What’s inside this month? Also LOOK out for: Music, Sport, Finance, Parenting, Wellbeing and Bexhill’s events. Follow us on Twitter: @bexhillianmag or tag: #BexhillianMag
BEXHILL FARMER’S MARKET Local businesses come together every Friday
an artist’s view September in Bexhill
BEXHILL’S HISTORY Windows into the past
Join us on Facebook: groups/BexhillianMag
Photo Competition! Would you like to see your photo on next month’s cover?
CONGRATULATIONS! Lewis Hallam! You are our lucky Winner! Thank you for sending us your beautiful photo, you have a remarkably good eye! Huge thanks to everyone for sending in their photos for our September front cover. Happy snappers and professionals alike, please send us your photos and who knows, your photo could be printed on next month’s cover! 6000 Readers will see it, it will also appear on our website and in social media. Please ensure that you own the photo that you enter and send it to us no later than 24th September 2014. Good luck! Every winner gets a mention. Email:
Winds of change Welcome all, in this issue, we have another strong and diverse batch of editorials, written by local authors. Scott and I are so grateful to everyone who contributes each month, thank you all. Sadly though we have said farewell to the Beachhut Cook, who is moving on with new ventures. We would both like to wish you every success in your future and thank you very much for all of your wonderful pages each month. You will be missed Elinor. Dr. Luke Flanagan, one of our newest authors, writes about the history of Bexhill. He raises an interesting question this month, have you ever stopped to consider the history behind the buildings in Bexhill? Also, we welcome back Vicky Craggs, our monthly artist’s view of Bexhill. Thank you Vicky and welcome back. Don’t forget we have lots of local events listed at the back of every issue to enjoy as well. We aim to help promote businesses, to raise awareness for local charities and to serve the local Bexhill community by being informative and relevant to all of our readers. As Bexhill is 20,000+ homes, it does mean that some areas will receive issues bi-monthly. Don’t worry though, we have ‘Pick up Points’ listed in the back and on our website, or email us your address and we’ll deliver a copy to you. Thank you all and we hope you enjoy it,
Scott and Samantha. Cover photo: Lewis Hallam, Age 9. Published by: Director: Scott Hemsley Editor: Samantha Hallam Design, artwork and website: MediaBeetlesUK Print: DT Print Deals Distribution: MADistribution Ad sales: Artwork: Twitter: @bexhillianmag or tag #bexhillianmag Facebook: groups/BexhillianMag
Scott Hemsley Director @bexhillianmag
Samantha Hallam Editor @SamanthaLuigie
YOUR STORIES gardening
gardening advice for SEPTEMBER Welcome to our monthly garden advice page where we will bring you up to date with all the important jobs to keep your garden looking great through the seasons. August although relatively dry did provide some really great downpours that have helped the garden recover slightly, especially the lawn. There has been a noticeable temperature drop early morning and my headlights seem to be switching on earlier and earlier in the evening, this has signalled that Autumn is just around the corner. However, not all doom and gloom as there is still plenty of warmth and daylight to be enjoyed in the garden yet and that means..... We had better get busy. General gardening: • Evergreen hedges can still be given a late final trim before Winter. • Prune late Summer flowering shrubs. • Prune rambling roses that flower on the previous seasons growth by one third. • Climbing roses can be pruned once they have finished flowering; sideshoots from the main branches can be cut back to a couple of buds. • Prune Wisteria. • Do the splits! Divide herbaceous perennials. • Plant Spring bulbs – leave Tulips till November though. • Plant up containers with Hippeastrum (amaryllis) bulbs and prepared hyacinths for a Christmas display. Maintenance It is a really good time to get all those little jobs around the garden you have spotted from the lounger done this month - shed, fence and greenhouse repairs. Lawns With July very hot and dry and August still relatively dry our garden lawns are surprisingly managing to bear up quite well. Leave the grass an extra week or so to cut to allow it to green up with any rain we have and raise the blades slightly.
