Exit Portfolio

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Exit Portfolio Samar Idris

I am designing an obscure (literally obscuring), form of rebellion. I don’t know why nor against whom.

The ultimate rebellion was not making my bed every morning. So maybe it’s against my mom? Or perhaps life?

I’m pretty sure social construction and societal expectations of tight and ordered beds have something to do with this.

Excuse me while I disorder my pillows.

There are no beds on the moon. Also, there is no oxygen.


4th year project

mckenzie taxidermy

Rejected logo, McK

Rejected logo process, McK

Rejected logos, McK



Dead Illustrations, McK

Rejected logos, McK


McKenzie Taxidermy

Final logo, McK

Rejected logo/ 3D application, McK

Larry Mckenzie Head honcho

tel: 800-279-7985 mobile: +971 456 7890 taxidermy@mckenziesp.com www.mckenziesp.com

Business card, McK

McKenzie Taxidermy

X Illustration, McK

Envelope/ illustration, McK



3rd year Stop motion 01:06 Starring Zilly the God Dinosaur

“They are very young. And on their earth, as they call it, they never communicate with other planets. They revolve about all alone in space.” “Oh,”

the thin beast said.

“Aren’t they lonely?”

4th year 01:38 Inspired by lack of human interaction, by dancing without touching

- Madeleine L’Engle, A Wrinkle in Time

We will collide, he said In approximately 3.7 billion years. Milk-dromeda, he called it, referring to the hybrid namesake of his and her majesty as they danced, dispersed, and married.

But don’t worry, he continued, There are hundreds of billion of stars. But our planet is in no danger, he reassured. They just watch, light-years apart, As the party crashers arrive. Reassured, they will dance alone.


4th year 04:02 Inspired by my jealousy of jellyfish and all things bioluminescent at the bottom of the sea

We are perpetually sinking.

With every heartbeat, you have one less.

We spend our time constructing sand castles.

But they will inevitably be swept by the almighty sea.

So I’ll just lie here, Poseidon, and wait.

You can have my ankles.

You can drag me, smiling, into your kingdom.

Where like children, we will read stories with flashlights, in the dark.

So just, read me to sleep.

Read me to my eternal sleep.


How is it







under these covers?

Under cover



One dog night.

June 23rd, 2009

The stories may be different, but the theme and emotion remain the same. The motive that drives it all is the same xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxx mind xxxxxxxxxxxxx get a hold xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx run wild. Are xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ? In my head? Starved for xxxxxxxx life beyond xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. A thing that’s all my own.

(Actual journal entry following a year of silence.)


4th year

Process illustrations, ink + dip pen

Process illustrations, ink + dry brush

Illustrations, ink + dry brush

Illustrations, ink + dry brush

Illustrations, book cover, Inspired by “Corpse Smoker” by Alissa Nutting ink + dry brush

Illustrations, book cover, Inspired by “Corpse Smoker” by Alissa Nutting ink + dry brush

“Your hair.”

“It is ghost-blown.”

Quote from the short story “Knife Thrower” from the book “Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls” by Alissa Nutting.


3rd year Autobiographical booklet personal essays + collage

OPEN IF DEAD, ME, NOT YOU. For you would clearly be a ghost, Your fingers will go straight through.

Samar Idris

My y nam n e is is Sama Samar, r, pro p nounce pronou nced d “su su umm mme mer” r but ut t wi with t rol th rollin ling g the t “r” r”. .

It t mea ea ans co con on nver versat sat tion at t

nig ight. ig ght. t. Wh Which h is s ap app pro r pri pr ate pr te sin ince c I love ce v the th he nigh night, g t, and nd I talk tal k to myse myse y lf. yself. lf A lot t of ti times mes es it’ t s rhym hym y ed wit ymed ym with i h “Qam Q ar” ar r wh which ich means s moo m n in Arab Arab r ic ra ic. c. c . If I I had a a dif i fer erent ent nt na name name e I w woul oul ou uldn’ dn’ d n t have ave

an and n I would hav ave e missed him.

