I APERITIF COLLECTIVE MEMORY [ siting ] Samantha Harrison & Elena Sorokina
The [Loving] Metropolitan Landscape Dialectical Syntax - Facing (in) a State of Distraction PARA-Situation [Wrocław]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
APERITIF: (noun) A substance consumed before a meal to stimulate the appetite
| siting
RIM FAIENCED TABULATION Pan Flan Plan Samantha Harrison & Elena Sorokina
CurrentCurrent INDEX Conditions Conditions [Measured [Measured Intensities] Intensities]
Mlyn Mariaof| Slodowa Borderlands the Dinner 7, Table: Wroclaw, Setting Poland the Table [Section B-B 1:500]
INDEX Measured Intensities APERITIF
[collective memory]
in WROCLAW: Measured Intensities; Siting the Wroclaw Dinner Table
Wroclaw [Site Visit 14.10.15-21.10.15]
COLLECTIVE MEMORY | 1997 Flood | Water Table | Food | Pottery Siting | Odra Wyspy | Slodowa 7 | Mlyn Maria
Cutlery [metal] [Erasure] Mill Machines | Machinery | Movement | Pheonix Mill Foundations | Dinner Guests [characters] | Water Edges Food [meal] | Wroclaw Site Visit - Restaurants | Hala Targowa - Market Hall | Old Town Hall - Piwnica Swidnicka Restaurant Crockery [clay] | Boleslawiec Pottery | Contemporary Pottery Workshops - NADO gallery | Glazed Faience, relief ornamentation - Ovens | Domek Romanski | Roman House - Brick Fluid | Flood [glass] | Krakov Glass Workshop | ‘Love’ Glass Exhibition - SiC Gallery! | Wroclaw Mirror City
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
[collective memory]
in WROCLAW: Measured Intensities; Siting the Wroclaw Dinner Table 1 [a] Banner: abstract [b] Design Report: I aperitif, II amuse-bouche, III relevés [c] Table Setting: Working Drawing | Order of Service [1:5; 1:20; 1:1000]
[table datums]
CALIBRATING and TABULATING: Setting the Dinner Table 2 [a] Tabulation: Site & Location Plan [1:500; 1:2500] [b] Datums of the Dinner Table [1:2, 1:400, Odra] [c] Dinner Table Working Model: meal scales RIM: i Fluid Landscapes: land flowing into water; water flowing into land [1:1000] FAIENCED: ii Materiality of the Dinner table: crockery, cutlery, glass [1:500] TABULATION: iii Island Calibration: architectural gestures [1:200] iv Sectional Refunctionalisation: architectural gestures [1:50] v Table and Seat [1:1]
Aperitif | WROCLAW Project Abstract | Introduction
[d] Wroclaw Judder: animation [e] Archived Calibrations: semester 01
Judder Drawing [Meal]: Erasure & Flood of the Wyspy Wroclawski [1:1000] [1:500] Development Working Drawing Mlyn Maria| Slodowa 7: Sections, Plans
| Relevés
ARCHITECTURAL GESTURES: Cutlery & Crockery | Food & Fluid 3 [a] Mlyn Maria: elevation, plan, section [1:200] [b] Slodowa 7: elevation, plan, section [1:200] [c] Table scale Tabulation: Cutlery [metal], Crockery [clay], Glass [1:50] [d] Site Tabulations: Pavilions: Section [1:100]
RIM FAIENCED TABULATION: Pan, Flan, Plan Rim Faienced Tabulation is a way of recalibrating, renegotiating and refunctionalising the borderlands of the Wyspy Wrocławski, a set of islands engulfed by the Odra. The islands, previously an industrial hub responsible for feeding the city, have seen myriad traces of Wrocław’s erasure and post-war sanitization, which have forced the Odra into unsympathetic edges. The islands are seen as an apparatus, syntactically aware but looking for an agency. This imaginary of Wrocław thus offers a set of conditions juxtaposing the borderland of rural and urban, field and city, which meet at the Dinner Table and hold the image of that space. The Longest Dinner Table is both an urban and architectural device for refunctionalising the city, a ruse by which to organise and test occupation rather than prescribe finite functions. It is conceived as the real register against which everything is read, a 1:1 datum upon which communal relationships between glass [fluid], metal [cutlery] and clay [crockery] are framed, recording processes and exchanges that are constantly evolving, temporary and not static [a meal]. The Dinner Table is a political and economic scheme, non-prescriptive but testing certain infrastructural and social proposals that invoke Wrocław’s lost Collective Memory.
Rim Faienced Tabulation registers the rise and fall of water and ground alike, revealing where there is an overflow [flood, judder] that requires careful calibration. Land spills into water and water spills into land, compelling tabulation, charged with function. This moment of judder [flood] is the calibrating of the past, present and future, a single Denkbild, a gesture that the thesis tests through attuned architectural proposals and articulates through the meal. The dinner Table becomes a gesture by which to refunctionalise the Wyspy Wroclawski.