September is a good time for laying or seeding a new lawn or making repairs. Any brown patches caused by drought will quickly green up by themselves when the rain comes and the temperatures fall – usually towards the end of the month. If we have had some decent rain you can then strengthen your lawn up for Winter by applying an Autumn lawn feed, which is high in potassium. Do not be tempted to use the leftover Summer feed in your shed! It is high in nitrogen and this will only result in weak, soft growth, which will be prone to disease in the Autumn weather. This month is your last chance to use a selective weed killer to control perennial weeds such as daises and buttercups. Fruit and harvesting Go blackberry picking! If you haven’t already there are lots of great hedgerows around Bexhill. Busy time in the vegetable patch – harvest main crop potatoes, beans, courgettes and tomatoes. Date for your diary Wisley flower show 2-7th September. Closer to home, Sarah Ravens beautiful garden at Perch Hill, Brightling, Saturday, September 27th, 2014. Open from 9:30am - 4:00pm. Visit the garden in Autumn to see the dahlias and cosmos in full flourish in the cutting garden... Happy Gardening!
Ian Ward. Facebook: J Ward Gardens
#bexhillianmag #bexhillianmag
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BEXHILL’S HISTORIC BUILDINGS Bexhill’s historic buildings: windows into the past This month, it will be ‘Back to School’ for many children across the town. There is one school in our town, however, that is steeped in history. In October 1917, King Offa Primary Academy, then called Down Council School, became a different kind of educational institution when was taken over by the Canadian Trench Warfare School (CTWS). Down School became the main location for the CTWS, which had been based in the town since the previous May. The school hosted the theoretical aspects of the CTWS training syllabus, entertainment events, special lectures and conferences. On 15 December 1917, the school hosted a conference on ‘Live Rifle Grenade Firing Ranges’ and just under a week later, on 21 December, was the venue for a lecture on the fighting of Canadian Corps in the Battle of Passchendaele, Belgium. Passchendaele is remembered as one of Canada’s finest contributions to the war effort; nine Canadians were awarded the Victoria Cross after this battle. The military connection of Down Council School also gives an interesting insight into the educational landscape in Bexhill at the time. In order to secure possession of the school, the Canadians had to negotiate with the Bexhill Education Committee. The children who were displaced by the arrival of the Canadians were accommodated at other schools across the town. The elder children attended Whindown School, a short walk up the road. The gatehouse of Whindown School is still standing at the entrance to the St. Francis Chase housing estate, off West Down Road. The Canadians also used Whindown prior to their move to Down School. The infant children of the school
were sent to the Malet Institute at the Malet Memorial Hall. The Memorial Hall is still standing; it is now the Chilli Tree restaurant at the bottom of King Offa Way.
“how many of us have stopped to consider what these buildings can tell us about the town?” The broad purpose of this article has been to the highlight the value of historic buildings. The three mentioned – Down School, Whindown and Memorial Hall – are prominent buildings that have been reinvented for the modern day. As all of them are situated on the main A259 road, we likely pass them on a daily or weekly basis. Yet, how many of us have stopped to consider what these buildings can tell us about the town? These buildings, and many others across Bexhill, are windows into the past, each with their own story to tell about our town’s history. Today, as we commemorate the centenary of the First World War, this history is ripe for further exploration. ---Dr. Luke Flanagan is a researcher and academic currently based in Bexhill. Dr. Flanagan completed his PhD at the University of Edinburgh and until recently held the position of Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. His paper entitled “Canadians in Bexhill during the First World War: A Reflection of Canadian Nationhood?” will be published in the British Journal of Canadian Studies this month.
Dr. Luke Flanagan Email: #bexhillianmag Twitter: @cdnsinbexhill
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BEXHILL TOWN FORUM IS ON THE MOVE We need a team of professional and business people from Bexhill who will volunteer to serve on a committee of eight, with some of the qualities listed below. ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS EG WINNING THE ARGUMENTS/INTER PERSONAL SKILLS They must be fully converse with running committees and observing the procedures of an effective committee. They must understand the meaning of teamwork and how this can be achieved. WITH A COMMERCIAL BACKGROUND KEEN TO INVEST TIME & ENERGY They must come from every walk of life, solicitors, engineers, scientists, mathematicians, administrators, bankers, bakers, preferably retired, with good business acumen, and itching to apply many of the skills they have acquired over many years. ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE WITH SOCIAL MEDIA They would be expected as a natural, to be able to use computers, mobile phones, social media and be able to give impromptu lectures on a variety of topics and communicate with the populace at all levels. A PASSIONATE DESIRE FOR THE BETTERMENT OF THE COMMUNITY They need to show dignity, authority, wisdom, and a clear minded vision of where Bexhill should be going to improve its governance and business life but are not paragons of red tape and protocol. NEED FOR BEXHILL RESIDENTS TO BE HEARD AND CONSULTATION TO BE EFFECTIVE Eric Pickles has already voiced his opinion that the Cabinet system is not working. We have to change this system by democratic processes. An important part should be played by a strong well lead and organised Bexhill Town Forum which can interact with the RDC. CONTINUITY OF BTF LEADERSHIP TO MAINTAIN CREDIBILITY We need a strong, steady, sustainable positive leadership from the BTF to face the next year before the whole of RDC councillors are taken to face their next major local elections.
