Studies proved that black cumin seed is effective remedy against severe disease like Cancer!! Black cumin seeds are also recommended by ayurveda So here are the benefits of this ancient remedy Prevent Cancer The thymoquinone in black seed has been proven to help induce apoptosis in leukemia cells. Studies have shown that it is also effective in brain tumor cells, cervical and pancreatic cancer It is also effective for oral cancer cells by preventing cavity-forming bacteria. Effective for diabetes treatment Researchers proves that two grams daily of black seed could result in reduced fasting blood sugar levels, along with decreased insulin resistance, and increased beta-cell function in the pancreas. Promote weight loss Research proves that black seed is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent and helps to lessen the appetite, improve glucose levels and glucose absorption, which can directly help in weight loss.
Relief in asthma Massage with the black cumin seeds oil on chest or add a teaspoon to a cup of ginger tea will give quick relief to asthma patient. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that relaxes the bronchial muscles and helps in fighting acute asthma attacks and coughs. Good for Hair and Skin Since ancient times black cumin seed was used for skin and hair. Apply cumin seeds oil on hair to treat baldness the oil also prevent the hair loss. Black seeds oil promotes anti ageing and makes the skin soft and firm.
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