SIMPLE STEPS For a NEW YOU through Renewal
HEALTHIER HABITS For loving without limits
How to Move from Conflict to Resolution
EMPTY NEST SYNDROME How to get yourself ready
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HEALTHIER HABITS For loving without limits
Interview KINDRED
this shamanic-y feel to it in a way as well. Is that in terms of stuff that you do or stuff that you were moving towards?
CLAIRE: Can you start by telling us a little bit about the inspiration for your latest book, Light Warrior? KYLE: So many people are feeling that they to help heal the world, need they need to help bring light to some of the darkness that we are facing on the planet. And my response to this is that facing own darkness is about our healing the world. So, Light Warrior is my call to people it’s about healing yourself to respond. Ultimately, to heal the world. And for me, a light worker is someone that hears the response to bring change to the world. And a light warrior is the soul that acts upon the call and makes the changes happen. CLAIRE: Actually, it’s a very practical book, it? There’s so much isn’t in there worksheets and practices. in terms of exercises, Was that a conscious decision?
KYLE: Well, I wanted to make it a warrior work kit. I wanted to make it a book that wasn’t just about the theory behind spirituality, but the path to solve it. It’s so easy to tell someone to do this and to do that, but to encourage them to find it out for themselves and to dive in deep I think is a really wonderful thing. And for me, I’ve always really pushed this that I’m not here to idea create followers, but to create leaders. I really believe that have to have experience. in order to lead, we And so that’s why the reader to go on I push their own spiritual journey to really tap into it. CLAIRE: There’s a lot of stuff in there. And it’s much broader than your previous books. There’s o printed on 100% recycled
KYLE: The shamanic thing has always been a real fascination for me. My spiritual journey started with an interest in magic first. That was how I got to angels eventually. So my initial introduction spirituality was through to Wicca. That was my And then, as I went thing. along interested in the more the journey, I got shamanic-y things. And, I’ve really felt the pull to come back to it in the last couple of years because I think that a deep connection to the earth is exactly what needs to happen right now. And so many spiritual Spirit. They’re all about groups are all about going up, going out other dimensions, to ascension, rising beyond earth; whereas I feel the that the earth needs us to arrive. It needs us to finally come here. So, I brought in a bit of the sense of connecting shamanic ceremony in to the elements of earth, connecting the to the earth and her wisdom. This is an intelligent, incredible planet that we’re on that has survived so much. And if allowed, can tell us how to it as well.
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e live in a time and reality where what we accept as ‘real’ is entirely governed by what we can perceive with our five senses. Everything that falls out of that ‘range’ is considered ‘nonexistent’ until ‘proven’. But the way I see it, if we think that we can extract the whole “truth” about our existence or the nature of reality on the basis of what our ordinary five senses present, then we will never see, smell, touch, feel or hear the whole truth about the essence of who we are. In order to understand the inherent creative power you have through your thoughts and beliefs you have to take a quantum leap with me and allow yourself to play with the idea that you are the creator of your own reality and that your mind is the tool.
vibration, the stronger the belief and the more probable it is for that thought to manifest in the form of a thing, situation or relationship. Now, multiply this with all the people on earth and you have a ‘solid’ reality perpetually manifesting itself, unconditionally mirroring all our fears and joys, hate and love, darkness and light.
Pre-Programmed Beliefs The reason so much in life can seem chaotic and ‘random’ is because most of your deepest thoughts and beliefs about yourself and your reality are obscured by a veil of unconsciousness. You allowed them, unconditionally, into your mind during your early childhood. You did this by mirroring your parents, siblings and neighbours – long before you could speak and ‘translate’ your thoughts into conscious
Pay attention to your thoughts says Oprah SuperSoul 100 teacher Gordana Biernat, as you believe everything you say to your self
words and concepts. School, the media, news, books and movies affected your way of thinking in your past and solidified the ‘pre-programmed’ beliefs about how reality works. All of which literally makes your present life someone else’s creation. Because if the reality you are generating is based on unconscious, automatic responses that were created in your past, then your reality now (the reflection you are looking at in the present) is not your own creation: it is generated through you, but not by you. This is one of the reasons why most of us seem to be ‘cruising’ through life on autopilot. The reality you are manifesting or generating is very much determined by what you habitually ‘know’ and automatically believe about it. Your
42 KS Sept/Oct 2017
Nominees announced
Spring Clean Your Soul
ISSUE 150 • MAY/JUNE 2017 £3.95 (USA $9.99 CANADA $11.25)
beliefs ‘speak’ directly to your subconscious mind which is entangled on a deep level of reality, with the very fabric of the Universe. Without hesitation, the Universe executes the ‘orders’ and reflects your exact frequency back to you in 3D. So you see, you are manifesting things all the time, even in your sleep. Your thoughts are thus not insignificant. They are important because you are interacting with a conscious Universe which not only ‘hears’ what you say but more importantly knows what you feel and believe. And the rule is – what you believe you receive. So then, it is not what you say out loud but what you think when you are alone that has the greatest impact on how your life unfolds. The most important relationship you will ever have is with your self. It affects everything else in your existence. You believe everything you say to yourself. The Universe is always responding to your beliefs. When you start paying more attention to what you are telling yourself things start to change.
