Stay Day Program 2013

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STAY DAY 4th Annual

May 28, 2013 Clark Kerr Campus








(Krutch Theater Lobby) 8:45 - 9:00am OPENING REMARKS (Krutch Theater) 9:00 - 10:00am INTERACTIVE THEATER PROGRAM (Krutch Theater)

10:15 - 11:30am SESSION ONE - Your Choice (Various Locations) Session Name: __________________ Session Location: ________________

11:30 - 12:00pm POSTER SESSION

(Hallways) 12:10 - 1:10pm LUNCH (Great Hall) PROGRAM (Executive Dining Room)

1:15 - 2:30pm

SESSION TWO - Your Choice (Various Locations) Session Name: __________________ Session Location: ________________

2:45 - 4:00pm

SESSION THREE - Your Choice (Various Locations) Session Name: __________________ Session Location: ________________ 4:00 - 5:00pm CLOSING & NETWORKING RECEPTION (Great Hall & Patio)


Erin Wixson Chair, Learning & Development, Student Affairs James Carroll Co-Chair, Office of Student Development Annalyn Cruz Learning & Development, Student Affairs Ellen Levitan Cal Housing Courtney Franks FASO Financial Aid Operations Marcia Riley Ombuds Office for Students & Postdoctoral Appointees Avi Rosenzweig Nanoscale Science & Engineering






OPENING REMARKS 8:45-9:00 am

Harry Le Grande was appointed Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs on June 1, 2008. In this position, Le Grande provides leadership for student and faculty support service programs that contribute to the academic mission of UC Berkeley in the areas of student life, undergraduate admissions and financial aid, campus outreach, career services, student conduct, housing, dining, residential programs, and other student-related matters. He also currently serves as a Commissioner on the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC), a Governor-appointed position. Harry has more than 30 years in the student affairs profession.

INTERACTIVE THEATER PROGRAM 9:00 - 10:00am “I Thought We Were Supposed to be Operationally Excellent” Directed by Michael Mansfield - Facilitated by Maria Lucero Padilla SETTING: CAST:

Berkeley Law office -- Monday, around lunch-time, first week of September. Albert Garcia - Louel Señores Kenny Zheng – Jonathan Lee Anna Badalian – Marnie Glovinsky

SYNOPSIS A system-wide network upgrade has left some of the computers at the Berkeley Law Shared Services Offices a little uncooperative, including Anna’s, the Department Manager. She finds herself thwarted in the 11th hour and asks for help preparing some important reports. Her two colleagues do their best to support her with this last-minute request, but this rush job reveals that these minor technological complications are the least of her worries! The Interactive Theater Program uses live theatre and audience participation to encourage dialogue around inclusion, diversity and equity. Through facilitated dialogue, participants’ work through their own perspectives, emotions and assumptions to gain a greater appreciation of the underlying motivations and subtleties of misunderstanding that can escalate into conflict. The scenarios are multi-dimensional, revealing not only the dynamics of particular diversity issues, but also the dynamics of human interaction around the issues.

SESSION ONE 10:15 - 11:30AM Krutch Theater A Day in the Life of a Student WE FOCUS with a Disability ON SERVICE Room 102 Bears that Care: WE INCLUDE & TAKE ACTION EXCEL TOGETHER Room 104 Defining Learning Outcomes for WE IMAGINE Undergraduate Advising & INNOVATE Room 203 Advising and Planning WE INCLUDE & Student Events EXCEL TOGETHER Room 204 Supporting Staff Exploration of WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE Equity & Inclusion TO EACH OTHER Garden Room Learn from the Pros: WE FOCUS Lessons from Low-Income, ON SERVICE First-Generation Students Executive Ensuring Access: A Closer Look Dining Room at Maintaining Affordability WE FOCUS ON SERVICE John Kearney Beyond CTRL+C: Addressing Room Academic Integrity at UC Berkeley WE IMAGINE & INNOVATE

SESSION ONE 10:15 - 11:30AM



A Day in the Life of a Student with a Disability

STUDENT PANEL Krutch Theater Haydee Lindgren, Disabled Students’ Program Hahva Gallagher, Disabled Students’ Program Navigating Cal can be a stressful and trying experience for anyone. For a student who lives with a disability, there is even more in the mix--managing daily disability realities, academic accommodations, potential social isolation, and more. In this panel discussion, four students with disabilities share their reality, and we give you ideas on how to better serve your student population by accommodating the needs and experiences of students with disabilities.

