11062308_SDH_Thesis Proposal_121116

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Architecture and Capital Modern architecture has been, and continues to be, a product of capital forces, where “[...] urban form is taken [...] to be a reflection of economic [...] forces already in play throughout larger society” (Pope, 1996, p219). Capitalist [re]development in the urban and extra-urban context is driven by economic reward and capital gains with a view to “seek[ing] a more promising bottom line” (Pope, 1996, p153) from any given scheme.

myriad of “[...]economic and social contradictions, which explode in an always more accelerated way within urban agglomerations” have halted “capitalist reorganisation” (Tafuri, 1976, p170). The city has been unable to readjust to the fluctuating variables of the knowledge economy, globally-led retail development or city centre commercial/ residential regeneration. Instead of regrouping and redefining the city as the modern hub it once was, non-committal capital development, a compromised planning process and consumerist behaviour have left the city with few meaningful buildings with which to create place. Whilst some public, municipal and civic infrastructures remain from Bradford’s past “they do so in a highly qualified state, remaining only as traces or displacements of a former hierarchy, operating on the edge of complete irrelevance” (Pope, 1996, p173). Fig. 2 Assumed Comsumer Desires

Developers’ Whim

Bradford Reality



Urban Form

Fig. 1

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Capital Reality: Westfield 2008+ / Cities in context. The current situation of failing commerce and a lack of investment in the development of post-industrial cities has produced a fragile urban realm. The fissures, pock-marks and vacuums have been produced by myriad forces - many as a result of the financial crash - but to begin to design with pragmatism, or even comprehend what is wrong in the current urban-economic context, we have to frame where we are in social, economic and spatial terms. Bratton states that “we don’t know what we are post, and what we are pre, but simply that we are, an historical interstitial, a gap. Is the gap, the empty space into which something falls, a void, a newly cleared space?” (2009) Development gone awry / The inertia of development. The way in which capital-led development currently operates is symptomatic of present economic ideologies, which have, in the near-short term proved to be unsustainable. Procurement strategies employed by developers reflect that of the home-equity loans of the early-2000s. In the same way that mortgages were leveraged to allow the home to become “a three dimensional credit card” able to secure “speculative withdrawals to fund goods,” (Richmond, 2009, p216) developments are regarded as temporal, speculative chunks of equity, which can be notionally or physically generated in order to secure other developments against. As this speculative process invariably pops, or fails to reach its prophesised potential, the urban fabric is torn apart at the seams by the fissures of abandonment, dereliction and brownfield. The inevitable residuum created by the low points in the ‘boom and bust’ cycle “appear within the matrices of a traditional urban community indicat[ing] a process of development gone awry, producing an astonishing, uncontrollable remainder” (Pope, 1996, p195). This ultimately creates “an inertia of incredible scale, reinforcing division, exclusion and stagnation within the built environment” (Pope, 1995, p217). Metropolitan identity became capital based - consumerist desires. As an historical organism, the city existed to exchange goods from the hinterlands - in Bradford’s case the processing and redistribution of wool. In the post-industrial context of Bradford’s city centre a

£80,000,000 Hole in the Ground

Profitable Agenda

A rift in the urban fabric of Bradford. Perhaps the most evident of these irrelevant remainders is Bradford’s retail zone. With growing vacancy levels (22,537/ft2) and a relatively low rental yield (£14.39/ft2 avg.), the idealised precedent of localisedglobal franchises - spurring success by homogeneity - has not taken hold or substantially benefited Bradford’s retail prospects. It seems that someone forgot to point this out to the Westfield group, whose purchase of 400,000 ft2 of BD1 in 2003 has been nothing short of an egregious failure. Their proposed retail scheme utilised well-established high street chains as anchor stores, yet failed to encourage tenants from other retail areas - especially Bradford’s own retail stock, as it would have seen them paying 345% increased rates on their floor areas. The decade-long persistence of planners and developers created “[...] ineffectual myths, which [...] serve as illusions that permit the survival of anachronistic hopes in design” (Tafuri, 1976, p182) The myth of the all-saving, ubiquitous shopping centre in Bradford is one that cannot be realised because of relative value of space in the city; the economic model is simply not correct for this context. However speculatively outrageous the plans were, there remains a stark reality to the project: the £80,000,000 hole in the ground. Fig. 3

Actual Development

Secured Speculative Development

Urban Failure


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