San Antonio Woman March/April 2016

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125 Years of Fiesta’s Battle of Flowers SAWOMAN.COM

US $3.95

Inspiring Good Taste

Tanji Patton Host of New TV Series

San Antonio WOMAN




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Contributors Trending What’s New At Home Fiesta’s 125th Style Fashion Calendar Society Calendar Beauty Health Business Woman Spotlight According to Linda Guys to Know Mommy Matters Role Model Senior Care-Giving Hill Country Guide Travel Sustainable Gardening Entertainment Calendar Artbeat CityScene Dining Women on the Move Weddings

74 SPECIAL SECTIONS 51 Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 83 Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas 129 Dream Home/Women in Real Estate Directory

120 18 UP FRONT Not that long ago most pastors and priests were men, and hardly anyone questioned that state of affairs. How things have changed! Today, female clergy are active in most Christian denominations and in Reform Judaism, and congregations are happy to welcome women as their head pastors and rabbis. The four women profiled are loved by their parishioners and increasingly respected by the broader community as moral leaders.

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24 PROFILE Tanji Patton returns to TV with the launch of her new series, Goodtaste with Tanji. The show is a natural outgrowth of her enduring career in broadcast and, more recently, her online video magazine,, which she created with her husband and partner, Mike Patton. “I want to tell food stories because food is a ‘uniter’ in the world – we always gather around food – but I want to go beyond that.”


Jennifer Bartlett’s story, “Success by Heart,” features four leaders in mortgage lending who share their stories of helping others achieve their dream of purchasing a home. Mentoring employees and shaping trusted relationships with customers are central to their journey.

120 ENTERTAINING Fire up your kitchen! Food writer Lauren Browning visits with top SA chef Lisa Astorga-Watel of Bite restaurant and Stefan Bowers, executive chef of St. Anthony’s Rebelle, to spotlight the process and benefits of using community-supported agriculture (CSA) to make delicious recipes for entertaining at home.

San Antonio WOMAN FROM THE EDITOR Nicole Greenberg, Editor San Antonio Woman


MARCH/ APRIL 2016 PUBLISHER J. Michael Gaffney EDITOR Nicole Greenberg ASSOCIATE EDITOR Jasmina Wellinghoff COPY EDITOR Kathryn Cocke STYLE EDITOR Camilla Basse

Photgraphy by Marie Langmore

Welcome to our March/April issue of SAN ANTONIO WOMAN. We caught up with award-winning broadcaster, Tanji Patton, to tell us about the next phase of her extraordinary career. After visiting with her at the Pearl’s Culinary Institute of America and Camp Verde General Store and Restaurant, we watched as the cameras rolled for her new TV series, Goodtaste with Tanji, an offshoot of her online media venture, Her energy and enthusiasm for capturing the extraordinary stories of the people behind Texas’ most celebrated eateries and food creations made us feel like we had discovered a lost sister. Our food writer, Lauren Browning, also takes us on a culinary tour of sorts as she explores the benefits of community supported agriculture (CSA) and invites celebrated chefs Lisa AstorgaWatel and Stefan Bowers to prepare some delicious recipes from the CSA’s fresh, locally grown ingredients graciously provided by Koch Ranches. Browning also offers a review of Rosario’s North to remind us that their delicious food may be just what we need as we begin shaping our plans for the 125th Fiesta. The story of how the original Battle of Flowers came to be 125 years ago is captured in our spotlight of the women behind the first parade. John Bloodsworth retells their story of how the largest parade coordinated entirely by women in the U.S. today, got started. These months are not only marked by the emergence of spring and Fiesta. Many of us will be observing the holidays of Easter and Passover. Our associate editor, Jasmina Wellinghoff, meets with four female leaders of congregations and how their journeys led them to their roles in San Antonio. These women remind us how welcoming our city can be and that it is a place where we can explore our passions, serve as thought leaders, and positively impact our community. As women continue to be the primary decision makers in selecting where they live and purchasing their home, our Women in Business story features four leaders in the mortgage lending arena who share their perspectives on how they help people make their dreams of owning a home a reality. With so much to celebrate, SAN ANTONIO WOMAN also joins forces with Susan G. Komen’s Race for the Cure and Girls Scouts to focus on the importance of health and being a positive role model for girls and young women. Our special sections for these organizations are packed with important information. And, we raise our glass to you our readers and in celebration of the women found in the pages that follow. You are all extraordinary. Enjoy,

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CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Robyn Barnes, Jennifer Bartlett, John Bloodsworth, Lauren Browning, Nicole Crawford, Jim Douglas, Linda Elliott, Pamela Lutrell, Kristin Mears, Josie Seeligson, Janis Turk PHOTOGRAPHY Jessica Giesey, Marie Langmore, Rachelle Palasota, Al Rendon, Janet Rogers, Janice Thach, Elizabeth Warburton GRAPHIC DESIGN Tamara Hooks, Maria Jenicek BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT & MARKETING Steven Cox, Cindy Jennings, Madeleine Justice ADMINISTRATION & CUSTOMER SERVICE Nancy A. Gaffney ONLINE MEDIA Janice Thach SOCIAL MEDIA Rachelle Palasoda INTERN Alexandra Wagner PRINTING Shweiki Media, San Antonio, Texas EDITOR EMERITUS Beverly Purcell-Guerra FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION call (210) 826-5375 email:


8603 Botts Lane, San Antonio, TX 78217 210-826-5375

San Antonio Woman is published bimonthly by PixelWorks Corporation (Publisher). Reproduction in any manner in whole or part is prohibited without the express written consent of the Publisher. Material contained herein does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher or its staff. San Antonio Woman reserves the right to edit all materials for clarity and space and assumes no responsibility for accuracy, errors or omissions. San Antonio Woman does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertisements or editorial, nor does the Publisher assume responsibility should such advertising or editorial appear. Articles and photographs are welcome and may be submitted to our offices to be used subject to the discretion and review of the Publisher. All real estate advertising is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Printed in the U.S.A.



JANET ROGERS Janet Rogers is our photographer for Dining, Business Woman Spotlight and Guys To Know and also shot images of executive chef Stefan Bowers for our Entertaining column. Janet has been photographing for over 35 years and for more than 10 years for San Antonio Woman. She was inspired to get behind the camera when studying to be an art teacher. Discovering her passion for photography motivated Janet to change her mind about teaching art. Instead, she devoted her career to the art of capturing images by camera. Janet paved the way for women in photography in San Antonio when she became the first woman in the city to earn degrees as a photographic master and craftsman. Today, her favorite part of her work is using technology to interpret photographic images and transferring these images into paintings and watercolors.

LAUREN BROWNING Our food writer, Lauren Browning, writes our Entertaining story and our Dining review this issue. She grew up in Louisiana, where authentic food and people taught her the importance of community through enjoying “real food” together. Upon graduation from Vanderbilt University, she earned a degree from The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, N.Y., and was invited to intern at Alice Waters’ acclaimed restaurant, Chez Panisse. Lauren has taught at cooking programs in the New York and Houston areas, pioneering “Culinary Dynamics,” a corporate teambuilding concept. A member of the prestigious Les Dames d’Escoffier International, she co-chaired the inaugural Plate Changer Luncheon, raising funds for their Aspirations Grant. When not “cheffing” for her family of five, she blogs and manages an incubator kitchen. Lauren and her taste buds are delighted to call South Texas home.

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WHAT’S NEW SAINT MARY’S HALL MODEL UNITED NATIONS CLUB HOSTS CONFERENCE The Saint Mary’s Hall Model United Nations (MUN) Club recently hosted its fourth annual SMH-MUN Conference, MICRO: Small Issues, Big Impacts. Nearly 350 delegates from all over Texas came together to tackle environmental, economic and social issues impacting our world. The conference followed a successful season for the SMH MUN club, which was named Most Outstanding Team at Baylor University’s MUN conference. At the MUNSA XX Fusion Conference hosted by The International School of the Americas, senior Laren Spear was named Best Delegate, and seniors Aamu Karla and Camilla Kampmann earned honorable mention awards. Kampmann was also named Outstanding Delegate at CMUNCE XV, Columbia University’s MUN conference, while freshman Matthew Leonard earned honorable mention. Laren Spear and junior Alexander Hancock received verbal commendations.

WELEAD SA GETS A NEW NAME The National Association of Female Executives-San Antonio is the new name for WELEAD SA. The organization was established in 2001 and has since built powerful connections between women who want to inspire, grow their careers and serve their community of San Antonio. NAFE-SA hosts monthly luncheons and mixers, volunteer days and networking events throughout the year. The goal of NAFE-SA is to empower itself and others, understand the power of executive women and expand its influences in their respective roles. The organization’s events are held with the underlying intent to strengthen and evolve toward equality in leadership positions for women in the workplace.

SA BOARD OF REALTORS TAKES TOP AWARDS AT TEXAS ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS WINTER MEETING The San Antonio Board of REALTORS® (SABOR) president and CEO, Angela Shields, was named the 2015 Tom D. Morton Association Executive of the Year during the Texas Association of REALTORS® winter meeting on Feb. 8. Shields has served on several National Association of REALTORS® committees and workgroups, including the RCE governing board and the land use, property rights and environment committees. She currently serves on the Texas Association of REALTORS® budget and finance committee, and has been active at the local, state and national levels of the REALTOR® organization for the last six years. SABOR is also proud to announce that Missy Stagers with Missy Stagers & Partners was inducted into the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Omega Tau Rho fraternity. Recognizing REALTORS® who have made outstanding contributions to the real estate industry, this honorary fraternity exemplifies the REALTORS®’s pledge of performance and excellence to clients and each other.

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Leading the Flock More San Antonio Congregations are Welcoming Women Leaders BY JASMINA WELLINGHOFF



ot that long ago most pastors and priests were men, and hardly anyone questioned that state of affairs. How things have changed in a few decades! Today, female clergy are active in most Christian denominations and in Reform Judaism, and more and more congregations are happy to welcome women as their head pastors and rabbis. The four women profiled below are loved by their parishioners and increasingly respected by the broader community as moral leaders.

Building a strong community

invitation to listen. “Tonight is the perfect

Harmony presented to us a constructive way

The Friday night service at Temple Beth-El

night for conversation. Yes, for talking, but

to be exposed to it. This is an opportunity for

on Feb. 5 was a little different from the usual

more importantly for listening,” she said.

real sharing. Some members may not be

Friday worship. Dubbed “Interfaith Shabbat

Then quoting the Torah, she went on to explain

happy, but it is my job as a rabbi to push peo-

with the Pursuit of Harmony,” the evening fea-

how listening and doing are interconnected

ple out of their comfort zone — gently. It’s

tured the unique music duo, the Pursuit of

and how listening is not enough. “Hearing is

good to broaden your truth.”

Harmony, which consists of the Jewish-Amer-

not hearing when there is no doing. So tonight

Nathan, who among other degrees has a

ican musician/songwriter Michael Ochs and

we get to hear, but we also get to do,” she

B.A. in history, took the helm of the largest

Palestinian-Muslim songwriter/commentator

went on. “We’ll be hearing the wonderful

and oldest Jewish synagogue in town in July

Alaa Alshaham. The two met in 2009 in Ra-

music and stories of Michael and Alaa, and in

2014, the first woman senior rabbi in the tem-

mallah in the West Bank and have since

doing so we won’t just be talking about creat-

ple’s 142-year history. She is now part of an

teamed up to become ambassadors of hope

ing deeper understanding between Jews and

all-female clergy trio that includes associate

through music. At Beth-El, they sang in He-

Muslims, Israelis and Palestinians. We’ll be

Rabbi Marina Yergin and Cantor Julie Berlin.

brew, Arabic and English, with Alshaham

doing it ... so join us on this music Shabbat

For her part, the new rabbi was immediately

starting off with a hymn that the congregation

journey, in pursuit of Shabbat joy and peace.”

impressed by the mission, history and wel-

clearly knew and sang with him. The music

And the congregation did, wholeheartedly, giv-

coming attitude of the 1,000-family strong

was stirring and truly soulful even for some-

ing Ochs and Alshaham a big hand of applause

congregation. After almost 20 years at Larch-

one like me who doesn’t understand either He-

at the end.

mont Temple in Larchmont, N.Y. – 14 as asso-

brew or Arabic.

“Jewish-Muslim dialogue is essential at

ciate rabbi – she was ready to move on.

When Senior Rabbi Mara Nathan ad-

this moment,” notes the rabbi when we meet

Central to her vision for Temple Beth-El is a

dressed the worshippers, she opened with an

separately for the interview. “The Pursuit of

commitment to increasing the strength and vi-

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I enjoy most “ What is seeing people


Baptist Church in honor of MLK Day. A large group of her congregants joined the Baptist Sunday worship. Last year, Temple Beth-El hosted a city-wide MLK Day service for people of different faiths. “I hope we will build upon that and start building a real community,” says the rabbi. Nathan has also reorganized worship at the temple and changed the donation system from dues to open-ended voluntary pledges to encourage generosity. And she loves teaching both youngsters and adults. “What I enjoy most is seeing people enjoying being together,” she reiterates, then recalls a specific tality of the congregation. “As a large and the only Reform congrega-

they should be committed to it.” In her sermons she emphasizes commu-

event that spoke to her heart. Because her husband works as the director of advance-

tion in town, we want to be as broad-based as

nity and the reaching out to others. “Humans

ment for the Union of Reform Judaism Greene

possible,” she says. “For me, it’s all about

have a need to feel known and recognized,”

Family Camp, the Nathans hosted a meet-and-

building community. I want people to know

she observes. “We should train ourselves to

greet party at their house for the Beth-El fam-

that they have a Jewish home here, a place

be kinder and gracious people. I remind my

ilies sending their kids to camp. “I looked at

that can fulfill their social and spiritual needs,

congregants of that. We should strive to see

all the kids in the yard playing together and

where they can make connections with others

the godliness in each person.”

running in and out to get snacks, and at their

and connect to something that has a greater

The synagogue is known for its charitable

parents chatting happily, and it made me feel

purpose. I want to make sure that the things

and social justice activities as well as its par-

peaceful and proud that we are together as a

we offer are meaningful for people to under-

ticipation in interfaith projects. Nathan re-

community. It gave me hope that Judaism will

stand what their religion is all about and why

cently spearheaded a visit to the Antioch

continue forth with the new generation.”

march/april 2016 | 19

W UP FRONT Committed to feeding the hungry, literally and spiritually Downtown San Antonio is home to a number of beautiful old churches, but one that has always attracted my attention is St. Mark’s Episcopal Church across the street from Travis Park. Designed by the top church architect in the U.S. at the time, Richard Upjohn, and completed in 1875, the building, sanctuary and the entire complex are inviting and still somehow intimate despite expansions, changes and the bustling city that surrounds them. The St. Mark’s parish, which predates the building by 17 years, has had a prominent role in San Antonio for 150-plus years led by a long succession of rectors – all of them men. That record was broken in the summer of 2014 when the Rev. Elizabeth Knowlton accepted the job as the new pastor of the still thriving congregation. On a recent Sunday, the church was pleasantly humming with voices of all ages during, and between, two Sunday services. For Knowlton, being part of the new downtown momentum is exciting. “With all the transformations in town and a lot of young people moving downtown, the church is ready to become more of a presence in the city,” she says. “People from all over come here to worship. We have diverse political and even religious beliefs, though all within the Christian framework, of course, and that is attractive to me.” What is also attractive to her is St. Mark’s mission to “feed the hungry with real food,

meaning, and feed those who are hungry for beauty and creativity.”

to explore the intersection of art and faith. As a

Allen spent the first year as a rector meeting

result, there have been exhibits and workshops

with small groups of people in homes to listen

held by artists at the church, and the music pro-

to their concerns and expectations and for them

gram offers concerts that are free to the public

to get to know her. She learned that members

both at St. Mark’s and in other community ven-

were eager to establish small group ministries,

ues. Community groups have also been invited

family outreach initiatives and education pro-

to use the church’s facilities. “We want to be a

grams for all ages. People also expressed in-

place of hospitality,” says the rector. St. Mark’s

terest in developing arts programs beyond the

is “in growth-mode; there’s a lot of energy here.”

already well-established one in music. (The

she adds.

church has several choirs with more than 110

That her parishioners love and respect her

singers.) A number of artist members wanted

was evident. One woman praised the rector’s

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more I “ The stay grounded in my own faith, the more I am able to juggle everything.

feed those who are hungry for knowledge and


refuse anyone. I am “ inI can’t the business of helping

people. So I ask God every morning to guide my steps.


pastoral skills while proudly pointing out that Knowlton also could handle the administrative side very competently. Indeed. Before being called to priesthood, Knowlton worked for 10 years as a budget analyst at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. That’s not the only unusual part of her background. Raised as a Quaker, she converted to the Episcopal faith during her university years. Though Quakers’ belief that God is available to everyone appeals to her, their meetings often consisted of sitting together in silence. Young Elizabeth found that difficult. Following a study project in the Near East at the






Jerusalem, she started exploring the Episcopal experience, eventually becoming an Episcopalian while getting a degree in public policy at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. “I connected with the entire worship, the rhythm of the liturgy, the music, the Scripture readings. The sacramental aspects resonated with me,” she explains. Years later, married and a mother of two, Knowlton heard the call to serve. “Giving birth led me to a deeper sense of spirituality. I had already been very active in the community, but now I felt I wanted to be with people to help them through all the transitional moments of their lives,” she notes. “And in seminary I developed a passion for teaching theology.”

A life guided by the Holy Spirit

started with seven people gathered at the Priestlys’ home has grown to 250 members

Today, Beth – as most parishioners call her

The Rose of Sharon Ministries, a Pente-

— loves all aspects of her current job, from

costal church founded by Royce and Marie

over the years. The new location has a cozy

liturgical duties to balancing the budget. So how

Priestly in 2001, is now located in far South-

sanctuary and an adjacent wing, at present

does she replenish her own spiritual batteries?

east San Antonio on a quiet street named Bible

shared with a Town East Christian school. “We

She periodically leaves everything behind to

St. So naturally, a lot of people want to know

are a small family church. Parishioners can call

spend a week at a prayer retreat in nearly com-

how the street got its name. The street was

us anytime, they can talk to us, touch us. We

plete silence. “When I am there, I can just con-

named well before her congregation decided to

don’t keep a distance. We are here for the peo-

nect with God as a child of God,” says the

settle in a relatively modest building here,

ple, and people need their pastors,” she says.

pastor. “The more I stay grounded in my own

which they are in the process of buying with

When Priestly was only 8 years old, her fa-

faith, the more I am able to juggle everything.”

plans to renovate and adapt. The ministry that

ther died in a fire, leaving her mother to rear march/april 2016 | 21

W UP FRONT eight children by herself. “Times were hard.

children,” she says.

We depended on the government for the

Years later, Marie met Royce Priestly, a

monthly check and on the church and the gov-

former Air Force senior master sergeant and

“a Sabbath heart is what happens in us when we make room for God in life ... Let us make room now for God in our lives.”

ernment for food,” she recalls. Despite hard-

an elder at a local Pentecostal church. They

Participants admit it is hard to implement

ships, however, the young woman did well in

married in 2000, when Marie was 49; her

the essence of the commandment in today’s

school, eventually earning a degree in educa-

first marriage, she points out. Though ac-

world, while also describing their personal ef-

tion from the University of Massachusetts-

tively involved in the Rose of Sharon Min-

forts to incorporate contemplative time into

Amherst and embarking on a long and

istries from the start, teaching Sunday

their days and unstructured periods with their

fulfilling career as a teacher. Having experi-

school, starting a prayer ministry and gener-

families. “Isn’t it strange that people think

enced deprivation herself, she often went be-

ally helping, she did not dare to preach. One

that just sitting quietly with their kids is

yond the call of duty by bringing snacks for

day in Austin, as the Priestlys took part in a

strange,” says the pastor.

students who did not get breakfast at home

clergy dinner organized by former governor

After it becomes established that I am

because she knew that hungry children were

Rick Perry, the Holy Spirit spoke to her, invit-

here to interview their pastor, church mem-

not going to do well in class. “My heart was

ing her to become his messenger. This was a

ber Larry Adamson volunteers that “Kelly is

with those kids; I really related to them,” she

dream come true. She was eventually or-

a wonderful leader. She has a tremendous

notes. “That’s why I taught school for so long

dained in 2005 by the Pentecostal Fellowship

mind; she can do multiple things and do


Churches, the umbrella organization with

them all well.” To which Allen quips: “Write

which Rose of Sharon is affiliated.

that down!” Done!

A single mother of two boys, Priestly

It’s clear these parishioners like and ad-

moved in 1989 to San Antonio, where one of

Priestly later earned a master’s and a

her brothers lived “because (she) needed a

Ph.D. degree in Christian counseling from the

mire their minister, and she enjoys talking to

change.” Early on, she taught in the Project

Guadalupe Baptist Theological Seminary and

them. The senior pastor since 2009, Allen

L.E.A.D.-High Expectations, a mentoring

practices under the name of Royal Priesthood

says she was attracted to University Presby-



Christian Counseling & Academy. The latter

terian largely due to its SoL Center, an educa-

youths, designed to “open the eyes of the

refers to her online teaching of aspiring coun-

tion program for adults with a strong

students to the world beyond the projects.”

selors. Parishioners do not get charged for

interfaith and social justice bend. She had just

She later resumed a school career in the

her services and even outsiders who cannot

spent two years at the University of Birming-

Seguin and Judson ISDs.

afford the fee are never turned away. They pay

ham in England studying about other religions

what they can.

and the use of religious practices in conflict



Priestly was first introduced to the Pentecostal tradition in 1978 by a former classmate

To better serve both her clients and her

resolution around the world and felt “this

during a class reunion. “She said to me what I

parishioners, she prays regularly and strives

would be a church where I can use my new

say to people today: ‘God is a good God. If you

to keep her mind “in a state of tranquility. If

knowledge and practice leadership on inter-

ask for forgiveness, he will forgive you.’” Feel-

somebody calls me after being in an accident

faith issues.” She has certainly done that and

ing in need of forgiveness herself, she decided

or someone dies in the family, or there’s some

a great deal more.

to give it a try. “I really took it all in,” says the

other type of crisis, I have to be ready to help

Years ago, Allen had already decided that

pastor, who was eventually re-baptized with the

them,” she says. “I can’t refuse anyone. I am

shunning other religious traditions is impover-

Holy Spirit, an experience Pentecostals con-

in the business of helping people. So I ask God

ishing. “I want my life to be about following

sider central to having a personal relationship

every morning to guide my steps.”

Jesus, but part of that is to honor the faiths of

Social justice is central to her service

other Christians that it’s not an either/or propo-

others,” she observes. “I strive to convince

with the Creator. Her favorite Scripture verse is Acts 2:38, where the apostle Peter says: “Repent and let every one of you be baptized in the

sition. I have grown a lot from interacting with people of other faiths. It’s now part of my iden-

name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins;

The Rev. Kelly Allen of University Presbyte-

and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

rian Church and about ten of her parishioners

The next verse goes on to say that God’s prom-

are standing outside on the patio where they

Another thing that she tries to do is con-

tity as a Christian and as a religious leader.”

ise is for those who receive the Holy Spirit and

have just spent an hour discussing the meaning

vince unchurched people that to be part of a

for their children. Priestly admits that she was

of Sabbath in our busy American lives. In her

religious tradition is worthwhile. Some folks

thinking about her own kids. “That’s what got

opening prayer, Allen invoked God’s command-

have been wounded by their religious experi-

ment “to light the lights of Sabbath” adding that

ences, and it’s important to acknowledge that,

me, the promise that God will take care of my

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wonderful that both men’s “ It’s and women’s gifts for ministry have been recognized. It’s brought fuller leadership to the church as a whole.


explains Allen whose church welcomes everyone. What people need to hear the most is that they belong to a loving God. “That’s their deepest identity. As Paul said, ‘In life and in death we belong to God.’ To be committed to that takes a lot of work, but it allows you to live a life of compassion and work for justice for your neighbors,” she explains. In keeping with her beliefs, Allen initiated a jail ministry, focusing on inmates who receive the least attention from the outside. As a consequence, her parishioners have become “sensitized” to issues of criminal justice. They have also become more involved in social justice. Thanks to a mentoring program that the church has with Beacon Hill Elementary School nearby, congregants have learned about the

“public issues,” including one that seems to

detention facilities and advocates against de-

role of poverty in these kids’ lives and have

be very close to her heart – the treatment of

tention of children.

been helping the school in a number of ways.

immigrant women and children who recently

A former Methodist, Allen is married to a

“It’s important to make a connection between

crossed our southern border in substantial

science teacher and has two children. She was

policies and the personal stories of people af-

numbers. Upon coming here, Allen promptly

ordained in 1992 and served two congrega-

fected by them,” points out the pastor.

created and chaired a task force on immigra-

tions in Missouri and a small church in Eng-

“Churches have traditionally focused on char-

tion for the Mission Presbytery, aiming to ed-

land prior to coming to San Antonio. She is

ity but have shied away from being advocates



happy that churches have opened their doors

for public policy changes. This church is com-

immigration issues. More recently, she spear-

to female leaders: “It’s wonderful that both

mitted to championing policy changes.”





headed the local Interfaith Welcome Coalition,

men’s and women’s gifts for ministry have

Thankfully, the church leaders have al-

which she also chairs. The group provides ma-

been recognized. It’s brought fuller leadership

lowed her to spend some of her time on these

terial necessities for the Central Americans in

to the church as a whole.”

march/april 2016 | 23


Tanji Patton, an award-winning broadcast journalist, steps back in front of the camera this spring with her Goodtaste with Tanji, an offshoot of her growing online video magazine

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Tanji Patton Inspiring Good Taste BY JASMINA WELLINGHOFF


aturdays can get busy at the Culinary Institute of Amer-


Altogether there will be 13 half-hour episodes, each focusing on a

ica (CIA) at the Pearl. On this particular Saturday in

culinary destination in one of the four areas she covers — San Anto-

January, a grilling class is in progress in the large teach-

nio, Austin, Houston and the Hill Country. Sponsored by Sysco Foods,

ing kitchen with some 15 students, nearly all of them

the new series marks the return to television for the former WOAI an-

men, bustling around, chopping, mixing, seasoning, slicing and oth-

chor, whom many San Antonians may also remember from her days

erwise preparing an array of foods under the watchful eye of their

on the San Antonio Living show. Since she left the station in late 2007,

instructor. They are food enthusiasts from the community, not chefs

Patton and her husband, Mike Patton, have been growing their Inter-

in training, though each is sporting the familiar tall hat associated

net-based business called, which she defines as “an on-

with professional cooks.

line video magazine” devoted to food, wine and good living. Patton

But theirs is not the only action show in the kitchen. Tanji Patton and her crew are also here to shoot an episode of her new TV series,

also blogs for the Houston Chronicle and periodically presents brief food-related segments on a number of radio and TV stations.

Goodtaste With Tanji, which is slated to start airing April 9 on net-

“I want to tell food stories because food is ‘a uniter’ in the world

work affiliates in several Texas cities, including WOAI in San Antonio.