Bears that Care: TAKE ACTION

WORKSHOP Room 102 Roxanne Villaluz, Office of the Dean of Students Terrance Range, Center for Student Conduct Bears that Care: TAKE ACTION is an initiative to make campus safer and to recognize and understand that students . . . (1) are at varying stages of consciousness around what violence is and looks like (2) have varying levels of comfort around bystander intervention. This interactive workshop provides students tools for active bystander behaviours under the CARE model to prevent acts of violence from occurring and continue to move toward a campus of global citizens. In this session, participants will learn about types of violence that occur on campus in addition to the CARE model and tools to prevent acts of violence from occurring on campus.

“I am Berkeley because my values of student learning and transformative education drive my daily work.”

Defining Learning Outcomes for Undergraduate Advising: A Mixed Competencies and Developmentally Tiered Approach WORKSHOP Room 104 Elizabeth Wilcox, Office of Planning and Analysis Recent shifts in the higher education landscape have placed new emphasis on the competencies of graduates and the value of a college degree. As new standards are developed for evaluating educational effectiveness, advisors now face the challenge of better articulating what students gain from advising. This presentation will introduce a unique macrolevel conceptual framework to guide the development of local learning outcomes for undergraduate advising using a unique mixed-competencies and developmentally tiered approach based on classic works in student development.

SESSION ONE 10:15 - 11:30AM Advising and Planning Student Events

WORKSHOP Room 203 Vivi Nordahl, Event Services, ASUC Auxiliary Jamie Riley, LEAD Center, ASUC Auxiliary Come learn about how Event Services and the LEAD Center provide services and support for students to plan successful events that are in line with the group’s mission and goals. We will talk about how we provide advising and support for student-led events. We will guide you through the campus event planning process including fundraising, comprehensive event plans, selecting the right venue, and marketing your event. Event Services and the LEAD Center are part of the ASUC Auxiliary which provides high quality services and programs that foster experiential learning opportunities, enhance the student experience, and ensure a sustainable organization.


Supporting Staff Exploration of Equity & Inclusion: The Dean of Students Diversity Work Group

WORKSHOP Room 204 Maria S. Jaochico, Center for Student Conduct Robert Jittrikawiphol, LEAD Center, ASUC Auxiliary The Dean of Students Diversity Workgroup is a program that seeks to provide a safe space for staff to explore issues of inclusion, equity, and diversity. As our students are encouraged to explore their identities, our workgroup believes that staff exploration and development of our own identities is important to maximize the student experience. Working with diverse communities requires us to be cognizant of our own personal biases and how it impacts our day-to-day work with students and colleagues. At this workshop we will discuss how the program has evolved, the impact it is making on staff today, and explore how your department may benefit from this work.

Learn from the Pros: Lessons from Low-Income, First-Generation Students

STUDENT PANEL Garden Room Alix Schwartz, Academic Planning & STUDENT PANEL How can the University better serve low-income, first-generation students? In 2005 UC Berkeley, in partnership with Aspire Public Schools, founded Cal Prep, a public charter school dedicated to fostering access and success in higher education for under-represented students. There are now five Cal Prep students at Cal (and an additional 22 Aspire students have just been admitted to Cal for next year!). Through their experience we are more deeply understanding of the challenges faced and are generating ideas for how the university might address these issues, by improving the clarity of our communications, better coordination among key units, and the like.

“I am Berkeley because I am a free spirit.”