ACCOUNTABILITY TO ELECTORATE NOT ALLEGIANCE TO PARTY Remember the RDC is controlled by a cabinet of nine Conservative District Councillors so we could with our committee of eight able ladies and men form an equally matched shadow cabinet to match any of their various portfolio committees such as planning of Bexhill, scrutiny and overview, core strategies, housing concerns etc. BEXHILL IS UNDER-REPRESENTED Why are these changes necessary? Basically, Bexhill is a town of ~40,000 voters; it is being short changed, short-cut, and under represented by the Conservative party which rules RDC through a Cabinet of nine councillors, of which, only two, appear to represent Bexhill. The Cabinet have the final word in the so-called governance of Bexhill, seven of whom, (Chosen by the Leader Carl Maynard) represent the Country vote of RDC of ~40,000 voters who live outside the Bexhill Wards. This is not true representation. We need a well informed body of people on our committee who can understand how the Cabinet manipulates the affairs of Bexhill to their detriment or otherwise. We must appoint Independent Councillors who have the same Aims and Objectives as the BTF. But we do not have enough of them yet to take over the Cabinet. NEED FOR BEXHILL RESIDENTS TO HAVE CONTROL OVER ITS OWN AFFAIRS We must find ways of giving Area committees the powers to control what is done for the benefit of the nine Bexhill Wards. This is an appeal to those Bexhill professionals who do not vote and have no faith in the existing forms of governance, to become pro-active in the running of the Bexhill Town Forum. Please stand up and be counted and make big changes to Bexhill. You can vote for your new committee on Tuesday 16th September 2014 at St Barnabas Church, 6 o’clock for 6.30pm, in Sea Road, Bexhill. The Chinese premier Li Keqiang quotes a proverb “One should be aware of the strength of others and the shortcomings of oneself” which is I think a reminder to those who choose not to vote, as a sign of weakness. EDITOR’S NOTE: This editorial details the views of the author only. They aren’t written by the Bexhillian magazine and do not represent the views of the Bexhill Forum’s Committee. #bexhillianmag
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is there nowhere to hide from the taxman Every month, Ainsley Gill, BA (Hons) FCA, shares some useful financial facts and tips especially for Bexhillian readers. This month the focus is on HMRC Tax Investigations. HMRC’s determination is to get its pound of flesh from the middle class. How can you stay on the right side of the law but still keep your tax bills to a minimum? The taxman is now going after the middle classes, no longer targeting just the super-rich, but everyday professionals are now feeling the pressure of this greater scrutiny with an increased likelihood that their tax returns will be challenged. HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) has doubled the number of inquiries into taxpayers it feels are not paying enough tax over the past two years. When such inquiries become in depth investigations they can take years to conclude. New powers have been proposed to allow HMRC to take money directly from taxpayers’ bank accounts, including joint accounts, without first obtaining a court order. If the proposals, which are subject to a consultation, are approved, there are concerns that HMRC will withdraw incorrect sums from accounts before giving taxpayers a chance to argue their case. HMRC says that they do not plan to empty bank accounts completely as rules are in place to ensure that, after the tax owed is taken, a sum of £5,000 must remain in the individual’s bank accounts. The money can only be taken after four requests for the tax owed have been ignored.
