#Bexhillianmag October 2014

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What’s inside this month? Also LOOK out for: Art, History, Finance, Parenting, Wellbeing, Events and more! Follow us on Twitter: @bexhillianmag or tag: #BexhillianMag

NURTURING THE YOUNG Helping behaviour problems through creativity


Make the perfect Victoria Sponge


An artist’s view from Highwoods Join us on Facebook: facebook.com/ groups/BexhillianMag

Photo Competition! Would you like to see your photo on next month’s cover?

CONGRATULATIONS! Margaret Hayles! You are our October ‘Front Cover Photo’ Winner! Thank you for sending us your spooky Halloween pictures, they were perfectly creepy! Also thanks to everyone for sending in your photos for this month’s cover. Would you like to enter our November competition? 6000 Readers will see it, it will also appear on our website and in social media. Please ensure that you own the photo that you enter and send it to us no later than 24th October 2014. Good luck! Every winner gets a mention. Email: samantha@bexhillianmag.co.uk

Scary Stuff! It’s October! Time for all scary witches, wizards and spells, tricks and treats to be planned for the end of the month. It’s great fun to have a little spookiness arranged at any age. As for me I really enjoy decorating the house for Halloween, cue the BIG CEILING SPIDER! In this issue there is a good amount of emphasis on our young people of today. Included this month we have editorials that express the need for nurturing our next generation. Also included is how 16 and 17 year olds coped and lived during the hardships of wartime; unimaginable isn’t it. Here at the Bexhillian we too have been contacting young people to get involved with us. So, happily we introduce another new author, Jake Lawler, offering his reviews on games that are available on various platforms. If you would like to see what’s on locally this month, we have lots of events listed at the back of every issue. We aim to help promote businesses, to raise awareness for local charities and to serve the local Bexhill community by being informative and relevant to all of our readers. As Bexhill is 20,000+ homes, it does mean that some areas will receive issues bi-monthly. Don’t worry though, we have ‘Pick up Points’ listed in the back and on our website, or email us your address and we’ll deliver a copy to you. Thank you all and we hope you enjoy it,

Scott and Samantha. Cover photo: Margaret Hayles Published by: Director: Scott Hemsley Editor: Samantha Hallam Design, artwork and website: MediaBeetlesUK Print: DT Print Deals Distribution: MADistribution Ad sales: scott@bexhillianmag.co.uk Artwork: samantha@bexhillianmag.co.uk Twitter: @bexhillianmag or tag #bexhillianmag Facebook: groups/BexhillianMag

Scott Hemsley Director @bexhillianmag

Samantha Hallam Editor @SamanthaLuigie

YOUNG PEOPLE IN SOCIETY The contribution of young people to society: the Scottish independence referendum and Canadian Young Soldiers Battalion The Scottish independence referendum, held on 18 September 2014, was a ground breaking exercise in democracy. A significant aspect of the vote was participation. The official turnout – those eligible to vote who did vote – was 84.6 per cent, an exceptionally high figure by modern standards. By comparison, the turnout of the General Election in 2010 was just 65.1 per cent; the third lowest figure since 1918. What made the difference in the Scottish referendum? An important factor has got to be the decision to allow 16 and 17 year olds to participate in the vote. The Scottish referendum was the first election in the UK to allow this. The question of voting age is debated in politics classes across the country and the world – this was an issue in a politics class that I taught in Canada last year. The voting age issue raises a broader question, however: what age is old enough? In the UK, you can play the lottery at 16, drive at 17 and drink alcohol at 18. What about war? What age is old enough to go to war? In 1917, Bexhill hosted the Canadian Young Soldiers’ Battalion (YSB). The YSB was a specialist battalion for soldiers under the age of 19. However, many of the YSB soldiers based in Bexhill were only 17 and had already seen active service in France. The YSB was formed to give younger soldiers the opportunity to reach a similar level of physical development as full soldiers. Unlike their older counterparts, the soldiers of the YSB were not afforded the luxury of staying in the grand Metropole Hotel on the seafront. Instead, they were encamped in tents between Cooden and Bexhill. The harshness of the conditions undoubtedly contributed to instances of ill-discipline. A story in the Bexhill Observer dated 8 September 1917 described how two members of the YSB absconded to Eastbourne and broke into a house; all in protest at being brought to Bexhill. The YSB is a good historical example of the ‘old enough’ debate. Under-19s were considered old


enough to leave Canada and train for combat. Yet, the Eastbourne story demonstrates a degree of immaturity on the part of some of these young soldiers. In the Scottish referendum 16 and 17 year olds were considered old enough to vote in a debate that was dominated by talk of pensions, currency union and national debt. Whether young people have the maturity to understand such complex issues or fight in a war is a component of the broader debate. One thing is clear, however; young people have a valuable contribution to make to society.

---Dr. Luke Flanagan is a researcher and academic currently based in Bexhill. Dr. Flanagan completed his PhD at the University of Edinburgh and until recently held the position of Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. His paper entitled “Canadians in Bexhill during the First World War: A Reflection of Canadian Nationhood?” will be published in the British Journal of Canadian Studies this month.

