2020 Bond of Brothers magazine

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Story on page 10




Message from the Head of School

It goes without saying that the 2019-2020 school year was like no other. Before March, SAA enjoyed a busy school year filled with boys bustling in and out of classrooms; competing in athletics, robotics, and mathematics competitions; performing plays and concerts; passing around plates of food during lunch; and running around on the playground with wild abandonment. We enjoyed many of our beloved traditions and even added meaningful new ones. And then our world came to a screeching halt when COVID-19 hit.

To meet the challenges we faced, we had to make adjustments in our daily lives and think about what is truly most important to help bring the situation fully into focus.

Although we long for a day when the COVID-19 virus does not exist, it has provided us with the opportunity to refocus on the standards we teach at San Antonio Academy and truly understand how important these standards are when things around us appear blurred. Teamwork, kindness, honesty, and a commitment to being the best you can be, are all values we hold dear at SAA. It’s these very principles that have guided us through the unprecedented challenge we continue to face.

We have focused on working hard, sticking to our values, and keeping our faith in God. We have focused on each other and looked for ways to serve others while our lives have been disrupted. We have also focused on strengthening the bond of brotherhood with special help from our alumni, who reached out to the graduating Class of 2020 to provide words of encouragement and support.

SAA’s faculty, staff, and administration have had to focus on creating and adapting to online learning, while our students and parents have also had to adjust their focus to face this challenge. Each one of you has risen to overcome these obstacles with grace and determination.

I am proud of our entire SAA community for what we have been able to accomplish together, and I am grateful that our students demonstrated, and continue to demonstrate, remarkable resilience during this time. I believe as you read through this issue of the Bond ofBrothers,the pages will reveal that the 2019-2020 school year was an extraordinary year, and I am so proud of our school.


Julie Smith


Clint DuBose

Cary Gates

Sarah Miller

Brendan Moore

Mary Shrader

Charlotte Turlington


Scott Ball

Mary Candee

Alyssandra Lopez

Natalie Pinette

Becky Shimek

San Antonio Academy of Texas offers prekindergarten through eighth grade boys an exceptional academic program that features small classes, a family-like atmosphere, the development of a positive self-image and a foundation for life based upon the love of God and country, integrity and respect for each other

San Antonio Academy admits qualified male students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.

San Antonio Academy of Texas

117 East French Place

San Antonio, Texas 78212-5899

(210) 733-7331


EDITOR Becky Shimek

Students got a rare opportunity to visit the Lewis Air Legend Collection last October as part of the SAA Young Astronauts program, which was reignited in the fall of 2018.

Watch a video of the visit at vimeo.com/ saawildcats/ lewisairlegend




Thanks to a generous donor, SAA’s newly retired counselor, Theresa Moore, implemented a program in 2019 that helped to build social/emotional learning (SEL) skills through what’s known as an “Equine Approach.” Over the course of three days during a three-month period, 6th graders were placed into teams to participate in various activities that introduced them to a unique way of learning how to connect and interact with nature, the horse, themselves and with each other. Watch the powerful video capturing those connections and “aha” moments at http://bit.ly/equineapproach


Every two years, SAA partners with corporations, neighboring universities, and Academy parent-owned companies to host the SAA Health Fair. Hosted by the Counseling & Wellness Team, this schoolwide initiative is designed to promote a healthy lifestyle while engaging the boys in fun and informative hands-on activities. They learn about healthy eating habits, getting exercise, why and how to apply sunscreen, and the importance of dental care.


Last spring, the Bondurant Library became an “arcade” thanks to librarian Elizabeth Snow. Students in this after-school makerspace worked individually and with partners to create their own version of an arcade game using only cardboard, recyclable materials, and, much to the delight of boys – power tools! Dubbed the “Cardboard Challenge,” the activity was a fun, easy- to-organize learning experience that fostered creativity and taught ingenuity, resourcefulness, perseverance, collaboration, and critical thinking through teamwork. Watch these young engineers in action here http://bit.ly/SAAengineers


Expanding on our trademark Buddy Program, the Kinder classes invited the 6th graders to join them in “Reindeer Games” – a fun and festive new event celebrating the winter holidays. Together, boys traveled through stations to explore, play, and… just be silly! The big brother relationship that our little guys cherish so deeply is an integral part of what makes our school so special and unique.



Our littlest guys brought to life the stories of When Pencil Met Eraser and LMNOPeas through their adorable adaptations. Making their debut in front of a packed Ellison Hall, each student had a line to memorize in addition to some light acting parts delivered to an adoring audience. SAA recognizes the importance of public speaking and so prepares our boys at the very beginning of their Academy careers and provides numerous opportunities along the way until they reach the pinnacle: performing Shakespeare during their final year in 8th grade.


SAA’s robotics team, the Robuccaneers, engineered a LEGO prototype they named, “Road Salvation Army,” to solve the problem of potholes. To take their engineering efforts to the next level before the March competition, the team got an opportunity to witness first-hand a real crew at work filling a pothole in SAA’s neighborhood. With the help of San Antonio’s Sr. Public Information Officer, Joe Conger, the boys, along with their coaches, Cathy Baumgardner and Tyna Powers, met a pothole repair crew from the City’s Transportation & Capital Improvements Department (TCI). Watch SAA’s behind-the-scenes footage documenting this hands-on lesson with the TCI crew here http://bit.ly/potholerobot


SAA celebrated its own version of Cowboy Breakfast in January 2020 as a way to help kick off the official San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo. This decades-long Academy tradition is spearheaded by the 8th Grade Class as a way to help them raise funds for their year-end gift to the school. The event is a very Texan-way to bring our community together over tacos, biscuits & gravy, and piping hot chocolate.


Upon reading John Ronald’s Dragons: The Story of J.R.R. Tolkien, Miss Moore was inspired to enlist her 4th graders to create their own creature and original story. Her English classroom was soon abuzz with turtle-people, anthropomorphic germs, and teddy bears trained in martial arts. Working together in teams, students crafted conflicts and resolutions; and, through the editing process, revealed their stories and accompanying art projects. The final product of this lesson was an array of adventures, each centering on a creature born in a student’s imagination. See imagination take hold at http://bit.ly/saastories


Lots of cheers, waves, and certificates were exchanged during the Primary Promotion Drive- Thru Parade last May. Boys were greeted with great enthusiasm by their teachers, coaches, and SAA staff members, who they had not seen in months due to SAA’s campus closing in response to COVID-19. We were not about to let the pandemic stop our beloved tradition, so this unforgettable (and historic) moment was made to ensure our little guys got the proper send off – The Academy Way!


To kick off a blustery December morning on the heels of winter break, Dr. Owen Duggan coordinated a “sing-a-long” that began outdoors with students and SAA staff bundled together in harmony while he strummed his acoustic guitar to familiar holiday tunes. The singing continued in chapel with the entire student body joining along. The fun concluded with a surprise appearance from the Grinch himself, who drew the biggest applause, further cementing that the sing-a-longs are sure to become a new Academy tradition.


2019 | 2020 Showcase of SUCCESS

Our youngest cadets took the “JOINING OATH” as a pledge to live out SAA’s mission. The inaugural event, taking place during ALUMNI DAY, is now a meaningful and beloved tradition at The Academy.


90% of SAA 8th graders finished in the TOP HALF OF THE NATION on the National Spanish Exam.


WORKS OF ART were exhibited at SAA’s very first “VIRTUAL STUDENT ART SHOW.” The virtual gallery showcased creations from 128 2nd-8th grade students.

Academy cadets had the distinct honor of taking part in the solemn and dignified ceremony of the Changing of the Guard at the TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER in Washington D.C. where they participated in the laying of a wreath at the Tomb.


The ACADEMY HONOR GUARD participated in the first “SOUND OFF” VETERANS DAY EVENT held at the Witte Museum. Founder and CEO, ALUM WILLIAM NEGLEY ’98, invited students to take part in opening ceremonies in front of a standing-room-only audience.

The Alumni Association selected 7th grader CALEB BROWNING’S essay, One Stand Can Change a Life, as the award-winning speech in the COL. W.T. BONDURANT, JR. ORATORICAL CONTEST. Congratulations to all of the students who participated.


SAA’s MATHCOUNTS TEAM placed 4th in City competition.

Academy boys were finalists in the BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU’S “LAWS OF LIFE” ESSAY CONTEST.

The ROBUCCANEERS won a FIRST PLACE AWARD IN MECHANICAL ROBOT DESIGN for their pothole fixer prototype “Road Salvation Army” at the FIRST LEGO League robotics qualifier competition.



8th Grade Inaugural Class Trip to Washington D.C.

In February of 2019, just prior to the upheaval caused by the upsurge of the COVID-19 pandemic, San Antonio Academy 8th graders had the opportunity to see Washington D.C. in relative tranquility and to experience all of its rich history and sights, all while enjoying typical SAA camaraderie during their class trip.

Fresh from their theatrical success with Shakespeare’s Much Ado about Nothing a few days earlier, the boys set out on their adventure, and a mixture of sleepy and radiant faces assembled at San Antonio International Airport at the briskly early hour of 5 AM. Yet, by the time the class arrived in Washington D.C. a few hours later, they were already abuzz with the sense of freedom from the restrictions of school.

First up on the agenda was a visit to The Smithsonian, where the boys dispersed to explore the wide range of exhibits in each of the American History, Natural History and African American museums. When the group reassembled after a few hours, the talk was about all of the many exhibits the boys had seen as well as some expressions of awe at the vastness of the complex and its myriad offerings.

After dinner that first day, the group was understandably fatigued after many miles covered, and the boys were anxious to get to the hotel, but not before one more stop at the Air Force Memorial. The enormous curving arches of the Memorial reached into the night sky and sufficiently impressed the students into forgetting their tiredness for a while longer.

The highlights of the second day, other than the conviviality of breakfast at the hotel, were stops at the U.S. Capitol, the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress, followed by a group photo in blustery conditions at the Grant Memorial. Later, the boys were treated to a presentation by Major General O’Donnell, who impressed them with an inspirational speech on what it means to be a leader. The boys were particularly intrigued by his insights into his time as the pilot of the Marine One helicopter for not one but two American Presidents.

However, the most moving part of that day’s activities--and perhaps of the entire trip--was the visit to Arlington Cemetery, where the group saw the Kennedy gravesites, the Challenger Memorial and the Iwo Jima Memorial.

The United States Capitol

Nonetheless, everyone greatly enjoyed the warmth and food at Bertucci’s Brick Oven restaurant that night. A special part of the evening was the party being joined by two Academy graduates, Jacob Oppenheimer ’03, a surgeon at George Washington Hospital; and Sean Sandoloski ’00, a member of the White House legal team. Their presence was enjoyable for everyone and added to a sense of continuity between the past and present of the school.

By the third day, the boys had hit their stride and plunged right into a whirlwind of visits to another array of important D.C. sights and locales, including the Lincoln, Korean and Vietnam Memorials. And whereas the students enjoyed with youthful zest the cloak and dagger aspects of the International Spy Museum, they were also impressively solemn during the visit to the Holocaust Memorial with all of its sobering images and dioramas.