One of the most controversial snooping powers the taxman uses to spy on individuals is obtaining information from third parties, including banks, credit card providers, employers and other government agencies such as the Land Registry. The Revenue will also snoop on the websites that taxpayers use and check up on an individual’s mobile phone usage. They can use bugging or telephone tapping, but in practice they are rarely used. This policy is seen as hitting the ‘easy’ target, using all its powers to crack down on individuals, rather than companies or other better resourced institutions. The sums involved may not be huge when compared to going after a major corporate, but individuals are a much easier target to squeeze and collectively they are now paying out a huge amount of extra tax. They are more likely to have made tax return mistakes but they are also more likely to capitulate without arguing, making HMRC confident of success. Another aggressive tool used by HMRC is by threatening taxpayers with higher penalties as part of its tougher stance, which has helped increase the tax take for the Revenue because individuals are paying automatically to avoid receiving higher fines rather than looking at the amount owed and challenging the taxman if they think it is incorrect.
Other existing measures, such as the creation of special “task forces” to target certain job sectors such as freelancers and buy-to-let landlords, have also helped boost the Revenue’s total tax take.
Need more help? This feature aims to give some informal hints and tips. Mcphersons are offering businesses free advice so get in touch now to arrange your meeting – we can help you protect your money!
HMRC has beefed itself up by doubling its use of bailiffs and debt collection agencies over the last two years. Its focus on evasion and non-payment looks set to gather force. Email: Twitter: @McPhersonsBiz
Ainsley Gill BA (Hons) FCA
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BEXHILL to bexhill... Halifax, Nova Scotia. Dear Annie,
Halifax, Nova Scotia Wednesday, 30th June 2014
Getting off the train at Halifax last Monday, I had over a week to explore the Maritimes of Canada. After so much travelling and endless moving on the time here has felt like such a treat. Still moving regularly, there is something about the quality of the place that makes it feel so much calmer and less hurried. And the coastline! There is no end to the stunning coastline. It runs and runs, one pretty little cove after another, followed by a harbour with small boats bobbing in the water and then more pretty coves with lighthouses. It gives me the sense of being in another time, as if I had found myself in a pretty illustrated storybook, pages filled with pictures of places you could not imagine existed in real life. The 185 mile round trip of Cape Breton takes in some of the most beautiful coastline. The tourist season is not yet in full swing and it feels as though I (almost) have the place to myself. The biggest and warmest welcome I have received anywhere greeted me at Whycocomagh, a place where I have felt at home. Making friends with people I will again meet on the remainder of my journey as our paths cross again in Montreal and New York (and with future plans for a trip to Vienna). The winters here though are brutal and unforgiving and the hurricanes that bore through cause great devastation. The lives of those here are so reliant on weather conditions. Communities feel fragile, caught in a delicate balance between nature and man, with an annual trial of survival. Not all emerge unscathed but what remains is incredibly resiliant. You would have loved watching the humming birds – we sat at breakfast staring out of the window overlooking the incredible Bras d’Or Lake, and several of the tiny colourful birds came to the feeders on the decking for their breakfast. The Cabot Trail takes in Pleasant Bay, one of the best places in the world to see whales from land, although you must have seen many sailing around the world. I loved the cute town of Baddeck aswell, and the wonderful Ingonish beach, with opportunities for walking and eating as well as endlessly stopping for photographs. On the last stretch the highlight was seeing a moose, tentatively at first dipping her toes in the water and then wading in for a swim in the lake to cool off after a gorgeous hot summers day. My thoughts have been much more reflective as I know that my journey home is approaching. Perhaps this has affected me here too, I cling to each day trying to take in as much as I can. Heading to America next, I will catch up with you in New York. Wish me well. Kind regards Louise. Louise Kenward is embarking on a rail journey from Bexhill, UK to Bexhill, Australia and on to Bexhill, Canada. Following in Annie (Lady) Brassey’s footsteps as far as possible, she will cross her path on a number of occasions along the way. An exhibition at Bexhill Museum serves as an introduction to the project, with information about each Bexhill, Annie Brassey and how it all connects. Supported also by the De La Warr Pavilion, a dedicated terminal is
planned for the foyer to follow the project blog throughout Louise’s journey. You can also follow the project in social media.