SESSION ONE 10:15 - 11:30 am





Ensuring Access: A Closer Look at Maintaining Affordability

ROUNDTABLE Executive Dining Room Cruz Grimaldo, Financial Aid and Scholarships Sereeta Alexander, Office of Planning and Analysis As the flagship campus of the University of California System, UC Berkeley is considered the “Public Ivy” and a place where academic excellence is combined with large, highly diverse student body and a large number of needy students. Providing access and excellence to California students irrespective of their financial status has been the guiding mission of UC Berkeley since 1868. We also have a tradition of affordability, and the first financial aid for needy students at UC Berkeley was available in 1897. In spite of continuing disinvestment by the State, Berkeley has managed to remain accessible to Cal students without compromising their world class education. We will examine the variety of students that are served through financial aid: Pell students, Dream Act aid, MCAP, and borrowers and will then review current trends in affordability. Financial Literacy will be discussed and the possible future of higher education financing will also be imagined.

Beyond CTRL+C: Addressing Academic Integrity at UC Berkeley

ROUNDTABLE John Kearny Room Laura Butler, Center for Student Conduct Erin Skelly, Berkeley International Office This session will provide an opportunity for campus partners to strategize cross-campus collaboration methods to best advance academic integrity efforts and innovative ways to educate our diverse campus community. The session will focus on innovative methods, outreach efforts, addressing special populations, and student support resources. Participants will analyze current academic integrity outreach and discuss ways to streamline and advance our current campus practices. Additionally, participants will connect with campus networks and strategize new, innovative academic integrity practices to best serve our diverse student populations.

“I am Berkeley because I serve, advocate, and achieve for my communities.”

POSTER SESSSION 11:30 - 12:00 noon The Advising Network Community Abigail Tilden Alicia Hayes, Wendy Hussey Candace Groskreutz Shareena Samson Elizabeth Wiley

Rebecca Sablo Randeep Kullar La Shana Porlaris Abigail Tilden

NACADA Membership Drive Table

Rebecca Miller, Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching, Learning, Academic Planning & Facilities Advising Council Member



Envisioning the Future of Student Advising at Berkeley -The Advising Framework Advising Council Vision Working Group: Anne Marie Richard Diana Lizarraga Kate Chase Melissa Hacker

bPAN (Berkeley Peer Advisor Network) Santina Pitcher Jamie Depelteau Christina Yasi

Amber Dillon Allison Hall

Equal Bites - All Diets Accommodated

Renee M. Simpson, RDN, Housing and Dining Operations

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt Everyone

Petr Brym, Student Affairs Information Technologies Paulina Ramos, Student Affairs Information Technologies

Career Ladders for Letters & Science Suzanne Helbig, Career Center

“I am Berkeley because I learn on my feet.”

POSTER SESSSION 11:30 - 12:00 noon


Student Sustainability Efforts Katherine Walsh, The Green Initiative Fund

Be an Advising STAR! Development Opportunities for Academic Advising and Student Service Professionals Inette Dishler, COrWE Lisa Walker, Multicultural Student Development

Supporting Students in Academic Difficulty: Policies, Practices, and New Initiatives Philaine Seher, L&S Undergraduate Advising Michael Robert Lai, L&S Undergraduate Advising Jesus Arciniega, L&S Undergraduate Advising

Technical Pathways for Student Advising College Advisors, L&S Undergraduate Advising Tara Young, L&S Undergraduate Advising

Classroom Management Program: A Pilot Program in Dwinelle Hall Pam Armstrong, Office of the Registrar

“I am Berkeley because I love exploring new possibilities and discoveries.�

Can You Hear Me Now? Developing a Student-Centric Communications Strategy

Ellen Topp, Student Affairs Communications

LUNCH 12:10 - 1:00pm LUNCH 12:10 - 1:00pm

Great Hall




Innovative Elements of UC Berkeley’s Interactive Theater

LUNCH TIME ROUNDTABLE Executive Dining Room (Limited to 20 participants) Discussion Facilitation ITP Staff: Louel Senores, ITP Actor and script writer Michael Mansfield, ITP Theater Director Maria Lucero Padilla, ITP Coordinator Grow-your-own philosophy, peer education and service-learning. We utilize a classroom environment where students, staff and faculty research the issues, write the scripts, learn acting, perform the scenarios, and develop the workshops in an inclusive learning environment. In the process, participants develop their multicultural competence while serving the campus to enhance equity and inclusion.

