SDSU Circle K September 2015 Newsletter

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Monty Monthly Volume VI |Edition 2 | September 2015 Issue

Welcome to Circle K!

Contents Letter from the Editor Letter from the President September Birthdays (Secret) Service Projects Socials Meet our LtG Member Highlights September Shout-outs

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Secretly follow our every move… SDSU Circle K (Page and Group)


Pun of the month: “A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it’s TWO-tired.” -­‐G-­‐Bus Aguilar aka the Pun-­‐Raising Chair


Letter from

the Editor

Happy September everyone!

I hope you all had a great full month back at school and if this is your first year here at State, I hope it’s already starting to feel like home. This semester has been off to a sweet start with Circle K and although I’m putting together this newsletter a little bit last minute (sorry Melissa!!!), it’s been really fun being your Public Relations Chair so far and meeting a lot of you! This upcoming month we have so many events planned for all of you and I hope you enjoy this issue! Thanks for reading and hit me up if you ever want to hang J Love, Sam Pfau


Letter from... The President

Well hello everyone! (shoutout to my mentee Kevin Zinkofsky) Welcome to SDSU Circle K! I'm Melissa Farlow, the President of this hoedown throwdown! Thank you to all 65 of you who have filled out membership apps already and double thanks to the 31 of you who have paid membership! Remember to pay dues to Andrea Steele ($30 or $31) when you can J I'm really sorry if I haven't been 100% active and available for you members. I live a busy life Circle K’ing all day/all night, school, interviewing for Teach for America, visiting my ever needy parents, and tutoring for Rosa Parks Elementary school. Don't be scared to talk to me after meetings! I love Circle K so much I could cry (stay tuned to actually see Melissa tear up a bit at New Member Installation October 24th at 6-8 PM). And on the flip slide, don't feel bad if you can't make it out to anything but still love the club with all your heart (shoutout to my mentee Madison Kennedy). You do what you can and do your best and that's what matters! Speaking of Rosa Parks Elementary, I made a friend on my first day named Nafisa and she's a cute little girl with a super blue hajab and she talked to me all of class. I was kinda curious where she was from because a lot of the students I've tutored in RC who are Muslim Africans are from Nigeria. So I go, "Nafisa, what country are you from?" and she replied "I'm from Utah!" It was basically that scene from Mean Girls. Awkward. Thanks for coming to meetings, events, school, work, and living! Peace out girl scout <3

Melissa Farlow


Sacked Lunches for the Homeless

La Jolla Rough Water Swim

Happy birthday to our SEPTEMBER Friends!

Also shout-out to our Historian, Kristoff Aragon, for all of the beautifully done powerpoints! 5

SERVICE PROJECTS So you may have heard of us before…and you may even think we’re that Circle K gas station on that one street in your hometown…but we hope that this month you’ve found out a little bit more about us and know that we’re all about that (secret) service. Every week with a huge special thanks to our Vice President of Service, Sharanee Sytha, we have different service projects to offer you all and to help the community together. This month we’ve helped out all over from tutoring students weekly at Reality Changers to cheering on runners supporting finding a cure at City of Hope. Our club theme this year may be secret service, but it’s no secret we love service. We hope you join us for more service events this upcoming year!

September Service Projects:

La Jolla Rough Water Swim Traveling Stories

Lewis Middle School BBQ

Sacked Lunch Making

Flower Box Planting with K-Kids City of Hope Together 4 Hope Reality Changers

Special thank you to our Vice President of Service, Sharanee Sytha, who regularly coordinates all of the service projects for the club!


