Natural remedies for food allergy

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Food allergy is the unpleasant reaction of the immune system for the eaten food. The reaction can be in terms of rashes, itching, and swelling on the skin. Sometimes cause gastric problems like nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and stomach cramp. Here are some natural ways to treat the allergic reaction and reduce the severity: Carrot and cucumber  Juice of carrot and cucumber is effective in treating the allergies as both have anti allergenic components.  Grind the vegetables and prepare the juice drink to soothe the allergy. Bananas  Bananas reduce the skin rashes and stomach discomfort and helps in regulating the body’s metabolism.  Bananas will not cure allergy but prevent it from becoming more severe. Honey  Honey has antibiotic and anti allergic properties.  Eat a spoon of raw honey to ease the symptoms of allergy and get some relief. Lemon

 Lemon is a great immune booster and flushes out the toxins.  Add the juice of 1 lemon to a cup of warm water and mix 1 tbsp of honey with it.  Drink it on empty stomach in morning to cure the reaction. Garlic  Garlic contains quercetin, a natural antihistamine that is effective in treating food allergies.  Chew 2 to 3 raw garlic cloves daily to combat the various symptoms. Ginger  Ginger is effective in treating the gastrointestinal discomforts associated with food allergies.  Mix 1 teaspoon of ginger juice and honey and drink before eating meals to improve the digestion. Severe allergies need to be treated by the Doctors but for mild allergies try the remedies. 

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