annual report 2012 tenth anniversary edition
Annual Report 2012
Chairperson’s Welcome
Assistant Director’s Report
Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust
Camglen Radio Report
The Last Ten Years in Pictures Statistics
The Future
Summary of Accounts Thank You
Organisational Structure Company Information
15 16
Chairperson’s Welcome
Despite the continuation of financial constraints this last year has proved to be a very successful year. This was achieved with the dedication and hard work of everyone involved with the organisation for which I am very grateful. Again, as in previous years we hope to build on this experience. Sadly, we have seen the departure of two members of staff, Veronica MacLeod and Caroline Graham. Both have moved on to pastures new and we wish them well for the future. Gillian Ure and Callum Boyle joined us under the South Lanarkshire Graduate Employment Scheme and their help has proved invaluable. We started our journey ten years ago working with the community, for the community, to promote and provide healthy and happy communities in Cambuslang and Rutherglen. In June we celebrated our tenth anniversary with an Open Day and elected members Briefing in Rutherglen Town Hall. This was a great success Now as Chairperson of Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust myself and those involved take the success and achievements forward with us as we continue our journey as Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust. There will still be challenges to face and decisions to be made. I believe there will also be opportunities to deliver a wider range services in the future for Cambuslang and Rutherglen and also to a wider community. We continue on our journey with hope and enthusiasm. With your continued support we can do it! May Caldwell Chairperson
Working with you to make Cambuslang and Rutherglen healthier and happier for all.
started the year as Chairperson of Cambuslang and Rutherglen Community Health Initiative and the prospect of a busy year ahead.
Annual Report 2012
Assistant Director’s Report
“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” “Open your arms to change but don’t let go of your values.” Dalai Lama XIV
I Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust
write the report this year during Brendan’s sickness absence, we look forward to his healthy return in a few months. To continue Brendan’s annual tradition of using quotes and following an unforgettable cycling trip in India this year I have turned to the Dalai Lama and his words of wisdom.
This year we have taken the bold step of re-branding our organisation and saying goodbye to our logo featuring Harry, who is a well kent face in the local area. Our logo was designed by a local young person and has served the work of the Community Health Initiative well. With constantly changing environments and an ever evolving organisation we felt that we were ready for a change. When we heard about Development Trusts and their core values we found a movement and a description that suited us - we realised that we had been a Community Development Trust for years. We have had a busy and successful year, and I don’t have enough room to note all our successes here but I want to mention some significant ones; we welcome the Den youth health project to the organisation along with the key partners of Youth Learning Services and NHS Lanarkshire. I would like to congratulate the members of Burnhill Action Group and Springhall Community Resource group for their hard work in their respective communities. We look forward to more community events and community-led activities in these communities and across Cambuslang and Rutherglen during the forthcoming years. We continue to support Camglen community radio and I congratulate all those who have been involved over the years and look forward to us being able to create many more opportunities for local people of all ages through a full-time license. We maintain our commitment to securing a range of income and investment to widen the opportunities and improve lives for local people. I commend our 2012 annual report to you and sincerely thank everyone who has had a hand in the success of the organisation during the last 10 years. Local people, volunteers, our Board of Directors, members of staff, colleagues from across the sectors, partner organisations, investors and elected members. Our success belongs to you and we look forward to ongoing positive relationships in the future. Jane Churchill Assistant Director
Camglen Radio Report
The benefit of all of this work has not only been the successful running of Camglen, but also the announcement that we have been fortunate to be awarded a 5-year Community Radio Broadcasting License. The announcement on the 20th of July was the kick start to a 2-year process, during which we will need to prepare like never before. There will be a lot of hard work in getting the scheduling and production right, the presentation professional and the administration fit to run an efficient and effective set-up for the listeners in the community. But this is a challenge I am sure we will all take on with relish. A great deal of thanks goes to Tam, Jane, Martin and Brendan for the work which was put in to preparing the bid for the license and also for supporting the volunteers and other participants across the year. The preparation for the bid was not the only thing going on. We have managed to maintain the level of activity even though funding for community activities is getting tighter all the time. Working with schools, training programmes, RSL activity and increased use of internet broadcasting opportunities mean that there is even more time available for those who wish to get on-air to do so. All of this activity will continue into the coming year with funding being a major focus. The activities of volunteers in generating money to support the station are hugely important and appreciated by all. Alongside this as many funding bids as can be followed up will be completed. The main aim is to provide the service to the community which was originally envisaged when Camglen started and to do this while taking on the challenges presented by the opportunity to broadcast full time. There may be challenges ahead, but there will be plenty of fun along the way. Jim Brady Chairman
Working with you to make Cambuslang and Rutherglen healthier and happier for all.
huge amount of effort has been put in across the past year by the volunteers, the committees and board of Camglen Radio, as well as the staff of Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust.huge amount of effort has been put in across the past year by the volunteers, the committees and board of Camglen Radio, as well as the staff of Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust.
