601 or visit

shown in the way we exercise our Godgiven talents and creativity. And we have been created for a life of interdependence with the rest of creation. But without understanding the delight God takes in all creation, we will continue to be overcome by the temptation to exploit and exhaust nature’s resources for the purpose of fulfilling our self-centred desires. Francis calls us back to responsible action. The earth needs periodic rest if it is to be blessed with abundance. A Change of Heart Each of us is capable of great evils such as selfishness and indifference. But we are also capable of rising above ourselves and choosing to celebrate what is very good. Although the Pope does not pretend to know all the practical ways this change of heart might work itself out, he speaks in favour of a drastic change in lifestyle for those of us in economically developed societies. We must move away from defining success in terms of economic profit. We must be less envious of those who have more than us and learn to become spiritually detached from our possessions. We must use less, waste less and pollute less. Simply put, we are called to live a simple life. “Christian spirituality,” writes Francis, “proposes a growth marked by moderation and the capacity to be happy with little.” We are followers of Jesus, a man who had nowhere to lay his head and who challenged his disciples to seek eternal treasure. How many of us can say we would be happy with little? It’s a difficult challenge, to be sure. But consider going for a walk in a park, taking time to appreciate its God-given beauty. If we remain attentive to our embeddedness in the natural world, we can be mobilized to live responsibly in our common home. For Further Reflection:

the prophet, the whole earth is full of God’s glory (see Isaiah 6:3). This basic understanding that all creation has intrinsic goodness provides a foundation for Pope Francis’ ethical approach to nature. The Pope wants all of us living on this planet to have a change of heart and cultivate a fresh appreciation for the beauty of a universe that exists first of all for the glory of God. What does this change of heart entail from a moral and behavioural point of view? Our ability to act in intentional and sophisticated ways goes hand-in-hand 22  October 2015  Salvationist

with a moral responsibility to care about how our actions impact other aspects of creation. As our technological capacities grow, the effect we have on the planet and its ecosystems becomes increasingly hazardous. Wastefulness and consumerism impact the welfare of the natural environment and the people who inhabit the planet. Without a change of heart, says Francis, the consequences of our behaviour will only worsen. Does this mean that we are not permitted to use nature in ways that sustain us? No. A great part of God’s glory is

• What would it look like to use only what I need? • What changes can I make to my daily habits that would limit waste and pollution? • What is God calling me to give up? • Do I trust that God will care for me?

Dr. Aimee Patterson is a Christian ethics consultant at The Salvation Army Ethics Centre in Winnipeg.


Transcending Prejudice Is gender important to God? BY MAJOR JUAN BURRY

Photo: © Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP


ne of the biggest news stories of 2015 was Caitlyn Jenner coming out as a transgender woman. In an interview with television reporter Diane Sawyer, Jenner—a gold medal-winning Olympic athlete, formerly known as Bruce Jenner—revealed she had dealt with gender dysphoria during adolescence and was, “for all intents and purposes … a woman.” That announcement thrust Caitlyn into the limelight and she has arguably become the most famous transgender person in the world. The subject of gender identity and reassignment has become a hot topic of conversation in our society, including in the church. Over the last few months, I have read numerous articles, blogs and social media posts that have weighed in on this issue. I avoided becoming involved in these online debates, not because I feared taking one side or the other, but because I felt uninformed about the issue. I have done a lot of reading on LGBT issues and have gay and lesbian friends and colleagues. But gender identification is not the same thing as sexual orientation. Even though, for the sake of advocacy and mutual support, transgender people are grouped together with people who identify as non-heterosexual (the “T” in LGBT), being transgender is independent of sexual attraction. Transgender people may be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or asexual. While I had to admit I wasn’t well informed on this issue and had not been an ardent supporter of the transgender community in any tangible way, I didn’t feel scandalized by Caitlyn’s story. I’ve never been hung up on gender identification or gender roles. My wife and I have never conformed to traditional gender roles, either as marital partners, parents or officers. I don’t consider myself the “head of the household” because I am male. I may have paid lip service to that idea as a young officer, but I knew it wasn’t accurate in practice. As far as our children go, we have been equally involved in their lives. I haven’t

