Infectious diseases are caused by pathogens that are germs like Bacteria, Virus, Parasites or Fungi. For simple understanding T.B that is Tuberculosis is infection in lung caused by Bacteria. Common cold, flu or HIV can be spread through virus. Fungal infections of the skin like athlete’s foot, jock itch, ring worm or yeast infection. Malaria is caused by a tiny parasite that is transmitted by a mosquito bite. Infectious disease can be caused by direct contact and indirect contact. 1. Direct Contact Following are the ways by which infectious diseases can be spread through direct contact: Person to person Infectious disease commonly spread through the direct transfer from one person to another. When an individual with the infection touch, kiss, or cough or sneeze on someone uninfected. It can also spread through the exchange of body fluids from sexual contact.
Animal to person Being bitten or scratched by an infected animal even a pet can make you sick and in extreme circumstances it can be fatal. Mother to unborn child A pregnant woman may pass germs that cause infectious diseases to her unborn baby. 2. Indirect Contact Some organisms are capable of surviving on surfaces for longer period of time. When a person is infected by contacting with a contaminated surface it is indirect transmission of disease. For instance touching a doorknob handled by someone ill with the flu or a cold makes you pick up the germs infected person left behind and If you then touch your eyes, mouth or nose before washing hands you may become infected. Insect transmission Some germs rely on insect carriers such as mosquitoes, fleas, lice or ticks to move from host to host. These carriers are known as vectors. Mosquitoes are vector for Malaria. Beaten by those will make a person infected with disease. Food contamination Biting is not the only way of transmission another way is contaminated food and water. Foods are spoiled because they contain microorganisms, such as bacteria or parasites. Consumption of contaminated food allows germs to be spread to many people through a single source.
Symptoms Though each infectious disease has its own specific signs and symptoms here are some identical symptoms:
Cough-cold Diarrhea Fatigue Muscle pain Body ache
Mild infections can be cured by taking some rest and by effective home treatments while some life threatening infections requires medical treatment. Book an appointment with INFECTIOUS DISEASE SPECIALIST now on MEDBOX.
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