Traveling Stories

*Written by: Patrick Cuaresma

So for Traveling Stories, Sharanee, Willow, Palomar, Otoo, Tatiana, Kayla, and I went to the Farmer's Market to read to the kids. In this event we had to either help kids read or listen to the kids read to us. Once the child did that, we would give them "book bucks" which they can trade for prizes. In the beginning I just stood there as all the kids went to the other Circle K members. This did give me time to take some pretty dope pictures of them reading to kids though. Eventually a girl asked me to read to her little brother. So I read to him a book and at first he was pretty shy and didn't want to read along with me. But eventually he warmed up to me and he read with me and wanted me to read other books with him. After he read with me I gave him like 20 "book bucks" which he used to buy his little brother bubbles and a few toy lizards. When it was time to close we had to help clean up and after cleaning up we all went to go get free food from Reality Changers across the street. It was really cool seeing all these kids wanting to read and I'm excited to go again.

*Thank you to Patrick for the article and for taking all of these photos! Also you look different on a bike‌.


Reality Changers

Written by: Abi Wortmann

I started going to reality changers a few weeks ago to help tutor kids. Honestly, I was pretty nervous at first. I wanted to help, but I didn’t think I would be smart enough. I was worried for no reason, though. My first time there everyone was super friendly! The environment is like a big family. A lot of the students have inside jokes, and there is an amazing sense of friendship. I realized that many times the students just need someone to vent to about their day or just a sounding board for their ideas. In my opinion, Reality Changers has changed me and helped me more than I have been able to help the students I am tutoring. I’m so inspired by their determination to make it to college and get good grades. Most of the time they are always in a good mood and it’s amazing to see. I am very excited to be able to continue working with them and watching them grow.

La Jolla Rough Water Swim

“Volunteering at the La Jolla Rough Water Swim was a great experience. I met swimmers of all ages, from six-years-old to 60-years-old. During my time at the event I wrote swim numbers on the arm and shoulder blade. It was fun getting to talk to people while writing on them. For example, an older woman told me that she had been swimming in that competition for the past twenty years. It was great seeing how close the families were. The parents took pictures of me writing the numbers on their children, stating that it was the child’s first time, and couldn’t wait to watch them do what the parents did themselves in previous years. Also, there were a lot of kind swimmers. Here in Circle K we volunteer to help, we don’t do it for the recognition, but it made me smile hearing the older swimmers say how much they appreciated our attendance because they don’t usually have that many volunteers. At the beginning of the event, Patrick and myself were standing in the sun writing numbers, and a gentleman came and put up an EZ-up to give us shade. His reason for doing so was because we were simply helping. Overall, it was a fantastic experience and hopefully I get the chance to volunteer there again..” Written by Tatiana rizo


Victoria Romero and Evellyn Metztli Rosas Cowles Mountain Night Hike

Gautam Nair and Mitchell Nguyen


There’s a saying in Circle K that people join the Francis Banana club for the service and stay for the friends. The socials that we have in the club are a huge part of that being true. Our Social Chair, Francis Banaña, listens to what kind of events the members would like to go to and then makes them happen. This year we have a ton of socials that we plan to make happen that will let you explore San Diego a bit more, eat some really good food, gain a liJle bit more muscle (maybe, maybe not), and most importantly meet some really great friends. We hope to hangout with you all a lot more as the year goes on! Manhunt Beach Bonfire

September C.R.E.A.M. Social Socials: Maze Runner Movie Social Screen on the Green

Cowles Mountain Night Hike


-F IRE social! This semester we kicked off the festivities with a bonfire social at Mission Beach! Cheers to Francis for saving a fire pit for us from the early hours of the morning and for keeping the fire going throughout the night. The weather was perfect and the sunset was so pretty to watch and our version of the Pitch Perfect riff-raff was so hilarious and fun. It was great meeting a lot of new members and getting to hangout with returning members again. It definitely made me feel happy to be back in San Diego again.



2015-2016 Secret Service SDSU Circle K Board


Haaave you met our LtG?! Introducing:

Zach Manlapid

"S-D-S-U! WHADDUP! My name is Zach Manlapid and I am your current Paradise Division Lieutenant Governor (LtG for short)! An LtG is sort of like a president for multiple Circle K clubs, and our division is made up of clubs from both San Diego AND Hawaii! My job is to basically act as a resource for all of the members in my division (which includes your own beautiful self) and answer anything Circle K related along with trying to help all of the clubs be the best that they can be. Some fun facts about me are that I am a current Third Year at Palomar College with a Sociology major and a Music minor. I really love performing and anything related to musicals (if you want to talk about Broadway, hit me up) and have been studying tap dance for the past two years.