been n frie iends ie nds d wi with th the mo oon, n n,

I am 21 year rs old old d b but bu ut u t I fee feel l infin nit ni tel ly olde ol lde der. . And A An I do n no not ot t li e it. If lik li f I coul coul u d have a it my y way y, I wo w uld li ike k to ne never be tak a en ser rio i sly iou ly y, and nd to to bec ecome e m a homele el less ss po po t. poe t I woul ould u d wo ry wor y abo bo ou ut t whe wh h re my y nex next t meal meal l is com o ing om ng fr rom an a and not t abo bou out the e fu ure fut ur r I do not ha have/ v w wan nt. I nt. care car e to to leav eave no o legacy l g cy cy and I want want to ow own n no n poss ossess ession ssio ons, espe esp peci eciall ally y huma m n ones n , lest ne e t they the y end end up p own ow ing ng g me me.

I want wan to t gi give ev everyt eve rythin ryt y hing g up up and g go o no owhe h re, li like ke e Chr C ist i oph p er r from fro m the the he boo bo o k, k “In I to The he e Wi Wild ld” d” ”. I want to go g to to a cave cav ave wher wher here e I cann not t sin s a d prep an r pare re pa are e fo f r my y aft terl erlife ife f . You’ Yo ou u d thin think k the h s ry sto y end ending ng g wi ith h his hi de ea at ath th is sad sa d, but t act ctual ct ual ually, ally, y it t’s s qui qu qu ui it te e app pprop ropria iate. ia t te It wo would uld be aw war awk rd to go back bac ack c ho home, me pi me, p ck k up p the re remot m e and mot n res re ume me wa me atch tching ing g televi tel ev sio ion afte ft r so gran a d a ges estur t e. H He e sho hou uld ldn’t ’t ha h ve ve di ied of

ex expos re, h he e shou should d hav ave X p sure

died die d in n an a

He should have died from He

exp explos si ion on. X plos

fireworks on on a death parade. p

The name game

I don’ on’t t kno know ow w wh w at t to o ta tal al lk abo bou out ou t when n it it come mes to my chil me hi ildho il dh d ho ood. od od. d My sis i ter sa said id d I was a weir weir eird ei d bab ab by. y She th t oug ou ugh ug ht t I was s st strang str ang nge and an d wo ould ob obser se ser serve erve er e me e fro ro r om af far ar. a She sa sai ai id d tha hat it it took took my mo m the th h r ages age s to to get ge et t me to t smi mi m ile e for or a pho p hoto tograp ph, h,

and an n th nd he en n I di id d it it all all wr al wron ong ng g.

M be May b it i was wa al a l an omen en. . O Or r may aybe b it was be wa a ju j s st t goo g d prac go a t tic ce, all pa p rt of the t th le l earn ar ing cu c rve rve. . I can a preten nd much h bette t r now. ow. ow.

I ca an n fak fake my sm fake mi mil il les e lik like a pr ro. o


I reme re eme m mbe mber r sit sit itt ttin t ing i ng o on n ou o r old, old , gree gree reen n sofa sofa of fa. . I mu m st st’ve st’ v bee bee be en 9 year ears s old, old, g gi ive or tak ta e. e My y father fat her ba bange ng nge g d his his e elb lbow w on on the th he edg dg ge of of the sof o a, and of nd d when wh hen e his hi is f e con fac ont n ort orted ed wit th pain pain ain, , m mine ine ne was s sh s att at t ere er d with with t di d sbe sb lie ief. ie f. I nev ver kne ew men c cou ould fe fee e l. The Th y co ld fee cou feel?! ! I was was a du umbf b oun ounded ded e . To thi th s day, ay on o so s me m lev e el, ev el I thi ink I stil i l don’t beli e e eve e it t. I need ne ee eed e to o p po oke k the em to make a su e they sur hey y bl bleed eed e . Hu urt rt t th them e a em lit little it ttle t , ju ust s th the righ righ ght amou mou mo o nt. nt. Smi mi ile l to o mys mys y elf l a as s I cal ca cul culate ate e t the we ell cal al a lcu culate cul t d move ve I wil ve ill mak a e. ak e Jus J st t the he r rig ri ight t amo am mo oun unt u t of f hur h rt t comb mb bin ine ne n ed with it th ju j st t the t rig right ig gh ht t amo am m unt nt of nt f offha offha of and nde d dne dness. s I watc a h thei at ei ir face face aces s paus paus a e, au puzzle puz ed; d; the t n thin thin hin ink k bett et er of et f p inti poi pointi ti ing g out o th he pape pe p er cut cut t I j t gave ju jus e th hem. em Fo For they For hey ar he re big big g boys, boy ys,

