Welcome Booklet - Cali, Colombia

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“Branch of Heaven”


was founded on july 25th of 1536 by the spanish conqueror Sebastián de Belalcazar. It the tird largest city in the country. It has one of the fastest growing economies and infraestructure in the country because of its geographical location. Cali is located on the Cauca Valley to the west of the Cauca River and to the east of the Western Mountain Range known as Farallones de Cali. The city rests approximately 3,281 feet above sea level and its topography is fairly flat. Approximately 62 miles west of Cali and over the Western Cordillera, lies the port city of Buenaventura on the Colombian Pacific coast. To the northeast are the industrial town of Yumbo and the city of Palmira, where Cali's international airport, the Alfonso Bonilla Aragón (CLO). Cali is known as “The brench of heaven”, “Sports capital of Colombia” and “The Salsa capital of the world”.


Basic tips

The climate of Cali is equatorial tropical hot. The west branch of the Andes blocks the cool and humid air coming from the Pacific Ocean. Average temperature is 26º C (79º F), with an average low of 19º C (66º F) and an average high of 34º C (93º F).

Altitude: 1003 meters (3290 ft.) above sea level.

Airport: Cali has one of the main airports in Colombia, the Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport (CLO), located in the municipality of Palmira, a fifteen minute drive north of the city. CLO is the second busiest airport in number of passengers and the fourth in freight traffic in Colombia.

Tourism Cultural attractions of Cali reflect the rich indigenous history of the area and European influence. Visit an archaeological park for tombs, ruins and cave paintings or fun with a local cultural festival. Show your skills in a lively salsa nightclub, then spends the next morning recuperating with an aromatic glass of the famous Colombian coffee.

Tourism Cristo Rey

The image of Cristo Rey, located in the Cerro los Cristales, made of iron and concrete, and declared a national monument was inaugurated and blessed to celebrate 50 years of peace after Thousand Days War. The romantic view makes this a favorite spot for Cali couples to hang out. Many ride up on their motorcycles and meander around the statue and accompanying altar, or simply go behind the statue to a small playground to make out.


Sebastián de Belalcazar At the top of the Sebastián de Belalcázar hill, you will find one a Cali’s most important icon: a statue of its founder, Sabastián de Belalcázar, pointing to the Pacific Ocean. It was built on July 25th, 1937, one year after the city celebrated its 400th birthday.


San Antonio It is the most traditional neighborhood of Cali. In the colonial age, it was the extension of the downtown. Although it was split off by 'La calle Quinta' (Fifth street), it conserves its traditional aura which makes an inevitable step on the visit. All the neighborhood is on a hill, and at the top you will find the San Antonio Park.


Gato del Río Monument A monumental sculpture next to the Cali River, made by the renown painter and sculptor, Hernando Tejada. The cat was inaugurated on July 3, 1996. Having the cat has made Avenida 4ª NW a beautiful place to stop near the river. Both Colombian and international artists have painted a series of the Cat’s Gilfriends which are located in the same area. There are also several bars and restaurants in the area.

Tourism Cali Zoo

Ranked in the five Latin American zoos, it has became more than simply a place to show animals, as it is involved in research. Its location could not be more wonderful, alongside the Cali river, just where valley and mountains get together. Nearby is the Cali Botanical Garden, founded by Jorge Enrique Orejuela.


The gastronomy of this destination is the result of the great fusion and diversity of races and cultures that have existed in its history. It is mainly based on rice, pork, beans, corn, potatoes, and chicken. There is just some of our typical foods: Chontaduro, Sancocho, Pan de bono, Lulada, Cholado, Empanada, Marranitas...

Some prices Bus Ticket Big Mac Movie Ticket Pizza (Medium size) Luch Bottle of water Coke (330 ml) Milk box

USD $0.83 USD $5 USD $3 USD $10 USD $4 USD $0.80 USD $0.70 USD $1.25

Some phrases

I’m hungry ································· Tengo hambre I’m thirsty ··········································· Tengo sed I don’t speak spanish············ No hablo español Did you understand?················· ¿Me entiende? How are you?······························ ¿Cómo estás? Help me··············································· Ayúdame Thank you··············································· Gracias

AIESEC i n Cal i wishes you an amazing


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