The organised chaos of the shifting Dinner Table is just as significant as the fluctuating sands of the Odra Water Table. Working between the tensions of these surfaces, Rim Faienced Tabulation makes manifest the aqaousness of space and architecture. The sprawling roof is an articulation, a tactical operation that deals with this fluctuating relationship between land and water, Dinner and Water Tables, compelling all other parts to move in a suspended animation of air-filled, pressurised top/bottom surfaces. The structure is made up of multiple structures in various combinations that leave vestiges of one another and invoke ideas of the other, similarly to how a plate can invoke any and all aspects of a meal. Mlyn Maria and Slodowa 7, the existing structures on the islands, are renegotiated and refunctionalised, contracting and expanding seasonally, sometimes wholly engulfing the structures and stretching down into the water table in the form of various pavilions [moments of clarity], sometimes retreating within the structures sitting in the existing building walls. The architectural gestures are arrangements for the use, making and selling of ceramics, glassware, metalware and naturally, food, between the surfaces of the Dinner Table and the Water Table.
Wyspy CurrentWroclawski Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Seating | Sitting | Siting7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500] Mlyn Maria | Slodowa
LOCATING in Poland
Lower Silesia [Wroclaw, Poland]
Wroclaw, Poland [Wyspy Wroclawski] 1:20 000
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
ODRA ISLANDS Wyspy Wroclawia
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
MEASURED INTENSITIES: Seating | Sitting | Siting Setting the Dinner table: ERASURE
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Erasure Site Plan 1:2000]
Wyspa Slodowa Wyspa Bielarska Wyspa Mlynska Wyspa Piasek Tamka
| | | | |
malt island bleach island mill island sand island former infirmary
1 2 3 4 5
The Wyspy are just north of the historic city centre, sitting in the middle of the fluctuating, flood waters of the Odra.
[1] A
Table Current Datums Conditions [Measured [Measured Intensities] Intensities]
Elevation Mlyn Maria of Working | SlodowaModel 7, Wroclaw, [1:2] toPoland be elaborated [Section on B-B in books 1:500] I & II
+ Pavilions [funcionalisation] Calibrations & Points of Clarity
TABLE DATUMS [borderlands & edges]
+ reFunctionalised Ground
dinner TABLE
+ Tabulated Ground
+ Compressed Ground |||
+ Slodowa 7 The Longest Dinner Table [food]
+ Cohesive Ground
+ Organic Soil
+ Soil Bank
water TABLE |
RIM FAIENCED TABULATION: PAN, FLAN, PLAN Amuse-Bouche | Table Datums [SETTING] Table Setting: Crockery & Cutler, Flood & Fluid TABULATION [elevation of model 1:2]
TOP GLASS SURFACE [fluid] GROUND [shifting surface] WROCLAW 1:400
+ Mlyn Maria The Kiln [glass, cutlery, crockery]
GROUND [shifting surface] WROCLAW 1:400
+ Mlyn Maria The Kiln [glass, cutlery, crockery]
Amuse-Bouche | Table Datums [SETTING] Table Setting: Crockery & Cutler, Flood & Fluid TABULATION [elevation of model 1:2]
The [Loving] Metropolitan Landscape Dialectical Syntax - Facing (in) a State of Distraction PARA-Situation [Wrocław]
ARCHITECTURAL GESTURES [meal]: 48 Frames of the Dinner Table
ARCHITECTURAL GESTURES [meal]: 48 Frames of the Dinner Table
The [Loving] Metropolitan Landscape Dialectical Syntax - Facing (in) a State of Distraction PARA-Situation [Wrocław]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
1997 FLOOD Collective Memory
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
WATER TABLE Sources & Datums
Ground SURFACE level
Water Table
The island cluster that has been explored within this study, lies within the Odra valley. The River Odra in a reach from the Grunwaldzki Bridge to the junction with the Old Odra flows through densely developed areas of Wroclaw. These are areas of historic and current city center comprising: housing, industrial development, road infrastructure, green lands and numerous monuments. In a reach to the Uniwersytecki Bridge, in the area of a wide river-bed, there sits the many smaller or bigger islands of the study, i.e.: Tamka, Slodowa, Bielarska, Piasek, Mlynska. Downstream of the Uniwersytecki Bridge the Odra is separated into two prongs, i.e. the North Odra and the South Odra which surround a huge island, i.e. Kepa Mieszczanska. The geology of Wroclaw is diverse: tills with clays, loose deposits with lenses of clays, sandy tills. Poznan Clays occur throughout the city, at depths of 10-20m. The present engineering of surface waters has been achieved owing to a series of hydrotechnical structures, building of channels, lockages, and inundating meanders and oxbow lakes, particularly in the centre of Wroclaw. The Odra is highly engineered, embanked, draining river, which now due to the power plant lockages sees an increase in the water table and is described to have an infiltrating nature.
