Not only skin, hair is equally important for both women and men as ultimately it can complete the look of face. For men hair care is more than just hair cut. Follow these hair care tips to prevent the hair related problems: Use very less shampoo During winter hair becomes very rigid and dry and to make them glow people tend to use more shampoo but it should be avoided. Use very less shampoo and wash hair with normal warm water. Try Hair conditioner The conditioners are only for woman to use is a wrong perception. It is equally important for men. Conditioner will remove the oil and protect the hair from the cool air also nourish the hair. Hair oil for nutrition If you want to save hair from falling out then massage hair and scalp with some nutritious oil. It will prevent dry hair and promote hair growth. Better to apply it at night and let it stay on head over night.
Avoid frequent washing Continues hair washing lead to wash away the nutrients and essential oils that are natural defense for hair and vital for well being of hair. Change the shampoo during winter use one that contains extra vitamins and minerals and gentle to hair. Avoid the use of Towel Do not use a towel directly after washing hair as it can damage the hair roots. Unlike the summer season let the hair dry out naturally in the winters. It is good to look stylish but do not over use the products on hair as it can damage the hair.
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