“I am Berkeley because I think creatively outside of the box.”

SESSION TWO 1:15 - 2:30 pm Krutch Theater WE INCLUDE &

The Student Parent Experience


Room 102 Berkeley Cares: How to WE SIMPLIFY Support Students in Distress Room 104 Locally Grown, Locally Owned WE IMAGINE Advising Program Evaluation & INNOVATE Room 203 Student Development Through Off-campus Service WE FOCUS ON SERVICE Room 204 The Profile and Experiences of WE INCLUDE & New UC Berkeley Undergrads on EXCEL TOGETHER Academic Probation Garden Room For Students, By Students: WE IMAGINE Effectively Engaging a Student & INNOVATE Audience Executive Interpersonal Communication Dining Room Skills Can Improve the Student’s Experience WE FOCUS ON SERVICE John Kearney Sensitivity Analysis: Unexpected Room Outcomes in Art and Engineering WE IMAGINE & INNOVATE

SESSION TWO 1:15 - 2:30 pm The Student Parent Experience

STUDENT PANEL Krutch Theatre Jen Siecienski, RSSP Koko Mulder, University Village Ginelle Perez. University Village Students who are also parents face unique academic, social, and financial challenges and obstacles. Having dependent children has been identified as one factor in attrition. Other factors include living off campus, delayed enrollment, and holding a job while enrolled. The majority of student-parents present several of these risk factors. Come learn from our graduate and undergraduate student parents about their experience at Cal.

Berkeley Cares: How to Support Students in Distress

WORKSHOP Room 102 Akirah Bradley, Dean of Students Office Susan Bell, Counseling and Psychological Services Aaron Cohen, Counseling and Psychological Services Detective Brendan Tinney, UCPD Erin Niebylski, Student Conduct It is imperative that we all work together as a community to provide support to students, especially at the height of their most troublesome times. This workshop will begin with a short presentation discussing how to work with students in distress. It will also include case-studies and various activities to provide hands on experience utilizing resources on campus to find resolution. During this workshop you will also be introduced to the Gold Folder which will serve as a campus guide to help staff and faculty know what to do when confronted with a student in distress.


Locally Grown, Locally Owned Advising Program Evaluation

WORKSHOP Room 104 Yukiko Watanabe, Center for Teaching and Learning Noam Manor, Fall Program For Freshman Susan Hagstrom, College of Environmental Design Lauren Worrell, College of Environmental Design Elizabeth Wilcox, Office of Planning & Analysis Program evaluation and outcomes assessment in co-curricular and curricular advising units are most effective when locally-held and institutional data provide directions for strategic planning and program improvement. This panel will (a) introduce you to a use-driven approach to advising program evaluation, (b) demonstrate the benefits of advisors’ direct involvement in evaluative activities, (c) share evaluation and assessment strategies and processes from two advising units, and (d) provide ways to utilize institutional data for unit’s benefits. Participants will be provided with templates and example tools for evaluating their own outcomes.

“I am Berkeley because I love adventure and opportunity!”

SESSION TWO 1:15 - 2:30 pm





Student Development Through Off-campus Service: Internships, Outreach, Risk Management, and More!

WORKSHOP Room 203 Mike Bishop, Public Service Center Suzan Akin, Public Service Center Damali Burton, Public Service Center As the Public Service Center, we serve students as well as faculty across the campus. In this session, Center staff present our student development offerings and solicit ideas for additional trainings as we prepare for our 201314 program year. Along the way we will cover: risk management procedures; internship program structures; resources to support students and faculty; and outreach efforts to disadvantaged communities across the Bay Area.