Dinner that evening at the Hard Rock Cafe provided a convivial setting and shelter from the elements before the party headed out to the Kennedy Center for the most lighthearted and hilarious part of the trip, attendance at a theatrical performance called Shear Madness This fast-paced and interactive production in two acts had the boys and chaperones laughing all the way through, especially when some of the boys piped up with comments or answers to questions posed by the actors.

By Friday morning, thoughts were turning to the journey home, but not before two more important stops. First, the boys enjoyed the bus trip to Mount Vernon, George Washington’s home place, where they had a tour of the mansion and were given lots of time to see the gardens, the tombs, a slave memorial and its working farm. After that, the final stop was at the enormous facility housing the American Air and Space Museum at Dulles. There the group spent several hours looking at exhibits from the

first flying machines to the rockets that have graced the Space Age.

By now, truly tired, the boys were indeed ready for the homeward trip, and many fell asleep on the flight back to San Antonio. However, they were all greatly pleased with having seen so much and having had the time to bond as a group, following in the footsteps of so many eighth grade class trippers before them.

Faculty member extraordinaire, Brendan Moore, chaperoned the last 29 8th Grade Class Trips. He has witnessed, first-hand, how the cadets strengthen their friendships during their last field trip together as “brothers.”

“What was most inspirational for both the boys and chaperones, was the solemn and dignified ceremony of the Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the sense of school and national pride when Aidan Notzon participated in the laying of a wreath at the Tomb. D.C. weather was frigid by that time of day, but it seemed to matter little as the boys got to witness and take part in this special moment.”

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier CLOCKWISE BELOW: Lincoln Memorial, John F. Kennedy Memorial Flame, Museum of Natural History, Iwo Jima Memorial


San Antonio Academy has a long, storied relationship with studying the universe and a great admiration for the brave astronauts and those who help get them to outer space. In 1966, SAA’s most famous connection, astronaut DAVID SCOTT ‘45, was one of the 12 men who walked on the moon. Fast forward to May 2020, it’s PHILLIP HARGROVE ‘06, who helped make aeronautics history.


As part of NASA’s Launch Services Program, Phillip and his team played a pivotal role in the SpaceX Falcon target launch in May 2020. Phillip works with the team of people who design and build spacecrafts to decipher which commercial rocket is the best option for the mission. For this particular launch, the engineers conducted trajectory analyses to ensure that the rocket places the spacecraft in the direction it’s supposed to go at the right time, and at the right speed.

The test flight with NASA astronauts, Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley on board the Dragon spacecraft, marked the return of human spaceflight to the United States, made possible through NASA’s Commercial Crew Program. The mission was “a turning point for America’s future in space exploration that lays the groundwork for future missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond,” according to its website.

Phillip demonstrates that Academy boys can achieve anything if they put their minds to it. He advises today’s students “to always choose to follow your interests, no matter what people think. It’s important to develop confidence in your own desires and decisions so that you can build the life and career that you want. And, to also make sure that you learn how to be a good teammate—sports or otherwise.” Phillip credits San Antonio Academy with “giving him the opportunity to be a leader,” and tells boys to “work together with your brothers to achieve your goals…being fully present and allowing yourself to be a part of the group will benefit you greatly.”

Phillip Hargrove ’06 takes a selfie with the shuttle Phillip stationed at his Launch Vehicle Digital Computer (LVDC) with the shuttle Young engineer-to-be, Phillip smiles for his official SAA 2006 graduation portrait


It was March 17 , 1966 when Academy boys gathered around the school’s televisions in study hall thrilled to witness "one of their own" about to be launched into outer space. David Scott ‘45 was aboard the Gemini 8 that day. David and Command Pilot Neil Armstrong performed the first successful docking of two vehicles in space. The momentous moment in our school’s (and city’s) history was chronicled by the SanAntonioLight. An excerpt from the newspaper reads: “As the rocket took off, the cadets let out a deafening roar, many jumping atop the desks.Others stomped so hard on the floor that dust rose, and, as one observer pointed out, ‘those floors aren’t dirty.’ Not an eye left any of the three TV sets. Above a television was a banner reading, ‘Go! Scott, Go! San Antonio Academy Rides With You.’”

In 1977, David Scott landed back on SAA soil to receive the Colonel W.T. Bondurant, Sr. Distinguished Humanitarian Award; he was the first recipient to receive this honor. Scott went on to serve as Command Module Pilot for Apollo 9, was designated Backup Spacecraft Commander for Apollo 12, and was Spacecraft Commander of Apollo15. Today, Mr. Scott is pen pals with school head, Clint DuBose, who just received a letter from Scott in November. Overjoyed while opening it, Clint channels some of that same thrill the boys experienced over 50 years ago. “He’s still their guy!”

More about Astronaut David Scott ’45 here: https://bit.ly/astronautdavidscottsaa

News clipping, “He’s Still Their Guy!” San Antonio Light, March 17, 1966 David Scott ’45, 1st recipient of SAA’s Col. W.T. Bondurant, Sr. Distinguished Humanitarian Award; 1977 David Scott poses for his official SAA yearbook photo; 1945 David Scott ’45; cover from San Antonio’s Great American Series

SAA’s Young Astronauts Keep Reaching for the Stars

Over its three-decades-long run, and counting, the Pete Conrad-John Blaha Chapter of the Young Astronauts at San Antonio Academy has hosted a long list of impressive guest lecturers from the fields of aviation, space studies, geology, and research science. Established in 1988, the Program remains a natural fit for The Academy as its mission is to promote academic experience in math and science and to develop leadership skills. Over the years, Young Astronaut members have traveled to a countless number of places to include the Kennedy Space Center; the McDonald Observatory; the Soviet Space Exhibit in Fort Worth; the Smithsonian Aerospace Museum; and NASA Space Center in Houston. More recently, Young Astronauts got a rare opportunity to take a private tour of the Lewis Air Legend Collection located in San Antonio.


The SAA Young Astronauts (YA) Chapter, an international organization at the time, is established and led by Enrichment Director, Cathy Cummins. Captain Pete Conrad, the third man to walk on the moon, becomes the Club’s honorary sponsor.


Apollo XII astronaut, Pete Conrad, visits the YA’s to help them celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the First Lunar Landing. Mike Foale, the youngest U.S. astronaut in the space program at the time, visits SAA.


A patch from the Texas state flag that was flown aboard the orbiter Discovery is framed and presented to the YA’s.


Young Astronaut members travel to the Kennedy Space Center, where they witness a night launch.


YA’s make their annual trek to Houston’s NASA Space Center.


Astronaut Robert Curbeam, Jr., visits SAA’s campus. Commander Curbeam tested technology destined to be used in the International Space Station. He was later instrumental in building and enhancing the Station.


SAA’s YA Chapter receives an Honorable Mention award from the YA Council for their entry in the Nationwide YA Newsletter Contest.


One of the original members of The Tuskegee Airmen, Dr. Granville Coggs, spoke to a standing-room-only crowd in Ellison Hall. The San Antonio Express-News staff photographer, Edward A. Ornelas, won an award for this stoic shot. Dr. Coggs would later make several visits to SAA.






Brian Ewenson, a top aerospace expert in Canada and an Educator Associate for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, visits YA’s to give a hands-on presentation.



YA’s officially becomes a member of the National Association of Rocketry, the oldest and largest sport rocketry organization in the world. YA’s received a private tour of the Lewis Air Legend Collection located in San Antonio.


Upon his retirement, Drew Kennedy, Associate Head of School (Dean of Students), received a fond farewell wish from his Young Astronauts. Drew Kennedy led the YA Program for over 15 years.

Astronaut John Blaha, resident in the Russian Space Station Mir, visits the YA’s to present them with a shadow box of objects that were flown in space. A Tinker Toy model of the International Space Station is constructed. Astronaut Charles Duke, the Lunar Module Pilot for Apollo 16 and the tenth man to walk on the moon, visits San Antonio Academy for the second time. Head of School, Clint DuBose, reignites the Young Astronauts Program with 75 boys “ready to soar.” Astronaut Eileen Collins, first female pilot and first female commander of a space shuttle, spoke to SAA’s student body.
14 SAN ANTONIO ACADEMY OF TEXAS SEEKING OUTSTANDING YOUNG MEN BE HONEST. BE KIND. BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE. ® The Tex Hill Scholarship Program Accepting Applications through Jan. 6, 2021 The Tex Hill Scholarship, worth $70,000, provides tuition, leadership fees, textbooks, and a uniform stipend for two fifth grade boys who will attend San Antonio Academy during their 6th, 7th, and 8th grade years. sa-academy.org H 210.733.7331
San Antonio Academy admits qualified male students of all race, color, and national or ethnic origin. Accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest. Member of the National Association of Independent Schools.

The Path to Reaching a Boys Full Potential

Billy is having a hard time focusing in class. He’s tapping his pencil, tearing paper into tiny little pieces, and whistling. The lights have suddenly become too bright and the smell of today’s lunch is causing his mind to wander. His teacher gently touches him on the shoulder. The boys all know that signal means it’s time to go visit Mrs. Turlington to utilize “the path.”

The primary school boys think “the path” is just where they go to jump around to get their wiggles out. What they don’t know is that this path is a research-based tool to help regulate the body after overstimulation.

After eight years collecting baseline data on specific movements, Holly Clay created “The Sensory Path™” using a particular formula:

“The Formula uses specific movements, visual cues, joint pressures, and muscle stretches in a particular order to deconstruct the tension by stimulating the proper proprioceptive, vestibular, somatosensory

and visual systems. Once the gridlock of sensory signals is reduced, the child can process the instructional information more effectively, which increases cognition, confidence and independence.”

SAA boys enjoy using this path as a much needed brain break. A 30 second passthrough, this outer space-themed pathway sets the boys up for success to learn, and to participate in school to their fullest potential.

Thanks to a generous donor, Holly Clay installed The Sensory Path™ prior to the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year.



The student art show at The Academy has always been a highlight for me. It’s a visual record of what these boys have been working on throughout the year and an opportunity for each of them, as well as their friends and families, to see the fruition of their labors put on display. Turning nothing into something worth keeping is no easy task, for all good art does not come without its share of problems to be resolved.

Mrs. Parish and I both believe that there are no limits to what our students can accomplish. Watching and assisting these boys take on the creative challenge is in itself, its own reward. We commend you, gentlemen, for your persistence and your art.


Connected as Community


The spirit of community was never more evident at San Antonio Academy than in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the blink of an eye, our school – and the world – faced a health crisis of epic proportion. And like the rest of our nation, SAA found itself teaching our students remotely. Days turned into weeks; weeks turned into months as our hopes faded that we would come together to close out the school year in-person. The school’s mission was now to focus our attention on staying connected to our Academy Family and to document these unprecedented moments that would go down in SAA history.

To do that, the school set out to strengthen and build upon our online community by depending on SAA parents to share their home-bound experiences. Answering the call, photos and videos poured in from our families giving us a personal glimpse into how they were navigating this new day-to-day reality. This “user-generated” content was published in a variety of ways, from morning chapel talks and social media, to a blog series and The Academy’s weekly newsletter, the “WAG.”

