New Graphic Design

Page 1

Form Follows Function - An exploration of Modernism and Post Modernism

Issue 1

In this issue. Page 4 - Bauhaus in Brief We take a look at the history and some of the noteable work produced at the Bauhaus Dessau between 1919 and 1933.

Page 6 - A Quick Look at Dada We look at the back story behind Dada and view some of the various collages and paintings from the movement.

Page 8 - Modernism We compare Modernism and Postmodernism in the art world, including famous artists and popular movements.



Page 14 - Designer FAQ - Ian Brown New York based designer, Ian Brown answers your questions about his work, techniques and how to be successful.

Page 18 - Cs6 Worth Upgrading? Our in-house designer reviews Adobe Creative Suite Cs6 so you can make the decision of whether it’s worth upgrading.

Page 20 - Get Involved Get involved with NGD by submitting questions for next issues Designer FAQ as well as other popular features.


Specially commisioned piece by post modern artist, Sam Blower.


Bauhaus in Brief. Walter Groupius founded the Bauhaus in 1919. He did it in an attempt to unite industrial production, art and design. He established it in Weimar despite the turmoil in the area caused by world war 1, which ended the year before. Bauhaus students and teachers aimed to bridge the gap between artist and craft worker, but also between art and society. It was influenced by constructivist ideas as well as expressionism. They produced a wide range of work that included typography, paintings, photography, furniture, architecture, household goods, experimental film, theatre design, music and dance. When the school moved premises, the new buildings including the studios and the accomodation was designed by the current students and teachers at the time following their own design style. The book that I read was called ‘Bauhaus 1919-1933 Bauhaus Archiv’ and was produced by Magdalena Droste. It contains lots of images of the work produced at the Bauhaus. When looking through it you can see a consistency in the style of the work throughout. It seems to be as though the artists and designers don’t want to add too much, with great amount of thought and detail put into the form of the design. Herbert Bayer is one of the designers from the Bauhaus that I was particularly interested in, his designs work really well due to their simplicity. He had ideas about designing structures based almost purely around advertising space. I think this was a great idea, especially for the time. When you look around in a town or city centre there is a promotional content and advertisments almost everywhere and it is placed around the existing structures, however I feel that had it been designed the other way around then the place would be completely different. Another designer from the Bauhaus who’s work I am particularly keen on is Joost Schmidt because of the way his work is layed out. It is very specific when it comes to aligning to the grid. Even when a piece of his work is on an angle, it still all lines up.


The Bauhaus Dessau

Bauhaus Poster by Joost Schmidt

Building designs by Herbert Bayer

Kandinsky Poster by Joost Schmidt


A quick look at Dada. The Dada art movement started in the early 20th century in Zurich, Switzerland and spread to berlin shortly after. It was born out of the negative reaction to the horrors of World War 1. The movement was started by a group of artists accociated with the Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich. The movement was a protest against nationalist and colonialist interests, because a lot of the Dadaists believed that these were the root cause of war. They followed the idea that Dada was not art, it was “anti art”. Dada represented the opposite of everything which art stood for, it ignored aesthetics and if art was to appeal to sensibilities, Dada was intended to offend. From the work that I have seen, there seems to be an aspect of “organised chaos”. It works well with the idea of being “anti art” and although some of the work is in a different style, it still fits in with the overall theme. I particularly like the collage style work because it works well with the “anti art” theme with all the images randomly distributed with letters and different sections of text. Unlike some of the modernist designs such as those produced at the Bauhaus, they do not follow any particular order or layout. Raoul Hausmans collages work well in a messy grungy style to create different compositions. I like the colour choices as they are faded and don’t always match up which fits the theme of what Dada stands for. Kurt Schwitters was rejected by Dada but his work is of a similar style. His paintings are in a similar style to his collages and his poster work matches the style of the Dada. He also makes similar colour choices.