The Profile and Experiences of New UC Berkeley Undergraduates on Academic Probation

WORKSHOP Room 204 Sereeta Alexander, Office of Planning & Analysis Greg Dubrow, Office of Undergraduate Admissions Overall, UC Berkeley students perform well academically—having high retention and graduation rates, while having low academic probation rates. However, there is still a subset of new students (~5% overall) who experience being placed on academic probation as a result of their 1st-year UC Berkeley GPA. The relationship between early probation and graduation rates (60%) is a significant lower compared to their peers (90%). Focusing on the Operating Principle of “We Include and Excel Together”, we will try to better understand who goes on probation in the first place.

For Students, By Students: Effectively Engaging a Student Audience

“I am Berkeley because I try to make a difference.”

STUDENT PANEL Garden Room Anna Blankinship, Student Affairs Information Technologies Anne Marie Richard, Student Affairs Information Technologies This panel presentation will focus on communications and outreach to a student audience as performed by student staff of Student Affairs - Information Technologies (SAIT). The panel includes three student employees of SAIT’s marketing team, which is responsible for producing all web content and print materials that promote technology services for students living in the residence halls. We will share our approach to engaging a student audience through creative marketing campaigns that leverage a student perspective. We’ll share examples of marketing materials created by student staff, and discuss strategies to promote and brand our organization as a student-focused, friendly ally while educating customers about technology and network policies.

SESSION TWO 1:15 - 2:30 pm Interpersonal Communication Skills Can Improve the Student’s Experience

ROUND TABLE Executive Dining Room Maryhelen Blake, Office of Undergraduate Admissions Mecca Shakoor, Office of Undergraduate Admissions With the development of the Division of Equity and Inclusion, UC Berkeley has prioritized issues of diversity that face students and staff members alike. The division’s core values help to transform and empower students and staff and create an equitable University which fosters respect for the knowledge and experience of others. Most often we use our written and verbal communication skills when working with students on campus. In this round table, we will discuss ways to include interpersonal communication skills into our daily work; to improve our effectiveness and ultimately the student experience. Participants will explore the core competencies of interpersonal communication and how we can incorporate them into our everyday practices when communicating with students.




Sensitivity Analysis: Unexpected Outcomes in Art and Engineering

ROUND TABLE John Kearney Room Simona Zompi, Center for Global Public Health School of Public Health Laura Peticolas, Center for Science Education at Space Sciences Laboratory Steve Croft, Department of Astronomy Andrew Todhunter, Department of Biology Ken Goldberg, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Carlo Sequin, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Verna Bowie, Global Change Biology (TBC) Natalie Mal, Undergraduate Student Contemporary art and engineering research are both at their best when things don’t turn out as planned. In this session there wil be selected examples based on artworks developed with students and other collaborators involving robots and networks over the past 20 years. These projects set out to investigate intersections of technology and nature, such as the Telegarden, a robot installation that allowed online participants to remotely tend a living garden; or Ballet Mori, a classical dance performed to sounds triggered by live seismic data.

“I am Berkeley because no dream is too big.”

SESSION THREE 2:45 - 4:00 pm Krutch Theater WE INCLUDE &

Cal Veterans Panel


Room 102 Include, Excel, Innovate: WE INCLUDE & We Improve Student Advising EXCEL TOGETHER

Room 104 Progressing towards Graduation: WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE What Students Need to Remain TO EACH OTHER Eligible for Financial Aid Room 203 WE INCLUDE & EXCEL TOGETHER Room 204 WE INCLUDE &

Academic Advising & Career Counseling: On the Same Page UCUES & Campus Climate


Garden Room


Social Media 201


Executive Creating a Classroom Abroad: Dining Room Supporting Faculty and Students WE INCLUDE & on Faculty-led Study Abroad EXCEL TOGETHER Programs John Kearney Room