Through it all, we learned a lot about our students. We learned that boys were still learning. Boys were still connecting to their classmates, teachers, and coaches. Boys were learning how to slow down and better connect with their families. And ultimately, those connections brought us all closer together as a community.

“Build moments in the day to spend time with your kids who are at home... talk to them and listen to them. Really listen. Look at this time as a gift.”
–Jennifer Colglazier, BOB Blog


Years of Service


Mike Heineman


Laura Douglass

Cary Gates

Connie Haiduk

Peggy Klein

Peter Rios

William Wray


Tony Aguilar

Ruth Berg

Kathryn Dehlinger

Mike Hansen

Iliana Hieger

Mary Shrader

Randy Yawn


Mike McClintock

Tyna Powers

Kristin Railsback


Terry Collier

Christina Gutierrez

Enrique Villarreal


Happy Retirement!

THERESA MOORE retired at the end of the 2020 school year after 23 years of dedicated service to San Antonio Academy. In 1997, Theresa was tasked with the challenge of establishing SAA’s first counseling department, where she created a roadmap with insight into social emotional learning for the boys and an education program to support parents, a decade well before it was a common practice. Under her leadership, the counseling department has grown and evolved into a vibrant center for learning and problem solving. Theresa will be greatly missed by students, parents, and colleagues alike. “I love this school! Being a part of what makes SAA one of the finest, has been my privilege. I look forward to the exciting times ahead for all of us.”

Over her 20-year teaching career as the 5th grade English and Social Studies teacher, LAURA DOUGLASS taught hundreds of students to master speaking, reading, listening, and writing, while also having the expert ability to seamlessly dive into history, geography, economics, and civics -- all in one day! During her tenure, she most enjoyed observing her boys and their styles of learning, and in turn, was successful in teaching in a manner specifically designed for them. ”I will certainly miss all the lovely friends I have made here over the years. I will be forever grateful to those of you who were here before me and showed me ‘The Academy Way.’ I will be thinking of you all as the new school year starts and will be praying for a successful, energizing new year.”

TYNA POWERS spent her last 10 years at SAA in the Social Studies classroom taking 4th graders back in time to teach them the importance of how history shapes us. Her extensive knowledge of the past, combined with her imaginative instruction, has equipped students with a better understanding of the world today. Moving forward, Tyna will remain in her role as co-instructor on the Robotics Team, so the “Robo Dudes” will be happy to count on her as their mentor.

JANE KERNAGHAN – We bid a fond farewell to Jane Kernaghan as she closes the chapter of her three decades long Academy career. Jane officially retired in 2004 serving as a 4th, 5th, and 6th grade reading teacher, and later joined SAA in the Bondurant Library, where she continued to share her love for reading serving as the Coordinator for Library Books. “The happiest years of my teaching career were spent here as well as 14 years after my official retirement. I loved being in the classroom, and I still enjoy both tutoring and assisting individual students in the library. Thank you for many happy years.”

AMY GIRARDEAU – Amy Girardeau stepped away from her passion of teaching music this year due to the pandemic. While we will miss Amy’s talent, bright smile, and her infectious laugh, we understand the challenges and fully support her decision to place classroom teaching on hold. “Teaching at San Antonio Academy has been a real joy in my life, and I will have a special place in my heart for you all, cherishing the friendships I have made, knowing they will be lasting.”

ERNESTINE PAVELKA – Join us in wishing Nurse Ernestine Pavelka a happy retirement. Over the past decade, Ernestine has taken great care of our boys as they entered through the health clinic doors. We are happy to announce that she will continue to stay connected to SAA in her role as proud Academy grandparent to her 1st and 2nd grade grandsons.

You are all loved and respected by students, parents, and colleagues. A heartfelt thank you for your commitment and dedication to San Antonio Academy. We will miss you very much!


SAA Parents Rock

Parents Club volunteers were in full force during the pre-COVID-19 months of the 2019-2020 school year. And although we could not be on campus during the pandemic, that didn’t stop parents from expressing their love and gratitude for our school. Here’s a snapshot of the good work that they did for SAA.

Thank you to our amazing PARENTS CLUB moms for creating a beautiful breakfast presentation for SAA’s faculty & staff appreciation that honored Patriots’ Day. Decorated with red, white and blue, American Flags, and a majestic bronzed Eagle, the Americana-themed teacher’s lounge made us all feel a little more patriotic and proud.

“There is a sense of USness, a sense of belonging here,” references guest speaker ROB PLUKE, as he observed SAA’s community during his presentation, ‘A Practical Guide to Navigating Your Son’s Emotions.’ In addition to sharing ideas and practical advice, Rob eloquently communicated thoughtful insight while answering numerous questions from audience members. Later he enjoyed some one-on-one conversations with parents during his book signing.

A heartfelt thanks to the PARENTS CLUB EDUCATION COMMITTEE and the WOMACK FAMILY SPEAKER SERIES for making Rob Pluke’s visit possible on September 26, 2019. And to the Upton’s, for graciously hosting a reception at their residence.

On Jan 30, 2020, DR. MANICA ISIGUZO, noted pulmonologist, offered SAA parents the most up-to-date information on vaping, its physical ramifications, and the new state policies that were recently published. During the Q&A session, Dr. Isiguizo provided resources to educate and help parents to equip their children with knowledge about the dangers of vaping.

Continuing the tradition of generosity and gratitude: In early December, the Parents Club launched its first SAA Holiday Fund gift card drive as a measure to ensure every person on campus would be recognized for the work they do on behalf of our Academy boys. A big hug and thank you from the teachers, teacher assistants, administrators, coaches, dining and housekeeping staff, security officers, and maintenance workers!

Last spring, SAA faculty members were surprised and delighted to find a sweet treat and a “Thank You” yard sign while teaching remotely from their homes during the pandemic. That act of kindness and support moved many of the teachers to tears and served as a visual reminder that we were indeed, all in this together!


SAA Grandparents are SPECIAL to our school

SAA Grandparents and Grandfriends brighten our campus with their love and support through many ways: helping parents with carpool, attending school performances, and joining their grandsons for lunch and chapel. Other grandparents serve as volunteers, provide leadership on the Grandparents Council, or support The Academy with an annual gift.

GRANDPARENTS’ DAY LUNCHEON The Grandparents’ Day Luncheon was held on campus in the gym last November. Nearly 300 grandparents gathered to meet one another, enjoy a meal, and hear words of inspiration from great-grandmother ROSEMARY KOWALSKI and Head of School, Clint DuBose. Rosemary’s Catering and the Kowalski families sponsored the luncheon, which provided the perfect start to the afternoon festivities of a concert, parade, book fair, and classroom tours. We are grateful for the support and dedication of our Academy Grandparents who help guide and shape these young boys to become young men of character.




Our staff and volunteers will work diligently throughout the 20-21 year to engage grandparents in the life of the school from a safe distance. Grandparents, if you have not yet sent in your email address, please do! Also, if you do not use email and prefer to only hear from the school via posted mail, please tell us. We want to include you!

Attend morning chapel
their grandson for lunch
Serve on the Grandparents Council
Read as a “Mystery Reader” in the class


“Our students grow in the knowledge that teamwork, sportsmanship, competition, morality, concern for others, personal hygiene, and, above all, a love of learning are rewarding pursuits. This must be as much a part of their education as the contents of their textbooks. Further, they must be imbued with love of country and of God and grow in respect for one another’s differences and beliefs. All effort is made to remove bigotry and create understanding.”

– The late Headmaster Emeritus, Colonel W.T. Bondurant, Jr. Class of 1939; excerpt from The Philosophy of the San Antonio Academy of Texas; 1970s


NOAH BREGMAN ’19, is currently a sophomore at TMI Episcopal. He was awarded the four-year merit Alkek Scholarship and completed 61.5 hours of volunteer service work with YMSL and earned The Presidential Bronze Volunteer Service Award.

CHAZ BREGMAN ’19, is currently a sophomore at TMI Episcopal. He was awarded two merit scholarships at TMI: the four-year MacArthur Scholarship and the Oppenheimer Merit Scholarship. Chaz obtained the Squad leader position in the TMI corps. He completed 61.5 hours of volunteer service work with YMSL and earned The Presidential Bronze Volunteer Service Award.

Submit a Class Note

Your SAA brothers are ready to hear from you! Go online to share your Class Note update today.

JOHN KOHL MCADAMS ’18, is involved in all aspects of life at an all-boys boarding school in Chattanooga, Tennessee, The McCallie School. He is active in dorm life with activities like the “Big 5” intramural competitions and community service projects. He’s also a member of the football (2019 State Champs) and track teams. He is passionate about combining his love of sports with academics, Bible studies, service opportunities, and leadership. In these aspects, McCallie closely resembles San Antonio Academy, where John Kohl served as the Battalion Commander. Current memberships include: TEPS - Sophomore Leadership Organization; Track Team; Fellowship of Christian Athletes; Junior Class Leader; and Varsity Football Team. Pictured: John Kohl McAdams poses with fellow Academy graduate, MICHAEL MAY ‘17.

ANTHONY FLETCHER ’17, was promoted to Company “C” Commander at TMI, where he is currently a junior. Last summer, Anthony was selected to attend the 2020 Texas Boys State summit which was conducted virtually this year.

ERIK PETERSON ’17 was selected to serve as a member of the San Antonio Youth Commission (SAYC) and is holding the Mayoral seat. Erik is pictured here with San Antonio Mayor Ron Nirenberg at the December meeting.


ELIAS HANSEN ’16, graduated from the International School of the Americas in May 2020 and is attending Rice University. Among his accomplishments, Elias organized and led the largest student-run Model United Nations conference in the Western Hemisphere. His high school leadership positions included Secretary-General for MUNSA XXIV, and head of the cross country and track teams at ISAS. For ten consecutive years, Elias achieved the Texas Music Teachers Association “Superior Rating in Gold Cup” during the organization’s piano competitions, and he also completed over 340 hours of community service.

PARKER WORLEY ’16, graduated Summa Cum Laude from the International School of the Americas in spring 2020. He was a member of the National Honor Society and National Art Honor Society where he served as the Treasurer. Parker was also an NEISD Student Advisory Board Member, and Student Rector in the Episcopal Happening Movement.

BEN FEINSTEIN ’15, is among four students featured in the 2018 documentary Boys State which examines the state of American democracy through a political coming of age story. It showcases an experiment where one thousand 17-year-old boys from the state of Texas gathered together to build a representative government. The film follows Ben and three other boys, all from diverse backgrounds and political views, as they go through the challenges of organizing political parties, shaping consensus, and campaigning for governor. The film won Sundance’s Grand Jury Prize for Best Documentary.