During the 1997 flood the water flow was 25 times higher than usual. The heavy rainfall reached 619mm/m2 , rising water levels up to 724cm in Wroclaw. The Water Table usually occurs at a depth of 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7m below the surface around the city, deepest in the centre being between 5-7m, with yearly fluctuations of 1-2m. there are therefore higher water inflows in the centre of the city 18-24m3/h/l mS
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
FOOD Islands as Powerhouses
Textile Mills, Food, Memories - notes from ‘Microcosm’ by Norman Davies and Roger Moorhouse A city in constant flux - with 3 major consistencies: CLAY - ground / craft and artisanal talent FOOD - cuisine and sustinance WATER - Flood
1136 – Monastic sheep farming provided the stimulus for the growth of textile manufacturing [began in Lwówek] 1291 – The palisades and walls were complemented by a moat, the affect was achieved by diverting the ‘White Olawa’, a tributary of the Odra, around the walls to re-join the main arm of the river to the west. Naturally several new bridges had to be linked to wooden roadways that crossed the Sand Island and Cathedral Island on piles – the ‘Long Bridge’ (today University Bridge) was erected 1500 – The Silesian economy was thoroughly integrated into that of the Bohemian and benefited from the connection to the variety of natural and geographical resources (copper and silver mining + river trade routes with Poznan, Cracow etc) Silesian flax was important to the Linen weaving, in which the Odra waters were used for washing and drying. Presslau Blush was the product of drying Madder and was exported. The process; Harvest > Placed on wooden racks in a room heated by a kiln > pounded into a fine powder 1737 – The most popular guilds in the 16th Century were those providing food, metals and textiles. The cities merchants were concerned primarily with domestic demand, long range trade was considered second 1740 – Wars disrupted the area; there was a promotion of merino sheep breeding as well as potato growing. The native aristocracy was very involved; Count Heinrich von Reichenbach founded villages, established paper mills and promoted weaving. His son, Carl Heinrich, added furnaces, glassworks, and brick kilns. Silesia began trading in surplus 1883 – To keep up with the urban expansion a major spate of bridge building took place to update the numerous old fashioned or temporary river crossings. The Gneisenau Bridge (formerly Corpus Christi) linked the Sand Island to the north bank of the river. Cathedral bridge, completed 7 yrs later, connects Sand island with Cathedral Island 1871 – A new waterworks on Am Weidendamm began to supply filtered river water – completed in 1904 by using ground water. 1900 - 162 Distilleries, 32 breweries, 24 leather factories, 23 tobacco manufacturers, 25 sugar refineries, 31 manufacturers of straw hats 1945 – Post war; piles of fallen masonry had to be moved, paths had to be made through blocked streets, broken sewers, water pipes, tramlines and cables had to be patched up; > Further food rationing – summer / autumn 1945; remaining Germans received only half to one third of the food allowed for others (at all distribution points they were forced to wait till the end of the queue) > By 1946 the rationing system recognised 4 categories of people; top – 8.5kg bread, 0.02kg tea, 0.964kg tinned meat (per week), lowest category – 4kg bread, 0.5kg barley, 0.4kg salt (per week) Gerhart Hauptmann – (1862-1946) The German playwright, noble prize winner and expellee – he wanted to be buried in his native Silesia, however upon his death in ’46 he was evicted with a clod of Silesian earth in his coffin, he was finally laid to rest in Hiddensee, Germany. During the years of co-habitation; stories of shared farming and dual nationality. This country in flux had no solid collective memory prior to ‘45 – given as the reason for the disastrous impact of the ’97 flood. Had hit many times before, however there was no collective recollection of this history on which to fall back on. 1960 – Economic modernisation; commercial products, like fridges, appeared on the market
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
ZakÅ&#x201A;ady Ceramiczne [KAROLINA] GERMAN
Krister Porzellan-Manufaktur [KRISTOFF] GERMAN
POTTERY Collective Memory Porzellanmanufaktur / Porzellanfabrik C. Tielsch [TIELSCH] GERMAN
14th Century - First written record of a potter in the municipal books of Świdnica in 1380 [archaeological digs have shown pottery and ceramics from the early Middle Ages, and trading patterns strongly indicate their presence at such an early time] 15th Century - ‘Guild of Potters’ from the Bolesławiec unite 18th Century - 1741 - Prussian rule (King Frederick the Great II seized Lower Silesia). It was he who officially gave the city its German name of Breslau (or Prezzla), although it had been used for many centuries before by the large ethnic German population. 1762 - 5 potter’s shops were members of the guild - limitation as to the number of potters in the guild was abolished under the pressure from the Prussian authorities. [Typical pottery styles from the time include; traditional brown glaze, motifs; ‘sticks’, raised floral designs, the Bolesławiec emblem, Adam and Eve emblem, heraldic signs. Pitchers, mugs and tankards were the most commonly produced]. Re-evaluation of the clay used due the innovation of Johann Gottlieb Altman, a master potter who was the first to experiment with casting dishes instead of throwing them on the wheel. Also introduced by Altman was a new type of lead-free glaze that enabled stamping and allowed for new motifs and designs, such as the repeating circles, scales, flowers, dots, and clovers that are still popular today. 