Louise Kenward. Facebook: /bexhilltobexhill Twitter: @Bexhill2Bexhill
Changes to Inheritance Act 1975 & Trustee Act
Inheritance (Provision for Family & Dependents) Act 1975 • A person may qualify as being maintained by the deceased (and so eligible to make a family provision claim) if the deceased made a substantial contribution to that person’s reasonable needs other than for full, valuable consideration under an arrangement of a commercial nature. This might be for example a child of an unmarried parent, where the child was from the pre-deceased partner. • A person who was maintained by the deceased immediately before the death will be eligible to claim under the IPFDA 1975 whether or not, beyond the fact of providing maintenance, the deceased had formally assumed responsibility for that person’s maintenance.
Trustee Act • The course describes the current law trustees can only appoint ½ of a minor’s / child’s inheritance until their vesting age is reached, and in order to give trustees additional flexibility to appoint the whole trust fund before vesting age, we had to include a special power into the Will of the client. • This revision of the law now removes that requirement – trustees will, from October, have the right to appoint the child’s entire trust fund for the child’s benefit. All changes are due to be implemented in October/November 2014.
Changes to Estate Planning Law – Intestacy Several changes are coming into force over the next few months, which are worth mentioning, now following the Inheritance and Trustees Powers Act 2014 gaining Royal Assent.
Intestacy: • Where a couple are married or in a civil partnership but have no children, ALL assets will pass to the survivor. • Where the same couple has children, then after payment of the statutory legacy of £250,000 to the survivor, the remainder of the residuary estate is now split 50% to the survivor and 50% to the children – the requirement for a life interest to the spouse / civil partner has therefore been removed. • The definition of chattels has been brought into the 21st century(!) – they are now defined as ‘tangible moveable property other than… such property which consists of money or securities for money, used at death for mainly business purposes, assets solely owned at death for investment purposes. It makes it a whole lot clearer now that there is now no mention of carriages or stable equipment and scientific instruments within the definition!
Nicolae Trofin. Facebook: Professional Will writing & Estate Planning Twitter: @WillsTrustsLPA LinkedIn:
Tel: 01424 846982 Mob: 07855 350044
Problem chimneys and external walls??? We’re offering free surveys to areas TN39 and TN40 during August and September only. Don’t let the Winter get on top of you before you find your property is in need of remedial works. The best time to solve a potential problems is when the weather is good.
BEXHILL – AN ARTIST’S VIEW September in Bexhill-on-Sea is a curious month. It can start with a feel of high Summer and end feeling decidedly autumnal. At this time of year there is often a fresh feel to mornings and evenings as they start to draw in. There are still locals and tourists alike flocking to the seafront to enjoy the late summer heat and the view. The subject of my artist view this month is boats. More tricky to paint than you would think. Thankfully the Bexhill coast has a good supply of them to practice on and enjoy.
which really does earn it’s keep! It can make for a classic coastal seaside painting. If motionless boats are your thing then the boats at galley hill by Bexhill angling hut are ideal. This is a good place to get some practice in with the lines and contours as there are rows of boats covered in blue and grey fishing nets, all year long. The newly painted bright silver railings offset the more mature and weathered look of the upturned fishing boats. I sometimes spend time on a bench there with my number 2b pencil and sketchpad, sharing a sandwich with my dog and taking in the scenery – working hard trying to capture the atmosphere and character. Further along by the colonnade there are the unmistakable rowing boats of Bexhill which can often be seen out on the water. Composition would be comparatively easy with the horizon line and the weathered yellow buoys adding interest. Absorbing the scenery and the large expanse of sea it can be easy to feel part of the picture.
One of my favourite and prominent seaside sights is the sailboats along East parade. It feels a rather classic view watching them on a relaxing sunny afternoon, being launched into the calming waters – with their different coloured and often bright sails. When the sea is calm as it often is on a September day it is a delight to see. There is something calming and quiet British about watching a sail boat float along the water, producing translucent ripples as they go. Tall masts and the faded whites, or often bright pink sails are a contrast to all the shades of blue the sea produces. It can be azure one day, the next a dark cobalt blue, and another a mixture of all the colours in the paint palette
If you venture much further along the Bexhill coastline by the Herbrand walk area there are often water sports and a quick and keen sketcher could gain good subjects from that onto their sketch pad. Wind surfing is an interesting, and I may say difficult, subject to sketch – although it would add great movement and motion to a picture. To sum up at the end of this piece of writing as I often do, again, I am very lucky to be able to live and paint in such a lovely town. Within a short walk the shoreline is there – ready and waiting to be captured onto paper or canvas. The variety it offers with the different subject matter never fails to inspire me.