— we always gather around food — but I want to go beyond that,”

As the two cameramen, James Sanders and Israel Cardoza, set up

says the super-slim Patton, who is clearly not overindulging in the

their equipment, Patton starts chatting with Brannon Soileau, a chef

goodies she promotes.

and certified hospitality educator at CIA, who tells her about the variety of classes offered and about CIA in general. That part was pre-planned, but her next interview is with Michael Crawford, one of the class participants, who is chopping a massive amount of fruit at a side table. He’s a wounded, wheelchair-bound Afghanistan veteran taking his first ever cooking class. For him it’s one way to explore his new civilian life, he explains quietly. He also

“I want the viewers to feel good after watching our programs, to be inspired to try new things. We have plenty of bad news in the world; our shows are about feeling good.”

shares that he and his wife will soon move into a mortgage-free, handicapped-accessible house donated by H-E-B. Crawford’s story is

She also wants to tell the stories of the people behind the food.

touching, and Patton is clearly both moved and delighted to have him

For instance, an upcoming episode will focus on the upscale Houston

in the show. She later interviews a few other budding cooks, then

restaurant called Masraff’s, run by the father and son duo, Tony and

moves her crew to Nao, the CIA-affiliated restaurant for the rest of

Russell Masraff. After surviving prostate cancer, the elder Masraff

the shoot.

established and personally runs a foundation that funds the work of

march/april 2016 | 25

W PROFILE M.D. Anderson’s scientists looking for a noninvasive cure for the disease. “They have already proven that it works in animals,” notes Patton with admiration. Also featured in the series will be San Antonio’s iconic eateries such as Mi Tierra and Boudro’s, as well as Austin chef Jack Gilmore of Jack Allen’s Kitchen, who invites pre-teen youngsters into his kitchen to teach them about nutrition while giving them free cooking lessons. “I like the art of communication,” says Patton. “I get a kick out of meeting people and hearing their stories.” Being back on TV with a full-fledged show opens new horizons for the Pattons. “It’s a continuation of what we have been doing online, but it will certainly introduce our brand to a larger audience,” admits the hostess/producer. “Now we’ll have digital, print and TV audiences.”

From Watergate to Italy Growing up in Houston, Patton thought she wanted to be a doctor until she failed her math courses as a college freshman at Texas Tech University — not a good start for a scientifically based career. Soon, a new possibility attracted her attention, however. At the time, the Watergate scandal dominated the news, and 18-year-old Tanji became fascinated by the heroes of the day, the Washington Post reporters Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, whose investigative work on the scandal turned them into celebrities. Suddenly, journalism seemed like a cool profession. She got a degree from Texas Tech and started working at the local KLBK-TV even before graduating. “My first job was the weather, though I knew nothing about the weather,” she recalls. “The first time was a disaster, but they did not fire me. At that time we had weather wire information so you basically had to read it and point to the map.” From there, the young journalist progressed to newscasts and eventually anchoring and editing. In the meantime her family had moved to San Antonio, where Patton rejoined them to offer support during a difficult period. Though she liked it here, finding a new TV job proved difficult. She tried her hand The story of how the Pattons met is a great example of life’s serendipity. Only 22 at the time, Tanji was driving an unreliable car, which was “breaking down all the time.” After several unsuccessful “repairs” at a particular dealership, her Dallas-based boyfriend offered to make an appointment for her with the general

I want to tell food stories because food is ‘a uniter’ in the world — we always gather around food — but I want to go beyond that.

at PR and real estate, met and married Mike and had a son.

— Patton commenting on her mission behind her television show and online video magazine.

manager of the place, whom he knew. The manager’s name: Mike Patton. He offered Tanji his own car to drive while hers was being fixed since she was too young to rent one. After returning the vehicle, she insisted on thanking him in person and …”we have been best friends ever since.” By age 30, Patton was back on TV, first as a freelancer, then as a full-time reporter for WOAI. Highlights of her career include an Emmy for reporting on San Antonio Water System’s strange spending priorities, as well as stints at the Pentagon and later on the USS Theodore Roosevelt in the Arabian Sea, where she talked to military personnel deployed to Afghanistan. Yet the project she is most proud of is a series of reports on the well-intentioned but ultimately misguided and discriminatory state law that insisted that children must be placed 26 |

with foster or adoptive parents of the same racial/cultural background, regardless of circumstances. Her eyes tear up just remembering a black boy she featured who was torn away from a loving white family that wanted to adopt him. The reportage induced the legislature to change the law. From reporting, Patton went on to host the popular San Antonio Living show and finally transitioned five years later to the coveted news anchoring job. Aware of the flux in the TV world, however, the now seasoned pro knew that she needed to plan for the future. So when her contract was not renewed in December 2007, the Pattons

Above: Patton works with her husband, Mike Patton and cameraman Israel Cardoza on location at Camp Verde General Store and Restaurant. Patton was taping an episode with kitchen manager and chef Dominic Brown for her television show, Goodtaste with Tanji. At right: Tanji and Mike Patton, wife and husband, best friends and partners in their multimedia business,

were already poised to launch their new business. She credits their

Mike’s help, she launched her business on the Internet.

2006 vacation in Tuscany for solidifying her passion for food and

Not surprisingly, her favorite cuisine is Italian. Asked how she

wine. “Without Italy we wouldn’t be doing what we are doing,” she

maintains her svelte figure, she laughs and admits to “going up and

notes. “That was the first time that we had a chance to actually spend

down” in weight and owning three sizes of jeans to fit all occasions.

time with the people who live there and see how they experience life, and it made an impression on us.”

Would she like to continue producing TV shows?

The Italians know how to enjoy a good meal with family and

“If it enhances the brand, we will continue doing it. We’ll see,”

friends, lingering at the table in conversation while sipping good

she says noncommittally. Still, clearly excited about the turn her

wine. They know how to savor and appreciate the food. “They work

life has taken, Patton is also philosophically optimistic about the

to live, while we Americans live to work,” observes Patton. Months

future: “I am looking forward to where this adventure will take me

later, the couple returned to Italy to shoot their first food-and-wine

next. It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey. I believe

trailer, hoping to sell the concept to a TV station. Nothing much came

that, so I try to appreciate every day and just see what comes

of it, but Patton was not about to abandon her new passion. With

around the corner.” march/april 2016 | 27


with a Colorful Past BY ROBYN BARNES

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A stunning view to the south is decoration enough for the dining room in the hilltop home of Melinda and Rob Rodriguez. The dome above the table is painted with scenes of the sky, and Swarovski pendant lights provide illumination. Above, one of the artworks in the home.

M The property has a colorful history. It is located on the west side of

were hung on it, and church members built a road for worshippers’

Interstate 10, across the highway from Rudy’s Country Store & Bar-B-

use. At night, or in foggy weather, the cross seemed to be suspended

Q. Early in the 1960s, members of the Leon Springs Presbyterian

from the sky with a string. On Easter Sunday, churchgoers would climb

Church erected a 35-foot cross with a 14-foot cross member. Lights

the hill to the cross for Easter sunrise services. march/april 2016 | 29


Two views of the cozy living area in the Leon Springs home. After a storm took the roof off the original house, the Rodriguezes remodeled and added square footage to enlarge the space. The new functional design offers views on all four sides and plenty of room for entertaining.

International ownership But the church didn’t own the property. In the 1980s, Iranian Shah and

Moving on up

international businessman Fadhlalla Haeri was traveling on Interstate 10

Eventually the property was acquired by Dr. Horacio Pena, a friend of

and saw the hilltop. He thought it would be an excellent location for his

Melinda’s. He was ready to sell in April 2005 and asked Melinda if she

family compound, so he purchased the property and removed the cross.

and Rob would be interested in buying it.

He occupied the main house at the top of the hill and added separate

Melinda drove out to visit. What she saw was the original house. “It

buildings for his three wives, a pavilion for gatherings and a school for

was a box with lots of stairs,” she said. “It was not at all energy-efficient

young children.* The main house had a guard tower because the Shah

and not particularly attractive. I knew it would take a lot of work to

was very concerned for his safety. However, it wasn’t assassins that

make it really livable.” But the house spoke to her. “I’m a native Fil-

forced his departure. Business investments went sour and it appeared

ipino,” she says. “In summers, we always left the heat of the city for

he was in debt to the IRS for millions of dollars. The Shah abandoned

the cooler temperatures of the mountaintops. This place reminded me

the property, and it was eventually sold.

so much of where I grew up.”

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W AT HOME In spite of her initial attraction to the house, Melinda declined the offer. Six months later, Dr. Pena asked again if Melinda would like to purchase the house. “This time, we said yes,” she recalls. “We sold our house quickly — I thought that was a good sign — and moved here in December.”

The Rodriguezes own the top three acres of the hill. When they moved in, several of the original dwellings were still standing. “One of the houses was a prayer house and school for the Shah’s children,” explains Melinda. “ There were small homes across the hill for his other wives and mistresses. A helipad was here, too.”

The main way to the top of the hill is through a locked gate, via a very narrow, bumpy dirt road. The road winds around the hill to the top, and parking is scarce. It’s easy to see why the Shah felt safe here; no one got in without permission. The panoramic view is spectacular.

The Rodriguezes painted and patched the old house for five years: “We knew things would have to be repaired, but we thought we could manage. Even when we had to dig a 900-foot well, we took it in stride. But when a storm took the roof off, that was it. We knew it was time to make a big change.”

At top, the negative-edge pool and spa; below, the spacious kitchen where the host likes to entertain guests as he cooks.

Demolition time “It took us a year to create a floor plan,” Melinda says. “We chose Mattern & FitzGerald Custom Homes as our builder.” One of the first challenges they faced was getting the big demolition equipment up to the construction site. “There was no way they could come up the narrow main road,” Melinda remembers. “I had to ask a neighbor on the slope below me if the trucks could go through her property and up a back road to reach us.”

The new 6,425-square-foot design is larger than the original house. “We wanted views on all four sides,” Melinda says. “We wanted a functional design for our family and for entertaining.“

Kitchen influential Melinda says half the house is the kitchen, and in a way, she’s right. The great room encompasses a huge kitchen, breakfast nook, living and

“We have every appliance you need,” Melinda exclaims, indicating the ice-

dining area. The adjacent deck has an outdoor kitchen.

maker, warming drawer, steamer, traditional oven and microwave. The cabinets all offer pull-outs, and many are built to hold Rob’s spice collec-

“We like the open design for the flow,” Melinda says. “When Rob

tion. Ceiling-height cabinetry displays Melinda’s china and glassware.

starts cooking, it’s like watching someone on The Food Network. He’s very entertaining, and our guests like to stand around the island to

A stunning southern vista entertains anyone sitting at the dining table.

watch him work.”

While the view is marvelous, the dome above the table adds elegance to the ambience. “We wanted to look up and see the stars while we ate,

He’s got a great space to work in. The large island is equipped with a

but of course, we couldn’t make that work with our design,” Melinda

Wolf propane cooktop and disposal sink. There is a traditional sink set

says. “So an artist painted the sky in the dome. I didn’t want a fancy

in the cabinetry behind the island and a farmhouse sink in the eat-in

chandelier to interfere with the views, so we hung three Swarovski pen-

bar on the opposite side of the kitchen, overlooking the living room.

dant lights from the center point.”

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Arched windows in the master bath overlook land belonging to singer George Strait. At right, master bedroom overlooking the pool and vista beyond.

Masterful views The master suite is built on two floors. The master bath is on the main

At the top of the stairs is a square patio covered in Astroturf. The patio

level and overlooks the negative-edge pool and spa. Arched windows

offers a 360-degree view of San Antonio, the Rim and the foothills of

above the tub overlook land belonging to George Strait. His and hers

the Hill Country. “There is always a breeze up here,” Melinda says. “It’s

vanities are at opposite sides of the room.

a great place to watch fireworks on the Fourth of July. Sometimes we bring our sleeping bags up here and camp out with the kids.”

The shower is one of Melinda’s favorite things in the house. “It has a rain shower head and four jets that are positioned for short Filipinos,”

Kid space

she laughs. A rectangular window allows natural light to stream in over

The Rodriguez children have their own wing, with three bedrooms, two

the bather and filter through the heavy glass door.

bathrooms and a sunny play room. They have a private patio balcony,

Across the hall from the master bath is the Asian room. “It was sup-

this balcony,” Melinda says. “I’m not sure the kids enjoy it, but I do love

posed to be the master bedroom, but I wanted to sleep higher up in the

the peace I find up here.”

big enough for a small party with friends. “The sunset is beautiful from

house,” she says. This space serves as a sitting room, populated by a large-screen television and comfy wicker sofas.

Melinda says one of the best things about the house is its abundance of storage space. “We have attic space over the kids’ rooms and over

Rob’s office is tucked into the Asian room. The pocket room features a

the garage,” she says. “There’s a huge pantry and a big utility room, as

coffered ceiling and built-in cabinets displaying his collection of minia-

well as an extra guest room. We have a three-car garage, which we’ve

ture militia. A flight of stairs leads to the master bedroom. “When we

converted into an exercise room, a home theater and an office. For once

designed this room, the architect insisted that we include a small bath-

in my life, I do not lack for storage space!”

room,” Melinda recalls. “She said we wouldn’t want to go downstairs in the dark late at night to use the restroom — and she was right.” In-

Melinda and Rob are thinking about a new project — resurrecting the

stead of a traditional toilet, they installed a bidet, a small, much-ap-

cross that once stood on their property. “Long-time residents tell us it

preciated luxury. A pedestal sink completes the setup.

was a beautiful thing and how much they miss it. If we do rebuild it, I’m sure the construction will be another adventure,” she says.

A glass door opens onto the balcony. On the right is a small guest suite and a steep flight of stairs. “This part of the house was once the guard

*Dixon, Jeanne and Richardson, Marlene (2008), Leon Springs Texas

tower,” Melinda says. “We kept the tower idea and disposed of the guards.”

from Prussia to Persia, San Antonio, TX: Passing Memories.

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The citizens of San Antonio woke up to a torrential downpour on April 20, 1891, when the first Battle of Flowers Parade was to coincide with a visit to San Antonio by President Benjamin Harrison. Not letting it rain on the parade, the celebration was held four days later, honoring the fallen heroes of the Alamo and those that fought at the Battle of San Jacinto, gaining Texas its independence from Mexico.

Inspiration for the celebration came from Ellen Maury Slayden, the wife of a U.S. Congressman. She suggested that San Antonio have a “flower battle” modeled after a parade that she had seen one summer in Valencia, Spain. Pursuing their plans, a Sisters Ellanore Barnes on left (later Sledge) and Agnes Barnes (later Harwood) in a pony cart representing the descendants of the Canary Islanders in the Battle of Flowers Parade. Agnes was president of the Battle of Flowers Association for two years, 1981 and 1982.

large group of women went to the ranch home of Col. and Mrs. H. B. Andrews, outstanding leaders of San Antonio, for preliminary discussion of a flower celebration that would keep Texas history fresh in the minds of future generations. Andrews’ advice was for the group to enlist the help of members of the San Antonio Club, whose exclusive quarters were in the Grand Opera House building.

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W FIESTA 125TH AT RIGHT: In horse-drawn carriage: three oldest daughters of Sophie Nimitz and Otto Wahrmund; from left, Clara Wahrmund (later Sommers), Anna Wahrmund (later Barbeck), and Amelia Wahrmund (later Saenger). This would have been ca. 1895-1900 Battle of Flowers Parade.

BELOW: Inspired by the exotic intrigues of the Orient, cousins Mrs. Murray Crossette and Mrs. Glen S. Key reign royally in a flower-bedecked rickshaw during the 1907 Battle of Flowers Parade. Mrs. Key served as president of the Battle of Flowers Association in 1957 and 1958.

The startled gentlemen, who up to that time had never had a woman at one of their meetings, listened with attentive interest to their president, Col. Andrews, tell what the group had in mind. Jubilant over their success, the women elected Mrs. H. D. Kampmann chairperson of the first Flower Parade, and the men formed a committee to arrange financial matters and assist with the program.

San Antonio had a population of 38,000, according to the census of 1891. Well over 10,000 spectators lined Houston, St. Mary’s, Main, Commerce and Alamo Streets to marvel as a parade of flower-adorned carriages made its way to Alamo Plaza. The procession was then divided — each going in an opposite direction. In passing, the revelers pelted each other with fresh flowers that had been picked from gardens throughout San Antonio and surrounding communities because of the large quantity needed to stage such a spectacular event. When an hour had passed, the parade marshal gave the signal for the battle to end, and all withdrew.

The 1891 celebration proved to be such a success that the organizers all agreed that the Flower Battle and Parade must be repeated in 1892. And the rest, as they say, is history.

“The Battle of Flowers Association is honored to be the founding organization where Fiesta San Antonio began,” said Battle of Flowers Association president Lynn Ziegler. “This year is our birthday, too. And you can bet your last cascaron that the women of the Battle of Flowers Association are planning parade pageantry that is as big as the great state in which we reside.”

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AT LEFT: Duchess of Winter in the Battle of Flowers Parade in 1909, year of the Order of the Alamo’s founding, was Virginia Maverick (later Mrs. Murray Crossette), niece of Ellen Maury Slayden, who suggested that San Antonio have a flower battle after one that she had seen in Valencia, Spain.

Images below: Eleanor Roosevelt attends Fiesta San Antonio.


Ellen Slayden, who suggested that San Antonio have a “flower battle”.

Celebrating Texas women who have made their mark on our community, 2016 parade chairman Anna-Laura Howell Block announced Rosemary Kowalski as the 125th Anniversary parade marshal and Gen. Angela Salinas as honorary grand marshal.

As the only parade in the United States produced entirely by women, all of whom are volunteers, the Battle of Flowers Association has supported the educational, artistic, social and philanthropic achievements of their community’s youth with sponsorship of parade entries for area high schools, parade and band festival art contests, essay contests for area teens, collegiate oratorical competitions, band competitions, children’s charities parade-watching celebrations and by affording nonprofit organizations the opportunity to raise funds for worthy causes with over 45,000 parade seats sold by charities along the parade route each year.

Tickets for the Battle of Flowers Parade on Friday, April 22, are available by going to the Battle of Flowers website,, and clicking on parade. Viewers will be taken to a ticket site where full diagrams of the reserved bleacher seating will pop up. Parade patrons may browse sections and select seats that are available. Tickets are also available for purchase beginning in March at the Fiesta Store, 2611 Broadway.

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Calming Color Effect




Look no further this spring than to the soft hue of Rose Quartz. The cool and calming color tops the list this year at No. 1 by the experts at Pantone Color Institute. Over 22 per-


cent of designers used Rose Quartz in their Spring/Summer ’16 collections, making it readily available as you amp up your wardrobe and home décor once the weather warms. If the thought of wearing this soft shade of pink head to toe is overwhelming, simply opt to wear it as an accent in the form of a shoe, handbag or bauble. 4

This tranquil color is sure to make a splash, no matter the avenue you choose.

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1. Bedding from Lili Alessandra. 2. Himalayan Salt Plate Set, $69.95 – Williams-Sonoma Home. 3. Tashkent Ikat Hand-Knotted Rug, $2,295-4,395 – Williams-Sonoma Home. 4. Jodhpuri Copper Mugs – Nordstrom.







10 11

5. Betsey Johnson Applique Dress – Nordstrom. 6. Elizabeth Cole Earrings – Aquarius. 7. Marques' Almeida Denim T-Shirt Dress with Frayed Edges in Pink, $385 – Nordstrom. 8. Lizzie Fortunato Clutch – Aquarius. 9. Kate Spade ‘metro’ round leather strap watch, $195 – Nordstrom. 10. Peppina Necklace – Julian Gold. 11. Anna Sheffield Eshel Ring, Rose Quartz with Champagne Diamonds $1,350 – Nordstrom. 12. Diane von Fursteberg Palermo Suede Wedge Espadrille in Blush, $278 – Saks Fifth Avenue. march/april 2016 | 41


FASHION CALENDAR March 9-10 Julian Gold Carlos Falchi Designer Handbag Show featuring Kate Falchi March 10 Neiman Marcus Rene Caovilla Ladies Shoes Trunk Show March 10-12 Neiman Marcus Laurence Decade Ladies Shoes Trunk Show March 11 Neiman Marcus Emily Armenta Jewelry Trunk Show March 18 Saks Fifth Avenue Roberto Coin Fine Jewelry Trunk Show March 22-23 Julian Gold Rachel Zoe Contemporary Sportswear Trunk Show March 23 Julian Gold Trask Shoe Trunk Show March 23-24 Julian Gold Christine Moore Hat Trunk Show Carol Penn Jewelry Trunk Show Kelly Wynne Handbag Trunk Show March 23-24 Saks Fifth Avenue Piranesi Fine Jewelry Trunk Show March 24 Neiman Marcus Manolo Blahnik Ladies Shoes Trunk Show March 24-26 Neiman Marcus Christian Louboutin Ladies Shoes Trunk Show March 24-27 Neiman Marcus Special occasion dresses and gowns show March 29 Neiman Marcus Armani Trunk Show March 29-30 Julian Gold Jardin Jewelry Trunk Show Maison Common Designer Trunk Show Stuart Weitzman Trunk Show March 30 Fine Jewelry Event Saks Fifth Avenue Robert Procop Personal Appearance Liv Ballard Personal Appearance Etho Maria Jewelry

42 |

March 30-31 Saks Fifth Avenue Max Mara trunk show March 31- April 1 Julian Gold Dian Malouf Jewelry Trunk Show St. John Designer Trunk Show March 31-April 1 Saks Fifth Avenue Nini Jewels Trunk Show April 5-6 Julian Gold Escada Designer Trunk Show April 6-7 Julian Gold Peppina Jewelry Trunk Show April 7-8 Julian Gold Peggy Jennings Couture Trunk Show Johnston & Murphy Trunk Show April 9 Neiman Marcus David Yurman Trunk Show April 12-13 Julian Gold Starfire Jewelry Trunk Show April 13-14 Saks Fifth Avenue Katy Briscoe Fine Jewelry Trunk Show April 14 Neiman Marcus Lafayette Styling Event April 14-16 Neiman Marcus Gianvito Rossi Ladies Shoes Trunk Show April 18-20 Julian Gold Peace of Cloth Sportswear Trunk Show April 19-20 Saks Fifth Avenue Dena Kemp Fine Jewelry Trunk Show April 26-27 Julian Gold Alberta Ferreti Designer Trunk Show April 26-27 Saks Fifth Avenue Oscar de la Renta Fall 2016 Trunk Show May 5-6 Julian Gold Algo Swiss Designer Sportswear Trunk Show May 10-11 Julian Gold Carolina Herrera Trunk Show




PEÑALOZA & SONS Just in time for Spring! Cabochon emeralds, diamonds and Simon G. Jewelry – the perfect combination. Detach the emerald dangles and now you have a diamond loop for everyday wear. Available at Peñaloza & Sons.

2001 N.W. Military Hwy.



Take a break from those heavy jeans or thick pants that aren’t just cutting it! If you don’t own a pair already, consider these incredible leggings. As highlighted in the Express News, these leggings can be classified one of the best travel apparel pieces to take on any trip. They go with EVERYTHING and have become a staple piece day to night. Come by Elizabeth’s Boutique and get your pair!

434 N Loop 1604 W


March 8 International Women’s Day Luncheon Presented by Mayor’s Commission on the Status of Women International Center 210-207-7234

April 7 Annual Spring Lecture and Luncheon Benefiting Friends of Hospice Speaker: Lynn Hamby San Antonio Country Club 210-785-5850

March 12 Walk/Run: Walk MS Benefiting National Multiple Sclerosis Society Texas A&M University San Antonio 855-372-1331

April 7 Make it Your Mission Gala Benefiting Los Compradres de San Antonio Missions Mission Espada 210-922-3218

March 17 Champagne & Shamrock Gala Benefiting the Village at Incarnate Word’s charitable ministries Oak Hills Country Club 210-829-7561, ext. 181 March 19 Red Shoes Gala Benefiting St. PJ’s Children’s Home La Cantera Hill Country Resort 210-533-1203 March 19 5th Annual Junior League of San Antonio Fete de Cuvee UIW Rosenberg Sky Room 210-225-1861 March 19 San Antonio Women’s Hall of Fame Induction Gala Benefiting Young Women’s Leadership Academy Omni Colonnade Hotel 210-363-8877 March 22 Junior League Volunteer Extraordinaire Award Honoring Rhonda Kolm Calvert San Antonio Country Club 210-225-1861 March 26 Zeta Tau Alpha Crown Affair Luncheon San Antonio Country Club 210-313-9926 March 31 San Antonio Aerospace and Aviation Hall of Fame Inaugural Dinner 1000 Skyplace Boulevard 210-570-7888 March 31 8th Annual Rivertini Benefiting San Antonio River Foundation Wyndham Garden River Walk-Museum Reach 210-224-2694


From the “Tango Collection,” by BELLARRI ... a gorgeous blue topaz and lolite ring set in 18kt white gold. This combination highlights the true beauty and elegance of the natural gemstones within the creation. To be exotic is beautiful, to wear BELLARRI from DENNIS Jewelry is to be remembered!

14701 N. Hwy 281


44 |

April 1 Book Appetit Benefiting San Antonio Public Library Foundation St. Anthony Hotel 210-225-4728 April 2 17 Annual Entrepreneurial Spirit Awards Gala Presented by NAWBO San Antonio Eilan Hotel and Spa 210-408-1220 April 2 San Antonio Book Festival Literary Death Match Benefiting San Antonio Public Library Foundation The Charline McCombs Empire Theatre 210-225-4728

April 9 Annual Treasures of Twilight Gala Starry Starry Night Benefiting Assistance League of San Antonio Omni Colonnade 210-655-7732 April 9 19th Annual Race for the Cure San Antonio Benefiting Susan G. Komen Foundation Alamodome 210-222-9009 April 9 Annual San Antonio Promise Ball Benefiting Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort & Spa 210-822-5336 April 11 University of the Incarnate Word The Cutting Edge Fashion Show UIW Rosenberg Skyroom 210-822-5336 April 14 Le Brunch Des Chapeaux Style Show and Luncheon Benefiting Autism Community Network The Argyle 210-435-1000 April 16 12th Annual Walk for Autism Benefiting Any Baby Can Helotes Cornyval Grounds 210-227-0170 April 20 16th Annual A Taste of the Northside Benefiting Brighton Center Club at Sonterra 210-481-1200 April 30 Viva Winston - 30th Annual Auction Gala and Dinner Benefiting The Winston School Don Strange Ranch 210-615-7485 May 4 3rd Annual Tee Up To Cure Diabetes Benefiting Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Quarry Golf Club 210-822-5336 May 5 Gathering of Angels Benefiting Boysville Boysville 210-659-1901 May 5 Celebration of Love and Children Benefiting Respite Care of San Antonio Valero Energy Corporation 210-737-1212


DRESSING FOR YOUR SHAPE It helps to know your body type



ou see the cutest dress being displayed in the window of your favorite boutique — it looks like it was pulled straight off the runway. You don’t even want to think twice before you grab it. But before you take the plunge and buy this “to die for” piece, it’s important to know if it will work for you and your body type. Finding what to wear to flatter your figure can be a challenge, so knowing what pieces will work best for your shape makes getting dressed a whole lot easier.

Body shape is all about proportion, and fashion should complement

the same width at shoulders, waist and hips). Are you sort of an

those proportions, not hinder them. Each of us is unique, and that

hourglass with a little pear shape too? That’s OK. You might fall

means our bodies are all shaped differently. Generally, most women

into one category or be a mix of two or more. Before you know what

fall into one of four body shape categories: hourglass (curvy with

clothes to buy and which styles will look best on you, you’ll need

a waist), apple (slim lower body with weight carried in midsection),

to assess your body and determine which body shape or shapes

pear (widest part of body is the hips), and banana (approximately

you are.

march/april 2016 | 45


OUR STYLE EXPERTS — Camilla Basse, style editor for SAN ANTONIO WOMAN, and Courtney Percy, director of marketing for Julian Gold — share their tips in choosing flattering fits for women of all shapes and sizes.