CRAWFORD BANKS ’13 directed and produced Destination Unknown, an independent film which began production in March 2019. Crawford produced his first documentary Bryce Menchaca’s Sense of Discovery – Studio Sessions in August 2017. Learn more about Crawford’s latest film work at www.destinationunknownfilm.com

MATTHEW SCHMUECKLE ’13, graduated from Central Catholic in 2017 and is currently majoring in Economics and Religion at TCU. He is on the Dean’s List, is the co-founder of a debate club, and is a member of the TCU Polo Club.




MOHAN IYENGAR ’12, was accepted to the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine where he will pursue his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in the fall of 2020. Last spring, Mohan graduated Cum Laude and with an honor certificate from Texas A&M, majoring in Biomedical Sciences with a minor in Neuroscience. As an undergraduate at A&M, he served as Secretary for The Indian Students Association.

Austin, TX has a new firefighter! Congrats to TRAVIS HAIDUK ’10, who recently graduated from the Austin Fire Academy. Travis earned his BA from San Diego State University.

Chef JOSEF CENTENO ’89 was spotted at Hotel Emma last October for the book signing of his new Tex-Mex recipe cookbook, Amá: A Modern Tex-Mex Kitchen. Chef Centeno, who launched his restaurant empire in Los Angeles (four and counting), credits his hometown, San Antonio, with inspiring his culinary career. Pictured left-toright: Josef with SAA faculty member, Barry Bradley, who attended the event to support his former student; and Josef’s brother, ARAMIS CENTENO ‘94, who lives in SA and works at Alamo Architects. Recently, Chef Centeno was featured in the Netflix series Taco Chronicles.

Connecting Past to the Present: During their 8th Grade Class Trip to Washington D.C. last Februar y, cadets enjoyed lunch with two surprise visitors, Academy graduates JACOB OPPENHEIMER ’03 (center), a surgeon at George Washington Hospital; and SEAN SANDOLOSKI ’00 (left), a member of the White House legal team. Trip chaperone, GARY MARVIN ’89, is pictured with the two alum.


Congratulations to SAA faculty member, MYRON JONES ’96, who married Krystal Isaac on November 23, 2019. The happy couple welcomed their first child in November 2020. Pictured with his groomsmen, who are also his lifelong friends from San Antonio Academy, left-to-right: SCOTT TALLIS ’96, PEDRO MARTINEZ ’96, JOHN BURNS ’96, MYRON JONES ’96, BEN SAMPLES ’97, AND DRAKE MCCRARY ’98.


Alfred Chalkley ‘49

Alexander Kampmann Frost ‘09

Graham B. Knight ‘38




We are saddened to learn of the passing of prestigious alumnus, and nationally renowned cardiologist, DR. JAMES T. WILLERSON, CLASS OF 1953. Pictured in 2002, SAA honored Dr. Willerson, president of the University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston, with the Colonel W.T. Bondurant, Sr. Distinguished Humanitarian Award. Dr. Willerson remained connected and engaged with his alma mater throughout the years. He will always serve as an inspiration to our students, and he will be loved and remembered fondly by his Academy brothers.

TEXAS Benjamin F. Pitman III ‘45 E. Richardson III ‘65

We’re Wild about Mr.Wildcat!

In the fall of 2019, Mr. Wildcat made his official debut during a morning chapel. Since his first appearance, Mr. Wildcat has been spotted all over campus, on many fun social media posts, and countless marketing campaigns. SAA’s first furry mascot was created to help boost school spirit, while in the process, making a lot of little Wildcats smile and some big Cats, too!


100 Year Anniversary of the Military Program

To honor the 100-year anniversary of San Antonio Academy’s Military Program, SAA celebrated alumni service members at Alumni Day on October 18, 2019. During a special morning chapel dedicated to the event, alumni shared why it’s so important “to be honest, kind, and the best you can be” while they described how San Antonio Academy’s military program prepared them for a life of service. Following chapel, alumni joined together on Frost Field standing in support behind 3rd graders, who were taking a “Joining Oath” of service. They were led by Col. (Ret.) Steve Marshall as they joined the official ranks of the battalion. The Class of 2025 marks the first SAA class to take this oath. The newly-minted cadets fell in line where the Pass-In-Review began.

DAVID ROTHE ’87, U.S. Army “It’s not about knowing how to march, it’s about establishing discipline, formation and moving as a unit. It’s about pride in appearance. The Drill and Ceremony program was awesome.”

CHRIS GALVAN ’90, U.S. Army “I look back on my years in the military program at The Academy, understanding and realizing what I learned and what was instilled in me, core values like leadership, service above self, attention to detail, and taking care of others. I am so thankful and so honored to be an Academy graduate and serve in the U.S. Army.”

BRANDON GROSSMAN ’92, Alumni Council President 2018-Present “The military program impacted my life the most by providing me the discipline in personal appearance and how I should treat other people… Alumni are always welcome to come back to SAA and participate in one way or another.”


WILLIAM NEGLEY ’98, Central Intelligence Agency, Founder and President of Sound Off, “What was instilled in me by The Academy from the time I was in blue shorts, made me realize I had to serve others. These fundamental tenets led me to service and continue to influence me today as I work to support the thousands of men and women returning from war.” Sound Off is a mobile resource connecting Veterans and Service Members with anonymous, long-term mental health support.

GARRETT WINGROVE ’13, Silver Spur at the University of Texas “The leadership abilities I learned in the military program got me where I am today. Doing the little things right eventually all add up.”

JACOB LEIBOWITZ ’91, U.S. Marine Corps Reserves “While at The Academy, two of the most bedrock traits I learned through the military program were self-discipline and teamwork… Always try and do the right things even when it’s most unpopular. Your character and your integrity are attributes you carry with you the rest of your life.”

LOUIS JORDAN GRADUATED FROM SAN ANTONIO ACADEMY IN 1911, and became a top-scoring athlete at the University of Texas. After college, he returned to SAA to teach and coach until he became a commissioned officer in the Army Today, you can visit the Louis Jordan Flagpole at Darrel K. Royal Texas Memorial Stadium. In his diary which is on display in a hall beneath the stadium’s grandstand, Jordan wrote “Do the best you can… and then keep on smiling ”This was written just days before a German artillery shell landed in the opening of his dugout, killing him instantly on March 5,1918 -- making him the first Texas officer to give the ultimate sacrifice in World War I.

Remarkably, between 1914 and 1918, sixty-six Academy graduates held commissions in the Army or Navy in WWI. Louis Jordan’s death, coupled with the high number of Academy officers, inspired Professor W. W. Bondurant, Sr. to create the military program at San Antonio Academy in the fall of 1919. He did this in honor of lives we lost, and also because of the leadership and preparedness for life that the program would ultimately bring the boys.

Over the last 100 years, the military program has made a meaningful impact on countless lives. We’re proud of all our alumni. We are grateful for The Academy Men who went on to serve in the U.S. Military



THE CLASS OF 2020 graduated on May 22 with an even better understanding of why so many chapel talks center on the importance of courage, determination, and resilience. Closing out their Academy career learning from a laptop at their kitchen table rather than in their assigned seat at E. French Place, this class was challenged like no other before them. In the end, however, they came together, as brothers, to experience the true meaning of teamwork and perseverance. That’s the true Academy Way!

We honor the 134th graduating class of San Antonio Academy, and wish you well on your journey to high school and beyond. Top scholars from the Class of 2020 are RICHARD CAGE (Valedictorian), CHRISTOPHER CHAN (Salutatorian), and WILLIAM BANKLER (Honor Scholar).

VIDEO RECREATES COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY: To provide the upcoming graduates with a little bit of closure, parent class representatives, Shannon Davis and Gi Morales, organized an ambitious video project to recreate the Commencement Ceremony. The stunning film documented boys stoically making their way down the Taylor Hall stairs as their name was called behind the ringing of the tower bell. Reaching the bottom, boys then made the ceremonial passage through the iconic Bondurant Gate. Finally, with a toss of his cap, each cadet marked the moment signaling the end of what would typically be a traditional graduation ceremony. With the help of some movie magic, watch as this video truly captures the meaningful moments. http://bit.ly/saagraduation2020


ALUMNI PROVIDE ENCOURAGEMENT: Alumni were asked to share words of hope and wisdom meant to comfort and guide our 8th graders through the challenges of graduating during the pandemic. SAA’s in-boxes were filled with so many well-wishes and many who taped video messages. Find here: http://bit.ly/alumniwordswisdom

COMMEMORATING THE CADETS: As yet another way to celebrate our soon-to-be graduates, SAA created several displays of gratitude. A webpage devoted to the Class of 2020 was created as a digital program and also served as the hub to showcase the Commencement Ceremony video. The Drive-Thru Diploma Parade was orchestrated as a fun way for the graduates to receive their diploma in a safe, socially-distanced manner. Before the Parade, a custom swag-bag was delivered to each graduate that included an official Commencement Ceremony program keepsake, an official alumni pin, and many other fun items for the boys to commemorate the day. And finally, a Class of 2020 yard sign was firmly planted in the front yard of each graduate to celebrate their achievement.

SAA came together as a community to give the 8th graders a fun and memorable sendoff despite the pandemic.
“Proverbs 17:17 – A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity”
– Joe Shields, Class of 2005, words of encouragement

The Business of Building Boys


Supporting San Antonio Academy

School Leadership

With gratitude we honor these school leaders and thank them for their service to San Antonio Academy during 2019-2020.


Todd Brockwell

Donations to The Academy are essential and enable SAA’s excellent programs to continue by supporting competitive teacher salaries, offering professional faculty development, and funding many of the supplies and programs that are not fully covered by tuition. The Annual Fund helps keep the school small so that each boy is KNOWN, UNDERSTOOD, AND VALUED.

This report celebrates the impact that your gift has on the boys of San Antonio Academy, past and present. Your support prepares boys to be men who make a difference.

Board Of Trustees


Mr. John D. Alexander, Jr.

Mr. Jack Biegler

Dr. Ronald K. Calgaard^

Mr. Steve Chiscano

Mr. Donald B. Frost ‘72, Chair

Mr. Donald B. Harrell^

Mr. Blair P. Labatt, Jr. ‘61

Mrs. Molly McAdams

Ms. Marilou Moursund

Mr. Charles H. Noble, Jr. ‘43

Mr. Greg Seay

Mr. Thomas R. Semmes ‘56

Mr. James B. Smith, Jr.