1886 - Vocational School of Pottery founded by Wilhelm Pukall 1906 - Construction of Breslau Market Hall begins - Hala Targowsa - designed by Richard Pluddemann; innovative use of concrete trusses new in Europe at the time 1908 - Breslau Market Hall - Hala Targowsa opens 1914 > 1918 – World War I 1933 - Nazis seized power in 1933 - remaining Poles (/ Jews) leave 1939 > 1945 - World War II - The majority of the German provincial population left during the transfer of the territory from Germany to Poland in 1945. Germanised Breslau was the last city to surrender to the Soviets, after a 14-week siege, on May 6th 1945. 1952 - After the war, as a result of the Potsdam conference, Wroclaw was handed back to Poland as the whole country was effectively shifted westwards. The remainder of the German residents were expelled and the city was re-populated by Poles from Lwow (now the Ukranian town of Lviv), which was lost to the Soviet Union, Wilno (now the Lithuanian town of Vilnius) as well as many arrivals fromWarsaw and Poznan. The new settlers, or ‘pioneers’ as they were called, inherited a foreign city that was 70% destroyed. 1990 - Ethinic repatrication programme begins - met with mixed feelings - Poles forcably asigned to destinations during the Red Army’s rule in 1917 - post revolution. Such countries as Kajakstan (34,000) , Uzbeckistan currently house tens of thousands of 2nd and 3rd generation Poles. 2015 - Figures and facts relating to the Ethinic repatriation of Poles from the Soviet period come to light due to comments relating to Polands role in the housing of migrants and the Refugee crisis in Europe. 8 million dollars - housing / language lessons / proffesional training already assigned as part of this exisiting repatrication project
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
SITING Measured Intensities APERITIF
[collective memory]
in WROCLAW: Measured Intensities; Siting the Wroclaw Dinner Table
Wroclaw [Site Visit 14.10.15-21.10.15]
Siting | Odra Wyspy | Slodowa 7 | Mlyn Maria
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Wyspy Wroclawia
BARKA TUMSKA [restaurant]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
SLODOWA 7 Wyspa Slodowa Tenement Wyspa Slodowa 7: the property is located near the city center, on the Słodowa Island, surrounded by the river Oder. It sits near to Cathedral Island, the Hala Targowa Market and the University of Wroclaw. GENERAL INFORMATION: | The building was built in 1845. | The building has 20 residential units | Part no. 128/2013 | Street: Island Malt | House number 7 | District: Downtown | Precinct: children Grunwald | Space: approx. 1,498 sqm. | Type of property: property Building | Geolocation - W .: 51.11617 | Geolocation - Debt .: 17.03932 RECORD: | Map sheet 26 | Parcel numbers: 12 | Land registration: WR1K / 00247376 ninths SERVICES: | power grid, sewage, water supply, telecommunications Tender Information: | Starting price: 7 250 000.00 zł RIM FAIENCED TABULATION | 28
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Site [Section PlanB-B 1:1000] 1:500]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section A-A 1:1000] B-B 1:500]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section A-A B-B 1:500] 1:500]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
MLYN MARIA Wyspa Mlynska
HISTORY: | Mill Arnold was built in 1242, wooden and only equipped with three water wheels. | During the 13th century the mill changed name and ownership to Klara, Wójtowski, Corpus Christi, St. Mary’s, Maria, etc. | In 1333 the iconic front of mill Maria was built, two mills on parallel sides, on Wyspa Mlynska and Wyspa Piasek, are run by two different owners. | The Prussian State took over in 1810 after secularization the mills | Industrial revolution begins and mills are modernised – the combined wooden bridge is made of masonry with new grinding mechanisms | After World War II becomes current Mill Maria; operates using water form the Oder until 1960s, when all machines were dismantled and destroyed | 1997 Great Flood mill threatened to either collapse of flood Wyspa Slodowa. One wall was demolished to allow for flood garbage to be removed | Bought in 90s, currently owned by JM Investment who are waiting until the tenants are moved out in order to continue the 4* star hotel development | Floodwaters & debris in the Odra are constantly threatening floods and destruction, with necessary intervention from fire-fighters during heavy rainfall | Tenants living in the building have no ownership rights to the apartments themselves, living there as part of the Agro-Food Union | In 2006 the District Court ruled that the tenants were to be rehoused by the government GENERAL INFORMATION | Wyspa Mlynska | Type of property: old mill & tenement | Previous uses: industrial mill supplying food, school, apartments, currently second hand store on ground floor SERVICES: | power grid, sewage, water supply, telecommunications
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Wyspa SlodowaMlynska 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Wyspa SlodowaMlynska 7, Wroclaw, [Section Poland C-C[Section & Section B-BD-D 1:500] 1:500]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Wyspa SlodowaMlynska 7, Wroclaw, [Mlyn Poland Maria[Section Section B-B E-E1:500 1:500] & Edge Detail 1:100]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Wyspa SlodowaMlynska 7, Wroclaw, | Structural Poland [Section columns B-B [internal] 1:500]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
CUTLERY Measured Intensities [ metal ]
Cutlery [metal] [Erasure] Mill Machines | Machinery | Movement
| Pheonix Mill Foundations | Dinner Guests [characters] | Water Edges
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Pheonix Maria | Foundations Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, | Wyspa Poland Bielarska [Section B-B 1:500]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Pheonix Maria | Foundations Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, | Wyspa Poland Bielarska [Section | OldB-B Mill1:500] Machines [1:2000 & 1:50]