You can either choose to increase joy, love and abundance by consciously focusing your thoughts on harmony, creativity, and strengths, no matter the circumstances. Or you can unconsciously waste half of the energy by focusing on anger, guilt, doubt, weakness and failure. There is always a choice. Always. Some of you might say, but doesn’t that kind of inner exploration require work and time? How can I explore my inner self when I feel so stressed out that I can’t even set aside five minutes during the day to meditate or just to slow down my own thoughts? The truth is that you don’t need to ‘set aside’ extra time in your already busy schedule to come into a meditative state where you can actively choose what thoughts you want to explore. You can incorporate it into your everyday routines by now and then switching over to, what I call, ‘appreciation mode’ and automatically change the frequency of your being. For example, if you are walking through the park, take time to stop for a few seconds to stand under a tree and
Frequency of Your Thoughts
feel the unconditionally loving energy coming from it. It is standing there, tuning you into the right frequency by giving you shelter from the rain or the sun. Inviting you to listen to the sound of its leaves in the wind, to smell the sap from its bark... Always at your disposal. Wanting nothing in return...whispering ‘I am always here for you’. Which by the way, everything else in nature also offers. In abundance. When you see children playing, stop for a few seconds and emerge in the beautiful bubbly energy of their youth. It is their natural state of being and they are mirroring it back to you. With no effort at all. Feel the joy. Embrace it and allow it to remind you of your own “natural state of being”. Allow yourself to be interrupted by
Thinking about what you want is a desire flowing from a positive frequency. Thinking about what you don’t yet have is a fear vibrating at a negative frequency. It looks the same, but gives very different results. So, when you say, ‘I don’t want fear in my life’, you tune in to the negative frequency of ‘not wanting fear’, instead of the positive frequency of ‘feeling safe’. You end up ‘not wanting’ something, instead of ‘feeling good’. The difference between these seemingly related thoughts is that one taps in to the frequency of abundance, the other to scarcity – manifesting versions of reality that can be compared to “heaven” and “hell”. Be conscious of your frequency by focusing on the feeling of what you want to experience.
KEY FACTS • • • • • • •
Find out more #KNOWTHETRUTH:
Everything by Gordana Biernat (£9.99, Hay House UK) • Gordana Biernat is a speaker, writer and wisdom keeper. She is one of Oprah’s SuperSoul100 teachers, and shares messages of wisdom daily with her Twitter followers (twitter.com/MyPowertalk) • Her purpose is to help people realise how powerful and unique we all truly are • mypowertalk.com • Oprah’s SuperSoul 100 (supersoul.tv)
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This extract from Philippa Lubbock’s latest book explains the principles behind s the healing power of Life Alignment
T The Healing Power of Life Alignment
have become Over the years, these how we view ossified and will distort around us. world he fundamental principle ourselves and the unresolved feelings that governs the Life Emotional walls are of in order to avoid Alignment model that we have buried the memory. We Energy Medicine is the pain of an associated also have a we universal law of intermay be unaware that thing from feelings Every . connectivity spiritual wall constructed energy fields. And of unworthiness. is connected through that can thing human of one only source is There so the primary and unhelpful on from our ‘dissolve’ these invisible This is the suffering is our dis-connecti However that is love. true Self. or and – being, barriers essential of Life Alignment. our environment, concrete foundation modest or affluent come in the soul, When client and practitioner there is a divine restlessness to feel of uncovering a longing together for the purpose love, they a longing to belong, of STONE d and safe. THE FOUNDATIONand durability of what is blocking the flow held, guided, accompanie as – whatever it and, issue Oneness enter a field. A client’s We all come from The security, functioning quality of its – is always a on the with the sea, so we is that seeks a resolution picture. In this a building depends a river seeks union bigger the right materials a sense of unity. reflection of a much foundations. Without too long to regain and the a catalyst for our divine Self ‘field’, the client becomes will on a and care in the construction , what is Disconnection from underground experience that we healing that alignment common personal a in their correct results ) level also lack stability, safety that we’ve got to ‘get ‘subtle’ (invisible, non-physical placed above it will are ‘going it alone’; all the members of ‘hold it together.’ touch and transform and value. our life together’ and of Life through their DNA, throughout these The foundation stone their genetic family Yet as we shall see in all aspects of our personal to all alone; as we progress and transcend the Alignment is balance pages we are never family. For the physical body, mind, intent on changing members of the human human existence: the to along our life path, , home, a humbling experience world of invisible, practitioner it is a emotions, the environment our spiritual our lives, there’s a , and field and assist in we can always enter this vast energy business or organization area of focus, loving ‘beings’ to whom story. of the support. The healing the unfolding journey. Regardless turn for guidance and heal is the is to restore applies: locate and aspect of this work Alignment unique principle Life The of same the purpose any and how it is in all aspects foundation). With source of the information models, the the root cause (the connection and harmony emotional, that might show up healing obtained. In most variety of symptom of life: physical, mental, on their own intuition emotional, or financial and spiritual practitioner relies – physical, mental, relational, creative, or business and their insight into the nature to obtain a deeper dysfunction in a relationshipon the ‘upper to – addressing an individual ritual on major a and for calls This of their patient’s problem, the – trying to fix the problem levels, will environment as one. to heal conscious view. summon the energy floors’, or physical, shift in our point of As the client we unproductive if the presenting symptoms. be slow and often to that professional (buried in the hand ourselves over We are all connected. cause of the problem will heal us. unattended. in the hope that they To each other, biologically; foundations) is left in reverse. The unconscious Life Alignment works Once we identify the to the earth, chemically; atomically. aside for he or she our health and practitioner steps to the rest of the universe patterns that affect the of the source the energy cannot possibly know happiness, and release blocks the flow these words from create, the body is imbalance, what precisely client’s body/ We may agree with blockages that they his t, Neil To have energy blocks of the life force through the only one ready to heal itself. the American astrophysicis you are what are they and as a global family we mind. As the client, is to be human, but deGrasse Tyson, but of your soul’s the law of them so important? who knows every nuance so it is to why is dealing with have yet to fully embody principle did And is simply a form If this An energy blockage journey in this lifetime. inter-connectedness. the practitioner movement, flow, ‘DNA’ (and so your higher Self that of resistance. It limits become our spiritual in this body is the living as our thought, feeling and turns to ask: ‘Where and prevents us from influence our every story?’ » may develop from would happen as blocked? What is the energy authentic Self. A block action), world peace in a mental pattern day. a physical condition, surely as night follows an unresolved feeling, the form of a belief, What all ding. or spiritual misunderstan in common is that energy blocks have stuck. they are old… and blocks are Like solid walls, energy are negative beliefs barriers. Mental walls young, pliable minds. that formed in our
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Book Extract KINDRED
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PLUS Pay Attention to your Thoughts – You believe everything you say to yourself
the flickering of a butterfly, a smiling face, a funny cloud formation. Face the sun, taste the rain, feel the wind in your hair. Simply be present. So, why am I going on about relaxing your mind? Because, when you nourish your soul with gratitude, it opens your mind to a bigger picture. Love is a higher frequency allowing you to see more opportunities in every area in your reality even at work. Allowing thoughts of fear and worry to occupy the ‘space’ in your head lowers your frequency making opportunities invisible. Know this: your mind is a tool with which you create your reality. This is why everything that does not belong in your ideal reality shouldn’t be in your thoughts. When you are in a state of appreciation your frequency is sending signals to the Universe, All That Is, the quantum field, God (whatever your name for it) that you are ready to get more of the same thing, because, make no mistake, you attract what you believe. And you believe everything you think, feel and say to yourself. Why not believe in the good things? KS
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NATURAL HEALTH The Magic of Herbs
Summer Solstice Hampers WIN Tickets to The Tarot Festival WIN Tickets to The SEED Festival
. .
POWER TALK Everything in the Universe is made of energy vibrating at different frequencies. What differentiates me from you and sand from water is the vibrational frequency. Thoughts and things are made of the same essence – energy – the only difference being that thoughts vibrate at a higher frequency than things. The reason you need to pay more attention to your thoughts is that on a deep level of quantum reality ‘high-frequencythoughts’ slow down into ‘low-frequencythings’. Simply put – thoughts become things. The more you believe in a thought the more ‘solid’ it becomes and the more it affects the energy around you. It doesn’t matter if the thought is positive or negative, if you want it or if you don’t want it. The more thoughts of the same
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Self Development KINDRED SPIRIT
Get Ready For Spring
CLAIRE: One of the things for me was the chapter that really resonated where you talk about dropping your defences, barriers, which is quite letting down your a scary and alien thing a lot of people who for term themselves as “light workers.” So, can you explain a little bit about that, Kyle? KYLE: There are many things I can say about that, but the best thing I’ll say is when I first experienced that I was 15 years old an angel. There was a family barbecue. I was doing this angel reading for someone. And this feeling that I was left with when I had seen this angel was pure gold. It wasn’t just looking at me, it was looking into me. There was not one part of me this angel could not see. It could see all of my fears, all of my concerns, all of my teenage angst, all of my stretch marks. It could even see what I had had for dinner. It knew everything about me. »
KINDREDSPIRIT Self-Development
How to Move from Conflict to Resolution
Intuitive and angel expert, Kyle Gray talks to Claire Gillman about his inspiration, shama nism and his latest book, Light Warrior
EMPTY NEST SYNDROME How to get yourself ready
The Light
12 KS Sept/Oct 2017
SIMPLE STEPS For a NEW YOU through Renewal
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I work with the Angelic my Guides and your Realms, loved ones to give sincere, in-depth readings. I am an honest, genuine and caring person and do all readings personally. I don’t give false hope; only a way forward!