CBT Psychologist in Sydney

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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Sydney •

Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is a systematic way of curing patients by eliminating the negative thoughts and beliefs from the patient’s mind.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, deals with the:


cognition i.e. our thoughts, views, and beliefs


behaviour i.e what we are doing

These 2 factors determine how the patient is feeling and behaving in general.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Sydney •

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a short term, goal focused therapy which help people to change their thinking patterns and behaviours which are creating stress, strain and unwanted thoughts.

CBT Therapy treat the problems of patients and boost them with happiness and joyful moods.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy encourage patients to change their thinking patterns as well as behaviour.

In What Conditions CBT can be Helpful? •

The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy can be used in almost every situation where person is experiencing bad and unwanted thoughts.

CBT help people to change their thoughts and help them to live a peaceful life.

Other conditions where, CBT can be helpful:


Mood Disorders


Personality Disorders


Eating Disorders


Anxiety Treatment

How Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Works? •

If you are continuously getting bad and unwanted thoughts, which are making you sad or in a low mood then CBT Psychologist will help you better to overcome from such issues.

The CBT Therapist note down the every activity and symptoms. He keeps a track on the same for week or two.

After observing the activities, CBT Therapist design a plan to eliminate the feelings and fear of patient.

With the help of designed plan, therapist help patient to overcome their fear and anxiety.

Where Can I Find A CBT Therapist? •

To find a CBT Therapist, visit: Australian Psychological Society or you can make a visit to near by Clinical Psychologist.

There are number of Clinical Psychologists around Sydney. These are:


Potentialz Unlimited – A Psychology Practice Bella Vista


Potentialz Unlimted – A Psychology Practice Stanhope Gardens

Potentialz Unlimited https://potentialz.com.au/ M: 0410 261 838 F: (02) 8458 5127 Zhen Norwest, Suite 204, 33 Lexington Drive, Bella Vista, NSW - 2153

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