If you have a tiny waist and curves, you have an hourglass shape. The key component to dressing an hourglass figure is not to hide your curves; rather highlight them by always defining your waist Don’t be afraid to flaunt those curves! Choose clothing that is not too baggy and not too tight. Skinny jeans, thin lightweight fabrics and fitted outfits are great to have in your closet. “Think wrap dresses, crop tops and belted jackets,” says style editor Basse. “Always accentuate your waistline.”

If the widest part of your body is your hips, you have a pear shape. “The goal with a pear shape is to elongate and balance the proportions,” says Basse. “This is accomplished by accentuating the top half with a fuller top and slimmer bottom.” Your hips are wider than your shoulders, meaning your upper body is narrower than your lower body, so flaunting your torso and volumizing your shoulders will help minimize the wide hips. “If you have wide hips, try fit-and-flare dresses and off-the-shoulder tops, or boot-cut pants to accomplish a proportioned look,” suggests Percy.

If you carry weight in your middle and have a slim lower body, you have an apple shape. “Highlighting your shoulders and legs to minimize the weight carried in your midsection is the most effective way to dress for an apple shape,” says Basse. Your best asset is more than likely your legs. Showing off your legs, elongating your torso and creating a more defined waistline should be a few objectives when selecting clothing. “Try swing tops, shift dresses and high-waisted skirts. This can help if you have a thin lower body and carry your weight in the middle,” says Percy.

If your shoulders, waist and hips are the same width, you have a banana shape. “As with the apple shape, highlighting your shoulders and legs will help to minimize the appearance of the waist, giving the illusion of curves for the banana shape,” explains Basse. Highlighting the thinnest part of your waist will make your hips and bust appear more proportional. Don’t try to minimize anything. Show off those slender legs and arms, and create curves to achieve the ideal proportion.

46 |


ith any body shape, try on everything,” says Percy. “You never know what works best for you until you see it on your

figure.” Fashion trends are constantly changing, and you don’t have to get

rid of your problem areas just to try on a new outfit. Remember that in fashion size doesn’t matter, shape does. “I think dressing for your shape starts with what you feel confident and comfortable in,” explains Basse. “From there, it’s easy to pinpoint your style and what cuts, colors and shapes work best for you.”




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in San Antonio

Help when a successful pregnancy seems impossible BY PAMELA LUTRELL

Ten pregnancies ... 283 vials of blood drawn ... one baby boy, Ezra, lost in the second trimester … discovery of a genetic blood-clotting disorder (polycystic ovary disorder) … and now over 40 years of age. The odds and the emotional stress were mounting against Jody Hernandez. “After losing Ezra, I didn’t want to stop that way,” she says. “I refused to let fear dictate me, and I wanted no regrets.” Hernandez is as tough as the organization she represents as Chief Operating Officer (COO) — the Girl Scouts of America, where she has served locally since 2005. However, she acknowledges it was her support system that helped her to continue toward a successful pregnancy. “Dr. Garza’s staff was one of the main reasons I continued,” she says. “Their friendship over this long time of treatments and attempts was invaluable.” Dr. Joseph Garza of Advanced Fertility Center was sympathetic with Hernandez and confirmed she had given this her best shot. When she arrived three years earlier, he discovered health problems not previously found. He also placed her on a good nutrition and supplement plan designed just for her body’s needs. “There is no cookie-cutter approach to infertility,” Garza said. “Every family is different.” He also was not surprised when Hernandez decided to continue. He explains a very personal relationship must be developed with these families in order to discuss the most private aspects of human experience, including heritage, religion and sexual relationships. “Our team must become their best friends and also be able to release them to their OB/GYN after a successful pregnancy begins,” he said. “Then we move on because neither babies nor eggs wait for anyone, and we must be available to the family coming behind.” San Antonio is a top medical community with some of the most successful fertility rates in the country. Industry advancements are available throughout local centers, including techniques to treat the most challenging situations. Dr. Summer James, Texas Fertility Center, has worked with cancer patients. “I have many patients who have frozen eggs and sperm before chemotherapy,” she said. “Chemotherapy can destroy ovarian and testicular tissue so that there are no eggs left or no longer any sperm production. Once the cancer treatment is completed, they come back to utilize the frozen eggs and sperm and conceive. It is such a blessing!” The Fertility Center of San Antonio has some of the highest success rates in the nation, according to center physician Dr. Gregory S. Neal.

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“The two newest advances in our field are both in the IVF arena,” he said. “Eeva (early embryo viability assessment) is the newest technology, and we are the only ones offering it in the state of Texas. “Eeva looks at cell divisions that occur after an egg is fertilized, when the From top: Jody Hernandez, now the mother of a daughter, Lily, and embryo is at the 2 to 4 cell Nicole Kinateder, who gave birth to stage. There is an optimal boy and girl twins. time window for an embryo to divide from 2 to 3 cells and from 3 to 4 cells. If an embryo is within each optimal time range, it is scored Eeva high, and if it misses one or both time ranges, it is graded Eeva low. If we have at least one embryo that is graded Eeva high and it is transferred, then we have noted a significantly higher pregnancy rate for the woman/couple, between a 10and 20-percent increase,” Dr. Neal explained. Nicole Kinateder, 28, elected to go with IVF and Eeva. The Kinateders had experienced frustration with a four-year span of unexplained infertility. Time and again they tested positive with no identifiable problems. “We were so glad to find Dr. Neal,” she says. “We needed encouragement and a new direction. It is hard to be told time and again nothing is wrong.” However, all treatments were right and resulted in the birth of boy and girl twins, and they currently own 10 frozen embryos, if they are needed in the future. If couples have been trying to conceive for over a year without success, they should consider a consultation. Advancements in fertility treatments have been significant for both males and females. San Antonio centers have all the information necessary to assist families. As for Jody Hernandez, was it different this last time around? She was 43, determined and actually craving Thin Mint Cookies as she delivered a beautiful baby girl (and perhaps a future Girl Scout) — Lily. “I talk about it to help others,” she says. “It helped me to take each step of the way and go forward.” Perseverance, the right team and the proper treatment plan eventually paid off.

Our Vision: A world without breast cancer!

The Power of Pink OUR MISSION To save lives and end breast cancer by: • Empowering people • Ensuring quality care for all • Energizing science to find the cures Susan G. Komen® has played a critical role in every major advancement in breast cancer, transforming how the world talks about and treats this disease. Millions of breast cancer patients are now breast cancer survivors!

Saving lives locally. Fighting breast cancer globally. With your support, local breast cancer fighters and survivors received 16,362 services.










For more information about our Community Profile or 2015-2016 Grantees, please visit

Dollars raised here, stay here. A Special Supplement to SAN ANTONIO WOMAN

We Live Here. We Race Here. We Save Lives Here.

Susan G. Komen San Antonio was started in 1997 by a group of local survivors. Since then, we’ve dedicated $17.2 million in the metropolitan area for our neighbors, friends and loved ones who have no other options for breast cancer care. BEXAR COUNTY Komen San Antonio awarded $750,000 in 2015 to fund breast cancer education, diagnosis, treatment and support programs in Bexar County. Grants to 11 local nonprofit organizations provided services to under- and uninsured people in our community! 25% of funds go to Susan G. Komen® National Award & Research Grant Program. Historically, more than 100% has come back to San Antonio for scientific initiatives and cutting-edge research.

75% of funds raised never leave Bexar County.

ABOUT SUSAN G. KOMEN® Susan G. Komen is the world’s largest breast cancer organization, funding more breast cancer research than any other nonprofit while providing real-time help to those facing the disease. Since its founding in 1982, Komen has funded more than $800 million in research and provided more than $1.7 billion in funding to screening, education, treatment and psychosocial support programs serving millions of people in more than 30 countries worldwide. Komen was founded by Nancy G. Brinker, who promised her sister, Susan G. Komen, that she would end the disease that claimed Suzy’s life.

2015-2016 Susan G. Komen San Antonio Grantees

American Cancer Society • CentroMed CHRISTUS Santa Rosa • CommuniCare Health Centers Martinez Street Women’s Center • SLEW Wellness Center ThriveWell Cancer Foundation • University Health System UT Health Science Center at San Antonio • WINGS • YWCA of San Antonio A Special Supplement to SAN ANTONIO WOMAN

Community Profile Komen San Antonio developed this needs assessment to better understand Bexar County and become more responsive to breast cancer healthcare gaps in information and care. The Community Profile identifies priorities based on demographic information, input from neighborhood focus groups and the medical community.


59% of residents are Hispanic/Latina 29% are White 8% are Black/African American 4% other 23% don’t have health insurance

1.8 M residents in Bexar County

17% 41%

live below poverty level of 40 to 64-year-olds have annual incomes of $29,425 or less POVERTY LEVEL FOR 1 person is an annual income of $11,777


842K WOMEN live in the area

Women of average risk should have a mammogram every year starting at age


Race for the CureÂŽ Participant Demographics 25% Men 75% Women 10% ages 60-89 17% ages 50-59 23% ages 40-49 21% ages 30-39 15% ages 20-29 14% ages 0-19

A Special Supplement to SAN ANTONIO WOMAN

the County have less than 18% aofhigh school education


Stories of Value, of Hope, and of a Life Well Lived

Cecilia Villalva: A Story of Value “Listen to your body,” said Cecilia Villalva. “If it’s in pain, it’s trying to tell you something.” Seems like a logical and obvious thought, but as the risk of cancer remains, this advice is more important than ever. Villalva was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010. She initially felt a lump on her breast, but when she made a visit to the doctor, she was told it was a fatty mass, cancer didn’t run in her family, she was young — there was no way it was breast cancer. A few months later, Villalva couldn’t ignore what she felt. The lump was bigger and more painful than before. She had left her job to become a full-time student, so she was without medical insurance. She went to CareLink, where her application was approved, and because of a cancellation, was able to see a doctor more quickly than initially expected. Her act of listening to her body was what brought her there, and ultimately, what led to her discovering what the oncologist then diagnosed — breast cancer. Every biopsy reported the same results. She had three large tumors in her breast and lymph nodes. She was shocked, scared and mad at herself that she had put off coming back to get checked. She had never known anyone who had breast cancer, so she had no idea what to expect. Villalva called her mom to tell her, who then accompanied her to tell her daughters, 20 and 14, her brother, and the rest of her family. Then, the treatment came. Villalva underwent chemotherapy, a double mastectomy, radiation, and a total hysterectomy because of the specific type of cancer. After undergoing the treatment, the fight, the ups and the downs, she went into remission in 2012. A Special Supplement to SAN ANTONIO WOMAN

Three years later, her body spoke again. But this time, she was experiencing significant back and hip pain. She went to her oncologist to ask for a referral to a rheumatologist. She was sent for a bone scan for what she thought might be signs of arthritis, but the diagnosis came back. The breast cancer had spread to her bones — it was stage IV metastatic breast cancer, with a terminal diagnosis. Again, she went through chemo treatments, and she is currently on antibodies to slow the cancer down, as well as varying pain meds, including morphine. The pain is still there, but she fights on. “Embrace it,” she said. “Cry all you want, and then get ready for a fight.” She’s worried about her daughters because of their risk, but she stays strong for them, and they reciprocate. “They see me struggle, fight for each day, in pain; they see everything I go through,” she said. “And they’ve been really strong.” They have done what a loving family does and what Villalva feels is the best way to be supportive of anyone going through a breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. “Just be there. You don’t have to say anything,” she said. “Just being there is the most important thing we need.” She continued with advice for co-survivors, whether family or friends, “Encourage them. Tell them they’re beautiful and they are important, and no matter what the cancer does, they are still valued in your life.” Villalva turned to Susan G. Komen San Antonio for resources, education and information. She received the guidance and support she was looking for and is now providing education in return and has become a great advocate to teach others to listen to their bodies in order to increase chances of prevention. “Only you know your body,” she said. “If you have pain, your body is telling you something. We have to open up about breast cancer and be aware. We can’t be afraid to talk about it. Breast cancer does not discriminate.” Villalva has turned her diagnosis into an opportunity. She speaks at events to empower women, and men as well, to get checked, regardless of their circumstances. She encourages others to get the resources that are available, to listen to their bodies and to realize that breast cancer is a very real thing. She’s also an encourager, motivator and friend. “To anyone who may be afraid, find someone you trust,” she said. “If you don’t want to go by yourself, I’ll go with you. I know what it’s like to be on that side of the chair. I’ll be there.” She is there. She also is a fighter. She is beautiful. She is important. She is an advocate. She is a motivator. She is valued in the lives of so many. So, it’s time we heed the advice of the amazing Cecilia. Listen to your body, speak up and embrace what life holds. Because after all, you are beautiful. You are important, and you are valued in the lives of so many.

Cindy Rosen & Vanessa Ellis: A Story of Life Well Lived “Before you know kindness as the deepest thing inside, you must know sorrow as the other deepest thing. Then it is only kindness that makes sense anymore… and then goes with you everywhere like a shadow or a friend.” To be kinder than necessary and braver than you think you can - this is one of the greatest lessons Cindy Rosen's sister, Vanessa Ellis, taught her during her cherished 38 years of life. Rosen found a copy of this poem by Naomi Shabib Nye that her sister had saved, titled “Kindness," after Vanessa's passing. Ellis was a 35-year-old mother of two when diagnosed with breast cancer in 2012. Their family has no known history of the disease, and that fact, coupled with her young age, made the diagnosis a shock. She immediately began to educate herself about the disease while vetting treatment options. Ellis learned that each year, breast cancer is the most common diagnosis for women ages 15 to 39 among the approximately 70,000 people under the age of 39 diagnosed with cancer in the U.S. She began chemotherapy just before Mother’s Day 2012. That summer, she would receive chemotherapy on Fridays, spend weekends recovering, and return to work as a nurse on Monday mornings with her characteristic kind demeanor and sly smile. After chemotherapy, she underwent a bilateral mastectomy, radiation and surgical reconstruction. In Fall 2013, her final surgical recovery was over. For one year, she was cancer-free. In late 2014, she noticed a swollen lymph node, and tests confirmed that the cancer had returned and metastasized. After undergoing multiple rounds of treatment, she passed away on June 13, 2015. "My little sister was the strongest and kindest person I’ve ever known," said Rosen. "It seems unbelievable, but she never complained about the pain and side effects of her treatments, nor did she ever ask, 'why me?' Vanessa was so concerned with others who were struggling with the disease, especially those with fewer resources." Rosen said before her sister's experience, when reflecting on how one would live differently if they knew their time on earth were limited, it would sound some-

thing like Tim McGraw's song, "Live Like You Were Dying." Check off things like going skydiving, Rocky Mountain-climbing and bull riding. "While those experiences are well and good, Vanessa taught me that it’s the life we are living right now that we should be savoring. She taught me that I don’t have to move to Fiji and lie on a beach to love my life," said Rosen. "After she recovered from her initial treatment, she truly savored things like her son’s football games, her daughter’s smile, and a bike ride at the beach. She loved living her ordinary, everyday life in the fullest. From her, I learned that in all our daily life, God is saying, 'Hi, I’m here and I love you, no matter what circumstances come along.'” Rosen noted that the most important thing a family member or friend can do for their loved one who has been diagnosed is not to give in to fear and panic. Resisting fear allows you to educate yourself about your loved one’s disease and understand that a diagnosis of cancer is not a reason to lose hope. "Everyone has an understandably fearful reaction to the diagnosis of cancer, but the truth is that there is so much that can be done to treat this disease," said Rosen. "There are so many brilliant scientists and physicians doing all they can to find the ultimate cure. It’s not a question of if a cure is found, but when." This is why Rosen is committed to volunteering for Komen San Antonio and the Alamo City Cancer Council to continue Vanessa’s legacy of caring for others in need. "I remember so clearly standing in my kitchen talking to her one evening, during her 'good' year between the diagnosis and the recurrence. I was dithering about making a big change in my professional career," said Rosen. "She looked me in the eye and told me, 'Life is too short not to love it.'" And love life is just what Ellis did. She loved her children, Celeste and Jacob, more than anything in the world. Rosen is determined to do her part to continue to love them as well as she can. To be kinder than necessary and braver than she thinks she can. It's the legacy Rosen's sister left behind and a legacy we should all strive to implement to honor the lives of those who have gone before us and who understand the essence of life so well.

Stories of Value, of Hope, and of a Life Well Lived

Laurie Valdez: A Story of Hope “I learned the value of having your annual mammogram, and even if you do not have medical insurance, there are programs and resources that can help.� Cancer diagnosis in hand, Laurie Valdez was in a state of shock. She made a phone call to her employer, where she was already on approved medical leave for breast cancer treatment, and asked for an extension for recovery from surgery. Rather than continuing the medical leave, the company fired her and immediately cancelled her medical insurance. This is her story of hope. In September 2015, Valdez had a hysterectomy with a smooth recovery. In October, as she prepared for her return to work the following month, she heard reminders on the radio, courtesy of Susan G. Komen San Antonio, that it was Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and now was the time to schedule an annual mammogram. She scheduled her appointment and went in for her visit. A week later, she received a letter noting that possible abnormalities were found. She needed a second mammogram. The second look revealed a tumor, an area of concern. She was immediately scheduled for a sonogram and needle biopsy at Baptist Breast Center. Her doctor and his team provided a sensitive, compassionate A Special Supplement to SAN ANTONIO WOMAN

environment for her and educated her in detail throughout the process. On October 28, 2015, Valdez went to her scheduled follow-up appointment with her OB/GYN. She was diagnosed with carcinoma in situ (also known as in situ neoplasm, or a group of abnormal cells), an aggressive, but non-invasive cancer. “You hear the word cancer, and it’s devastating,” said Valdez. “I was doing what every woman should do. I had my annual well woman checkups, and I never expected the cancer diagnosis.” The first stop she made after her diagnosis was the Susan G. Komen San Antonio website, where she received information on diagnoses and additional resources. Following her dive into the education and resources, she called her employer to notify them. This was when she was let go. She was already scheduled for her double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction on December 22. Following her conversation and impending firing from her company, she felt devastated, angry and confused. She was referred to an attorney who also happened to be in the same office building as the local Komen affiliate, and her sister had suggested they visit while they were there. “I walked in to the Komen office a complete mess, crying — I could barely speak,” said Valdez. “I was greeted immediately with such compassion and support. I was given a plan for the next steps to ensure I was still able to have my surgery I so desperately needed.” Bre Jamerson and Elyse Bernal from the Komen affiliate provided Valdez with all the information she needed and connected her with one of its grantees, WINGS. She left the office that day with hopes that she could still have her surgery, even without medical insurance. She was guided through the COBRA process, which WINGS is now helping to pay. Valdez’ surgery was on January 18, thanks to the services and provision from Komen and WINGS. The surgery and her treatment were a success, and she has moved forward with a hopeful heart and a mind full of education and new wisdom. “Everyone at Komen has been resourceful and kind; I’m treated like family,” said Valdez. “We have established a deep connection. Anything I can do to support the organization, I will. I even have a team set up for Race for the Cure. I cannot speak highly enough of the guidance and support given, both financially and emotionally.” The two most important lessons Valdez has taken from this experience are the value of getting annual mammograms and the fact that there are programs that support services needed prior to and following a potential diagnosis. She also learned the value of never giving up. Today, Valdez is cancer-free.

A Special Supplement to SAN ANTONIO WOMAN

march/april 2016 | 67


Bess Zowarka Owner/Stylist, Heights the Salon and Spa

Photography by JANET ROGERS

What do you do? I make the world a more beautiful place through my clients. When people look good, they take their best self out into the world. Length of time on job: 14 years. What is it that you like best about your job? Every day, I have the pleasure of interacting with San Antonio’s most fascinating people. Education/Major: Art history — only because civil engineering had way too much math, and business seemed like a second skin based on all the entrepreneurs in my family. What career path led you to where you are today? Truthfully, because I was an athlete in high school, I was unable to have an off-campus lunch. A counselor informed me of a cosmetology program offered on another campus ... needless to say, I fell in love with the art form. When did you know that you were in the right place in your career? Every time someone sits down and says they have heard or read such great things about me. What did you want to be when growing up? A veterinarian. I guess that’s why we have two dogs (Kip and Bertie), one guinea pig (Bev), two turtles (Spike and Jewels) and three fish (identity unknown). What person do you most admire? My husband, Philip Martin. He joined the Army after 9/11 and did multiple tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. We met, married and merged our family. A year ago I found out I was pregnant, and two weeks later Phil was diagnosed with cancer. His oncologist ordered one of the most radical treatments of chemo and radiation for over 10 months. All the while, he maintained his full-time job, his Army Reserve position and continued working toward his master’s degree in medical administration. What is your favorite thing to do in San Antonio? I love to play tourist. This city that I am proud to call my home has world-class museums, World Heritage Site missions and the beautiful River Walk — just so much to enjoy. How would you describe your leadership style? Leading by example. My motivator has always been my mom’s family mantra: “If it is meant to be, it is up to me.” What is your favorite vacation? Any place with crystal-clear water, white or pink sand. What do you like to do in your spare time? My spare time is most always spent at my family’s ranch. There, cell service is limited, but wildlife, family fun and games are not! What is your all-time favorite book? The Last Lecture. It evokes an internal awakening to remember that time is fleeting, life is short, and it reminds you to relish all successes big and small. What is the best movie you have seen in the last year and why? The Revenant. It is a testament to the human spirit — what inner strength, determination and fortitude can get you through in spite of the odds against you. What type of music do you like? I do love some funk. Who has been the biggest influence in your life personally and professionally? My grandfather. Do you have a favorite restaurant? Fina’s Kitchen is a family staple. We have their tacos at least once a week. How do you find balance in your life — career, community and home life? I don’t think I have ever fully found the balance, but it is always something I will work hard to try to achieve. What are your goals? Be a great mother, a great wife, and always be committed to be the best person I can be.

Who were your mentors? I consider myself a pupil of life. Coaches, teachers, clients, family and friends have taught me so many positive lessons. Sadly, I also have had “mentors” that taught me what not to be. For all, I am truly thankful.

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What is the best advice that you have ever received? It was from my grandfather, who very much had a way with words ... His motto in life was, “It takes more time to do something half-assed than to just do it right the first time.” People would be surprised to know that I ... have a ton of Beastie Boys memorabilia, and I am a “super-fan” of sorts.

For more with Bess Zowarka, go to

march/april 2016 | 69


What’s Relevant in San Antonio by LINDA ELLIOTT

Partnerships That Work One of my favorite TV shows is Shark Tank. Entrepreneurial guests are not only looking for money, but they are looking for partnerships with one or more of the Sharks. Just imagine having the likes of Mark Cuban, Daymond John, Lori Greiner, Barbara Corcoran, Robert Herjavec, or Mr. Wonderful — Kevin O’Leary — as a business partner. An impressive success story is when Lori invested $200,000 for 20 percent in a company called Scrub Daddy. It was doing just over $1 million in sales. In the three years since her involvement, revenues have been over $75 million! Chances are pretty good that nobody reading this article has been the lucky recipient of a Shark’s money and help, so it’s safe to say that the more traditional partner relationships still prevail in this world. The old adage “two brains are better than one” is true. Most importantly, partners must respect and genuinely like each other. They must have unique capabilities and competencies that complement each other. And they must be able to communicate and share with each other. You can basically compare a successful partnership to a successful marriage. Take a look at this list of what couples can do to maintain a successful marriage. In lieu of couples, insert “business partners,” and see that there is not a big difference in what it takes to have a healthy partnership.

Successful couples are successful business partners when they do the following: Enjoy each other. Enjoy working together.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Fight skillfully. Disagree with understanding and respect. Seek and offer forgiveness. Don’t allow disagreements to fester.

Are in for the long haul. Agree that the relationship will be long-term.

Are positive about each other. Are supportive and respectful of each other. Learn and grow together. Always look for ways to make their partnership better. Never stop dating. Never stop communicating. Bring each other joy. Share and celebrate joy and success with each other.

Adhere to the 60/40 rule. Always contribute their respective fair share to the business. Have shared values. Operate by the same value system.

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Jan King and Eileen Sommer

Since our audience is primarily women, let’s focus on women in partnerships. First, I’ll go back to a Shark Tank deal that Kevin O’Leary invested in. It was a mother-daughter business called Wicked Good Cupcakes. It has been Mr. Wonderful’s most profitable investment of the show. These women have gone from $7,000 in monthly sales to $400,000, or about $4.8 million annually! Another great success is Rent the Runway, started by two college classmates. It is a high-end dress rental service that offers women a “Cinderella moment” without having to break the bank. The company has $30 million in funding, a team of 140, 2.5 million customers and more than 25,000 dresses available for rental. There are so many other great stories to tell, but one that many in San Antonio will definitely recognize is a long-standing restaurant started by two sisters. I can only be referring to the very popular Twin Sisters Bakery and Café on North New Braunfels! Finally, I relate a story about two San Antonio women who have built a very successful business together. I refer to Jan King and Eileen Sommer of the law firm King & Sommer. They were friends and partners at the prestigious law firm of Jackson Walker. Eileen had been with the firm for almost 27 years and Jan for 10 years. One day Eileen told Jan that she’d decided to leave the firm to start her own practice, and she asked Jan to join her. Without blinking an eye, Jan said yes. I guess you could say that the entrepreneurial spirit had welled up in both of them, and they were ready to take a leap of faith together. They spent four months going through all the processes that they, as attorneys, would recommend to clients. King & Sommer, PLLC, Attorneys & Counselors, officially opened their doors on Aug. 20, 2007, using folding tables and chairs. They now have three other attorneys and have doubled their office space. Jan and Eileen loved working at Jackson Walker and credit their experience there for being able to successfully start their own firm. It is indeed a very happy dream-come-true.

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Where There’s a Will... Wisdom for Women About Estate Planning

Historically, estate planning has been a “man’s” issue. Back in the day, men incorporated tools in their estate plan intended to “protect” the women in their lives; that protection usually involved having someone else manage the women’s money! Today, more than ever, it is critical women formulate an estate plan which protects their assets and their families. Why? Consider the following: • Women tend to live longer than men. • Women tend to earn less during their lives as than men. • Most custodial parents are women. • Women are business owners and professionals. • Women are wealthy. As a litigation attorney practicing probate law, I have been honored to help family members navigate the probate process following the death of their loved one. In doing so, I have witnessed the devastating effects of inadequate estate planning, or even worse, failure to plan at all. When a person dies intestate (without a will), their assets are distributed according to state law, with no regard given to the decedent’s wishes. More often than not, women bear the brunt of these effects. As a result of my experiences, I have become passionate about educating and empowering women to face their mortality, make estate planning a priority, and develop a plan that best serves and protects their loved ones. Here are a few key points I recommend women consider when they are beginning the process of putting together an estate plan: Talk to your family. Communicating with adult family members about your estate plan can yield unexpected effects, and can also prevent much heartache. If you are married, cooperation in setting up an estate plan is essential. If you have adult children, let them know your plans now to avoid confusion and hurt after

you are gone. And if you have parents, find a way to discuss whether they have an estate plan in place. Initiating these conversations is intimidating because we are forced to confront our mortality, but they are critical for effective estate planning. Tackle the hard decisions. No one wants to think about what will happen when they die, especially if they have young children. But as heartbreaking as it may be deciding who will be your children’s guardian if you are gone, the consequences of not doing so are more devastating. Equally important is choosing the executor of your estate. No one can fill your shoes, but there are those close to you who will do their best. You owe it to yourself and your family to make these decisions now while the ability to do so is still in your hands. Think through disposition of your assets. Many wills just generally divide the estate property between heirs, without regard to certain items which can cause the greatest conflict among beneficiaries. Also, many beneficiaries are not ready or able to manage what you are leaving them. Talk to a professional and take advantage of the many tools available to ensure your wishes are met while protecting your beneficiaries at the same time. Plan for liquidity. Many types of financial accounts are frozen immediately after the owner’s death, and it may be several weeks or months before those funds are made available. Talk to a professional about utilizing estate planning options which ensure resources are available upon your death to assist with probate of your estate. GET IT DONE. It has been said that “failing to plan is planning to fail.” Thinking through your estate plan is a great first step, but good intentions mean nothing unless critical estate plan documents are executed. This includes not only your will, but also powers of attorney and advanced health care directives. Make it a priority to meet with trusted advisors and take the steps necessary to put your plan in place as soon as feasible. Your family and loved ones will be grateful you did.

