Graduate Collection samiraALGOE In my work, the use of unusual materials for making archetype pieces of clothing shifts the meaning of archetype. In the choice of the material and the treatment of it, I interpret and apply archetype clothing in a whole different way, in comparison to, for instance, a tailor’s process. I do not necessarily create pieces of clothing, but I see them as objects. Therefore, the man I project is also an object, an object of flesh and blood. In convention a man should be strong, especially when wearing archetype pieces of clothing. For instance, a man wearing a suit is intelligible confident and a role model for younger boys. With this collection, I want to push one to think differently. And actuate to let go of the conventional ruling system, to provoke an impulse of new. To me, it is often far more interesting when art gives the impulse of seeing new, than actually seeing the new. After all, there already exists so much.