Mr. Corbin L. Snow III ‘77

Mr. John T. Steen, Jr. ‘63

Mrs. Weisie Steen

Mrs. Marti Taylor


Rowe Blount ‘03

George W. Bodden ‘84

Luisa Bolen, Honorary Alumna

Tom Bondurant ‘63

Barry Bradley, Honorary Alumnus

Byron L. Buzzini ‘82

Walter J. Buzzini IV ‘77

Miguel Dilley ‘95

Eric J. Duxstad ‘79

Christopher D. Galvan ‘90

Roy Gonzalez, Jr. ‘70

Brandon Grossman ‘92, President

Brad A. Kaufman ‘99, Treasurer

Sean S. Knoll ‘02

Jacob S. Leibowitz ‘99

Gerardo Martinez ‘81

Pedro Martinez ‘97

Chris McKnight ‘88

Matthew S. Myers ‘03

Sam M. Noble ‘79

David Pavelka ‘84, Secretary

Adam T. Reed ‘99, Vice President

Javier F. Rocha ‘91

Joseph Shields ’05

Matt Silva ‘02

Corbin L. Snow III ‘77

Jamey Steen ‘03

Brian C. Steward ‘79

John A. Webster, Honorary Alumnus


Dr. Laura Bonilla

Mr. James C. Browning ‘57

Mrs. Paula Butt

Mr. William E. Dreyer

Mrs. Christine Haynes

Mrs. Lee Anne Hendry

Mrs. Bekki Kowalski

Mrs. Gretchen Lahourcade, Chair

Mrs. Nance Oliver

Mrs. Linda Rittenhouse

Mrs. Aubrey Searcy

Mr. Larry Walker

Mrs. Jess Womack II

Mrs. Barbara Wood

Karen Bryant

Taylor Dorris

Trey Embrey

Ben Espy

Jack Guenther

Jenny Hall, Secretary

Roger Hill, Vice Chair


Gina Berger

Irene Blaess

Sarah Blankenship

Erika Boller, Secretary

Cris Bregman

Lauren Browning

Ann Cross

Lynette Embrey

Tara Hoelscher

Callie Mayo

Lisa Menick, Vice President

Aurora Nester

Julie & Justin Peeler

Victoria Roca

Lorin & Forrest Runnels

Lauren Saunders

Daniela Serna, Treasurer

Meredith Shindler

Aida Snyder, President

Margie Travis

Kristen Upton

Sharon Walls

Edie Wright


Karen & Todd Brockwell, Chairs

Drs. Virginia Nell & Robert Duncan, Co-Chairs



Shaylon Rettig

Lane Riggs, Chair

Joseph Shields ‘05

Polly Spencer


Lane Riggs, Board of Trustees

Gretchen Lahourcade, Grandparents

Moye Mullins, Faculty & Staff


PK: Erin Hurt

PK: Ashley Jenné

K: Emily Mueller

K: Sara Walker

1: Lisa Alvarado

1: Kristin Hanzel

2: Josie Dorris

2: Edie Wright

3: Jenni Allen

3: Margaret Oliver

4: Mary McNelis

4: Julie Warden

5: Tricia Hennessey

5: Carolyn Jackson

6: Sara Davis

6: Lisa Hutchens

7: Clare Duffin

7: Brooke Taylor

8: Julie Peeler

8: Amy Zunker

Mark M. Johnson, Jr. Oliver Lee Oliver Rabinowitz
^ Deceased

Annual Fund

San Antonio Academy community is comprised of incredibly kind, generous donors like you. Your gift has the power to transform lives, establish a love for lifelong learning, build dreams by providing resources to our dedicated faculty and staff, offer professional development and training, and create the special place that our boys know and love.

In 2019-2020, Annual Giving totaled $671,065.86.

Your Annual Fund gift provides unrestricted funds for SAA to:

• attract and retain master teachers

• of fer competitive salaries and professional development

• keep our school small so that each boy is known, understood, and valued

• provide technology, equipment, and supplies in our classrooms

• maintain buildings and grounds



Gifts made to the Annual Fund are not restricted to any particular program or project and are used in the area of greatest need.


Designated for specific budgeted purposes, such as scholarships, academic departments, or the library.


Honorary Gifts acknowledge a special occasion or accomplishment, such as a friend’s or relative’s birthday, graduation, or anniversary. Memorial Gifts remember someone who passed away.


A permanent investment account that serves as a source of income that supports the school’s ongoing needs and future generations of Academy boys.


Designed to raise a specific sum of money within a defined period of time. Provide major funds for additions to endowment, construction, renovation, or extensive equipment purchases and provide for the long-term growth and security of the campus and programs.

“Donors like you make this school a reality by equipping me with the tools and training I need to facilitate a loving and engaging classroom that encourages our boys to be the best they can be!”


Since each individual’s financial and taxplanning circumstances can vary widely, donors are encouraged to seek the counsel of their tax advisor to explore many options of giving that allow the donor to maintain current income levels, while planning a long-term gift to the school.


Matching gifts increase the impact of a donation and a business receives recognition when they match a portion or all of an employee’s contribution to SAA.


Giving At SAA

Annual Fund Donations


$20,000 & ABOVE


The Brown Foundation, Inc. of Houston

Mr. & Mrs. Will Wood


$10,000 - $19,999


Amy Shelton McNutt Charitable Trust

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Guenther

Dan E. & Paula T. Butt Charitable Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Butt

The Dickson-Allen Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis C. Gunn, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis T. Vaughan III

Mr. James L. Donnell, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. William E. Dreyer

Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo Peeler, Jr. ‘54

Mr. & Mrs. Justin A. Peeler

Sartain Lanier Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Balloun

Mr. & Mrs. John Wright

Col. & Mrs. David R. Scott ‘45




Bill & Gigi Clements Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Runnels

Mr. & Mrs. Bradley S. Carson

The Circle Bar Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. John H. White Jr. ‘61 & the Family of John H. White

Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Embrey III

Mr. & Mrs. Morriss L. Hurt

Julie & Vance Lanier Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Balloun

Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Lee

Mr. & Mrs. Alex Oliver

Dana Dillard Powell Trust of 2011

Mr. & Mrs. Gene Powell

The Shelton Family Foundation

Mrs. Robert R. Shelton

Ms. Amy Stieren Smiley

Mr. & Mrs. Rad Weaver

Dr. & Mrs. William D. Willerson, Jr. ‘55

William Knox Holt Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Geary Atherton ‘64

Mr. & Mrs. Forrest R. Word

The Patricia Lewis Zoch Children’s Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Pitt




Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Dullnig

Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Embrey, Jr.

2011 Eric Hill Gift Trust

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Hill, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Alcide F. Longoria

Dr. Lauren E. Tarbox-Mancuso & Dr. James J. Mancuso

Dr. & Mrs. Warren F. Neely

The Jesse H. & Susan Oppenheimer Foundation

Mr. Jacob S. Oppenheimer ‘03

The Parker Foundation, Inc.

Ms. Mary H. Parker

Mrs. Josephine Parker-Cervantes

Alexander McClure Russ, Jr.’44 Estate

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Shields ‘05

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Walker, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Walker




Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Allen

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Badouh III*

Dr. Jennifer Bankler & Mr. Scott B. Bankler

Mr. & Mrs. Aaron T. Boger

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Boller III

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Bolner

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Brockwell

Lauren and John Browning Fund*

Dr. & Mrs. John C. Browning ‘89

Mr. & Mrs. Jason E. Bunn

Mr. & Mrs. John Callanan

Mrs. Meighan McNulty & Mr. Lee Coggins

Drs. Ann & Matthew Cross

Ms. Catherine Z. Cummins

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Davidson

The Dawson Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Berkley V. Dawson

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Hart

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dewar* m

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dicke

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Donaldson

Drs. Virginia Nell & Robert Duncan

Drs. Shannon & Benjamin Espy

Family Dentistry of San Antonio

Drs. Yuliya & Stan Zebrowski

Fischer Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fischer

A Friend of The Academy

A Friend of The Academy*

A Friend of The Academy*

A Friend of The Academy*

A Friend of The Academy

A Friend of The Academy

Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Frost ‘72

Mr. & Mrs. Casey A. Fry

Gamble Family Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Gamble

Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Golden

Dr. & Mrs. Ty Goletz

Gunn Family Foundation of SAAF*

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis C. Gunn, Jr.*

* Member of the 1886 Society m The individuals with m requested their company match their gift to The Academy. SAA is grateful to the Corporations who match employee’s gifts.
Headmaster’s Circle ($20,000 and above) 6 1886 Society ($1,886 and above) 66 Circle of Excellence ($1,000 and above) 68 First Time Donors 92 Average Gift Size $658.86 Median Gift $100.00 Giving By Consecutive Year 5 Years 195 10 Years 81 11+ Years 102 15 Years 37 20 Years 8 Supporting SAA 550 Donors Parents 43% Grandparents 16% Faculty/Staff 14% Alumni 11% Friends 10% Parents & Grandparents of Alumni 6%

Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Hatter m

Mr. & Mrs. Parker Hanzel

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Haynes

Ms. Julia G. Heinrichs

Mr. & Mrs. Jason P. Hoelscher

Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Hornberger

Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Jourdan

Graham B. Knight and Anne E. Knight Fund

Mr.^ & Mrs. Graham B. Knight ‘38

Mr. & Mrs. Walter B. Leddy

Mr. & Mrs. Larkin Matthews ‘62

McFadin Foundation*

Mr. Nick McFadin*

Mr. & Mrs. Peter McLaughlin

Mr. & Mrs. Sean B. McNelis

Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Montemayor

Mr. & Mrs. David Mueller m

Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Noble, Jr. ‘43

Norman Family Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Rob Robertson

Mr. & Mrs. Erle Nye

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan D. Owens

Mrs. Camilla B. Parker*

Dr. & Mrs. John Parsons

Mr. & Mrs. David E. Pavelka ‘84 m

Ms. Mariah Pheiffer*

Mr. & Mrs. Adam Rabinowitz

Mr. & Mrs. Lane Riggs

Dr. & Mrs. Mark C. Rittenhouse

Ms. Victoria Roca

Dr. & Mrs. Guillermo Rocha ‘79*

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Rose m

Mr. & Mrs. Shawn M. Rosenzweig

Dr. & Mrs. Alex Rowland

Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Runnels

Mr. & Mrs. David H. Saussy

Mr. & Mrs. Warren W. Smith ‘63

Dr. & Mrs. Jeremy Smolik

Mr. & Mrs. George H. Spencer, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Ty Thaggard

Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie V. Thurmond III

Dr. & Mrs. Arnold Vardiman

Caroline and Larry Walker Charitable Fund*

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Walker*

Mrs. Elizabeth Wilde

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Williams

Mr. & Mrs. James B. Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Jim Y. Williams

Mrs. Catherine M. Baumgardner & Mr. Tom Wimer

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Zoch

Ms. Marion Zoch

Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Zuniga



Mr. & Ms. Stephen J. Ahl

Drs. Lisa & Sergio Alvarado

Dr. & Mrs. Jorge Alvarez

Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Armstrong

Dr. Alfredo Arribas & Ms. Jacqueline White

Drs. Jane & Patrick Atkerson

Ms. Susan Biegler

Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Boller

Mr. Craig Browning, Jr. ‘86

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Bryant

Charles Butt Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Trey Rogers

Dr. & Mrs. Scott Campbell

Lee and Zachry Carter Memorial Fund

Mr. Paul B. Carter ‘75

Mr. James & Mr. Paul Chapman

Dr. & Mrs. John A. Craig

Dr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Delaney

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Dewar

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Fischer

Mr. & Mrs. Reagan Freiling

A Friend of The Academy

Dr. Gregg G. Gerasimon & Ms. Anne L. Palmer

Mr. & Mrs. James B. Griffin

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Guenther, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Hale

