Facts about asthma

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“Asthma is actually a breath taking experience.” WHO report estimates that 235 million people currently suffer from asthma. Asthma is often under-diagnosed and under-treated, creating a substantial burden to individuals and families and possibly restricting individuals’ activities for lifetime. Asthma is a condition in which the airways of a person become narrow, swell and produce extra mucus. This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. It is a chronic disease and the symptoms include  Shortness of breath  Chest tightness or pain  A whistling or wheezing sound when exhaling Asthma in Children Asthma is the most common chronic disease among children also. Most children with asthma have symptoms before they turn 5 years. Though the symptoms are same the treatment can be different based on the age and severity and require careful and frequent monitoring. Asthma Triggers Environmental substances that lead to the actual onset of asthma are called asthma triggers.

Indoor- and outdoor-inhaled allergens are some of the most common irritants that induce asthma. 1. Common Allergens Household dust mites, cockroaches, dander from furred or feathered animals, fungi, and pollens are common allergens. 2. Other Irritants Tobacco smoke, industrial emissions, vehicle exhaust, ozone, sulfur dioxide, some foods, food additives, and smog 3. Physical Causes Respiratory infections, exercise, hyperventilation, stress, depression, and fear also can trigger an asthma attack. Who are at risk?     

Having a blood relative, parent or sibling with asthma. Overweight person Smoker or second hand smoker (inhaled smoke passively) Exposed to fumes or other types of pollution Occupational triggers, such as chemicals used in hairdressing and manufacturing


Asthma cannot be cured but proper diagnosis, treatment and patient education can result in good asthma control and management.

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