My goal this year is to make sure that I am approachable and friendly to every Circle K member (which again, includes your own beautiful face) and to inspire those beautiful faces to become the leaders of tomorrow! Yes I know it sounds very cheesy and like I'm in a pageant, but I do truly feel that way. If you ever see me at any of your meetings, don't be shy and say hello! I am terri-bad at names but if you keep saying hi to me I will eventually pick them up! AND don't feel bad if you don't know anything or haven't heard about something related to Circle K! That's where I come in Jď Š I hope your Circle K year will be as awesome as you are!â€? -Zach Manlapid Paradise Lieutenant Governor


MEMBER HIGHLIGHTS This month, we recognized a different member each week for their enthusiasm about service projects and for brightening up everyone’s day at the different events throughout the week. Congratulations to Patrick, Tatiana, and Tammy for being our September Member Highlights!

This month a popular question asked during Member Highlight was…. What’s your favorite type of tree? 9/17 Tatiana Rizo Major: PR Favorite Tree: Redwood 9/10 Patrick Cuaresma Major: Social Sciences Favorite Tree: Oak

9/24 Tammy Pham Major: Chemistry Favorite Tree: Palm Trees


“Shout out to Jefe. But who is Jefe…?” –Kevin Nhim

“Shout out to G-Bus's pun… -draising?” –Willow Lark

September Shout-Outs

Shout-out to all of you for being a part of Circle K! Here are some other shout-outs written by our members J “Shout-out to Sam for putting “Shout out to my mentor and everyone together the Newsletter last minute.” at apartment E for letting me be here all –G-Bus the time.” –Patrick Cuaresma “I'd like to shoutout to my amazing “Shout-out to Denny and Mo for making the League team!” –G-Bus

“Eileen Dover?? More like uleendover into my heart! I am so excited to be your mentor this year, and I look forward to our adventures this year!! #thepowerpairing” –Gabriel Hernandez

mentor Princess Vivian for turning 20 this past month, for appreciating my grilled cheese sandwiches, and for her bomb cooking skills! Love you Viv!” –Victoria Romero “Shout-out to Julia for mentorship pairings J” -Jake Wong


Save the date!!! October 9th

Let’s Circle K and chill J

Kiwanis SpagheW AppreciaYon Dinner Time: 5:30-­‐8:30PM

October 26th SouplantaYon Fundraiser Time: 5:00-­‐7:00PM

October 10th-­‐11th New Member Retreat Time: 2:00 PM-­‐11:00 AM Meetup: 1:00, 3:00, or 5:00PM LocaYon: Lake Morena

November 6th-­‐8th Fall Training Conference LocaYon: Sonora, CA Cost: $122 Theme: NauYcal

October 17th Crazy KompeYYon for Infants South (CKI: South) Time: 9 AM-­‐4 PM LocaYon: Stanton, CA Cost: $7

November 14th Masquerade Ball Time: 7:00-­‐11:00 PM


Thank you for reading!

And we hope to see you at Fall Training Conference! It’s a great event for both new and returning members and we’d love to hang with y’all in Sonora!

CONTACT US! Melissa Farlow President

Vivian Nguyen Vice President of Administration

Sharanee Sytha Vice President of Service

Andrea Steele Treasurer

Simi Kakwani Secretary

G-Bus Aguilar Fundraising Chair

Kristoff Aragon Historian

Kevin Nhim Kiwanis Family Chair

Julia Kinoshita MD&E Chair

Gabriel Hernandez MRP Chair

Sam Pfau Public Relations Chair

Francis Banaña Social Chair

Zsoli Reynolds Spirit Chair

Gautam Nair Technology Chair

Circle K Pledge

I pledge to uphold the objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill towards others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind’s potential!

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