Who is our consumer?
Behavioral Demographic Brands: Hacke2, Reiss, Fred Perry, Age: 21-‐30 Barbour, Paul Smith Gender: Male Interests: All sports, especially NaAonality: BriAsh cricket and tennis EducaAon: Private/Well Car: Small starAng car eg Mini, Respected High School, High Mother’s old car before buying new Profile University 4x4 OccupaAon: University Student / Occasions: Lots of garments for Recently Graduated Young work, looking for casual clothes Professional that reflects his smart style
Geographic From: Rural England Currently Lives: City of University or Profession eg. London, Birmingham, Manchester Source of Clothing: Usually BriAsh, however customer isn’t too driven by source of clothing
Psychographic Lifestyle: Likes the ‘finer things’ Values: Good quality, simplicity, masculine clothing and smart tailoring A^tude: The smarter the dress, the smarter the person