Wroclaw – the Odra - other Waterway systems: Macieja needle weir – 1876, at present it is damaged, with only the granite abutments left Macieja solid weir – 10th – 19th century, seriously damaged now Macieja gate-controlled weir – 1876; seriously damaged now Fish pass at the Macieja weir – 13th c. – 2nd half of 19th c.; it is recommended to retain the pass Piaskowa Lock – 1791-1794; the structure preserved Klara solid weir – 1288 (modernised in 1918, 1923, 1938) The structure exists, reconstructed in a make-shift fashion in the 70s of the 20thcentury Klara mill sluice – 1242 (1288-1330). The structure modernised in the 18th century Klara flood sluice – 1242 (1288-1330). The structure modernised in the 18th centur
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
DINNER GUESTS Wyspa Slodowa Slodowa 7 [tenement] | the old tenement has attracted much local media attention as a potential for cultural development on the islands, particularly after the sale of Mlyn Maria Mlyn Maria [second hand goods store] | an second-hand store is located on the ground floor of the old mill, otherwise now largely abandoned New-build Tenement | a ground floor office and five-storey apartment building. Students | Wyspa Slodowa is the only legal outdoor place where drinking in public is not prohibited, however alcohol may only be purchased from official vendours on the island, hence the regular police inspections. Elderly | a number of elderly citizens use the islands as a place to stroll, away from the conjested city, especially in the cold winter month when the islands are largely deserted Children | Wyspa Bielarska is a designated playground, offering a well equipped and safe location for children and parents to visit. Cyclists | the islands are a thoroughfare for cyclists between the northern and southern banks of the Odra Tourists | en-route to Ostrow Tumski many tourists stop by and walk around the islands
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria Wyspy Wroclawski | Slodowa | Edge 7, Wroclaw, Detail [1:100] Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
WATER EDGES Wyspy Wroclawski
Engineered edges | stairs, walls, pontoons, bridges, rails, walkways, boat mooring stations Natural edges | rocks, sand, mud, grass, trees, riverbed
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Odra Maria Riverbed | Slodowa Section [1:20] 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
Island edges | stairs, walls, bridges, rails, walkways, of Catherdral Island
Wroclaw â&#x20AC;&#x201C; landscape and the edge condition The Old Town Odra forms a picturesque network of prongs and channels running through the oldest urban and industrial development of Wroclaw. It is highly channeled. The landscape is typical for the center of a big city. The vicinity of the river is densely developed and inhabited. Some elements of natural landscape located in this area remain a frame or supplementation for anthropogenic elements of the landscape, which is mostly formed by historic objects. The most recognizable element is the Odra with its boulevards. There are no macro-aquatic plants in the river-bed. The banks are protected with high, steep retaining walls (many of them are identified as historic objects). Moss, herbaceous plants, and even seedlings of trees and shrubs are growing in cracks of retaining walls. This type of flora does not enrich the attractiveness of landscape. However, impressive festoons of vine, which in some sections droop from crests of retaining walls (e.g. from retaining walls of Ostrow Tumski) constructed on the boulevards, and they form a linear element of natural landscape, and therefore are favorable to migration of birds and bats within the developed areas. Less formal lines of trees are located on low, earth banks of islands (e.g. Slodowa Island and Bielarska Island) and at the Tumski Bridge. White willows are among those trees, and their branches picturesquely hang over river waters. This flora introduces attractive seasonal diversification of colors and structures (colors of tree and vine leaves are especially impressive in autumn). Some of the buildings located on Ostrow Tumski include greeneries and squares. In the background towers of numerous churches are visible â&#x20AC;&#x201C; these are the symbols of Wroclaw. They are clearly visible from the bridges.
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
FOOD Measured Intensities [ meal ]
| Wroclaw Site Visit - Restaurants | Hala Targowa - Market Hall | Old Town Hall - Piwnica Swidnicka Restaurant
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn FOOD Maria [Meal] | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
FOOD [meals] Wroclaw | Warsaw | Krakov
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn FOOD Maria [Meal] | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
LOCATING in Wroclaw
NADO CERAMICS WORKSHOP Nadodzre Industrial Area 51° 6’ 28.386’’ N 17° 2’ 18.7368’’ E
51° 6’ 36.3348’’ N
51° 6’ 36.3348’’ N
TOWN HALL Market Square 17° 1’ 49.6596’’ E
HALA TARGOWA Piaskowa 17 17° 1’ 49.6596’’ E
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Hala Maria Targowa | Slodowa Food & 7, Flower Wroclaw, Market Poland Hall [Section | FOOD B-B[Meal] 1:500]
Wrocław Market Hall Polish: Hala Targowa we Wrocławiu German: Breslauer Markthalle It was designed by Richard Plüddemann and built between 1906-08 as the Breslauer Markthalle Nr 1, when the city was part of Germany. It is situated by Ulica Piaskowa, at the junction of Plac Nankiera and Ulica Sw. Ducha close to Market Square, Wrocław and oldest districts of Wrocław. The Hall was completed along with similar building at Ulica Kolejowa. Both buildings were created in order to organize street trading in the city center. Once completed, all street markets have been moved into the newly opened halls. The building was not severely damaged during the World War II and continued to be used as originally intended shortly after. It was completely renovated between 1980-83. The Wrocław Market Hall remains one of the biggest traditional markets in the city. The Kolejowa Hall was destroyed during the war and removed in 1973. The hall was renowned for its then innovative application of reinforced concrete trusses, which were unique in Europe at the time.
