Coconut Water during Pregnancy – Myths and Facts
“Drinking coconut water will make baby’s skin fair, good for baby’s hair growth, it will boost immunity” all these are just myths. Drinking coconut water is actually beneficial during pregnancy but in a different way. NATURAL BEVERAGE Though there are several fruit juices available, they contain harmful artificial preservatives and colors that are not good for both baby and mother. So Stay hydrated with natural coconut water. PREVENTS CONSTIPATION Coconut water is enriched with dietary fibers that are good for constipation. Constipation usually takes place in the first few months of pregnancy and rather then taking OTC, drink coconut water to get relief. SOURCE OF ELECTROLYTES During pregnancy the electrolyte requirement of the body rises. Coconut water contains electrolytes that also aid in controlling blood pressure. Electrolytes also maintain body’s pH level. EXERCISE DRINK
Light exercises are advised by doctor during pregnancy to stay fit and strengthen the pelvic floor. It advised to drink this as a good after exercise drink to stay hydrated. GOOD FOR HEART Coconut water contains good amount of potassium and magnesium that will maintain the blood pressure levels during pregnancy. Potassium also helps to balance the sodium level in blood and maintain proper body functioning. Coconut water is low in sugar and natural but advisable to drink in moderation. Avoid drinking if you don’t like the taste. 
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