Annual Report 2012
The Last Ten Years in Pictures
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Working with you to make Cambuslang and Rutherglen healthier and happier for all.
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Annual Report 2012 Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust 8
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The Last Ten Years in Pictures
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Working with you to make Cambuslang and Rutherglen healthier and happier for all.
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Annual Report 2012
Statistics 370 local school children improved their confidence through learning radio broadcasting skills and presenting live radio
15 volunteers challenged stigma of mental health through engaging with over 1000 7663 smoothies have been prepared on the smoothie bike 57 stress management action plans supported through “Open Doors” sessions 654 school children engaged in the Healthy Choices and Alcohol Prevention and Education programmes 74 mums visited our parent café, increasing confidence and skills in parenting and raising awareness of child related health & wellbeing 227 people took part in the Burnhill Consultation helping to inform community priorities and plans 225 customers benefited from low cost, high quality fruit and veg from our Fruit Barra 6100 beneficiaries were reached outwith the local area
Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust
20 children from Cathkin SEN class were involved in food handling training, benefitting their social enterprise café 3 South Lanarkshire schools were supported to build their own permanent radio station £3270.68 kindly donated to the charity by very generous benefactors 58 venues were used within the Cambuslang and Rutherglen district 14 mums and babies completed baby exercise classes encouraging active play and exercise 1 film “The Stigma of Living with Mental Health Issues” was made by Calum during a graduate placement, featuring several of our volunteers who share their first hand experiences 270 people contributed to the “Express yr Health” young people’s art exhibition in Rutherglen Shopping Centre 2806 Camglen radio listeners heard local bands and information about local events 27 chilled out ready for the weekend with our Friday Relaxation Group 19 local unemployed people gained new skills and confidence, earning SQA qualifications in Radio Feature Production 27 families attended workshops such as Screaming Optional and Mood Foods for Happy Families 120 Trinity pupils shared their healthy choices tips and messages at the “Well Prepared” event 6968 beneficiaries were reached by the CHI, Camglen Radio and HealthynHappy Enterprises within the area 108 volunteers help the CHI run smoothly 13 mums and babies completed our Baby Massage class
17161 cuppas were consumed by staff visitors and volunteers an overall increase of 10% on last year
The Future
One decision already made and acted upon was the decision to move on and become a Community Development Trust. Therefore from June 2012 we will be formally known as Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust. In reality we have been undertaking the role of a Trust for a number of years so therefore our day to day operations will not be affected greatly. We are proud to say that we are staying true to the values that this organisation was set up with such as “Everyone should have the opportunity to improve their health” and “We need to work together to achieve change” We will make no change to the commitment of how we work with our community, including •
Encouraging community members to build on and develop confidence, experience and skills
Challenging stereotypes and prejudice
Working to make a lasting difference
We have a bright future ahead and we are looking forward to opening the doors that being a Community Development Trust brings. We have now expanded through taking on the hosting of the Den youth health project and we are excited about the opportunities for young people that we can develop through this. Camglen Radio has been awarded its five-year broadcast license and we have two years to prepare for this. So what can you expect from us? Well, you can expect opportunities to increase confidence, learn new skills, to meet people and to improve where you live. Partner agencies can expect innovative solutions to achieving their outcomes by utilising our local community expertise. We will, of course, maintain and enhance our caring and friendly approach and everyone will still receive the same warm welcome into our groups, activities and offices as they always have. You will see some new staff around the place and out and about as we have now employed four project workers to help us deliver our programmes. All these staff have been working sessionally with us previously so you will recognise them! With a change of name comes a change of logo. We would like to thank Community Enterprise, Fresh Focus Marketing and Doug Summers for their support in getting us through our re-branding. There are exciting times ahead! We know there will continue to be challenges but we will meet them head on and with a clear sense of purpose. We will be working alongside the people and communities of Cambuslang and Rutherglen all the way.
Working with you to make Cambuslang and Rutherglen healthier and happier for all.
s May, our Chairperson stated in her report we face the next financial year with many challenges and key decisions to be made.