Tiffanie Clausewitz leads the litigation section of the Rosenblatt Law Firm in San Antonio, Texas. As a wife and mother of three children, she practices what she preaches and has an estate plan in place! Tiffanie can be reached at Tiffanie Clausewitz is not only passionate about helping women but understands that effectively communicating this information through education will make a difference. Tiffanie has made this evident by collaborating with Jennifer Scroggins, Investment Advisor with Platinum Wealth Solutions of Texas, LLP. Together they have been holding educational seminars specific to women, stressing the importance of planning. Through these seminars, they remind fellow women that the actions you take or don't take can have a significant impact on your financial profile. These ladies are committed to empowering as many women as they can in our community.

16719 Huebner Road, Bldg. 1 San Antonio, Texas 78248

(210) 562-2900

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march/april 2016 | 73


Success by Heart Four business leaders find a home in fast-paced mortgage lending arena


Four women found their way to the exciting profession of mortgage lending by aiming high. Often, inspirational parents or leadership skills developed through sports and sheer tenacity helped lay the groundwork for each of these leaders to earn her way to top positions in the field. And mentoring employees and forging trusted relationships with customers are central to their sustained success.

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“Win, but with love.” KIM KIENY


im Kieny was born and raised in San Antonio and graduated from Clark High School and from Texas State University with a BS in psychology and biology. She thought she wanted to be an OB-GYN, but fell into marketing and broadcasting with the San Antonio Spurs. During her time in marketing, she started working alongside influential people and learned everything she could about their attitude and work ethic. She calls these influential mentors “go” people. For Kieny, these are people who “never give up and never stop.” She wanted to be a person like that. “All I wanted to do was make my parents proud. Whatever their definition of success was, I wanted to embody that definition,” she says. Kieny moved on to promotions, PR and grant work for Warm Springs Rehabilitation, a division of Methodist Healthcare. There, too, she worked under people who mentored her and saw her drive. She worked with senior leadership people very quickly, in part because she says she didn’t know her place. “Naïveté can be a great thing,” she says, “because it leads to seeing opportunity everywhere.” She has never lost that ability to see and seize opportunity, whatever she’s doing. In 1999 Kieny joined World Savings, which eventually became Wells Fargo. In 2004, she was offered a region manager role responsible for building a first-of-its-kind origination team supporting bank-referred customers. “I supported the growth and management of several aggressive inbound and outbound call centers.” Though proud of all of her teams, she is most proud of growing the outbound originations team, explaining, “In our first year of production we originated $1 billion. In a year’s time, we did what no team had done prior.” She gives all the credit to the team: “A great group came together, stayed focused and made it happen. It was awesome.” She goes on to say, “I’ve had eight different titles in 16 years with Wells Fargo, but the one honestly that is most powerful to me is the title ‘trusted advisor.’” It best expresses what her actual role is as a mortgage lender who advises, guides and mentors clients and employees, and it is a role she relishes every single day. She says that the key to success as a leader is to “surround yourself with people that you love and trust. When I do that, I know that the people I work with are willing to work just as hard as I am. And that’s how we get the job done.” The skills she brings to her job she honed playing volleyball and serving as team captain in her youth. She explains, “I was insecure and shy as a child, but in volleyball, in order to succeed, you have to communicate. I wanted to be captain, but that role required that I conquer my shyness.” Earning the role of captain taught her several im-

portant lessons. She had to struggle to achieve a goal without hurting someone else’s feelings. She had to learn how to deliver hard messages, pick people up when their performance was lacking and motivate them to be their best. “I had to believe in them more than they believed in themselves.” All of these skills are ones she’s taken with her into the workforce. Kieny acknowledges there were difficult years during her career where mergers and buyouts seemed all too common and resulted in painful layoff events. She got through those insecure times by building a strong culture of connectivity with her team and co-workers. She had to lay off people, and she had to see people who were friends lose their jobs. But she learned that one can be a leader and a friend. “It is about having open conversations and about being honest,” she says. Her openness is part of her leadership strategy. People who work for her know that she is going to be candid, but they also know she genuinely cares. Her candor and compassion allow her to deliver hard news, but to do so with empathy. Kieny notes that she “sees women step up more than they ever have.” That trend excites her. “When I first came into mortgage, I was one of two females. We put a strategy in place to recruit more women, and we have been successful,” she says. Her advice to young women seeking a career in her industry is this: “You can’t hold yourself back. The world is ready for you to step up right now.” Kieny is competitive and driven. But what comes through more than anything else is her empathy—for her employees, for her clients, for her friends and family and for anyone who is just trying their best. She likes to win, but she does so with love. march/april 2016 | 75


“Work hard and you will succeed.” SUSAN STEWART


usan Stewart, president and CEO of SWBC Mortgage Corporation, speaks very fast, and bubbles over with enthusiasm about her work, her company and about life. Her eyes sparkle with intelligence, wit and an overall optimism about the world. Her authenticity is obvious on first meeting her, as is her kindness. These aren’t qualities you necessarily equate with mortgage lenders, but these very qualities — integrity and kindness — are of first and foremost importance to Stewart. She says that when she’s looking to hire or to train new lenders, she asks the following: “Are you smart? Are you nice? Will you work hard to succeed?” If the answer is yes, she knows that she can turn any young protégé into a success. This is where Stewart spends much of her time lately, grooming new professionals to enter an increasingly expanding business. SWBC Mortgage lends in 34 states, and she is looking to increase that number. Stewart was born in Fort Worth to an enterprising mother who went to law school after raising four children and to a father who told her in no uncertain terms to reach for the stars: “My father insisted that there was nothing I couldn’t do, and he expected me to set the bar high.” For Stewart, there were no glass ceilings, no jobs that were the purview of men only. She majored in finance, earning her degree from the University of the Incarnate Word. She started, as she says most mortgage lenders do, in an entry-level position doing whatever needed doing. Her career began in mortgage loan operations; she then moved to mortgage operations management and loan production, ultimately managing all aspects of a mortgage operation. Stewart worked for companies that helped her learn and for others that didn’t appreciate her, but helped her grow as a lender and capitalize on her strengths. She started making loans to new home buyers and committed to her customers that she would work hard to obtain their financing, which she did, allowing her to get most of her subsequent business via word-of-mouth. She jokes, “I wasn’t the best salesperson, but I was tenacious, and I was willing to consistently work hard.” Stewart credits SWBC for giving her the autonomy to be productive. “When I first came here, they celebrated every success I had, big or small,” she recalls. The fact that the company’s founders trust her means that she feels free to do what she thinks is best, to take risks and even to make mistakes. She explains, “Even if I make a mistake, I know it is my responsibility to resolve it and move on.” She underscores that “kindness and trust are part of the company’s DNA,” and she feels, every day, the push to do her very best. She has done just that. When she joined SWBC Mortgage Corporation, it had three employees. Now there are over 500 employees, and the company has had its best year to date, closing $3 billion in mortgage loans in 2015.

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Stewart is sanguine on the future of her industry. She acknowledges the difficulties of the 2008 crash and notes that there were bad actors who made it difficult for honest bankers in the business who were, and still are, trying to help people purchase properties. And she acknowledges many of the federal regulations that have been put in place to ensure that consumers and lenders are protected were necessary. She concedes that the new regulations mean that there are many additional steps in the process, and there will almost certainly be bumps in the road, but in the end, she sees the regulations as something all lenders must comply with to protect borrowers and the mortgage industry. When asked about what she’d say to young women looking to get into this business, she answers, “Don’t worry about if you like the job, worry about if your employer is pleased with your work. Work hard, and you will succeed. Be completely honest. Change jobs if you are stuck, and keep moving forward.” She is eager to see more women envision themselves in boardrooms. She says that she would tell any young woman, “You might go into a job interview and meet only men in senior executive positions, but there is no reason that you cannot earn one of those positions in the future.” It is clear Stewart believes that the future is very bright.

“Ask questions. Do research. Work hard.” LINDA RUDD


inda Rudd has over 20 years of experience in lending. Her home at Legacy Mutual Mortgage is luxuriously decorated in dark woods and rich caramel-colored furnishings that exude a feeling of comfort and competence. Legacy’s best advertising is Linda Rudd herself. She has a unique ability to convey both warmth and competence from the moment you meet her. Rudd grew up in Texas, first in San Angelo and then in San Antonio, where she has lived since she was 5 years old. She was educated at UTSA and credits a dynamic finance professor, since retired, with guiding her toward banking. “I had thought I wanted to be an accountant,” she says, “but I realized that as much as I loved the numbers, I loved people more. Banking seemed like the right fit.” She moved to Dallas to work for a bank and rose in the ranks very quickly, eventually finding her home at a private banking firm. While there, she became involved in commercial construction loans, and this led to her interest in lending. “What was great about it was working with people on something big, from start to finish,” she says. Rudd credits her father, who was extremely frugal and structured about money, with teaching her the value of a dollar and cultivating her love of numbers: “Every month he’d sit down with a ledger and pay the bills, and I sat at his knee and watched him. I didn’t grow up with money. I learned the value of it and how money goes out and in — it isn’t magic.” She credits her mother with giving her a strong sense of self-confidence. With such a strong family background and parents who believed in her, Rudd was ready to take on the world at a young age. In advising young women looking to enter the lending industry, she suggests, “Young women need to find good mentors.” She tells about when she was just entering the business. She mustered up the confidence to call Phyllis Browning, one of San Antonio’s most established and respected realtors, to ask for an informational interview. Browning

took that meeting with Rudd and served as an important mentor. Now it is Rudd who seeks to mentor young women and help them find a path in her industry. She advises them to “ask questions, do research, and be willing to work hard.” Rudd sees no barriers to being a woman in the lending industry and notes that in her firm and in those across the country, the producers are evenly split between men and women. In discussing the fallout from 2008, Rudd notes that enhanced regulations on lending have been good for the most part in that “the industry has become more consistent.” She says she sees small mom-and-pop operations falling away because they will not be able to afford the layers of employees needed to help with the increased paperwork, but that mid-size and big nationwide firms are here to stay. “There is money to lend,” Rudd says. “You have to be willing to get through the paperwork.” march/april 2016 | 77


“There is no greater reward than giving someone the keys to their first home.” ANGELA GUITER


ngela Guiter grew up in the Rio Grande Valley. Her career path began in earnest when her stepfather offered her a job at a construction company that also handled mortgages. She was hooked on lending on day one. She received her loan officer’s license from Countrywide within three months of starting work. Three years later, she traveled to San Antonio for a movie/getaway weekend with her son. She saw an ad for a job at KB Home and applied that day. She got the job and was back in San Antonio three days later to begin work. At KB, leads “came flying.” Guiter went from closing five or six loans to closing 35 loans a month. Though she was working 14-hour days, she remembers that time as one of great opportunity and learning, explaining, “Because I was doing so many different kinds of deals, I was learning about every single kind of lending situation.” Her experience at KB was important because it helped her learn how to “overcome obstacles and deal with a lot of first-time homeowners.” She left KB after they sold their mortgage business to Countrywide and Countrywide sold to Bank of America. Once the mortgage arm was being managed by an outfit other than KB, she saw that the business was changing, and it was time for her to make a change too. Guiter acknowledges that she saw the crash of 2008 coming. Because she worked for a company that was bought by Countrywide, she saw that agents in other parts of the country were giving fast loans to people who, by her estimate, were not solvent enough to pay those loans back. She says that the San Antonio market didn’t experience the same problems that other regions of the country did: “We did not have the cyclical ups and downs that California did, for example. We knew we were going to come out OK, and we were protected because we worked for KB, and KB wasn’t going to make the kinds of loans that other outfits were making.” Today, as the branch manager of PrimeLending, Guiter spends most of her time mentoring young loan officers. When asked about the new regulations that are aimed at making mortgage lending more transparent to the consumer, she says, “I believe in everything they are trying to do. The point is to give consumers more protection. The only downside is that it has created too much bureaucracy. The intention, which was to make things more transparent, hasn’t really materialized. There is so much paperwork that consumers are still confused. They are being protected, sure, but it is still very difficult for home buyers to understand the documents they are signing.” She expects that things will smooth out in the future, but she does acknowledge that there has been

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some frustration on both sides because of the new regulations. Guiter also notes changes in the industry that have resulted from an increase in online loan applications. She comments, “If you can’t keep up with the technology, you are being left behind. Most people don’t want to meet face to face anymore, and this is a face-to-face business.” She says she tries, whenever possible, to hold face-to-face meetings, but it has become more difficult as new homebuyers, particularly younger buyers, prefer to do everything through text or email. She warns that certain outfits that promise “quick” or “fast” loans with online processing only may not be giving consumers the whole story. “Everyone is required to ask for the same paperwork for consumers. And processing that paperwork takes the same amount of time, no matter what outfit you work for. So any lending company that says they are a ‘fast loan’ company is one to watch out for,” she warns. Guiter advises homebuyers to be informed consumers. “Be patient. It isn’t like the last time you bought a house,” she explains. When looking for a reputable mortgage lender, she offers this advice: “If you don’t have a loan officer you trust, get referrals from real estate agents, and use someone local.” Guiter’s office is filled with cards and letters she has received from clients who have expressed their gratitude for the work she did to help them buy a home. She says it is a testament to how great the mortgage lending business is. “I can’t imagine a better job,” she exclaims. “There is no greater reward than seeing the joy on a client’s face when you give them keys to their first home.” She can’t imagine doing anything else for a living. She’s exactly where she’s supposed to be.

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fter a long career as a respiratory therapist, Rodney Gray founded Wave Healthcare in 2007 to provide services, equipment and education for families with children with serious respiratory problems. Today, Wave has offices in San Antonio, Lubbock, Temple, Dallas and Edinburg in the Rio Grande Valley. The company is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Health Care, an agency recognized by Medicare. Gray started his career in ICU at Northwest Baptist Hospital in 1983, later moving to Christus Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital for a while before joining Gentiva Health Services, where he worked for 17 years. When his employer opted for a change in business direction, he retired and decided to start his own company. Though there are other businesses that incorporate pediatric respiratory services in their offerings, Wave is one of the few in Texas that focuses exclusively on children’s care. Clearly passionate about his company’s mission, Gray and Wave support a number of charities that deal with handicapped kids and sponsor worthy projects such as a night at the DoSeum for special needs youngsters and the equipment that makes the museum’s tree house accessible to wheelchair-bound kids. In 2013, Gray was recognized by the San Antonio Business Journal as a health care innovator.

Why did you decide to start your own company? I worked for a national company for 17 years. At that point they made the decision to step away from the pediatric population and focus on Medicare patients. They offered me a great position to stay on, but … I didn’t sleep well at night. It wasn’t really what I was called to do. So I took out my retirement savings, put a mortgage on my house and made the decision to open a business that specializes in pediatric care. I felt that there would be a void if I couldn’t continue to provide services for children.

Could you explain in more detail what your company does? We transition children, both newborns and older, from the hospital to the home and follow their respiratory medical care at home. Some require mechanical ventilators, some require pulmonary clearance devices, some have asthma. We teach the families how to use the appropriate equipment and other medical supplies we provide and how to care for these kids. We then check on them every month. Each patient is assigned to a case manager who han80 |

dles everything. If there is a problem, the family has only one person to call. And we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Are we talking about long-term care?

be. Here in Texas, many of these fragile children get nursing assistance at home to help with their care, so we also educate and train the nurses on how to best use the equipment and monitor the patient.

We admit a patient with the hope of discharging the patient. But a lot of these kids are medically fragile, and their care is a very long process. When we do actually reach our goal of getting them well, we throw them a party. It’s mostly for the parents actually. The parents are the unsung heroes in this kind of situation.

What kind of conditions do your young clients have? It could be prematurity; it could be broncopulmonary dysplasia (BPD); some have muscular dystrophy; some have reactive airway disease, also neurological problems that they were born with. Some of these can improve over the course of time, while in other instances care is aimed at maintaining the patients because they may have a diagnosis that makes it unlikely that they will get any better. Then it’s a matter of keeping them safe at home because that’s where the parents want them to

How many clients are using your services? When I started, I knew there was a need; I just didn’t know how much of a need there was until I opened Wave. We now serve probably 1,000-plus kids up to the age of 21. After that they transition to an adult program.

Are clients referred to you by the hospitals? Yes, physicians would call us or the case managers or the hospital discharge planners. The medical community here is a tight, small community even though we are a large city. Also, nursing agencies that have worked with us will contact us. Parents often call us directly. We have a lot of change-of-provider cases as parents find out that we specialize exclusively in pediatric care. It’s all reputation; we don’t do any marketing.

You were an expert in your field when you launched Wave, but how about the business side of running a company? I contacted the Small Business Development Center (at UTSA) and told them I wanted to start a business but did not know what to do first. (He took classes to learn the basics of creating a business plan, Quick Books and marketing.) They also assigned me a senior consultant who even to this day comes out here twice a month. He looks over the financial side of the business because I like to make sure that I am thinking the way I should, and he serves as adviser. It’s pretty cool. And a lot of the services were free or had a nominal fee. Tom Hansis has been my adviser from the beginning. Now I am on their advisory board. They mentored me; now I get to help other small businesses.

most valuable asset. They are good people who will do the right thing for the right reason. It gives me great comfort to know that if I am not here, they will make the right decision for the client.

I read on your website that you want to track the impact of your care on patients’ quality of life. Could you address that? We’ve developed software that allows this tracking to happen, and that’s what respiratory therapists use to make their assessments. It tells us if we are trending in the right or the wrong direction. In our industry we never had that before. About three years ago I went to the national convention in Anaheim, CA, and I asked about this type of software. If we want Medicare to pay for our services, we need to be able to show them the results of our work. Well, there was no software, so we developed it here.

Your business is not that small anymore.

Do you plan to expand to more cities?

Yes, we have grown a lot. It started with me being chief cook and bottle washer, and it just grew. The people I work with are my

I think we will go to places that are underserved, to fill a need. Certainly, with our current offices we can handle just about the

entire state of Texas.

What are you looking forward to in 2016? Technology is forever changing, and we are committed to being at the forefront of that. There’s a device called intrapulmonary percussive ventilator or IPV, invented in San Antonio by Dr. Forrest Bird (a biomedical engineer) in 1969. At that time nine out of 10 premature infants died. The moment he introduced the IPV at Wilford Hall, that completely changed – nine out of 10 lived. He died recently, but his technology is his legacy. And we have more IPVs than anyone else in the U.S. We want to see the use of IPVs grow and be more understood. The technology is quite different from the standard ventilator. Educating the medical community on its application is something we want to focus on. And we are always looking at other medical devices and how we can improve the technology.

Mr. Gray’s comments have been edited for publication.

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Girl Scout Gold Award Celebrates 100 Years of Positive Change Since 1916, teen Girl Scouts have been making meaningful, sustainable change in their communities and around the world. The Girl Scout Gold Award, the highest honor a Girl Scout can earn, acknowledges a recipient’s dedication to not only empowering and bettering herself, but also to making the world a better place for others. These young women are courageous leaders and visionary change makers. They are our future – and it looks bright. Earned by as many as 7,000 teen Girl Scouts each year, the Gold Award recognizes girls who demonstrate extraordinary leadership through their remarkable Take Action projects that have sustainable impact in their communities and beyond. Recipients on average spend one to two years on their projects. According to research conducted by the Girl Scout Research Institute, Girl Scout alumnae display a better sense of self, leadership and have a deeper life satisfaction. Gold Award recipients represent the most successful, civically engaged and happiest Girl Scout alumnae!

Girl Scouting has influenced Gold Award recipients, shaping their lives and empowering them with experiences and opportunities for success in their future endeavors. When compared to non-Girl Scout alumnae, Gold Award recipients soar when it comes to seeing themselves as a leader, providing service to others through volunteerism and positive attitudes about themselves and the lives they lead. Generally, more than 90 percent of Girl Scouts not only attribute their success in life to Girl Scouts, but they also say they could not have had access to the same experiences anywhere else. Over the course of the last century, millions of Girl Scout alumnae have made positive change in their communities and the world with their creative, impactful and sustainable Take Action projects.


Gold Award Facts & Figures Gold Award recipients spend between one and two years on their projects. The average age of Gold Award recipients is


In 100 years, 1 million girls have earned the Gold Award or its equivalent. University research indicates that adding the Gold Award to a college application is a critical element in the admissionsdecision process.

Gold Award recipients who join the armed services enter a rank higher than other recruits.

Gold Award History

The Golden Eagle of Merit, the highest award in Girl Scouting from 1916 to 1919, marked the beginning of a long tradition of recognizing girls who make a difference in their communities with a prestigious award. The names have changed, but the meaning stays the same:

1916-1939 Golden Eaglet 1940-1963 Curved Bar 1963-1980 First Class 1980-present Gold Award

Girl Scout Facts & Figures

91% 92% 85% 89% 73%

Girl Scout alumnae believe that Girl Scouts played an important role in their childhood

Girl Scout alumnae believe that some experiences they had in Girl Scouts could not have been done anywhere else

Girl Scout alumnae believe that Girl Scouts helped shape their character

Girl Scout alumnae believe that Girl Scouts has had a strong impact on who they are today

Girl Scout alumnae feel that Girl Scouts helped them avoid risk behaviors in adolescence

More than 25 Girl Scouts will receive their Gold Award from Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas this year. Each Girl Scout’s project has a lasting impact on her community. Earning a Gold Award helps propel girls down a path of leadership and professional and personal success. We sat down with two alumnae who received their First Class and Gold Award and a Girl Scout Ambassador who completed her Gold Award project this year. Their stories echo those of Girl Scouts nationwide and speak of the lasting effect the award has on each Girl Scout.


Girl Scout Alumna:

Jaren Shaw

Former VP of Customer Service at H-E-B

Jaren Shaw donned her first Girl Scout vest when she was a third grader. The former vice president of customer service for H-E-B largely attributes her success in life to her Girl Scout Leadership Experience.

career after high school.”

“I learned overall leadership skills from Girl Scouts,” she said. “I probably wouldn’t have been able to speak in public had I not had a Girl Scout experience. It set my career goals. The longevity and history of Girl Scouts is unmatched. It’s really focused on creating girls of courage, confidence and character, and to me that says it all.”

The name of the award has changed over the years but the impact remains the same.

As part of earning her First Class award Jaren participated in Wider Opportunities in 1978 and 1980. Wider Opportunities presented Girl Scouts with a chance to explore new cities or countries and to learn new life skills. Her first Wider Opportunity was spent in Indiana living on a pig farm with a host family learning about farm life and raising pigs. Two years later she was given the opportunity to spend the summer working at a Girl Scout day camp working with mentally disabled girls. Each teen Girl Scout was paired with a camper. “This gave them an opportunity to experience Girl Scouting in a way that they may not have had,” she said. “And it gave us the chance to experience something new, something we would possibly want to pursue as a

After completing her Wider Opportunities, Jaren’s troop continued on the path to their First Class award. They took a Girl Scout Junior troop under their wing and helped guide them through the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.

“The Gold Award gives Girl Scouts something to strive for,” Jaren said. “It makes them independent thinkers and teaches them to build a business strategy before they even know where their journey will take them. It shows the girl what an impact she can make on the world!” Jaren has helped mentor Girl Scouts who completed their Gold Awards including a Girl Scout who raised money to provide a bus for a church in Romania. “The Gold Award also helps women know the importance of community service,” she said. “It definitely accelerated my level of community involvement and broadened my world.” When asked why it’s important for a Girl Scout to earn her Gold Award, Jaren had a simple response: “She can change the world!”

Girl Scout Alumna:

Christina House University of the Incarnate Word Undergraduate Student

Christina House knew even in her early years of Girl Scouting that she would achieve the highest honor a Girl Scout can earn, the Girl Scout Gold Award. “The Gold Award is like the Super Bowl for Girl Scouts,”

she said. “You just want to earn that final prize that shows that you have really understood what the organization is about. Every girl in our troop wanted to earn the Gold Award. We just knew it would open up doors.” Christina’s project, a domestic violence awareness initiative, involved facilitating seminars at local churches,


schools and public libraries. She also collected donations for basic toiletries for care packages for the Battered Women’s Shelter. Christina earned the Girl Scout Bronze Award as a fifth grade student and the Girl Scout Silver Award as an eighth grade student, completing a park beautification project and heading an initiative to help increase confidence in young girls. “I think there’s a pedestrian attitude that Girl Scouts is just about cookies,” she said. “But, it’s really about so much more. Girl Scouts can really go to new heights. You grow to appreciate your community and learn to make an effort to grow and enhance it. I felt like it was affirmation that I really had put a lot of effort into being a well-rounded Girl Scout. It was a height I always aspired to reach.”

Christina says that earning her Gold Award and her time as a Girl Scout has helped set her apart when applying for jobs and volunteer positions, including chairing a leadership and development committee at the University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) where she is studying nuclear medicine. Christina is on track to graduate from UIW in May 2016 and hopes to attend law school to work in medical malpractice law. “Girl Scouts is still on the top of my resume,” she said. “It opens up doors and gets conversation going. Girl Scouts holds every girl to a high standard, so when people see that I’ve earned the highest award Girl Scouts offers they know I’m someone of substance.”

Girl Scout Ambassador:

Christina Salazar 2015 Gold Award Recipient

Girl Scout Ambassador Christina Salazar, 17, has learned many lessons in her 10 years as a Girl Scout, but what stands out to her the most is that hard work pays off. Christina recently completed her Gold Award project building six raised bed gardens at New Frontiers Charter School to help teach the students about healthy eating. “The idea was to teach the students how to grow their own vegetables,” she said. “It not only saves money, but it helps them incorporate healthy alternatives to their diet.” Christina helped create a garden club for fifth and sixth grade students to keep the gardens in top shape. In order to incorporate the gardens into classwork, Christina provided curriculum for science and social studies classes. “This really gave me a sense of bringing the community together,” Christina said. “So many people were involved in this – the people who helped build it, the people who helped fund it and the students and faculty taking it over and going forward with the gardens.” With the completion of her Gold Award project, Christina has now received all three of the highest awards Girl

Scouts can earn: The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior, girls in fourth and fifth grades, can achieve. The Girl Scout Cadettes, girls in sixth, seventh or eighth grades, are eligible to earn the Girl Scout Silver Award. “I’ve had so many great experiences as a Girl Scout and I really wanted to get the most out of it,” she said. “Girl Scouts has taught me it’s important to learn to strive for something. When you go for something big it’s a great feeling to accomplish it. Earning something like this teaches you how to work for goals in the real world for future jobs or even school. You have to be persistent to get stuff done. You have to meet deadlines. You have to make a plan and stay on track but it’s always worth it in the end.” Christina said that the impact of Girl Scouting can often be underestimated. “People don’t understand everything Girl Scouts can do for you. I have been given a lot of opportunities and have met a lot of different people from different backgrounds. Girl Scouts creates a good community to support each other. I hope to see more girls earn their Gold Award in the future. I don’t think people realize the impact it has on your life and the impact it has on other people.”

