DD: Journal M1

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Digital Design - Module 01 Semester 1, 2018 Sam Delamotte 835413 Chelle Yang // Studio 1

Week One

Reading: Zeara Polo, A. 2010. Between Ideas and Matters.

According to Zeara-Polo, the diagram does not play a representational role in the design process but provides an organisational and can have a performative quality depending on how it is deployed. Explain how Diagram is different from Signs and Symbols? (100 words Maximum)

The use of representational tools in architecture assists designers in communicating information in different forms and at different levels of complexity. When constructed properly, a diagram can present an array of information and data, in a very simple form. Where other tools such as symbols and signs may also assist in communicating information, these forms ultimately have no direct connection between their form and content. Ultimately, a diagram is ‘a tool which describes relationships and prescribes performances in space’. A diagram has a direct link to a space, operating to mediate between concept and reality with respect to processes outside of the 3D realm, such as time.


Week One

Precedent Analysis

r = 17



r = 46



r = 4100 8000

r = 5115


1. Radix 2012, Aires Mateus. Image source: http://www.domes-architecture.com/en/archive/issue_archive_ project.php?objectid=3357 900 1455

2. Plan: Aires Mateus modelling. Trace diagram with dimensions. 3. Elevation: Aires Mateus modelling. Structure dimensions. 4. Elevation: Aires Mateus modelling. Cutting object offsets from ground plane.

Due to the simplistic from of Aires Mateus, the modelling process is very simple. By using image one, the plan can be constructed with all cutting objects in place. The second image should be used to develop the forms in 3D. From here, changing to an elevation view allows offset of the two sphere cutting objects, as the centre plane for the ellipsoid exists on the ground plane. Once constructed, the forms may be joined and subtracted from the main structure.


Week Two

Reading: Hertzberger H. 2005. The in-between and The Habitable Space Between Things, from Lessons for Students in Architecture. Herzberger discuss how design should not be extreme in its functionality. Use your precedent study to explain how the pavilion allows for an appropriation of use. (100 words Maximum)

Herzberger believes that forms should not be designed in such a blatant manner as commonly done, but rather suggest while leaving spaces up for interpretation. Forms which do not have a distinctive, singular use often allow for the viewer to use the space as they please. Not only does this create moments, but enhances the quality of the moment through allowing exploration. Radix incorporates this lack of pronouncement through the open spaces and scattered thresholds of Aires Mateus. Through use of a typically unnatural form, the designers have created avenues of exploration and viewing platforms which tie into a singular, abstract pavilion.


Week Two


Aires Mateus - Entryways Certain views create certain settings. Images/views are developed to showcase spaces which may not be understood simply through an explanation. This view has been used to understand the way a space is used, and approached. The modelling process has allowed me to pick and choose pieces of information according to their relevance within a diagrammatic sense. Due to the largely simplistic from of Aires Mateus, there is not an extensive amount of information to project. When considering the site and setting, it was understood that the main consideration for this pavilion was its contextual relevance. For this reason, the focus was on presenting information in the way in which a user would interact with the space. This was a simple workflow, beginning with the view on approach, an understanding of the construction through presenting cutting objects in a stark, clear manner, and finally understanding how the interior space is divided and used. Remapping Aires Mateus has allowed greater understanding of thresholds and the way these thresholds can promote circulation in certain settings. Where large, open archways present themselves to the user, an understanding of the public space is immediately realised. Where these archways begin to constrain themselves, so does the perception of space they bridge. Aires Mateus presents a very simplistic example of thresholds and their connection to circulation. Where private spaces are developed through contrained openings and closed volumes, the open spaces grow out of a contextual location.


Week Two Diagrams

Circulation Map

Threshold Diagram

Circulation Map

This diagram presents the interior spaces and thresholds within the structure. The lower level presents the voids, or the cut space between the ground plane and the structure. The second and third layer emphasizes these threshold markers and presents the interior. The offset spheres are the main cutting objects for construction.

This diagrams allows the presentation of information with respect to time. By demonstrating circulation in this method, ‘shortest route’ avenues can be quantified to understand the way this space is used. Further from this, the main circulation space can be shown with respect to the landscape at entrances/exits.




Diagram by Radix


The first step was to place the diagram supplied into Rhino using PictureFrame command, scale and lock it. This will be the foundation for setting out the pavilion.

This diagram can then be used to set up the plan of the pavilion. As all dimensions are shown, if there is a preference to map from dimensions provided due to precision, this can be done by moving the cutting objects from the perimeter of the structure using Gumball.


Offsetting Cut Object A

The structure has now been roughly formed. However, the centre points of all the cutting objects are currently on the ground plane. This can be fixed by offsetting along the Z access using Gumball and measurements provided in the diagram.

The dimensions found on the diagram can be used to correctly locate the cut objects. Cut Object A (sphere with diameter of 4100) is shown to sit 900mm below the ground plane.


Appendix Process

Offsetting Cut Object B


This step can be mimicked for Cut Object B. This is the sphere with a radius of 5115mm and is offset 1455mm below the ground plane. As the ellipsoid sits on the ground plane, this does not need to be moved.

The BooleanUnion command is then used to fuse the three cutting objects together, both grouping the object and creating a single cut surface for the next command.


BooleanDifference continued...

BooleanDifference command is then used to extrude the cutting objects from the main structure. Firstly, the command requests an objects to be cut from. This is the main structure, or envelope.

Secondly, the command will ask to select the objects which will be subtracted from that space. The Delete Input option is also changed to yes. This is personal preference, and the objects may simply be moved after differencing them.




Exploded Construction The view shows the exploded construction of the entire pavillion separated onto different layers. The bottom layer shows the points where the pavillion contacts the ground plane. This helps locating entrances and exits. The second layer is the cutting objects (aka 2 sphere and 1 ellipsoid). These forms are the key concept of this pavillion. The third layer shows the interior spaces, emphasizes thresholds and demonstrates unused spaces. The final layer is the structure, or evnvelope of the pavillion. This is what sets the dominant

Isometric - Ghosted Once the command has been completed, you will be presented with this form. I have shown in Ghosted view to understand the spaces behind the envelope and within the interior space.

form of Aires Mateus.

Isometric - Interior Space A bottom-up isometric of the structure. This shows interior space, thresholds, outlines entrances and exits and simply presents the information inside the pavillion.


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