Vicky Craggs.
Find me on Facebook: Artby.VickyCraggs #bexhillianmag
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PARENTING – respect and appreciation Needs met = feeling cared for: Contentment Needs unmet = feeling uncared for: Insecurity So let’s look at two more of our children’s emotional needs.
We all need to be valued – even small children need respect! Children need to experience respect in three distinct areas: their feelings, their opinions, and their possessions, hearing things like “I’m listening” (your thoughts/feelings/ideas are important to me); “we’d like to know what you’d like to do Saturday” (we value your input); “I understand your need for privacy”; “Matt, you need to ask your brother’s permission before you play with his special games”. Respect could be apologising to your child when you’ve blown it, eliminating sarcasm from your voice or keeping your promises.
right! Misbehaviour does need to be dealt with, but they need to hear “Well done!”, ”Great job!” and “Thank you” when it’s appropriate too. Nobody likes the feeling of being taken for granted! So praise them for their accomplishments however small, notice when they do something kind, thoughtful or unselfish, or take turns or share, or put effort into doing things, especially ones they don’t really like. “I really appreciate you picking up your dirty clothes this week” “I noticed how kind you were today in giving time to your little sister instead of gaming” THINK – Make a list of things that each of your children have done recently for which you could express appreciation.
Susie Marriott. Susie is a grandmother and a retired relationship trainer.
THINK – Have there been family disagreements about personal property recently? Could these conflicts stem from a lack of respect? What would respect look like to each of your children?
Meeting our kids’ need for appreciation requires thought and effort. Because of demands on our time and energy, we can tend to focus on correcting them, rather than looking for ways to thank or praise them, when sometimes it seems they can do nothing
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Coping with... OSTEOPOROSIS
also be fantastic for anyone suffering from osteoporosis. This type of exercise stimulates calcium to be retained in the bones helping to increase density and strength. Hence this aids in the prevention of loss in bone density, and also the prevention of osteoporotic fractures. Many exercise programmes can be beneficial in this sense, including running, hiking and weight training exercises. However Yoga particularly can be useful, as it is not quite as high impact as other exercises, which can cause bodily injuries. Yoga also targets areas that other exercises may not.
Yoga is a great way to stay physically fit and is really helpful with general suppleness and relaxation. It can also be useful in the treatment of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition that reduces bone density, making it more porous causing fractures, pain, and skeletal malformations. It is very common in women who have gone through menopause. One in three women over 50 suffer from osteoporotic fractures, as do one in five men, but it can affect people of all ages. Thankfully though, Yoga can help, and studies have been carried out which illustrate that Yoga actually increases bone density and has benefited test subjects aged mid-sixties and above. Osteoporosis can be partly treated by consuming healthy foods that are rich in calcium and vitamin D. Weight-bearing exercises can
Wrist, spine, shoulder and hip fractures are the most common for individuals suffering from osteoporosis and each of these areas are individually and also compositely targeted, using a variety of Yoga poses. This is more unusual than in the other forms of weightbearing exercise and means the force is on different body parts, rather than just the legs. For example, something like the wrist, which is quite hard to target in a lot of exercises, is a focal point in poses such as the humorously named Downward Facing Dog. Yoga can additionally help with dealing with any pain that comes with osteoporosis, stress levels, arthritis, back-ache, menopausal symptoms and improving energy levels.
Jen Geering.