Caitlyn Jenner accepts the Arthur Ashe award for courage at the ESPY Awards at the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles

shied away from anything because it is a “woman’s job.” If we bring anything different to the table as parents, and as officers, it is because of our individual aptitudes and abilities, irrespective of gender. So, on the one hand, because of my general “gender blindness,” Caitlyn’s story didn’t shock or disgust me. On the other hand, because of that same blindness, I have to admit that I can’t fully understand it, either. It’s hard to imagine what it would feel like to believe your gender doesn’t match your physical body. Gender is not about one’s biological sex. According to the American Psychological Association, “gender refers to the attitudes, feelings and behaviours that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex.” People may identify as transgender when their biological sex doesn’t match their gender identification. But what does it mean to be male or female in our culture? Are there any attitudes or feelings that remain solely feminine in nature? Are there behaviours in our society that we can say are exclusively masculine? One of the things I have learned in recent years is that gender cannot be an “either/or” approach. Instead, it’s helpful to look at

it as a spectrum. So I’m a little saddened and confused when I hear that people feel the need to change their physical bodies in order to fit a set of societal expectations, which is essentially what gender is. When I feel that way for Caitlyn, I have to remind myself that I cannot possibly understand her struggle. I try to put myself in her shoes and empathize with her. When I do that, I come back to my original premise that gender is mostly inconsequential. I know there are many Christians who disagree with this approach and still see traditional gender roles as very important. But when Paul wrote to the Galatians, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Galatians 3:28, emphasis mine), I think it meant something more than just being equal. I think it meant that these things are not important to God. My gender identification is no more important to him than my ethnic origin or economic status. So if it isn’t important to him, why is it important to us? Major Juan Burry is the executive director of Rotary Hospice House in Richmond, B.C. Salvationist  October 2015  23


Rooted in Love This summer, I added long-lost relatives to my family tree


our eyes are the same colour as mine!” I exclaimed as I looked at the woman in front of me. My eyes are blue with flecks of yellow and a distinctive dark blue rim, making them sometimes appear green. No one else in my family has eyes the same colours, but here they were in a woman in London, England, whom I had never met. I was in London to attend the Boundless congress. Afterward, we stayed for a vacation to visit friends and meet family for the first time. When my mother’s siblings in England died, we lost track of their children and had no way to find them—until the Internet. In the early 2000s, I placed a query on an ancestry website. A few years later, a young man contacted me and said, “I think we’re related!” From there, our search for other family members continued. I saw familiar features—jawline, colouring, nose shape—among all the longlost cousins I met while in England. The strong resemblance is clear in a picture of me with two of my cousins. One of my cousins has a granddaughter with clubfoot—I was born with clubfoot. Another cousin’s granddaughter has celiac disease—I have it and one of my granddaughters does, too. It was a special treat to see a picture of my grandmother, Norah Harman, with some of her children in 1922: my Aunt Caroline with her first baby; my Aunt Norah, who was about six years old; and my mother, a toddler, out-offocus because she could never stay still. My grandmother isn’t smiling and has a hand on her hip. She’s dressed in drab clothing and it looks like she may have been pregnant. She seems tired and worn out. She died less than two years after the picture was taken. 24  October 2015  Salvationist