and bi ig boys bo oys do oys don’t n’t t cr cry. cry. y

Let’s watch the stars

My y fri friend end was talk lking ing g ab about out ut

My y fri friend end nd sa s id i her h mu m use

her dr drawi awing ng g mus mu e d dist i rac ctin ting g

distra dis t cte tra ted d her, , te t lli ling li ng g her er r to o

her. her . I im imagi agined g ned a win wingle g ess gle

forget for g get ge w at wh t she h wa w s doin ing a in and nd d to o

p ie sho pixie pix showin wing g a lo l t of of leg leg g in

draw. draw dr dra w. Ple lead le adi adi ding ing ng wit with her wi her er to to co com com ome

a shor shor rt dres dress, s, try try ryi ying ing g to t ge get

out ou u an and d pl pl la lay ay a y. I co could uld ld d se see her her er

her at atten tentio tion n whil whil ile e lean ea aning ing g

g g giggli gig gg gling gl g and an nd po p uti pouti u ng, ng beg eg ggin gin ing and nd

flirta flirta rtatio tiousl u y on on the the tab ta le.

bar arefo efoot. efo ot. Th The e pixi pi ixi ie look look o ed ok d lik lik li ke

You’d You d thi t nk her be being ing g a pix p ie pixie

one of f my y fr frien ien i end’s ’s s dr rawi a ngs aw gs,

with wit h no no wing ngs g woul ould d rend render er r

a obn an noxi o ou ox ous u li littl t e slut slut ut. ut .

her an or ordin dinary ary ry gi g rl, bu girl, b t she she h was a n’t n . The The win wind d play play yed e wit with h her tr trans an luc ans ucent en sk ent skirt i irt a d h an hair i . ir I wa was as squ squint q int inting ing g at he h r fr rom om the he e su un.

I am bl loc cked by y my y de depressi press pre ssi s s on. on n I am left left eft in a sta state te of f co c ple com p te plete t unw nwill ill illing l ing gness nes ess to p part a ici art ic pat p e in pate these the se arb arbitr itrary itr ary ry mo m t tio ti ions tha tha h t tot tal l “li “life fe” ”.

We e fel ll sile le ent, t, my y fr frien iend d and I. I

“My y mu m se is a asl leep.” p I said, “She is aski sking ng g me to come to b d.“ bed “ Blocked

I hate bi bir rds

Hearin Hea ring rin g them them ch chirp irp. p. Sig gnif nifyin y g the end of yin

the he ni nig ght ht. .

Warni Warn ing the dissip sipat pati ion of

my y co cov ver. r

Leavin Lea ving g me no option but to

g t up get up. p. Get dr d ess essed ed. . Walk Wal k outs outs ut ide ide. . Look Loo k them them st strai raight g ght i in

the ey eye. ye.

the ey eye. ye.






forgive them. forgive them.



They The y neve er rele rele elent They The nt.y neve nt er rele rele elent nt. nt



they the y neve never r apol pologi they the ogize ogi yze ze. never neve r apol pologi ogize ogi ze. ze

They chirp.


They chirp.

Mostly, I’m glad to have taken my father’s advice and to have found something better to do. Something better than the game I invented:

eating rusted metal mesh to see if I’d die of tetanus. Little did I know,

*****Lockjaw is the most common symptom of tetanus.

If the muscles of the face stiffen, a

person with tetanus looks as if he or she has a fixed smile that does not change.*****

I had been vacc Xbeen inated. I had vacc X inated.

Vaccinated Vaccinated

THE END. I dead.

2nd year Experimental booklet postcards + commentary


“Not a shred of evidence exists in favour of the idea that life is serious.” —Brendan Gill


This is a Persian person. This is a Persian person.

I swear.

I swear.