Dr. Luke Flanagan www.canadiansinbexhill.wordpress.com Email: canadiansinbexhill@gmail.com Twitter: @cdnsinbexhill #bexhillianmag

YOUR STORIES gardening

gardening advice for OCTOBER The Halloween displays are appearing, apples are dropping and we are experiencing an Indian Summer, a lovely time of the year. Go into any garden centre or DIY store and you are bound to see the vast array of bulbs ready to be planted, but how deep? Where? Which way up? – I have featured the answers below. Moving into Autumn there is still a lot to be done, keep busy and the garden will certainly be a treat not a trick! Harvest Time With bumber fruit crops reported, get picking now, gently lift and twist, if it comes away easy it is ready. Check apples & pears for scab disease – black scabby blotches & cracking. Affected fruit won’t store but can be eaten now. Check main crop potatoes for damage.

of thatch and can be done with either a spring-tine rake or a powered scarifier. Afterwards apply an autumn lawn feed; these are low in nitrogen, and so discouraging lush green growth that would only succumb to cold and diseases over the winter months. Trees and shrubs Planted that plant in the wrong place? Don’t despair as October is an ideal time for moving and planting trees, shrubs and climbers, as well as for hedge planting. Bare-rooted deciduous trees and shrubs, as well as root-wrapped evergreens, become available towards the end of the month and are generally much cheaper to buy than potted plants.

Hedges Don’t put those ladders away just yet, as mid October is still a good time to get those conifers tidied. After that, tender new shoots may suffer frost damage which is the biggest offender for turning your hedge brown. Bulb planting Planting bulbs, corms and tubers is an easy way to ensure colourful displays in your garden, in Spring before the rest of the garden has woken from its winter dormancy. Bulbs can be planted in containers or borders, and look particularly effective naturalized in grass. As a rule, most will need a well drained soil that won’t sit waterlogged in Winter which may cause them to rot. Always plant bulbs with the pointed tip facing upwards. Bulb planting depths vary depending on their size and species; but as a rule of thumb, most bulbs can be planted at a depth of approximately three times their own height. Some tubers, such as Begonias are best started off indoors or in a frost free greenhouse. Lawn care This month is the last opportunity to scarify, aerate and top dress lawns. Scarification removes layers

Happy Gardening!

Ian Ward.

www.jwardgardens.co.uk Facebook: J Ward Gardens #bexhillianmag #bexhillianmag


BEXHILL to bexhill... Penn Station, New York.

Penn Station, New York Thursday, 10th July 2014

Dear Annie, Travelling down from Montreal last week, my last train journey of this trip brought me to New York. The Big Apple. I felt a rising apprehension after spending the last three months in Canada, and with the last week in Nova Scotia, it felt as though I was returning to the ‘real world’. The busy and frantic world of ‘civilisation’ of film and television, of sites I am so from Central Park familiar with. I noticed I became a little anxious about ne yli Sk n tta ha an M my arrival. In part the iconic status New York holds, and perhaps the reputation of it being a ‘fast paced’ and ‘dangerous’ place. This surprised me. I have travelled through so many countries and cities without any trouble, and without ever feeling afraid. It was unsettling to experience this now. On reflection it may have had as much to do with it being the last part of my trip and another new country. My journey was coming to an end and I felt uncertain of what that would bring. Feeling excitement to return home but a sadness of the ending adventure. Those first few days were a little lonely too. I stayed in the centre of Manhattan and loved to walk and walk, as the city demands. Passing landmarks and admiring the Chrysler building in particular. Definintely my favourite. Walking past Tiffany’s and imagining myself as Audrey Hepburn. Reaching the top of the Empire State Buildling and checking for gorillas. It is a city crammed with modern day cultural references. I am even drinking cosmopolitan’s on a roof top bar overlooking Manhattan in honour of Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha. I know I’ve written that I’m at Penn Station but that’s the closest landmark I can see, sorry. It is my last fling before returning home and I am enjoying it very much. I am sharing drinks with Anna, a Danish woman who has moved to New York to learn to play the drums. Having earlier walked along the ‘highline’ park, a converted railway track running into the Meatpacking Area. An almost tranquil sanctuary from the city, were it not for all the people filling the neat parallel lined path, crammed with planting at either side. Another perspective of the city, gaining height is always an advantage here, I have spent so much of this week walking with a crick neck, staring skywards. Broadway, Fifth Avenue, 42nd Street, Empire State Building, Bloomingdale’s, Central Park. So many places which would have no meaning for you at all but are now so familiar to so many who have never visited. Looking forward to seeing you soon, next stop Bexhill (UK). Best wishes Annie. Louise Louise Kenward has been travelling by train from Bexhill, UK to its namesakes in Australia and Canada. Following in Annie Brassey’s footsteps she has written each time their paths have crossed. An exhibition at Bexhill Museum serves as an introduction to the project and a dedicated computer terminal in the foyer of De La Warr Pavilion (outside the cafe) is available to follow the blog on my website. While this is the last letter to Annie

(for now), the project continues with Louise’s return to the UK. You can follow her progress on social media and the website.