Just like the DNA written in our cells, we are woven together by the Spirit that lives within us A few of my cousins are researching the family tree, as I am. We’re all stuck at the birth record for our grandmother. But the birth record for our grandfather shows that his mother was from Dublin, Ireland. That was a revelation for all of us—and explains the red hair and feisty nature many in the family seem to have. Everyone wants to belong. Many people have a strong desire to know where they came from and who their ancestors were. Adopted children want to know whom they look like. One of my granddaughters is a little mini-me—same blond hair, blue-green eyes and person-

ality. She always mentions it when we see each other, because it’s special for her to know she’s connected so deeply to someone. All of my grandchildren can see themselves in various aunts, uncles and grandparents. It reinforces the feeling that they’re part of the family. I’m so happy to be part of the family of God. For Christians, this is the ultimate family. Not only are we adopted into God’s family, but we have God’s forever love lavished on us. 1 John 3:1 (CEB) says, “See what kind of love the Father has given to us in that we should be called God’s children, and that is what we are!” We can look back to all those who have gone before us in the family of God. Their stories of courage, fortitude and faith, in spite of great obstacles, give us hope. Their stories of the marvellous miracles of God encourage us and their faith inspires us. Their flaws and failures let us know that we’re not alone in our imperfections. Their names are written in the book of life and recorded in Scripture for all to read. On top of that, we have the gift of the precious Holy Spirit to unite us. Of course, no family is perfect. But there are certain markers we can use to identify who belongs to our family. Just like the DNA written in our cells, we are woven together by the Spirit that lives within us. Finding long-lost family on my trip to England was exciting and gave me a sense of belonging. But nothing can beat the feeling of knowing I’m loved by my heavenly Father—to know I’ve been adopted by him and belong to the family of God. Major Kathie Chiu is the corps officer at Richmond Community Church, B.C.

Illustration: ©



New Tube Six TV shows to check out this fall



or many, choosing which new TV shows to watch each fall is an annual tradition. With dozens of programs on offer, and only so much time to watch, how does one decide? If you’re looking for programs that are fun and thought-provoking, here are six shows that are worth a look. We’ve got some characters that are old (think childhood faves), plenty of others who are new; one show that’s borrowed (from Venezuela), and a hero dressed in red and blue. New on the Small Screen You, Me and the End of the World Who says the Apocalypse has to be all doom and gloom? This new one-hour dramedy follows an eclectic group of characters whose lives intersect when they learn that a comet is on an unavoidable collision course with Earth. Among the group are Father Jude Sutton (Rob Lowe, Parks and Recreation), an unusual priest; Rhonda McNeil (Jenna Fischer, The Office), an escaped death-row prisoner; Sister Celine Leonti (Gaia Scodellaro), a nun; a white supremacist; a mild-mannered banker, and more. What kind of future will they build together? The Muppets Granted, this isn’t entirely a new show. But after two recent, successful films, the Muppets are coming back to television—the first time in non-animated form since their long-running variety show ended in 1981. The new Muppets won’t be resurrecting that format, however. Instead, it will be a mockumentary, following the Muppets in their day-to-day lives as the crew behind a fictional late-night talk show, Up Late with Miss Piggy. While keeping the familiar charm, the show promises to be the Muppets for the 21st century. Grandfathered Jimmy Martino (John Stamos, a.k.a. the “cool” uncle from Full House) is a successful restaurant owner and committed bachelor who was never sure if he wanted a family— until one suddenly drops in his lap. Thanks to a brief relationship he had more than 20 years ago, Jimmy has a long-lost son, Gerald (Josh Peck), who in turn has a daughter of his own, making Jimmy a grandfather overnight. A comedy with heart, Grandfathered is about finding—and losing—yourself in that strange but loving institution we call family. Supergirl As the summer box office and the fall TV lineups continue to prove, the superhero craze is far from over. It’s not hard to see the appeal. Their commitment to justice, to helping those