Juliette’s Circle is an extraordinary group of individuals who are passionate about Girl Scouts and its mission to build girls of courage, confidence and character. Each gift is an opportunity to change the world one girl at a time. By making an investment in girls, members of Juliette’s Circle are helping them lead healthy lives and achieving their fullest potential. We know that when girls succeed, so does society. Special thanks to our founding members of Juliette’s Circle, who show their heartfelt support through their individual gifts.

We invite you to become a founding member of Juliette’s Circle because without you, our circle is not complete. To join, call 210-349-2404 ext. 223 or email

Founding Members of Juliette’s Circle William T. (Bill) Avila Leah R. Bennett Yonnie Blanchette Mary Rose Brown Jelynne LeBlanc Burley Laura Burt Ella Carrasco Deena Clausen Kelly Colotla Stephanie Finleon Cortez Chris Crane Beverly Watts Davis Luis de la Garza Yolanda Delgado Patricia Diaz Dennis Angelica M. Docog Lisa Drozdick Jan McCaleb Elliott Kelly Faglie Sandy Finleon Gretcha Flinn Ramon Flores Lisa D. Fox

Jeannie Frazier Nicki Frey Jackie L. Gorman Suzanne Goudge Roger Graham Carrie A. Gray Barbara A.F. Greene Lisa Greer Sondra L. Grohman Teri M. Grubb Mary Henrich Jody Shaw Hernandez Mary Hime Dr. Arcelia M. Johnson-Fannin Katie McKinney Jones Hon. Yvonne Katz, Ed.D. Rosemary Kowalski Pam Landry Madelon Yanta Leone Jane H. Macon Christina Markell-Balleza Charline H. McCombs Jennifer Moriarty

Sheriff Susan Pamerleau Anne Parrish Suzanne Peterson Rebecca Puryear-Jennings Cathy Ritter Maj. Gen. Angie Salinas, USMC (Ret) Sandra Schlortt Sharon Jones Schweitzer Marsha McCombs Shields Blythe Simonson Patricia P. Stout Jocelyn L. Straus Rita Sutton Marlene M. Teal Diane M. Theiss Cheryl Thorpe Nikole Vaughn Suzanne Wade Carri Baker Wells Dela W. White Jeanie Wyatt


Making all the difference:

Business Patch Partners What could the future workforce accomplish if all businesses — large and small — took a vested interest in advancing female leadership today? By investing in a girl’s success at an early age, each of us plays a vital role in ensuring the future of the community and that the country is in good hands. With a combined contribution of $120,000 to Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, CPS Energy, H-E-B, Valero Energy Foundation and Wells Fargo have all taken the lead in supporting innovative patch programs for each company’s area of expertise.



Through CPS Energy’s Environmental Awareness and Conservation Initiative, girls learn about environmental issues, the importance of its protection and how to be good environmental stewards.

Girl Scouts recognizes that physical health, emotional health and self-esteem are connected. H-E-B’s Healthy Living Initiative promotes a balanced view of body image and develops skills to keep girls’ bodies healthy.

*Did you know:

*Did you know:

For girls ages 11-12, 73% reported improving the world around them as their favorite activity (e.g. activities related to the environment or helping others.)

Over the past 25 years, the percentage of overweight girls has more than doubled. Thirty-one percent of girls admit to starving themselves or refusing to eat as a strategy to lose weight.


(Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Women continue to have a greater impact in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math than ever before. Whether they’re building robots, learning the mechanics of a car’s engine or creating a chemical reaction, girls are unlocking unexpected talents through Valero Energy Foundation’s STEM Initiative.

*Did you know:

When today’s girls graduate from college, America will need 3 million more scientists and engineers. However, girls tend to leave science to boys as early as the 5th grade.


WELLS FARGO AND FINANCIAL LITERACY Wells Fargo’s Financial Literacy Initiative provides girls the resources and knowledge to set fiscal goals and become financially accountable when earning and managing money.

*Did you know:

Women-owned funds significantly outperform funds in general, even during tough economic times. Yet women managed only 3% of hedge funds and 10% of mutual funds in the year leading to the 2008 recession.

Who We Are

Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) is dedicated solely to girls in grades K-12. For 104 years we have enabled girls to build character and skills for success. • Founded in 1912 by Juliette Gordon Low

Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas (GSSWT) is chartered by Girl Scouts of the USA to provide program in 21 counties. We are headquartered at the Sally Cheever Girl Scout Leadership Center in north central San Antonio. TO VISIT OR CONTACT GSSWT

• More than 2.8 million members throughout the United States* (*including U.S. territories, and in more than 90 countries through USA Girl Scouts Overseas)

Sally Cheever Girl Scout Leadership Center 811 N Coker Loop | San Antonio, TX 78216 Phone 210-349-2404 | 1-800-580-7247 Fax 210-349-2666

• GSUSA is a member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) • WAGGGS is a family of 10 million girls and adults in 145 countries


West Side Girl Scout Leadership Center 5622 W. César E. Chávez Blvd. | San Antonio, TX 78237 Phone 210-319-5775

Frequently Asked Questions Q: What happens after a girl becomes a Girl Scout?

Call 210-349-2404/1-800-580-7247 or visit to find out about Girl Scouts in your neighborhood!

A: When a girl joins the organization, she becomes a Girl Scout member. All members may choose any one, all, or some of the flexible pathways to participate during a single year.

• Be a girl in grades K-12 • Accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law • Pay national membership dues of $15 (financial assistance is available)

Q: How can I support my daughter’s Girl Scout journey?

A: Parents/guardians should be familiar with the flexible pathways your daughter can experience. Help her identify her interests and encourage her to participate in various activities. All of the information a parent needs to support their daughter’s Girl Scout journey may be found at

PARTICIPATE IN GIRL SCOUTS THROUGH ONE OR MORE PATHWAYS: CAMP. By day or overnight, she can explore nature on two wheels, by the light of the moon or through the lens of a camera. EVENTS. Most girls have more than one passion—maybe storytelling and acting and dancing. Choose events centered on your daughter’s favorites. SERIES. Everything’s more fun when you’re sharing it with others who love the same things. Our series let girls explore interests together in a way that fits their schedules. TRAVEL. Want your daughter to go places? Girl Scouts do. When they see and experience new things, it’s always an adventure they’ll never forget. TROOP. Meeting regularly, girls can share amazing experiences ... learn to make a difference in their community ... and have lots of fun! GIRL SCOUT GRADE LEVELS: GSUSA program at all levels emphasizes development of personal values, appreciation of others, decision-making, leadership and service. Program is adapted for each grade level and for the needs and interests of individual girls. • • • • • •

Girl Scout Daisy—grades Kindergarten-1 Girl Scout Brownie—grades 2-3 Girl Scout Junior—grades 4-5 Girl Scout Cadette—grades 6-8 Girl Scout Senior—grades 9-10 Girl Scout Ambassador—grades 11-12


Q: Where do funds come from to pay for books, pins and awards?

A: Through participation in product programs, such as the annual Girl Scout Cookie Program, which provides troops or individual girls with proceeds to help pay for books, earned awards or uniform pieces. Proceeds may also be used to pay for attendance at camp or to travel, as well as various activities offered by the council. Parents/guardians of girls will often pay some of the costs. If a troop is newly formed, a troop leader may request a small amount from the parents to begin the program year. All of these specific troop details should be discussed at the first parent’s meeting. Limited financial assistance for books, membership pins and uniform pieces is available.

Q: Are uniforms required in Girl Scouting?

A: Uniforms are not required, but are encouraged for visibility and Girl Scout spirit. A girl is always welcome to participate in Girl Scouting whether or not she chooses to have a uniform. The Girl Scout Membership Pin can be worn with or without the uniform. Girls are encouraged to purchase a sash or vest on which to display earned awards and other official insignia. Financial assistance is available.

Q: Is financial assistance available?

A: Yes. GSSWT believes no girl should ever be denied the opportunity to participate in Girl Scouts because of financial need. Funds are available to assist girls with council activities, membership dues, books, etc.

Q: Who can be a Girl Scout volunteer?

A: Anyone over the age of 18 and willing to accept the Girl Scout Promise and Law is welcome to volunteer for the organization. Adults go through the following steps when applying to become Girl Scout volunteers: application with criminal background check, appointment for one year, placement and required training. GSSWT offers adult learning opportunities online and in a live class format to provide volunteers with a solid foundation for guiding the leadership development of girls.

Q: Whom do I contact for information or help?

A: Much information may be found online at, or call your Girl Scout staff liaison at 210-349-2404/1-800-580-7247.



The Bully without a Face Anonymous Apps & Cyberbullying BY NICOLE CRAWFORD

When I hear the word “bully,” I think of kids who corner other kids in the hallways and steal their lunches. A bully is an inyour-face offender. You know what a bully looks like, and you try to avoid confrontations at all costs. With the rise of adolescent social media use, bullying has taken a new and even uglier turn. Cyberbullying, or Internet bullying, has become increasingly common in our nation and closer to home in our own community. A 2015 survey of over 400 randomly selected students in the Midwest found that over 34 percent of the students had been cyberbullied in their lifetime, and 21 percent had been cyberbullied one, two or more times in the last 30 days.1

Anonymity: A bullying superpower

About anonymous apps

Imagine for a moment that you are a bully. Now imagine you have a way to harrass your victims without actually showing your face. And then imagine you can do it any time of the day in front of a constant audience of people cheering you on. You would be limitless, right? Anonymous social media apps are a perfect platform for this new breed of bullying. Unlike other social media outlets like Facebook and Instagram, these apps allow — and encourage — users to post photos, ideas and gossip without linking them to a specific identity. They have already caused huge problems at schools throughout the country, causing many school districts to call for bans on their use.

Here’s a list of some of the more popular anonymous apps, with descriptions from their respective websites: YikYak: “Yik Yak is a location-based social network that helps people discover their local community, letting them share news, crack jokes, offer support, ask questions and interact freely.” ASKfm: “At ASKfm, our premise is simple: We believe questions and answers are the building blocks of conversation, self-expression and deeper understanding ... How you engage with friends and express yourself on ASKfm is done through the lens of what your social connections are curious to learn about you.”

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Whisper: “Whisper is an online community where millions of people around the world share real thoughts, trade advice and get the inside scoop.” After School: After School is an app that allows teens to sign up according to their high school. This app allows teens to anonymously post about their school and their friends. While the website and teens on the opening page talk about how they are free to be themselves and post positive messages, the site can become a haven for negative posts and bullying. This app is symbolized by a tiger icon. Burn Note: A Burn Note is an online message with a timer that can only be viewed once by the recipient. The timer starts when the recipient opens the note and automatically destroys the Burn Note once they’re done reading it. Based on my research, the most popular anonymous app with teens seems to be Yik Yak. It’s also one of the more controversial, and many school districts have made efforts to ban its use on campus. Keep in mind that other apps, such as Facebook and Instagram, can easily fuel cyberbullying as well. Teens are pretty tech-savvy these days, and all they need to do to use one of the more traditional social media outlets is create a fake account.

What digital controls exist for parents? Parental controls are present on iPhone and Android phones. For the iPhone, you can select options in the set up of your child’s phone that require your child to use a password you have provided to download apps. If you don’t provide the password then they can’t get the app. Also, you can select an option that allows you to get and see the apps they do download. With Android devices, Google Play requires a PIN that restricts your child’s access to settings and also allows you to set a maturity level for filtering content. You can see your child’s downloaded apps on an account. TeenSafe’s home page claims it was “built by parents, for parents.” This website helps parents monitor their child’s texts, calls, social media, and phone location. It does require a monthly fee after a one 100 |

week free trial. Teenology, TeenSafe’s blog, features industry experts that often provide tips for monitoring your child’s digital life. Phone Sheriff is a phone monitoring software that allows parents to set limits on time and data usage. You install the software to your child’s mobile device, accept the terms and then view your child’s activities on your secure account. You can also decide with whom they can and cannot communicate or websites you do/don’t approve. In addition to talking with your child, remember, you can also take screen shots of negative exchanges that record the time, date and platform where those messages were posted in case you believe something serious is taking place.

What other steps can parents take? My kids are still young, but thinking about this issue already makes me feel powerless. What steps can we as parents take to prevent our kids from misusing these apps or being victims of their misuse? I asked licensed professional counselor Anne Seay for her perspective on this issue, and her insights made me realize the problem is much more pervasive than even the statistics suggest. “I see the victims of cyberbullying in my practice and witness firsthand how deep and longlasting the scars can be,” said Anne. “Left untreated, the resulting depression and anxiety can last into adulthood. It is of utmost importance that both the victims of cyberbullying and the perpetrators get professional help.” Anne noted two factors that make the cyberbullying problem even more complex than “normal” bullying: The Tech Effect: “One important factor is that kids are often leaps and bounds ahead of parents, teachers and counselors with regard to technology. There are so many aspects of today’s technology and social media that adults are unaware of, including sites and apps that kids use to hide their online interactions. Even the most persistent parents cannot keep up.” Peer Pressure: “Another factor compounding the problem of cyberbullying is that kids are often reluctant to speak up and report the

bullying. They may be embarrassed that they are being targeted by their peers, or they may fear further retribution and abuse if their peers hear that they’ve reported it. They may also deny or try to diminish the severity of the bullying in an effort to avoid the issue entirely.” These compounding factors make it even more crucial for parents to be observant and take action if they suspect cyberbullying might be a problem. Signs of cyberbullying are similar to those of depression and anxiety. Anne suggests you seek help if you notice warning signs in your child’s behavior, including dramatic changes in personality, sleep patterns, weight, physical health, grades or friendships.

What if my child is being bullied? In the event that your child is being bullied, Anne has some excellent advice: “The internet is replete with information about how you can block numbers, set privacy settings and report harassment. Look it up and learn together what your rights are and how you can protect yourself. Ask your child what they would like to see happen. Ask your child, ‘How can I help?’ ‘What can I do without embarrassing you?’ The child needs to be a part of the solution. This helps them shed the ‘victim’ role and adopt a more empowered stance.” The first step in preventing cyberbullying is exactly the opposite of what these apps offer: open, face-to-face communication. Although as parents we are often afraid to overstep our boundaries, Anne noted the importance of parental involvement: “Since teens are often reticent to speak up about being bullied, parents need to be as involved as they can be. Talk to your kids about how to use the Internet and social media responsibly. Help them navigate their online world. Ask a lot of questions. Listen carefully to their answers and try not to overreact. Too often our emotions get in the way when we are interacting with our teens, and they often shut down when we overreact.” *Anne Seay is a Licensed Professional Counselor in private practice and works with adolescents, young adults and families.

References 1. Cyberbullying Research Center, “2015 Cyberbullying Data,” May 1 2015. march/april 2016 | 101



Designer of the 125th anniversary Fiesta poster


magine you are back in fourth grade and you are filling out a questionnaire about yourself, including your family, favorites and future aspirations. You come to the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” You may look to your peers, spout something off the top of your head or be one of the few who are confident in knowing what you truly want your profession to be. Theresa Groff, later known as Resa Groff Wohlrabe, knew at the ripe age of 10 what she wanted to do the rest of her life. Her yellow sheet read, “I want to be a famous artist.” With the support of her family, Wohlrabe made her aspiration a reality by becoming a successful professional artist, having traveled all around the world exhibiting her art, and later as an enthusiastic art teacher at Pinot’s Palette and The Academy at Morgan’s Wonderland, which is a school for special needs children. “I have the oppor-

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tunity to advance a child’s life with art education,” Wohlrabe says. “The projects I introduce to my students have the versatility to be tailored toward each individual’s learning experience. The skills they learn can be reused and integrated into other aspects of their life. It’s exciting to experience it with them. My profession is simple and challenging, nontraditional and spontaneous. I can’t go a day without building, creating, making, drawing or writing at least one thing. I feel sometimes like if I am not creating something, then I am about to fall apart.” Born into a family of Theresas, Theresa Groff exhibited an independent nature early on. “I was born Theresa Groff. My grandmother’s name was Theresa, and the name has been passed down for five generations,” she explains. “I wanted to be known as Resa to gain my own identity. I became Wohlrabe after marrying my husband.”

Wohlrabe’s parents, Molly and Joey Groff, are San Antonio natives. “My dad is an entrepreneur, and my mom is a school teacher,” says Wohlrabe. “I have a brother, Joey Groff Jr., who is an engineer, and my grandpa on my dad’s side owned and operated a tire recapping shop, Groff Tire Co., in downtown San Antonio. It is still in business.” At the age of 18, Wohlrabe moved to Lubbock to attend Texas Tech University. “I began to get a degree in geophysics because of my love for the earth,” says Wohlrabe. “Two years in, I shifted my focus to becoming a fine arts major.” After earning her BFA at Texas Tech, Wohlrabe moved to Tallahassee to attend Florida State University and obtain her master’s of fine arts in painting. “The world suddenly changed when I completed school,” says Wohlrabe. “I flew to Las Vegas for an interview for a job located in Manhattan. I would be working in the Plaza Hotel selling photographic prints for a wellknown photographer. I was offered the job and had lined up a place to live.” After an epiphany and realization she was about to enter the “dreaded and over-hyped real world,” Wohlrabe declined the job and bought herself a one-way ticket to Australia. Two weeks later, she flew 16 hours to the other side of the world, eventually living in and visiting Cambodia, Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries. She settled down with her new husband in Denver for almost four years before returning to San Antonio in 2013. Wohlrabe now makes San Antonio her home again. She has created her artistic realm here. Whether she is showcasing her art in a gallery or through video, teaching painting classes or working with beading or drawing with special needs kids, she is a creative spirit who loves to see the smile of a person excited about oFFICIAL 125TH ANNIVERSARY FIESTA PoSTER their creation. “There is everything to love about what I do,” she says. “I know I can use art to make a difference in someone’s life.” Wohlrabe is also an avid volunteer with Morgan’s Wonderland and the school, along with actively supporting her sorority alumnae group, Delta Gamma, by assisting with events. She is also a supporter of the Lighthouse for the Blind and the Guide Dogs of Texas. When Wohlrabe isn’t astounding others with her one-of-a-kind pieces, like her design that was selected as this year’s Fiesta poster to commemorate the citywide celebration’s 125th anniversary, or creating her own artwork for clients, she can be found actively participating in San Antonio’s art scene, offering public art performances and demonstrations at Travis Park when there are public events or for downtown Tuesdays. “The most recent public painting I did was a colorful piano for the Jazz’SAlive festival. I enjoy public art, and I hope that my future holds more opportunities for me to give more,” she says.

Age: 33 Why she is a role model: Resa Groff Wohlrabe knew at an early age she wanted to be an artist and to employ art as a “tool to heal and learn with, not just to hang on a wall and look pretty.” In hopes of sharing her life experiences as a professional artist and teacher, Wohlrabe wants to be a motivation for other people’s lives: “I think being independent is one of the most important characteristics that a young woman can have. If she is confident and can own herself, she can conquer the world.” Resa radiates those individualistic and resilient characteristics herself. Her role models: “My parents have always been my support and role models. Since I was a child, my dad has given me countless opportunities to view and adopt his work ethic. My mom has always exhibited that compassionate and gentle characteristic that I strive to have when I struggle with my own impatience and frustration.” Words or phrases she lives by: “I met Ann Richards when I was a kid. She leaned over and told me, ‘If you want something, ask for it.’ It means more to me now as an adult because I interpret it as if I want something to happen, I need to make it happen.” Last book read or favorite book: “I am reading An Object of Beauty by Steve Martin, which is a story crafted around a woman involved in the high-class world of art dealings at Sotheby’s in New York City.” Favorite band: “Daft Punk. I’m a fan to the point that I’ve tried to create my own robot helmet.” Favorite movie: “I don’t watch movies often. I am never comfortable with sitting down for more than an hour anyway. I consider something else that I could be doing, something more active.” Favorite pastime in San Antonio: “My forever answer will be the Fiesta River Parade. I have always loved seeing the ornately decorated river barges sailing past with smiling people waving at me. My parents are founding members of Club Giraud, so each year we would attend the parade at the club’s terrace and watch as the floats passed by. Traditional food, decorations, music and dancing were all a part of the celebration and a big part of how I remember Fiesta as a child.” Where she grew up: “I like to say that I grew up in San Antonio and I matured elsewhere.” Describe a professional goal: “One is to have a piece of my artwork in a permanent collection of a world-class gallery. My second is to own and operate a gallery for local artists so that they can have an opportunity to express and showcase themselves. Currently, I am working on designing and publishing my own adult coloring book.” What struggles, obstacles or triumphs have shaped you? “My travels to Southeast Asia have shaped my perception on needs and garbage. Traveling in one of the poorest parts of the world has changed the way I think about what I ‘need.’ When I returned home, walking down the cereal aisle at the grocery store seemed overwhelming and unnecessary compared to other parts of the world where there is no more than one choice of cereal, and they don’t seem to mind or complain. Overall, I have learned to live more and need less.” march/april 2016 | 103


Fundamentals for Choosing a

Senior Care Residence Details you’ll want to consider

wrong, it’s not the long-term home for you or your senior relative, When thinking about lo-


cation, consider whether the campus is located within easy reach of shopping and medical

Location Often you can walk into a building and feel or sense if it is right or wrong for you. If it feels

facilities. If your relative no longer drives, discuss with management how he or she can get

It is almost inevitable

to such places.

that one day you will hunt

Fire safety

for a home to live out your

are stories about fires in apartment buildings, always with property loss and often with lives

years or help a senior relative to do so. Senior living communities or retirement communities provide three types of residential care – independent living, assisted living and memory care. To select the setting that best fits you or your relative, visit five or six if you can. This guide provides details to consider as you make your visits. Taking notes about your visit with these categories in mind will assist you as you make

Keeping fire safety firmly in mind for all visits is important. Frequently in the media there lost. Talk with management at length about fire safety. Look for posted “evacuation” signs or other helpful information. Is the evacuation plan feasible for your senior relative’s physical condition? Newer buildings use fire-retardant materials in addition to an array of smoke alarms, sprinklers and emergency lighting. That does not mean the structure is fireproof, only that it is as close to “fireproof” as the facility can get. Some may ensure elevators receive power in a crisis. All should have an emergency-situation warning system and an “all clear.” Lives may depend on knowing these details.

Outdoor facilities Look around the entire campus, preferably with a staff member. Notice whether the principal buildings are a good distance from routine traffic and its noise. Take pictures and notes. ATTRIBUTES TO CONSIDER WHEN REVIEWING THE OUTDOOR FACILITIES: Independent and assisted living in separate buildings Year built Wood/brick construction Well-maintained grounds Club house Nearest fire hydrant(s) Tennis court Fitness room Auxiliary generator Covered parking Loading dock Plenty of walks and pathways Ramps and stairs Fencing Covered main entryway Electric outlets in parking areas Swimming pool Putting green Equipment for de-icing walkways

Indoor facilities Remember that if your relative moves to a facility, it is their home. Trying to somehow match all the physical features of your senior’s present home can be daunting, but the following details are ones to consider. Tour the building with the facility’s marketing representative and ask lots of questions. Speak to residents if you meet any. Does this place look and feel like it was built with you or your senior relative in mind, or was it modified from some former purpose?

that very important



You will be shown the various sizes and styles of living quarters. Here is where details really count. This tickler list will serve as reminders to look for the small things that make this building a home for your senior.

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ATTRIBUTES TO CONSIDER Hallways carpeted Stairways not too steep Room for private parties Library Storage bin per apartment Mailboxes Resident bulletin board

WHEN REVIEWING THE INDOOR FACILITIES: Laundry room(s) Convenient elevators Dining room ambiance Movie theater A 24-hour coffee room Fitness room Beauty salon/barbershop Inviting main lobby Accessibility of wheelchairs/walkers Trash room(s) Fire escape plan Wi-Fi throughout

QUESTIONS ABOUT SOME OF THE FEATURES BELOW CAN OFTEN BE ANSWERED BEST BY RESIDENTS: Apartment doors self-locking Reasonably soundproof Direction of afternoon sun in rooms Adequate closets/pantries/ lighted Adequate room size Adequate grab bars in bathrooms Shower stall/tub Refrigerator/dishwasher/microwave Smoke alarms in every room Intercom to front desk Fire sprinklers Wall safe Garage Reachable cupboards/shelves Washer/dryer hookups Oven (electric or gas) Fire alarm signal in apartment Garbage disposal Your own thermostat Lighting Carpeted Adequate counter space Adequate and reachable shelving Shower curtain(s) Wireless Internet Water heater and air-conditioner Cable TV hookup Electric heaters permitted Phone jacks Furnishings/window treatments Ceiling fans Venetian blinds Emergency pull cords Emergency lights Firearms permitted

Contracts/Agreements Consider these factors when reviewing a contract/agreement before making a commitment to a facility: • Read agreements carefully and ask questions • Housekeeping service/details • Subletting terms • “Independent” defined • Reselling terms • “Assisted Living” defined • Rental/buy-in/lease • Maintenance staff 24/7 • Eviction causes • Payment method • Meal plan(s) • Covered parking/fee • Assigned parking/lighted • Total population • Pets allowed • Fire safety • On-call nurse/doctor • EMS nearby • Moving company suggestions • Guest units visitors can rent • Scaled drawings of units available for one or two nights

Transportation The facility may have one or more vehicles for transporting residents to and from various places/events. Such trips usually are scheduled and announced in advance so that all residents are aware of the trips and may participate. As a general rule, these vehicles are usually not used as an impromptu taxi service on or off campus.

Activities The offering or discontinuing of transportation to community events and activities is at the discretion of the facility’s management. Only management can schedule rooms, vehicles, etc. and staff time. Usually at senior care facilities, an array of appropriate and diverse events is offered. Residents are under no obligation to attend any of them. ASK ABOUT THESE ITEMS RELATED TO COMMUNICATING PLANNED ACTIVITIES: Monthly activity calendar Newsletter Trips to various places and events Scheduled fitness/arts programs

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A helpful clincher If the place or places you like will permit, ask if you can rent one of their units for two nights and live the life of that community. You will meet and chat with some residents, of course, and best of all, you will see and feel a bit of its reality.

march/april 2016 | 107

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Wild & Wonderful Wimberley Take a Texas-style safari and support Wimberley’s big comeback. Last year’s devastating floodwaters didn’t destroy the beauty or the spirit of this delightful Hill Country village. BY JANIS TURK


ild and wonderful Wimberley, a small Hill Country outpost just an hour from San Antonio, is the perfect place to go on safari.

Hill Country’s best-kept-secret towns, a diamond in the rough and rugged cedar- and cypress-filled Texas hills.

No, you won’t spot a zebra or rhino there, but safaris don’t just mean African animal-viewing expeditions; safari is a Swahili word meaning “journey,” and it can be used to describe any outing or road trip. So why not start your next safari right here in San Antonio? Drive up Interstate 35 toward Austin, then take exit 202 in San Marcos, and roll along the scenic crooked spine of the Devil’s Backbone ridge along Ranch Road 12. Just 13 miles outside San Marcos, Wimberley lies at the center of the Wimberley Valley, where the Blanco River and Cypress Creek converge. A jewel hidden in the hills, this little village is home to boutique shops; art galleries, restaurants and burger joints; bakeries, pie and fudge shops; an outdoor movie theater; bed and breakfast inns, RV parks and campsites; market days and music. In fact, Wimberley has been named a Texas Cultural District by the Texas Commission on the Arts. Wimberley is one of the

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Twice devastated by floodwaters last year, Wimberley has made a remarkable comeback. The center of town, where most shops and restaurants stand, wasn’t destroyed, but cabins, restaurants, campsites, shops, inns and homes that once stood along the Blanco River were washed away. Because the community suffered such devastating damage and loss, Wimberley residents and merchants are especially grateful to see the visitors return, and they warmly welcome guests.