Arabs. Makes you think of belly dancers. Thinking of belly dancers yet? Sorry to break it to you but we do not break it down, unless by “It” you mean buildings. We do not dance. We war. Only dancing we do is hopping and dodging gunfi re, like samba dancing baby chickens, also known as chicks, on hot Egyptian trays. C’mon everybody do the moon walk, now do the mine avoidance maneuver!

If you’re gonna do tacky bellydancer. Be an artist, do it right. Make it tacky times 3. Just tacky? Not interested. Tacky times three? Yes please. Now we have something. You need to crop your sarcasm right.

FYI, they don’t take high fives. only singles.

Now pack on the theNow tack.pack on the the tack.

I thought it was another shitty postcard. Well that one is. This one is a Pretty in Pink Political Proclamation. Welcome.

I almost don’t want to know what you have to say.

I almost don’t want to know what you have to say.

Welcome. Enjoy your stay.

What if women ruled the world? Would the guns be pink? Do the bullets come out with glitter? Is peace even a possibility? When there were only four of you on this earth, one of you commited murder. Yes i’m talking about you Cain. But I mean with name like Cain... Cmon, what did you guys expect? So a quarter of you, 25%, children of Adam, are murderers. Actually no wait. If Abel died, then Cain fathered us all. Oh snap. We are all murderers.

They said that they appreciate the challenge. The further you get into this book, the more challenging it gets. What artists say isn’t worth a damn sometimes anyway. And sometimes, explaining something defeats the purpose of the supposed poetry of the piece. The poetic ambiguity. Like explaining your jokes. It breaks your heart when no one laughs. But you don’t cry. You act like a man. Keyword: act. You cry alone. In the bathroom. You know, like a man…

C’mon in, make youself at home. I said, come in. Close the door behind you and hold today’s newspaper. Now smile for the camera. The less noise you make, the less dead I will kill you.

Racist. Yes, you.

Ok. Maybe not so much.

Which is the post card and which is the art piece? If you ask a professor a question, they always philosophize. Well, philosophize this motherfuckers. No man is an island. But can an island be a man? If it looks like a face I guess. This one is called Jimmy.


“Record, I am Arab”


Is that it? Because I can fi nd millions of you. Unless they were all killed...

You are more than that. No you don’t. You’re Arab. They’re all probably just about war. That’s how he says I love you. Did I mention he’s an artist? That explains a lot.

He writes “How i love you” on a mirror. Then dramatically exits the room. Fucking weirdo.

There are many Persian artists in the UAE art scene. Probably because there are many Persians in the UAE. These things called percentages, it’s absolutely fascinating how they work. But don’t call them Arab or they get pissed off. Which is offensive, what’s arong with being Arab? Besides everything? Calm down, its ok to be racist against your own as well as and others.

No Arabian artistry, just political commentary.

Some saw polyester atrocities, while others saw hot, sweaty love. Hot and sweaty due to the stifl ing quality of polyester of course.

You look very beautiful tonight baby. Your beauty is inversely proportional to that ugly-ass dress.

This is a Persian woman.

This is also a persian person. There are almost 5 persian people in this car.

So what makes something art? People can cash in on the content, the idea of something. But does that make them artists or documenters? Like crime scene photographers. But they don’t really cash in on that. If I were one, I’d make copies for myself. The dark room would be a pun. The red light would be unsettling.

Being on the outside looking in. or being on the inside looking out. what is this place we’re looking in and out from? Sounds like a recipe to get arrested. Or are we already in jail? Why don’t they think of us? Those inside? Just because I’m here doesn’t mean I want to be. And just because I’m here doesn’t mean I agree.

Well, this is defi nitely one view of Egypt. Like what you see? Pay extra for more. Extra time and go see the exhibition. Don’t you wish you were a patron of the arts. Thank the Lord I see no pyramid. It would be strange to circle her on the back of a camel. Staring… It is my turn yet? Public restroom secks is for free.

Come for our personality. Yeah, i’m sure the booze and the long legs had nothing to do with it.

She goes by the name Sunset.