Louise Kenward.

www.bexhilltobexhill.com Facebook: /bexhilltobexhill Twitter: @Bexhill2Bexhill


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SAVING FOR RETIREMENT Every month, the directors at mcphersons share some useful financial tips especially for Bexhillian readers. This month, Ainsley Gill looks at saving for retirement with Daron Beacroft. With major changes being made to Britain’s pension system, we all should be encouraged to save in a tax efficient pension.


Once you begin work, retirement is a distant thought. Other priorities tend to take precedence, like saving a deposit for a first home, paying down debts from student days or simply enjoying life. The biggest influence on a comfortable retirement is the capacity to generate earnings. By starting a regular savings plan early, even if you can only spare small amounts, the returns will be much bigger. Your earnings are generally low during this period but diverting the small amount left at the end of each month into a pension is likely to yield less than saving into an ISA, where the £15,000 tax-free annual allowance (from July 1 2014) will be more than sufficient. The exception is your company’s pension scheme. Employers will pay on your behalf, for example, you might pay 5 per cent and the company 5 per cent.


During this period your earnings should start to increase, but you could have higher costs to possibly meet like getting married, starting a family or buying a first home. You may need to create an ‘emergency fund’ to cover unexpected issues such as redundancy; a fund worth six months’ expenditure is generally the rule of thumb. New parents may want to consider life assurance, which will protect family finances if anything happens to the main income. Repaying mortgage debt will also take a large chunk of income. If you can afford to, invest as close

to the £15,000 ISA limit as possible. You should also consider joining your company pension and consider increasing contributions if possible. Pensions can help tax planning. Families where one parent earns more than £50,000 will start to lose their entitlement to child benefit. Contributing to a pension can reduce your taxable earnings below £50,000 and preserve this benefit for your family.


If you haven’t started a pension type savings plan yet, it’s not too late. With up to 27 years before you collect your state pension and potentially more afterwards. Don’t be fooled into thinking your investment time-horizon is short; investments can still continue into retirement, for good returns. During this period you may have school fees or other commitments to consider. Try to maximise the £15,000 ISA allowance, but don’t ignore the tax relief on pensions, though, which applies at your highest marginal rate. It costs a higher-rate taxpayer only £60 to put £100 into their pension. Consolidate pensions sitting idle with former employers into a Self-Invested Personal Pension, or “SIPP”. These plans, which give access to thousands of investments in one place, are offered at low cost by different financial companies. Keep up to date with the next part of this editorial in the November issue of the Bexhillian Magazine.

Ainsley Gill BA (Hons) FCA www.mcphersons.co.uk Email: a.gill@mcphersons.co.uk Twitter: @McPhersonsBiz

McPhersons Financial Solutions LLP. Woodside, Junction Road, Staplecross, East Sussex, TN32 5SG Tel: 0844 804 0025 Fax: 0844 804 0390. McPhersons Financial Solutions LLP is the independent financial advice arm of McPhersons Chartered Accountants. McPhersons Financial Solutions LLP is an appointed representative of The On-Line Partnership Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Registered Office: 23 St Leonards Road, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, TN40 1HH. Registration Number OC353077 (England and Wales). UK Residents only


Baking beside the sea! In the last few years the Great British Bake off has prompted us all to become much more interested in baking and eating cake. Local supermarkets now stock a wide range of flavourings and even the simple packet mixes have been updated to reflect our changing tastes. However, how many of us have purchased beautifully packaged mixing bowls, spatulas and baking tins together with cookery books all of which now lie forgotten in a cupboard? Each and every day at least one person asks me how to make a cake.


a Victoria Sandwich as the easiest place to start, the cake can easily be prepared in a food mixer using the all in one method and can be prepared, cooked and on the table in less time than it takes to go the Supermarket to buy one!

Victoria Sandwich • • • • •

4 large eggs 225 g sugar 225 self raising flour 225g margarine teaspoon baking power

Pre 1. 2. 3.

heat oven : 180 degrees, Gas Mark 4 Grease 2 x 8 inch circular sandwich tins. Place all ingredients into food mixer. Mix thoroughly until as the beaters go through the mixture trails are left across the surface. 4. Pour the mixture into the two cases equally, cook for approx 25 minutes until golden brown and the cakes are coming away from the sides of the tins. 5. Carefully turn out the cakes onto a wire rack and leave to cool. 6. Fill with jam and drench the top with icing sugar. Chocolate cake? No problem replace 50g of flour with cocoa and fill with buttercream. Enjoy your baking and if all else fails pop out to your local tea shop and enjoy a piece of their cake. Cake baking should be both simple and fun, the aim after all is to make something delicious to eat! I would always recommend

Janet Van Den Bussche.