Visiting to lend support to Wimberley, especially the artists and merchants as they recover from the floods, is important to that community. But Wimberley is also a destination full of unexpected surprises you’ll enjoy during your big Texas safari. There are many guest houses, cottages, hotels and RV parks in and around the towns of Wimberley, Buda and Kyle, but why not try “glamping” if you’d like to experience a real African safari feel?

king-sized bed with high-end linens, a small sitting area, ceiling fans, energy-efficient air conditioning and heating, a gas fireplace, a clawfoot tub and a shower in a fully modern bathroom. Best of all, Sinya has all the amenities of a five-star hotel room. With decks in both front and back and even an outdoor shower, hot tub, hammock and barbecue grill, Sinya (named for an elephant in Kenya) provides everything guests need for a perfect “safari” stay.

“Glamping” is a high-end travel trend combining the words glamour and camping, and it is popular among urban travelers who would like to enjoy nature but desire a level of luxury. Glamping might mean spending the night in an air-conditioned tree house or sleeping on a king-sized memory-foam mattress in a yurt. It could mean staying in a tepee with a fireplace inside or spending a romantic weekend in a modern sleek luxury airstream trailer. Sound fun? It is. So where can San Antonio women go to glamp?

Sinya at Lone Man Creek A luxury safari-style tent, just like the five-star ones “glamping” fans adore in Africa, Sinya at Lone Man Creek is a high-end guest house on a bluff overlooking a fast-flowing stream. Texas’ most romantic honeymoon cottage, Sinya stands just a few miles from Wimberley’s town center. Proprietor Lynn Gallimore went on safari in Africa and fell in love with the tented camps she visited there. Drawn to the solace of that experience, in 2009 she ordered a large luxury safari tent from Kenya and set it up on a strong wooden structure on a high spot overlooking Lone Man Creek. With its swimming holes and hiking trails around her five-acre property, Sinya is a special glamping spot that’s well appointed with a

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WIMBERLEY Visit Buda & Kyle

The Grove House If you’d prefer a small stand-alone guest house hidden in the hills, visit Grove House, a private cottage retreat located 15 minutes outside town, providing an ideal setting for a romantic getaway or a quiet weekend in the woods. Poet’s House, adjacent to it, may be rented if four are traveling together. Standing in the shadow of Lone Man Mountain, Wimberley’s highest peak, Grove House is a luxurious, ecoconscious sanctuary featuring one king-sized bedroom, a small kitchen area, a large bathroom with a century-old clawfoot tub and a private walled San Miguelinspired courtyard with an outdoor shower and hot tub. Although it has a chef-friendly kitchen, guests can also grill outdoors and enjoy al fresco dining under oak trees. Owner Kim Miller, an Americana Texas singer/songwriter, created Grove House as a serene place of rest and retreat where guests can recharge their minds and spirits.

Go to Town Restaurants, art galleries, antique shops, boutiques, coffee shops, bakeries and more are also a big draw for day trippers and weekend visitors to Wimberley, and just outside of town guests can visit vineyards and wineries, an olive farm, a glass-blowing studio and swimming holes and explore hike and bike trails. With regular Market Day events on the first Saturday of each month, March through December, shopping is big in Wimberley. The town is also known for its frequent concerts, fun festivals and flea markets and even an Old West pioneer village.

Eat Shop Play After visiting boutiques like River House, Kiss the Cook, Ply yarn shop, Papa Hoo’s gourmet popcorn and candy counter, Wall Street Western vintage boots, and Queen Bee gifts and accessories, dine at local spots like Marco’s Italian Restaurant & Pizzeria, The Leaning Pear, Cypress Creek Café, Ino’z Brew & Chew or the Wimberley Pie Company. Then stroll down the storefront main street of Wimberley’s enchanting Pioneer Village, which was just taken over by new owners.

Cinema under the Stars After dark, one of Wimberley’s best attractions is the Corral Theatre, the only walk-in outdoor movie theater in the United States still shows first-run movies from mid-May through late September. What else to do? Take a tour of one of the area’s five wineries, tour the Bella Vista Ranch & First Texas Olive Oil Company, or watch glass-blowing artists at Wimberley Glassworks. With scenic landscapes, rushing rivers, friendly people, great shopping, good eats and even luxury “glamping” spots — Wimberley is a wild, wonderful Texas safari destination. 112 |


While on safari, check out two of Wimberley’s neighboring towns: Buda, (pronounced Buda), is called the “Outdoor Capital of Texas” because it boasts more parkland per capita than any other Texas city, including 268 acres of public park land, three miles of concrete and crushed granite trails, 13 public park areas, 10 playgrounds, nine pavilions and even an amphitheater. Buda has grown rapidly in recent years, and its quaint downtown has small antique and specialty shops and cafes, while along I-35 it is known for its enormous Cabela’s outdoor outfitter, fishing and hunting store. Locals especially enjoy Buda’s First Thursday events of each month, giving downtown visitors the chance to visit shops and enjoy restaurants and family-friendly activities. Kyle, located between Buda and San Marcos off I-35, is also a nice place to visit, especially during its Second Saturday Market Days, featuring local vendors, arts and crafts, farm-to-market items, live music and more, April through September. While in Kyle, be sure to visit its charming downtown and pop into the Kyle Pie Company, or stay in a bed-and-breakfast inn, such as Sage Hill Inn above Onion Creek or the Plant at Kyle, a popular wedding venue outside town. Near both Buda and Kyle, wineries, barbecue restaurants, golf courses and so much more make the area worth exploring on your next road trip.



LOUISIANA Win big when betting on a gaming getaway BY JANIS TURK

Above (l-r): Koasati Pines golf course at Coushatta Casino is nestled among stately pines and offers a dynamic 18-hole, par 72 championship layout. State-of-the-art new slot machines can be found at most of Louisiana’s casinos. Jack Daniels bar at L’Auberge Casino Resort in Lake Charles.

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tart rubbing your lucky rabbit’s foot, get your game on, and head for the border. Good times begin just across the Texas state line during a winning getaway stay in Louisiana.


With nearly 30 casinos dotting the Louisiana map, from Lake Charles to Shreveport to New Orleans and all the pretty parishes in between, Louisiana is a high-roller paradise that’s growing, changing and getting better all the time. If it’s been a while since you visited, it’s time to return. New gleaming casino towers are springing up in cities all across the state, and even your favorite longtime casino resorts are undergoing multimillion-dollar expansions and renovations, adding new restaurants, pools, spas and luxury amenities. But even if you think all casinos are alike — gilded and gaudy and just not your style — you’ll be pleasantly surprised by Louisiana’s spectacular casino resorts, for it’s a safe bet you’ll enjoy lounging by a lazy river, seeing your favorite band in concert, enjoying a massage in a spa or private cabana, dining in a fine steakhouse, shopping in distinctive boutiques or simply checking out all the food, fun, ornate architecture and unique culture of Louisiana. Louisiana offers much more than casinos, of course, but casino properties there offer much more than gaming, too. Besides boasting restaurants showcasing Louisiana’s world-famous culinary delights, these casino resorts offer some of the finest hotel lodging and entertainment options in Louisiana. Each property is unique, which means there is a casino resort for everybody, of any age or background — a place that could be a real game changer for your next vacation getaway.

Where to go to let the good times roll? Head east on Interstate 10, and stop here: L’Auberge Casino Resort Lake Charles: Even those who generally don’t like casinos love L’Auberge, and more than 400,000 visitors go there each month. L’Auberge’s enormous lobby looks like an upscale Wyoming lodge or Aspen ski resort. Towering timbers frame high ceilings, and roaring fireplaces flank the lobby lounge of this 1,000-room resort. Stroll down the carpeted corridors of this sleek Western-style property and pop into boutiques, cafes and coffee shops set apart from the casino floor. The pool features a long, lazy river, hot tubs and cabanas, and you can relax even more at the hotel’s Spa du Lac. Enjoy golf at Contraband Bayou Golf Club, an 18-hole championship course, then dine at one of L’Auberge’s many restaurants, including Ember Grille and Wine Bar, styled in the manner of a modern American steakhouse. Or enjoy fresh Asianfusion cuisine and sushi at Asia. You can also dine at the Le Beaucoups Buffet, Favorites Southern Kitchen, or the new gourmet market and food counter, Modern Pantry, offering quick-serve delicious menu items such as pastries, soups, salads, gelato and Louisiana’s own PJ’s Coffee. Then two-step on over to Jack Daniel’s Bar & Grill before retiring to your suite — complete with a stand-alone tub that fills from a jet in the ceiling. Catch a famous touring band in L’Auberge’s 1,400-seat event center, or dance the night away at a pool party on a summer night. Of course, there is great gaming, too. Contained within an enormous glass dome under a vaulted ceiling, the casino has more than 80 table games and 1,600 slots. From blackjack to baccarat — and most other popular casino games — L’Auberge delivers highstake thrills. This year, L’Auberge will begin a $7 million renovation of its high-end Garden Suites. Best of all, it’s set in Lake Charles, a vibrant, fast-growing city with fine restaurants, cafes, museums, historic homes, alluring architecture, a university and the scenic Creole Nature Trail. With so much to do and see there, always make Lake Charles your first stop in Louisiana. Coushatta, Kinder: With more than 100,000 square feet of gaming and an 18-hole championship golf course, Coushatta is the largest casino resort in Louisiana. Conveniently located outside the town of Kinder, just 22 miles off Interstate 10 near Lake Charles, the family-friendly resort features an outdoor heated swimming pool, a summer water park, an award-winning championship golf course, 10 dining options, more than 900 luxurious hotel rooms, an RV resort with a dog park, dog-friendly chalets and all the best favorite slots and table games, including live poker and bingo. There’s even a large nonsmoking


Harrah’s Hotel and Casino, New Orleans 18 Steak at L’Auberge Casino Resort in Baton Rouge

Poker room at Harrah’s Hotel and Casino, New Orleans

slot section and free live entertainment every weekend in the casino’s nightclub. Owned and operated by the Coushatta tribe of Louisiana, this property focuses on gaming getaways and family fun. Best of all, inexpensive bus trips to Coushatta are often offered from San Antonio. Golden Nugget, Lake Charles: Golden Nugget is the newest casino resort in Southwest Louisiana, opening only a year ago next door to L’Auberge Lake Charles. The 740-room/suite resort has become so popular that construction is already underway on a new adjacent hotel tower with 300 additional rooms. Golden Nugget has an 18-hole championship golf course and country club; extensive retail options; a pool, private beach front and marina; and a number of Landry’s, Inc. signature restaurants. The casino features 77 table games, a poker room and 1,600 slot machines. Golden Nugget’s décor is sleek and contemporary: a nice complement to neighboring casinos offering an altogether different, though equally attractive, ambience. Isle of Capri, Lake Charles: The newly renovated Isle of Capri Casino Hotel Lake Charles stands against the scenic backdrop of Prien Lake and offers nonstop gaming and solid dining choices. Rooms with a view of the lake in the beautifully renovated tower and in the Inn at the Isle hotel are sure to draw new guests. This is one of the first casinos you’ll spot when driving into Lake Charles. Be sure to exit before you cross over the Interstate 10 bridge. Delta Downs Racetrack, Casino and Hotel, Vinton: One of the first casinos you’ll reach after crossing the Louisiana border is Delta Downs, an American thoroughbred and quarter horse racetrack, casino and hotel near the town of Vinton, not far from Lake Charles. With 1,600 slots and video machines, it offers a restaurant, buffet and food court and the Delta Events Center with touring headliner acts and concerts. Bus tours from San Antonio are sometimes available, and Delta Downs offers a casual casino stay rather than a luxury getaway. L’Auberge Casino Resort Baton Rouge: Possibly Louisana’s best-kept-secret casino property, L’Auberge Baton Rouge opened in 2012 not far from the LSU campus. Although the sophisticated casino resort shares the same name/owner as L’Auberge Lake Charles, Pinnacle Entertainment, the 12-story hotel with 205 rooms, a rooftop pool and a fitness center, has an entirely different style of architecture and décor. Upscale, modern and stylish, it boasts a 74,000-square-foot casino with 1,500 slot machines, 50 table games and a poker room. L’Auberge also has


Lobby at L’Auberge in Lake Charles

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W TRAVEL a café, a sports bar and a buffet, but it is best known for 18Steak restaurant, serving prime cuts of beef and perfectly paired wine in a dining room with big burned scotch and whiskey barrels adorning the ceiling by the bar. Boomtown New Orleans, Harvey: Located on New Orleans’ West Bank, Boomtown caters to loyal locals on its sprawling 54-acre Pinnacle Entertainment property. With over 30,000 square feet of gaming space, it’s home to Louisiana’s largest riverboat casino. Offering more than 1,200 slots and video poker games and 30 table games, as well as Boomer’s Nightclub, it has a 500-seat entertainment venue and four dining options. In 2015, Boomtown added a $20 million 150-room hotel, featuring deluxe king and queen guest rooms and 17 suites. Harrah’s Hotel and Casino New Orleans: Just steps from the alluring French Quarter with rooms overlooking the Mississippi River and the picturesque Crescent City Connection bridge, Harrah’s is a gleaming casino resort rivaling the best properties in Las Vegas. The hotel is set in a 26-story tower linked by an underground passageway to the casino across the street. Adorned with understated touches of New Orleans style, this AAA Four Diamond award-winning property features 450 large rooms and suites with ultra-comfortable beds. Near the convention center and just a few blocks from the Superdome, Harrah’s stands in the central business district. Its 115,000-square-foot casino offers nearly 2,100 slot machines, more than 90 table games and a poker room, and good food is easy to find at Harrah’s, with buffets, cafes and fine dining. Its finest feature? Celebrity chef John Besh’s restaurant, Besh Steak. Since its opening in 1999, Harrah’s has been Louisiana’s “official gaming establishment,” the state’s only land-based private casino with table games. To learn more about Southwest Louisiana Casinos and Lake Charles, visit

Jorg Hackemann /


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& Their Keepers Honey is the reward BY JOSIE SEELIGSON


honeybee community is the mother of all matrilineages. One queen dominates 100,000 members, mostly unfertile working females. The guys have it good for a while, hang-

ing around eating honey, trying to mate with the queen. She goes on just one mating flight, high in the air, where only the strongest can get her; those who do fall immediately to their deaths, their sperm viable inside the queen for years. Males who don’t perform are cast from the hive by other females each autumn — no more honey for you!

These working females earn their hire, running the hive with an efficient social hierarchy. They feed and clean the queen, gather water, pollen and nectar, cool and heat the hive, feed developing larvae and make and chew beeswax to construct hives’ hexagon cells. Then they die of exhaustion.

Only the queen has fully developed reproductive organs; her job is to lay eggs, sometimes up to 1,500 a day. When she falters in her duties, the workers develop a new queen by feeding certain eggs in an enlarged cell “royal jelly,” rich with hormones and protein. The old queen is then unceremoniously dumped out by the workers.

Apis mellifera may be an unsentimental lot, but they make a great product. As evidenced by cave walls, Greek mythology, King Tut’s tomb and more, humans have collected wild bee honey for eons, but they had to destroy hives to retrieve it. In the 1800s Europeans constructed movable comb hives so beekeepers could harvest honey while keeping hives intact.

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W SUSTAINABLE GARDENING Honeybees play a fascinating, vital part in our ecosystem. They buzz among plants, using the sun as compass and odor receptors to navigate. They perform air dances to communicate, flying figure-eight patterns and buzzing to show plant food direction and distance. They seek simple food — plants’ nectar via long tongues, to make honey for their colony. As they alight, fine yellow pollen powder from flower centers sticks to their furry bodies and in “baskets” on their back legs, rubbing off on different flowers they visit. This pollination allows flowers to produce seeds, needed to create new plants.

Almost 100 types of fruits and vegetables depend on honeybees for pollination. That is why the honeybees’ declination in recent years, sometimes called Colony Collapse Disorder, creates ecological concerns. The inside of a hive is an almost sterile environment, but bees have virtually no immune system, so viruses, pests, chemicals and climate change affect them, though scientists don’t agree on one culprit. Holliday boys around the hive. Rob Holliday is in bee veil on the far left.

Commercial beekeeper Doug Stramer says, “No one knows what’s causing the die-off exactly, but we have had losses. The reasons I’ve heard range from planets not being aligned to cell phones. But I do know if bees come down with a virus, they can’t overcome that; their immune system just isn’t that strong.” He adds, “Everyone in agriculture’s trying to make a living. If farmers can’t make a profit, we have nowhere to put our bees. It’s not because anybody’s trying to kill them off. Everybody’s just got to coexist.”

Most commercial beekeepers are migratory. Stramer keeps 363 hives he winters on a Texas ranch for mild weather and access to Texas blooms. Come spring, he trucks the hives to California to pollinate almonds. Along the way, he gets stung a lot. “I go out there and get the living daylights stung out of me,” he says. Some claim bee venom can have therapeutic benefits. Stramer suffered from arthritis and such limRob Holliday with a friend working with his bees.

ited dexterity he couldn’t put gloves on. After bees stung the more arthritic left hand countless times, his dexterity improved. “I wouldn’t say everyone should put their hand in a hive, no,” he explains. “I don’t know if it’s fact or fiction. But maybe there was a long-term benefit.” Scientists do know that regional honey, collected from native plants’ pollen, aids allergy sufferers who regularly ingest it and build up their pollen immunity.

Urban beekeeping has risen in popularity with environmentally conscious honey lovers. After all, bees clean themselves, fetch their own Rob Holliday’s honey is cleverly packaged in these Holliday Hives honey bear bottles.

food and water and store their own harvest, so maintaining established hives is fairly simple. Hive boxes and bees can be ordered and shipped

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or purchased from area beekeepers. Be sure to obtain a queen and colony from reputable sources for genetic and disease control. Boxes hold 10 rectangular framed sheets for hexagon wax cells that can be removed to extract honey and inspect and move bees without aggravation. Bees keep their brood and food in bottom chambers, extra honey in the top one, allowing beekeepers easy access. Once a colony establishes, a hive can yield 50 to 200 pounds of honey a year.

One urban beekeeper, Rob Holliday, kept bees in childhood and now continues the tradition with his own family. He first approached neighbors to discuss his beekeeping knowledge and seek clearance that there were no severe allergies, health issues or deep innate fears. Now on extraction days, neighbors and kids join in and leave with bottles of their own, some even using the honey for allergy relief. They have also shared honey with local chefs and learned culinary pleasures like combining honey with blue cheese and pears or apricots. Holliday says, “It’s a constant source of learning, and I find it really keeps me connected with nature and what’s going on outdoors.” They keep an organic garden with bee-friendly plants

For more information on beekeeping, visit the American Beekeeping Federation at, or locally at

that need pollinators and watch weather patterns and seasonal blooms, as these affect honey’s flavor and clarity.

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Top SA Chefs Lisa Astorga-Watel and Stefan Bowers Create Meals Inspired by Community-Supported Agriculture BY LAUREN BROWNING




Fire Up Your Kitchen


s we seek locally sourced cooking experience, participating in a Community Supported Agriculture program or CSA may be one option. One of the early champions of the movement among chefs and restaurateurs was Alice Waters, owner of Chez Panisse Restaurant and Café in Berkeley, Calif. Her cookbooks and creation of a nonprofit to promote garden education for school children invited people of all ages to become part of “a delicious revolution.” Community Supported Agriculture was introduced to North America in 1985 by Jan Vander Tuin after he learned about it in Europe and co-founded a CSA in Switzerland. He and others believed in the concept of “sharing the harvest.” As early as 1965, a group of Japanese women became disenchanted with the heavy use of pesticides on produce, increased imported foods and the decline of local farms, and so they instigated teikei, meaning cooperation or partnership, evolving to mean “food with a farmer’s face.” I recently took a look at one local CSA offered through San Antonio’s family-owned Koch Ranches. Preparing meals from locally sourced ingredients is possible, and through Koch Ranches, it can be a way of life where the farmer’s fresh ingredients guide your menu planning, inspire more adventure in your cooking, connect you more to the people and land from which your food hails, and can even stimulate more engaging conversation at your table. While Koch Ranches is best known for raising and selling grass-fed and grass-finished meats, including beef, venison, wild boar, lamb and goat, their CSA operation involves many other Texas farms, many of which are just down the road. There are several options when signing up for a subscription, depending on the size of your family and how much meat or produce you may want. Each week items shift according to what is fresh. Every Thursday, subscribers pick up orders and receive an emailed newsletter explaining what is included in their orders, along with recipes (with pictures) to help demystify preparing a foreign-sounding vegetable or an unfamiliar cut of meat that week. Koch Ranches’ gourmet country store, located just outside Loop 410 off Broadway, is filled with food products from all over Texas, including their own healthy cuts of meats and sausages. It serves as the CSA pickup site, although delivery options are available for an additional fee. To show you how easy the CSA process is, we invited two prominent San Antonio chefs, Stefan Bowers of Rebelle Restaurant and Lisa Watel of Bite, to participate in a Koch Ranches CSA challenge. Each received the same ingredients and was tasked to create meals they would serve when cooking at home. While they were not required to use every ingredient, these culinary geniuses showcased artistry, ease and speed in the recipes that follow. Bon appetit!

Lisa Astorga-Watel, Executive Chef and Owner of Bite

Lisa and Damien Watel naturally enjoy cooking together, but running their own restaurant kitchens and raising a child leave little time except for Monday nights, when they offer private cooking parties — in your home or theirs. They try to highlight local, seasonal ingredients as much as possible. “It’s something we strive for, wherever we are cooking. I grew up in Chile and Damien grew up in France — both places where farmers and farming play an integral role in the community and food culture.”


Simply put, foods are fresher because they are not traveling vast distances before consumption.

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Stefan Bowers, Executive Chef of Rebelle

Stefan Bowers also believes in the importance of utilizing local farms. When reviewing his Koch Ranches CSA items, he exclaimed, “These are the same kale leaves we order for a dish on Rebelle’s menu. I really like how the leaves are so young and tender.” Stefan put Koch Ranches’ grass-fed beef in the same category.

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Stefan Bowers, Executive Chef of Rebelle

Cauliflower Gratin

Marinated Tri-Tip Two Ways

1 head of cauliflower ¼ cup flour ½ stick butter 1 teaspoon minced garlic 1 cup chicken bouillon or broth 1 cup milk ½ cup Parmesan shavings or Swiss cheese Optional: 4 slices of ham or prosciutto

Marinade 1 cup soy sauce 1/3 cup brown sugar ¼ cup chili sauce ½ cup water 4 garlic, chopped 1 ½ pounds tri-tip beef

DIRECTIONS In one big pot of boiling salted water, cook the cauliflower whole for approximately 15 minutes. When tender, drain and set aside. For béchamel sauce, melt butter over medium heat in medium-sized skillet. Add flour and stir to make a pale roux. Add chicken broth. Stir well, using a whisk, then add milk and stir constantly with whisk until a smooth and creamy consistency has been reached (about 5 minutes). Add garlic, nutmeg, salt and pepper and then cheese, reserving some for topping. Once cheese has melted, remove pan from heat. Cut out (hollow out) top center part of cauliflower. Cut center part into small pieces (florets) and mix with béchamel sauce. Place cheesy mixture back into center hole of cauliflower. Sprinkle remaining cheese over top. Bake on parchment lined baking sheet or in a baking dish for 30 minutes at 375 degrees until golden brown. (You can also add ham or meat of your choice into the sauce.) Serve warm, family style. Then cut into wedges appropriately sized for lunch or dinner portions – as a main or side dish. (Size of cauliflower will vary and determine number of portions.) Serves 4-8. * Chef’s note: Acorn squash can be substituted. Boil until soft (will take much longer than cauliflower), cut in half and scrape out seeds. Use other half’s flesh and mash it well with desired flavorings (butter, salt, spices, herbs, etc.) and place back into the other squash half. Pour béchamel over the top and bake as instructed.

Beef Carpaccio 1 pound of beef, tri-tip or tenderloin Parchment paper Rolling pin For the dressing: ½ cup of olive oil 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard 2 tablespooons capers Juice of 2 lemons 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce ½ cup of sliced cherry tomatoes 1 tablespoon fresh chopped herbs (basil, thyme or oregano) ½ cup of kalamata olives (pitted and halved or whole and unpitted) Salt and pepper to taste DIRECTIONS Cut beef into eight thin slices. Place slices between two sheets of parchment paper and roll each slice as thin as possible without breaking. Assemble beef slices evenly onto four chilled plates. (If doing ahead, place plastic wrap over the beef and store in refrigerator until ready to serve.) For the dressing, place olive oil and mustard into a medium-sized mixing bowl and whisk well. Add remaining ingredients. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt and pepper if needed. Finish beef carpaccio by brushing dressing on top of meat and then garnishing with some dressed arugula and shaved Parmesan. Serves 4.

DIRECTIONS Whisk to combine all the marinade ingredients. Marinate the tri-tip for six hours or overnight.

Tri-Tip with Grilled Farmer’s Vegetable Salad 4 small or 2 large tomatoes, cut in half ½ white onion, sliced thinly Young, tender kale leaves 1 cucumber sliced into ½ inch-wide half-rounds Extra virgin olive oil, to taste Red wine vinegar, to taste Salt and pepper


Lisa Astorga-Watel, Executive Chef and Owner of Bite

DIRECTIONS Remove steak from marinade; pat off excess marinade (save marinade for stir fry). Brush lightly with olive oil. Season with fresh cracked black pepper and light salt. Grill over hot coals for 6 minutes per side until medium rare. Remove and let rest. Rub with oil and quickly char the tomato halves over the grill, skin side down, for 3 minutes. Remove and toss with kale, sliced onions, cucumber, salt, pepper, a couple of “glugs” of olive oil and a splash of red wine vinegar. Season with salt and pepper and mix to combine. Slice tri-tip and place salad on top or alongside and serve. Save one-third of beef for other dish if desired. Serves 4.

Left-over Tri-Tip and Vegetable Stir Fry 2 cups cauliflower florets, blanched and reserved 2 cups broccoli florets, blanched and reserved ½ pound sliced tri-tip that was previously grilled. 2 tangerines, peeled and segmented 1 cup cilantro leaves 2 cups prepared rice DIRECTIONS Add a couple of tablespoons of cooking oil to a saute pan. When it begins to smoke, add sliced beef and sear for one minute. Add ½ cup of marinade and toss to coat beef, add broccoli, cauliflower and toss to heat through. Remove from pan and place on a platter. Add tangerine segments and cilantro and serve with rice. Serves 2.

* You can find Chef Watel’s recipe for Amaretto Peach Salad (pictured on page 121) at

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THE JUNGLE BOOK March 17 - 20 Charline McCombs Theater





March 5–6



The Alamo, 6:30 p.m. Have you ever wondered what was happening inside and outside the walls prior to the Battle of the Alamo? Come experience a recreation of the events and conversations of the evening before the final attack. Seven candlelit scenarios will take you back as you witness history unfold.

The Alamo, times vary Starting on Saturday, the grounds of the Alamo are transformed back in time to the 1830s. Join us for a full day of living history fun that the whole family will enjoy. Then on Sunday, March 6th, the anniversary of the Battle of the Alamo, the San Antonio Living History Association will present the “Dawn At The Alamo”© commemorative ceremony from 5 to 7 am.

This stunning all-star female jazz ensemble known and loved as JAZZ IN PINK. This talented band consistently captivates audiences and delivers a mixed genre — primarily jazz with soul, R&B, symphonic, rock and hip hop undertones.

March 12



March 5-July 10

The Majestic Theatre,8pm A special concert with performances by legendary artists who join together to pay homage to Jimi Hendrix. Featuring: Billy Cox, Buddy Guy, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Jonny Lang, Dweezil Zappa, Doyle Bramhall II, Eric Johnson, Chris Layton, Mato Nanji, Noah Hunt and Henri Brown.