Dada Poster

Type poster by Kurt Schwitters

Image collages by Raoul Hausman


Modernism Vs Post Modernism This page layout design is similar to the other ones however it is better if there is larger amounts of text content rather than images, however I do have a couple of large images in this article. Because I don’t have that much text to add in here myself I’m going to use that awful placeholder text to fill the rest of it. Tatust, se pos reribus. Onecus aut ut facculpa nosaecullora est aci cus aut is et et alitat par numerualis el vulous archici musande ripsorum. Equae pratiam, quia dolorem. Udionseque veratur, offictatur? Aquo dem dolut eum aliquunt liquaeri as everibus. Sedit voluptature conse nulparum eossitatur? Qui vel imagnim usamenet, adiat dolore intiur mo magnati dis aut dellatibus demporis is re estios ea aut rendae nimi, qui ommodit modis sit eatusam ium re pa ni dolestem vel ident fugiaectus et ipis sinctio ssinvelles ratentur molores maio et la nemporrum exerum volore vel ipsam, cus voloreperum con et la nonsequos am qui voluptur am, qui odicimp orepro corroru ptibus est, od quis asperchicia inient esed ut offic tetur aut anis quia non coneseque omnimet volupta ecabo. Odi sus alibus debiti omnihil magni aut voluptiunt eatia sequodi aturio vel ium in plaborecae odicit odis consequ iaspide liberum fugiant intiae archici musande sequae sed qui sinvel maio ea nes ut repedi di si dolorio nsequi aut fugiatis rero to tectota tiunt, ut alit am adisquas alique nusanti nos nonsequ isquam, od quaecti stores explam utemque volo ommod quas aut ad quatur audisim usapis doluptis sim secum facestibus er laciaos ulsten. Mus. Ignat elibus doluptatur suntur, que pores unt harcide bitae. Ibusdaest alibero idellibus aut od evel in corem aut liquam, sum exceris dolupta cullab inveratissi veniendusa nienienitem sus. Aquia pre, santem. Totatur resciae etus, consed et mo bero esciur, nitam doluptur as sam cusam laut at officipsam, amus aut rendem repel etus, tendae liqui cus, quunte dem. Ugitius doluptus deris sed ut abo. Ulparit explabo rionseque nulliqui ut est ratiant aut officatem quoditio ipsunt vel magnim et latusaepti del experiberum eum renis quasim quidus ati ipsa ne ipsam fuga. Im excearum facerestrum aliquas am cullupis dunt lacerfe reicidi sunt, sum re et antibus un soerues jai naimed ar cours. It


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Structure design by Theo Van Doesburg

“Nuke it� by Sam Blower

Doluptio rehendit voloren tiones resed quo tempore cabores molupta tquunt ide con con enti to et utaquis et et aut aute non rercillabore conse voloressitam qui ilitae velignatum quia int iunt millore nat quas dolorep edignam ipsam, imilibus, omnis quo omnihitas venisti quatur, consedi omnis eos et quiam quis es dit quassi aut re eum quo ex eatem qui ute periaerae esti ape qui corem volorercia que inulpar uptatia tibusci occus ius doluptate parit aut aute eosto offic te dolutem faces eos maio eic tem quae. Ut enimo odiorerest, quunt exces ut quissimusant mos mini cum whitius ecential promun atibus. Optae dersperi rest excerfe rerumqui aspeles quamet venectist, sum sum dollicia sust, vendae ma prat debis quos ipsa sunt leciest al noir ressunt. Incit ut molenihit velit aut que nihiliae sante num non nonsed quia porepti dolorerchit delloratem abo. Et porersp elesci con et quae venit quia quo denihil ipsunt, omnimil loressi omnis debisquatquo ex et occum volor as quost pla nem facilla nditati busdaectis aliqui nis sunt, cum dolorum qui acculle stiores ad quibusa dent rehende pernate velitae nos dolliquis rerfereictem nonsequae solesti consequam, eicia nustiumqui cullab inum eaquatquo tor sin pelenimin re et omniet aut aperiam, totat. Exceptatur aute cusa sim ut oditaspedit illorem et provitis expe pratum quis venia dictore rendae. Cusciis ditaquo volupie ntorero conseribea a simus, eratur adi int poreceat ellupta doluptas rerferrovit quidenihit repudi od unte cusamus milla secum int ideliquunt, commo eosti que qui nestibus ressitem as aut voluptas estium qui di quide veligen dendustius maximus aut minciet derum nobitiandis volorem posametur sum apientur aut di ium lacepti int lit, que et, conse porro cor adignat iatatiasit, nimagniamus magnat lam expe ne eost, conecte se est velit esed eles nullige nditatium quid quias niae consecu sdanduntor maios dolorem quaepel et undit harundem vene providi amusam dempeles mo quis res excepedi berovid et expe nam volentum sinveris della id eiust eatet quia cum eror a venis dolorro quis vitem cus conse vendel id millitis non niae postio te vernatem. Utem remquia tendele ctetus et qui illore autem raerunto ipsam quamus aut acidem ut quid quiduntent.


“Cuadro II” by Piet Mondrian


Poster design by Kathy Kavan

Another relevant image.