Annual Report 2012
Summary of Accounts (Limited by Guarantee) Healthy n Happy trading as Cambuslang and Rutherglen Community Health Initiative Income and Expenditure Account Incorporating Statement of Financial Activities for the Year Ended 31 March 2012
Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust
31.03.11 Unrestricted Restricted Total
Note Incoming resources: Incoming resources from generated funds: Fee income 2 Donations 2 Investment income Incoming resources from charitable activities: Grants received 3 Total incoming resources
31.03.12 Total £
53,348 3,397 262
53,348 3,397 262
88,371 213
Resources expended: Cost of generating funds: Cost of grant applications
Charitable activities
Governance costs
Total resources expended Net incoming/(outgoing) resources for year Net incoming/(outgoing) resources before other recognised gains
7 (4,366)
Total funds brought forward
Total funds carried forward
HealthynHappy trading as Cambuslang and Rutherglen Community Health Initiative Balance Sheet 31 March 2012 31.03.12
Fixed assets: Tangible assets Investments
Current assets: Debtors
Note 9 10
Cash at bank and in hand Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Net current assets:
Total assets less current liabilities: Represented by: Unrestricted funds Restricted funds
14 15
31.03.11 £
5,127 5,000
10,245 5,000
(15,210) 286,100
153,009 143,218
157,375 121,420
This statement is a DRAFT of the company’s audited accounts. Full accounts will be presented at the company’s AGM and can be viewed on application. Please contact Healthy n Happy or the Kelvin Partnership. The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the special provisions of Part 15 of the Companies Act 2006 relating to small companies and with the Financial Reporting Standard for Smaller Entities (effective 2008)
Working with you to make Cambuslang and Rutherglen healthier and happier for all.
(Limited by Guarantee)
Annual Report 2012
Thank You Our work throughout the last year could not have continued without the assistance of our local communities, volunteers and numerous organisations in Cambuslang, Rutherglen, South Lanarkshire and across the whole of Scotland. To these organisations and especially to the communities of Cambuslang and Rutherglen we wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation for your help and assistance throughout the year
Co-opted directors as at 31 March 2012 John McCafferty South Lanarkshire Council Gillian Lindsay Lanarkshire NHS
Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust
Staff as at 31 March 2012
Brendan Rooney Initiative Director Jane Churchill Assistant Director Stan Middleton Administrator Bernie Strachan Administration Support Officer Lesley Towlson Administration Support Officer Joy Mitchell Senior Development Officer Jan Taylor Development Worker Veronica MacLeod Development Worker Caroline Graham Volunteer Co-ordinator Thomas Curry Camglen Radio Station Co-ordinator Martin Shields Camglen Radio Project Worker Allison Stell Project Worker Lindsay Naughton Administration Assistant Calum Boyle South Lanarkshire Council Graduate Scheme – work placement Gillian Ure South Lanarkshire Council Graduate Scheme – work placement
Organisational Structure
Director Brendan Rooney
Assistant Director Jane Churchill
Administrator Stan Middleton
Senior Development Officer Joy Mitchell
Development Worker Veronica MacLeod
Volunteer Co-ordinator Caroline Graham
Development Worker Jan Taylor
Camglen Radio Co-ordinator
Camglen Radio Project Worker
Tam Curry
Martin Shields
Admin Support Officer Bernie Strachan
Admin Support Officer Lesley Towlson
Admin Assistant Lindsay Naughton
30 Sessional Workers
113 Volunteers
Working with you to make Cambuslang and Rutherglen healthier and happier for all.
Board of Directors
31st March 2012
Company Information Board of Directors:
Company Secretary: Registered Office:
May Caldwell (Chairperson) Kim Jackson (Treasurer) Margaret Robinson Jim Bolton John Cassidy Ian Robertson Anne Anderson Joy Anderson Hamish McBride
Brendan Rooney
57 Belmont Road Cambuslang GLASGOW G72 8PG
Company Registration Number:
Scottish Charity Registration Number:
31st March 2012
Greg Hannah & Company 26 Victoria Street Rutherglen, G73 1ES
The Kelvin Partnership 505 Great Western Rd Glasgow G12 8HN
Royal Bank of Scotland 90 Main St. Cambuslang, G72 7NW
Contact Details:
57 Belmont Road Cambuslang G72 8PG Tel: 0141 646 0123 Fax: 0141 646 1733
This publication is available in large print, Braille and easy to read versions, or on audio-tape. We can also provide translations in other languages. Please ask for details. Healthy n Happy Community Development Trust is a trading name of HealthynHappy, a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in Scotland (Register No SC227276) having its registered office at 57 Belmont Road, Cambuslang, G72 8PG, is recognised as a Scottish Charity (Scottish Charity No SC032654)