Liberal Education

SESSION2:45 THREE - 4:00 pm Cal Veterans Panel

STUDENT PANEL Krutch Theatre Ron Williams, Transfer, Re-entry, and Student Parent Center Thoughtfully engaging prospective and new students with an understanding of stereotype threat has increased participation and assisted in curbing the prevailing assumption that Berkeley is hostile territory to current and former service members. Participants will learn from Cal Veterans regarding experiences prior to and since beginning their studies at Berkeley and how that has shaped their sense of belonging and full engagement in our academic community.


Include, Excel, Innovate: We Improve Student Advising

WORKSHOP Room 102 Rebecca Miller, Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching, Learning, Academic Planning & Facilities Inette Dishler, COrWE Julian Ledesma, Educational Opportunity Program Steve Sutton, Office of Student Development Lisa Walker, Multicultural Student Development Christina Yasi, Economics Allison Hall, , Sociology The Advising Council Working Groups have been working diligently on several important initiatives. Come hear a summary of this important work and how it is designed to positively impact the student experience. You’ll learn about the case for change, our emerging competency model, the new “Advising Star,” and a sneak preview of the professional development survey.

Progressing Towards Graduation: What Students Need to Remain Eligible for Financial Aid

WORKSHOP Room 104 Cruz Grimaldo, Financial Aid and Scholarships Jennifer French, Financial Aid and Scholarships Carlos Perez, Financial Aid and Scholarships Yolanda Smith, Financial Aid and Scholarships To remain eligible for federal financial aid, a student must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP). Students must not be enrolled for more than the maximum specified number of years, they must receive passing grades in a minimum number of units each year and they must maintain an overall grade point average (GPA) at or above 2.000. The Financial Aid and Scholarships Office must comply with these federal requirements, and make every effort to ease the way for students to progress to graduation. Qualitative and quantitative progress is measured annually and when a student fails to meet these requirements they may lose their aid unless they appeal. Students work with their college advisors or professors on an academic plan that supports their appeal.

“I am Berkeley because I love to explore the unknown.”

SESSION THREE 2:45 - 4:00 pm



Academic Advising & Career Counseling: On the Same Page WORKSHOP Edward Free, Career Center

Room 203

This session will focus on how academic advisors can promote student development and success by integrating career advising into their practice. We will provide practical tips on discussing transferable skills from student’s classes and their applicability in a job/internship search, as well as promoting networking strategies. The goal is to assist academic advisors who are interested in learning how to help students plan for life after Berkeley.

UCUES & Campus Climate WORKSHOP Room 204 Andrew Eppig, Equity & Inclusion An engaging and healthy campus climate is one of the three top-level strategies of UC Berkeley’s Strategic Plan for Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity. We use the University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) to assess undergraduate campus climate trends at UC Berkeley. This assessment covers three areas: feelings of respect; exposure to stereotypical or negative language; and perceived importance of diversity to the campus. Each area is examined across multiple affinity groups: race/ ethnicity, sexual orientation, and religious affiliation.

“I am Berkeley because I inspire others.”

SESSION2:45 THREE - 4:00 pm Social Media 201

WORKSHOP Garden Room Robin Hershkowitz, Office of Student Development, RSSP You’ve learned about Facebook, twitter, and youtube and how students rely heavily on social networking to communicate and to create an identity. But that’s just the beginning: social media technologies are growing exponentially, and since you mastered the Facebook profile, there are already dozens of other social networking sites used by students. In this session, you will learn about other tools, such as Instagram, Reddit, Vine, and the other social network sites that that will have been invented since the writing of this description. Social media technology continues to develop at an exponential rate, and having advanced knowledge of social media will help you with your communication with students.