in need while expecting nothing in return—there’s a reason they’re called “heroes.” Part of what makes Supergirl one of the most anticipated shows this fall is its departure from the usual male-centric narrative (as opposed to, say, Superman, Batman, Spider-Man … and so on). As the show begins, Kara (Melissa Benoist) is a lowly assistant to media mogul Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart). But knowing she’s capable of so much more, given her Kryptonian superpowers, Kara embraces her calling as protector of National City. In Case You Missed It Fresh Off the Boat It’s an experience almost everyone has had at some point in their lives—moving to a new town and struggling to adapt. In Fresh Off the Boat, the situation is made more complicated by the central family’s cultural background and immigrant status. Set in the mid-1990s, the show follows the Huang family as they move from Chinatown in Washington, D.C., to Orlando, Florida—a city with little in the way of a Chinese community. As well as the typical family sitcom hijinks, the show offers some poignant points about race and the treatment of “outsiders,” using cringe-worthy situations and laughs to drive home greater truths. Fresh Off the Boat starts its second season this fall. Jane the Virgin Jane Villanueva (Gina Rodriguez) is a young, devout Catholic woman, committed to saving herself for marriage. And it looks like that’s just around the corner—she and her boyfriend, Michael (Brett Dier), have been dating for two years and are getting ready to tie the knot. Imagine everyone’s surprise, then, when Jane suddenly becomes pregnant. (No, it’s not another “immaculate conception,” as Jane’s mother originally hopes.) Thanks to a mix-up at the doctor’s office, Jane has been artificially inseminated—and the biological father happens to be Rafael (Justin Baldoni), the owner of the hotel where Jane works. The first season follows Jane as she makes a number of difficult decisions regarding her future and that of her unborn child, with the help of her Latina mother and grandmother. When Rodriguez, who won a Golden Globe for her performance in season one, and the gang return this fall, they will face a whole new set of challenges now that Jane has given birth. Salvationist  October 2015  25


SUSSEX, N.B.—Three senior soldiers and eight adherents are enrolled at Sussex CC. From left, Mjr Judy Folkins, CO; Nathan Nagle, Warren Mitten and John Gailey Jr., senior soldiers; Leon Daigle, Pamela Nelson, Elizabeth Macumber,

Edie Darrell, John Gailey, Ryan Gailey, Kathleen Gailey and Peter Goddard, adherents; and Mjr Stan Folkins, CO.

FREDERICTON—Salvationists at Fredericton CC celebrate as they burn the corps’ mortgage, which was paid off seven years ahead of schedule. Joining in the happy occasion are Mjrs Larry and Judy Goudie, then COs; Mjr Alison Cowling, DC, Maritime Div; and several members of the original planning committee, including Doreen Fleet, Joyce Ferneyhough, CSM Betty Young, Keith Young, Dennis Baird and Bill Russell.

ST. ALBERT, ALTA.—The corps family in St. Albert welcomes two new senior soldiers and one adherent to their fellowship. From left, ACSM Gary Haynes, holding the flag; Rosemarie Chase, senior soldier; Joan Pyke, adherent; and Dorothy Cox, senior soldier. YELLOWKNIFE—The Army in the Northwest Territories is strengthened as two senior soldiers are enrolled in Yellowknife. From left, Cpt Ian Gillingham, then CO; Michelle Martin and Joyce Nyamazana, senior soldiers; Rudy Mouthaan, holding the flag; and Cpt Ruth Gillingham, then CO. 26  October 2015  Salvationist

PEACE RIVER, ALTA.—Shelly Mecredi and Margaret Davie are the newest senior soldiers at Peace River CC.

PRINCE GEORGE, B.C.—Prince George CC commissions a number of local officers to provide support and leadership for corps ministries and activities. From left, Cpt Crystal Wilkinson, CO; Jo Nore, 50 Plus secretary; Mjr Al Hoeft, holding the flag; JSS Johanna Hamblin; Robert McMullen, quartermaster; CCMS Janet Thompson; HLS Jeanne Fujikawa; RS Michelle Lui; and Cpt Neil Wilkinson, CO.

S T. J O H N ’ S , N.L.—Mjr Rene Loveless, CO, and Lorraine Pope, youth ministry director, welcome Megan Diamond as the newest senior soldier at St. John’s Temple.


