Why you should add more protein to your diet!
Protein is crucial for human body. Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Our body requires protein to repair damaged cells and to generate new one. Protein rich food falls in two categories: 1. Complete proteins: Products such as dairy products, meat, fish, pork and eggs contain almost all the proteins needed by our body. 2. Incomplete proteins: Plant products such as grains, nuts, legumes and vegetables contain limited array of proteins. A number of studies have shown that a high protein diet aids in weight loss and metabolic health. Here are some of the reasons why you should need to add protein in your daily diet.  A high protein diet can significantly boost metabolism and increase the amount of calories you burn.  Protein helps in reducing hunger, limiting the calorie intake. Thus, helps in weight loss.
Protein boosts immune system due to the presence of immunoglobulins and betaglucan. Thereby, helping the body fight cold and flu. Protein is important for the muscular health. A diet rich in protein can helps in preventing muscle loss while losing weight. Studies have shown that protein, including animal protein, is good for bone health.
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