Find us on Facebook: TeaBesideTheSea #bexhillianmag

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gifting and inheritance tax Monthly I share Estate Planning news and tips for Bexhillian readers only. This month we are looking at how you can use the Gifting in your Estate Planning. Giving your possessions away before you die to avoid inheritance tax is not as easy as you might think. Gifting comes with one proviso – you must hand the asset or belonging to someone else with no strings attached. For instance, if you gift a property, you cannot have a condition that you live there rent free until you die or that you still receive any rent generated. Tax tribunals and the courts are littered with legal challenges from beneficiaries who thought they had been gifted a home only to find the conditions attached to the supposed gift still fell within the inheritance tax net and that they had a big bill to pay HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). Gifts free of IHT Once that condition is fulfilled, the gift falls into one of three categories: • Exempt – that’s a gift free of inheritance tax • Potentially exempt – sometimes called a PET or potentially exempt transfer that may have some inheritance tax due • Chargeable – that’s a gift that attracts inheritance tax at the full rate. Gifts free of inheritance tax are: • Wedding gifts of up to £5,000 from each parent or £2,500 from each grandparent. Friends can give up to £1,000 • Gifts in trust • Any gifts to UK charities, museums and universities

• •

£3,000 a year cash Any gifts between partners – unless the receiving partner lives outside the UK. If they do, the exemption is limited to £325,000 • Any gifts paid out of income that leave you enough cash to live on. Potentially exempt transfers need careful timing. The gift can be of any value but is not tax free unless you live for at least seven years after the date of the gift. Structured gifting Inheritance tax is paid on a potentially exempt transfer on a sliding scale which drops from the highest level in year one to the lowest in year seven. Although giving is good, it’s important to take expert financial and tax advice before handing over any cash or valuables. Gifting to avoid inheritance tax is a structured strategy, not a piecemeal shedding of your belongings in a frantic effort to avoid your family or loved ones facing a big bill on your death. The first step in inheritance tax planning is always establishing your net worth to find out if you have a problem to start with. If you have, then gifting may be an important part of your estate planning toolkit.

Nicolae Trofin.

www.wills-trusts-powersofattorney.co.uk Facebook: Professional Will Writing & Estate Planning Twitter: @WillsTrustsLPA LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/trofinnicolae



october at the de la warr pavilion October Family Events at De La Warr Pavilion – Family Arts Festival, live theatre, cinema and workshops and activities for children and young people, most of which are FREE. October is all about family at De La Warr Pavilion. The Family Arts Festival is back for the second year – a nationwide programme of innovative and eye-boggling activities for all generations of the family, featuring our awardwinning Big Draw event. The Big Draw, the world’s largest drawing festival, offers thousands of enjoyable drawing activities which connect people of all ages with museums, outdoor spaces, artists, designers, illustrators – and each other. These events are for those who love to draw, as well as for those who think they can’t! This year De La Warr Pavilion presents – Big Draw Seashore – Sat 18 & Sun 19 Oct 10am-5pm, FREE, suitable for all ages and abilities. Fun Palace: Kaleidoscopic Cameras Club – Sat 4 Oct 1-4 pm FREE, for all the family. Make your own play-camera with special lenses to view the world differently! Lift The Lid – Sun 5 Oct maybe remove Dec date as intro talks about October only, 1-4 pm, Free, for all the family. Using the photography exhibition Magnum Photos: One Archive, Three Views you can explore and experiment with how to create a story in an image. Tales For Toddlers – Mon 13 Oct 10.15am and 11.15am, FREE. Join fabulous storyteller Ed Boxall in this fun, free session filled with stories, songs and making for pre-school children and their parents. Craftimation Factory Halloween Workshop – Tue 28 Oct 11am-1pm & 2-4 pm, £2 per person, suitable for ages 6-12 yrs. Join us for a fun-filled session of creepy craft and supernatural stop motion animation!

Big Art Club: 99 ways to tell a story – Wed 29-Fri 31 October 10 am-4 pm £70 Recommended ages 8-12 years. Come and work with sounds, captions, collage, drawing and photography to develop and share a collection of fascinating tales. Birdsong Shadow Craft Workshop – Thur 30 Oct 11am-1pm suitable for 6-8 yrs 2-4pm suitable for 9-12 yrs £2 per person. Experiment with natural and artificial light, and produce paper shadow puppets and storyperformances. There is also special Halloween treat for all the family – Drive In Movie – E.T. Shown on the wall facing the car park next to the north staircase. Fri 31 Oct 7pm, Parking from 6pm. Tickets: £10.50, £10 deposit required per headset. Pull up in your car and watch this family favourite about a boy who befriends an alien and helps him go home. Refreshments will be served at your car door! And if your children love live theatre you cannot miss Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty Ballet on Thu 23 October and Charlie and Lola’s Best Bestest Play on Sun 26 and Mon 27 October. Our Family friendly Café Bar overlooks the sea where you can sit inside or outside on the balconies to catch the autumn sunshine. A children’s menu is available for those on a family day out and there is a small area with crayons and paper to keep the young ones busy while the adults relax. For more information please visit www.dlwp.com or call us on 01424 229111.We look forward to seeing you at Pavilion this October.