ORILLIA, ONT.—Young people at Orillia Corps worked hard to raise $687.50 for this year’s Partners in Mission campaign, helping the congregation exceed its goal of $12,000 by $4,000.

CO N C E P T I O N BAY SOUTH, N.L.—Three people take a stand for Christ as they are enrolled as senior soldiers at Conception Bay South Corps. From left, Kim Hart and Linda Wheadon, senior soldiers; Ambrose Payne, colour sergeant; and Gordon Wheadon, senior soldier.

CALGARY—Mjr Ron Cartmell, DC, Alta. & N.T. Div, presents retired officer Col William Ratcliffe with a Certificate of Exceptional Service, the highest honour to be awarded by the Canada and Bermuda Tty, in recognition of the colonel’s 15 years of service as pastoral care officer at Glenmore Temple. Supporting her husband is Col Marion Ratcliffe.

GAZETTE INTERNATIONAL Appointments: Nov 1—Comrs Brian/Rosalie Peddle, COS/WSWM; Col Dawn Heatwole, ZSWM, Americas and Caribbean, IHQ, with rank of comr; Cols David/Sharron Hudson, NCS/NSWM, U.S.A. NHQ; Lt-Cols Douglas/ Colleen Riley, CS/TSWM, U.S.A. Western Tty; Nov 2—Col Merle Heatwole, IS, Americas and Caribbean, IHQ, with rank of comr; Dec 1—Lt-Cols Lucien/ Marie Lamartiniere, TC/TPWM, Democratic Republic of Congo Tty, with rank of comr; Lt-Cols Graçia/Lydia Matondo, CS/TSWM, Democratic Republic of Congo Tty; Mjrs Dieudonné/Philippine Tsilulu, RC/RPWM, Mali Region TERRITORIAL Births: Lts Peter/Ruth Hickman, son, Oakley Pierson, Jul 15; Cpts David/ Melanie Rideout, daughter, Abigail Dawn, Jul 28 Marriage: Cpt Stephen McNeilly to Dureise Jean, Jul 18 Appointments: Lt-Col Ann Braund, territorial secretary for spiritual life development, THQ (full time); Cpt Serge Brunet, chaplain, Montreal Booth Centre, Que. Div; Cpt Yvette Brunet, chaplain, Montreal Women’s Emergency Shelter/L’abri d’espoir/Hébergement d’urgence pour femmes, Que. Div; Cpt Rock Marcoux/Cpt Mélisa Tardif, Église communautaire de Trois-Rivières, Que. Div Retirements: Mjrs Albert/Barbara Bain, Leonard/Heather Ballantine Promoted to glory: Mjr George Cave, from St. John’s, N.L., Aug 3

CALENDAR ST. ALBERT, ALTA.—Maxim Corey-Baglole and Jessica Corey-Baglole are dedicated back to God by their parents, Pamela Corey and Rob Baglole, at St. Albert Church and Community Centre. Supporting them are ACSM Gary Haynes, holding the flag, and Lts Peter and Grace Kim, then COs. COMFORT COVE, N.L.— Sidney Lewis receives a certificate recognizing 27 years of faithful service as the corps treasurer at Comfort Cove/Newstead Corps. Making the presentation are Mjr Karen and Cpt George Crocker, COs.

Commissioner Susan McMillan: Oct 1-2 National Advisory Board, Calgary; Oct 14-16 Maritime Div; Oct 20-23 Information Technology—The Next Generation, JPCC Colonels Mark and Sharon Tillsley: Oct 1-2 National Advisory Board, Calgary*; Oct 3-4 men’s camp, Pine Lake Camp, Alta. & N.T. Div*; Oct 8 spiritual day, Oshawa Temple, Ont.; Oct 14-15 review, Ont. GL Div; Oct 17-18 Belleville Citadel, Ont.; Oct 24-25 CFOT, Winnipeg; Oct 27–Nov 10 Holy Land tour (*Colonel Mark Tillsley only) General Bramwell Tillsley (Rtd): Oct 29 Shepherd Village Chapel, Toronto Canadian Staff Band: Oct 3-4 Parry Sound, Ont.