Mr. Mike Hansen

Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Hill III

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin B. Holliday

Dr. & Mrs. Jim Jackson

Drs. Carrie & Joe Johnston

Ms. Minnie Kaatz

Mrs. Kara Clayton & Mr. Joseph Kortsch

Mr. & Mrs. Will Kothmann

Dr. Irene Blaess & Mr. Michael Levin

Mr. & Mrs. Alcide M. Longoria

Mr. & Mrs. Rene Lozano

Col. & Mrs. James H. Lynch

Dr. & Mrs. Jake Martinez

Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. McKenzie

Dr. & Mrs. Barry J. Menick

Ms. Theresa T. Moore

Ms. Marilou Moursund

Mr. Richard B. Negley ‘58

Mr. & Mrs. William W. Negley ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Petty

Mr. & Mrs. David Peveto

Dr. & Mrs. Alejandro Pruitt

Drs. Erika & Joel Reyes

Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Smaistrla

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Snyder

Mr. & Mrs. Marshall T. Steves, Jr. ‘64

Mr. & Mrs. John Sytsma

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Travis

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Tucker

Dr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ursone

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Walker

Drs. Julie & Douglas Warden

Mr. & Mrs. Damien Watel

Mr. & Mrs. George J. Wommack

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Zunker



Mr. & Mrs. Jason Adelstein

Dr. Shannon & Mr. Scott Austin

Mr. & Mrs. Timmy W. Bailey

Mr. & Mrs. Joshua B. Berg

Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Biegler ‘99

Mr. Rollin D. Bredenberg ‘59

Dr. & Mrs. Brandon Bregman

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Brysacz

Cedar Beetle

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bader

William C. & Antoinette M. Childs Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Chris Childs

Mr. & Mrs. William Childs

Mr. & Mrs. William B. Conger

Dr. & Mrs. Paul Davis

Mr. & Mrs. Taylor B. Dorris

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Duffin

Dr. Laura de los Santos & Mr. Richard Dulany

Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Dullnig

Ms. Anne T. Ferguson

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ford ‘97

Mr. & Mrs. Bob Frankland

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Freiling

A Friend of The Academy

A Friend of The Academy

A Friend of The Academy

Mr. & Mrs. Alan Gielen

Mr. Timothy Gilliam II ‘07

Ms. Amy Girardeau

Mr. & Mrs. John Hall

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Hennessey III

Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Hoberman

Mr. & Mrs. Matthew S. Holmes

Mr. & Mrs. Brad Jackson

Dr. Maria Isabel Triana & Dr. Relief Jones

Mr. Timothy A. Kennedy ‘90

Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Levine

The Mariposa Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Lee N. McKenna

Dr. & Mrs. William McKenna

Ms. Yulanee H. McKnight

Mr. & Mrs. Ajitpal Mehat

Ms. Siomha Moore

Mr. & Mrs. Pat Moran

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan H. Morse ‘59

Mrs. Tracy Watts & Mr. Shokare Nakpodia

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Nester

Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. O’Gorman

Mr. & Mrs. Sreeram Padala

The Prestigious Mark

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Swaney

Ms. Mari P. Rabinowitz

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Rasor

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Romo

Mr. & Mrs. Marty Roos

Drs. Ana & Rito Sauceda

Mr. & Mrs. Tom Schmidt

Dr. & Mrs. Antonio Serna IV

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Shindler

Mr. & Mrs. Chad Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Corbin L. Snow III ‘77

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Spielhagen

Mr. John T. Steen III ‘95

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Thiltgen ‘83

Mr. Peter Thompson ‘59

Dr. Alexander Timchenko & Mrs. Kristina Kaminskaya

Dr. & Mrs. Jake J. Trinidad

Col. & Mrs. Dmitry Tuder

Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Turner

Mr. & Mrs. Rolf C. Walther

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Watson

Mr. & Mrs. Derrek Weaver

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wilson

Mr. & Mrs. Elgin Wong



Ms. Julie & Ms. Jennifer Abad

Ms. Shelly Adelstein

Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Aguilar

Mr. & Mrs. Lane Allen

Mr. Ken Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Armstrong, Jr. ‘88

Dr. & Mrs. Christian Balldin

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald C. Barnes

Mr. & Mrs. Edgar A. Basse III ‘65

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Berger

Mr. & Mrs. David J. Bippert

Mrs. Barbara Birgel

Ms. Sarah S. Blankenship

Mr. Barry L. Bradley

Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Bright

Mr. & Mrs. Wes Bright

Ms. Juliet Briskin

Dr. & Mrs. Bloyce Britton

Mr. Robert T. Buchanan

Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Burgess

Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Caamal

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Cage

Mr. Steve A. Chiscano

Brig. Gen. & Mrs. Paul Cohen

* Member of the 1886 Society m The individuals with m requested their company match their gift to The Academy. SAA is grateful to the Corporations who match employee’s gifts.


For more than 130 years, San Antonio Academy has benefited from the generosity of our community. The campus and its enriching programs are the direct results of the philanthropy of those families that came before us. As a registered 501(c)3, we will continue to rely on a combination of annual gifts to support current expenses, as well as special gifts toward capital improvements to ensure a strong future for the next generation. Your ongoing support, beyond tuition, will directly impact every student’s experience and ensure a strong future for the next generation of Wildcats.

MAKE A GIFT ONLINE AT sa-academy.org/support.


Mr. & Mrs. John A. Colglazier, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Collier

Ms. Lori Z. Conger

Mr. & Mrs. Porter Corrigan

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Cowley

Mr. & Mrs. Ben Crawford

Rev. & Mrs. Michael P. Crocker

Ms. Michele Cummins

Mr. & Mrs. Jason M. Davis

Mr. & Mrs. William M. Davis

Mr. & Mrs. William Dennis

Mr. & Mrs. Miguel Dilley ‘95

Mr. & Mrs. Clint DuBose

Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn

Dr. & Mrs. Frank D. Duperier

Mr. Robert L. Easton ‘47

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Evans

Ms. Helen E. Eversberg

Mr. & Mrs. Meade Flavin

A Friend of The Academy

A Friend of The Academy

A Friend of The Academy

A Friend of The Academy

A Friend of The Academy

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Gillette

Mr. & Mrs. Fabian Gradillas

Mr. Karl Graf

Ms. Rochelle Y. Green

Mrs. Elsie D. Grothues

Dr. Daniella Fisher & Mr. Kevin Gumprecht

Mr. & Mrs. Jaye Gurrala

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gutierrez

Mrs. Connie J. Haiduk

Dr. Karen Hasty

Ms. Heather Haynes

Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hieger

Drs. Kathryn & Travis Holloway

Mr. & Mrs. Will Holshouser

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hutchens

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Johnson, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Todd M. Johnson

Mr. Myron B. Jones III ‘96

Mrs. Jane Kernaghan

Dr. & Mrs. Creston King, Jr. ‘50

Mrs. Barbara Kroesche

Dr. Cynthia Brunelle-Uhr & Mr. Martin Kroesche

Mr. & Mrs. Hollis Drake Leddy

Mr. & Mrs. James Lehmann

Mrs. Megan P. Lindberg & Mr. Hunter Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Little

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Little

Mr. & Mrs. Alcide F. Longoria III

Mr. & Mrs. David Mauzé

Mr. & Mrs. Mike McClintock

Mr. & Mrs. Erskin McMickle

Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Moore

Dr. & Mrs. Carlos Morales

Mr. Robert P. Munster ‘03

Mr. & Mrs. Dan Nelson

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Newton

Mr. Tony Nguyen & Ms. Holly Phan

Dr. Joy Nicewander & Mr. Merrit Nicewander

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel M. Noble ‘79

Mr. & Mrs. Aloys J. Notzon III

Mr. & Mrs. Marc A. Notzon

Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Nye

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Oberman

Mr. & Mrs. John Oliver

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Parker, Jr. ‘60

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Peavy

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Frank Picazo

Mr. & Mrs. Clint G. Poulter

Mr. & Mrs. Rick Railsback

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Railsback

Dr. & Mrs. Shaylon Rettig

Mr. William F. Robertson ‘51

Mr. & Mrs. Javier F. Rocha ‘91

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Rohlfs, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. A. C. Rubey IV ‘93

Mr. & Mrs. Jan Ryerse

Mrs. Jana Sanders

Dr. Geetanjali Sharma & Mr. Nitin Sharma

Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Shimek

Mr. & Mrs. James B. Shipp

Ms. Mary Shrader

Congressman & Mrs. Lamar Smith ‘61

Mr. Lee C. Smith ‘18

Mr. Morgan Z. Smith ‘18

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan S. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Justin Sobey

Dr. & Mrs. Casey Taber

Mr. & Mrs. Al Thaggard

Dr. Somjira Namarsa & Mr. David Thanairongroj

Mr. & Mrs. Tyler Turlington

Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Turnbull, Jr. ‘98

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Upton

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Villafranca

Mrs. Sara Walker

Mr. & Mrs. Buddy J. Walls

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Weis

Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Welch

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitehead

Dr. James T. Willerson ‘53

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Winch

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Wolff

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Wray

Mr. John P. Ximenes

Mr. Alexander H. Zogheib III ‘58



Mr. & Mrs. Brian Allison

Mr. & Mrs. David Angulo

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Aycock

Mr. & Mrs. James Berg

Mr. Michael A. Blaess ‘15

Ms. Laurel Brooks

Mr. Richard Cantwell

Mr. Refugio L. Cedillo

Mr. Michael D. Davis

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Davis

Mr. & Mrs. William Dehlinger

Mr. Matt Diana

Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Douglass

Mrs. Molly Drought

Dr. & Mrs. Owen Duggan

Ms. Adriana V. Encina

Mr. Adrian Flores

Ms. Alexis Fonseca

A Friend of The Academy

A Friend of The Academy

A Friend of The Academy

A Friend of The Academy

Mr. Alex Garcia

Mr. Marc Garza

Mr. Cary Gates

Mr. & Mrs. Dante Gonzalez

Mr. Roger Gonzalez

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Gutierrez

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hayes

Mr. Mike Heineman

Mr. & Mrs. John Hernandez

Col. & Mrs. William V. Hill, III

Mr. & Mrs. John Hughes

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ivy

Mr. & Mrs. Troy Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. William Klein

Ms. Lindsay K. Kramme

Mr. Richard S. Lambert

Ms. Alyssandra Lopez

Ms. Debra J. Luna-Garcia

Dr. Glory Marshall & Lt. Col. Steve Marshall

Ms. Fatima Martinez

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Marvin, Jr. ‘89

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Matlock

Mr. & Mrs. Leon A. McNeil

Mrs. Patricia Medellin

Ms. Marie Y. Medrano

Ms. Marie J. Melroe

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller

Dr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Millican

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Moczygemba

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Mullins

Mr. & Mrs. Dave Mullins

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mullins

Mr. Hamlet T. Newsom III ‘10

Mr. & Mrs. George Nieves

Mr. & Mrs. Jason Padilla

Mr. & Mrs. Tom G. Parish

Mrs. Rosa Peterson

Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Pinette

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Power

Ms. Tyna M. Powers

Mr. Samuel R. Riggs ‘17

Mr. Peter Rios

Mr. Isaac Rodriguez

Mr. Paul Rodriguez

Mr. Forrest N. Runnels III ‘19

Ms. Brittany Schrader

Mr. & Mrs. E. O. Scott III

Mr. Emory O. Scott IV ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Seay

Rabbi & Mrs. Maximo Shechet

Mr. & Mrs. Mohan Simha

Ms. Patricia Sinclair

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Smith

Mr. & Mrs. George F. Stanage

Ms. Mary S. Steed

Mr. Scott K. Stuckey ‘01

Dr. & Mrs. Eric Stupka

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Summers ‘97

Mr. Tristan E. R. Tamez ‘19

Ms. Janie T. Taylor

Mr. Charles H. Turner

Mr. Enrique Villarreal, Jr.