HALA TARGOWA Piaskowa ul., Wroclaw
Type Architectural style Location Built Renovated Architect
Food and Flower Market Hall Modernism Wrocław Poland 1906-08 post-war 1980-83 Richard Plüddemann
5 Market Halls were planned and designed by Pluddemann for the city of Wroclaw, however only two were built. One on ul. Piaskowa (1) and the second on the junction of ul. Pilsudski and ul. Kolejowa (2). 3 more were supposed to be located on ul.Pomorska (3), ul. Sikorski (Wladyslaw) (4) and on ul.Teatralna (5). The Market Halls were built in a manner in which they could be reconfigured into exhibition halls for the city at times, as cultural anchor points around Wroclaw. Boleslawic pottery was to be one of the main features of these exhibtions, both as a way of bringing local trade into the city as well as a way to sell the crafts.
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Hala Maria Targowa | Slodowa | FOOD 7, Wroclaw, [Meal] Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Hala Maria Targowa | Slodowa | FOOD 7, Wroclaw, [Meal] Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
TOWN HALL | beer Market Square, Wroclaw Wrocław Old Town Hall Polish: Stary Ratusz German: Breslauer Rathaus The Old Town Hall stands at the center of the city’s Market Square (rynek). The Gothic building is one of the main landmarks of the city. The Old Town Hall’s long history reflects developments that have taken place in the city since its initial construction. The town hall serves the city of Wroclaw and is used for civic and cultural events such as concerts held in its Great Hall. In addition, it houses a museum and a basement restaurant.
Type Architectural style Location Built Renovated
Old Town Hall | cultural events venue Gothic Market Square, Wrocław 11th century origin post-war
Piwnica Świdnicka German: Schweidnitzer Keller Piwnica Swidnicka is the oldest restaurant in Wroclaw (operating since around 1275), located in the Market Square, in the basement of the Old Town Hall. Its name derives from the name of the city of Lower Silesia - Swidnica, from where it originally imported barley beer. In accordance with the then law, a beer brewed outside of Wroclaw was allowed to be administered only under the control of the city council basement of the town hall. Preserved bills of 1332, which recorded the fact of bringing beer Swidnica. The entrance to the basement is located on the south side of the building of the Old Town Hall, near the place where market combined with street Świdnicka. At one point in history, beer was in fact used as the city’s currency.
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
CONTEMPORARY POTTERY | NADO GALLERY plac Swietego Macieja 10, Wroclaw
Nadodrze The industrial district of the city, just north of the Wyspy Wroclawski, is becoming a booming cultural cauldron, with artisans, designers and artists setting up workshops and warehouses. NADO is an example of such workshops and galleries that is bringing the local, traditional trades back into the city, reinterpreting them and offering them for sale. As a small ceramics gallery and workshop there are three artists working there, offering workshops every week. All tools, two kilns, drying and moulding materials are located here. The area has preserved a unique architectural character, with nineteenth and twentieth century buildings, squares and old craft shops dominating the district. The power stationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chimney sits on the skyline, towering above and reminding the area of its industrial past.
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
CROCKERY Measured Intensities [ clay ]
Crockery [clay] | Boleslawiec Pottery | Contemporary Pottery Workshops - NADO gallery | Glazed Faience, relief ornamentation - Ovens | Domek Romanski | Roman House - Brick
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
BOLESLAWIEC POTTERY Local workshops, Wroclaw
Production SCALES & Processes | CROCKERY/ CERAMIC [clay]
Clay is the product of the breakdown of the earth’s rocky surface (primarily feldspar rock) through the actions of wind, water and temperature. These small particles are typically washed down from their formation sites in the mountains and are deposited in lakes, rivers and streams, collecting into deposits known as clay. This process is an ongoing geological system and continues to this day, which is why clay is found in vast quantities all over the planet. Clay Bodies are blends of clay minerals and elements that produce specific results when manipulated and treated in various ways. These custom blends of clay minerals are the modern clay bodies and can be tailored to produce a wide range of colors, textures, strength and temperature ranges. While there are thousands of clay bodies available for purchase, the 3 basic types are porcelain, stoneware and earthenware. The maturity temperature, workability, and color of these 3 categories can vary based on what is added. Before we look at specific clay bodies, it would be helpful to talk about the properties that define them. Although there are numerous types of clay and glaze to specify from Earthenware is the most popular clay. It is cheap, relatively easy to work with and fires at a lower temperature than other materials. All glazes and clays have different “Cone Ratings”, these values indicate the conditions required for firing. These need to be complimentary in order for the ceramic to be successful. Cone ratings are usually between Cone 04 to Cone 06 range and can be found on the tin or box. Properties of clay | Temperature: Different clay bodies “mature” at different temperatures. By “mature” we mean fired to the temperature for which they were formulated. In general terms, the higher a clay body is designed to fire, the more it will be come water resistant. | Workability: The workability of a clay generally refers to how easy it is to shape without problems. If problems do occur, a workable clay would allow you do fix those problems and continue with out crumbling or collapsing. | Color: The color of a clay is affected