Subscribe today at Salvationist  October 2015  27

PEOPLE & PLACES GRAND FALLS-WINDSOR, N.L.—Two young people from Grand Falls Citadel went the extra mile to support this year’s Partners in Mission campaign. FAR LEFT: Caroline Thorne held a craft/card sale and raised $250. LEFT: Jaxon Fifield presents a cheque in the amount of $1,576.53, proceeds from a submarine sandwich sale, to Mjrs Maurice and Marilyn Blackler, COs.

GRAND FALLS-WINDSOR, N.L.—Two local officers are commissioned at Park Street Citadel. From left, Mjr Sharon Rowsell, then CO; Jason Young, colour sergeant; CSM Lorraine White; Tom White, holding the flag; and Mjr Owen Rowsell, then CO.

SUMMERFORD, N.L.—Joshua Boyd receives a certificate marking his completion of the Junior Action program from Cpt Dwayne LeDrew, CO, New World Island West Corps.

SUMMERFORD, N.L.—Proudly displaying their Junior Soldier Promises as they are enrolled at New World Island West Corps are, from left, Randy Anstey, June Anstey, Zoe LeDrew, Dakota Anstey and Emma Pelley. With them are, from left, CSM Viola Boyd; Cpt Dwayne LeDrew, CO; Ray Maidment, holding the flag; and Mjr Brandi LeDrew, CO.

Accepted for Training Joyful Intercessors Session (2015-2017) College for Officer Training, Winnipeg Chad Cole Cornwall Community Church Ontario Central-East Division It was Mrs. General Janet Wiseman who said: “To see the need is the call.” I see a great need for people, particularly young people, to know Christ. They are our future and, as an officer, I want to show them the love of Jesus. Lisa Cole Cornwall Community Church Ontario Central-East Division God has called me into full-time ministry as an officer and I am committed to continue learning and growing in my faith so I can share Jesus Christ with those around me.

Daniel Kelly Park Street Citadel, Grand Falls-Windsor Newfoundland and Labrador Division While working at the Army’s Twin Ponds Camp as a teenager, I felt God’s still, small voice calling me to “something bigger.” It wasn’t until God gave me a vision of myself preaching that I knew I could not deny his call to become an officer in The Salvation Army. 28  October 2015  Salvationist

Courtney Kelly Triton/Brighton Corps Newfoundland and Labrador Division I have known since the age of 12 that God called me to be an officer. This is not something I take lightly. God has given me a huge responsibility and I look forward to celebrating, promoting and sharing the love of Jesus Christ in ministry through The Salvation Army. Aux-Captain Carlos Galvez New Westminster Citadel British Columbia Division Following a challenge from our corps officers to go deeper in our service to God through The Salvation Army, my wife and I committed ourselves as senior soldiers. God then gave me a deep desire to give my life to full-time ministry. Officership is the biggest privilege a person can have in service to our Lord and Saviour here on earth. Aux-Captain Eva Galvez New Westminster Citadel British Columbia Division Growing up in El Salvador, I attended church with my family and accepted Christ at the age of 15. When civil war broke out in our country, my husband and I moved our family to Canada. We knew very little about The Salvation Army, but were invited to volunteer to serve in street ministry in Toronto. We became more involved with the Army, were enrolled as senior soldiers and God called us to serve him in full-time ministry as officers.


OTTAWA—Three senior soldiers join the ranks at The Salvation Army Barrhaven Church. From left, Emily Gaus, Gisele Riendeau and Alex van Gulik.

LONDON, ONT.—Over the course of several months, students from the Ont. GL Div studied the Book of Acts and then came together for a Bible Bowl, a quick-recall test of their knowledge of Scripture. The winner of the event was St. Thomas Corps, with Hanover Corps in second place, followed by Chatham-Kent Ministries in third. Studies are continuing this fall, with the students focusing on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon.