STORYBOOK HOUSES The San Antonio Botanical Garden See kid-sized, family-friendly storybook houses in this amazing spring exhibit. In a partnership with AIA San Antonio, this engaging playhouse exhibit is the fourth collaboration between the San Antonio Botanical Garden and area architects and designers.

The Majestic, 7pm Mickey Gilley is an American country music singer. and musician. Although he started out singing straight-up country and Western material in the 1970s, he moved toward a more pop-friendly sound in the 1980s, bringing further success on not just the country charts, but the pop charts as well. Among his biggest hits are Room Full of Roses, Don't the Girls All Get Prettier at Closing Time, and the remake of the soul hit Stand by Me.

March 5

March 6

March 14-18




The Alamo, 4 p.m. This free event takes place on the grounds of the Alamo complex and features Western swing, bluegrass, and old-time country from worldrenowned artists Jason Roberts (Asleep at the Wheel, Van Morrison), Rick McRae (George Strait), and Ron Knuth (Willie Nelson, Hank Williams, Jr.). Local food trucks will be parked along Crockett Street.

The Tobin Center, 7pm The hilarious musical comedy about the making of a Broadway show. Written by Woody Allen, with original direction and choreography by Susan Stroman and based upon the screenplay of the acclaimed film by Woody Allen and Douglas McGrath.

March 4

March 12

JAZZ IN PINK Carver Community Cultural Center, 8-10pm

San Antonio Botanical Garden,10am-2pm Shop for San Antonio-friendly plants grown by volunteers at the Botanical Garden at this annual Monday-Friday spring plant sale. Make selections for your landscape that save you time, money, and water!

March 18

THE COMEDY GET DOWN The AT&T Center, 8pm Cedric ‘The Entertainer’, Eddie Griffin, D.L. Hughley, George Lopez and Charlie Murphy all perform stand-up. Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime chance to see five members of comedy royalty come together for the comedy event of the year.

March 15

March 6 The Tobin Center

ROBERT PLANT The Tobin Center, 8pm Robert Plant is joined onstage by his current band, the Sensational Space Shifters. Before his recent projects in Nashville with Alison Krauss and Band of Joy, Plant recorded the critically acclaimed, multi-Grammy nominated albums Dreamland and Mighty Rearranger. From this platform the Sensational Space Shifters were born.

March 17 –20

THE JUNGLE BOOK Charline McCombs Empire Theatre, times vary Enjoy all your favorite and beloved Jungle Book characters; Mowgli, his wolf-pack parents, Bagheera the panther, Baloo the bear, and Kaa the python are all here, along with the mischievous Bandar Log monkey tribe and treacherous tiger Shere Khan and his jackal accomplice Tabaqui. As Mowgli grows up, will he stay in the jungle or take his place in the world of men?

March 18 –19

H-E-B BIG LEAGUE WEEKEND Alamodome, times vary H-E-B Big League Weekend is an annual two-game major league baseball spring training exhibition hosted at the iconic Alamodome in downtown San Antonio. The event was created through a partnership with Nolan Ryan, the Texas Rangers, Ryan Sanders Baseball, the San Antonio Missions and the city of San Antonio. In addition to the two games each year, there are several other events surrounding the weekend that make it special for any baseball fan.

March 19

The Tobin Center, 7:30pm A tribute to rock legend Queen by cover band Gary Mullen and the Works. One Night of Queen is a


April 2

THE SAN ANTONIO BOOK FESTIVAL Celebrate all that is wonderful about the printed word! SABF unites readers and writers in a celebration of ideas, books, libraries and literary culture. Presented by the Library Foundation, the Festival is a free, daylong event at the Central Library and Southwest School of Art that presents more than 80 acclaimed national and regional authors at engaging readings, panel discussions, book sales and signings.

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March 17



spectacular live concert, recreating the look, sound, and showmanship of the greatest rock band of all time.

The Shops at La Cantera, 8am

RUN. WINE. BEER. CHEFS. FUN. O.K., there’s more to it than that. Come enjoy the race in a beautiful setting geared for your senses and your taste buds. Gather your friends for a team or meet new ones at the race. There is a race expo the day before to get you equipped for all your race day needs, and a race reception like none other! Run. Drink. Give – at the tastiest run in town.

March 19-20

DOG DAYS San Antonio Botanical Garden A dog-friendly weekend at the Garden. Doggie treats and pools of water will be available for your pup as you stroll and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.A five dollar donation per dog (on a leash, please) will go toward local animal -friendly charities.

March 22

THE SPANISH HARLEM ORCHESTRA Aztec Theatre, 7:30 p.m. The Grammy Award-winning Spanish Harlem Orchestra (SHO) directed by world-renowned pianist, arranger, and producer Oscar Hernández, this 13-member all-star ensemble reintroduces the classic sounds of New York City salsa to music lovers worldwide.

March 20

FALL OUT BOY Freeman Coliseum, 7pm Multi-platinum-selling artist Fall Out Boy brings another can’t-miss line-up to San Antonio with their Wintour Is Coming Tour.

March 24

AN EVENING WITH YANNI The Majestic Theatre, 8pm Legendary composer and performer Yanni and his worldrenowned orchestra will perform audience favorites from throughout his career as well as several newly reworked arrangements of the classics.

THE VALERO TEXAS OPEN April 18-24 The AT&T Oaks Course at TPC





March 28

SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER The Tobin Center, 7:30pm A spectacular new production, the coming-of-age tale of young Tony Manero who learns the value of life in 1970’s Brooklyn. Based on the 1977 movie starring John Travolta, Saturday Night Fever is packed with legendary hits from the Bee Gees, including Stayin’ Alive, Night Fever, Jive Talking, You Should Be Dancing, and How Deep is Your Love.

March 31

LEWIS BLACK The Majestic Theatre, 8pm The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Naked Truth Tour. Lewis is an award-winning, stand-up comedian, and one of the most prolific performers working today.

April 1

STEVEN WRIGHT The Tobin Center, 8pm Academy Award-winning stand-up comic Steven Wright shares his sarcasm and skewed comedic view of the world.

April 2

STOMP The Majestic Theatre, 8pm An explosive percussive performance that appeals to audiences of all ages. See what all the noise is about.

April 3

JEFF FOXWORTHY & LARRY THE CABLE GUY The Tobin Center, times vary Join these 2 country comics on

their We’ve Been Thinkin Tour. An unforgettable night of comedy in San Antonio.

April 5 – 10

CINDERELLA The Majestic, times vary Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella is the Tony Award®-winning Broadway musical that’s delighting audiences with its contemporary take on the classic tale. This lush production features an incredible orchestra, jaw-dropping transformations and all the moments you love — the pumpkin, the glass slipper, the masked ball and more.

April 16




April 11

April 20



The Tobin Center You are invited to enjoy the latest fashions created and presented by the fashion design students at UIW. The Cutting Edge Fiesta® Fashion Show displays new talent set to the professional standard of a New York-style runway show. Student designers present fashion collections they have illustrated, designed and constructed in a fashion capstone course. Each collection is centered on an individual theme ranging from a season, a color or a market segment. All proceeds from the event fund scholarships for students in UIW's fashion management program.

The Majestic Theatre, 8pm Jay Mohr, star of Saturday Night Live and Jerry Maguire, performs his hilarious stand-up for one night only.



April 18 - 24

THE VALERO TEXAS OPEN The AT&T Oaks Course at TPC Some of the world’s best PGA Tour players visit the Alamo City for a week of entertainment and competitive golf as well as enjoyable activities for the entire family.

SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER March 28 The Tobin Center

cue, chocolate-dipped strawberries, fajitas, funnel cakes, gumbo, bean burgers, gyros, corn, turkey legs, shaved-ice beverages and more. This family-friendly atmosphere delivers live entertainment all night on multiple stages and a carnival midway with activities such as laser tag, rock climbing, Hamster Balls, slides, rides, face and hair painting and more!

April 18

April 18 The AT&T Center, 8pm Seven-time Grammy winner Carrie Underwood, takes her new music on the road in the Storyteller Tour - Stories in the Round.


April 15-17

TASTE OF NEW ORLEANS The Sunken Garden Theater Experience unique and exquisite New Orleans food and music at this festive event. Try mouth-watering Creole and Cajun dishes like gumbo, crawfish, shrimp etouffee, red beans and rice, boudin and many other favorite cuisines of the region.

April 15-16

FIESTA® OYSTER BAKE St. Mary's University Campus Join 70,000 patrons as they enjoy live music on 6 stages,over 100,000 oysters and food and beverages from over 70 vendors.

April 15

ALAMO HEIGHTS NIGHT The University of the Incarnate Word, 5:30 - 11:30pm Activities will highlight food from some of San Antonio’s leading restaurants and caterers. Culinary offerings include Texas-style barbe-

The River Walk, 7-10pm An evening of family fun with live music, celebrities and more than 40 festively decorated floats sponsored by local community organizations and military installations drifting down the San Antonio River.

The Majestic Theatre, 8pm One of the central features of Fiesta® San Antonio. With a spectacularly set stage, the symphony orchestra performs the accompaniment as visiting and in-town Duchesses make their full-court bows, followed by the presentation of Her Royal Highness the Princess and the coronation of Her Gracious Majesty, the Queen. www,

April 22

BATTLE OF FLOWERS® PARADE Parade Route, 11:30 - 4pm Glittering in the Texas sunshine, the parade moves down the route, thrilling the crowds with awe-inspiring sights and sounds. In 2016 the time-honored tradition continues with This Land is Your Land, highlighting our beautiful country and our American heritage.

April 23


Charline McCombs Empire Theatre Cornyation is one of the most popular events of Fiesta. It can be traced back to as early as 1951;the rowdy show pokes fun at politicians, the prominent and the notso-prominent.

King William Historic District, 9am - 6pm A fair with arts and crafts, live music on four stages, food and beverage booths, a kid’s play area and a small but quirky parade that makes its way through the streets of the historic district with its stately homes and gracious gardens.

April 19-22

April 23



April 19-21


La Villita, 5:30 - 10:30pm La Villita takes center stage as 85,000 visitors gather for four nights to celebrate the city's unique heritage at A Night in Old San Antonio. More than 250 elaborately decorated food and drink booths and more than a dozen nonstop entertainment stages represent the diverse cultures and customs of our city in 15 heritage-themed areas.

Parade Route, 7:30 - 10pm This illuminated parade lights up the streets of downtown San Antonio. As the evening turns to night, the parade presents with spectacular lights and sounds from over 150 parade entries. Marching bands, dance groups and glorious glittery floats make this event a Fiesta favorite.

march/april 2016 | 125


A Musical & Resplendent Voice Poet Carol Coffee Reposa has a way with words BY JASMINA WELLINGHOFF PHOTOGRAPHY BY JANET ROGERS


arol Coffee Reposa wrote her first poem when she was only 8 years old. Her mom entered it in a radio contest in Houston, and to young Carol’s surprise, it won a prize and a $5 award. “I felt I had hit the big time,” says Reposa, smiling at the memory. Today, she is one of the most admired and respected poets in Texas, with four critically acclaimed poetry collections to her name, a strong presence in more than 10 poetry anthologies and many honors and

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awards. She was twice a finalist for the title of Texas Poet Laureate and is currently a nominee for San Antonio Poet Laureate. Retired after 32 years of teaching literature and creative writing at San Antonio College, Reposa is now the poetry editor of Voices de La Luna — the sole literary journal in this area — and remains active on the literary scene. When I meet her at her home on a late January day, I immediately get a sense of her busy schedule as she lists all the things she had to

handle in the past couple of weeks. One recent task she was especially pleased to perform was serving as a judge for the Youth Poetry Contest, co-sponsored by Voices and H-E-B. The contest is only two years old, but the number of entries increased significantly in 2015, and more school districts participated than in 2014. “Our goal is to build it up to the point that every school district in the city is represented,” says Reposa. “Our city would benefit from it, and we are devoted to that goal.” Reposa joined the Voices staff in 2011 and has since seen the magazine grow and gain readers from all over the U.S. Voices publishes poetry, fiction, essays, book reviews and literary nonfiction, and submissions come from the entire South Texas region and beyond. In deciding what to select for publication, she tries to be open to all styles and genres. “We have a higher acceptance rate than most literary journals because we want to represent the community and all the literary voices of South Texas. We want to be inclusive,” she explains.

For me, it’s a joy, as I never know when I am going to read a poem that stops me in my tracks. Sometimes it’s from a well-known writer, and sometimes it’s from a talented 17-year-old student. In the latter case, we become the original publisher of that person’s work. I can’t tell you what a delight it is.

All editors look for the well-crafted poem, but inventive imagery and a fresh approach are a must. “You have to say new things or to say old things in a new way. One thing you can’t do is say old things in old ways,” she quips. In addition, she and editor James Adair usually look for entries that reflect life “in our little corner of the world.” Right now, however, Voices may be in a bit of a transition. Single-theme issues may become more common, and the themes may not reflect life “in our little corner of the world.” The first 2016 issue, for instance, focuses on India and Southeast Asia. Reposa’s own writings roam the globe for inspiration. Thanks to three Fulbright-Hays Fellowships, she was able to spend time and study in Russia, Peru, Ecuador and Mexico and has been greatly influenced by her experiences abroad. Her poems from those lands are insightful, often luminous and shot through with images and metaphors that are so new and true that they indeed stop the reader in his tracks. In his comments about her last collection, Underground Musicians (Lamar University Press), Larry Thomas, the 2008 Texas Poet Laureate wrote: “…Her diction is musical and resplendent. Whether she writes in free verse or within the constraints of the sonnet, she does so with consummate poetic skill and artistic maturity … In Underground Musicians, she definitely solidifies her already stellar position as a national poet of seriousness and distinction.” Though the collection covers a lot of geographical and emotional territory, including — in a most stirring way — the home front, Reposa says that overall, if there is a an underlying theme, it relates to music, actual or metaphorical, that can be discovered even when we are “underground,” meaning depressed, oppressed and suffering. “But for the music to do its job, we need to be attuned to it. Even in the darkest hour, there is an effort (in the poems) to restate the implication of the title poem — that redemptive ‘music’ exists.”

Where Does A Poem Come From? Born in San Diego when her Marine father was stationed at Camp Pendleton, Reposa spent her childhood moving back and forth between Texas and Southern California. The family eventually settled back in

East Texas when her widowed mother realized that she needed help from her own parents in order to provide properly for two daughters. Young Carol adored both her mother and her grandparents and wrote poems for her mom. Though she was only 6 when her father died, she does remember that his funeral was perhaps the first time that she became aware of “huge emotions” that stayed with her for a long time. It was the kind of emotion that can give birth to a poem, but, of course, she was too young to have the language to express her turmoil. Though Reposa earned both a B.A. and a master’s degree in English from UT, she did not think of herself as a poet until a Spanish teacher read her translation of a Spanish poem to the class and announced to all present that “this person is going to be a poet.” He was right. Nevertheless, it took Reposa another 11 years to fully discover her poetic voice, but when she finally did, she couldn’t stop expressing herself. By then a married woman with two children, she started writing “with a vengeance. “I’ll write for as long as I have the capacity to do it because I feel more profoundly alive than when I am not writing,” says the poet. Over the years, her poems have been published in too many journals, magazines and newspapers to list here, and she has been in demand as a speaker, reader or workshop leader at poetry conferences, literary festivals, colleges and other institutions. During Poetry Month in April, she will take part in several events. (Get the calendar of events at So where does a poem come from? we ask. Some writers will tell you that a poet, like everyone else, must be disciplined in his/her work and write regularly without waiting for inspiration. Reposa doesn’t quite see it that way. “Something has to move you to write a HOW TO STOP WAR poem; it has to be something by Carol Coffee Reposa that you feel deeply,” she obPut Yo Yo Ma in every doorway serves. “Sometimes it may be Pavarotti at each checkpoint a current event or an experiPerlman on the road to Kosovo ence you had, maybe a miraOr in Rwanda’s thick green hills. cle of nature. For me travel is a major trigger. Also, my family has long been a source of inspiration. Poems can come from anywhere. The only requirement is — you have to come to the subject passionately.” You also have to have the talent to transform life and experience into art. Reposa’s own art has changed over time. “When I first started writing in my 30s, I gloried in being prolific. I often wrote three poems a day. Today, the urge to write comes on more slowly but more deeply. Over time I’ve become more interested in my approach to form, content and depth. What I write now is more seasoned, and I hope it will be of greater duration.”

Let the hands of Arthur Rubinstein Float slowly over Belfast Have Marsalis Shoot cadenzas into Gaza. When we fill the bores Of AK 47s With scores of Brandenburg concertos, When we arm the Stealths with Mozart No one will hear the voice Calling them to blood. Remastered They will find their families Building ballads in the streets See them tuning old guitars Inside their tents Chords shimmering In Kabul’s radiant dust Rising Past The minefields Into melodies.

march/april 2016 | 127



‘Tis the Season for Book Lovers BY JASMINA WELLINGHOFF

One of my favorite things to do at the end of

Month, it’s celebrated all over San Antonio in dozens of readings,

the day is to curl up in bed with a book. Fiction,

panel discussions, competitions, poetry-cum-music happenings, etc.

nonfiction, poetry — I devour them all. I think

Last year some 50 venues hosted more than 100 poets. Few specifics

that in my entire life I have given up on only one

were available at press time, but you’ll be able to get the calendar

book. Can’t remember what it was, but it must

of events at libraries and at Two fun projects that

have been terminally boring. Even so, I felt

happen every year: Poetry on the Move (poems displayed on VIA

mildly guilty for abandoning it in midcourse.

buses) and Slam the Town on April 1, when everyone is invited to

For us readers and literature lovers, March and April bear special

send, email, hand out or otherwise distribute at least one poem to

gifts: visits by important authors, readings, book signings, perform-

as many people as possible.

ances and an entire month devoted to poetry.

A major April event is the San Antonio Book Festival, which is

To begin with, former San Antonian Sandra Cisneros, who now

looking very promising this year ( More than

lives in Mexico, will be back in town as a guest of our city’s premier

80 authors are expected to come to our neck of the woods — and

literary organization, Gemini Ink. On March 26th, she will give a free

this fest does not last a month. Almost everything happens in a sin-

reading at Palo Alto College, and on the 28th she will appear as the

gle day, April 2, with a few ticketed lunches planned for April 1. So

guest of honor and speaker at the 2016 Autograph Series Reading &

check the schedule and pick what interests you the most. You can’t

Luncheon, a fundraiser for the organization. Famous as she is, Cis-

get to everything.

neros is not the only interesting personality on Gemini Ink’s schedule.

There’s no space here to mention a lot of names, but quite a few

March 2, 3 and 5, author and performer Uroyan Noel, a professor at

of the invited writers made “Best of 2015” lists, won awards or

New York University, will give a talk, sign books and teach a class

made a splash on the national scene. Some of the splash-makers

called Performalist Poetics, which, from what I gathered, will cover

are from around here, including David Liss, Stephen Harrigan,

genres of performance poetry, from rap to slam. I intend to be there.

Naomi Shihab Nye, Austin Kleon, Eileen Curtright, Xavier Garza,

Another thing that attracted my attention is Gemini Ink’s new

H.W. Brands and others. If all this literary talk leaves you too in-

year-long poetry course titled Across the Seasons: Cultivating Deep

tellectually stimulated, check out these two humorous events for

Listening to the Poetic Voice, taught by Cyra Dumitru. Wow! As far

sheer entertainment — Pitchapaloosa (writers pitch book projects

as I know, there hasn’t been a course like this in years. It’s too late

at breakneck speed; one wins) and the Literary Death Match (sim-

to sign up for it now, but all of you budding and seasoned poets take

ilar in format but contestants perform and strive to be funny while

note: If there’s enough interest, they may bring it back next year.

reading excerpts from their works.)

( April is a whole other story. Nationally recognized as Poetry

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I have a suggestion for the organizers: Please spread the fun over two days next year!


DREAM HOME Guide Luxury homes available for purchase in San Antonio and the Surrounding Texas Hill Country Area


Women in Real Estate Find your dream home with the help of some of the best women in the business.


Licensed Real Estate Broker/Owner BA, ABR, ALHS, GRI, SRS, LTG Tracie is the sole broker owner of Hasslocher Boutique Realty, LLC. Located on Crownhill Boulevard, Tracie has sold residential, land, and farm and ranch real estate since 2005 in

all areas of San Antonio, including Charlotte, Karnes City, and Hondo. Confidentiality, mutual respect and trust are qualities she strives to accomplish with every client she helps. She is currently working on her Master's Degree in Residential Real Estate, Marketing and Broker Management in her spare time. She is actively involved in the SA Board of Realtors serving as Vice Chair of Governmental Affairs and Public Policy Committee. MEMBERSHIPS:

San Antonio Board of REALTORS® Texas Association of REALTORS® National Association of REALTORS®

8520 Crownhill Blvd., San Antonio, TX 78209 O (210) 568-9595 • C (210) 863-2629 132 |


Alison Barrow has been a licensed REALToR® for over 20 years and has witnessed the growth and evolution of both San Antonio and Phyllis Browning Company. She has experienced market trends in the industry and has great knowledge of the residential market. Alison is the recipient of such honors as Platinum Top 50 Winner and Finalist, Phyllis Browning Company Circle of Excellence and San Antonio Business Journal Top 50 REALToR®. Alison is known throughout the community for her energetic lifestyle and her professional knowledge of the San Antonio real estate market. She prides herself on client referrals and exceeds clients’ expectations with her dedicated work ethic and commitment to service. She is a Baylor University graduate and enjoys serving her community, schools and church.

6101 Broadway, San Antonio, TX 78209 O (210) 829-2503 • C (210) 394-9292


With 30 years of real estate experience, Judy Dalrymple possesses the knowledge and skill to achieve your real estate goals. Her ability to build long-term client relationships earned her ranking as one of the area’s top REALToRS® in San Antonio Business Journal since 1999. To honor her commitment to excellent service for her clients, Judy leads a professional team tasked to guarantee customer satisfaction. She and her team consistently average one home sale every three days totaling more than $35 million in annual sales. Judy’s honors include REALToR® of the Year San Antonio Board of REALToR®(2007), Career Achievement Award Platinum Top 50 (2013), Platinum Top 50 Agent (1996-2015) and Texas Real Estate Super-Agent (Texas Monthly), which is awarded to fewer than 1% of all Texas REALToRS®.

14855 Blanco Road, Suite 403, San Antonio, TX 78216 O (210) 408-4080 • C (210) 854-8888

march/april 2016 | 133


A San Antonio native, Kathleen o’Shea is a REALToR® who strives to provide the level of personal customer service and dedication her clients deserve. Kathleen is knowledgeable of all areas of San Antonio and looks forward to guiding her clients through the city’s many communities. Kathleen values real estate education, and has earned the following designations: Certified Residential Specialist, Graduate, REALToR® Institute, Accredited Buyer’s Representative, Seller’s Representative Specialist and Certified Negotiating Expert. She is also a graduate of the 2015 Texas Association of REALToRS® Leadership Program. In recognition of both sales production and her contributions to Phyllis Browning Company, Kathleen is a Platinum Circle Award winner and recipient of the company’s Distinguished Service Award.

14855 Blanco Road, Suite 403, San Antonio, TX 78216 O (210) 408-4022 • C (210) 264-3996




REALTOR®, Relocation Certified

A fourth-generation San Antonion, Judy Barnes has made a career out of buying and selling residential real estate for over thirty years. She has earned a reputation as an expert in the market due to her consistent personal success, even in the most turbulent market conditions. Her knowledge of the market and intuitive sense of value strengthen her abilities as a savvy negotiator. Judy offers an honest, pragmatic approach to ensure her clients are confident with the results of their transaction.

Leslie Brown’s experience as a collegiate athlete at James Madison University instilled training and conditioning that she now incorporates into real estate. She is known as one of the hardest working and highest performing agents in San Antonio.

Alamo Heights 6101 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 O (210) 824-7878 C (210) 273-7792 134 |

Leslie utilizes a consultant approach in representing the buyers and sellers she works with; additionally, she is a member of Phyllis Browning Company’s respected relocation team. Integrity and discretion, combined with Leslie’s negotiating and communication skills, have become hallmarks of her business.

Hill Country 24200 IH10 West, Suite 101 San Antonio, TX 78257 O (210) 698-4717 C (210) 845-4484



With 25+ years of experience, Kate Crone has extensive knowledge of the real estate market. Kate’s determination and professionalism are two of the many qualities that go into being a great REALToR®. She is a Certified Residential Specialist — only 5% of REALToRS® earn this designation. Kate is a native of Scotland and an honors graduate of the University of Texas at Dallas. Prior to entering real estate in 1989, she worked in the development office of the McNay Art Museum.

Jackie Sutton Goerges is a lifelong resident of San Antonio. Jackie understands the importance of listening and identifying the needs of her clients. She provides personalized service and “goes the extra mile” to exceed expectations.


Alamo Heights 6101 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 O (210) 829-2516 C (210) 288-3751


With exceptional knowledge of area communities, sellers can be certain that Jackie will prepare an analysis related to their neighborhood and offer appropriate marketing tools. In addition, buyers can rest assured knowing Jackie will use her exceptional negotiation skills to get them the best deal.

North Central 14855 Blanco Road, Suite 403 San Antonio, TX 78216 O 210-408-2500 C 210-896-4827



A consistent multi-million dollar producer, Lisa Grove’s experience in residential real estate is enhanced by her business and commercial real estate background. After earning a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Lisa furthered her expertise at a top commercial real estate firm in Dallas before joining Phyllis Browning Company in 1996.

A San Antonio resident for 20 years, Kristin is committed to excellence in real estate performance. Her negotiating skills and comprehensive knowledge of the San Antonio marketplace have proven to her clients that their real estate goals will be achieved.


She is involved extensively with the Cancer Research Therapy Center, serving on the organization’s Council Executive Board and as both co-chair and chair of the Partners Shopping Card fundraiser program.

Alamo Heights 6101 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 O (210) 829-2545 C (210) 857-7085


A busy agent and mother, Kristin realizes the importance of commitment to the community. Her current civic involvements include the National Charity League, Young Men’s Service League, Children’s Association for Maximum Potential, Children’s Bereavement Center and the San Antonio Conservation Society.

Alamo Heights 6101 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 O (210) 824-7878 C (210) 601-6369 march/april 2016 | 135



A San Antonio native and Alamo Heights graduate, Ellen McDonough’s client-focused expertise has made her a consistent multimillion dollar producer. She regularly ranks in the San Antonio Business Journal’s Top 50 REALToRS®. Ellen’s expansive connections in real estate stem from her love of people and the city.

Claudia Nolen is a Certified Residential Specialist and has been consistently recognized by the San Antonio Business Journal as one of the area’s top 50 real estate agents. She regularly receives the honor of being ranked among the top-producing REALToRS® in San Antonio throughout her 26-year career at Phyllis Browning Company.


Ellen earned a BBA from Southern Methodist University and worked in retail before embarking on her real estate career. This experience provides a foundation of service that results in prompt, proactive communication with her clients.

Alamo Heights 6101 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 O (210) 829-2589 C (210) 912-9633


She holds B.S. degrees in both biology and business from Texas Christian University. Before entering the real estate field in 1980, Claudia taught high school biology for three years.