Registered Yoga Teacher, Yoga Alliance UK Jen can be contacted at Younique Wellbeing Studios in Bexhill. and follow on Twitter @YouNiqueWBS
• • • • • • •
399017 215404
What’s on in and around Bexhill? Check out the variety of events going on in and around your area
African Djembe Drumming | yoga life studio | every sunday | £9 Every Sunday at The Yoga Life Studio, Enterprise Centre, Station Parade, Eastbourne BN21 1BD. Come and enjoy an evening of fun drumming. Classes are: Beginners 6.30-7.30 £4.50, Experienced 7.309.30 £9. No experience necessary for beginners, drums are available. Call Tony on 07976 365 124 SECOND SATURDAY STANDS | SAT 13TH SEPT | 10AM-3PM | FREE ENTRY St. Barnabas Church, Sea Road, Bexhill, TN40 1JG Series of Arts, Crafts and Gifts Fairs. Parking, wheelchair-friendly access and toilet facilities. Refreshments including light lunches. Promoted by Cantelupe Community Association ( Sussex Harmony | SUN 21ST SEPT | 6PM The West Galley Quire will lead Harvest Festival Evensong at Christchurch Methodist Church, Springfield Road, Bexhill at 6pm on Sunday September 21st. (Workshop for those interested at 3pm.) All most welcome – no booking just come along. Ornamental Garden Maintenance | FRI 12TH Sept | 7PM | £1 Ken Turner will be talking to the Little Common Horticultural Society on ways to made this daunting task easier. Held in the Community Centre. Visitors very welcome (£1). PlanTS, Crafts & Coffee MORNING | THURS 18TH SEPT | 10AM | FREE ENTRY This will be held by the Little Common Horticultural Society at the Community Centre. A last chance to purchase our members surplus plants and dare I say give you an early start to try and solve the problems of Christmas presents. BEXHILL CARING COMMUNITY PROBUS | CONTACT LEAH ON 215116 TO BOOK Tuesday 9th SEPTEMBER – BATTLE/GREAT PARK FARM NURSERY Wednesday 17TH SEPTEMBER – EASTBOURNE CRUMBLES/ASDA Wednesday 1ST OCTOBER – HASTINGS DUNELM MILL/SAINSBURYS Events are posted on our Bexhill Events page:
FOR ONLY £20 PER MONTH Delivered to 6000 homes door to door, shared in social media and published online: To book advertising space email: Alternatively call: 0843 886 3355 Artwork and design services available. (Terms apply.) Discounts are available for consecutive bookings. Deadline is 26th business day of each month.
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S manor barn christmas menu 2014 O '' I 5I '' Homemade Chicken Liver pate & onion chutney served with granary bread Individual Mushroom Tart with a port sauce Homemade spicy Carrot & Coriander Soup served with country bread Seafood Cocktail with traditional Marie Rose sauce
Traditional Roast Sussex Turkey with all the trimmings Slow Roasted Pork Loin with mustard & cider sauce served on a purée of swede & parsnip Roasted Beef with homemade yorkshire puddings and horseradish Roasted Fillet of Salmon with dill sauce Homemade Leek and Lentil Bake with a vegetable sauce All Served with a Selection of Seasonal Vegetables & Roasted Potatoes
Traditional Christmas Pudding served with a citrus cream Homemade Brownies with warmed salted caramel Selection of Cheese & Biscuits Zingy Lemon Sorbet
Fresh Coffee with biscuit bite
£32.00 per head
S Manor Barn ChristMas Party nights O start your ChristMas with a Bang!!!
Available on 12th,13th,19th & 20th December Dance the night away with East Sussex DJ`s & Christmas Surprise Arrival at 7pm and dining from 7.30pm Carriages at midnight
To book your table please call Susie on
01424 220231/07442504944 £10 non refundable deposit per person required
The Bexhillian Important Information
Don’t forget to mention the Bexhillian when contacting the business advertised Don’t want to miss out on any regular editorials? Haven’t received your copy this month? Please email us your address and we’ll deliver a copy to your door. Or collect from a useful Pickup Point: Bexhill Farmer’s Market Devonshire Square Bexhill Museum Egerton Rd De La Warr Pavilion G & R Metals 64 London Rd New Foundations Devonshire Rd No.48 Café Devonshire Rd Post Office 1-3 Windmill Drive Sara Lee Trust Western Road Starlings Gifts 13 Sackville Rd DISCLAIMER: We have done our best to ensure the accuracy of the information in this magazine, however we cannot accept any responsibility for any subsequent alterations or for any error, omission or mis-statement in any material published herein. The views expressed by individuals in any letter or editorial within the magazine are not necessarily those of the editors, and while we’re at it; the inclusion of the advertisers does not mean that we recommend them, we certainly hope they give good service and we would like to hear from you if they don’t. Please respect the advertisers and contributors rights, please assume that all content herein is protected under copyright law, if you want to reproduce anything please contact the respective parties or us, editorials are the views of their respective authors, we’re sure they are very nice and to our knowledge they don’t bite. Now tuck this into your bag until you’re ready to sit and enjoy it during a quiet break.