Guidelines for Tributes

Tributes should be received within two months of the promotion to glory and include: community where the person resided; conversion to Christ; corps involvement; Christian ministry; survivors. We reserve the right to edit all submissions. High-resolution digital photos (300 ppi preferred) or clear, original photos are acceptable (original photos will be returned). E-mail:

TRIBUTES REGINA—Mrs. Major Elsie May McEwan (nee Wallace) was born in 1928 to Alfred and Alice Wallace in New Liskeard, Ont. She attended school there and worked for George Taylor Hardware as a bookkeeper and machine operator. She entered training college in 1951 and married Captain Glen McEwan in 1953. Over the next 45 years they raised five children while serving as officers. Their final appointment was at Regina’s William Booth Special Care Home where they served for nine years. Retired in 1992, they continued to serve the Lord at Pioneer Village, Regina Village Town Centre, William Booth Special Care Home and in the corps at Haven of Hope Ministries in Regina. Elsie enjoyed attending church and was disappointed when she was no longer able to attend due to failing health. Promoted to glory from Wascana Grace Hospice surrounded by her loving family, she leaves to mourn her devoted husband of 62 years, Glen; children John (Annette), Margaret (David) Berezowski, Catherine, Mary and James (Winona); grandchildren Jennifer (Steve) Kellett, Heather (Scott) Neilson, Robyn, Timothy (Melissa), Kenneth (Michelle), Crystal (Reg) Bedier, Michael and Mackenzie; great-grandchildren Jaia, Rylie, Austin, Avery, Declan, Sadie, Emerence and Kennadi; sister, Mary (Don); nieces, nephews and friends. CHANNEL – PORT AUX BASQUES, N.L.—Irene Jessie Skeard, the oldest soldier of the Channel – Port aux Basques Corps, heard her Master calling her home and laid down her sword for a crown. Irene was a faithful member of the home league and while she was unable to attend the services due to ill health, she supported the work of the corps. Everyone received a warm welcome to her home and she will long be remembered for her kind and gentle spirit. Left with warm memories of a loving and wonderful mother are Violet, Margaret, Audrey, Debbie, John, Susan, Raymond, Diane and Robert. Also mourning her loss are 11 grandchildren; eight great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild; brother, Bert; brother-in-law, Major Garland Skeard; soldiers and comrades of the Channel – Port aux Basques Corps.

GEORGINA, ONT.—Bernie Gray is recognized at Georgina CC for 70 years of service in Salvation Army banding.

MORRISBURG, ONT.—Born in Armadale (now Markham), Ont., in 1921, Mrs. Brigadier Ruth Hagglund (nee Daniels) was one of 10 children and brought up in the Free Methodist Church. Ruth met the Army through a friend, joined and entered training college as part of the Valiant Session in 1942. She served in the women’s social department in Ottawa and in Montreal at the Catherine Booth Hospital before being transferred to divisional headquarters in Regina where she was the bookkeeper and cashier. Ruth met Karl Hagglund while in Regina and following their marriage in 1952, they served as corps officers at Edmonton’s Southside Corps and in Drumheller, Alta. A change in ministry focus took them to the men’s social service department, with appointments in Edmonton, Port Arthur, Ont., Regina and London, Ont., from where they retired after a 10-year stay at the men’s hostel. Pre-deceased by her husband, Karl, in 1982, and her son, Fred (Joanne) in 2011, Ruth is missed by her daughter, Linda (Dave) Naylor; seven grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. FENELON FALLS, ONT.—William (Bill) E. White was born in 1939 to Senior Majors Eugene and Reta White. He began his lifelong journey as a Salvation Army bandsman and bandmaster at the age of five, playing a variety of instruments including tuba, trombone, euphonium, cornet and flugel horn. He married his high-school sweetheart, Denna, in 1960 and settled in Oakville, Ont., where his two daughters were born. After an industrial accident left him a paraplegic in 1962, Bill pursued an engineering degree at Ryerson Collegiate in Toronto. His subsequent career took him to the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Calgary, Petro Canada’s Calgary Research Lab, and finally as dean of engineering at Ryerson. Through the years, Bill was bandmaster at Saskatoon Temple, Glenmore Temple in Calgary, Fenelon Falls Citadel, and a member of Oshawa Temple Band, Ont., Heritage Brass and Intrada Brass. He passed on his love of music to the many children he mentored and gave help to anyone in need. His relationship with Christ was his highest priority, which was evidenced in his faithfulness and love for his family, friends and all who knew him. He is survived by his wife, Denna; daughters Kim Garreffa and Andrea Folkins; and sister, Eleanor Schultz. Salvationist  October 2015  29