There. It’s straight. Are you happy now? Nothing to see here. I just broke

My book is a nut house (I want to name it moonface, or face of the moon or me, me, you, the Nile and the moon or something). Ok back to my story. So you open the door, and someone is shouting at you (in all caps). BUT they’re warning you (the disclaimer, it makes sense). Then you walk in and meet Hannibal Lecter. He’s the serif type, calm, collected and delicate, but he’s spewing absolute shit.


3rd year Editorial design


The The New, New, New New City City

“Don’t tell anyone,”

Rem Koolhaas said to me several years ago as we

would come next.

disorderly rows, for wealthy

single identity. It is sometimes

better suited to the

In both China and the Persian

expatriates from Riyadh and

hard to think of them as cities

speculators that first spurred

not very relevant anymore,”

Moscow. Long-established

at all. Dubai, which lays claim

its growth than to the workers

Jesse Reiser, an American

cities like Beijing and

to some of the world’s most

housed in huge complexes

architect working in Dubai,

expensive private islands, the

of factory-run barracks. Yet

told me recently. “What

for architects these cities

context are we talking about

headed down the F.D.R.

Gulf, cities comparable in size

Drive in New York, “but the

to New York have sprouted

20th-century city is over. It

up almost overnight. Only 30

Guangzhou have more

“The old contextual model is

has nothing new to teach us

years ago, Shenzhen was a

anymore. Our job is simply

small fishing village of a few

few decades, their original

largest theme park, has been

have also become vast fields

in a city that’s a few decades

to maintain it.” Koolhaas’s

thousand people, and Dubai

outlines swallowed by rings

derided as an urban tomb

of urban experimentation,

old? The problem is that we

viewpoint is widely shared

had merely a quarter million

of new development. Built at

where the rich live walled off

on a scale that not even the

are only beginning to figure

by close observers of the

people. Today Shenzhen has

phenomenal speeds, these

from the poor migrant workers

early Modernists, who first

out where to go from here.”

evolution of cities. But not

a population of eight million,

generic or instant cities, as

who serve them. Shenzhen is

envisioned the city as a field

even Koolhaas, it seems, was

and Dubai’s glittering towers,

they have been called, have

often criticized as a product

of gleaming towers, could

completely prepared for what

rising out of the desert in

no recognizable center, no

of unregulated development,

have dreamed of.

than doubled in size in a

tallest building and soon the



The sheer number of projects

barely 30 years old also seems

under construction and the

absurd. How do you breathe

corresponding investment in civic infrastructure — entire networks of new subway systems, freeways and canals; gargantuan new airports and public parks — can give the impression that anything is possible in this new world. The scale of these undertakings recalls the early part of the last century in America, when the country was confidently pointed toward the future. But it would be unimaginable in an American city today, where, in the face of shrinking state

Anything is possible in this new world.

the development plans for ground zero — can seem a mere blip in Beijing, which

neighborhoods, something

has embarked on dozens of

of their construction makes

closer in spirit to Los Angeles.

them seem decades old.

The breathtaking speed of

For some reason, our society

Nearby, a new freeway cut

their construction means that

wants to make everything

through the neighborhood,

they usually lack the layers —

old. I think we somehow lost our nerve.” Holl has reason to be

further disfiguring an area that, however modest, was once bursting with life.

exhilarated. His Beijing project, “If you take Venturi’s ideas

the mix of architectural styles and intricately related social strata — that give a city

architects have typically

“We’ve become too backward-

the most innovative housing

referring to Robert Venturi’s

drawn inspiration.

looking. In China, they want

complexes anywhere in the

groundbreaking work,

In Dubai, for instance, what

to make everything look

world: eight asymmetrical

new. This is their moment in

towers joined by a network of

“Learning From Las Vegas,” which called on architects to

of contemporary architecture

its complexity and from which

about the city,” Holl said,

depends on sifting through the cultural and historical layers that a site accumulates over time — whether neo-

might once have been the

Classical monuments or

product of 100 years of urban

enclosed bridges that create a

growth has been compressed

pedestrian zone in the sky. Yet

into a decade or so. Given such seismic shifts, even

this exhilaration also comes at a price: only the wealthiest of

the most talented architects

Beijing’s residents can afford

can seem to flounder for

Socialist-era housing — what similarly sized endeavors in

can be done if there is nothing

the last decade alone. “The

to sift through but sand?