Call us with your enquiries:
0843 886 3355
(Local call rates apply, other mobile services may vary) To book advertising space email: Email approved *adverts and editorials: Please visit our website: Follow us on Twitter: @bexhillianmag Join our Facebook group and share information about your local business and your pages, events and photos: BexhillianMag IMPORTANT INFORMATION:
*If supplying artwork, you can either refer to the
“Advert Prices and Sizes” page of our website, (above) or you can email us (above) for our sizes and price chart, we will send it to you. Artwork needs to be supplied as high resolution (300 dpi), CMYK, pdf, tif or eps format only. If you have difficulty Samantha will help convert files from RGB to CMYK for print, artwork must be high resolution for visual quality. If you need an advert created we can also design it for you with your supplied text and branding, (advert design and artwork is chargeable, pdf proofs of created ads are emailed for approval). Deadline for ALL submissions is the 26th business day of each month. Payments MUST BE PAID prior to deadline.
Really Useful Telephone Numbers
A short directory of emergency numbers, helplines and local service numbers EMERGENCY NUMBERS NSPCC
................................................ 0800 800 5000 (24 hour) ParentLine Plus Police, Fire, Ambulance and 0808 800 2222 Coastguard 999 Red Cross Medical Loan Bexhill-on-Sea Police Station 01424 213583 101 - non emergency calls Samaritans (*24hr) Freephone Crimestoppers 01424 436666/*08457 909090 0800 555 111 Women’s Refuge Conquest Hospital: A&E Dept. 0808 2000 247 01424 755255 Eastbourne District General CHEMISTS ................................................ Hospital 01323 411188 Little Common Pharmacy National Gas Emergency 01424 843575 Service 0800 111 999 Lloyds Pharmacy South East Water Company 01424 220424 0845 278 0845 Marsh Pharmacy Garage Door Emergency Repair 01424 219516 07730 5570119 Pebsham Pharmacy Little’s Locksmiths 01424 736135 07702 849828 Trackside Pharmacy 01424 212555 HELPLINES ................................................ CHIROPODISTS/FOOT HEALTH Age UK ................................................ Naomi Creasey MChS BSc(Hons) Podiatry 01424 426162 01424 215300 Bexhill Information Centre Pamela Davey 01424 773721 01424 844820 Rother District Citizens Advice 01424 215055 and 01424 734549 Talbot Associates 01424 216488 Childline 0800 1111 CHURCHES ............................................... Cruse Bereavement Care All Saint’s Church (Anglican) 01424 732093 01424 221071 Direct Debt Line Beulah Baptist Church 0800 587 0875 01424 730001 Domestic Abuse Project Bexhill/Hastings Jewish Society 01424 716629 07743 992295 Hastings and Rother Mediation Christchurch Methodist Church Service 01424 422350 01424 446808 Home Call - In and around Bexhill St Augustine’s Church 01424 210785 01424 214458 St Peter’s Church Home-Start 01424 734438 01424 443636 St Stephen’s Church Kidscape 01424 211186 08451 205204 Multiple Sclerosis Society DENTISTS >> ................................................ 0808 800 8000
Eversley Road Dental Practice 01424 210610 Little Common Dental Practice 01424 845530 Precision Oral Design Ltd 01424 223293 Sussex Dental Design 01424 210777 DOCTORS ................................................ Collington Surgery 01424 217465 Little Common Surgery 01424 847575 Old Town Surgery 01424 739420 Sidley Medical Practice 01424 230025 OPTICIANS & EAR HEALTH ................................................ Green & Elliott 01424 212544 The Spectacle Hut 01424 213326 Bexhill Hearing Centre 01424 733030 PHYSIOTHERAPISTS & OSTEOPATHS ................................................ Peter Butcher
MMACP, Mcsp, Grad Dip Physiotherapist Rebecca Lunn MCSP BSc (Hons) Tracey Butcher MCSP, Grad, Dip, Phys
01424 224164 Clare Kersley BSc (Hons) Osteopath 07954 327614
TV & SATELLITE REPAIR ................................................ Dannie Herbert 07525 793203 VETS ................................................ Chase Veterinary Centre 01424 224818 Claremont Veterinary Group 01424 222835 Greenleaves Veterinary Centre 01424 212225