Top Brass Why I love to play, write and teach music that glorifies God BY MARCUS VENABLES


started learning the cornet when I was six years old. I never missed a day of practice, inspired by my dad and older brothers. I could reach a super G early on, and my family was really encouraging—they said I had the high chops. Music has been a huge part of our family. My father is a professional trumpet player, and my mother is a freelance pianist and organist. I have five brothers and sisters. Growing up, we would all sing together, and as we progressed as brass players, we transitioned into ensemble performances. Some of my first memories are of being at our corps, North York Temple in Toronto. The Salvation Army was the life that was put in front of me, and I really didn’t know anything else. But as I grew older, I realized I needed to have my own relationship with Christ. At an Army music camp where my parents were guests, a devotional stuck with me—how our lives should honour God and be a shining example for others— and I made a commitment to seek God’s guidance at every step. I was always interested in writing as well as playing music. I admired so many pieces and composers that I wanted to be just like them. The first piece I considered my favourite was Glorifico Aeternum by Dean Jones. Then I discovered Kenneth Downie’s music, especially Rejoice the Lord is King. When I was 13, I started writing pieces for brass band. I spent hours every day composing. When I was 16, the Hannaford Street Silver Band performed Motondo. It was the first time one of my pieces was performed in concert. As I started to improve as a composer, I sometimes got discouraged by the lack of exposure my work was receiving. But in 2010, during senior music camp at Jackson’s Point Camp, I met Captain Martin Cordner, who was the 30  October 2015  Salvationist

guest for the week. Cordner is one of the top Salvation Army composers of our time, and one of my greatest role models. He reminded me of the importance of ministering through the music that we write—that every piece is an opportunity to preach to the player and the listener. From that moment on, my primary goal as a writer wasn’t to get published and recorded, it was to infuse a message within a piece that can change someone’s life. There was a shift in the music I wrote, and I started to notice that the Lord was indeed blessing people through my music. In 2013, I travelled to the United Kingdom on tour with the North York Temple Band. Our theme was “God’s love is everywhere,” based on a piece I wrote. The message is that the walk of faith can be filled with diffi-

God is at the centre of all music making cult situations, but just when we think we are alone, God will send someone to remind us of his love. After almost every concert, people came up to me in tears to say how much the music had spoken to them. This was another moment when I recommitted my life to the Lord, knowing that he could

use me to share his love. This is also why I enjoy teaching music, because it gives me an opportunity to explain why we play and sing music. We can reach people through a grand concert or by playing a simple carol on a street corner. God is at the centre of all music making. I am currently studying trumpet performance at the University of Toronto. My dream is to continue teaching, writing and performing music for the purpose of growing the kingdom. I hope my music will inspire, encourage or even change someone. You can watch Everywhere, performed at the Llandaff Cathedral in Cardiff, Wales, during the North York Temple Band’s 2013 tour of the United Kingdom, here: http://bit. ly/1Nr90rl.

(William Booth)

Artwork by Berni Georges

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