Dominika Hicks

Marketing Assistant, De La Warr Pavilion #bexhillianmag





would use the colour cobalt violet mixed with paynes grey to find just the correct shade for these beautiful and delicate species. The photo shows a birch polypore which I learnt is a type of bracken fungus. The composition of the tree stump would have me reaching for my ever useful sap green and cerulean green. Using maybe a pale yellow to create the wash for the background and mixing a burnt umber and white mixture to achieve the right shade for actual bracken fungus. They inhabit birch trees – usually fallen logs and tree stumps such as the one pictured. At Highwoods there are many birch trees at varying stages of growth. It really is a veritable feast for the eyes this month - where the fern leaves turn from a deep forest green to wonderful shades of browns. I would urge everyone to venture into these lovely local woods for a delightful afternoon walk - pop your wellies and a warm jumper on and you will be ready. This time of year fills me with joy. This changing season has so much to offer, it’s almost as if Mother Nature is showing off with all the fabulous colours that nature produces in October. One of my favourite places in Bexhill is Highwoods and recently myself and my dog went on a fungi foray for some inspiration and knowledge! Almost immediately on the walk there was fungi to be found. On top of moss covered tree stumps, on fallen branches and under layers of scarlet orange and yellow ochre leaves. One of my favourite to discover was the amethyst deceiver. If painting this as part of a woodland scene I

The most commonly found fungus on the day was the sulphur tuft. These little treasures were found on broken and old bark, are browny yellow on the outside and a light muddy green underneath. Most of the fungi were well camouflaged with twigs, bracken and a russet rainbow of fallen leaves. Fir cones and the occasional acorn are nestled in amongst fungus on this autumn carpet to make up this classical British countryside scene.

Vicky Craggs.

Find me on Facebook: Artby.VickyCraggs #bexhillianmag





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PARENTING – comfort Comfort: to respond to, and hurt with, your hurting child If our children’s needs for comfort are met, they will themselves become caring, sensitive and compassionate, self-confident and loving, if unmet, they could have feelings of being alone and empty, shut-off emotionally, and as adults try to “fix” situations and people, unable to comfort others, or in the extreme become volatile or promiscuous or of obsessive-compulsive orientation. It is often harder to give comfort to our children if we haven’t known comfort ourselves. Sit on a bench at any playground and you’ll see a perfect example of a child’s need for comfort: when children fall down and hurt themselves, they typically look round to see if anyone is watching. If they find an empathetic witness to their plight, do they say “No probs!” and get on playing? Hardly! They pucker up and open the floodgates, needing a cuddle and a kiss “to make it all better”


When loved ones are hurting, they don’t need what we often are most inclined to give: facts, logic advice or even criticism. This has been such a big learning curve for me, and maybe for you too, which is why I’ve gone a bit deeper this month. Think – when your child is hurting are you tempted to brush it off or respond from your mind instead of simply giving comfort from the heart?

How have you been able to give comfort recently?

Susie Marriott. Susie is a grandmother and a retired relationship trainer.

What about when children come home from school upset, having been called names, blamed unfairly by a teacher, not chosen for the football team, had their favourite Barbie trodden on, been given up by their boyfriend? What they don’t need is, “If you hadn’t said........”, “You were just asking for trouble by.....”, “That’s no big deal”, “Don’t be such a crybaby”, “There’s plenty of fish in the sea”. No, they need comfort, an emotional expression that we care, an “I’m sorry that happened – I’m sad when you’re sad.” #bexhillianmag



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Coping with... behavioural problems BEHAVIOURAL PROBLEMS THROUGH CREATIVITY A few years ago I started working with an organisation which supported children and families accessing education. Initially I worked on its Behaviour Programme, with pupils who had been excluded from school. I subsequently delivered an art course to children who had been identified as having a special talent in art and design. I discovered Interactive Acrylics and thought these would be ideal for pupils, using them in a watercolour and oil painting style. Pupils were really enthused and motivated by the paints and produced a portfolio of impressive work. At the start of each session I demonstrated a technique in a little painting, which the pupils then copied and by the end of term they were using the ideas and techniques to produce their own work. I have stuck with this format and have been pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm of both children and adults and the standard of work they produce. The aims and outcomes of the courses I delivered were to inform and provide opportunities for children to explore the techniques and the craft skills needed in painting. They had been selected by their school to take part and I felt my work was important on all kinds of levels; mainly because the education authorities recognise the importance of nurturing raw artistic talent within schools. It is wonderful that I had the opportunity to work with children in school time, introducing them to the craft of painting. These children are tomorrow’s art-

ists and all of us who are involved in painting know that, in an era of installation art, traditional drawing and painting is as popular as ever. The work was extremely satisfying and the feedback from the children was inspiring. In a world where there is so much negativity about young people, it was so worthwhile seeing the children leave the session and tell me they are going home to use the techniques they have learnt.

Working with these children has given me confidence in what I am painting. The pupils regarded the landscape paintings I brought for them to paint as ‘cool’ and this reminds me that there is still appreciation and respect for traditional art. As long as there are young students investing their time in learning the visual skills, drawing and painting will continue to flourish into adulthood.

Richard Larkin.

Richard, Artist/Tutor can be contacted at Younique Wellbeing Studios in Bexhill. www.youniquewellbeing.co.uk and follow on Twitter @YouNiqueWBS

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Mindfulness – WHAT IS IT? How to be Mindful. What exactly is mindfulness, this new health buzzword? Lots of people are talking about it, but how can we achieve it in our busy lives and can it really help us? Have you ever got in the car and driven to your destination oblivious to the drive itself or anything to do with the journey? Well if you have then you could benefit from learning how to be mindful.