Ms. Lauren Walls & Mr. Devin Kaatz

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Watkins III

Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Williams, III

Mr. Christopher Williams

Mr. & Mrs. Randy Yawn

* Member of the 1886 Society ^ Deceased

Fall Family Fair

The Academy’s 2019 Fall Family Fair was a huge success with nearly 1,400 attendees of all ages. With the help of a dedicated team of over 100 parent committee volunteers and another 140 parents filling one-hour shifts, along with 80 community volunteers working over 300 hours, and 300 donors, this annual evening of old-fashioned family fun raised over $90,000 in support of SAA’s programs for the 2019-2020 school year.



Commonwealth Coffeehouse & Bakery

Cosmic Cakery

CryoFit Alamo Heights

Dana Spring Parish

Paul K. Davis

Dennis Reblin, Reblin Tennis, Inc.

Dick’s Sporting Goods

Edmund & Jessica Donaldson

Down on Grayson

Mr. Clint DuBose

Ms. Kimberly Dunn


European Piano By Color

Feliz Modern

Fiesta Texas - A Six Flags Theme Park

Sunny & Jason Fischer

FitFusion Studio

Meade & Jolie Flavin

Fratello’s Italian Market & Deli

Freddy’s Frozen Custard

Friend of the Academy

Frog’s Car Wash

Frontier Enterprises

Cary Gates, SAA Art Teacher

Linda Gielen, SAA Faculty

Gifts To Go

Amy Girardeau, SAA Music Teacher

Good Sports Outfitters

Gruene Historic District

Mike Hansen

Hearthstone BakeryCafe

Hebdon Reblin Designs

High School Achievements

Darcy & Peter Hoberman

Erin & Morriss Hurt

Jane Kernaghan, Maree Longoria and Elizabeth Snow

Jason’s Deli

John Newman, UIW Tennis Camps

Josephine Street Cafe


Airrosti Rehab Centers

Alamo Cafe

Alamo Heights Pet Clinic, Inc.

J.J. Allison


Amy’s Ice Creams

Angela Bartels Photography

Anne Ivy & Kristin Railsback, SAA

Kindergarten Teachers

Bash San Antonio


Belles & Beaux

Ruth Berg

Bill Miller Bar-B-Q

Bird Bakery

Board & Brush Alamo Heights

Bok Choy

Bolner’s Fiesta Products

Brake Check

Bricks Academy - Beth & Jim O’Brien

Britton Orthodontics

The Buckhorn Saloon & Museum and Texas

Ranger Museum

C.H. Guenther & Son, Inc.

Michiko & John Callanan

Camp La Junta for Boys

Camp Longhorn

Camp Stewart for Boys

Cheesy Jane’s

Chester’s Hamburger Co


Citrine Home Collegewise - San Antonio

Joyride Texas

Julian’s Italian Pizzeria & Kitchen

Julie’s Monogram Place

Ashley Cherie Kamin

Nathan Kamin, SAA Technology Staff

Kathleen Hill & Terry Collier, SAA 3rd Grade Teachers

Kelly Wade Jewelers

La Loteria

Lauren Portrait Art

LBZ Photography


Lily’s Cookies

Lincoln Heights Animal Hospital

Lindsay Kramme & Tanya Weis, SAA Faculty

Magik Theatre

Marci Gutierrez & Trisha Sinclair, SAA Prekindergarten Teachers

Memory Lane Monograms & Gifts

Mike’s Dog Store

Money Mart Pawn & Jewelry

Siomha Moore

Theresa Moore

MSC Ranch

Moye Mullins

Natural Bridge Caverns

Olmos Park Animal Hospital

Olympia Gymnastics & Cheer

Mike Osterhage, KSAT 12

Paesano’s Ristorante

Paloma Blanca Mexican Cuisine

Papa John’s Pizza

Papoulis Greek Grill

Janet & Daniel Peavy

Peggy Klein, Paige Matlock and Mr. DuBose

Pesto Ristorante Olmos Park

Michael and Priscilla Power

Landes Rangel, Class of ‘09

REVO Fitness

Ripley’s Believe It or Not!

Louis Tussaud’s WaxWorks & Ripley’s Moving Theater 4D!

Robert Shaw Portraits

Rockin ‘R’ River Rides

Rosario’s Cafe y Cantina

SAA Kitchen Staff

SAA’s Eighth Grade Class

SAA’s Fifth Grade Class

SAA’s First Grade Class

SAA’s Fourth Grade Class

SAA’s Kindergarten Class

SAA’s Pre-K Class

SAA’s Second Grade Class

SAA’s Seventh Grade Class

SAA’s Sixth Grade Class

SAA’s Third Grade Class

Salon 555

San Antonio Zoo

San Antonio Academy

San Antonio Plastic Bricks


School of Rock

School Shoes Unlimited

SeaWorld San Antonio

Stars & Stripes Drive-In Theatre

Stella & Dot with Christina Welch

Studio Benton Photography

Summer at The Academy


The Synergy Studio

T Bar M Camps

Taco Cabana

Tejas Rodeo Company

Texas State Aquarium

The Art of Donut

The Jumpy Place

The Life in Art Photography

The Public Theater of San Antonio

Three Strands Equus Programs

Twin Sisters Bakery & Cafe

Walden Pond

The Wash Tub

Mr. Wildcat

Stephanie & Chris Wilde

Mr. & Mrs. Bowman Williams

William Wray

ZDT’s Amusement Park



Bader Ranch Dove Hunts


Paloma Blanca Enterprises, Inc.

Dr. Roy Gonzalez, Jr. ’70, Orthodontist


Airrosti Rehab Center

John M. Browning, MD - Texas Dermatology

Jessica & Edmund Donaldson

Drs. Virginia Nell & Robert Duncan

A Friend of The Academy

Kristen & Parker Hanzel

Ana & Michael Jourdan

Nelson Wood Nelson Group Merrill Lynch

Private Banking & Investment Group

Aurora & James Nester

Tashya & Lane Riggs


Kathy & Jeffrey Bolner

Jamie & Albert Guajardo

Lisa & Barry Menick

Harriet & Dan Peavy

Peveto Family

Tracy & Arnold Vardiman

Mary & James Williams


Becky & Jorge Alvarez

Trisha & Raymond Cowley

Drs. Ann & Matthew Cross

Jordan & Kevin Delaney

Lynnette & Trey Embrey

A Friend of The Academy

Cally & Will Kothmann

Ashley & Alcide Longoria

Ellen & Gerald O’Gorman

Daniela & Antonio Serna IV

Louise & Jimmie Thurmond

Lindsay & Geoff Millican, Chairs Darcy & Peter Hoberman, Co-Chairs Casey & Lane Allen Jenni & Joshua Allen SAA Alumni Council Dominique & Christian Balldin Gina & Michael Berger Erika & Jimmy Boller Elizabeth & Wes Bright James & Paul Chapman Sara & Jason Davis Josie & Taylor Dorris Elizabeth & Casey Fry Anne & Gregg Gerasimon Elizabeth & Hunter Hale Jenny & John Hall Erin & Morriss Hurt Carolyn & Jim Jackson Rachael & Clay Jones Jamie & Travis Kowalski Irene Blaess & Michael Levin Lauren & James Mancuso Amelita & David Mauze Bali & Bobby Mehat Leslie & Daniel Mullins Aurora & James Nester Brianna & David Saussy Caty & Kempe Shelton Mo & Barrett Shipp Beth & Dmitry Tuder Kristen & Christopher Upton Barbie & Chris Walther Amanda & Alan Williams Amanda & James Williams

Blue & White Unite

46 SAN ANTONIO ACADEMY OF TEXAS BLUE & WHITE UNITE COMMITTEE Shannon & Scott Austin, Chairs Beth & Dmitry Tuder, Co-Chairs Chris Galvan ‘90 James Willmann ‘92 IN-KIND GIFTS FOR BLUE & WHITE UNITE Adelante Boutique Alamo Plants & Petals Alpha Omega Guides Belles & Beaux Bill Miller Bar-B-Q Bistro09 Bonnie Chumbley Interiors Boudro’s Texas Bistro on the Riverwalk Broadway Daily Bread Butterfly Creek C. Aaron Penaloza Jewelers C.H. Guenther & Son, Inc. Chester’s Hamburger Co Clementine Clint DuBose Cosmic Cakery Dana Spring Parish Dr. Ben Espy Drury Inn and Suites on the Riverwalk Frontier Enterprises George Gaytan, Classical Guitarist Hotel Emma HOTWORX Joyride Texas Julian’s Italian Pizzeria & Kitchen Kelly Wade Jewelers Kendra Scott La Cantera Hill Country Resort Laurie Saunders, Ltd. Antiques & Interiors LBZ Photography Leon McNeil Mark & Jennifer Johnson Meadow Ms. Deya Palmero Nativa Fine Mexican Clothing Neiman Marcus Orderup Palm Restaurant Paloma Blanca Mexican Cuisine Papoulis Greek Grill Perry’s Steakhouse & Grille Pesto Ristorante Olmos Park Red McCombs Automotive REVO Fitness San Antonio Academy San Antonio Missions Baseball Club San Antonio Museum of Art Satel’s School of Rock Scuzzi’s Italian Grill Sean & Mary McNelis Shetler Fine Jewelers South Texas Bangers Southwest Exteriors Stargaze Travel Stars & Stripes Drive-In Theatre Supergoop! Texas Dermatology & Laser Specialists The Hill Family The Jumpy Place The St. AnthonyA Wyndham Grand Heritage Hotel The Tiny Finch The Wash Tub Three Too Ranch UNDERWRITING FOR BLUE & WHITE UNITE $2,500 - $5,000 Paloma Blanca Enterprises, Inc Christine & Joe Haynes $1,000 - $2,499 Bistr09 John M. Browning, MD - Texas Dermatology Frankie & Charles Dicke Jessica & Edmund Donaldson Drs. Virginia Nell & Robert Duncan A Friend of The Academy Kristen & Parker Hanzel Ana & Michael Jourdan Lisa & Barry Menick Nelson Wood Nelson Group Merrill Lynch Private Banking & Investment Group Aurora & James Nester Tashya & Lane Riggs Barbara Wood $500 - $999 Kathy & Jeffrey Bolner Lynnette & Trey Embrey Jamie & Albert Guajardo Alice & Erle Nye Peveto Family Lorin & Forrest Runnels Teri & George Stieren Tracy & Arnold Vardiman UP TO $499 Rebecca & Jorge Alvarez Drs. Ann & Matthew Cross Michael D. Davis Cameron Duncan ‘60 A Friend of The Academy A Friend of The Academy Mimi Hart Kalpana & Mukunda Iyengar Ashley & Alcide Longoria Jean & John Parsons Kristal & Casey Taber Louise & Jimmie Thurmond Daniela & Antonio Serna Hannah & Brian Steward ‘79 Betsy & Michael Wilson ‘69 Jenevieve & Frank Zoch
the spring gala, Academy parents, faculty, alumni, grandparents, and friends celebrate generations of Academy boys and raise funds for various operations and programs of the school. Though the event was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, several individuals and businesses made cash contributions and donated auction items and their event tickets, and volunteers spent countless hours preparing a special celebration.
We honor and celebrate everyone who helped raise important funds during challenging times.