irony is that we still don’t know if postmodernism was

to live here. Climbing to the

new models. No one wants

the end of Modernism or just

top of one of Holl’s towers, I

to return to the deadly

an interruption,” Koolhaas

looked out through a haze of

reconsider the importance

homogeneity associated

told me recently. “Was it a

with Modernism’s tabula

brief hiatus, and now we

billboards, storefronts), “and

rasa planning strategies.

are returning to something

his own, the kind of alienating

put them in Beijing or

The image of Le Corbusier

subdivisions that are so often

Tokyo, they don’t hold any

hovering godlike above Paris

long time, or is it something

cited as a symptom of the

water at all. When you get

ready to wipe aside entire

radically different? We

city’s unbridled, dehumanizing

into this scale, the rules

development. Protected

smog at the acres of luxuryhousing towers that surround


impact on the character of, say, New York — like

time. They want to make the

“Linked Hybrid,” is one of

could have a significant

as a series of decentralized

21st century their century.

his latest complex in Beijing.

matter how unique, virtually unnoticed. A project that

Instead, their vast size means

seem like a heroic act. “In work like I do here,” Steven

absorb any urban model, no

that they function primarily

and city budgets, expanding

Holl, a New York architect with

Cities like these, built on a colossal scale, seem to

radiate from a historic center

a single subway line can

several large projects in China,

healthy community into one that rose overnight?

as Paris and New York do.

America, I could never do

recently told me, referring to

life into a project at such a scale? How do you instill the fine-grained texture of a

of the everyday (strip malls,

that has been going on for a

districts and replace them

are in a condition we don’t

have to be rewritten. is so

with glass towers remains an

understand yet.”

by armed guards, these

incredible.” Because of this

emblem of Modernism’s attack

For architects faced with

residential high-rises stood on

density, cities like Beijing

what was until quite recently a

have few of the features we

working-class neighborhood,

associate with a traditional

even though the poor quality

metropolis. They do not

on the city’s historical fabric.

building these large urban

Yet the notion of finding

developments, the difficulty

“authenticity” in a sprawling metropolitan area that is

is to create something where there was nothing. If much


In a recent design for a

Koolhaas says he hopes

Several years ago, the


that the plan will gain in

London-based, Iraqi-born

development in Dubai called

complexity as the buildings’

architect Zaha Hadid received

Waterfront City, Koolhaas

functions are worked out;

a phone call from a Chinese

proposed creating an urban

he says he was thrilled to

developer asking if she might

island inspired by a section of Midtown Manhattan. The

learn that the government

be interested in designing a

wanted both a courthouse

500-acre urban development

Yet once construction began,

design linked a dense grid

and a mosque on the

on the outskirts of Singapore.

the design of the buildings

of conventional towers to

island. “Another option

Hadid had never met the

was left to local architects

the mainland by a system of

that I personally find very

developer before. She was

hired by the developer.

interesting,” Koolhaas told

soon working on the master

As the towers rose in clusters

bridges. A series of stunning “iconic” buildings — a gigantic,

me, “is the modernist

plan for “One North,” a

hollowed-out Piranesian

vernacular of the 1970s —

mixed-use development

sphere at the island’s edge;

buildings that once you put

with a projected population

intent. With more than

a spiraling tower that winds

them in Singapore or Dubai

of about 140,000. Located

20 blocks now complete,

around an airy public atrium

take on totally different

on what was once a military

parts of the city look

site, Hadid’s design conjured

surprisingly conventional.

— were intended to give the

meanings. Some of the

city a distinct flavor. Koolhaas

modern typologies work

scattered across the site, it was difficult to read the formal

a high-tech mountainous

Hadid revived the concept

said he hoped, in this way,

in Asia even though they

terrain. Dubbed the “urban

to infuse this entirely new

are totally dysfunctional in

carpet,” it was intended to

won a competition to create

several years later, when she

development with something

classical arcades lining the

America. Typologies we’ve

blend office and residential

a 1,360-acre business district

of the feeling of an older city.