Mindfulness has its origins in eastern traditions some 2600 years ago in the teachings of Buddha. Mindfulness is a western translation of the ancient Pali word Sati, which literally means attention, awareness and remembering. The founding father of mindfulness as we know it today, is Jon Kabat-Zinn, a molecular biologist, who was keen to promote it as a practice free from religion or religious practice. Essentially mindfulness is a way of training our attention to be fully aware of each moment and noticing what is occurring. Modern neuroscience has proven that the benefits of mindfulness are significant. Alterations in brain wave patterns show noticeable


positive changes and in so doing it can help us to develop our resources to deal with stress, anxiety and depression, the effects of pain and chronic disease. Scientific studies worldwide show how it can bring about significant clinical improvement in the symptoms of recurrent depression, ME, anxiety and stress. Being “fully present” is something that is being taken up in many settings including education, industry and even the military.

Here is a simple mindfulness exercise you can practice if you want to bring mindfulness into your daily routine: • Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes • Let your body settle and observe your posture as you sit still • Scan your body for tension or discomfort • Just observe the gentle rise and fall of your breath • Let go of tension with each out breath • Watch as thoughts come and go like a passive observer • Return to your breath when your mind wanders • Carry on this process of mindful awareness • When you’re ready, gently open your eyes.

Steve Clifford.

Counsellor and CBT therapist www.stevecliffordcbt.com Follow on Facebook: bexhillmindfulnesscentre

#bexhillianmag #bexhillianmag

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“Why not try our fantastic quality fresh and smoked fish available from seafood”

We also have festivals coming up: 30-31 august • pevensey castle food festival 6-7 sept • bexhill festival of the sea 20-21 sept • hastings seafood & Wine festival


LITTLE BIG PLANET 3 Awesome new features! Here we will give you an overview of some of the new features available in Little Big Planet 3... Little Big Planet 3 is the next instalment of the beloved PlayStation exclusive franchise now offering even more depth than seen before in its predecessors including tons of new features and tools to manipulate to your advantage in both the create mode and story/community levels, new characters, an all new story and much much more...

now be able to make your own characters (to an extent) and customize their special abilities. Want to make a flying fire-shooting sackboy? Or a super fast oddsock with incredible jumping abilities? Or perhaps you can decide to make your very own super hero, or super villain with their own powers. Similar to Little Big Planet 2, there will be the logic for you to be able to do this, only instead, this time it will be much simpler and you will be able to use a new tool in the form of a character gate in order to switch into your custom made character with all the benefits you created for it. The possibilities are limited only by your own imagination (and of course the resources in game) but there are plenty of them to play around with...

16 Interactive layers!

Make your own tools and power-ups!

Tools and power-ups played a big role in the previous Little Big Planet games, many of which could be utilized in and out of the story and community levels. The power-ups featured in the previous Little Big Planet games, such as scuba diving gear, jetpacks, grappling hook, paintball guns, super-hero capes and much more will be returning along with a myriad of new tools and power-ups! And it gets even better... You now have the ability to create your own power-ups, you can practically create whatever comes to mind with whatever resources you have available.

Make your own characters!

The depth in character customisation has been further improved, not only will there be hundreds of new accessories and costumes, you will

Unlike the previous Little Big Planet games, where only three layers were interactive and any additional non-interactive layers had to be created through glitching. You will now have the opportunity to create 16 accessible layers in create mode and interact with these throughout the story and community levels. In addition to this instead of playing through the traditional three-layer, side-scrolling, platforming style, you will be able to further utilise front and back i.e creating a forward facing level, much more background accessibility etc... All of this and much more will be available in the full game, and it is likely that Sumo Digital will release a demo soon. Little Big Planet 3 is set for release on November 18th 2014 on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4, are you going to be playing this game then?

Jake Lawler.

Jake is a lifelong gamer and is now a contributor to HITC Gaming. www.hereisthecity.com

#bexhillianmag #bexhillianmag

Frilly Milly French and Vintage Home Opening hours: Thursday, Friday & Saturday 10 till 5.

CoodensBuilding ce i v r e S For all those small jobs:

As a welcome I am offering a 10% discount on any purchase throughout October and November on redemption of this advert.



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Bexhill Forum Update

In September’s issue of the Bexhillian an article appeared concerning the Bexhill town forum. Some readers assumed that it was written by a member of the forum committee and found it quite alarming. However, it was actually written by a local resident, a gentleman who has the best of intentions and works hard in the interests of the town. Unfortunately. some of his views are quite extreme and at variance with the aims of the forum which is strictly a none political organisation. It certainly does not aspire to become a ‘shadow cabinet’ or to promote any political party. Here follows a quote from the official “Guide to the town forum”. The Forum aims to be an effective ‘Voice of the Town’ for the residents of Bexhill. The Forum is consultative in nature and seeks to complement the role of the elected Members of Rother District Council. It acts

as a voice of the community in relation to local government services, providing a platform for debate on local needs and priorities and for reports to be received on Local Action Plans. In addition to communicating with Rother District Council and East Sussex County Council, the Forum takes forward other local issues with the relevant bodies involved. To maintain its independence from local government eligibility for membership of the Forum is not extended to councillors from either Rother District Council or East Sussex County Council. Forum meetings are not open to debate motivated by party politics. ’The forum exists in order to maintain an effective dialogue with the council and other organisations. Where possible it will endeavour to play a part in the decision making process. That is the Bexhill Town Forum. Jackie Bialeska