Other Gifts



A Friend of The Academy

The Sedgwick Davis Family Fund

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Davis

William Knox Holt Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Geary Atherton ‘64

Mrs. Jess Womack II

The Yarborough Foundation

Ms. Linda B. Yarborough


Dallas Ecological Foundation

Mr. Donald B. Harrell^

The Labatt Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Blair P. Labatt, Jr. ‘61

Texas Youth Development Corp.

Mr. & Mrs. Casey A. Fry

Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hornberger

UP TO $999

Dr. & Mrs. John Covert, D.D.S.

Mr. & Mrs. William Henderson

Sports Outdoor and Recreation

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Williams


Mr. Clifton F. Anderson

Ms. Julia C. Norton-Keidel

Mrs. Evelyn O’Boyle Baumgardner

Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Caamal

Ms. Catherine Z. Cummins

Ms. Michele Cummins

Ms. Yulanee H. McKnight

Col. W.T. Bondurant, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Bondurant III ‘63

Ms. Erin Gardner Bowman

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Steen, Jr. ‘63

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Webster

Dr. Ronald K. Calgaard

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Webster

Mrs. Cantwell

Ms. Catherine Z. Cummins

Ms. Michele Cummins

Dr. Alfonso Chiscano

Drs. Jane & Patrick Atkerson

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Marvin, Jr. ‘89

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Watkins III

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Webster

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Weis

Ms. Dixie Lee Clark

Mr. & Mrs. E. Roger Harrelson

Mr. & Mrs. Randy L. Hughes

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Webster

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Weis

Mr. Raul De La Cruz

Mr. & Mrs. Emilio Caamal

Mr. Alexander Frost

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Webster

Ms. Margie Graf

Ms. Catherine Z. Cummins

Ms. Michele Cummins

Ms. Yulanee McKnight

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Webster

Mr. Donald B. Harrell

Mr. & Mrs. George H. Spencer, Jr.

Mr. Dennis Ryan Hayes

Ms. Yulanee H. McKnight

Ms. Sandra Irvin

Ms. Lindsay K. Kramme

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Weis

Mr. Daniel Lemke ‘14

Dr. Merete Aaboe, D.D.S

Alamo Kids Dental

Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Bean

Ms. Mary A. Bond

Mr. & Mrs. Tod Bruchmiller

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bruni

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Buckalew

Mr. June Camacho

Ms. Mary Lou Campbell

Mr. & Mrs. Max Campbell

Mrs. Dana Shultz & Mr. Will Carter

Dr. & Mrs. Wayne Casson

Class of 2014

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cole

Ms. Nancy Corwin

Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Cox

Ms. Catherine Z. Cummins

Ms. Michele Cummins

Mr. & Mrs. Larry Cunningham

The Dentists for Kids

Mr. Lawrence H. Di Filippo

Mr. & Mrs. E.L. Evans

Dr. & Mrs. Antonio Furino

Mr. Mike Hansen Hill Country Dental Specialist

Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Hoffman

ITI USA Section

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. James

Mr. & Mrs. William Klein

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lewis

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Lilly

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Marvin, Jr. ‘89

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Moczygemba

Ms. Katie Owings

Drs. Susan & Steven Pisano

Ms. Grace J. Prewitt

Mr. & Mrs. Adam Ratner

Mr. & Mrs. Todd F. Renaud

Dr. & Mrs. John D. Rugh, Ph.D.

San Antonio Academy’s Class of 2016

San Antonio Alpha Phi Alumnae Chapter

San Antonio Surgical Arts, P.A.

Mr. & Mrs. David B. Savastano

Mr. & Mrs. Brett Schouest

Mr. & Mrs. G. Kelly Sechler

Mr. Evan J. Shimek ‘14

Mr. & Mrs. John L. Sholden

Ms. Amy Stieren Smiley

Dr. & Mrs. James Startzell

Ms. Charlotte E. Stilwell

Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Taylor

Dr. Don Test III

Ms. Wanda S. Thomas

Mr. & Mrs. Randy Villareal

Mr. & Mrs. Sergio Viroslav

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Webster

Weedon Charitable Fund

Dr. & Mrs. James Weedon

Mr. & Mrs. Eric Weis

Mrs. Catherine M. Baumgardner & Mr. Tom Wimer

Mr. & Mrs. Forrest R. Word

Mrs. Charline McCombs

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Marvin, Jr. ‘89

Mr. & Mrs. John E. Watkins III

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Webster

Mr. Dick Nevitt

Ms. Catherine Z. Cummins

Ms. Michele Cummins

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Moczygemba

Mr. Wilson Parkhouse

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Bondurant III ‘63

Ms. Elisabeth Rose Paunovich

Ms. Yulanee McKnight

Mr. James Robinson II

Mr. & Mrs. Van H. Beckwith ‘79

Mr. & Mrs. Brian Steward ‘79

Mr. Mark Seaman

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Webster

Mr. Walter A. Seidel, Jr. ‘45

Mrs. Elaine S Hinds

Ms. Haidee Winter

Ms. Catherine Z. Cummins

Ms. Michele Cummins

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dugger

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Marvin, Jr. ‘89

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Moczygemba


Mr. Banks Armstrong

Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Armstrong

Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Armstrong, Jr. ‘88

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Brockwell

Mr. & Mrs. Dan E. Butt

Mr. Clint DuBose

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Marvin, Jr. ‘89

Mr. Eli Espy

A Friend of The Academy

Mr. Tommy R. Funk, Sr.

Mr. & Mrs. John A Oberman

Mr. Charlie Holshouser

Mr. & Mrs. Rob Robertson

Mrs. Rosemary Kowalski

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Oberman

Mr. Gary Marvin ‘89

A Friend of The Academy

Mr. Benjamin C. Powell ‘20

Mr. & Mrs. Gene Powell

Mr. Hunter Zachery Powell ‘16

Mr. & Mrs. Gene Powell

Mr. Simon T. Powell ‘15

Mr. & Mrs. Gene Powell

Mr. William Forrest Powell ‘13

Mr. & Mrs. Gene Powell

Mr. Nicholas Rabinowitz

Ms. Mari P. Rabinowitz

Mr. Noah Rabinowitz

Ms. Mari P. Rabinowitz

Mr. Lane Everett Redburn ‘65

Mrs. Elaine S. Hinds

Mr. Lane Everett Redburn, Jr. ‘98

Mrs. Elaine S. Hinds

San Antonio Class of 1959

Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan H. Morse ‘59

Ms. Mary Shrader

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Moczygemba

Mr. Tristan Villafranca

Mr. Roger Gonzalez

Mr. John E. Watkins III

Ms. Catherine Z. Cummins

Ms. Michele Cummins

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Marvin, Jr. ‘89

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Miller

Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Moczygemba

Mr. John Webster

Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Armstrong

Mr. & Mrs. Walter N. Armstrong, Jr. ‘88



Thomas Gilcrease Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Denney ‘65

L. D. Ormsby Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Mr. & Mrs. Claiborne B. Gregory, Jr. ‘59


Paloma Blanca Enterprises

Mr. & Mrs. Will Wood

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Haynes

Mr. & Mrs. Greg Kowalski and the Kowalski Family

The Original Mexican Restaurant

Mr. Robert T. Buchanan


CAPITAL Campaign Gifts

On December 19, 2019, San Antonio Academy announced the exciting news that construction of the new Multipurpose Athletic & Arts Center would begin in June 2020.

The athletic, art, and music programs are the heartbeat of our school. Recognizing these programs serve as the pulse of our curriculum, the Center will be a hub where the boundless energy of a boy will be channeled to activities that unlock aspects of his brain so he can reach his full potential.

We are grateful that SAA has a long history of support from its community. Continuing that tradition, it’s the Board’s leadership in this effort that was notable with 100% participation—partnered with other generous donors—who came together to fund the construction and make this happen. Reaching this important goal of The Academy’s Strategic Plan is a testament to the passion and dedication you have for the traditions and mission of San Antonio Academy. Thank you for helping us build a better boy by building a better school.

“There is no finer an institution than San Antonio Academy to shape the total boy – rigorous academics, robust athletics, and the fine arts that inspire the soul. It is time for our facilities to meet the ideal.”
Red McCombs SAA Grandparent

Reflects gifts and new pledges in the 2019-2020 year which all contribute to the full funding of the new Multipurpose Athletic & Arts Center.

$1,000,000 AND ABOVE

A Friend of The Academy

McCombs Foundation

Mr. B.J. McCombs

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Shields

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shields ‘05

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Petty, Jr. ‘51

$100,000 - $500,000

The Browning Family Elizabeth Huth Coates Charitable Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Embrey III

A Friend of The Academy

Jack & Valerie Guenther Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Jack Guenther, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Johnson, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Lee

Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo Peeler, Jr. ‘54

Mr. & Mrs. Lane Riggs

Mr. & Mrs. Will Wood

Zoch Charities Partnership

Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Smith

Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Zoch

Ms. Marion Zoch

$15,000 - $99,999

Mr. & Mrs. Todd Brockwell

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dewar

Mr. & Mrs. Taylor B. Dorris

Mr. & Mrs. Roger C. Hill III

Mr. & Mrs. James Oliver

Mr. & Mrs. Adam Rabinowitz

UP TO $14,999

Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Bathie

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Bryant

Mr. & Mrs. Clint DuBose

Drs. Shannon & Benjamin Espy

Mr. & Mrs. John Hall

Ms. Ingrid Healy

Mr. & Mrs. James McAdams

Dr. & Mrs. Shaylon Rettig

Mr. & Mrs. Donnie B. Seay

Mr. & Mrs. George H. Spencer, Jr.


San Antonio Academy of Texas 117 East French Place San Antonio, Texas 78212-5899

San Antonio, TX Permit No. 3054


DECEMBER 18, 2020

Holiday Concerts (Virtual)


Admissions Virtual Open House

JANUARY 29, 2021

Cowboy Breakfast (Modified)

MARCH 15, 2021

Summer at The Academy


APRIL 2021

Blue & White Unite

APRIL 2021

Student Art Show (Modified)

MAY 27 & 28, 2021

Primary School Promotion & Commencement

Non-Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID

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