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Post was found which stated, “According to Environics Analytic’s “Gayborhoods” database, 70% of Toronto’s gay men live outside of the village.” (Leong, 2011). Attempts to access the data publicly and through Simply Analytics database were unsuccessful. When contacted by email, Environics Analytics responded stating, “Unfortunately this dataset is no longer accessible as the amount of changes that have happened since the dataset was discontinued would require a large overhaul to update”.

With the ongoing release of the 2021 census data, Canada has become the first country to provide census data on Trans* and non-binary people and the first to publish data on gender diversity from a national census (Statistics Canada, 2022). Though this data does not provide explicit information pertaining to where or how individuals live, the data exploring gender diversity in tandem with existing research begins to provide otherwise unknown context to Trans* and Queer inhabitation of space and place.


Marrige statistics at the federal level are now able to identify statistics for couples based on sex and gender. In terms of sex, couples have been distinguished as opposite and same-sex couples, and in terms of gender, couples have been categorized as different gender, same gender, trans (with at least one member being Trans*) or non-binary, (with at least one member being non-binary) (Statistics Canada 2, 2022), as seen in Figure 3. When viewing broad age groups and gender for Census Metropolitan Areas, available categories for gender include Cisgender men, Cisgender women, Transgender men, Transgender women, and non-binary persons (Statistics Canada 3, 2022). Information regarding gender diversity status of couples and the type of union is accessable at the Census Metropolitan level, whereas couples are categoriezed as same-gender (cisgender) with two women, same-gender (cisgender) with two men, transgender, or non-binary (Statistics Canada 3, 2022). When information is presented for smaller levels of geography such as the Census Subdivision, Dissemination Area, or Federal Electoral District levels, gender and sex are no longer explicitley defined. Categories that are present when referring to “gender” and not “gender diversity” consist of ‘Men+’ and ‘Women+’ (Statistics Canada 3, 2022). With the two-category gender variable, non-binary individuals gender is defined by grouping them in one of to categories based on sex at birth. Statistics Canada states a two-category gender variable was necessary for confidentiality and to ensure privacy of non-binary individuals (Statistics Canada 3, 2022). Yet, the lack of defined data for sex and gender diversity at smaller levels of geography erases transgender and non-binary individualsby omission.

Figure 3 (Statistics Canada 2, 2022)

In order to attain data, informal and local sources of data were explored. Data was found and obtained from posts within the Facebook group, ‘Homes for Queers Toronto’. The group was created in 2012 with the goal of aiding LGBTQIT2S++ individuals in searching for and attaining safe homes and/or housemates within Toronto (Homes for Queers Toronto, n.a.). All individuals on Facebook are able to search for and request to join the group. As of April 19, 2022, just over ten years after the group began, Homes for Queers Toronto (n.a.) has nearly 17,600 members. As the number of members continues to steadily increase, the group functions on four main topics: Offering (a home), Seeking (a home), Making a search party (to look for a home together), and Emergency housing support (urgently seeking accommodation). Members of the group work as a community to ensure all members are able to provide and attain a safe home.

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