'') )''

S manor barn christmas menu 2014 O '' I 5I '' Homemade Chicken Liver pate & onion chutney served with granary bread Individual Mushroom Tart with a port sauce Homemade spicy Carrot & Coriander Soup served with country bread Seafood Cocktail with traditional Marie Rose sauce


Traditional Roast Sussex Turkey with all the trimmings Slow Roasted Pork Loin with mustard & cider sauce served on a purée of swede & parsnip Roasted Beef with homemade yorkshire puddings and horseradish Roasted Fillet of Salmon with dill sauce Homemade Leek and Lentil Bake with a vegetable sauce All Served with a Selection of Seasonal Vegetables & Roasted Potatoes


Traditional Christmas Pudding served with a citrus cream Homemade Brownies with warmed salted caramel Selection of Cheese & Biscuits Zingy Lemon Sorbet


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Manor Barn Christmas Craft Fayre 15th November 2014

Manor Barn Manor Gardens De La Warr Road, Bexhill TN40 2JA Open to the public at 11am – 5pm with all local crafters. “Free entrance” Teas/coffees will be available. To book a table contact: Susie Freeman, Hospitality Manager on 01424 220231 or 07442 504944 or you can email susan.freeman@manorbarn-bexhill.co.uk

What’s on in and around Bexhill? Check out the variety of events going on in and around your area

Bexhill High Community Christmas Fayre | Sat 6TH Dec | 10am-1pm Bexhill High is staging its own Community Christmas Fayre in the glorious Heart Space. We are looking for groups, organisations, commercial businesses and charities to come and be part of the fun. We want this to be a BIG day for Bexhill, so if you want to be involved email communications@bexhillhigh.org BEXHILL MUSEUM LECTURES & WORKSHOPS | 15TH-30TH OCT | SEE EVENTS PAGE There are various lectures and workshops being held at the Bexhill Museum, for more details please visit our events page (see below in red) or email Colin Hemingway colinheminway@yahoo.co.uk or call Bexhill Museum on 01424 787950. Big Draw SeaShore WONDEROUS SEA CREATURES | SAT 18TH OCT | 10.30AM4.30PM | BEXHILL MUSEUM Help to build a huge model of the Museum’s Giant Crab! At 4.00pm the Crab will travel to the De la Warr Pavilion where it will go on display as part of their Big Draw seascape. Led by Visual Artist Colin Heminway All ages welcome. All materials supplied Museum entry fees apply: Adults £3, Children (5- 16) £1.50, Under 5’s free Concessions £2.50 – But NO extra charge for taking part in this activity! BEXHILL CARING COMMUNITY PROBUS | CONTACT LEAH ON 215116 TO BOOK Tuesday 14TH OCTOBER – EASTBOURNE MORRISONS CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR | 18TH OCT | 10AM-4PM | FREE ENTRY Come and buy some early Christmas presents! Tea/coffee and cake all day! Chocolate tombola! Held at Christchurch Methodist Church, Springfield Road, Bexhill, TN40 2BX. Still a few tables to hire at £10 from cconely@hotmail.com COMEDY NIGHT | 9TH OCT | 7PM | £10 INCL. MEAL No.48 Devonshire Rd. Bexhill. With up to 10 different comedians performing and a lasagne meal included in the entry price, great value, great entertainment. Further details 01424 736600. MUSIC FESTIVAL | 11-12TH OCT | 12 NOON | FREE No.48 Devonshire Rd. Bexhill. This is a 2-Day free music festival to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of No.48 trading and bringing live music to Bexhill’s finest audiences. Further details 01424 736600. Visit our website for more October events: www.bexhillianmag.co.uk/bexhill-events ADVERTS/EDITORIALS DEADLINE FOR NOVEMBER ISSUE: FRIDAY 24TH OCTOBER 2014 DEADLINE FOR DESIGN/ARTWORK AND COMPETITION ENTRIES: WED 22ND OCTOBER 2014


FOR ONLY £20 PER MONTH Delivered to 6000 homes door to door, shared in social media and published online: www.bexhillianmag.co.uk To book advertising space email: scott@bexhillianmag.co.uk Alternatively call: 0843 886 3355 Artwork and design services available. (Terms apply.) Discounts are available for consecutive bookings. Deadline is 26th business day of each month.

