Property Development Process - Kings Crescent Estate

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Sustainability Impact 8.2

A brief description of sustainable property development by the Green Building Council of Australia: “A sustainable property industry will balance environmental, social and economic issues to ensure a viable and valuable industry for future generations. Building green is an opportunity to use resources efficiently while creating healthier buildings that improve occupant health and wellbeing.” (GBCA cited by Wilkinson, Reed and Cadman, 2008, p.9)

Piccadily line are roughly 1km from the site as accessible means of transport (GLA, 2012). Increasing density is also required to tackle to housing situation in London. This is addressed with effective use of land, significantly increasing the number of homes with increased story heights of up to 12 stories for the new buildings.

The strategy of refurbishment “can help to maintain a sense of place whilst reducing the creation of waste As a housing regeneration project, the as well as increasing the period over social and economic benefits previ- which embodied carbon is amortised ously outlined contribute significantly (Wilkinson, Reed and Cadman, 2008).” to the sustainability of the community. The area, previously known as a red To help rectify previous demolition, the light district, attracted crime and anti- approach taken in this project is essensocial behaviour (UofTDaniels, 2017). tial for environmental reasons. “approxThe effective use of land has resulted imately 40% of the UK’s emissions in a re-formed community, eradicat- are attributable to the built environing these issues. The measures taken ment, while construction, demolition, in the major transformation of existing and excavation activities generate apbuildings, has helped diffuse a local proximately 60% of the UK’s waste” disparity between the residents of the (UKGBC, 2021). Every building has council estates and new buildings, re- inherent emissions which are difficult inforced with the public realm transfor- to offset and should be avoided. The improved efficiency of a new building mation (Vobster, 2021). is often the argument for demolition The re-use of a brownfield site with ex- however roughly 50% of the carbon is isting amenities can reduce the strain emitted during the construction of reson transport that may be required in idential buildings (UKGBC, 2021). This suburban developments (Wilkinson, approach sets a strong precedent for Reed and Cadman, 2008). Two under- future approaches to council development regeneration projects. ground stations that connect to the


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