Doluptio rehendit voloren tiones resed quo tempore cabores molupta tquunt ide con con enti to et utaquis et et aut aute non rercillabore conse voloressitam qui ilitae velignatum quia int iunt millore nat quas dolorep edignam ipsam, imilibus, omnis quo omnihitas venisti quatur, consedi omnis eos et quiam quis es dit quassi aut re eum quo ex eatem qui ute periaerae esti ape qui corem volorercia que inulpar uptatia tibusci occus ius doluptate parit aut aute eosto offic te dolutem faces eos maio eic tem quae. Ut enimo odiorerest, quunt exces ut quissimusant mos mini cum whitius ecential promun atibus. Optae dersperi rest excerfe rerumqui aspeles quamet venectist, sum sum dollicia sust, vendae ma prat debis quos ipsa sunt leciest al noir ressunt. Incit ut molenihit velit aut que nihiliae sante num non nonsed quia porepti dolorerchit delloratem abo. Et porersp elesci con et quae venit quia quo denihil ipsunt, omnimil loressi omnis debisquatquo ex et occum volor as quost pla nem facilla nditati busdaectis aliqui nis sunt, cum dolorum qui acculle stiores ad quibusa dent rehende pernate velitae nos dolliquis rerfereictem nonsequae solesti consequam, eicia nustiumqui cullab inum eaquatquo tor sin pelenimin re et omniet aut aperiam, totat. Exceptatur aute cusa sim ut oditaspedit illorem et provitis expe pratum quis venia dictore rendae. Cusciis ditaquo volupie ntorero conseribea a simus, eratur adi int poreceat ellupta doluptas rerferrovit quidenihit repudi od unte cusamus milla secum int ideliquunt, commo eosti que qui nestibus ressitem as aut voluptas estium qui di quide veligen dendustius maximus aut minciet derum nobitiandis volorem posametur sum apientur aut di ium lacepti int lit, que et, conse porro cor adignat iatatiasit, nimagniamus magnat lam expe ne eost, conecte se est velit esed eles nullige nditatium quid quias niae consecu sdanduntor maios dolorem quaepel et undit harundem vene providi amusam dempeles mo quis res excepedi berovid et expe nam volentum sinveris della id eiust eatet quia cum eror a venis dolorro quis vitem cus conse vendel id millitis non niae postio te vernatem. Utem remquia tendele ctetus et qui illore autem raerunto ipsam quamus aut acidem ut quid quiduntent.


Doluptio rehendit voloren tiones resed quo tempore cabores molupta tquunt ide con con enti to et utaquis et et aut aute non rercillabore conse voloressitam qui ilitae velignatum quia int iunt millore nat quas dolorep edignam ipsam, imilibus, omnis quo omnihitas venisti quatur, consedi omnis eos et quiam quis es dit quassi aut re eum quo ex eatem qui ute periaerae esti ape qui corem volorercia que inulpar uptatia tibusci occus ius doluptate parit aut aute eosto offic te dolutem faces eos maio eic tem quae. Ut enimo odiorerest, quunt exces ut quissimusant mos mini cum whitius ecential promun atibus. Optae dersperi rest excerfe rerumqui aspeles quamet venectist, sum sum dollicia sust, vendae ma prat debis quos ipsa sunt leciest al noir ressunt. Incit ut molenihit velit aut que nihiliae sante num non nonsed quia porepti dolorerchit delloratem abo. Et porersp elesci con et quae venit quia quo denihil ipsunt, omnimil loressi omnis debisquatquo ex et occum volor as quost pla nem facilla nditati busdaectis aliqui nis sunt, cum dolorum qui acculle stiores ad quibusa dent rehende pernate velitae nos dolliquis rerfereictem nonsequae solesti consequam, eicia nustiumqui cullab inum eaquatquo tor sin pelenimin re et omniet aut aperiam, totat. Exceptatur aute cusa sim ut oditaspedit illorem et provitis expe pratum quis venia dictore rendae. Cusciis ditaquo volupie ntorero conseribea a simus, eratur adi int poreceat ellupta doluptas rerferrovit quidenihit repudi od unte cusamus milla secum int ideliquunt, commo eosti que qui nestibus ressitem as aut voluptas estium qui di quide veligen dendustius maximus aut minciet derum nobitiandis volorem posametur sum apientur aut di ium lacepti int lit, que et, conse porro cor adignat iatatiasit, nimagniamus magnat lam expe ne eost, conecte se est velit esed eles nullige nditatium quid quias niae consecu sdanduntor maios dolorem quaepel et undit harundem vene providi amusam dempeles mo quis res excepedi berovid et expe nam volentum sinveris della id eiust eatet quia cum eror a venis dolorro quis vitem cus conse vendel id millitis non niae postio te vernatem. Utem remquia tendele ctetus et qui illore autem raerunto ipsam quamus aut acidem ut quid quiduntent.


Sculpture by Marcel Duchamp

Sex Pistols album artwork

“Really Wasted” by Sam Blower


Price ÂŁ3.20 22/01/13

3345 656343 2301

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