The Bexhillian Important Information

Don’t forget to mention the Bexhillian when contacting the business advertised Don’t want to miss out on any regular editorials? Haven’t received your copy this month? Please email us your address and we’ll deliver a copy to your door. scott@bexhillianmag.co.uk Or collect from a useful Pickup Point: Bexhill Farmer’s Market Devonshire Square Bexhill Museum Egerton Rd De La Warr Pavilion G & R Metals 64 London Rd New Foundations Devonshire Rd No.48 Café Devonshire Rd Post Office 1-3 Windmill Drive Sara Lee Trust Western Road Starlings Gifts 13 Sackville Rd DISCLAIMER: We have done our best to ensure the accuracy of the information in this magazine, however we cannot accept any responsibility for any subsequent alterations or for any error, omission or mis-statement in any material published herein. The views expressed by individuals in any letter or editorial within the magazine are not necessarily those of the editors, and while we’re at it; the inclusion of the advertisers does not mean that we recommend them, we certainly hope they give good service and we would like to hear from you if they don’t. Please respect the advertisers and contributors rights, please assume that all content herein is protected under copyright law, if you want to reproduce anything please contact the respective parties or us, editorials are the views of their respective authors, we’re sure they are very nice and to our knowledge they don’t bite. Now tuck this into your bag until you’re ready to sit and enjoy it during a quiet break.

Call us with your enquiries:

0843 886 3355

(Local call rates apply, other mobile services may vary) To book advertising space email: scott@bexhillianmag.co.uk Email approved *adverts and editorials: samantha@bexhillianmag.co.uk Please visit our website: www.bexhillianmag.co.uk Follow us on Twitter: @bexhillianmag Join our Facebook group and share information about your local business and your pages, events and photos: www.facebook.com/groups/ BexhillianMag IMPORTANT INFORMATION:

*If supplying artwork, you can either refer to the

“Advert Prices and Sizes” page of our website, (above) or you can email us (above) for our sizes and price chart, we will send it to you. Artwork needs to be supplied as high resolution (300 dpi), CMYK, pdf, tif or eps format only. If you have difficulty Samantha will help convert files from RGB to CMYK for print, artwork must be high resolution for visual quality. If you need an advert created we can also design it for you with your supplied text and branding, (advert design and artwork is chargeable, pdf proofs of created ads are emailed for approval). Deadline for ALL submissions is the 26th business day of each month. Payments MUST BE PAID prior to deadline.

Really Useful Telephone Numbers

A short directory of emergency numbers, helplines and local service numbers

EMERGENCY NUMBERS Multiple Sclerosis Society

0808 800 8000 NSPCC 0800 800 5000 (24 hour) ParentLine Plus 0808 800 2222 Red Cross Medical Loan 01424 213583 Samaritans (*24hr) 01424 436666/*08457 909090 Women’s Refuge 0808 2000 247 CHEMISTS Little Common Pharmacy 01424 843575 Lloyds Pharmacy 01424 220424 Marsh Pharmacy 01424 219516 Pebsham Pharmacy 01424 736135 HELPLINES Trackside Pharmacy Age UK 01424 212555 01424 426162 CHIROPODISTS/FOOT HEALTH Bexhill Caring Community Naomi Creasey MChS BSc(Hons) Podiatry 01424 215116 01424 215300 Bexhill Information Centre Pamela Davey 01424 773721 01424 844820 Rother District Citizens Advice Talbot Associates 01424 215055 and 01424 734549 01424 216488 Childline CHURCHES 0800 1111 All Saint’s Church (Anglican) Cruse Bereavement Care 01424 221071 01424 732093 Beulah Baptist Church Direct Debt Line 01424 730001 0800 587 0875 Bexhill/Hastings Jewish Society Domestic Abuse Project 07743 992295 01424 716629 Christchurch Methodist Church Hastings and Rother Mediation 01424 422350 Service St Augustine’s Church 01424 446808 Home Call - In and around Bexhill 01424 210785 St Peter’s Church 01424 214458 01424 734438 Home-Start St Stephen’s Church 01424 443636 01424 211186 Kidscape DENTISTS >>> 08451 205204 Police, Fire, Ambulance and Coastguard 999 Bexhill-on-Sea Police Station 101 - non emergency calls Freephone Crimestoppers 0800 555 111 Conquest Hospital: A&E Dept. 01424 755255 Eastbourne District General Hospital 01323 411188 National Gas Emergency Service 0800 111 999 South East Water Company 0845 278 0845 Garage Door Emergency Repair 07730 5570119 Little’s Locksmiths 07702 849828

Eversley Road Dental Practice 01424 210610 Little Common Dental Practice 01424 845530 Precision Oral Design Ltd 01424 223293 Sussex Dental Design 01424 210777 DOCTORS Collington Surgery 01424 217465 Little Common Surgery 01424 847575 Old Town Surgery 01424 739420 Pebsham Surgery 01424 230399 Sidley Medical Practice 01424 230025 OPTICIANS & EAR HEALTH Green & Elliott 01424 212544 The Spectacle Hut 01424 213326 Bexhill Hearing Centre 01424 733030 PHYSIOTHERAPISTS & OSTEOPATHS Peter Butcher MMACP, Mcsp, Grad Dip Physiotherapist Rebecca Lunn MCSP BSc (Hons) Tracey Butcher MCSP, Grad, Dip, Phys

01424 224164 Clare Kersley BSc (Hons) Osteopath 07954 327614 TV & SATELLITE REPAIR Dannie Herbert 07525 793203 VETS Chase Veterinary Centre 01424 224818 Claremont Veterinary Group 01424 222835 Greenleaves Veterinary Centre 01424 212225

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