downtown streets. But the

rejected turn out to be viable

towers and highways and

in a former industrial zone on

But while the outlines are

majority of Dubai’s inhabitants

in other contexts.” The challenges of building

public parks into a seamless

the outskirts of Istanbul. This

Smallscale city from scratch

intriguing, he is still coming

are foreign-born, and the

to terms with how to create

arcaded streets could easily

what amounts to a small-

lines of the traditional street

promising: a hilly landscape

an organic whole. In the early

suggest a theme-park version

scale city from scratch are

grid, the sinuous curves of

at the edge of the sea flanked

stages of the design, Koolhaas

of a traditional Arab city.

compounded by the realities

the freeways suggested a

experimented with somewhat

Koolhaas is painfully aware

of working in a global

more fluid, mobile society.

of how hard it is to escape

neighborhoods on either side.

conventional models of public

marketplace. An architect of

The rooftops, whose heights

the generic.

To allow the development to

space: a boardwalk along the

Koolhaas’s stature may be

were subject to stringent

grow in a more natural way

grappling simultaneously with

regulations, looked as if they

the design of a television

were cut from a single piece

island’s perimeter, a narrow park cutting through its center,

“A city like Dubai is literally built on a desert,” Koolhaas

whole. Against the rigid

time, the context was more

by older working-class

than at One North, it would

be built in phases that would

conceded when I asked him

begin at the waterfront and

about the project. “There is

spread inland, eventually

a weird alternation between

connecting to the street grid

density and emptiness. You

of the older neighborhoods.

rarely feel that you are

In an effort to preserve the

designing for people who

texture of her original concept,

are actually there but for communities that have yet to be assembled. The vernacular is too faint, too precarious to become something on which you can base an architecture.”

Hadid developed a series of headquarters complex in

building prototypes, including

of crumpled fabric, giving

Beijing, a stock exchange

the composition a haunting

in Shenzhen and a 20-block

unity. “We wanted to create

neighborhood in Dubai,

a complex order rather than

as well as a dozen buildings

either the monotony of

in Europe. The intense

Modernism or the chaos you

competition for these

find in contemporary cities,”

commissions means that

Hadid said.

a star-shaped tower and a housing block organized around a central court, and staggered the heights of the buildings to reflect the existing terrain.

architects are often forced to churn out seductive designs in weeks or months, tweaking their models to fit local conditions.



me to do the project, it was

If Hadid’s plan is formally inventive, it is still unclear

just housing. I suggested

whether it has escaped the

adding the cinematheque, the

homogeneity that was a

kindergarten. I added an 80-

hallmark of Modernist urban-

room hotel and the swimming

renewal projects. Its sheer

pool as well. Anywhere else,

size coupled with the fact that

they’d build it in phases over

the shapes of the buildings

several years. It’s too big.

were conceived by a single

After our meeting, they said

architect means the result may

we’re building the whole

well be more uniform, and

thing all at once. I couldn’t

ultimately more rigid, than

believe it. We haven’t had to

Hadid intended.

compromise anything.

Indeed, contemporary

Umemoto reworked the idea

architects’ urban plans may

for a developer in Dubai. The

be less tied to location than

layout was reconfigured to

idea of the street in the air

fit the new waterfront site;

that became a place of social

When a Chinese developer

souks were added as a nod to local traditions. The result

Europe. Beijing is so dense

is a remarkably nuanced view

that I can keep all of the shops

Nanako Umemoto to design

of how to knit together the

functioning on the street, and

a 1,235-acre development

various elements of urban life,

there’s still enough energy to

but it also seems as if it could

activate the bridges as well.”


Delta, they (with a Chinese

exist anywhere.

Holl is continuing to explore

partner) came up with a

The walkable, mixed-use

these ideas in another

neighborhoods celebrated

megaproject, this time on

multilayered network of roads

by Jane Jacobs may seem

the outskirts of Shenzhen:

and low-rise commercial

impossibly remote, but

a zigzag-shaped office

spaces, topped by a park

encouraging signs of a more

complex propped up on

surrounded by residential and

textured urban reality can still

big steel columns that make

commercial buildings. The

be found. Take Holl’s Linked

room for a dreamy public

park followed the contours

Hybrid in Beijing, for example,

garden. The density in much

which has a surprisingly open,

sunken courtyards allowed

communal spirit. A series of

light to spill down into the

massive portals lead from

underground spaces. Last

the street to an elaborate

year, the Chinese project

internal courtyard garden, a

fell through, and Reiser and

restaurant, a theater and a

Glittering view of the city

kindergarten, integrating the complex into the surrounding neighborhood. Bridges connect the towers 12 to 19 stories above ground and are conceived as a continuous string of public zones, with bars and nightclubs overlooking a glittering view of the city and a suspended swimming pool. “The developer’s openness

bedroom apartments. But if

to run amok, it is also an example of the spontaneous creativity that occurs when people are left to fend

interaction never worked in

system of urban “mats”: a

of the roadways below;

half dozen or more in one-

what can happen when freemarket capitalism is allowed

is the density. The Modernist

they would like to admit.

in Foshan, on the Pearl River

China. Many live packed a

Shenzhen is an emblem of

“But what makes it possible

approached the New Yorkbased Jesse Reiser and

countryside, face in the new

for themselves. On a recent of Shenzhen can make Beijing look spacious. The imposing skyline of glassand-steel towers, plastered with electronic billboards, was built mostly within the last decade, part of the boom that followed foreign investment in the area, when it was declared

visit, the alleyways, dark and claustrophobic, were thick with shops. Elderly people played mah-jongg on card tables in the street; two young children sat at a small desk doing their homework in a tiny storefront that doubled as their bedroom.

a special economic zone in the early ’80s. The Chinese government initially allowed many of the small villages that lined the delta to hold on to their land. As land values rose around them, the villagers remained in their increasingly populated districts, where they built cheap, and often instantly decrepit, towers that were so close together they were dubbed “handshake buildings”: you could literally reach out your window and shake hands with your neighbor across the street. The villages are poignant testimonies to the hardships that young workers, recently transplanted from the

to ideas was amazing,” Holl says. “When they first asked


Wenyi Wu, a young architect working for a Chinese firm called Urbanus, led me around the area. The firm has been studying how people carve a living space out of seemingly inhospitable environments,

unregulated character of the

hoping to develop an urbanist

urban village into something

model more deeply rooted in the spontaneity of everyday life. He took me to a small

more formal and humane — to extract the essence of its character without

museum Urbanus designed

romanticizing the squalor.

on the outskirts of the city. A

The circuitous paths of the

series of stepped galleries

ramps echo the surrounding

stand at the base of a hill

alleyways; the layout of

between an urban village

the galleries suggests the

and some banal housing

footprint of the migrant

complexes above. A series

workers’ housing but on a

of long ramps pierce the

more intimate scale.

building, joining the two

Other architects, hoping to

worlds. More ramps encircle

build in ways that reflect an

the exterior, so that you have

emerging vernacular, are

the impression of moving

taking a similar approach,

through a system of loosely

looking at more modest and

connected alleyways. The

more informally constructed

idea was to transform the

urban neighborhoods for inspiration. Shumon Basar, a London-based critic and independent curator, recently described a number of small, unplanned settlements in and around Dubai. The dense and gritty neighborhood of

Deira, for instance, has little in common with Sheikh Zayed Road and its fortified glass towers. Built mainly in the 1970s, Deira’s low concrete structures and labyrinthine alleyways are home to a lively population of Southeast Asian workers. Similarly, the thriving, traditionally Muslim middle-class neighborhoods of Sharjah, the third-largest city in the United Arab Emirates, were built without the flashiness of more recent developments. Basar wonders if, despite their modesty, these areas could form the basis for a fresh urban strategy based neither on imported Western models nor on

no longer matter. “I don’t

clichés about local souks.

think of any of my buildings

As Holl told me recently in his

as a model for something, the

New York office, working on

way the Modernists did,” Holl

a large scale doesn’t mean

said. “If it works, it works in its

that the particulars of place

specific context. You can’t just move it somewhere else.” But is site specificity enough? “The amount of building becomes obscene without a blueprint,” Koolhaas said. “Each time you ask yourself, Do you have the right to do this much work on this scale if you don’t have an opinion about what the world should be like? We really feel that. But is there time for a manifesto? I don’t know.”

What the world should be like

Nicolai Ouroussoff

Editorial photographs

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