Creating a Classroom Abroad: Supporting Faculty and Students on Faculty-led Study Abroad Programs


ROUNDTABLE Executive Dining Room Jessica Bauer, Summer Sessions, Study Abroad & Lifelong Learning Tracy Weber, Summer Sessions, Study Abroad & Lifelong Learning Erin Brighton, Summer Sessions, Study Abroad & Lifelong Learning Lauren Worrell, Undergraduate Adviser (Architecture) Carol Dolcini, Undergraduate Adviser (French) This session will focus on the process of creating, developing, implementing and supporting faculty led programs abroad through Berkeley Abroad. Presenters will summarize the proposal process, highlight a variety of current program models, and moderate a discussion amongst a panel of advisers working with these programs. The panel will share their experiences advising students about study abroad, supporting program directors as they plan and implement these programs, and discuss other efforts made by the department on behalf of Berkeley Abroad.

Liberal Education

ROUNDTABLE John Kearney Room Bob Jacobsen, Physics Roseanne Fong, College of Letters and Science Avi Rosenzweig, Nanoscale Science/Engineering Graduate Group What values does liberal and general education have at a research campus like Berkeley? Why is it so hard for students, staff and faculty to take part in it? What can we do about improving the situation here at Berkeley? After starting with a big-picture view from the 2007 “Report on General Education in the 21st Century”, we’ll focus discussion on the particulars of Berkeley and our students.

“I am Berkeley because I will never stop learning.”

NETWORKING 4:00 - 5:00 pm Stay Day is an amazing opportunity to network with other Berkeley student service professionals and renew passion in the field. Networking is an important way to share knowledge, create opportunities, make connections, promote your work, and build community on Campus! During the networking reception, there will be a drawing filled with prizes from Campus departments, local merchants, and businesses and music from an amazing student string trio! We also have a great reception menu, compliments of Cal Catering, which features appetizers, dessert, and beverages!



Once again this year, STAY DAY is excited to engage our participants in service to our community. STAY DAY has selected two UC Berkeley student-created and student-run service programs to support in the local community.

STAY DAY is happy to support these service programs by collecting items for the Suitcase Clinic and the Bear Pantry. The collection bins are at the Registration table in the lobby of the Krutch Theatre.

The Suitcase Clinic

We are collecting the following items: • Blankets, Sleeping Bags (used or new) • Underwear, Socks (new) • Pants (used or new) • Shirts, T-Shirts (used or new) • Jackets/Sweatshirts/Coats, Shoes (used or new) • Books, Board Games (used or new) • School Supplies (used or new) • Unused Hygiene Supplies


The Bear Pantry

We are collecting the following items: • • • • • • • • • • •

Canned/boxed non-perishable food Canned tuna, canned chicken Pancake mix, boxed cereal, boxed hot cereal Pinto beans, lentils, rice Dry pasta, jarred pasta sauce Canned soup Crackers, graham crackers Sugar, ketchup, mayonnaise, cooking oil Coffee, tea Peanut butter, jam, syrup Canned peaches, canned corn, canned tomatoes

Cash donations will also be accepted for both organizations. You can even ask friends, family, and co-workers in your department to donate! Thank you in advance for your support!

NOTES & TAKE-AWAYS STAY DAY PLANNING TEAM NAMED COSA AWARD WINNERS This year, the Stay Day Planning Team members (current and past) received the Chancellor’s Outstanding Staff Award (COSA). The COSAs are presented to individuals and teams who, in addition to performing all their normal job duties with excellence, also demonstrate exceptional initiative in contributing to the UC Berkeley campus community.

“I am Berkeley because I value learning, innovation and advocacy.”

The 4th Annual STAY DAY Conference of Student Affairs presented by: Division LEARNING and DEVELOPMENT in partnership with our generous sponors

Cal Nerds

Special Thanks to the Following Stay Day Contributors: Cal Catering - Sunny Lee - Steve Sutton - RESCOMP - Carol Tady Maria Padilla - Michael Mansfield - Berkeley Vintage Winery Jonathan Poullard - Megan Voorhees - Berkeley Nano Institute

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