by the materials used in the blending process. For example, a clay body that has a lot of iron in it will be red like Terra cotta flower pots. BASIC TYPES OF CLAY | Porcelain: A high-firing fine-grained white clay body that mature to a durable, strong, vitreous ceramic. It is usually pure white because of its high kaolin content and lack of other ingredients like iron that can change the color and properties. | Stoneware: A mid- or high-firing coarse-grained clay body that can be anywhere between a buff color to gray to dark brown, because of varying levels of iron and other ‘impurities’. It is incredibly durable after firing, with little water absorption (vitreous). | Earthenware: A low-firing fine-grained clay body that is typically grey, orange, or red in color both in the raw state and after firing. This highly porous clay will remain highly absorbent even after firing and will melt at porcelain and stoneware temperatures. The type of forming process that you use determines the type of clay you need and the type and temperature range of firings you will be doing. There are a several basic types of clay forming techniques, but they can be combined and blended to suite your needs. | Slab Building: A process whereby slabs of clay are rolled or pounded flat, either by hand or with a rolling device such as a slab roller or rolling pin. These flattened slabs of clay are then used to construct objects or vessels. Many slab builders embellish the slabs with surface designs or textures prior to construction because it is easier to create surfaces when flat rather than after a piece is assembled. | Hand-building: Hand-building is exactly what it sounds like; using your hands to form an object out of clay. It encompasses some other, more specific, forming methods as well, like coil building and slab building, and is often used in conjunction with other forming techniques. Ceramic sculpture would fall into the handbuilding category since it incorporates many different techniques. | Coiling: This is perhaps the most simply understood technique for making clay vessels and sculptures. Coils of clay are rolled out, and are built up in a spiral fashion, with the coil being added joined to the coil below it layer after layer until the desired wall height and profile is achieved. This is a great entry-level technique, and will teach you a lot about what clay will and won’t do when wet. | Throwing: Wheel throwing is probably what most people think of when they think of making pottery. A potter will use a manual or electric potters wheel to center a ball of spinning clay, open it into a vessel, and lift and shape the walls while the wheel is spinning, thereby producing a symmetrical vessel. These vessels can then be textured, decorated, reformed into alternative shapes, or adorned with handles for cups, spouts for tea pots or anything your imagination can conjure up.
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Boleslawiec MariaPottery | Slodowa Workshops 7, Wroclaw, | CROCKERY Poland [Section [clay]B-B 1:500]
DRYING The most common clay defect encountered is cracking and many of these cracks come from how the water content of the clay was controlled. A simple solution to help stop drying cracks is to add more water by misting slightly, cover the work and give the clay a ‘rest’ to even out the moisture content. Allowing the clay to slowly dry in a very even manner will help avoid the drying cracks mentioned earlier. Small thin items will dry first and fast, so you may have to pay special attention to their moisture content by keeping them more tightly wrapped to give larger thicker areas time to dry. An old trick - clay should feel the same temperature as the area where it has been drying, if it feels cold then there is still too much water present to safely fire the clay. Until you get a good ‘feel’ for this technique, it might help to keep an older dry item on hand that you can use to compare against FIRING This is the part of the process that makes many people nervous, largely due to the fact that many kilns can and do regularly reach temperatures over 2000°F. This sounds intimidating, but consider the fact that safety is one of the larger points considered when a kiln is designed. Skutt Kilns are rigorously tested and many are UL certified to help make you feel as comfortable using them as the oven in your kitchen. FIRING Types | Bisque Firing: done between 1657°F (cone 010) and 1945°F (cone 04) Bisque firing is the typical and very important first step in the ceramic finishing process. During a bisque firing both physical and chemical water is driven out of the clay and organic residue burns out. Volatiles like carbon and sulfur combine with oxygen and escape the clay body. Fluxes start melting and reacting with the minerals in the clay body to turn that sticky muddy mess you started with into a rock. This new hardened form will not dissolve when in contact with water nor crumble when handled for glazing. | Glaze Firings: done between 1828°F (cone 06) and 2345°F (cone 10) Glaze firings are the second and sometimes even the third step in the ceramic finishing process. They involve the heating and melting of glass forming materials applied to the surface of the clay in order to change them into a layer of glass. This type of firing is typically a faster process than that of bisque firing due to the fact we are far less concerned about the amounts of water contained in the items being fired, at least if they have been bisque fired! Unlike in a bisque firing, where it is some what acceptable to have items touching one another, in a glaze firing, items should never be closer than one inch from each other, unless it is your intention to glue then together. Glaze Ceramic glaze is glass melted onto a ceramic object. Because glaze needs to adhere to an often-vertical surface while not running off the piece, its component parts are ground intopowderandmixedwithwaterandbinderssothatitcanbeappliedtoceramicpieces. Typicalapplicationmethodsincludebrushing,dipping,pouring,trailing,andspraying. While applying glaze to a ceramic piece is not absolutely necessary, it can enhance the fired clay piece both on an aesthetic and functional level. Many clay bodies are not vitreous without being glazed. Glazes, by their nature, are vitreous. When glaze is fired onto a piece it seals the clay making it stain resistant and depending on the glaze, food safe. Glaze Categories A glaze’s surface properties can be difficult to categorize due to an infinite number of variables in their ingredients. Here are the basic names you should learn to recognize: Transparent, Opaque, Gloss, Matte, Breaking, Flowing, and then there are the limitless color names added to these descriptive surface names. So a very descriptive name of a glaze could be Glossy Opaque Canary Yellow cone 05. (The cone describes it’s firing range)