Alamo Heights 6101 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 O (210) 829-2533 C (210) 827-4288



With $60 million+ in sales, San Antonio-native Tiffany Stevens’ diverse portfolio consists of buyers, sellers, investors, new construction, developments and relocation companies. With 10 years of experience, Tiffany ensures your transaction gets to the closing table. She provides professional photography, staging and customized marketing, as well as a complimentary home review, weekly updates regarding your home and the competition. Tiffany’s in-depth knowledge of area communities and what’s coming up will get you the right home at the best price and terms!

A native Texan, Melanie Wilson graduated from Southern Methodist University and entered real estate in 1981. Her years in real estate, combined with experience as a state-certified general appraiser for both commercial and residential properties, allow her to assist clients with a variety of real estate interests.


North Central 14855 Blanco Road, Suite 403 San Antonio, TX 78216 O 210-408-4091 C 210-364-6862 136 |

Broker Associate

Melanie receives satisfaction in finding the right fit for sellers and buyers and feels honored to have loyal clients and their referrals. She is a designated Luxury Home Specialist and Accredited Buyer Representative.

Alamo Heights 6101 Broadway San Antonio, TX 78209 O (210) 829-2541 C (210) 219-2500



Patti Nelson, Team Leader, of Patti Nelson Luxury is one of San Antonio’s and the Hill Country’s most recognizable faces in the world of real estate. As one of Portfolio Real Estate’s luxury agents, Patti has been continually honored as one of the areas “Top Producing Agents”! She has over $250 million in closed luxury residential sales in 10 years, has been consistently ranked in the San Antonio Business Journal Top 5 Realtors, a Platinum Top 50 Centurion Winner, and has been selected as a member of Luxury League.

Marlo Mullins has proudly called San Antonio her home for the past 28 years. In 2012, after a successful sales career in her family business, Reznikov’s Jewelry, and Westlaw, a Thomson Reuters Company, Marlo decided to follow her dream and pursue a career in Real Estate. She finished her first year as “Rookie of the Year”, followed by numerous high performance awards to include: Silver Award (2013,2014), Platinum Top 50 Finalist 2015, Top 20 (KW City View company wide) June 2015, Jan. 2016. In 1999 Marlo founded “Covers for Love” (CFL), a San Antonio based charity that provides new blankets to homes fostering children in San Antonio and surrounding areas. By 2015, CFL reached over 10,500 blankets!

Luxury Real Estate Specialist

10 Dominion Drive San Antonio, TX 78257 (210) 385-7434

Luxury Real Estate Specialist

10 Dominion Drive San Antonio, TX 78257 (210) 883-8648



With over 25 years of experience in both residential and commercial real estate, Robin strives to conduct herself with integrity and to give superior customer service to all of her clients by attention to detail, knowledge of the marketplace, superb negotiation skills and an ability to listen as she guides her clients through the transaction. Robin enjoys learning and keeps on top of the ever changing technology related to the real estate industry. She represents both buyers and sellers in the San Antonio, Fair oaks Ranch and Boerne areas and is a multimillion dollar producer.

Martha Valiquette, a multi-million dollar producer, closes approximately 20 transactions every year. She has earned the 5 Star Real Estate Award, which places her in the top 7% of REALToRS® in San Antonio, and is ranked in the top 500 agents in San Antonio as an early qualifier for Platinum Top 50. Additionally, Martha is a Preferred Realtor for the Texas Land Board and a Certified Home Marketing Specialist. She represents buyers and sellers in Central Texas by obtaining the best possible price through expert negotiations and unsurpassed service.

Luxury Real Estate Specialist

10 Dominion Drive San Antonio, TX 78257 (210) 288-6879

Luxury Real Estate Specialist

7701 Broadway #104 San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 381-1161 march/april 2016 | 137



Consistently recognized as the one of the Top Residential Real Estate Agents in the San Antonio luxury market for many years, Debra excels in marketing and selling the most elite and unique properties in San Antonio, the Texas Coastline and in the Texas Hill Country. Debra has the distinction of having the highest recorded residential sale in San Antonio and non recorded development land sales in The Dominion.

Elizabeth Priest's success as the top Buyer's Specialist in the San Antonio-area is driven by her deep understanding of the real estate market, a keen eye for resale value, sharp negotiation skills, attention to detail, and executive concierge service; yet just as important, is the honest, communicative, hands-on approach she delivers from beginning to end of the real estate process. Her exclusive client base continues to choose her and refer her to their family and peers because of her integrity, diligence, and overall commitment to the entire experience. Her vast market knowledge and professional connections, Elizabeth is well-versed in emerging areas, areas in pre-development stage, including schools, retail and commercial developments.

Luxury Real Estate Specialist

“My primary focus is to provide the kind of high end real estate marketing, knowledge and client service that no one forgets.” This philosophy and practice has earned Debra the gratifying distinction of referral business and client loyalty.

10 Dominion Drive San Antonio, TX 78257 (210) 573-4040

Luxury Real Estate Specialist

10 Dominion Drive San Antonio, TX 78257 (210) 687-9446



As a Luxury Real Estate Professional, Trish’s goal is to provide her buyers and sellers a high level of expertise and service to meet their real estate needs. Twenty years ago when she was remodeling her personal home she fell in love with real estate. Trish soon began designing/remodeling homes for her family and friends. In 2004, she began working in the real estate industry selling new construction. Bringing her interior design passion and skills to her real estate career, Trish realized she had a great combination of experience for her clients, enabling them to visualize their life in their new home. Every day she is fortunate to be part of helping someone realize their dream and that is the ultimate goal!

A graduate of Texas A&M University, Brenda has over 20 years of award winning sales and marketing experience with several Fortune 500 companies. Applying her expertise, dedication and work ethic to real estate, Brenda’s customer service and genuine love for people ensures her clients an exceptional real estate experience. A multi-million dollar producer, she is a partner with Palmer Luxury Real Estate Professionals. As seasoned professionals, they utilize exceptional resources with unmatched professionalism, integrity and confidentiality to skillfully provide a pleasant experience during every aspect of any real estate transaction.

Luxury Real Estate Specialist

10 Dominion Drive San Antonio, TX 78257 (210) 213-2531 138 |

Luxury Real Estate Specialist

7701 Broadway #104 San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 602-7769



Rosanna Schulze has a proven record of success in a career that spans over 25 years that has been built one sale at a time from countless repeat clients and personal referrals. Her unique sales experience includes 13 years selling new luxury homes and is extremely knowledgeable and competent in every aspect and detail of building. Rosanna’s approach is to be a good listener and communicator and provides unmatched customer service and attention to detail. Whether you are buying, selling, or building your dream home, Rosanna is...Your Realtor® For Real Results!

Theresa provides her clients with the utmost level of customer service and dedication. She has the marketing strategies and advertising experience that works to help her clients achieve their dreams and goals. Theresa has lived in San Antonio for 20 years. She received a Bachelor’s degree from Stephen F. Austin University in Nacogdoches, and has a Master’s degree in Education from Lamar University. Throughout her 35 year career in sales, Theresa has earned numerous qualifications and has obtained memberships in various organizations, including, The San Antonio Board of Realtors, Texas Association of Realtors, National Association of Realtors, Texas Monthly Five Star Realtor and Member of the Real Estate Multi-Million Dollar Producer.

Luxury Real Estate Specialist

10 Dominion Drive San Antonio, TX 78257 (210) 788-4135

Luxury Real Estate Specialist

10 Dominion Drive San Antonio, TX 78257 (210) 275-1820



Real estate has been a large part of my life for over twenty years both in Northern California and in San Antonio, TX. My husband Ralph and I moved to San Antonio to be in closer proximity to our youngest son and his family in late 1997. At that time I went from practicing real estate in California to selling real estate in South Texas. My practice in California primarily focused on relocations as I have moved over 6 times cross country while growing a career in IBM. I joined KW Luxury when they opened their doors at The Dominion. I have lived in The Dominion for 17 years and know the area well. I am well versed in relocations and excel in difficult negotiations. I take my work seriously and treat my clients as my family.

Ann FitzGibbons, leader of FitzGibbons and Associates, has provided over 20 years of professional real estate experience. She is dedicated to helping her clients, with the best service, to achieve their goals. Whether it is buying or selling she is there to guide her clients through the entire process, providing real estate expertise backed by a comprehensive knowledge of the market. As full time real estate professionals FitzGibbons and Associates are here for you.

Luxury Real Estate Specialist

10 Dominion Drive San Antonio, TX 78257 (210) 789-9482

Luxury Real Estate Specialist

7701 Broadway #104 San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 723-3093 march/april 2016 | 139


Rosario’s North Expanding on Flavor, Freshness and a Flair for Hospitality BY LAUREN BROWNING PHOTOGRAPHY BY JANET ROGERS


isa Wong, owner of Rosario’s Mexican Restaurant, began her

Lisa has a culinary pulse that is spot on. Both lunch and dinner serv-

career as a restaurateur when she was only 18 years old – a

ice are hopping, but lunch servers are especially sensitive to time and

mature 18 years old, for sure. Investing $7,000 of her college

give customers a fast turnaround. A bowl of soup, for example, is hearty

savings, she combined her burgeoning business sense with her ex-

but has finesse. I prefer the Sopa Azteca, which consists of a smoky

traordinary work ethic and started her first restaurant on the West

chipotle tomato and epazote base with plenty of shredded chicken, Mex-

Side of San Antonio. Growing up in a Mexican and Chinese family

ican roasted cream corn and tasty garnishes. For lighter lunches, I rec-

helped equip her for the challenges of owning and leading award-win-

ommend the Ensalada de Aguacate y Lima, a tossed salad with avocado,

ning restaurants. Both cultures shaped her culinary expertise and

jicama, tomatoes, queso fresco and salpicon chicken (and some crispy

palate for authentic, bold and fresh flavors. Success quickly followed

chicharrones crumbled on top). For an old Tex-Mex favorite, though,

and continues to this day. Rosario’s, the mother ship of Wong’s restaurants, has been firmly anchored in Southtown for over 25 years. Neighboring King William businesses and residents have embraced it from the start, but fans come from all over San Antonio — and the world. Because of its popularity, Lisa realized Rosario’s loyal San Antonio

Chalupas Compuestas hit the spot, but these have a refreshing twist: Instead of typical iceberg lettuce, here it is with cabbage lime slaw — that touch of acidity in the slaw brightens the entire chalupa. In the evening, Rosario’s has an expanded menu for dinner when the chef can be more inventive and feature inspired dishes. One of these astounding dishes is called Paquetas de Jicama y Camaron, thin

fans living and working beyond downtown needed an alternative. I re-

slices of jicama wrapped around crispy shrimp, Mexican lime slaw,

cently sat down with Lisa and learned more about their newest location

and topped with fried shallots and salsa de jalapeño. I also highly rec-

known as “Rosario’s North,” already bustling after almost two years.

ommend trying the Masa and Chile-Crusted Fried Sweetbreads served

Located on San Pedro, a mile or two between the San Pedro 410

with smoky sweet chili sauce — either to share or as an entree. It is

and 281 exits, it is very central for San Antonio. The stunning design

fun to venture outside the comfort zone and discover how surprisingly

and decor are contemporary, while the vibe is upbeat but relaxed. Lisa

good sweetbreads are.

was largely responsible for the completion of the building after she became the general contractor for the project. 140 |

Also during my visit, I asked the server to order me the “server’s favorite dish.” It turned out to be the Camarones al Mojo de Ajo. This

dish is Gulf shrimp marinated in garlic lime butter and grilled with

stance, Lisa invites patrons to order the old dish, and the kitchen gladly

onions, and it was superb.

prepares it. Staff members have a vital role at the restaurant. Lisa em-

Vegetarians have many options at Rosario’s, too. I tried the Quinoa

phasized, “We have an amazing staff, and we attribute our success

Chile Relleno, a flavorful and filling poblano pepper grilled on an open

largely to our employees and their loyalty and faithfulness — they are

flame, stuffed with crispy quinoa, carrots, onions and zucchini and

the ones behind the scenes making a real difference.”

topped with pan-seared cauliflower, sauteed spinach and tomato chipotle sauce. Nonvegetarians will enjoy this dish as well.

Lisa often hears customers tell stories of kindness throughout Rosario’s history. Most meaningful is when customers remember “the

Rosario’s enchiladas on both lunch and dinner menus deserve much

lady in the drive-thru.” Unbeknownst to most people, the lady was

praise. Historically, chili con carne evolved after the Canary Island set-

Lisa’s mother. She is very grateful to learn about her mother‘s care

tlers brought their Berber spices to San Antonio, and local women,

and concern for customers. Some customers share that they received

seeking extra money to support their families, started selling a beef

extra tacos from her mother during times of need.

stew in the mercado made with these unique spices. The dish became

Lisa is like her mother and has a big heart as well. She tries to

known as “chili con carne” and the women became known as the “Chili

take good care of her employees and give back to the community in

Queens.” When I tasted Lisa’s cheese enchiladas, I learned Rosario’s

different ways, such as through organizations like SAY Si, the Children’s

takes the old school approach. She does not rely on the short-cut

Shelter and many other organizations over the years. It is truly the

method of using chili powder, but on an assortment of real dried

heart that drives everything and everyone at Rosario’s because the

chilies, toasted, simmered and pureed into a rich broth in which the

heart is the center of memorable food, warm hospitality, customer

beef slowly cooks with onions, garlic and other spices such as cumin.

service and everything in between.

Rosario’s other varieties of enchiladas include Mole, Verdes, Suizas and Mexicanas. People are of utmost concern at Rosario’s, including customer service and building up their staff. Lisa mentioned how sometimes longtime customers can’t find a cherished menu item from the past. In that in-

Photos, clockwise from the left: Rosarios North colorful interior. Parrillas with guacamole and pico and rice. En Salada de Aguacate y Lima. Quinoa Chile Relleno. Antojitos: Paquetas de Jicama y Camaron. Sopa Azteca.

march/april 2016 | 141





1133 Austin Highway (210) 824-8686 434 N. Loop 1604 (210) 493-8989



203 S. St. Mary’s 225-0722 5912 Broadway 804-2473 926 S. Presa 225-2547 314 E. Commerce 224-1313 5011 Broadway 828-9669 5003 Broadway 828-6860 170 S. Main St., #A, Boerne (830) 248-1353 555 Funston Place 826-5800 1150 S. Alamo 271-7791 7400 San Pedro 798-0769 1024 S. Alamo 354-1024 24116 IH-10 W. 698-8797 205 E. Guenther 227-1061 14601 IH-35 N. 651-4744 385 N. Loop 1604 W. 494-3371 555 E. Basse 824-0275 400 E. Josephine 224-6169 15900 La Cantera Pkwy. 877-5355 1111 S. Alamo 227-1187 300 E. Travis 227-4392 902 N.E. Loop 410 828-1470 2442 Nacogdoches 826-8303 7929 Pat Booker Rd. 653-2002 517 N. Presa 223-3297 152 E. Pecan #100 222-1849 25615 Boerne Stage Rd. 687-1818 1133 Austin Highway 824-8686 434 N. Loop 1604 483-8989 Broadway at Basse 823-3508 27315 FM 3009 (830) 980-8033 5231 Broadway 824-6000

ASIAN Hsiu Yu 8338 Broadway St San Antonio, TX 78209 (210) 828-2273



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203 S. St. Mary’s 999 E. Basse 18720 Stone Oak 2211 N.W. Military 18802 Stone Oak 300 W. Bitters 126 W. Rector 9405 San Pedro 1146 Austin Highway

741 W. Ashby Pl. 10103 Huebner Road 4531 N.W. Loop 410 1011 N. E. Loop 410 9030 Wurzbach 8822 Wurzbach 8230 Marbach 6905 Blanco Rd. 1031 Patricia 8440 Fredericksburg 4051 Broadway 7212 Blanco Rd. 7959 Fredericksburg 4901 Broadway 255 E. Basse 15900 La Cantera Pkwy 6407 Blanco Road 1810 N.W. Military IH-10 W. and Wurzbach

733-8473 340-7944 340-7944 828-9988 615-7553 615-8282 674-2577 366-4508 366-1033 692-5262 805-8111 348-9071 615-1288 822-3253 507-1000 507-6500 979-9110 340-7808 691-3332


472-2900 826-8500 545-6100 366-3012 403-3316 496-6266 524-9908 341-4461 829-7345


1150 Austin Hwy. 610 N.E. Loop 410 218 N. Cherry 111 W. Crockett 10101 I-10 W. 24152 IH-10 W. 15560 I-35 N. 10623 Westover Hills 104 Lanark Dr. 12656 West Ave.

828-2829 691-3332 271-2888 229-1491 641-1998 698-2141 653-7839 520-5552 654-8400 496-0222


1289 S.W. Loop 410 4822 Walzem Road 2815 N. Loop 1604 720 E. Mistletoe 121 Alamo Plaza

674-0019 653-5688 545-0666 320-8211 212-8698


555 S. Alamo 150 E. Houston 3920 Harry Wurzbach 515 Villita 226 E. Olmos 7701 Broadway 14439 N.W. Military #100 2015 N.E. Loop 410 204 E. Houston 112 College 728 S. Alamo 5148 Broadway 842 N.W. Loop 410 700 E. Sonterra Blvd. 125 E. Houston 1133 Austin Highway 209 Broadway 234 River Walk

229-1000 227-9700 821-5454 224-1976 822-0100 828-9050 888-1500 655-6171 476-8600 518-1000 224-7555 822-7673 798-4154 798-5466 227-5853 824-8686 639-3165 229-9299



2303 N. Loop 1604 W. 13247 Bandera Rd. 318 E. Houston St. 2323 N. St. Mary’s 1900 Blanco 4200 Broadway 1006 N.E. Loop 410 9980 IH-10 W. 16609 San Pedro 621 Pat Booker 1624 E.Commerce 115 Alamo Plaza 8602 Botts Ln.

408-2029 695-4941 247-4000 735-1955 735-3552 826-0800 805-8600 699-1222 494-3333 658-3000 299-8110 223-9944 824-6703


18414 Hwy. 281 N. 17625 Blanco Rd. 13838 Jones Maltsberger 330 E. Grayson St. 9010 Huebner Rd. 1639 Broadway

545-3800 492-0301 481-3600 223-2830 699-1189 223-1028

ITALIAN 1203 N. Loop 1604 W. ALDINO AT THE VINEYARD 8539 Fredericksburg ALDO'S RISTORANTE BRAVO CUCINA ITALIANA 15900 La Cantera Pkwy. CAPPARELLI’S ON MAIN 2524 N. Main CARRABBA’S ITALIAN GRILL 12507 IH-10 W. CERRONI’S PURPLE GARLIC 1017 Austin Hwy. DOUGH PIZZERIA 6989 Blanco 200 E. Grayson, #100 IL SOGNO OSTERIA LORENZO’S 8032 Fredericksburg Rd. LA FOCACCIA ITALIAN GRILL 800 S. Alamo 824 Afterglow LITTLE ITALY LUCE RISTORANTE E ENOTECA11255 Huebner LUCIANO’S 849 E. Commerce 401 South Alamo 521 River Walk MICHELINO’S MILANO RISTORANTE 11802 Wurzbach PAESANOS 555 E. Basse 111 W. Crockett Loop 1604 at N.W. Military 255 E. Basse PIATTI PIATTI EILAN 1701 La Cantera Pkwy., #7 PICCOLO’S 5703 Evers Rd. 16019 Nacogdoches POMPEII ITALIAN GRILL TRE TRATTORIA 4003 Broadway

340-0000 696-2536 877-9300 735-5757 694-4191 822-2300 979-6363 223-3900 692-9900 223-5353 349-2060 561-9700 223-0500 888-7030 223-2939 493-3611 828-5191 227-2782 493-1604 832-0300 251-3542 647-5524 946-5518 805-0333


7115 Blanco 2501 N. St. Mary’s 19141 Stone Oak Pkwy. 5440 Babcock Rd. 3259 Wurzbach Rd. 16602 San Pedro 7159 W US Hiwy 90 8250 Agora Pkwy., #120 255 E. Basse, #384 11224 Huebner, #201

342-2772 732-7777 495-2672 699-6688 680-8400 403-0565 674-3464 659-2244 804-1118 641-1313

MEXICAN/LATIN El Jarro 13421 San Pedro San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 494-5084 ÁCENAR MODERN TEX-MEX 146 E. Houston AJUÚA! CUISINE DE MEXICO 11703 Huebner ALAMO CAFÉ 10060 IH-10 W. 14250 San Pedro ALDACO'S 100 Hoefgen 20079 Stone Oak Pkwy. AZUCA NUEVO LATINO 713 S. Alamo CASA RIO 430 E. Commerce BETO’S 8421 Broadway CIELITO LINDO 19141 Stone Oak Pkwy. EL CHAPARRAL 15103 Bandera 2838 N. Loop 1604 EL MIRADOR 722 S. St. Mary’s EL MIRASOL ALTA COCINA 13489 Blanco IRON CACTUS MEXICAN GRILL200 River Walk LA FOGATA 2427 Vance Jackson LA FONDA ALAMO HEIGHTS 1633 Crownhill LA FONDA ON MAIN 2415 N. Main LA FONDA OAK HILLS 350 Northaven LA HACIENDA DE LOS BARRIOS 18747 Redland Rd. LA MARGARITA 120 Produce Row LOS BARRIOS 4223 Blanco MAMACITA’S 8030 IH-10 W. MI TIERRA CAFE AND BAKERY 218 Produce Row


528 River Walk 5800 Broadway 215 Losoya 10501 IH-10 W. 10820 Bandera 1439 E. Sonterra Blvd. 3810 Broadway 111 S. Leona 421 E. Commerce 910 S. Alamo 7915 San Pedro 14535 Nacogdoches 11523 Bandera 101 Bowie 7959 Broadway 145 E. Hildebrand 3210 Broadway 290 E. Basse, #105

224-9951 822-6151 212-0566 691-8974 684-5376 402-6006 822-3797 225-6060 226-8462 223-1806 481-4100 646-8088 558-6788 223-1000 930-8070 822-9522 824-3005 332-5149

PIZZA 2920 McCullough BARBARO 7959 Broadway BRAZA BRAVA PIZZERIA CALIFORNIA PIZZA KITCHEN 11745 IH-10 W. 255 E. Basse Rd. 7701 Broadway FLORIO’S PIZZA GRIMALDI’S PIZZA 330 E. Basse, #101 618 McCullough GUILLERMO’S MISS ELLIE’S 903 E. Bitters Rd SORRENTO 5146 Broadway 19141 Stone Oak Pkwy. TRILOGY PIZZA BISTRO VOLARE GOURMET PIZZA 5054 Broadway

320-2261 320-2100 699-4275 424-2014 805-8646 832-8288 223-5587 499-1258 824-0055 404-1818 828-3354


18130 Hwy. 281 N. 11703 Huebner Road 517 N. Presa 76 N.E. Loop 410 212 W. Crockett 200 E. Grayson 22211 IH-10 West 709 S. Alamo 1834 N.W. Loop 1604

495-3474 694-4201 527-1845 340-7143 396-5817 212-2221 698-2002 375-4423 493-1600


420 W. Market 225 E. Basse 16641 La Cantera Pkwy. 705 E. Houston

224-6500 225-0722 558-6500 225-5100

STEAKS 222-2362 877-0600 691-8827 495-2233 222-0561 494-0561 225-5550 225-6718 930-9393 545-6965 695-8302 490-8302 225-9444 479-8765 224-9835 340-1337 824-4231 733-0621 342-8981 497-8000 227-7140 732-6017 341-5424 225-1262


9800 Hyatt Resort Dr. 8400 N. New Braunfels 9821 Colonnade 255 E. Basse Rd. 10901 Scenic Loop 123 N. Loop 1604 E. 231 S. Alamo 849 E. Commerce 10003 N.W. Military 1401 N. Loop 1604 W. 233 E. Houston 15900 La Cantera Pkwy. 7720 Jones Maltsberger 600 E. Market Street

520-4001 824-0116 691-8888 824-9463 695-8301 404-2221 225-1212 228-0700 493-3031 764-1604 226-7256 558-6161 821-5051 227-8847


Call (210) 826-5375 for more information. march/april 2016 | 143

W WOMEN ON THE MOVE Rebecca Cedillo Rebecca Cedillo has been appointed chairperson of the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 2016 Board of Directors. Cedillo is owner and president of Strategic Initiatives, Inc., which provides strategic planning, organizational development, community involvement, policy development and analysis, and management services for private businesses and public agencies.

Linda Flores Linda Flores has come on board as one of Phyllis Browning Company’s most recent agents. Flores has over 15 years of experience in the real estate industry. Born and raised in San Antonio and currently residing in Boerne, she has extensive knowledge of the Alamo City and surrounding Hill Country areas. Linda employs this knowledge in helping her clients find their dream home.

Audra A. Koch Audra A. Koch is now assistant vice president, real estate and construction loan closing coordinator II, in the loan suppport department in the Operations and Technology Division of Broadway Bank. She coordinates lot loan, mortgage, one-time construction, modification closings, funding loans and ordering appraisals. Koch joined Broadway Bank in 2008 in the consumer underwriting department as a compliance analyst I and most recently served as real estate and construction loan closing coordinator I.

Marisa Jackson Marisa Jackson’s roots run deep in San Antonio. As a REALTOR®, she takes pride in the city and all it has to offer and enjoys helping others find their home in the area as well, making her a great addition to the Phyllis Browning Company team. You will have no problem trusting Marisa with your real estate needs.

D’Layne Rhynsburger D’Layne Rhynsburger has been named executive vice president, director of human resources at Broadway Bank, overseeing talent acquisition and management, employee benefits, leadership and organizational development, wellness and the “In Good Company” culture. She began her career at the bank in 1996 and has served in various roles including loan support manager, vice president and market manager and senior vice president. Most recently working as executive vice president, director of core operations.

Jennifer L. Scroggins Jennifer L. Scroggins, Investment Advisor Representative, affiliated with Platinum Wealth Solutions of Texas, LLC, was recently recognized as a leader in her field by qualifying for membership into the Million Dollar Roundtable (MDRT), at the Court of the Table level. Membership in the MDRT is an exclusive honor that is achieved by only a small percentage of all life insurance and financial services advisors worldwide.

Jesseca Smith Jesseca Smith has opened her business, Jesseca M. Smith Esthetics, A Natural Apothecary Spa & Skincare Studio. Smith, a nationally licensed esthetician, has served as a cosmetics consultant and makeup artist for a major beauty retailer as well as a cosmetics chemist and co-creator of products for Green Planet Potions. Most recently she has served as a body care manufacturer, spa and boutique owner.

Nicole Wilson Nicole Wilson is a land consultant at The Canyons at Scenic Loop. She attended Texas State University, majoring in fashion merchandising. Wilson opened the Nordstroms in Austin and San Antonio markets as a manager with the company. After shaping a portfolio of work in contemporary fashion, cosmetics, interior decorating and home building, Wilson assisted designers for the 2014 Parade of Homes, where her work earned the event’s top awards.

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Weddings W

Mr. and Mrs. Christian Perez (Jamie Allison Riemer) November 14, 2015

Jenna-Beth Lyde/Parish Photography

Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Michael Carlson (Charlotte Forbes Hall) January 30, 2016

Jenna-Beth Lyde/Parish Photography

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis (Hope de Lemos) December 31, 2015

David Sixt Photography

Jenna-Beth Lyde/Parish Photography

Mr. and Mrs. Jobe Jackson (Ashley Barr) January 16, 2016

David Sixt Photography

Mr. and Mrs. Claiborne Barksdale Gregory III (Meredith Margaret Martin) November 17, 2015

Paul Overstreet Photography

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Thomas Hagan (Whitney Ann Smith) November 7, 2015

march/april 2016 | 145


1950 Wolff & Marx located in the Rand building downtown, was a popular shopping destination for San Antonio women.

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