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
Architecture Museum, Exhibition; Wroclaw
EXHIBITION OVENS: Glazed faience, relief ornamentation Glazed, clay-tiled ovens; examples from Lower Silesia, approx. 1800
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
BRICKS | DOMEK ROMANSKI | ROMAN HOUSE ul. Bernardynska 5, Architecture Museum; Wroclaw
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
FLOOD | FLUID Measured Intensities [ glass ]
Fluid | Flood
| Krakov Glass Workshop | ‘Love’ Glass Exhibition - SiC Gallery! | Wroclaw Mirror City
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500] Production SCALES & Processes | GLASS [vessels] The firing of glass has been taking place for centuries. Glass expands when heated and when cooled it contracts. It moves at different rates when it is in liquid form and is a highly viscous material. This movement rate, know as the COE (coefficient of expansion) is one of the variables that must be carefully manipulated in order to minimise crazing, cracking, warping, or breaking. Heatwork Heatwork is a term used to describe the inverse relationship of time and temperature and their combined effects on glass. So, the higher the temperature the less time is needed to create an effect or conversely - the lower the temperature the more time is needed. The Working temperature range of glass is the period in which the glass can be worked; fused, slumped or sagged [between 1450 F and 1480 F]. Size and Mass Size and Mass – the most important factors for creating a firing program. For the heatwork process to go smoothly, ideally the entire piece of glass will go through the critical temperature ranges in tandem – the thickness of a piece can impact greatly with the outside heating more quickly than the core. The kiln times can be adjusted to suit these variables – it is interesting to note that issues occur more frequently when the process is completed too fast. Pre-Annealing Cooling Range After the processing has been completed it is advisable to cool the piece quickly freezing the piece in that position and limiting any further heatwork. Fixing the work in this way will also limit any movement or devitrification that can occur once the kiln door is sealed. Annealing Range All glass has an annealing point. It is identified as a moment in the cooling cycle where the molecules in the glass realign themselves into a solid and stable form. It is very difficult to know exactly where that specific point will be but it generally happens between 1000 °F to 750 °F. By working to this broad annealing range the risk of breakage is limited. It is important to allow the glass to cool properly as opening the lid too soon can cause pieces to break. Firing Processes Fusing and Slumping are techniques used for manipulating glass with heat inside a kiln. Other techniques include Drop Molds, Pate de Verre, Casting, Painting, and Combing. Fusing is the process of joining 2 or more pieces of glass together by the application of heat where as Slumping can be defined as the controlled bending of glass under the influence of heat and gravity
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria Glass Workshop | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
SiC Gallery!, ul. Kosciuszko 9/10, Wroclaw
Galeria Słowa i Obrazu we Wrocławiu | SiC GALLERY! ‘Outside the Body’ exhibition discusses glass, the body, fragments and represents the body in the form of photographs in glass. Painter: Palo Macho Photographer: Jana Hojstricova The gallery is an example of cultural hubs around the city. Wroclaw is the natural heart of Lower Silesia’s cultural life and plays an important role in the history of Poland’s glass industry, therefore the clear move to bring the glass industry and its cultrual significance back into the city is evident. The European Glass Festival happening in Wroclaw in 2015 [October 13th 2015] features many exhibitions in all major galleries, as well as around the city. The glass exhibition at Galeria Slowa i Obrazu is one such example.
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
MlynGallery!, SiC Maria |ul.Slodowa Kosciuszko 7, Wroclaw, 9/10 |Poland Flood |[Section Fluid [glass] B-B 1:500]
‘Outside the Body’ exhibition The merger of two different media - photography and glass - is a space for dialogue between Jana Hojstričovą and Palo Macho, whose works will be presented in the gallery SiC! BWA. Slovak artists Palo Macho and Jana Hojstričová using different media, create expressive and invading a new dimension to the work. There are photographs by Hojstričovej that materialize on a transparent surface of Macho’s glass objects. The artistic dialogue is the story of the human body - the record of life on which we look through the layers of media used. For artists the body is also clothes - a second skin of the modern man, having not only a protective nature, but also being part of the creative personality and the image of its owner.
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
Fluid | Flood [glass] Wroclaw
Current Conditions [Measured Intensities]
Mlyn Maria | Slodowa 7, Wroclaw, Poland [Section B-B 1:500]
The [Loving] Metropolitan Landscape Dialectical Syntax - Facing (in) a State of Distraction PARA-Situation [Wrocław] RIM FAIENCED TABULATION | 100